Funtenary/ Centenary Logo

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Funtenary/ Centenary Logo

Risk Assessment Cover Page Event name Discover 2016 Event Lead Christine Wicks, Janet Samuel Volunteer Venue Multiple in Greenwich Event Lead for Tamsin Sargeant Risk Assessment Event date Saturday 18 – Sunday 19 June 2016 Risk Assessment Tamsin Sargeant, LaSER Assistant Chair of author Guiding Development (Programme)

Event numbers – attending, as of 26th May 2016 Number of members under 16 Number of members over 16 Saturday 18 th June 2016 Saturday 18 th June 2016 1477 389 Number of Planning Group Members Number of members under 16 Number of members over 16 12 Saturday 18 th June 2016 Saturday 18 th June 2016 849 238 Number of members with Disability Number of Adults with Disability Number of event support team 1 0 (Marshalls and Photographers) 100 Names of Adults holding current First Names of Leaders holding relevant qualifications Anyone else attending not included in Response or similar Qualification for activity other categories (numbers and role) Majority of Leaders attending. No qualifications required for large-scale events. None

Has the Chief Commissioner been Guiding Manual checked? Relevant Girlguiding forms completed? consulted/ advised/copied in? Yes, all activities covered in the A to Z of Only relevant forms are consent forms Member of Planning Group activities for under 18s, to be handled by unit leaders Specialist Adviser(s) consulted, Instructor Girlguiding LaSER risk group viewed and Venue risk assessments Qualifications checked confirmed this risk assessment? RMG N/A Draft 1.1 sent and questions recieved17 April ORNC 2016. Cutty Sark AP will send version 2.0 to the Risk Group once Planetarium Team Leaders have been able to review. Thames Clipper

Discover Day 2016 Risk Assessment Published 27 May 2016 1 Insurance checked Legal requirements met Wet weather alternative in place Yes, not financially viable for the cost per Fire and evacuation plans, risk assessments of If extreme weather then the core team person on the event venues, ensuring we do not discriminate e.g. for will assess if the event is to be disabilities. cancelled however otherwise members advised to dress for the weather.

Key of Personnel Initials Name Role Initials Name Role CW Christine Wicks Joint Lead Volunteer CH Caroline Holloway Region Comms Officer JS Janet Samuel Joint Lead Volunteer JT Joanna Tang Region Comms Coordinator AP Angela Purser Chair of Guiding MB Marie Burgess Region GD & Events Officer Development TS Tamsin Sargeant Assistant Chair of GD ND Natalie Denning Activities – RMG (Programme) DL Desree Larbi Event Treasurer ClW Claire Williams River Boat Trip & Logistics JN Julie Neville Region M&C Chair CP Caroline Pook Ballot / bookings

Risk Assessment

The status of a risk is determined based on its likelihood and severity. As this is a subjective assessment, all risks must be tested to ensure the status is appropriate. All Major risks must be reassessed as Major risks are not acceptable. All Intermediate risks must be justified in terms of whether the inclusion of the activity/event is a vital part of the whole event, as it still poses a risk. Anything Unknown in Likelihood is usually categorised as a Major risk. *Status Severity High Medium Low High *Major *Major *Intermediate

Medium *Major *Intermediate *Minor

Likeliho Low *Intermediate *Minor *Minor od

2 Risk Assessment Log

Risk No. Description of Risk Likeliho Severity Measure(s) taken to minimise risk Status* Risk owner od FINANCE F1 Budget deficit Unknow High Budget has been set. Unknown DL. n Cancellation policy for all venues reviewed prior to paying any deposits or entering into any contracts.

This must be reviewed once all payments are in. F2 Participants fail to pay Low Low Payment for Discover Day is £6 & for Discover Minor MB Night is £46. There will be no payment schedule and once paid the cost is not refundable.

