OCR a an AS History Unit Y213 Scheme of Work

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OCR a an AS History Unit Y213 Scheme of Work


NOTE: BASED ON 2X 50 MINUTE LESSONS PER WEEK TERMS BASED ON 6 TERM YEAR. Key Topic Term Indicative Content Extended Content Resources The causes of the 1 The structure of the Ancien Régime;  Absolute  France in French Revolution from monarchy Revolution, Rees 1774 and the events of  Structure of royal 1789 government  France in Revolution 1776-  The First Estate 1830, Waller  The Second Estate  The French  The Third Estate Revolution, Forrest  Limits on power of king, including assembly of clergy and the rule in the provinces. 1 qualities of Louis XVI as King of France;  Portrayal as  France in king, both at the Revolution, Rees time and over time.  France in Revolution 1776- 1830, Waller  The French Revolution, Forrest 1 financial problems and attempts by Turgot,  Tax farming  France in Necker and Calonne to deal with them;  Venality Revolution, Rees  Reaction to  France in

Version 1 1 © OCR 2017 Key Topic Term Indicative Content Extended Content Resources attempts to abolish Revolution 1776- trade guilds and 1830, Waller the corvee.  The French  Issues with taxes Revolution, Forrest not reaching the treasury and resentment created with Third Estate.  Necker and system of loans to finance war  Calonne and the resumption of selling offices,  Calonne reforms of tax system.

Key Topic Term Indicative Content Extended Content Resources 1 the ideas of the Enlightenment and the impact of  Aims of the  France in the American Revolution and the War of philosophes Revolution, Rees Independence;  Cost of  France in involvement in Revolution 1776- American revolution 1830, Waller and impact on financial situation of  The French the crown. Revolution, Forrest

Version 1 2 © OCR 2017 1 social discontents;  Anger amongst the  France in Third Estate, Revolution, Rees particularly in  France in finance. Revolution 1776- 1830, Waller  The French Revolution, Forrest 1 economic problems from 1787;  Failure of the  France in reform process Revolution, Rees undertaken by Calonne.  France in  Bad harvests Revolution 1776- 1830, Waller  Food shortages  The French Revolution, Forrest 1 the Assembly of Notables and the political  Louis’ political  France in developments 1787–May 1789; weakness Revolution, Rees R o  France in evolt of Revolution 1776- the 1830, Waller Aristocra cy  The French Revolution, Forrest 1 the Estates General, events in Paris in 1789;  Method of voting  France in  Electing the Revolution, Rees deputies  Cahiers  France in Revolution 1776-  Meeting of the 1830, Waller Estates-General and the  The French

Version 1 3 © OCR 2017 declaration of the Revolution, Forrest national assembly  The Tennis Court Oath  The response of the crown  The capture / storming of the Bastille and its significance  The establishment of the Commune of Paris 1 the ‘Great Fear’;  The revolution in  France in the provinces and Revolution, Rees the rural revolt.  Sacking of  France in Chateuxs Revolution 1776- 1830, Waller  The French Revolution, Forrest 1 the October Days.  The August  France in decrees and their Revolution, Rees significance  The reaction of the  France in monarchy Revolution 1776- 1830, Waller  The significance of the October days  The French and change in Revolution, Forrest Louis’ status.

Version 1 4 © OCR 2017 The Revolution from 1 The attempts to establish a constitutional  Plans for 745  France in October 1789 to the monarchy; member legislative Revolution, Rees Directory 1795 assembly  Powers of the king  France in following proposed Revolution 1776- 1830, Waller reforms.  The French Revolution, Forrest 1-2 reforms in church and state;  Local government  France in reform, including Revolution, Rees decrees of December 1789  France in and May 1790. Revolution 1776- 1830, Waller  Introduction of Active Citizens  The French Revolution, Forrest and new electoral system  Control of the new councils.  Issues with the tax system and its reform.  Sale and buying of Church land  Employer- employee relations  Reform of the legal system  Creation of a

Version 1 5 © OCR 2017 church free from abuses and foreign control, linked to the new system of local government and more closely to the state.  Abolishing of tithe, annates and pluralism.  Distinction between monastic orders.  Civil rights for protestants and Jews  Civil constitution of the Clergy  The oat of loyalty  The two churches 2 the significance of riots and direct political action  Rural revolution in  France in 1789–1792; 1790-1792 Revolution, Rees  Sans-culottes and  France in discontent of urban Revolution 1776- workers 1830, Waller  The French Revolution, Forrest

Version 1 6 © OCR 2017 2 the Jacobins;  Origins  France in  Memberships Revolution, Rees  Beliefs  France in  Significance Revolution 1776- 1830, Waller  The French Revolution, Forrest 2 the flight to Varennes;  Reasons for flight  France in  Significance, Revolution, Rees including declaration of  France in Louis to the Revolution 1776- 1830, Waller French people regarding his true  The French feelings Revolution, Forrest  Results of the flight 2 the overthrow of the monarchy;  The return of Louis  France in and his Revolution, Rees acceptance of the constitution.  France in  The meeting of the Revolution 1776- 1830, Waller new Legislative Assembly in 1789  The French  The growth of the Revolution, Forrest counter revolution  Outbreak, support and opposition of war.  Factors

