White Linen Garments of the Priest (No. CB63)

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White Linen Garments of the Priest (No. CB63)

Christian Churches of God No. CB63

White Linen Garments of the Priest

(Edition 1.0 20060312-20060312)

The entire process of growing flax and producing linen is very similar to the process of our calling and qualifying to be a son of God. In this paper we will review the process of making linen then look at the white linen garments of the priests. We will learn when the High Priest only wore white linen garments and what our white linen garments should be today.

Christian Churches of God PO Box 369, WODEN ACT 2606, AUSTRALIA

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(Copyright  2006 CCG, Willard D. Boettcher, Diane Flanagan, ed. Wade Cox)

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White Linen Garments of the Priest

The white linen garments of the priests very simple and required no other equipment carried much symbolism, anciently, which is than the human body. The flax fibers were also for us today. This lesson will review the spread on the ground and the spinner took history of linen, the white linen garments of one or two fibres in her hand, pulling and the priesthood, when only the High Priest twisting them between hand and thigh wore linen garments, what the priests will progressively incorporating other fibres, wear when the temple sacrifices are started twisting all the while and as the thread again and what our white linen garments lengthened it was wrapped around her should be today and in the future. fingers until it got too big. Then she started all over again. Later spindles were added and We will start with some of the characteristics then the spinning whorl. Spinning wheels of flax and linen as well as what happens to weren’t invented until quite late in history. it during its growth and process into fabric. Flax is the plant linen is made from. There An interesting side note: the Egyptians used are many common things associated with the a lot of slaves in the production of their making of linen and our calling. Linen is linen, so one would assume the Israelites mentioned over 90 times in the Bible and really knew how to make fine linen. wool is only mentioned 14 times. The entire plant (roots and all) is used in the production The growing of the flax of linen. The process is long and hard. Wool The plants are grown very close together so comes from animal and the animal is sheared they will be straight and tall reaching heights (has its fur cut off) and the fibers are of three to four feet. They are planted in the processed and turned into fabric. northern spring and harvested in late August for the best fiber. Flax is grown in moist wet We know if we are called now, and baptized, areas. we are the naos or Temple of God. We see linen was used extensively in the Tabernacle When the flax is ready to be harvested it is in the Wilderness (see the paper The pulled by its roots. The fibre grows down Tabernacle in the Wilderness (No. CB42). into the roots and the longer fibres are better for spinning. So the roots and stalk are part Linen requires a lot of water to grow in its of the thread that becomes fabric. production and manufacture into yarn and fabric as well as in its care. Another thing to The production of linen remember is that water often represents the First the stalks are tied into bundles and Holy Spirit. allowed to dry, usually in the sun. After drying the stalks are combed to remove the History of linen seeds, which are used for other purposes. Linen containing 540 threads to the inch, and This could be like us when we go through some warp yarns containing more than 360 trials and are tested in the fiery furnace. separate fiber strands has been found in Egyptian tombs. This cloth is finer then any Next, the plants go through a retting process, woven today. which is actually a form of rotting or fermentation. This can be done in several Sewing needles have been discovered, different ways. One way is to spread the allegedly, dating from around 10,000 BCE plants out in the fields allowing the dew and (or early in human history) with eyes so bacteria to slowly decompose/break down small that only carefully processed fibers the outer layer of the stalks. Another way to could go through them. accomplish this was to place the plants in a slow moving river or bog. Chemicals are The earliest techniques for spinning were now used for retting which is faster, but the Page 4 White Linen Garments of the Priest dew process produces a stronger fibre. The the strength of the entire fabric. plants are then rinsed, squeezed dry and allowed to dry out in preparation for the next Fibre fineness is also variable. Width is step called breaking or scutching. variable along the length of the fibre and the fibre processing also affects the fineness of Here again we can relate the removal of the fibres. Processed flax fibres have a high coarse fibers, seeds and dirt from the flax natural lustre or shine; in other words it plant so it can become pure linen to our trials reflects light. We know we are to be a ‘light’ that break down our nature contrary to God’s to the world. Christ is frequently referred to will so we can become a member of His as a bearer of light. He will soon take over family. Satan’s role as Day Star or Morning Star of this planet. This stage entails beating the stalks to separate the textile fibers from the woody Flax is one of the strongest fibres. It also plant parts. Formerly, this was done with increases about 20% in strength when wet. wooden knives until the fibres were Just as with flax, we are the strongest when completely free of the stalks. Now they are we are as close to God as possible. It is the run through fluted rollers. The fibres were Holy Spirit that ties us together with God then scraped with iron knives prior to being and gives us strength and wisdom to get handed over to the spinners. through all things.

