Unshrink My Heart By: Distorted G

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Unshrink My Heart By: Distorted G

Unshrink My Heart by: distorted_G

Rating: NC-17 Character(s): Genre: ALTERNATE UNIVERSE Warnings: NOT ANY Summary: After a difficult childhood, Brian has grown into a jerk that no one wants to be around. After some divine intervention, he is shrunken down to a few inches tall and it is up to a certain blonde twink to take care of him. Will Brian become an unusual pet to him or something more? It's a bit of a Crack!fic.

Completed: Yes 14 Chapters

Unshrink My Heart: Chapter 1 by distorted_G


The yell followed Brian as he walked out of the backroom, zipping up his pants after the less than satisfactory blowjob he had just received. Though a few people stopped dancing to stare at the cause of the ruckus, it hardly fazed Brian. At 29, he was an advertising genius, stud of Liberty Avenue, and had a massive…ego. He knew that he was the best, and when anyone else was anything less than him, he would tell them with no regard for their feelings. It didn’t matter if it was at work, on the street, or in the backroom, Brian held nothing back. After years of abuse from alcoholic parents, Brian had lost his childhood, and seemed to have sold his soul to get to where he was now. With every success, he would get a bit colder towards those around him. People cringed when he walked into the room, and Bob and Brad, the office idiots, had taken to hiding under their desks when they heard him coming. Even his best friend Michael, who he had known since he was fourteen, was starting to pull out of their friendship. None of this mattered to Brian though, because he was exactly who he wanted to be. He didn’t need friends, or family, and he most certainly didn’t need love. He was Brian fucking Kinney, god’s gift to gay P.A and he knew it!

With catlike grace, Brian walked to the bar and ordered a double beam, throwing it back with a slight wince.

“Excuse me…I’m new here and,” said a small voice to Brian’s left.

He looked down and saw a small red-haired man. He was quite good looking, but obviously very shy. Brian smirked. He didn’t need another less than stellar trick. What he needed was some entertainment. “Can I help you?” asked Brian, trying to put on his most innocent face.

“Well, I was hoping we could dance, and maybe later go back to my place?” the redhead asked, looking more and more hopeful.

“Well I’d absolutely love to” Brian said, trying hard not to laugh as the smaller guy beamed up at him. It was too pitiful. The guy was almost bouncing he was so excited.

“This is great! We’re going to have such a good time! Do you like dogs? I bet you like dogs. I have two of them called Mitzy and Stanley” The guy was so excited, he started to ramble. It quickly bored Brian, and so he figured he’d end it quickly.

“There’s only one problem” Brian interjected, cutting off the man’s seemingly endless flow of words.

The man looked up at Brian questioningly.

“The problem is” Brian said slowly, “that I’m too good for you. You’re pathetic! Go back home, and buy some peanut butter on the way, because the dogs are the only action you’ll be seeing in a while.”

Crushed, the small man ran out of Babylon, leaving Brian holding his stomach while trying to control his laugher. Over in the far corner of the bar, a shadowed figure had watched the whole scene, unnoticed by Babylon’s other patrons. Mysterious Marilyn had been watching Brian for weeks, and at first she had thought that Brian would get better, but with each passing day, he only seemed to become colder and harsher.

“Now this won’t do” she said, watching the man run out the doors.

She turned to Brian.

“You need to be taught a lesson. To understand that there are other good things in the world, and that you are not the only one who matters. You need to see somebody else’s eyes…but who? A child? No, a child would be too young to teach you anything. An adult? No, and adult would be too easy to be scorned. How about a twink? A beautiful twink, 18, no, 17 years old. Yes, that’s who I’ll send you to.”

Mysterious Marilyn muttered these words while folding her handkerchief into the shape of a lotus flower.

“May this bring you happiness and knowledge,” she said, throwing the flower-hankie up into the air. It rose up to the rafters, and then slowly began to sink, moving along the bar at the same time. It paused when it was directly above Brian’s head. It then gently unfolded and settled on Brian’s head and face. Brian began coughing and spluttering as the strange fabric covered his eyes and mouth. We ripped it off and threw it to the ground.

“Who the fuck did that?” Brian yelled, jumping off his bar stool. He would tear the culprit apart! No one made a fool of him! Not anymore!

Looking around at the laughing faces, Brian stormed out of the club, muttering under his breath about demented queens.

