Chapter 1. a First Look at Anatomy

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Chapter 1. a First Look at Anatomy

Chapter 1. A First look at Anatomy

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The basic vocabulary used in anatomy is primarily derived from

A. Greek B. Hebre w C. Latin D. Germa n E. Greek and Latin

2. The early anatomist known as the "Prince of Physicians" was

A. Galen B. Vesalius C. Pelops D. Leonardo da Vinci E. Herophilus

3. The man known as the "Reformer of Anatomy" was

A. Vesalius B. Galen C. Herophilus D. Aristotl e E. Watson

4. Anatomy is the study of

A. Stars B. Function C. Mathematical symmetry D. Structure E. Word histories

5. The scientific discipline that studies the function of body structures is

A. Anatomy B. Physiology C. Astronomy D. Anthropology E. Archeology

6. Gross anatomy refers to the study of

A. Cells B. Structures formed by cells C. Structures not visible to the unaided eye D. Structures visible to the unaided eye E. Nasal secretions

7. The anatomic changes that result from disease are studied under

A. Pathologic anatomy B. Systemic anatomy C. Histology D. Surgical anatomy E. Developmental anatomy

8. Molecules are formed from two or more

A. Electrons B. Organs C. Atoms D. Tissue s E. Systems

9. Which level consists of related organs that work to achieve a common function?

A. Organ system level B. Cellular level C. Tissue level D. Chemical level E. Organ level

10. At what level of organization is a tooth?

A. Tissue level B. Cell level C. Organ level D. System level E. Atomic level

11. The term that refers to the ability of organisms to respond to a stimulus is

A. Responsivenes s B. Reproduction C. Metabolism D. Development E. Organizatio n

12. The smallest structural unit that exhibits the characteristics of living things is

A. An organ B. An individual C. Tissu e D. A cell E. A system

13. One of the characteristics of living things is ______, which causes changes in structures, processes, or traits that increase expected long-term reproductive success.

A. Adaptation B. Homeostasis C. Regulation D. Responsivenes s E. Development

14. The various chemical reactions that organisms carry out are collectively called

A. Metabolism B. Homeostasis C. Reproduction D. Responsivenes s E. Development

15. The system responsible for providing protection, regulating body temperature, and being the site of cutaneous receptors is the ______system.

A. Respiratory B. Muscular C. Integumentary D. Urinary E. Nervous

16. The body system that provides support and protection as well as being a site of blood cell production (hemopoiesis) is the ______system.

A. Skeletal B. Muscular C. Cardiovascula r D. Respiratory E. Lymphati c

17. The system responsible for the exchange of gases between the blood and atmospheric air is the ______system.

A. Urinary B. Respiratory C. Cardiovascula r D. Endocrine E. Nervous

18. Which describes the anatomic position?

A. Body is upright B. Palms are facing forward C. Thumbs point away from the body D. Feet are flat on the floor E. All of these apply

19. The word _____ implies an imaginary flat surface passing through the body.

A. Section B. Plane C. Directio n D. Tangent E. Figure

20. A plane that passes through the structure at an angle is called

A. Fronta l B. Coronal C. Oblique D. Sagittal E. Transverse

21. A ______plane cuts perpendicularly along the long axis of the body or organ.

A. Transverse B. Oblique C. Sagittal D. Coronal E. Fronta l

22. Which best defines "superficial"?

A. On the inside B. On the outside C. Toward the end of an appendage D. Close to the attachment of the appendage to the trunk E. At the head end

23. The directional term that means "away from the midline of the body" is

A. Inferio r B. Superior C. Media l D. Latera l E. Caudal

24. The directional term that means "closest to the point of attachment to the trunk" is

A. Distal B. Proximal C. Media l D. Cephali c E. Dorsal

25. The directional term that means "in back of or toward the back surface" is

A. Posterior B. Caudal C. Cephali c D. Anterior E. Proximal

26. The best term for referring to the rear or tail end is

A. Caudal B. Cephali c C. Inferio r D. Superior E. Latera l

27. The head, neck, and trunk make up the ______region of the body.

A. Appendicula r B. Axial C. Cephali c D. Caudal E. Thoracic

28. The posterior aspect of the body has _____ enclosed cavities.

A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 E. 5

29. The cranial cavity houses the

A. Eyeball B. Ear canals C. Brain D. Spinal cord E. Nasal structures

30. The bones of the vertebral column form a cavity called the

A. Nervous system passageway B. Abdominal cavity C. Spinal cavity D. Vertebral canal E. None of the choices is correct

31. The axillary region is ______to the pectoral region.

A. Latera l B. Media l C. Distal D. Proximal E. Inferio r

32. The anatomic term for the cheek is

A. Buccal B. Pelvic C. Cervica l D. Crural E. Sacral

33. The best view of the popliteal region is seen from the

A. Anterior B. Latera l C. Superior D. Inferio r E. Posterior

34. The anatomic term for the foot is

A. Pubic B. Patellar C. Pes D. Popliteal E. Acromial

35. The anatomic term for the wrist region is

A. Tarsa l B. Carpa l C. Digita l D. Olecranal E. Perineal

36. One can best see the dorsum of the manus from a/n ______view.

A. Latera l B. Superior C. Inferio r D. Posterior E. Anterior

37. The primary function of serous fluid appears to be

A. To serve as a lubricant B. A stabilizing force C. To insulate D. To store energy E. To provide an attachment surface

38. The anatomic term for the calf is

A. Crural B. Popliteal C. Tarsa l D. Carpa l E. Sural

39. The term "hallux" refers to the

A. Little finger B. Thum b C. Great toe D. Lateral-most toe E. Middle digit

40. The anatomic term for the hip region is

A. Sternal B. Coxal C. Dorsal D. Crural E. Sural

41. A piercing in the umbilical region would be found on the

A. Curve of the ear B. Lip C. Ear lobe D. Navel E. Eyebrow

42. A professional fighter hit in the mental region might have damage to the

A. Jaw B. Ear C. Nose D. Knee E. Shoulder

43. Pollex refers to the

A. Eyebrow B. Thum b C. Great toe D. Little finger E. Kneecap

44. A digit may refer to

A. A finger B. The nose C. A toe D. The entire arm E. A finger or toe

45. An inguinal hernia is in the region of the

A. Loin B. Groi n C. Calf D. Thigh E. Shoulder

46. Which is a physiological description rather than an anatomical one?

A. The muscles of the intestinal wall contract slowly and involuntarily B. The walls of blood capillaries are composed of a thin epithelium C. The muscles of the thigh are composed of skeletal muscle tissue D. There are fenestrations (openings) between the epithelial cells in capillary walls E. The esophageal wall includes a middle layer of dense irregular connective tissue

47. Anatomy means

A. To work out B. To discover the unknown C. To cut up D. To draw pictures E. To solve problems

48. Which serous membrane covers the external surface of an organ?

A. The parietal layer B. The visceral layer C. The muscle layer D. The dorsal layer E. The ventral layer

49. The limbs of the body are attached to the axis and make up the

A. Abdominal region B. Thoracic region C. Axial region D. Appendicular region E. Antebrachial region

50. The median space in the thoracic cavity is called the

A. Pleural cavity B. Pericardial cavity C. Mediastinum D. Peritoneal cavity E. Pericardium

51. Which is not found in the mediastinum?

A. Hear t B. Pancrea s C. Thymus D. Trachea E. Esophagu s

52. The pericardium is a two-layered serous membrane that

A. Encloses the heart B. Encloses the kidney C. Encloses a lung D. Provides lubrication for the knee E. Covers the small intestine