Here we see the final trials that happen to a Flax is one of the heavier fibres, and it has person before God can use him/her to be part very good wicking properties. In other of His family. Only when the pure fibres are words, it soaks up liquid. It was used as present is the process finished. wicks in the Tabernacle and in the Temple.

The remaining fibre is then combed in a Flax is hollow causing it to absorb moisture process called hackling, causing the fibres to readily. It can absorb sound because it is become parallel to one another. hollow and for this reason it makes a good wall covering. Remember, there was a set of Here we see that we all have to be of one linen curtains that covered the interior or mind and body, going in the same direction inside of the Tabernacle. There were also and living by God’s Law, before we can be linen curtains that separated the courtyard made into spiritual beings. from the camp of Israel.

After being spun into thread it is then woven Linen does not have the electrostatic into a variety of fabrics. Wet spinning properties of many fibres, so it does not have produces the finest fibres. a great affinity for attracting lint, hair or other foreign particles as many textiles do. The definition of spinning is the twisting of This means it stays clean and pure just as we discontinuous parallel fibres into an should do. unbroken uniform thread of uniform thickness, twist and strength. The yarn is Linen is soft and the more it is washed the classified to three criteria: fineness, strength softer it becomes. Just as with us we should and wear. be gentler, softer, more flexible and workable in God’s hands the longer we are Qualities of linen in the Church. Hebrews 10:22 tells us to The length of the fibre is variable; some have our conscience washed with pure water. fibres can be up to 40 inches long but 10-15 inches are more common. Just like people, Linen can be manufactured so that it has all the fibres are different; but the strongest, great dimensional stability; and it will not most helpful fibres are the longest and add to shrink. Similarly, we should not be tossed White Linen Garments of the Priest Page 5 around by every wind of doctrine. We should garments (2Sa 6:14), girdles (Jer 13:1), ropes be grounded on God’s word and never shrink and thread (Ezek. 40:3), napkins (Luk. away from upholding the truth. 24:12; Jhn. 20:7), turbans (Eze 44:18), and lamp-wicks (Isa 42:3). The fabric becomes softer, whiter and more luminous (shiny) with each washing, BUT (2.) Heb. buts, "whiteness;" rendered "fine linen becomes brittle when dried out linen" in 1 Chr. 4:21; 15:27; 2Ch 2:14; 3:14; completely. Linen can recover its natural Est 1:6; 8:15, and "white linen" 2Ch 5:12. It flexibility by absorbing moisture. Here too is not certain whether this word means people are like linen. If we are disobedient cotton or linen. and do not follow God’s Laws we too will become brittle and break easily or be torn off (3.) Heb. Bad SHD 906; possibly from 909 the body of the Church. Just as when we rendered "linen" Exd 28:42; 39:28; Lev 6:10; repent and change our ways we too can again 16:4, 23, 32; 1Sa 2:18; 2Sa 6:14, etc. It is be filled with the Holy Spirit (or water) and uniformly used of the sacred vestments become useful in God’s hands. worn by the priests. The word is from a root signifying "separation". Linen quality is by its shade of white. Some complain how wrinkled linen becomes and (4.) Heb. SHD 8336 shesh; rendered "fine how hard it is to iron. The answer is that the linen" Exd 25:4; 26:1, 31, 36, etc. In Pro linen must be damp; in other words have 31:22 it is rendered in Authorized Version moisture in it with a very hot iron. Not with "silk," and in Revised Version "fine linen." a heavy iron nor with a steam iron, but with The word denotes Egyptian linen of peculiar a very hot iron. So too, God allows us to be whiteness and fineness ( byssus). The finest tried by fire to refine or cleanse us to be Indian linen, the finest now made, 100 useful sons and daughters in His temple. We threads of warp and 84 of woof per inch; need to have our robes free from spot or while the Egyptian had sometimes 140 in the wrinkle. warp and 64 in the woof. This was the usual dress of the Egyptian priest. Pharaoh arrayed So as we can see, people, like flax, go Joseph in a dress of linen (Gen 41:42). through a growth process in the Holy Spirit – water. The entire person or plant is used in (5.) Heb. 