Too angry to drive, Brian walked towards the park to let off some steam. Brian stopped, feeling sick. Figuring that it was the alcohol, he sat on a park bench, waiting for the nausea to pass. The feeling did not pass though. Brian began to shake. He felt as though snakes were crawling up his body, creating a tingling sensation everywhere they passed. With shaking hands, Brian reached for his mobile, knowing that this wasn’t the effect of any alcohol he had drunk. Before he could press ‘send,’ his entire body began shaking and convulsing. The world went dark as he passed out, the phone falling to the ground.

Unshrink My Heart: chapter 2 by distorted_G

Brian Brian rubbed his head. This was easily the worst morning-after he had ever experienced. His entire body ached. It was as though he had been wrung like a towel, folded, and then left for dead. He opened his eyes, and did a double take. He did not recognize a thing. He was definitely not in his loft. Looking down, he saw that he was completely naked. Taking in his surroundings was difficult because he was nearly in complete darkness. The walls all felt padded, as though made of cloth, as did the floor. The floor was uneven though, with large lumps covered in cloth that felt like boulders. Something about this place didn’t sit right with him. He pushed his way through the cloth until he could see daylight. As he emerged, he looked around. Upwards, he could see the sky. It was a beautiful day, which was always a plus. Looking around, he saw strange plants, some taller than he was. They were like grass, but massive! A bit of movement out of the corner of his eye caught his attention. He turned quickly, hoping it was a person he could ask about this strange place. Nothing could have prepared him for what he saw. Letting out a scream, he dove back into the fabric, shaking and trying to get his head around what he had just seen. At first glance it looked like a black ant, which is not too strange. What was strange was that it was the size of a house cat! It couldn’t have been though, Brian thought rationally. Ants didn’t get that big. Slowly, cautiously, he climbed back outside. The ant was gone now, so Brian decided to take in a bit more of his surroundings. A shadow came over him, and he looked up to see what it was. A giant was reaching down to him. It was just too much. Brian fell backwards into the cloth in a dead faint.


It was Saturday morning, and Justin was home alone for the weekend. He was walking home from Daphne’s house, having spent the night there watching movies and talking about boys…one of their favourite pastimes. Justin only lived a few houses away, but it was a beautiful day, and something compelled Justin to take a long way home. Justin sat on a bench, enjoying the heat on his face as he stretched. Lazily, he watched people walk by. This was one of his favourite pastimes. He could sit for hours watching people. Sometimes, he’d imagine he was one of them, making up life stories and scenarios to put himself in. He waved back at a nice looking lesbian couple that waved at him. Justin grinned, wondering if he’d ever find a man to love that would love him back. Justin laughed at that thought. He’d probably have to come out at school to meet anyone, and Chris Hobbs already made his life hard enough already, calling him a fag and beating him up whenever he could. Justin pulled out his sketchbook, wanting to forget about Chris. He scanned the area looking for a good scene to draw. A small beep pulled his attention away from his search and back to reality. Justin put down his sketchpad and looked around for the source of the noise. It seemed to be coming from under the bench. Justin peered under and gasped. It was a cell phone, and not only a cell phone, but also a man’s clothing! The clothes were very nice, and obviously wouldn’t belong to one of the homeless men that usually lived in the park.

“Fuck, someone must have been kidnapped!” Justin said.

He grabbed the phone, preparing to call the police. After thinking for a second though, Justin thought to look for a wallet to see if it would identify the owner of the clothing. Justin reached down and began to rifle through the clothes looking for some identification. He reached something small and warm. He figured it must have been a small animal, so he carefully got rid of the cloth that it was wrapped in. He moved slowly and carefully so as not to disturb the animal. As he peeled away the last bit of cloth, he gasped. It was a tiny man! The man stirred a bit as the cold air hit his skin. Justin picked the man up and gently placed him in his one hand, cupping the other hand over him to keep the little human warm. Justin had never seen someone this small before. He couldn’t be more than three or four inches tall!

How could he explain this to the police? He couldn’t just call and say, “Hey, I found a shrunken man, please send help.” They would think he was crazy! Then again maybe he was. He would have to handle this problem on his own.

After a few minutes of consideration, Justin pocketed the cell phone and walked home, slowly so as not to jolt the tiny human. Unshrink My Heart: Chapter 3 by distorted_G

When Justin got home, the little man was still asleep. He almost thought he was dead, except for the fact that he could feel the little guy’s chest rising and falling.

“It’s kind of chilly in here, I’d better get you some clothes” Justin said to the little man, who was still unconscious.

