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Title of the Paper (18Pt Times New Roman, Bold) s3

New Magnetic Force Expressions of the System: Filamentary Circular Coil–Massive Circular Solenoid with Rectangular Cross Section

SLOBODAN I. BABIC and CEVDET AKYEL Département de Génie Électrique & de Génie Informatique École Polytechnique de Montréal Montréal, C.P. 6079, Succ. Centre Ville H3C 3A7 QUÉBEC, CANADA

Abstract: - New and fast procedures for calculating the magnetic force between a thin circular filament coil and a massive circular solenoid with rectangular cross section in air are presented. These results are expressed in terms of the complete elliptical integrals of the first and second kind, Heumann's Lambda function and one term that has to be solved numerically. The Gaussian numerical integration is used. These new expressions are accurate and simple to apply for technical applications. Also, another comparative method based on an approximation of the massive solenoid by Maxwell coils is given. The paper discusses the computational cost and the accuracy. Results obtained by the two approaches are in excellent agreement.

Key-Words: - Magnetic force, mutual inductance, massive solenoid, filamentary circular coil

1 Introduction Circular coils are widely used in various solenoid. Coils have the same axe. The chosen electromagnetic applications (RF radio frequencies, configuration of conductors is relevant in particular naval and spacecraft magnetics, microwave circuits, to calculation of armature reaction in tubular linear superconducting magnetic storage (SMES) brushless PM motors. These accurate expressions problems, magnetic resonance, magnetically are obtained in terms of complete elliptical integrals controllable devices and sensors, coil guns and of the first and second kind, Heumann's Lambda tubular linear motors, telemetric systems applied in function and one term that has to be evaluated biomedical engineering, in transmission lines numerically because an analytical solution does not (TLM), modern VLSI design systems, in tubular exist. In computing this term numerically, we use linear brushless PM motors). The calculation of the Gaussian quadrature because the kernel function is magnetic force between two coils, carrying current, smooth and continuous on the interval of is subject closely related to the calculation of their integration. Also, we give another approach based mutual inductance. The mutual inductance as a on the filament method, [6], [7] where some fundamental electrical parameter can be computed modifications lead to very simple procedures for by applying the Biot - Savart law directly or using calculating the mutual inductance between the thin other alternate methods ([1]-[11]). Today FEM and circular coil and the massive solenoid using the BEM methods are routinely used for magnetostatic well-known formula for Maxwell’s coils [9]-[11]. problems, but these methods have accuracy Computed magnetic force values obtained by the problems near sharp surface discontinuities unless a two proposed ways are in excellent agreement. high density of elements is used, [15]. Exact methods based on elliptic integral solutions for current loops, thin current cylinders, thin disks, 2 Problem Formulation massive coils have existed since at least the time of The calculation of the magnetic attraction between Maxwell but were laborious without computers. The two coils, carrying current, is subject closely related purpose of this article is to present an elliptic to the calculation of their mutual inductance. Since integral-based solution for circular coils in air. It their mutual energy is equal to the product of their provides a fairly general accurate alternative to FEM mutual inductance by the currents in the coils, the and BEM. New expressions are derived and component of the magnetic force (attraction or presented to compute the magnetic force of the repulsion) in any direction is equal to the differential system of a circular filament coil and a massive coefficient of the mutual inductance, taken with respect to that coordinate, and multiplied by the 2 2 2 rQ  R  r  2Rrcos  (z  zQ ) product of the currents. Evidently the force may be calculated by simple differentiation in any case Applying (1), we obtain the magnetic force for the where a general formula for the mutual inductance is proposed conductor arrangement in an analytical available, expressed as function of coordinate along form, which the force is requested, [9]. The magnetic force 4 0 N2I1I2 n of the presented system (See Fig 1) can be derived F   (1) Pn (3) from the general expression for its mutual (R2  R1)(z2  z1) n1 inductance, [3]. In [3] we gives the procedures to where calculate the mutual induction of a system comprising a filamentary circular coil – a massive 2 R k 3 t2 P  n n E(k )  n n  2  2R 2  3R  circular solenoid, where the filament coil is in the n 3k n '2 n n n 24Rkn Rn plane zQ with the radius R and the massive circular 2 2 solenoid with radii R1 and R2. Total number of R(t  2R ) 2 3 k  n  n  t2 E(k )  n n  2  4R 2  turns of the massive circular solenoid is N2. The n  n  n t 2  R 2  R n  R 6 R higher of the massive solenoid is z2 – z1. If the n current in the filamentary coil is I1 and in the 2 2 3 2R(tn  R ) 2n 2 massive circular solenoid coil I2 the magnetic force 3R n    2tn K(k n )  2 2 n  R can be calculated by expression (see [9]), t n  R  R