'etun. Pro 7:16, "fine linen of the process. There are times when there are Egypt;" in Revised Version, "the yarn of trials, or refinement processes to get rid of Egypt." the imperfections or sins of the person or the plant. Once finished, the person or the planet (6.) Heb. sadin. Pro 31:24, "fine linen;" in can become part of bigger work as in the Revised Version, "linen garments" (Jdg. family of God. We reflect God’s light but we 14:12,13; Isa 3:23). From this Hebrew word must maintain our level of obedience to is probably derived the Greek word sindon, God’s Law to retain God’s Holy Spirit, or rendered "linen" in Mar 14:51, 52; 15:46; water that truly keeps us soft, flexible and Mat 27:59. useful in His plan. The word ‘linen’ is used as an emblem of Comments from Easton’s Bible Dictionary moral purity (Rev 15:6). In Luke 16:19 it is “(1.) Heb., pishet, pishtah, denotes "flax," of mentioned as “a mark of luxury.” which linen is made (Isa 19:9); wrought flax, i.e., "linen cloth", Lev 13:47, 48, 52, 59; Deu From Easton, we see there are different types 22:11. of linen and as we go through the white garments of the priest or High Priest we will Flax was early cultivated in Egypt (Exd try to clarify which type of linen is being 9:31), and also in Palestine (Jos 2:6; Hsa described. Even the meaning of Bad (SHD 2:9). Various articles were made of it: 906) indicates separation and clearly the Page 6 White Linen Garments of the Priest priests were separate and set apart by God He made the tunics of finely woven linen for for a holy purpose. Shesh (SHD 8336) Aaron and his sons (Ex. 28:39,40,42; 39:27). rendered "fine linen”, denotes Egyptian linen These were one-piece garments and it of peculiar whiteness and fineness. Again the appears they were made on a loom using a priests are to reflect God’s light and Law to double weave so that there were no side the entire planet. Here we see even the dress seams. It is the same as the garment Messiah of the priest was to have the pure white wore on the night of his betrayal/crucifixion: reflective quality. SHD 8336 was also the "This garment was seamless, woven from type of linen that curtains in the Tabernacle one piece from top to bottom" (Jn. 19:23). were made of (Ex. 26:1). The Revised Version describes it as, "to weave in chequer work" (Ex. 28:39; NASV, Spiritual implication of the Linen as used Ex. 28:4). This too would be a type of weave in the Priest’s White Garments. that could be set up on a loom, where the pattern on the fabric looks like squares. For Linen breeches more comments on squares see the paper Exodus 28:42-43 states: "and you shall make The Tabernacle in the Wilderness (No. for them linen breeches to cover their bare CB42). flesh; they shall reach from the loins even to the thighs. And they shall be on Aaron and Exodus 28:39 tells us the tunic or chequer on his sons when they enter the tent of coat is to be of fine linen, which is Heb. meeting or when they approach the altar to SHD 8336. Sources vary on how they think minister in the holy place, so that they do not the white linen tunic looked. Most sources incur guilt and die. It shall be a statute seem to indicate the tunic was a long white forever to him and to his descendants after robe about ankle length, with long sleeves him." that came down to the wrists. This beautiful white tunic would have then been seen on Linen breeches were for modesty. Priests’ the sleeves and the lower edge of the robe garments were for glory and beauty (Ex. even when the High Priest had his other 28:2,40). Part of this beauty was the priest garments on. demonstrating modesty. So too should it be with us. In Ephesians 6:14 we see that our Leviticus 16:4 describes the High Priest’s loins are to be gird with the truth. Truth is dress on Atonement. Here we see the tunic central to the Faith. We must always remain referred to in the Heb. SHD 906. Therefore, loyal to God’s truth and keep His Law. it appears from the meaning of the words Without God’s truth we are spiritually dead. that the High Priest wore a different linen robe on Atonement than he did the rest of There are five incidents or times linen year. Again SHD 906 is not the fine white breeches are used in Scripture. All five shining linen; rather it is linen that means occurrences or times use bad (Heb. SHD separation. Leviticus 16:4 also does not refer 906). Exodus 28:42, 39:28 and Leviticus to this linen tunic as a chequer work. This 6:10 refer to the priests’ linen breeches. The may be a deliberate use of language to text in Leviticus 16:4 talks of the High convey a different garment with a different Priest’s linen breeches and dress on purpose. Atonement. Lastly, Ezekiel 44:18 speaks of the dress for the future priests of Zadok in Linen sash/girdles the Temple system. Though people really do Exodus 39:29: "The sash was of finely not see the priest’s linen breeches they twisted linen and blue and purple and scarlet separate the priests from other people just as material, the work of the weaver, just as the the truth of God separates us from our Lord had commanded Moses." friends and family. There were three different types of Linen Tunic/Shirt/Chequered Coat sashes/girdles worn by the priests in the White Linen Garments of the Priest Page 7