Gently Justin placed the man on a pillow in his room and walked across the hall to his sister Molly’s room. He figured he could borrow some of her Barbie and Ken clothes because they’d fit the little guy well enough. He wasn’t too worried about Molly noticing, she didn’t play with her Barbies as much as she used to…and because she was used to Justin playing with them when she wasn’t around.

“Okay, I’ll have to dress you since you still aren’t awake. Let’s see what will fit.”

Justin looked through his handful of clothes. He decided that it would be too hard to put the sleeping man into the pants and shirts, so he chose a neon pink dress for the man. Justin giggled as he put it on. He hoped that the little guy wasn’t picky about clothes, because if he was, the pink dress would probably upset him. Justin kind of hoped that he could keep the little man as a pet. He was allergic to every animal, but he definitely wasn’t allergic to humans. Plus, it would be nice to have someone to be able to tell secrets, and if he kept the little man, he would have a captive audience.

When the dress was on properly, Justin moved Brian onto the pillow on his bed, and grabbed a patch of the quilt his mom was currently trying to make to serve as a duvet that wouldn’t crush the little guy.

Justin pulled out his sketch pad, and began to draw the man on his pillow. It was almost too strange to believe, but even if it was a hallucination, he would at least have this image recorded forever on paper. Just as he was putting the finishing touches on the drawing, the little man stretched and opened his eyes.

Justin leaned forward, not wanting to miss a thing.

Brian slowly got his bearings. Everything once again looked massive, so he figured that he was either still dreaming, or that he hadn’t been dreaming before. Brian looked up to the giant, and began to scramble out of his quilt square, wanting to put some distance between them. “Shh, relax little guy, I won’t hurt you” Justin said, putting his hand on Brian’s torso, effectively holding him down.

Brian stopped squirming, realizing that it was futile, plus, the hand covering him was starting to get heavy.

“There’s a good boy!” Justin cooed.

Brian rolled his eyes. Now that he realized he was in no immediate danger, he was reverting back to his sarcastic nature.

“Well little guy, I guess you are wondering where you are.”

“No shit” Brian said back, unable to help himself.

Justin, unable to hear the little man’s voice continued as if uninterrupted.

“My name is Justin Taylor, and you are in my bedroom. I’m 17 years old and go to Saint James Academy. It’s this private school I hate it! Anyways, my best friend is called Daphne, you’ll like her, and she’s nice. I found you in a pile of clothes this morning, and you seemed cold and alone, so I brought you home!” Justin said with a smile.

Brian, unimpressed, stood up to take a look around the room. The neon pink quickly caught his eye, and he looked down. The colour assaulted his eyes, and the fabric was clearly not from any designer worth anything! Brian shrieked and pulled the offending garment off.

“No little man! Don’t! You’ll get cold and get sick!”

Justin picked up the dress and began to reach for Brian again.

“Oh no you don’t! I am NOT putting that on!” Brian yelled as he ran around the bed.

Justin, having the advantage of not being a few inches tall, managed to grab him, but this time, it was much more of a struggle to get the dress on. Finally, the Velcro was all done up, and the little man was once again wearing the hideous dress.

As soon as Justin put him down, Brian ripped the dress off and began gesturing wildly at the larger person. Justin laughed as he watched the little guy waving his arms and stomping his feet.

“Okay, okay, little man, you don’t have to wear the dress. I’m not letting you go starkers though, it is too cold.”

With that, Justin picked up the little guy and placed him next to the pile of clothes he had selected. Brian sorted through the clothes, cringing at the sight of the colour and feel of the material. Finally, he chose a pair of baggy pants, and a cape. The pants were too long for him, so he rolled them up. He didn’t care for any of the “Hawaiian Ken” or “Fancy Ken” shirts, so he went for a velvety cape. It could at least provide warmth, though Brian suspected he looked ridiculous.

“Aren’t you a clever little man?” Justin said as he watched him roll up his pants and do up the clasps of the cape.

“I guess I’ll have to name you. I can’t keep calling you little man. How about Rudy?” Justin said, and laughed as the little man began shaking his head and stomping his feet.

“Alright then. What about…Brian? I just watched that Monty Python movie, and it’s a pretty sweet name.”

Little Brian began nodding and jumping around joyously.

Justin laughed. Life with Brian would be anything but dull.