53. With a specimen in the anatomic position, you can best see the mediastinum with a _____ view.

A. Midsagittal B. Superior C. Inferio r D. Fronta l E. Posterior

54. The abdominopelvic cavity is commonly divided into _____smaller imaginary compartments or regions.

A. 6 B. 1 5 C. 8 D. 9 E. 1 8

55. The moist, two-layered serous membrane that lines the abdominopelvic cavity is called the

A. Peritoneum B. Diaphrag m C. Synovium D. Pleura E. Pericardium

56. Of the abdominopelvic regions, the one that is the superior of the middle column is called the

A. Lumba r B. Umbilical C. Epigastric D. Hypogastric E. Hypochondria c

57. Which abdominopelvic regions have both a right and left side?

A. Lumbar and iliac B. Hypogastric and hypochondriac C. Hypochondriac, lumbar, and hypogastric D. Iliac and hypochondriac E. Lumbar, iliac, and hypochondriac

58.Lat era l to the um bili cal ab do mi no pel vic reg ion are the __ __ _ reg ion s.






59.Th e uri nar y bla dd er is fou nd in wh ich ab do mi no pel vic reg ion ?




D. E.

60.Th e gal l bla dd er is typ ica lly fou nd in the __ __ _re gio n of the ab do mi no pel vic ca vit y.


B. C.



61.Th e ab do mi no pel vic qu adr ant s are for me d by pa ssi ng on e hor izo nta l an d on e ver tic al lin e thr ou gh the






62.W hic h bra nc h of mi cro sc opi c an ato my is the stu dy of tis su es ?



C. D.


63.W hic h bra nc h of an ato my sp eci fic all y ex am ine s de vel op me nta l ch an ge s pri or to birt h?






64.______an ato my ex am ine s bot h su per fici al an ato mi c ma rki ng s an d int ern al bo dy str uct ure s as the y rel ate to the ski n co ver ing the m.






65.Thi s fig ure sh ow s an ant eri or vie w of a hu ma n in the an ato mi c po siti on. W hat reg ion do es nu mb er 1 ind ica te?






66.Thi s fig ure sh ow s an ant eri or vie w of a hu ma n in the an ato mi c po siti on. W hat reg ion do es nu mb er 2 ind ica te?






67.Thi s fig ure sh ow s an ant eri or vie w of a hu ma n in the an ato mi c po siti on. W hic h nu mb er ind ica tes the ing uin al reg ion ?

A. B. C. D. E.

68.Thi s fig ure sh ow s a fro nta l vie w of a hu ma n. W hat do es nu mb er 1 ind ica te?


B. C.



69.Thi s fig ure sh ow s a fro nta l vie w of a hu ma n. W hat do es nu mb er 5 ind ica te?


B. C.



70.Thi s fig ure sh ow s a fro nta l vie w of a hu ma n. W hat do es nu mb er 2 ind ica te?


B. C.



71.Th es e fig ure s sh ow a fro nta l vie w of the ab do mi no pel vic ca viti es. W hic h nu mb er ind ica tes the epi ga stri c reg ion ?

A. B. C. D. E.

72.Th es e fig ure s sh ow a fro nta l vie w of the ab do mi no pel vic ca viti es. W hat do es nu mb er 5 ind ica te?




D. E.

73.Th es e fig ure s sh ow a fro nta l vie w of the ab do mi no pel vic ca viti es. W hic h nu mb er ind ica tes the left ilia c reg ion ?

A. B. C. D. E.

True / False Questions

74.A bo ne is an org an.

Tr ue F als e

75.Su rgi cal an ato my ref ers to the stu dy of an ato mi c lan dm ark s us ed bef ore an d aft er sur ger y.

Tr ue F als e

76.Th e fac t tha t the str uct ure s of cel ls var y wi del y refl ect s the sp eci ali zat ion s ne ed ed for the ir diff ere nt fun cti on s.

Tr ue F als e

77.Or ga ns co nta in tw o or mo re tis su es tha t wo rk tog eth er to per for m sp eci fic, co mp lex fun cti on s.

Tr ue F als e

78.Th e cel l is the sm all est livi ng por tio n of the hu ma n bo dy.

Tr ue F als e

79.Fo rtu nat ely for sci en ce, the re is but on e sin gle pro per ty tha t def ine s life .

Tr ue F als e

80.Th e life ch ara cte rist ic of rep rod uct ion ma y be int erp ret ed at bot h the cel lul ar an d org ani sm al lev els .

Tr ue F als e

81.Th e uri nar y sy ste m filt ers the blo od, co nc ent rat es wa ste pro du cts , an d re mo ve s wa ste pro du cts fro m the bo dy.

Tr ue F als e

82.Th e an ato mi c po siti on all ow s all ob ser ver s to ha ve a co m mo n poi nt of ref ere nc e.

Tr ue F als e

83.A cor on al pla ne is a ver tic al pla ne tha t div ide s the bo dy int o ant eri or an d po ste rior par ts.

Tr ue F als e

84.A sa gitt al pla ne is a ver tic al lin e tha t div ide s the bo dy int o rig ht an d left par ts.

Tr ue F als e

85.Th e ch est is su per ior to the he ad.

Tr ue F als e

86.Th e ant ec ubi tal reg ion is pro xi ma l to the car pal reg ion .

Tr ue F als e

87.Th e me dia sti nu m is a ser ou s ca vit y.

Tr ue F als e

88.Th ere is an act ual bar rier tha t se par ate s the ab do mi nal ca vit y fro m the pel vic ca vit y.

Tr ue F als e

89.Th e sig mo id col on of the lar ge int est ine is co nta ine d wit hin the hy po ga stri c reg ion .

Tr ue F als e

90.Th e rig ht an d left ilia c reg ion s are fou nd lat era l to the hy po ga stri c reg ion .

Tr ue F als e

91.Th e lu mb ar reg ion s are loc ate d lat era l to the um bili cal reg ion .

Tr ue F als e

Fill in the Blank Questions

92.Th e wo rk of Gr ee k sci ent ist ______, wh o wa s the firs t to pu bli cly dis se ct an d co mp are hu ma n an d ani ma l bo die s, gre atl y infl ue nc ed Ga len , the "Pr inc e of Ph ysi cia ns. "


93.Th e lev el of org ani zat ion on e ste p mo re co mp lex tha n the org an lev el is the ______lev el.


94.Th e sta te of eq uili bri um , or co nst ant int erv al en vir on me nt, in the bo dy is cal led ______.


95.Th e ______sy ste m pro du ce s mo ve me nt an d ge ner ate s he at wh en its par ts co ntr act .


96.Th e hu ma n org an sy ste m wh ere the pri ma ry hor mo ne is tes tos ter on e is the ______rep rod uct ive sy ste m.