All laces are to be paid for by 13th May 2016, sufficient places have been paid for to cover costs with the addition of the £20,000 from the surplus large scale fund. F3 Banking arrangements; Low Medium Payments either by credit/debit card, online Minor MB mislaid payments or risk to payment or cheque. staff transporting monies All monies go to Region Office (not to LV’s for example). Banking to be undertaken by Office Staff employing usual security procedures. F4 Overage of badges Medium Medium Badges ordered based on the number of tickets Minor JS / CW allocated. Separate badge for the Discover Day & Discover Night. There is also a badge for the RSPB activities, but the RSPB are funding that. F5 Lack of insurance cover Low High Activities are low risk and no additional Intermediat Steve Scotland insurance is required. e Also consider specialist terrorism insurance.

Discover Day 2016 Risk Assessment Published 27 May 2016 3 REPUTATION R1 Behaviour of participants in and Low Low Unit leaders to be responsible for the Minor ClW around Greenwich venues behaviour of their group. Include something in participant packs about behaviour. R2 Sharing venues with members Medium Medium All participants will be told to wear uniform Minor ClW of the public and therefore not and leaders to remain responsible for the part of the event members of their units. Include non-exclusivity of venues in participant packs. R3 Misuse of Girlguiding / Low Low All event comms need to be branded correctly. Minor JN / CH Girlguiding LaSER logos/branding R4 Appearing to abandon groups in Low High Issue emergency contact phone numbers to all Intermediat ClW Greenwich e.g. if first aid participants and ensure they are aware of the e incident occurs at one venue, base for lost children. how will we know about it and A key group of the core team will be how would we respond? established as a “flying squad” that can go to incidents as appropriate.

R5 Social Media – groups taking to Medium Medium PR team will be active on social media Intermediat JN / CH social media to voice their throughout event and monitoring postings on e frustration e.g. not enjoying social media. Information has been sent out day etc. all attending via leaders information. R6 Showing off guiding in its best Low Low Behaviour / expectations included in joining Minor ClW / JN possible light - an external instructions. environment, access by Marshals to be briefed about where the members of the public. nearest toilets, etc. are to be able to assist participants and members of the public. Marshals also to be given facts and figures about the event and guiding key messages.

R7 Complaints about the cost of Low Low Absolute clarity in all event info about what’s Minor ClW food and transport/travel in included and very specific about what’s London (because not included) excluded. In joining instructions suggest groups bring packed lunches and provide travel information.

4 R8 Theft / loss of stock from the Low Medium Temporary barriers – chairs / tables / Minor JB shop during Discover Night as it something to be put across the entrances to doesn’t have doors and can’t the shop to deter anyone from entering. be locked Reminder about Guide Laws in joining instructions – A Guide can be Trusted!

R9 Damage caused to artefacts at Low Medium Accidents happen but all participants to be Minor JB the museum reminded that the museums and the artefacts within them are precious and should be treated with care and respect. Reminder about Guide Laws in joining instructions – A Guide can be Trusted!

ACTIVITIES – GENERAL A1 Slips, Trips and falls Low Low Surfaces are uneven and all participants to be Minor ClW / ND warned via the booking information. Leaders responsible for basic first aid but also f=given contact details for the team. ACTIVITIES – THAMES CLIPPER BOAT TRIP A2 Fall overboard Low High The Thames Clipper company have a practiced Intermediat ClW / ND procedure in place and buoyancy aids in place. e Only likely to occur at embarkation and disembarkation. A3 Overcrowding Low Low This is a ticketed activity notified in advance, Minor ClW / ND marshals present to check wristbands at the point of entry. A4 Motion Sickness Low Low Groups will know of their allocation before the Minor ClW / ND day and therefore will bring any required medication. Sick bags are provided on the boats. A5 Boarding the incorrect boat Low Low This is a ticketed activity notified in advance, Minor ClW / ND marshals present to check wristbands at the point of entry. A6 Disembarking at the wrong Low Low This is a round trip and groups will be advised Minor ClW / ND place to only disembark at Greenwich. A7 Extreme weather Low Medium All waiting areas for the boat are exposed to Minor ClW / ND the elements. Participants reminded to dress for the weather.