Unshrink My Heart: Chapter 4 by distorted_G

Hours had passed since Justin had brought Brian home, and he was starting to get hungry. “Okay Brian, what shall we have for lunch?” Justin asked, mostly thinking aloud since he didn’t expect Brian to answer.

“I guess you can have what I have, though in a smaller portion” Justin continued as he turned on the kitchen radio and looked for some music.

“Low fat!” Brian yelled “It has to be low fat!”

Justin, unable to hear him, picked up his little friend and carried him down to the kitchen. He tried not to jostle Brian too much as he walked down the stairs. Gently, he sat Brian down in the fruit bowl and started to prepare a sandwich for himself. Brian looked down and saw that he was literally straddling a banana. Brian laughed to himself…that was how he planned to end his Friday night. He definitely didn’t plan on shrinking and spending his weekend with a twink. Bored with musing over the banana, Brian looked back over the see what Justin was doing.

The blond was still making his sandwich, but was now moving his hips in time with the music. Brian watched, mesmerized as the blonde’s ass swayed from side to side as he gyrated along with the song. Brian felt his pants growing tighter, and shifted around trying to get comfortable.

Justin, finished preparing lunch, walked towards the bowl of fruit to collect the tiny man. “Here we are buddy, I’ve made myself a sandwich and figured we could share it; you’re hardly big enough to eat one of your own.”

With that, Justin started tearing off very small pieces of ham, bread, and cheese. He put the morsels to the side of his plate, making them easily accessible to Brian.

At first Brian wanted to refuse the food. He was too good to eat someone else’s scraps! Hunger quickly overcame him though, and he set himself to the task of making a sandwich for himself out of the pieces of food Justin had set aside for him.

Justin watched as he assembled and ate his lunch, with only one thought going through his mind

‘Damn, this is way better than a hamster.’

Unshrink My Heart: Chapter 5 by distorted_G

Lunch passed in silence. Brian didn’t talk because he knew he wouldn’t be heard, and Justin, ever the polite country club child, would not talk with his mouth full. Justin reached for a can of pop, and flicked the seal open. The resulting snapping noise was very loud and shocking to tiny Brian, causing him to drop the last of his food and topple over. Justin, who watched the whole thing, began laughing so hard that the hand holding the can of pop began to shake. Though he did not drop it, he managed to spill a lot of the fizzy beverage on the table…and on little Brian.

Tidal waves of pop crashed over Brian’s head, forcing to his knees. Fizzy waves rolled towards the edge of the table, leading to a breathtaking drop. Quickly, Brian grabbed on to a fork that was lying on the table, trying to stop himself from being swept away.

Justin stopped laughing when he saw the plight of his tiny friend, and quickly grabbed him and lifted him up.

Brian was relieved to no longer be in danger of falling off what was basically a cliff, but was now faced with the problem of being very wet and sticky.

“Ugh, this is absolutely disgusting” he said as he struggled to a crouching position on Justin’s hand. Slowly, carefully, he removed his cape and pants, throwing them away from himself as he did, not caring where they landed.

“I think you need a bath” Justin said as he watched the little man removing articles of clothing. A shower would not work, the pounding water would crush Brian, and a full sized bath would drown him. He needed to be washed though. Justin thought for a few seconds and decided to use a bowl. He ran warm water and filled a cooking bowl to a level where Brian could sit easily without having trouble breathing.

“Okay little man, I need to clean you up, you’re all sticky.”

Justin picked him up and placed him in the warm water. Brian immediately began scrubbing the dried sugary drink off of himself, almost frantic in his need for cleanliness. Justin watched him get clean and picked up a bar of soap with one hand, while scooping up Brian in the other.

“Hey! What are you doing?” Brian yelled, feeling very cold and manhandled.

Justin kept him still in his one hand, while getting a bit of soap lather with his other. Slowly, he used his soapy hand to rub Brian down, covering him with suds. He was careful not to hurt his tiny companion, while at the same time meticulously touching every part of Brian’s body, wanting to remove all traces of his pop mishap.

At first, Brian protested, but when one of Justin’s large fingers accidentally brushed up against his groin, the brunet arched his back and allowed him to be touched.

Justin smiled at how affectionate his little pet was being, completely oblivious to how he had just touched the man in his hand. By the time he was done, Brian was almost writhing in pleasure. Justin, still unaware of what Brian was feeling, gently put him back in the water.

“What the FUCK!” Brian yelled when he was suddenly up to his chin in luke-warm water, very unhappy with this latest turn of events.

“I’ll go find you a towel” Justin said smiling and left the room.

