Call to Order and Welcome: Thomas Ault s2
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Collegiate 4-H Meeting Minutes
November 2nd, 2017
WSLR 116, 6:00 p.m.
Call to order and Welcome: Thomas Ault, [email protected]
Pledge of Allegiance – Abby Hunnicutt
4-H Pledge - Caitlyn Tuholski
Secretary’s Report – Sara Holderbaum, [email protected]
Treasurer’s Report – Abigail Belcher, [email protected]
$10 for semester, $15 for academic year – checks payable to Purdue Collegiate 4-H
Club T-shirts, Fleece Jackets, and Polos for sale!
You must be a dues paying member to participate in many 4-H activities
Mixer - Once upon a time there was a princess who lived in a castle. One day she was walking hone and she heard a noise that startled her. She walked towards it to investigate. The noise was a door. Inside, there was a ghost, hiding. “Why are you hiding?” the princess asked. The ghost said he was scared. Then a dragon attacked! The princess ran to the next village to find a wizard to save them. But the wizard couldn’t do andything so he died and they all died. The End.
Break for Refreshments, if you have not signed in – please do so now.
North Central Region Collegiate 4-H Conference – Kendall Gatewood, [email protected]
Hypnotist filled the room – Morgan got hypnotized and did funny things
Veteran’s home so much fun and they want us to come back again
Banquet was fun – banquet was pizza
Line Dancing was great – Kendall’s boyfriend was teased
Boo at the Zoo – Molly Towns, [email protected]
13 people came! We boo’ed at the zoo ( but not because we didn’t like it )
Grand success – cool to see all the kids in their costumes
Murdock – Morgan Ritzi, [email protected], & Laura Peterson, [email protected]
Every Monday, pick up at 2:35p – back to campus by 4:15p Spend time with 3rd & 4th graders doing fun activities
This counts as points for Achievement Trip
Your help is needed!!
Should we continue? Discussion to be held next meeting
o Expensive
o Time- 5 hours a week to plan
o Students benefit
o Our club is not growing with the program
Intramurals – Elizabeth Zorn, [email protected]
Areas of interest? Contact Elizabeth for IM suggestions for next semester!!
Winterization – Laura Peterson, [email protected]
November 11th – Check-in 7:30a-8:20a
Register at, group is called Purdue Collegiate 4-H
1000 Purdue students serve about 400 elderly residents
You are fed breakfast and lunch
QPR – Suicide Prevention Training – Thomas Ault, [email protected]
Time Slots Available
o November 8: 11:30a-1:30p SCHL B38
o November 13: 3:30p-5p KRACH 260
. Kendall and Abby already going
. Sign up to go with them
Learn the warning signs and how to get someone help.
Officer Trainings – Maddie McFadden, [email protected]
Traveling to counties in Indiana to train 4-H members in grades 7-12 how to be better officers and members for their clubs and communities.
Monday, November 27th – Lake County, leave at 5:30p and get back at 10:30p
This counts for TWO points for Achievement Trip
Indiana 4-H Foundation Thank-a-Thon – Thomas Ault, [email protected]
Thursday, November 9, 5:30p-8:00p State 4-H Office, 1435 Win Hentschel Blvd Suite B100 (Vistech Building in Purdue Research Park)
Pizza Provided and Rides can be organized
Help thank those who donate to the Indiana 4-H Foundation scholarships and support 4-H!!
National Association of Extension 4-H Agents Conference – Thomas Ault, [email protected]
Saturday, November 11th, and Sunday, November 12th
Hosts needed for welcome booth at Indianapolis International Airport
Different Shift times available, Sign-up for details
Recreation – Mummy competition – everyone is a winner in Elizabeth’s eyes
Next Meeting: November 16 th at 6 pm in WSLR 116
FOLLOW US! Facebook: Purdue Collegiate 4-H Instagram: purdue_4h Twitter: @Purdue4H