Temple: God we are to always wear the helmet of 1) The High Priest’s year-round girdle, salvation on our heads. Actions start in our which was part of the "golden garments" mind; we must always guard our mind or embroidered with blue, purple, and scarlet thoughts. dyed wools and twisted linen (Ex. 39:29 AV). We are to be priests of God (Ex. 19:6), and we are to receive a crown (Rev. 2:10; 3:11). 2) The girdle worn by the High Priest on the Day of Atonement was one of the four white Atonement: the time when the High Priest garments that he wore that day (Lev. 16:4). It dressed only in White Linen when he went too is referred in SHD 906 bad linen. into the Holies of Holies.

3) The girdle of the ordinary priests, which On Atonement, the High Priest dressed in some people think was like the High Priest’s white linen garments only when he went into golden garments; others think it was part of the Holy of Holies. The linen breeches, the white garments. "Righteousness shall be tunic, sash and turban/mitre were all referred the girdle of his loins and faithfulness the to as (Heb. SHD 906) bad linen in Leviticus girdle of his reins" (Isa. 11:5). 16:4. Aaron preformed his priestly duties and when they were completed he entered Linen turban or mitre the tent of meeting, took off his white robes, The priest’s turban is also made of the bathed and put on his own clothes and went shining or brilliant white linen (Heb. SHD forth and offered the burnt offerings (Lev. 8336). The turban covered the priest’s head. 16:23,24).

Here we see Aaron and his sons were told to Atonement is the one and only day once a cover their heads. The High Priest’s head year that the High Priest would minister in was not to be left uncovered. Yet, normally only his white linen garments and then later men are to keep their head uncovered and bathe and minister in his normal dress for the women are the ones to cover their heads. For High Priest. women the hair of their head acts as a covering and that is why women are not to The priest of Zadok, of the future Temple cut their hair too short. Men were not to system, wore only white Linen. shave their head (Lev. 21:5) except at the end of Nazarite vow (Num. 6:18)). Only the Ezekiel 44:16-19 describes the priests only High Priest was required to cover his head. wearing linen garments versus the wool and We also know the High Priest wore the gold that was on the High Priest in the Old golden plate engraved “Holy unto the Lord” Testament. Their garments were left in the on his forehead. holy chambers once they were done ministering so they did not transmit holiness Clearly the forehead is where the front part to the people with their garments. of the thinking brain is located. We are cautioned in Revelation 14:9 not to have the In the Millennium, Isaiah 61:6 speaks of mark of the Beast on our forehead. Also we being called priests of the Lord. Isaiah 66:21 get a new name written on our forehead tells us some will be taken to be priests. (Rev. 3:12), if we are obedient to God and When Christ returns, the Temple will again His Laws. be operational and there will be a physical priesthood. We must continually guard our mind since Satan as a roaring lion seeks to We will all be priests devour/destroy us (1Pet. 5:8). There are numerous references in Scripture to our responsibilities as priests of God. Remember from our lesson on the amour of Revelation 5:10 talks of us being a kingdom Page 8 White Linen Garments of the Priest and priests to our God. Revelation 20:6 Revelation 19:7-9 Let us be glad and rejoice, and refers us to the First Resurrection and being give honour to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready. 8 priests of God and Christ and reigning 1,000 And to her was granted that she should be years. arrayed in fine linen, clean and white: for the fine linen is the righteousness of saints. 9 And he 1Peter 2:9 says we are a royal priesthood. saith unto me, Write, Blessed are they which are 1Peter 2:5 states: “you are living stones built called unto the marriage supper of the Lamb. up as a spiritual house for a holy priesthood And he saith unto me, these are the true sayings of God. to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus the Christ”. It is very Summary important we all learn how to offer spiritual Let us all try to remember the process of flax sacrifices to the One True God at the correct being made into shining white linen. Let us times and in the correct ways. God requires make sure we are prepared for the wedding us to tremble at His word and give Him supper with Messiah dressed in our white, obedience rather than sacrifice. Israel will be spotless linen garment so we too can assume a kingdom of priests and a holy nation (Ex our duties as priests of God. 19:6). We have an awesome job now and in the future. We must all strive to learn and Revelation 1:6: … and He has made us to be a obey God fully and completely at all times. kingdom, priests to His God and Father, to Him be the glory and the dominion forever and ever. Our wedding garments of white linen Amen We are to keep our garments white, spotless and free of wrinkles by being righteous and obedient. 