Brian grumbled discontentedly and reached down to finish what Justin had started. When Justin returned, Brian was thoroughly sated and pretty sleepy. Justin picked him up and sat him on the counter. He used a fluffy dry facecloth to dry him off. He wrapped the man in it and carried him back to his room. By this point, Brian was asleep, so he laid him back down on his pillow with the quilt square overtop, deciding not to put him in a dress this time.

Unshrink My Heart: Chapter 6 by distorted_G

Justin was sifting through the other Doll/Barbie and Ken clothes in Molly’s room. Judging from Brian’s rejection of the first round of clothing, Justin could tell that he was most definitely picky and would not be very welcoming of anything less than the best. “Damn!” Justin swore as he reached the bottom of the box of clothes. There was nothing that the brunet would like!

Justin ran down the stairs to find a copy of the yellow pages, and flipped through it until he came to a toy store specializing in doll clothes and accessories.

Justin ripped out the page and stuck it in his pocket. He smiled. That afternoon, the two of them would get to go shopping! Justin loved shopping. I didn’t matter who it was for, or what it was, shopping was one of his favourite pastimes. Justin reached for the phone to call Daphne. This was just too fun; he had to let his best friend know what he was up to.

He dialed the phone and called Daphne, telling her to come over for the afternoon because he had something cool to show her. He didn’t dare tell her what it was because she would think he was playing a joke on her, and also because she couldn’t stand not knowing things.

Minutes later Justin could hear thumps as Daphne ran up the path to his front door. Before she could ring the door bell, he pulled the door open, to find her looking slightly disheveled with her arm poised to press the buzzer.

“Hey” she panted “what are you going to show me?”

“Anxious much?” Justin laughed. He led her in to the kitchen and gave her a glass of water, which she drank greedily.

“Okay, enough stalling, what are you going to show me?” Daphne asked, still panting slightly.

Justin grinned and motioned for her to follow, while placing a finger over his lips, telling her to remain silent. Daphne nodded and walked quietly behind him up to his room. She followed him in, looking around and not seeing anything very interesting or out of the ordinary. When Justin started leading her to his bed she stopped him.

“Justin, seriously, I’m over it. I don’t want to have sex with you again!” She said, exasperated.

Justin covered her mouth with his hand and shushed her again. He turned her around and pointed to his pillow.

“A doll?” she mouthed silently

Justin gave her a look clearly saying ‘what the fuck’ and reached over to Brian. Gently he woke him up since they needed to head to the store soon. Daphne gasped as the little guy began moving around, grumpy after having been woken up.

“Holy shit Justin is that thing real?” she asked, unable to believe what she was seeing.

Justin grinned and nodded, picking up the little naked man before he could fall asleep again. Brian pouted at being called a thing, and tried to hide under one of Justin’s fingers, feeling uncomfortable under Daphne’s stare.

“So..” Justin said to break the awkward silence, “I need to buy him some clothes because the only ones I have in his size are not to his satisfaction.”

“Damn right” Brian said from under Justin’s pinkie.

“Great” said Daphne, “we’ll just walk to Banana Republic, choose some clothes and say ‘we want these in size negative a hundred’?!”

Justin laughed “no Daph, we’re going to a specialty doll clothing store.”

Daphne squealed, “Yay! This is going to be just like when we were little and played Barbie on the weekends.”

Brian began laughing; he could just picture the twink playing with Barbies.

“Hey Jus, I think it’s laughing at you” Daphne said as she watched the little man shake.

“Ha ha very funny Daphne, he can’t understand us, and he’s a ‘he’, not an ‘it’.”

With that, the three of them set off to the store, Daphne and Justin on bikes, Brian curled up in Justin’s shirt pocket. Unshrink My Heart: Chapter 7 by distorted_G

Brian held on to his head with both hands, trying to keep it from shaking. The twink and his friend had linked arms and were skipping from the bike racks to the door of the shop. The rattling from stones under the bike’s wheels had been uncomfortable enough and had made Brian’s teeth chatter, but this bouncing was unbearable! The motions stopped when the teens reached the door, not wanting to seem immature to the shop keeper, despite the fact that it was a toy store especially designed for spoilt girls and immature adults.

The shop keeper gave the teens a calculating look when they walked in the door, but ignored them because he was already busy with a blonde girl and her expensive-looking mother. Justin and Daphne didn’t mind though, they wanted to keep their Brian a secret and couldn’t do that very well with a hovering sales-man watching their every move.

