OCR a an AS History Unit Y213 Scheme of Work
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NOTE: BASED ON 2X 50 MINUTE LESSONS PER WEEK TERMS BASED ON 6 TERM YEAR. Key Topic Term Indicative Content Extended Content Resources The causes of the 1 The structure of the Ancien Régime; Absolute France in French Revolution from monarchy Revolution, Rees 1774 and the events of Structure of royal 1789 government France in Revolution 1776- The First Estate 1830, Waller The Second Estate The French The Third Estate Revolution, Forrest Limits on power of king, including assembly of clergy and the rule in the provinces. 1 qualities of Louis XVI as King of France; Portrayal as France in king, both at the Revolution, Rees time and over time. France in Revolution 1776- 1830, Waller The French Revolution, Forrest 1 financial problems and attempts by Turgot, Tax farming France in Necker and Calonne to deal with them; Venality Revolution, Rees Reaction to France in
Version 1 1 © OCR 2017 Key Topic Term Indicative Content Extended Content Resources attempts to abolish Revolution 1776- trade guilds and 1830, Waller the corvee. The French Issues with taxes Revolution, Forrest not reaching the treasury and resentment created with Third Estate. Necker and system of loans to finance war Calonne and the resumption of selling offices, Calonne reforms of tax system.
Key Topic Term Indicative Content Extended Content Resources 1 the ideas of the Enlightenment and the impact of Aims of the France in the American Revolution and the War of philosophes Revolution, Rees Independence; Cost of France in involvement in Revolution 1776- American revolution 1830, Waller and impact on financial situation of The French the crown. Revolution, Forrest
Version 1 2 © OCR 2017 1 social discontents; Anger amongst the France in Third Estate, Revolution, Rees particularly in France in finance. Revolution 1776- 1830, Waller The French Revolution, Forrest 1 economic problems from 1787; Failure of the France in reform process Revolution, Rees undertaken by Calonne. France in Bad harvests Revolution 1776- 1830, Waller Food shortages The French Revolution, Forrest 1 the Assembly of Notables and the political Louis’ political France in developments 1787–May 1789; weakness Revolution, Rees R o France in evolt of Revolution 1776- the 1830, Waller Aristocra cy The French Revolution, Forrest 1 the Estates General, events in Paris in 1789; Method of voting France in Electing the Revolution, Rees deputies Cahiers France in Revolution 1776- Meeting of the 1830, Waller Estates-General and the The French
Version 1 3 © OCR 2017 declaration of the Revolution, Forrest national assembly The Tennis Court Oath The response of the crown The capture / storming of the Bastille and its significance The establishment of the Commune of Paris 1 the ‘Great Fear’; The revolution in France in the provinces and Revolution, Rees the rural revolt. Sacking of France in Chateuxs Revolution 1776- 1830, Waller The French Revolution, Forrest 1 the October Days. The August France in decrees and their Revolution, Rees significance The reaction of the France in monarchy Revolution 1776- 1830, Waller The significance of the October days The French and change in Revolution, Forrest Louis’ status.
Version 1 4 © OCR 2017 The Revolution from 1 The attempts to establish a constitutional Plans for 745 France in October 1789 to the monarchy; member legislative Revolution, Rees Directory 1795 assembly Powers of the king France in following proposed Revolution 1776- 1830, Waller reforms. The French Revolution, Forrest 1-2 reforms in church and state; Local government France in reform, including Revolution, Rees decrees of December 1789 France in and May 1790. Revolution 1776- 1830, Waller Introduction of Active Citizens The French Revolution, Forrest and new electoral system Control of the new councils. Issues with the tax system and its reform. Sale and buying of Church land Employer- employee relations Reform of the legal system Creation of a
Version 1 5 © OCR 2017 church free from abuses and foreign control, linked to the new system of local government and more closely to the state. Abolishing of tithe, annates and pluralism. Distinction between monastic orders. Civil rights for protestants and Jews Civil constitution of the Clergy The oat of loyalty The two churches 2 the significance of riots and direct political action Rural revolution in France in 1789–1792; 1790-1792 Revolution, Rees Sans-culottes and France in discontent of urban Revolution 1776- workers 1830, Waller The French Revolution, Forrest
Version 1 6 © OCR 2017 2 the Jacobins; Origins France in Memberships Revolution, Rees Beliefs France in Significance Revolution 1776- 1830, Waller The French Revolution, Forrest 2 the flight to Varennes; Reasons for flight France in Significance, Revolution, Rees including declaration of France in Louis to the Revolution 1776- 1830, Waller French people regarding his true The French feelings Revolution, Forrest Results of the flight 2 the overthrow of the monarchy; The return of Louis France in and his Revolution, Rees acceptance of the constitution. France in The meeting of the Revolution 1776- 1830, Waller new Legislative Assembly in 1789 The French The growth of the Revolution, Forrest counter revolution Outbreak, support and opposition of war. Factors