Version 1 7 © OCR 2017 contributing to the overthrow of the monarchy o The military crisis o Royal vetoes o Rise of the sans- culottes o The federes o The Brunswick manifesto o The attack on the Tuileries o The proclamatio n of the Republic  Trial and execution of Louis XVI 2 the Convention and the Terror;  War with Prussia  France in o The Revolution, September Rees massacres  France in The battle o Revolution 1776- of Valmy 1830, Waller  The decree of  The

Version 1 8 © OCR 2017 Fraternity French  The war of the first Revolution, coalition Forrest  The vendee rebellion  Economic issues created by war  Emergence of government by Terror  Establishment and role of the committees (General Security and Public Safety).  The federal revolt  The new committee of public safety  The Sans-culottes (ideas and impact)  The political, social, economic and religious impact of the Terror 2 the destruction of the Girondins;  Overthrow of the  France in Girondins Revolution, Rees  France in Revolution 1776-

Version 1 9 © OCR 2017 1830, Waller  The French Revolution, Forrest 2 the ascendancy and fall of Robespierre;  The dictatorship of  France in the Committee of Revolution, Rees public Safety  Opposition to the  France in government Revolution 1776- 1830, Waller  The Great Terror  Robespierre  The French declining support Revolution, Forrest  Coup of Thermidor  Fatal Purity: Robespierre and the French Revolution. Scurr 2 the establishment of the Thermidorian Regime;  End of the Terror  France in  Uprising of Revolution, Rees Germinal and Prairial  France in Revolution 1776-  The White Terror 1830, Waller  The French Revolution, Forrest 3 the constitution of the Directory.  Constitution of  France in Year III – Revolution, Rees structures and weaknesses  France in  Verona declaration Revolution 1776- 1830, Waller  The Vendemiaire uprising  The French Revolution, Forrest

Version 1 10 © OCR 2017  The Babeuf plot  Fructidor coup d’état  Financial Reform Napoleon Bonaparte to 3 The career of Bonaparte to 1799: early life and  Early life and  France in 1807 character; character Revolution, Rees  Napoleon, His Rise and Fall, Thompson 3 his military leadership and reasons for success to  Military campaigns  France in 1799 including Toulon, the Italian Campaign, in Austria, Italy Revolution, Rees Egypt, the weaknesses of the Thermidorian and Egypt regime and the coup of Brumaire in 1799;  Napoleon and  The Second Europe, Wright Coalition  Napoleon, His Rise  The Coup of and Fall, Thompson Brumaire  Failure and Achievements of the Directory 3 Napoleon’s reforms as Consul, including the  Constitution of  France in constitutional, legal, financial, educational Year VIII Revolution, Rees changes;  Distribution of  Napoleon and power during the Europe, Wright consulate  Napoleon, His Rise  Financial, legal, and Fall, Thompson education reform 3 the establishment and nature of the Empire in  Creation of  France in France; Napoleonic Revolution, Rees empire.  Napoleon and

Version 1 11 © OCR 2017  Extending frontiers Europe, Wright  Satellite states  Napoleon, His Rise and Fall, Thompson 4 nature of and reasons for military successes and  War of the Third  France in failures after 1799: Marengo and the War of the Coalition Revolution, Rees Third Coalition, including the battles of Ulm and  War of the Fourth Austerlitz, Trafalgar. coalition  Napoleon and Europe, Wright  Military and strategic  Napoleon, His Rise developments and Fall, Thompson The decline and fall of 4 The Continental System and the war against  Continental  France in Napoleon 1807–1815 Britain; system Revolution, Rees  War with Britain  Napoleon and Europe, Wright  Napoleon, His Rise and Fall, Thompson 4 the war in Spain; the Russian Campaign;  The peninsula war  France in  The invasion of Revolution, Rees Russia  Napoleon and  Retreat from Europe, Wright Moscow  Napoleon, His Rise and Fall, Thompson 4 Napoleon’s rule in France after 1807;  Increasing  France in autocracy Revolution, Rees  Similarities and  Napoleon and differences with Europe, Wright Ancien Regime  Napoleon, His Rise

Version 1 12 © OCR 2017  Expansion of and Fall, Thompson economy 4 the campaigns of 1813–1815 and abdication;  the campaigns  France in of 1813–1815 and Revolution, Rees abdication;  Napoleon and Europe, Wright  Napoleon, His Rise and Fall, Thompson 4 the Hundred Days;  the Hundred Days;  France in Revolution, Rees  Napoleon and Europe, Wright  Napoleon, His Rise and Fall, Thompson 5 Personal failings and reasons for fall.  Reason for the  France in fall and impact of Revolution, Rees Napoleon on France  Napoleon and Europe, Wright  Napoleon, His Rise and Fall, Thompson  Napoleon, For and Against, Geyl

Version 1 13 © OCR 2017

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