97.Th e ______rep rod uct ive sy ste m pro du ce s oo cyt es.


98.Th e ant ec ubi tal reg ion is ______to the bra chi al reg ion .


99.Th e mu sc ula r par titi on tha t se par ate s the tho rac ic an d ab do mi no pel vic ca viti es is the ______.


10 Th 0. e hy po ga stri c reg ion is loc ate d ______to the rig ht ilia c reg ion .


Chapter 1. A First look at Anatomy Key

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Th e ba sic vo ca bul ary us ed in an ato my is pri ma rily der ive d fro m






Bloo m's Lev el: Rem emb er Diffi culty : Eas y Lear ning Obje ctive : 01.0 1.01 List the cont ribut ions of earl y scie ntist s to the field of hum an anat omy . Sect ion: 01.0 1 Topi c: Gen eral

2. Th e ear ly an ato mi st kn ow n as the "Pr inc e of Ph ysi cia ns" wa s






Bloo m's Lev el: Rem emb er Diffi culty : Eas y Lear ning Obje ctive : 01.0 1.01 List the cont ribut ions of earl y scie ntist s to the field of hum an anat omy . Sect ion: 01.0 1 Topi c: Gen eral

3. Th e ma n kn ow n as the "R efo rm er of An ato my " wa s






Bloo m's Lev el: Rem emb er Diffi culty : Eas y Lear ning Obje ctive : 01.0 1.01 List the cont ribut ions of earl y scie ntist s to the field of hum an anat omy . Sect ion: 01.0 1 Topi c: Gen eral

4. An ato my is the stu dy of






Bloo m's Lev el: Rem emb er Diffi culty : Eas y Lear ning Obje ctive : 01.0 2.01 Expl ain how anat omy diffe rs from phys iolog y. Sect ion: 01.0 2 Topi c: Gen eral

5. Th e sci ent ific dis cip lin e tha t stu die s the fun cti on of bo dy str uct ure s is




D. E.

Bloo m's Lev el: Rem emb er Diffi culty : Eas y Lear ning Obje ctive : 01.0 2.01 Expl ain how anat omy diffe rs from phys iolog y. Sect ion: 01.0 2 Topi c: Gen eral

6. Gr os s an ato my ref ers to the stu dy of



C. D.


Bloo m's Lev el: Rem emb er Diffi culty : Eas y Lear ning Obje ctive : 01.0 2.01 Expl ain how anat omy diffe rs from phys iolog y. Sect ion: 01.0 2a Topi c: Gen eral

7. Th e an ato mi c ch an ge s tha t res ult fro m dis ea se are stu die d un der


B. C.



Bloo m's Lev el: Rem emb er Diffi culty : Eas y Lear ning Obje ctive : 01.0 2.03 Defi ne gros s anat omy and com pare and cont rast its sub disci pline s. Sect ion: 01.0 2a Topi c: Gen eral

8. Mo lec ule s are for me d fro m tw o or mo re






Bloo m's Lev el: Rem emb er Diffi culty : Eas y Lear ning Obje ctive : 01.0 3.02 Des crib e the char acte ristic s of life. Sect ion: 01.0 2 Topi c: Gen eral

9. W hic h lev el co nsi sts of rel ate d org an s tha t wo rk to ac hie ve a co m mo n fun cti on ?

A. B.




Bloo m's Lev el: Rem emb er Diffi culty : Eas y Lear ning Obje ctive : 01.0 3.01 Iden tify the maj or level s of orga nizat ion in the hum an bod y. Sect ion: 01.0 3 Topi c: Gen eral

10.At wh at lev el of org ani zat ion is a too th?






Bloo m's Lev el: 2. Und erst and Diffi culty : Eas y Lear ning Obje ctive : 01.0 3.01 Iden tify the maj or level s of orga nizat ion in the hum an bod y. Sect ion: 01.0 3 Topi c: Gen eral

11.Th e ter m tha t ref ers to the abi lity of org ani sm s to res po nd to a sti mu lus is



C. D.


Bloo m's Lev el: Rem emb er Diffi culty : Eas y Lear ning Obje ctive : 01.0 3.02 Des crib e the char acte ristic s of life. Sect ion: 01.0 3a Topi c: Gen eral

12.Th e sm all est str uct ura l uni t tha t ex hib its the ch ara cte rist ics of livi ng thi ng s is




D. E.

Bloo m's Lev el: Rem emb er Diffi culty : Eas y Lear ning Obje ctive : 01.0 3.02 Des crib e the char acte ristic s of life. Sect ion: 01.0 3a Topi c: Gen eral

13.On e of the ch ara cte rist ics of livi ng thi ng s is ______, wh ich ca us es ch an ge s in str uct ure s, pro ce ss es, or trai ts tha t inc rea se ex pe cte d lon g- ter m rep rod uct ive su cc es s.




D. E.

Bloo m's Lev el: 2. Und erst and Diffi culty : Eas y Lear ning Obje ctive : 01.0 3.02 Des crib e the char acte ristic s of life. Sect ion: 01.0 3a Topi c: Gen eral

14.Th e var iou s ch em ica l rea cti on s tha t org ani sm s car ry out are col lec tiv ely cal led


B. C.



Bloo m's Lev el: Rem emb er Diffi culty : Eas y Lear ning Obje ctive : 01.0 3.02 Des crib e the char acte ristic s of life. Sect ion: 01.0 3a Topi c: Gen eral

15.Th e sy ste m res po nsi ble for pro vid ing pro tec tio n, reg ula tin g bo dy te mp era tur e, an d bei ng the sit e of cut an eo us rec ept ors is the ______sy ste m.






Bloo m's Lev el: Rem emb er Diffi culty : Eas y Lear ning Obje ctive : 01.0 3.03 Iden tify the 11 orga n syst ems of the bod y and their maj or orga ns. Sect ion: 01.0 3b Topi c: Gen eral

16.Th e bo dy sy ste m tha t pro vid es su pp ort an d pro tec tio n as we ll as bei ng a sit e of blo od cel l pro du cti on (he mo poi esi s) is the ______sy ste m.






Bloo m's Lev el: Rem emb er Diffi culty : Eas y Lear ning Obje ctive : 01.0 3.03 Iden tify the 11 orga n syst ems of the bod y and their maj or orga ns. Sect ion: 01.0 3b Topi c: Gen eral

17.Th e sy ste m res po nsi ble for the ex ch an ge of ga se s bet we en the blo od an d at mo sp her ic air is the ______sy ste m.






Bloo m's Lev el: Rem emb er Diffi culty : Eas y Lear ning Obje ctive : 01.0 3.03 Iden tify the 11 orga n syst ems of the bod y and their maj or orga ns. Sect ion: 01.0 3b Topi c: Gen eral

18.W hic h de scr ibe s the an ato mi c po siti on ?



C. D.


Bloo m's Lev el: Rem emb er Diffi culty : Eas y Lear ning Obje ctive : 01.0 4.01 Dem onst rate the anat omic posit ion and expl ain its signi fican ce. Sect ion: 01.0 4a Topi c: Bod y Orie ntati on

19.Th e wo rd __ __ _ im pli es an im agi nar y flat sur fac e pa ssi ng thr ou gh the bo dy.






