UNIT #3 – ENLIGHTENMENT & 18th CENTURY Lesson #6 – The American Revolution (567-578)

I. England under George III (1760-1820)

II. Background in the Colonies

III. Conflict (1775-1783)

A. Resistance of Americans to British taxing

1. Sugar Tax (1764)–

2. Stamp Act (1765) – tax on official documents

American protest

1766 – Parliament removed Stamp Act

1 B. Crisis & Independence 1767 – Parliament passed laws; Americans protested

1770 – Lord North became PM; repealed taxes on all but tea

1774 – Intolerable Acts & First Continental Congress

1775 – clashes at Lexington & Bunker Hill; Second Continental Congress

1776 – All American ports opened for free trade to other nations Spain and France

C. American Political Ideas

English Civil War

Parliament & patronage system

D. Events in Great Britain George III had been having issues with Parliament

Whigs fought George – called him tyrannous

Parliament forced to restructure

E. Broader Impact of American Revolution