M  2 2 2 2 F  I1I2 (1) tn tn  R 1   0 ( n , k n )  sgn ( tn  R   n )  zQ 4 2 2 n  3R 2 '2 2 [1   0 ( n , k n )] k n [E(k n )  k n K(k n ) sin  n ]  Obviously that the magnetic force has only the axial 24R1 component because the coils are coaxial. kn (R  n ) '2  tn sgn(R   n )[K(k n )  E(k n )]sin  n cos n kn

2 2 2 2 tn  2R '2 2 tn tn  R  mn [E(k n )  k n K(k n ) sin  n ]   122 2Rn 2 k n [K(k n )  E(k n )]sin n cosn   k (t2  2R2 ) sgn( t2  R2   ) n n n n  24Rn3 '2 2  n [E(k n )  k n K(k n ) sin  n ]  mn  R '2 2 2 k n t n  R   n

2 2 2 2 2 2 [R( n  R)  Rt n  k n tn t n  R ]  Fig 1. System: Filamentary circular coil-Massive k t t 2  R 2 [K(k )  E(k )]sin  cos   R 2 J ( ,t ) circular solenoid with rectangular cross section n n n n n n n 0 n n 1 = 4 = R1 ; 2 = 3 = R2

t1 = t2 = Z2 - ZQ ; t3 = t4 = Z1 - ZQ 3 Problem Solution 4R k 2  n , k '2  1 k 2 The mutual inductance of the system: filamentary n (R )2 t 2 n n circular coil-massive circular coil (Fig. 1) is given n n by [3], 4R h  n n (R )2 R2  n z2 0RN2 cos rdrd M =  (2) 2R 1 h (R  R )(z  z )   m  ,   a sin n 2 1 2 1 z1 rQ n n 2 R1 0 2 2 tn R R 1 kn where are all equal (Fig. 3). The magnetic force for the tn 1 m   a sin ,   a sin n previous system can be obtained by simplification of n t2 R2 R n 1 k 2 n n the expressions given in [7]. For the system under  / 2   t cos 2x consideration the magnetic force is given by, J ( ,t )  asinh n n dx 0 n n  P S 0 2 2 2 1 R  tn sin 2x F    F(i, j) (5) (2P 1)(2S 1) iP jS   1 k '2 sin 2  ,   1 k '2 sin 2  1 n n 2 n n where,

2 '2 2 0 z(i)N 2 I1I 2k(i, j) 2  k (i, j) 3  1 kn sin n F(i, j)  [ E(k(i, j))  4 RR( j) 1  k 2 (i, j) E and K are complete elliptic integrals of the first 2K(k(i, j))] and second kind and 0 is the Heuman's Lambda function, [16],[17]. In these expressions are included hp a R( j)  RI  j , z(i)  c  i the cases R  R1  R2 ; R  R2  R1 as singular cases 2S 1 2P 1 Z1 = ZQ and Z2 = ZQ . If zQ = (z2 + z1)/2 the axial magnetic force is equal 4R( j)R k 2 (i, j)  II zero. Also, the magnetic force of the treated system 2 2 (R( j)  R )  z(i) can be calculated using the well-known filament II method. The main idea of this approach is the representation of a massive solenoid by a set of thin N2 is the total number of turns of the massive circulars coils (Maxwell’s coils) as in Fig. 2 for solenoid. which the mutual inductance is given by the next expression,