Bloo m's Lev el: Rem emb er Diffi culty : Eas y Lear ning Obje ctive : 01.0 4.02 Use corr ect term inolo gy to defi ne the thre e com mon anat omic plan es. Sect ion: 01.0 4b Topi c: Bod y Orie ntati on

20.A pla ne tha t pa ss es thr ou gh the str uct ure at an an gle is cal led






Bloo m's Lev el: 2. Und erst and Diffi culty : Med ium Lear ning Obje ctive : 01.0 4.02 Use corr ect term inolo gy to defi ne the thre e com mon anat omic plan es. Sect ion: 01.0 4b Topi c: Bod y Orie ntati on

21.A ______pla ne cut s per pe ndi cul arl y alo ng the lon g axi s of the bo dy or org an.



C. D.


Bloo m's Lev el: Rem emb er Diffi culty : Eas y Lear ning Obje ctive : 01.0 4.02 Use corr ect term inolo gy to defi ne the thre e com mon anat omic plan es. Sect ion: 01.0 4b Topi c: Bod y Orie ntati on

22.W hic h be st def ine s "su per fici al" ?



C. D.


Bloo m's Lev el: 2. Und erst and Diffi culty : Eas y Lear ning Obje ctive : 01.0 4.03 Com pare and cont rast the prop er term s to desc ribe dire ction s in the bod y. Sect ion: 01.0 4c Topi c: Bod y Orie ntati on

23.Th e dir ect ion al ter m tha t me an s "a wa y fro m the mi dli ne of the bo dy" is






Bloo m's Lev el: Rem emb er Diffi culty : Eas y Lear ning Obje ctive : 01.0 4.03 Com pare and cont rast the prop er term s to desc ribe dire ction s in the bod y. Sect ion: 01.0 4c Topi c: Bod y Orie ntati on

24.Th e dir ect ion al ter m tha t me an s "cl os est to the poi nt of att ac hm ent to the tru nk" is




D. E.

Bloo m's Lev el: Rem emb er Diffi culty : Eas y Lear ning Obje ctive : 01.0 4.03 Com pare and cont rast the prop er term s to desc ribe dire ction s in the bod y. Sect ion: 01.0 4c Topi c: Bod y Orie ntati on

25.Th e dir ect ion al ter m tha t me an s "in ba ck of or to wa rd the ba ck sur fac e" is




D. E.

Bloo m's Lev el: Rem emb er Diffi culty : Eas y Lear ning Obje ctive : 01.0 4.03 Com pare and cont rast the prop er term s to desc ribe dire ction s in the bod y. Sect ion: 01.0 4c Topi c: Bod y Orie ntati on

26.Th e be st ter m for ref erri ng to the rea r or tail en d is






Bloo m's Lev el: Rem emb er Diffi culty : Eas y Lear ning Obje ctive : 01.0 4.03 Com pare and cont rast the prop er term s to desc ribe dire ction s in the bod y. Sect ion: 01.0 4c Topi c: Bod y Orie ntati on

27.Th e he ad, ne ck, an d tru nk ma ke up the ______reg ion of the bo dy.






Bloo m's Lev el: Rem emb er Diffi culty : Eas y Lear ning Obje ctive : 01.0 4.04 Defi ne the term s that desc ribe maj or regi ons of the bod y. Sect ion: 01.0 4d Topi c: Bod y Orie ntati on

28.Th e po ste rior as pe ct of the bo dy ha s __ __ _ en clo se d ca viti es.

A. B. C. D. E.

Bloo m's Lev el: Rem emb er Diffi culty : Eas y Lear ning Obje ctive : 01.0 4.05 Expl ain the term s that iden tify the bod y cavit ies and their sub divis ions. Sect ion: 01.0 4e Topi c: Bod y Orie ntati on

29.Th e cra nia l ca vit y ho us es the






Bloo m's Lev el: Rem emb er Diffi culty : Eas y Lear ning Obje ctive : 01.0 4.05 Expl ain the term s that iden tify the bod y cavit ies and their sub divis ions. Sect ion: 01.0 4e Topi c: Bod y Orie ntati on

30.Th e bo ne s of the ver teb ral col um n for m a ca vit y cal led the


B. C.



Bloo m's Lev el: Rem emb er Diffi culty : Eas y Lear ning Obje ctive : 01.0 4.05 Expl ain the term s that iden tify the bod y cavit ies and their sub divis ions. Sect ion: 01.0 4e Topi c: Bod y Orie ntati on

31.Th e axi llar y reg ion is ______to the pe cto ral reg ion .






Bloo m's Lev el: 2. Und erst and Diffi culty : Eas y Lear ning Obje ctive : 01.0 4.03 Com pare and cont rast the prop er term s to desc ribe dire ction s in the bod y. Sect ion: 01.0 4c Topi c: Bod y Orie ntati on

32.Th e an ato mi c ter m for the ch ee k is






Bloo m's Lev el: Rem emb er Diffi culty : Eas y Lear ning Obje ctive : 01.0 4.06 Iden tify the nine regi ons and four qua dran ts of the abd omi nop elvic cavit y. Sect ion: 01.0 4d Topi c: Bod y Orie ntati on

33.Th e be st vie w of the po plit eal reg ion is se en fro m the






Bloo m's Lev el: 2. Und erst and Diffi culty : Med ium Lear ning Obje ctive : 01.0 4.06 Iden tify the nine regi ons and four qua dran ts of the abd omi nop elvic cavit y. Sect ion: 01.0 4d Topi c: Bod y Orie ntati on

34.Th e an ato mi c ter m for the foo t is






Bloo m's Lev el: Rem emb er Diffi culty : Eas y Lear ning Obje ctive : 01.0 4.06 Iden tify the nine regi ons and four qua dran ts of the abd omi nop elvic cavit y. Sect ion: 01.0 4d Topi c: Bod y Orie ntati on

35.Th e an ato mi c ter m for the wri st reg ion is






Bloo m's Lev el: Rem emb er Diffi culty : Eas y Lear ning Obje ctive : 01.0 4.06 Iden tify the nine regi ons and four qua dran ts of the abd omi nop elvic cavit y. Sect ion: 01.0 4d Topi c: Bod y Orie ntati on

36.On e ca n be st se e the dor su m of the ma nu s fro m a/n ______vie w.