Version 1 7 © OCR 2017 contributing to the overthrow of the monarchy o The military crisis o Royal vetoes o Rise of the sans- culottes o The federes o The Brunswick manifesto o The attack on the Tuileries o The proclamatio n of the Republic Trial and execution of Louis XVI 2 the Convention and the Terror; War with Prussia France in o The Revolution, September Rees massacres France in The battle o Revolution 1776- of Valmy 1830, Waller The decree of The
Version 1 8 © OCR 2017 Fraternity French The war of the first Revolution, coalition Forrest The vendee rebellion Economic issues created by war Emergence of government by Terror Establishment and role of the committees (General Security and Public Safety). The federal revolt The new committee of public safety The Sans-culottes (ideas and impact) The political, social, economic and religious impact of the Terror 2 the destruction of the Girondins; Overthrow of the France in Girondins Revolution, Rees France in Revolution 1776-
Version 1 9 © OCR 2017 1830, Waller The French Revolution, Forrest 2 the ascendancy and fall of Robespierre; The dictatorship of France in the Committee of Revolution, Rees public Safety Opposition to the France in government Revolution 1776- 1830, Waller The Great Terror Robespierre The French declining support Revolution, Forrest Coup of Thermidor Fatal Purity: Robespierre and the French Revolution. Scurr 2 the establishment of the Thermidorian Regime; End of the Terror France in Uprising of Revolution, Rees Germinal and Prairial France in Revolution 1776- The White Terror 1830, Waller The French Revolution, Forrest 3 the constitution of the Directory. Constitution of France in Year III – Revolution, Rees structures and weaknesses France in Verona declaration Revolution 1776- 1830, Waller The Vendemiaire uprising The French Revolution, Forrest
Version 1 10 © OCR 2017 The Babeuf plot Fructidor coup d’état Financial Reform Napoleon Bonaparte to 3 The career of Bonaparte to 1799: early life and Early life and France in 1807 character; character Revolution, Rees Napoleon, His Rise and Fall, Thompson 3 his military leadership and reasons for success to Military campaigns France in 1799 including Toulon, the Italian Campaign, in Austria, Italy Revolution, Rees Egypt, the weaknesses of the Thermidorian and Egypt regime and the coup of Brumaire in 1799; Napoleon and The Second Europe, Wright Coalition Napoleon, His Rise The Coup of and Fall, Thompson Brumaire Failure and Achievements of the Directory 3 Napoleon’s reforms as Consul, including the Constitution of France in constitutional, legal, financial, educational Year VIII Revolution, Rees changes; Distribution of Napoleon and power during the Europe, Wright consulate Napoleon, His Rise Financial, legal, and Fall, Thompson education reform 3 the establishment and nature of the Empire in Creation of France in France; Napoleonic Revolution, Rees empire. Napoleon and
Version 1 11 © OCR 2017 Extending frontiers Europe, Wright Satellite states Napoleon, His Rise and Fall, Thompson 4 nature of and reasons for military successes and War of the Third France in failures after 1799: Marengo and the War of the Coalition Revolution, Rees Third Coalition, including the battles of Ulm and War of the Fourth Austerlitz, Trafalgar. coalition Napoleon and Europe, Wright Military and strategic Napoleon, His Rise developments and Fall, Thompson The decline and fall of 4 The Continental System and the war against Continental France in Napoleon 1807–1815 Britain; system Revolution, Rees War with Britain Napoleon and Europe, Wright Napoleon, His Rise and Fall, Thompson 4 the war in Spain; the Russian Campaign; The peninsula war France in The invasion of Revolution, Rees Russia Napoleon and Retreat from Europe, Wright Moscow Napoleon, His Rise and Fall, Thompson 4 Napoleon’s rule in France after 1807; Increasing France in autocracy Revolution, Rees Similarities and Napoleon and differences with Europe, Wright Ancien Regime Napoleon, His Rise
Version 1 12 © OCR 2017 Expansion of and Fall, Thompson economy 4 the campaigns of 1813–1815 and abdication; the campaigns France in of 1813–1815 and Revolution, Rees abdication; Napoleon and Europe, Wright Napoleon, His Rise and Fall, Thompson 4 the Hundred Days; the Hundred Days; France in Revolution, Rees Napoleon and Europe, Wright Napoleon, His Rise and Fall, Thompson 5 Personal failings and reasons for fall. Reason for the France in fall and impact of Revolution, Rees Napoleon on France Napoleon and Europe, Wright Napoleon, His Rise and Fall, Thompson Napoleon, For and Against, Geyl
Version 1 13 © OCR 2017