Fig 3. Configuration of mesh matrix, Circular coil- Massive solenoid

Fig 2. Maxwell’s coils 3.1 Example 1 To verify the validity of presented expressions, let us solve the following problem. The coil dimensions 2 R R k 2 M  0 I II [(1 )K(k)  E(k)] (4) are as follows: Maxwell k 2

Test case: R=200(mm), R1 =400(mm), R2 = 600(mm), z1 = - 100(mm), z2 = 100 (mm), zQ = 300(mm), where N 2 = 1000, I1 = 1(A), I2 = 1(A). 2 4RI RII k  2 2 (RI  RII )  c The proposed approach yields magnetic force value,

In this system (massive solenoid – circular coil) we F = 0.28163712 (mN) subdivide the massive solenoid into (2P+1) by (2S +1) cells, [6], [7]. Each cell in this coil contains one The execution time was 0.066 seconds. filament, and the line current density in the coil is The mutual inductance has been obtained by the assumed to be uniform so that the filament currents Gaussian numerical integration. All tests show that for more than 20 points there are not significant differences after ninetieth decimal place but it F = 15.964475 (μN) increases the computational cost. The number of Gauss points was 20 to correctly evaluate all The execution time was 0.049 seconds. integrals. To validate the elliptic-integral method, let us apply the filament method. In this case coil Applying the proposed method (3) coil dimensions, dimensions are as follows: number of turns and corresponding currents are as follows:

Filament method: RI = 200 (mm), RII = 500 (mm), a R = 20 (mm), R1 = 40 (mm), R2 = 60 (mm), = 200 (mm), hp = 200 (mm), c = 300(mm), N = 1000, z1 = 0.00001 (mm), z2 = 0.00001 (mm), I1=1(A), I2 =1(A). zQ = 50 (mm), N = 100, I1 = 1 (A), I2 = 1 (A). Table 1 gives values of the magnetic force using the The proposed approach yields magnetic force value, filament method expressions (4).

F = 15.964475 (μN) Table 1. Comparison of computational efficiency

Ksubd. Nsubd. FFilament Computational Time Error (mN) (Seconds) (%) The execution time was 0.066 seconds. 4 4 0.28167411 0.0500 0.0131341 10 10 0.28164393 0.2200 0.0024183 25 25 0.28163827 1.3099 0.0004084 Thus, we approve the validity of the proposed 50 50 0.28163741 5.2199 0.0001031 formula (3) that can be used for thin coils with 100 100 0.28163719 22.300 0.0000025 infinitesimally thickness. All results are in excellent 200 200 0.28163714 78.320 0.0000007 400 400 0.28163712 418.860 0.00 agreement.

The corresponding computational time and the absolute error of the calculation with respect to the 4 Conclusion exact value (3) are given. From Table I one can New accurate magnetic-force expressions between a conclude that all results obtained using either thin circular coil and a massive circular solenoid are expressions (3) or expressions (5) are in excellent derived and presented in this paper. This proposed agreement. But, to have approximately the same approach has been verified by the filament method. value of the magnetic force (as this one obtained by Event though one might think that the proposed the proposed approach) using the filament method, method is 'tedious' because of the elliptic integrals, one has to make more subdivisions, which increases Heuman’s lambda function and the one term that has the computational cost. However, this difference is to be solved numerically, we found procedures that not significant and all results obtained by these considerably reduced the computational time and approaches are in excellent agreement. Either the gave satisfactory accuracy. All programs were presented method or the filament method represents written in MATLAB. Thus, the magnetic force can very fast and simple procedures for calculating the be efficiently calculated with only a personal magnetic force of the treated configurations that can computer. reduce computational time. The comparative calculation was made in MATLAB programming on a personal computer with Pentium III 700 MHz Acknowledgment processor. This work was supported by Natural Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) 3.2 Example 2 under Grant RGPIN 4476-05 NSERC NIP 11963. Let us calculate the magnetic force of the system: filament coil-disk coil, [8]. 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