Bloo m's Lev el: 2. Und erst and Diffi culty : Med ium Lear ning Obje ctive : 01.0 4.06 Iden tify the nine regi ons and four qua dran ts of the abd omi nop elvic cavit y. Sect ion: 01.0 4d Topi c: Bod y Orie ntati on

37.Th e pri ma ry fun cti on of ser ou s flui d ap pe ars to be



C. D.


Bloo m's Lev el: Rem emb er Diffi culty : Eas y Lear ning Obje ctive : 01.0 4.05 Expl ain the term s that iden tify the bod y cavit ies and their sub divis ions. Sect ion: 01.0 4e Topi c: Bod y Orie ntati on

38.Th e an ato mi c ter m for the cal f is






Bloo m's Lev el: Rem emb er Diffi culty : Eas y Lear ning Obje ctive : 01.0 4.06 Iden tify the nine regi ons and four qua dran ts of the abd omi nop elvic cavit y. Sect ion: 01.0 4e Topi c: Bod y Orie ntati on

39.Th e ter m "ha llu x" ref ers to the






Bloo m's Lev el: Rem emb er Diffi culty : Eas y Lear ning Obje ctive : 01.0 4.04 Defi ne the term s that desc ribe maj or regi ons of the bod y. Sect ion: 01.0 4d Topi c: Bod y Orie ntati on

40.Th e an ato mi c ter m for the hip reg ion is






Bloo m's Lev el: Rem emb er Diffi culty : Eas y Lear ning Obje ctive : 01.0 4.04 Defi ne the term s that desc ribe maj or regi ons of the bod y. Sect ion: 01.0 4d Topi c: Bod y Orie ntati on

41.A pie rci ng in the um bili cal reg ion wo uld be fou nd on the


B. C.



Bloo m's Lev el: 2. Und erst and Diffi culty : Eas y Lear ning Obje ctive : 01.0 4.04 Defi ne the term s that desc ribe maj or regi ons of the bod y. Sect ion: 01.0 4d Topi c: Bod y Orie ntati on

42.A pro fes sio nal fig hte r hit in the me nta l reg ion mi ght ha ve da ma ge to the






Bloo m's Lev el: 2. Und erst and Diffi culty : Eas y Lear ning Obje ctive : 01.0 4.04 Defi ne the term s that desc ribe maj or regi ons of the bod y. Sect ion: 01.0 4d Topi c: Bod y Orie ntati on

43.Pol lex ref ers to the






Bloo m's Lev el: Rem emb er Diffi culty : Eas y Lear ning Obje ctive : 01.0 4.04 Defi ne the term s that desc ribe maj or regi ons of the bod y. Sect ion: 01.0 4d Topi c: Bod y Orie ntati on

44.A dig it ma y ref er to






Bloo m's Lev el: Rem emb er Diffi culty : Eas y Lear ning Obje ctive : 01.0 4.04 Defi ne the term s that desc ribe maj or regi ons of the bod y. Sect ion: 01.0 4d Topi c: Bod y Orie ntati on

45.An ing uin al her nia is in the reg ion of the






Bloo m's Lev el: Rem emb er Diffi culty : Eas y Lear ning Obje ctive : 01.0 4.04 Defi ne the term s that desc ribe maj or regi ons of the bod y. Sect ion: 01.0 4d Topi c: Bod y Orie ntati on

46.W hic h is a ph ysi olo gic al de scr ipti on rat her tha n an an ato mi cal on e?

A. B. C. D. E.

Bloo m's Lev el: 3. Appl y Diffi culty : Med ium Lear ning Obje ctive : 01.0 2.01 Expl ain how anat omy diffe rs from phys iolog y. Sect ion: 01.0 2a Topi c: Gen eral

47.An ato my me an s






Bloo m's Lev el: Rem emb er Diffi culty : Eas y Lear ning Obje ctive : 01.0 2.01 Expl ain how anat omy diffe rs from phys iolog y. Sect ion: 01.0 2a Topi c: Gen eral

48.W hic h ser ou s me mb ran e co ver s the ext ern al sur fac e of an org an ?


B. C.



Bloo m's Lev el: Rem emb er Diffi culty : Eas y Lear ning Obje ctive : 01.0 4.05 Expl ain the term s that iden tify the bod y cavit ies and their sub divis ions. Sect ion: 01.0 4e Topi c: Bod y Orie ntati on

49.Th e lim bs of the bo dy are att ac he d to the axi s an d ma ke up the



C. D.


Bloo m's Lev el: Rem emb er Diffi culty : Eas y Lear ning Obje ctive : 01.0 4.04 Defi ne the term s that desc ribe maj or regi ons of the bod y. Sect ion: 01.0 4d Topi c: Bod y Orie ntati on

50.Th e me dia n sp ac e in the tho rac ic ca vit y is cal led the



C. D.


Bloo m's Lev el: Rem emb er Diffi culty : Eas y Lear ning Obje ctive : 01.0 4.05 Expl ain the term s that iden tify the bod y cavit ies and their sub divis ions. Sect ion: 01.0 4e Topi c: Bod y Orie ntati on

51.W hic h is not fou nd in the me dia sti nu m?






Bloo m's Lev el: 3. Appl y Diffi culty : Eas y Lear ning Obje ctive : 01.0 4.05 Expl ain the term s that iden tify the bod y cavit ies and their sub divis ions. Sect ion: 01.0 4e Topi c: Bod y Orie ntati on

52.Th e per ica rdi um is a tw o- lay ere d ser ou s me mb ran e tha t



C. D.


Bloo m's Lev el: Rem emb er Diffi culty : Eas y Lear ning Obje ctive : 01.0 4.05 Expl ain the term s that iden tify the bod y cavit ies and their sub divis ions. Sect ion: 01.0 4e Topi c: Bod y Orie ntati on

53.Wit h a sp eci me n in the an ato mi c po siti on, yo u ca n be st se e the me dia sti nu m wit h a __ __ _ vie w.

A. B.




Bloo m's Lev el: 3. Appl y Diffi culty : Med ium Lear ning Obje ctive : 01.0 4.05 Expl ain the term s that iden tify the bod y cavit ies and their sub divis ions. Sect ion: 01.0 4e Topi c: Bod y Orie ntati on

54.Th e ab do mi no pel vic ca vit y is co m mo nly div ide d int o __ __ _s ma ller im agi nar y co mp art me nts or reg ion s.

A. B. C. D. E.

Bloo m's Lev el: Rem emb er Diffi culty : Eas y Lear ning Obje ctive : 01.0 4.05 Expl ain the term s that iden tify the bod y cavit ies and their sub divis ions. Sect ion: 01.0 4e Topi c: Bod y Orie ntati on

55.Th e mo ist, tw o- lay ere d ser ou s me mb ran e tha t lin es the ab do mi no pel vic ca vit y is cal led the


B. C.



Bloo m's Lev el: Rem emb er Diffi culty : Eas y Lear ning Obje ctive : 01.0 4.05 Expl ain the term s that iden tify the bod y cavit ies and their sub divis ions. Sect ion: 01.0 4e Topi c: Bod y Orie ntati on

56.Of the ab do mi no pel vic reg ion s, the on e tha t is the su per ior of the mi ddl e col um n is cal led the


B. C.



Bloo m's Lev el: Rem emb er Diffi culty : Eas y Lear ning Obje ctive : 01.0 4.06 Iden tify the nine regi ons and four qua dran ts of the abd omi nop elvic cavit y. Sect ion: 01.0 4f Topi c: Bod y Orie ntati on

57.W hic h ab do mi no pel vic reg ion s ha ve bot h a rig ht an d left sid e?

A. B.


D. E.

Bloo m's Lev el: Rem emb er Diffi culty : Eas y Lear ning Obje ctive : 01.0 4.06 Iden tify the nine regi ons and four qua dran ts of the abd omi nop elvic cavit y. Sect ion: 01.0 4f Topi c: Bod y Orie ntati on

58.Lat era l to the um bili cal ab do mi no pel vic reg ion are the __ __ _ reg ion s.






