The following bylaws serve only as a supplement to the Constitution and Bylaws of the Tau Beta Pi association. Some major points are repeated in the Chapter’s bylaws for clarification and guidance. In the case of and conflict of interests, the Tau Beta Pi Association’s Constitution and Bylaws will automatically take precedence.


Section 1: The University of Dayton’s Chapter of the Tau Beta Pi Association shall be known as the Ohio Theta Chapter.


Section 1: The object of this organization is to further engineering interests, promote and reward scholarship, and to perform worthwhile projects for community and university.


Section 1: (a) The membership of the organization shall consist of active members, alumni members, and members who are eminent engineers. (b) The active members shall consist of the undergraduate members and the alumni who pay the Chapter’s dues.

Section 2: The election of all members must comply with Article VIII of the Constitution and Bylaw VI of the Tau Beta Pi Association. Section 3: (a) Candidates for undergraduate membership must be students in the upper fifth of their regular engineering class at the beginning of their senior year or in the upper eighth of their regular engineering class at the beginning of their junior year. (b) Candidates for undergraduate membership must be enrolled in a program that meets at least one of the following criteria: 1. The program must be ABET EAC accredited 2. The program must be administered by the department, school, or, college of engineering and its name be on the list of ABET EAC accredited programs 3. The program name must be administered by the department, school, or, college of engineering and its name end with the word 'engineering.' (c) Students who have accumulated 96 semester credit hours will be considered seniors. Students who have accumulated 64 semester credit hours will be considered juniors. (d) A minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.00 is required. An alternate requirement for consideration to membership shall be recommendation by a department chairman of the School of Engineering, if such a person meets the requirements of section 3a and 3b above.

Section 4: Students who are eligible on the basis of scholarship shall be notified of their candidacy and those wishing membership shall be interviewed by a board of active members to determine if they meet the eligibility requirements of exemplary character.

Section 5: The election must be by at least a 75% affirmative of those members present and voting, not counting abstentions. The affirmative vote must be by a majority of the total active membership of the Chapter. (Refer to Bylaw V of the Chapter’s Bylaws).

Section 6: The process of election: (a) Read the eligibility code - section 3 above; (b) Names must be considered in alphabetical order. Seniors should be considered first, then juniors. (c) After the first ballot is complete, take a second ballot on failures; (d) No one may be considered after a second ballot unless 25% of the voting members request it; (e) No one is to be considered after failure on a third ballot, however he or she may be considered at the next election if then eligible

Section 7: (a) Those elected shall be formally notified of their election. (b) Where appropriate, the Chapter shall seek the reason for rejection or refusal of membership. Bylaw IV OFFICERS

Section 1: The elected officers of the Chapter shall be the President, the Vice-President, the Recording Secretary, the Corresponding Secretary, the Treasurer, the Cataloger, and a representative to the University of Dayton’s Joint Council of Engineers.

Section 2: (a) There shall be an election of officers in the first two weeks of April of each year. The elected shall take office as soon as they familiarize themselves with their duties and as soon as they receive the guidance and the records of the year just completed. (b) The officers shall hold office for one year. (c) The election shall be by secret ballot. (d) The officers shall be elected by a majority vote of active members present if only two members are seeking the office. If more than two members are seeking the office, a plurality of the votes cast is sufficient.

Section 3: (a) All officers shall perform their duties as outlined in Bylaw V of the Tau Beta Pi Association. (b) The President of the Chapter is responsible to see that all officers perform their duties in accordance with the Constitution and Bylaws of the Tau Beta Pi Association. (c) In addition to Bylaw V, section a, of the Tau Beta Pi Association, the President shall preside at all meetings of the Chapter and shall be the official delegate of the Chapter to the Annual convention of the Tau Beta Pi Association. (d) In addition to Bylaw V, section b, of the Tau Beta Pi Association, the Vice President shall take the place of the President in his absence. He shall also serve as the Chapter’s second representative to the University of Dayton’s Joint Council of Engineers.

Section 4: (a) The Advisory Board shall consist of the President, the Vice-President and the Corresponding Secretary of the Chapter and of four alumni members elected by the Chapter. One of the four alumni members shall be elected each year to serve a four year term. (b) The advisory Board shall act as an advisory and judiciary committee to determine the advisability of any action taken or proposed by the Chapter, which may be referred to it by a vote of the Chapter, or brought on its own initiative. All changes in the Bylaws of the Chapter must be submitted to, and approved by, the Advisory Board before going into effect. By a majority vote, the Advisory Board may forbid such action or change, subject to an appeal to the Executive Council.

BYLAW V QUORUM Section 1: A quorum for the consideration of routine business shall consist of one half the active membership of the Chapter; for the election of new members, for the changing of initiation fees or Chapter dues, and for the passing of an assessment on the members of the Chapter, three-fourths of the active undergraduate members of the Chapter; and for the approval or disapproval of a proposed amendment to the Constitution or Bylaws of the Tau Beta Pi Association or of the Chapter, three- fourths of the active members of the Chapter.

Section 2: Each active member shall have one vote.

Section 3: Active members alone have the privilege of voting.

Section 4: No member may vote by proxy.


Section 1: There shall be standing committees on Initiation, Program, and Service.

Section 2: Other committees shall be appointed as needed by the President.


Section 1: The regular meeting of the Chapter shall by held monthly.

Section 2: Special meetings shall be called by the President whenever he deem it advisable.


Section 1: Expenses shall be met by initiation fees and fund raising projects. If necessary, dues, consistent with the financial needs of the chapter, may be established at the beginning of each term.

Section 2: Assessments may be authorized by the Chapter at any meeting.

Section 3: The initiation fee shall be forty dollars.


Section 1: Amendments may be proposed by any active member at any regular meeting.

Section 2: Proposed amendments shall be voted on at the next regular meeting.

REVISED: March 24, 2004