Lesson: White Linen Garments

Goal: The white linen garments of the priests carried much symbolism anciently which is also for us today. This lesson will review the white linen garments of the priesthood; when the High Priest only wore linen garments; and what our white linen garments should be today.

Objectives: 1. The children will be able to list what white garments the ordinary priests wore. 2. The children will be able to have an understanding of the possible symbolism of the linen breeches, white tunic and white sash. 3. The children will be able to identify when and why the High Priest wore white garments. 4. The children will be able to identify what the priest of Zadok will wear as robes when the Temple is re-established by Messiah. 5. The children will be able to identity what our spiritual robes should be now and what they will be in the future.

Resources: Revised Standard Bible White Linen Garments of the Priest Page 9

New American Standard Version King James Bible The Garments of the High Priest (CB61) The Tabernacle in the Wilderness (CB42)

Relevant Scriptures: Exodus 28:39,40, 42; 39:27

Memory Verse Exodus 28:39

Format: Open with prayer Lesson Activity Close with prayer

Lesson introduction:

May be done in 2 parts:

1. The flax /linen aspect 2. The white garments of the priest

Activity: Take some string, a rope and a piece of fabric. To assist the children with learning the concept of strength, give each child a piece of various colours of thread. Have them pull on their thread – and what happens? It breaks. Now allow the children to twist their thread with another child’s and demonstrate how the strength goes up with each addition of another thread. Go on to the function and comparison of rope and fabric and discuss how one string cannot really do anything of and by itself. Also the concept of wind on threads and how it blows them all over when separate but they are more stable if changed into rope or fabric.

Play tug-of-war

Play a modified parachute game with a piece of fabric. All people hang onto the fabric tightly; toss soft nerf items into the centre of the fabric. Release some of the tension and allow the soft nerf items to pop up into the air. Assist the children in seeing the correlation to the support of the Church (fabric), made up of many threads is founded on the pillars/apostles/kids standing on God’s Rock, Messiah, being the chief corner stone/ground that the children are standing on.

Try to find a website that shows the process of making linen.

Try to simulate the process of growing linen.

Visit a museum. Sometimes local yarn shops actually have spinning wheels so children can see how the spinning is done.

Could also do an example of what happens if we stain (which is representing sin) a white fabric. If we wash it out right away little if any of the stain remains. If we wait it is much harder to get the stain out. Sometimes we never completely get it out and the stain ruins the Page 10 White Linen Garments of the Priest garment, just as a root of bitterness or sin can spring up and destroy an individual if the sin is not repented of. Could also do the correlation to some stains, which are easy to remove, to sins that are easy to repent of, and hard to remove stains, to sins which are hard to repent of. Both are tough stains and serious since they can require a lot of work to remove. This kind may actually take repeated attempts at cleansing to make them white again (whether fabric stains represent sins).

Close with prayer.

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