Bloo m's Lev el: Rem emb er Diffi culty : Eas y Lear ning Obje ctive : 01.0 4.06 Iden tify the nine regi ons and four qua dran ts of the abd omi nop elvic cavit y. Sect ion: 01.0 4f Topi c: Bod y Orie ntati on

59.Th e uri nar y bla dd er is fou nd in wh ich ab do mi no pel vic reg ion ?




D. E.

Bloo m's Lev el: Rem emb er Diffi culty : Eas y Lear ning Obje ctive : 01.0 4.06 Iden tify the nine regi ons and four qua dran ts of the abd omi nop elvic cavit y. Sect ion: 01.0 4f Topi c: Bod y Orie ntati on

60.Th e gal l bla dd er is typ ica lly fou nd in the __ __ _re gio n of the ab do mi no pel vic ca vit y.


B. C.



Bloo m's Lev el: Rem emb er Diffi culty : Eas y Lear ning Obje ctive : 01.0 4.06 Iden tify the nine regi ons and four qua dran ts of the abd omi nop elvic cavit y. Sect ion: 01.0 4f Topi c: Bod y Orie ntati on

61.Th e ab do mi no pel vic qu adr ant s are for me d by pa ssi ng on e hor izo nta l an d on e ver tic al lin e thr ou gh the






Bloo m's Lev el: 2. Und erst and Diffi culty : Eas y Lear ning Obje ctive : 01.0 4.06 Iden tify the nine regi ons and four qua dran ts of the abd omi nop elvic cavit y. Sect ion: 01.0 4f Topi c: Bod y Orie ntati on

62.W hic h bra nc h of mi cro sc opi c an ato my is the stu dy of tis su es ?



C. D.


Bloo m's Lev el: Rem emb er Diffi culty : Eas y Lear ning Obje ctive : 01.0 2.02 Des crib e micr osco pic anat omy and its sub divis ions. Sect ion: 01.0 2a Topi c: Gen eral

63.W hic h bra nc h of an ato my sp eci fic all y ex am ine s de vel op me nta l ch an ge s pri or to birt h?






Bloo m's Lev el: 2. Und erst and Diffi culty : Med ium Lear ning Obje ctive : 01.0 2.03 Defi ne gros s anat omy and com pare and cont rast its sub disci pline s. Sect ion: 01.0 2b Topi c: Gen eral

64.______an ato my ex am ine s bot h su per fici al an ato mi c ma rki ng s an d int ern al bo dy str uct ure s as the y rel ate to the ski n co ver ing the m.






Bloo m's Lev el: Rem emb er Diffi culty : Eas y Lear ning Obje ctive : 01.0 2.03 Defi ne gros s anat omy and com pare and cont rast its sub disci pline s. Sect ion: 01.0 2b Topi c: Gen eral

Topi c: Gen eral

65.Thi s fig ure sh ow s an ant eri or vie w of a hu ma n in the an ato mi c po siti on. W hat reg ion do es nu mb er 1 ind ica te?






Bloo m's Lev el: Rem emb er Diffi culty : Eas y Figu re: 01.0 8 Lear ning Obje ctive : 01.0 4.04 Defi ne the term s that desc ribe maj or regi ons of the bod y. Sect ion: 01.0 4d Topi c: Bod y Orie ntati on

66.Thi s fig ure sh ow s an ant eri or vie w of a hu ma n in the an ato mi c po siti on. W hat reg ion do es nu mb er 2 ind ica te?






Bloo m's Lev el: Rem emb er Diffi culty : Eas y Figu re: 01.0 8 Lear ning Obje ctive : 01.0 4.04 Defi ne the term s that desc ribe maj or regi ons of the bod y. Sect ion: 01.0 4d Topi c: Bod y Orie ntati on

67.Thi s fig ure sh ow s an ant eri or vie w of a hu ma n in the an ato mi c po siti on. W hic h nu mb er ind ica tes the ing uin al reg ion ?

A. B. C. D. E.

Bloo m's Lev el: Rem emb er Diffi culty : Eas y Figu re: 01.0 8 Lear ning Obje ctive : 01.0 4.04 Defi ne the term s that desc ribe maj or regi ons of the bod y. Sect ion: 01.0 4d Topi c: Bod y Orie ntati on

Topi c: Gen eral

68.Thi s fig ure sh ow s a fro nta l vie w of a hu ma n. W hat do es nu mb er 1 ind ica te?


B. C.



Bloo m's Lev el: Rem emb er Diffi culty : Eas y Figu re: 01.0 9 Lear ning Obje ctive : 01.0 4.05 Expl ain the term s that iden tify the bod y cavit ies and their sub divis ions. Sect ion: 01.0 4e Topi c: Bod y Orie ntati on

69.Thi s fig ure sh ow s a fro nta l vie w of a hu ma n. W hat do es nu mb er 5 ind ica te?


B. C.



Bloo m's Lev el: Rem emb er Diffi culty : Eas y Figu re: 01.0 9 Lear ning Obje ctive : 01.0 4.05 Expl ain the term s that iden tify the bod y cavit ies and their sub divis ions. Sect ion: 01.0 4e Topi c: Bod y Orie ntati on

70.Thi s fig ure sh ow s a fro nta l vie w of a hu ma n. W hat do es nu mb er 2 ind ica te?


B. C.



Bloo m's Lev el: Rem emb er Diffi culty : Eas y Figu re: 01.0 9 Lear ning Obje ctive : 01.0 4.05 Expl ain the term s that iden tify the bod y cavit ies and their sub divis ions. Sect ion: 01.0 4e Topi c: Bod y Orie ntati on

Topi c: Gen eral

71.Th es e fig ure s sh ow a fro nta l vie w of the ab do mi no pel vic ca viti es. W hic h nu mb er ind ica tes the epi ga stri c reg ion ?

A. B. C. D. E.

Bloo m's Lev el: Rem emb er Diffi culty : Eas y Figu re: 01.1 1 Lear ning Obje ctive : 01.0 4.06 Iden tify the nine regi ons and four qua dran ts of the abd omi nop elvic cavit y. Sect ion: 01.0 4f Topi c: Bod y Orie ntati on

72.Th es e fig ure s sh ow a fro nta l vie w of the ab do mi no pel vic ca viti es. W hat do es nu mb er 5 ind ica te?




D. E.

Bloo m's Lev el: Rem emb er Diffi culty : Eas y Figu re: 01.1 1 Lear ning Obje ctive : 01.0 4.06 Iden tify the nine regi ons and four qua dran ts of the abd omi nop elvic cavit y. Sect ion: 01.0 4f Topi c: Bod y Orie ntati on

73.Th es e fig ure s sh ow a fro nta l vie w of the ab do mi no pel vic ca viti es. W hic h nu mb er ind ica tes the left ilia c reg ion ?

