McNear PTA Meeting Minutes September 15, 2014 Library

Attendees: Victoria Felix, Freya Sharp, Judy Pasdaer, Angela DelPonte, Trish Hernandez, Janet Hayes, Tricia DeCarli, Dorothy Fox, Daedalus Howell, Alan DeWitt, Susan Cook, Maureen Gottschall, Angela Trimble, Sonia Detels, Kristine Nolan, Amy Malaise, Korren Farkas, Jennifer Mattox, Camille Bossenberry, Principal Sheila Garvey, Heather Jennings, Adriana Moreno (ELAC Vice-President), Ludi Martinez (ELAC President), Diana Smith (translator)

1. Call to order by Principal Garvey at 5:37 2. Approval of minutes a. don’t have them from last meeting b. documented Board members:

President—Kristine Nolan Secretary—Korren Farkas Treasurer—Susan Cook Co-Treasurer (Teacher Supply Fund)—Tricia DeCarli VP of Membership— Jennifer Mattox VP of Fundraising—Amy Malaise VP of Performing Arts—Kate Boyd Historian—Liz Foote Bilingual Family Advisor—Adriana Moreno

3. Introduction of attendees: (see list above)

4. Approval 2014-2015 budget a. Reviewed budget for 2013-2014 (budget attached)—presented by Maureen Gottschall, outgoing Treasurer Total income: $227,000 Total expenses: $93.000 Cash on hand: $133,632 Transferred ELAC funds: $15,941

b. Reviewed budget for 2014-2015 (budget attached)—presented by Susan Cook Starting Total: $133, 632 All funds are allocated New line items to income: ELAC Tamale Sales, ELAC Cinco de Mayo and ELAC other New line item for expenses: ELAC expenses, Lucy (for her to buy whatever she needs), increased Mentor Me contribution

Question: If field trip expenses aren’t covered, where do teachers go? A: Determined that they start with their class funds, then consult with Principal Garvey

Question: Was the money leftover in the Garden account carried forward to the new fiscal year? A: Carryovers are usually done for income generators. Otherwise, budget is reset every year for expense only items.

Raised Instructional Materials from $10,000 to $15,000

James K—PTA covers half of total cost ($800 total, so PTA pays $400); a family donated $400 to cover half of the rest of the cost; remainder will be paid by teacher supply fund for kindergarten

Raised teacher supply fund from $6,500 to $10,000 -Proposed that we give $200 to Chris Bell, Janice Eurgubian, Kim Hancock, Lauren Avey -Each teacher will receive $20/per child plus whatever parents donate to their classroom

Motion to approve budget by Susan Cook Seconded by Angela DelPonte

5. Document Check Signers a. Christine Nolan b. Kate Boyd c. Susan Cook d. Trisha DeCarli

6. Document Calendar Events for 2014-2015 August Performing Arts (runs until November 16) September 5 Welcome Back BBQ 15-19 Book Fair October 2 Jog-a-thon 25 Fall Harvest Festival November 21 Elder’s Day December 19 Jingle Bell Jog January 22 Spring Performing Arts (runs until April 19) April 11 Wish Benefit 15 Talent Show Auditions 20-24 Spring Book Fair 27 Talent Show

7. ELAC/Harvest Carnival Update/Homework Club a. Still need someone to lead the Harvest Carnival. It was mentioned in the newsletter that we need help, but no one who responded is willing to take the lead. Kristine will also advertise the position in a specific email asking for help. Discussed how this is more of a community event rather than a fundraiser (except for ELAC—they raise money by providing and selling the food). b. Homework Club History—In the beginning it relied on high school kids to help, but that started to not work as well; then asked teachers, but became too taxing and difficult for teachers to add it to their workload.

Details on the club—Students are recommended by teachers and invited to join; number of kids depends on staffing; maybe 30 kids served in the past (with 2 adults present); not tutoring … just a time and place to do homework

New plan—Hire someone to run it or pay a stipend to teachers; stipend to be paid from ELAC funds (about $4,000 possibly available); for now, Kim Hancock will open her room, but the parents come with the kids to get clarification on work, then go home to work —3 times a week

8. Wish Benefit Update—presented by Amy Malaise a. First meeting only two participants: Amy Malaise and Kelly Valera b. Theme – vintage carnival circus c. Considering getting food trucks who will do high-end carnival food d. Need help with selecting caterers, entertainers (palm reader, magician, jugglers, etc), website, following up on donations(see f), and a class project coordinator e. REG is having a parents night out event that same night; may help some families with childcare f. Sent out 75 donation letters; receiving responses; about to send out second round; asking for help following up on donations; wants to do this early before the holidays hit and businesses aren’t as generous; offering advertising in program and student directory to sweeten deal g. Building a website for the event h. Doesn’t want anyone to be priced out of the event; thinking of offering sweat equity in exchange for tickets to the event

9. Open Forum—presented by Kristine Nolan a. Escrip Coordinator Heather Jennings -Looking for someone to help as a support person

10. Meeting adjourned at 6:45 by Kristine Nolan