Discover Day 2016 Risk Assessment Published 27 May 2016 5 A8 Emergency evacuation Low High The Thames Clipper company have a practiced Intermediat ClW / ND procedure in place and buoyancy aids in place. e All exits are signposted. ACTIVITIES – RMG A9 Evacuation of RMG Low Medium Practiced procedure in place, all participants Minor ClW / ND to follow members of staff from RMG A10 Cutty Sark Low Medium Groups to complete a circuit of the area and Minor ClW / ND Confined spaces ensure they keep moving at all times. Members of staff present to ensure this occurs. A11 Cutty Sark Low Low This is a ticketed activity notified in advance, Minor ClW / ND Steep steps information is present on the website about this activity. A12 Cutty Sark Low Low This is a ticketed activity notified in advance, Minor ClW / ND Overcrowding marshals present to check wristbands at the point of entry. A13 Planetarium Low Low This is a ticketed activity notified in advance, Minor ClW / ND Overcrowding marshals present to check wristbands at the point of entry. ACTIVITIES – ORNC A14 Evacuation of ORNC Low Medium Practiced procedure in place, all participants Minor ClW / ND to follow members of staff from RMG PEOPLE P1 Non-member helpers attending Low Low No concern during the day – it is for Leaders to Minor MB the event ensure they are not left alone with girls etc. P2 Safeguarding – lost people Medium Medium Information for participants will encourage Intermediat ClW them to identify places to meet and remind e Leaders to keep their groups together. Have a lost person point at each venue.

A central phone number will be open to all leaders and participants, and a “flying squad” that can go and rescue lost people, help out with first aid incidents, etc. Will be established.

6 P3 Safeguarding – road safety Low High All participants will be in groups with adults Intermediat ClW and we therefore have to rely on their ability e to cross roads safely. There are very few roads to cross once on site in Greenwich.

Participants reminded in joining instructions that roads can be busy. We need a plan in place if an accident does happen so members feel supported. P4 Safeguarding – assault or abuse Low High Any members of the event team or marshals Intermediat ClW that are not DBS checked should not be left in e a situation where they be left alone with participants.

Consider pairing up volunteers who are acting as marshals but not DBS checked, for instance Trefoil members.

No mitigation possible for random incidents involving members of the public.

P5 Safeguarding - photographs Medium Medium Group leaders will be responsible for ensuring Minor ClW (FAQs) and that the person is not in other groups’ photos briefing etc. photographer

P6 Safeguarding – venue staff and Low Low The venue staff and RSPB staff may not be Intermediat ClW / ND RSPB staff DBS checked. They should not be alone with e members at any time and will be guided by event team.

Discover Day 2016 Risk Assessment Published 27 May 2016 7 P7 Accessibility for people with Medium Medium The law requires places used by the public to Intermediat ClW disabilities and/or limited be accessible. However, each venue will need e mobility; includes: to be asked for this information as, for - Blind and partially sighted instance, old buildings do not have to fully participants comply. The Cutty Sark is not accessible by wheelchair. - Deaf participants - Participants with limited mobility / use wheelchairs - Participants who cannot walk very far - Participants with learning difficulties

P8 Numbers on site Low High It is not possible to track all members as they Intermediat ClW arrive and depart, a system will be in place for e marshals only.Sign in at one of the 3 main locations and collect information pack.

Still needs to be developed fully. P9 Volunteer wellbeing – both in Medium Medium Teams and shadows created so the work can Intermediat AP / TS planning stages (stress) and be shared. Regular team meetings, including e ClW / ND / JB during event (adequate breaks, AP/TS should identify any problems. eating, getting a good night’s sleep). If the Team Leader has Logistics to work with Programme to work out to drop out or is taken ill at any how we ‘staff’ the event. stage Shadows need to be fully up to speed and can take over Locations for marshals to be identified and without loss of continuity. categorised as essential and desirable. Sufficient marshals need to be identified to cover all essential locations as a bare minimum.

8 INCIDENTS I1 Fire at a venue Low High Event team should familiarise themselves with Intermediat ClW the venues’ emergency exits on arrival at e – we need venue. a plan in place for Participants will spend a limited amount of communicati time in ticketed activities / at designated on venues. It will not be possible for us to keep tabs on where participants are. Joining instructions to explain to leaders that they must be responsible for ensuring they are aware of emergency exits at each venue.

Leaders are responsible for clustering their group and reporting presence/ absence to event team.