A. B. C. D. E.

Bloo m's Lev el: Rem emb er Diffi culty : Eas y Figu re: 01.1 1 Lear ning Obje ctive : 01.0 4.06 Iden tify the nine regi ons and four qua dran ts of the abd omi nop elvic cavit y. Sect ion: 01.0 4f Topi c: Bod y Orie ntati on

True / False Questions

74.A bo ne is an org an.


Bloo m's Lev el: Rem emb er Diffi culty : Med ium Lear ning Obje ctive : 01.0 3.01 Iden tify the maj or level s of orga nizat ion in the hum an bod y. Sect ion: 01.0 3 Topi c: Gen eral

75.Su rgi cal an ato my ref ers to the stu dy of an ato mi c lan dm ark s us ed bef ore an d aft er sur ger y.


Bloo m's Lev el: Rem emb er Diffi culty : Eas y Lear ning Obje ctive : 01.0 2.03 Defi ne gros s anat omy and com pare and cont rast its sub disci pline s. Sect ion: 01.0 2b Topi c: Gen eral

76.Th e fac t tha t the str uct ure s of cel ls var y wi del y refl ect s the sp eci ali zat ion s ne ed ed for the ir diff ere nt fun cti on s.


Bloo m's Lev el: Rem emb er Diffi culty : Eas y Lear ning Obje ctive : 01.0 2.02 Des crib e micr osco pic anat omy and its sub divis ions. Sect ion: 01.0 2a Topi c: Gen eral

77.Or ga ns co nta in tw o or mo re tis su es tha t wo rk tog eth er to per for m sp eci fic, co mp lex fun cti on s.


Bloo m's Lev el: Rem emb er Diffi culty : Eas y Lear ning Obje ctive : 01.0 3.01 Iden tify the maj or level s of orga nizat ion in the hum an bod y. Sect ion: 01.0 3 Topi c: Gen eral

78.Th e cel l is the sm all est livi ng por tio n of the hu ma n bo dy.


Bloo m's Lev el: Rem emb er Diffi culty : Eas y Lear ning Obje ctive : 01.0 3.02 Des crib e the char acte ristic s of life. Sect ion: 01.0 3a Topi c: Gen eral

79.Fo rtu nat ely for sci en ce, the re is but on e sin gle pro per ty tha t def ine s life .


Bloo m's Lev el: 2. Und erst and Diffi culty : Eas y Lear ning Obje ctive : 01.0 3.02 Des crib e the char acte ristic s of life. Sect ion: 01.0 3a Topi c: Gen eral

80.Th e life ch ara cte rist ic of rep rod uct ion ma y be int erp ret ed at bot h the cel lul ar an d org ani sm al lev els .


Bloo m's Lev el: 3. Appl y Diffi culty : Med ium Lear ning Obje ctive : 01.0 3.02 Des crib e the char acte ristic s of life. Sect ion: 01.0 3a Topi c: Gen eral

81.Th e uri nar y sy ste m filt ers the blo od, co nc ent rat es wa ste pro du cts , an d re mo ve s wa ste pro du cts fro m the bo dy.


Bloo m's Lev el: Rem emb er Diffi culty : Eas y Lear ning Obje ctive : 01.0 3.03 Iden tify the 11 orga n syst ems of the bod y and their maj or orga ns. Sect ion: 01.0 3b Topi c: Gen eral

82.Th e an ato mi c po siti on all ow s all ob ser ver s to ha ve a co m mo n poi nt of ref ere nc e.


Bloo m's Lev el: Rem emb er Diffi culty : Eas y Lear ning Obje ctive : 01.0 4.01 Dem onst rate the anat omic posit ion and expl ain its signi fican ce. Sect ion: 01.0 4a Topi c: Bod y Orie ntati on

83.A cor on al pla ne is a ver tic al pla ne tha t div ide s the bo dy int o ant eri or an d po ste rior par ts.


Bloo m's Lev el: Rem emb er Diffi culty : Eas y Lear ning Obje ctive : 01.0 4.02 Use corr ect term inolo gy to defi ne the thre e com mon anat omic plan es. Sect ion: 01.0 4b Topi c: Bod y Orie ntati on

84.A sa gitt al pla ne is a ver tic al lin e tha t div ide s the bo dy int o rig ht an d left par ts.


Bloo m's Lev el: Rem emb er Diffi culty : Eas y Lear ning Obje ctive : 01.0 4.02 Use corr ect term inolo gy to defi ne the thre e com mon anat omic plan es. Sect ion: 01.0 4b Topi c: Bod y Orie ntati on

85.Th e ch est is su per ior to the he ad.


Bloo m's Lev el: Rem emb er Diffi culty : Eas y Lear ning Obje ctive : 01.0 4.03 Com pare and cont rast the prop er term s to desc ribe dire ction s in the bod y. Sect ion: 01.0 4c Topi c: Bod y Orie ntati on

86.Th e ant ec ubi tal reg ion is pro xi ma l to the car pal reg ion .


Bloo m's Lev el: 3. Appl y Diffi culty : Eas y Lear ning Obje ctive : 01.0 4.03 Com pare and cont rast the prop er term s to desc ribe dire ction s in the bod y. Sect ion: 01.0 4c Topi c: Bod y Orie ntati on

87.Th e me dia sti nu m is a ser ou s ca vit y.


Bloo m's Lev el: Rem emb er Diffi culty : Med ium Lear ning Obje ctive : 01.0 4.05 Expl ain the term s that iden tify the bod y cavit ies and their sub divis ions. Sect ion: 01.0 4e Topi c: Bod y Orie ntati on

88.Th ere is an act ual bar rier tha t se par ate s the ab do mi nal ca vit y fro m the pel vic ca vit y.


Bloo m's Lev el: Rem emb er Diffi culty : Eas y Lear ning Obje ctive : 01.0 4.05 Expl ain the term s that iden tify the bod y cavit ies and their sub divis ions. Sect ion: 01.0 4e Topi c: Bod y Orie ntati on

89.Th e sig mo id col on of the lar ge int est ine is co nta ine d wit hin the hy po ga stri c reg ion .


Bloo m's Lev el: 3. Appl y Diffi culty : Med ium Lear ning Obje ctive : 01.0 4.06 Iden tify the nine regi ons and four qua dran ts of the abd omi nop elvic cavit y. Sect ion: 01.0 4f Topi c: Bod y Orie ntati on

90.Th e rig ht an d left ilia c reg ion s are fou nd lat era l to the hy po ga stri c reg ion .


Bloo m's Lev el: Rem emb er Diffi culty : Eas y Lear ning Obje ctive : 01.0 4.06 Iden tify the nine regi ons and four qua dran ts of the abd omi nop elvic cavit y. Sect ion: 01.0 4f Topi c: Bod y Orie ntati on

91.Th e lu mb ar reg ion s are loc ate d lat era l to the um bili cal reg ion .


Bloo m's Lev el: 2. Und erst and Diffi culty : Eas y Lear ning Obje ctive : 01.0 4.06 Iden tify the nine regi ons and four qua dran ts of the abd omi nop elvic cavit y. Sect ion: 01.0 4f Topi c: Bod y Orie ntati on

Fill in the Blank Questions

92.Th e wo rk of Gr ee k sci ent ist ______, wh o wa s the firs t to pu bli cly dis se ct an d co mp are hu ma n an d ani ma l bo die s, gre atl y infl ue nc ed Ga len , the "Pr inc e of Ph ysi cia ns. "

He ro ph ilu s

Bloo m's Lev el: Rem emb er Diffi culty : Eas y Lear ning Obje ctive : 01.0 1.02 Des crib e the signi fican t tech nolo gical dev elop men ts that help ed exp and the stud y of hum an bod y stru ctur es and pass on that kno wled ge. Sect ion: 01.0 1 Topi c: Gen eral

93.Th e lev el of org ani zat ion on e ste p mo re co mp lex tha n the org an lev el is the ______lev el.

or ga n sy ste m

Bloo m's Lev el: Rem emb er Diffi culty : Eas y Lear ning Obje ctive : 01.0 3.01 Iden tify the maj or level s of orga nizat ion in the hum an bod y. Sect ion: 01.0 3a Topi c: Gen eral

94.Th e sta te of eq uili bri um , or co nst ant int erv al en vir on me nt, in the bo dy is cal led ______.

ho me os tas is

Bloo m's Lev el: Rem emb er Diffi culty : Eas y Lear ning Obje ctive : 01.0 3.02 Des crib e the char acte ristic s of life. Sect ion: 01.0 3a Topi c: Gen eral

95.Th e ______sy ste m pro du ce s mo ve me nt an d ge ner ate s he at wh en its par ts co ntr act .

m us cul ar

Bloo m's Lev el: Rem emb er Diffi culty : Eas y Lear ning Obje ctive : 01.0 3.03 Iden tify the 11 orga n syst ems of the bod y and their maj or orga ns. Sect ion: 01.0 3b Topi c: Gen eral

96.Th e hu ma n org an sy ste m wh ere the pri ma ry hor mo ne is tes tos ter on e is the ______rep rod uct ive sy ste m.

ma le

Bloo m's Lev el: Rem emb er Diffi culty : Eas y Lear ning Obje ctive : 01.0 3.03 Iden tify the 11 orga n syst ems of the bod y and their maj or orga ns. Sect ion: 01.0 3b Topi c: Gen eral

97.Th e ______rep rod uct ive sy ste m pro du ce s oo cyt es.

fe ma le

Bloo m's Lev el: Rem emb er Diffi culty : Eas y Lear ning Obje ctive : 01.0 3.03 Iden tify the 11 orga n syst ems of the bod y and their maj or orga ns. Sect ion: 01.0 3b Topi c: Gen eral

98.Th e ant ec ubi tal reg ion is ______to the bra chi al reg ion .

dis tal

Bloo m's Lev el: Rem emb er Diffi culty : Eas y Lear ning Obje ctive : 01.0 4.03 Com pare and cont rast the prop er term s to desc ribe dire ction s in the bod y. Sect ion: 01.0 4c Topi c: Bod y Orie ntati on

99.Th e mu sc ula r par titi on tha t se par ate s the tho rac ic an d ab do mi no pel vic ca viti es is the ______.

dia ph ra gm

Bloo m's Lev el: Rem emb er Diffi culty : Eas y Lear ning Obje ctive : 01.0 4.05 Expl ain the term s that iden tify the bod y cavit ies and their sub divis ions. Sect ion: 01.0 4e Topi c: Bod y Orie ntati on

10 Th 0. e hy po ga stri c reg ion is loc ate d ______to the rig ht ilia c reg ion .

me dia l

Bloo m's Lev el: 3. Appl y Diffi culty : Eas y Lear ning Obje ctive : 01.0 4.03 Com pare and cont rast the prop er term s to desc ribe dire ction s in the bod y. Sect ion: 01.0 4c Topi c: Bod y Orie ntati on

Chapter 1. A First look at Anatomy Summary

Ca # o teg f Q ory ue sti on s Blo 13 om' s L eve l: 2. Un der sta nd Blo 7 om' s L eve l: 3. Ap ply Blo 80 om' s L eve l: R em em ber Diff 90 icul ty: Ea sy Diff 10 icul ty: Me diu m Fig 3 ure : 0 1.0 8 Fig 3 ure : 0 1.0 9 Fig 3 ure : 0 1.1 1 Le 3 arn ing Obj ecti ve: 01. 01. 01 List the con trib utio ns of ear ly s cie ntis ts t o t he fiel d o f h um an an ato my. Le 1 arn ing Obj ecti ve: 01. 01. 02 De scri be the sig nifi can t te chn olo gic al d eve lop me nts tha t h elp ed exp an d t he stu dy of hu ma n b ody str uct ure s a nd pas s o n t hat kno wle dg e. Le 5 arn ing Obj ecti ve: 01. 02. 01 Ex plai n h ow an ato my diff ers fro m phy siol ogy . Le 2 arn ing Obj ecti ve: 01. 02. 02 De scri be mic ros cop ic a nat om y a nd i ts s ub divi sio ns. Le 4 arn ing Obj ecti ve: 01. 02. 03 Def ine gro ss an ato my an d c om par e a nd con tra st it s s ub dis cipl ine s. Le 5 arn ing Obj ecti ve: 01. 03. 01 Ide ntif y th e maj or l eve ls o f or ga niz atio n in the hu ma n b ody . Le 9 arn ing Obj ecti ve: 01. 03. 02 De scri be the cha rac teri stic s of life. Le 7 arn ing Obj ecti ve: 01. 03. 03 Ide ntif y th e 1 1 o rga n s yst em s of the bo dy an d t hei r m ajo r or ga ns. Le 2 arn ing Obj ecti ve: 01. 04. 01 De mo nst rat e t he an ato mic pos itio n a nd exp lain its sig nifi can ce. Le 5 arn ing Obj ecti ve: 01. 04. 02 Us e c orr ect ter min olo gy t o d efin e t he thr ee co m mo n a nat omi c pl an es. Le 10 arn ing Obj ecti ve: 01. 04. 03 Co mp are an d c ont ras t th e p rop er t er ms to des crib e di rec tion s in the bo dy. Le 12 arn ing Obj ecti ve: 01. 04. 04 Def ine the ter ms tha t d esc rib e maj or r egi ons of t he bo dy. Le 18 arn ing Obj ecti ve: 01. 04. 05 Ex plai n t he ter ms tha t id enti fy t he bo dy cav itie s a nd thei r s ub divi sio ns. Le 18 arn ing Obj ecti ve: 01. 04. 06 Ide ntif y th e ni ne reg ion s a nd fou r q ua dra nts of t he ab do min op elvi c c avit y. Se 4 ctio n: 01. 01 Se 3 ctio n: 01. 02 Se 6 ctio n: 01. 02 a Se 3 ctio n: 01. 02 b Se 4 ctio n: 01. 03 Se 9 ctio n: 01. 03 a Se 7 ctio n: 01. 03 b Se 2 ctio n: 01. 04 a Se 5 ctio n: 01. 04 b Se 10 ctio n: 01. 04c Se 17 ctio n: 01. 04 d Se 18 ctio n: 01. 04 e Se 12 ctio n: 01. 04f To 64 pic: Bo dy Ori ent atio n To 39 pic: Ge ner al

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