Back-up should be provided to event team (consider use of a “flying squad”) in the event of an actual fire (rather than false alarm).

Venues to be asked for copies of their evacuation / emergency plans. I2 Provision of first aid Low Low Each Unit Leader is responsible for first aid Minor ClW and will be asked to bring a first aid kit. The event team / marshals / venue staff can provide support and call for an ambulance if appropriate. Venues have first aid points. Need ‘significant’ first aid incidents reported back to event team. The Leader in Charge of the group should also fill out the AON accident/incident form as appropriate.

Discover Day 2016 Risk Assessment Published 27 May 2016 9 I3 Home contacts for participants Low Medium Each group booking will be asked for a home Minor JB / MB Request as contact nearer the time. This information will part of booking be held by a dedicated person during the event process (JB / Safeguarding). Leaders reminded of rules regarding home contacts in joining instructions.

I4 Home contacts for event team Low Medium Volunteers will be asked for home contact Minor JB / MB details as part of volunteer logistics process. We may need to have a designated event safeguarding, logistics or first aid person/team holding the details. Shadows appointed and kept fully up to speed with their Team Leader.

I5 Need a home contact for the Low High Somebody not involved and not related to Intermediat AP/TS event anyone involved needs to be asked. We need e each group to have their own home contact and to provide that information nearer to the even. Our dedicated person would contact them if needed.

I6 Need an emergency procedure Low Medium Statements drafted, to be run by Region office Intermediat ClW staff, remotely if necessary. e

10 I7 Death of a participant, at any Low High No mitigation possible (activities on offer Intermediat ClW to build into point during event, regardless should not lead to death). e contingency plan of whether or not at a session organised by Girlguiding LaSER Notification likely to come via the mobile and appropriate event team members plus a First Aider need to be dispatched to location.

Response likely to involve supporting that group e.g. supervising girls, support Leaders, supporting First Aider. Home contact process needs to be activated.

CHQ needs to be contacted by Chair of M&C and AON Incident form completed by an appropriate senior volunteer.

Specific venues may also have paperwork that needs completing.

Anyone involved should be encouraged to seek personal support following such an event. I8 Bomb scare, either at a venue Low High No mitigation possible. Professional advice Intermediat ClW we are using; a change in the would need to be sought by CW/JS in liaison e threat level prior to or during with the venue’s staff and the police. This the event; or generally a bomb advice may be difficult to access in a general scare in London during the threat situation in which case CW/JS will have event to take a decision based on the information available, supported by the rest of the event planning team. Participant and volunteer safety and wellbeing are the utmost priority.

At venues, the event team should know the venue evacuation procedure to be followed and report back to the ‘duty mobile number’ and/or the central event team if a venue is evacuated. This information may also need to be shared with Leaders/participants on the day to stop them going to a venue that has been evacuated.

Discover Day 2016 Risk Assessment Published 27 May 2016 11 I9 Last-minute cancellations of Low Medium Outside in parks if weather good, otherwise Minor ND / ClW / FAQs / venues due to floods, blocked just have to apologise to participants and T&Cs drains, power cuts etc. make clear in booking process that meaning sessions either cancellations like this are outside our control cancelled or alternatives need and refunds will not be given. to be found I10 Transport disruption through Medium Medium Strikes generally don’t happen over weekends. Intermediat ClW strikes, closures, weather or Planned upgrades and maintenance highly e FAQs other reasons likely but are planned well in advance so we can advise participants. Make participants aware as part of event information – in T&Cs - that we cannot reschedule sessions or organise for them to attend a later session due to travel disruption.

I11 Theft of belongings during the Medium Low for the Participants and volunteers reminded not to Minor ClW joining event event; high to leave their belongings unattended as lots of instructions the individual members of the public will be around and concerned venues are not necessarily secure. Theft incidents should be reported by the person affected to the police and can also be reported to the duty mobile.

I12 Extreme Weather Medium Medium High temperatures will require additional Unknown ClW – joining drinking water to be available and shade for instructions to resting. Low temperatures could lead to illness include information if appropriate clothing not worn. Heavy rain about clothing, could make outdoor spaces unviable and contingency plan for indoor floor slippery. weather


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