The two of them walked sedately down the aisles, much to Brian’s pleasure. When they reached a section of male doll clothes, they stopped. Justin and Daphne looked for clothes in what looked like Brian’s sizes. Since this was a posh store where things were meant to be realistic, the clothes were on tiny hangers, which suited their needs well. Brian deserved clothes that fit after the first ensemble Justin had put together for him.

“Okay Brian, we have some clothes for you. Try them on, and we’ll buy you some.” Justin said to his little brunet.

Daphne rolled her eyes. Her friend was talking to it way too seriously, as if it were a real human adult.

Brian allowed Justin to place him on the floor and walked over to the clothes that they had laid out for him.

‘Not too bad!’ Brian thought. Evidently the twink had good taste, and the clothing fiasco in the house had only been due to lack of resources. Brian tried on various pairs of pants and shirts. With every article of clothing that fit, he would bring it to Justin and place it by his feet. When he was done sorting through clothes, Justin picked them up and placed them in his shopping basket. When they were done, he had selected 2 pairs of black pants, a pair of jeans made out of actual denim, 6 silky shirt in black, burgundy, and navy blue, and a soft sweater. He didn’t want any of the shoes that had been chosen for him because when it came down to it, he just didn’t like wearing them. The blond had forgotten to get him underwear, but it didn’t really bother him. The pants were soft and he was used to going without. “I can’t believe it did that! What a smart little thing!” Daphne exclaimed.

“Daph, I told you, it’s not a thing, it’s a he, and he is very clever. Aren’t you Brain?” Justin said the last part to his miniature brunet.

Brian smirked and stuck his tongue out at Daphne, whose eyebrows rose close to her hairline as she watched him.

Sighing, Brian walked over the Justin’s hand so that he could be put back in the pocket. He didn’t want any weirdo that owned a doll shop to see him. Brian had bad luck when it came to attracting freaks, and at this size, he was hardly able to defend himself.

The man at the counter ignored Daphne, while quite obviously checking Justin out.

“That’ll be $38.02” the man purred.

Justin shuddered and put two twenties on the counter. Doll man picked them up and handed Justin the change, being sure to touch his hand in the process.

“Thank you” Justin said tersely, grabbing Daphne’s hand and pulling her out of the store.

“Oh my god, he was so checking you out!” Daphne yelled when they left the store. Justin glared at Daphne “Shut up, don’t talk about it again, he was soooo gross!”

Inside the pocket, Brian narrowed his eyes. Though the kids were laughing now, he still felt unsettled. He didn’t know why, but he was starting to feel very protective of his twink.

“Let’s get back before my mom gets home.”

Brian groaned when he heard this. He was definitely not looking forward to another bike ride.

Unshrink My Heart: Chapter 8 by distorted_G

Brian felt positively nauseous by the time they reached Justin’s house. Despite the frequent naps, the overly exciting day had taken a lot out of him, and the bike ride had shaken him up a lot. He held his stomach and closed his eyes, waiting for it to pass while Justin parked his bike.

“I’ll see you later Jus” the girl said cheerfully, giving Justin a friendly goodbye hug. Brian poked his head out of the pocket to look around and she patted his head as though he were a tiny dog. “Bitch!” Brian said, not liking being treated like a sub-human, scowling in her direction.

Daphne didn’t catch any of it though and kicked off again, heading towards her house.

“It’s getting late bud, I’ll make us some dinner and then we can chill for a bit.” Justin said to the man in his pocket.

The walk into the house still shook Brian, but nowhere near as bad as the bike ride had. When Justin placed him on the banana again, he didn’t even think twice about it and lay back, closing his eyes.

Justin was a good cook when he wanted to be, but tonight wasn’t one of those times. He dialed pizza hut and asked for a pizza with every topping available.

“Okay buddy, pizza for dinner, it should be here by 7:30” Justin said, grinning. He hoped Brian liked dinner, pizza was his favourite.

“Oh hell no!” Brian cringed. Pizza was already bad enough, but carbs after 7 was definitely something that he would not do.

Justin picked him up again and took him to the backyard, wanting to spend some time outdoors with Brian, figuring that some fresh air would be good for him. He sat on a wooden Adirondack chair, putting Brian in the large flowerpot next to him. Brian, unhappy with not exercising at all that day, began trying to use the plants for exercise. He started using the wire frame meant to keep the tomato plant upright. Reaching up, he grabbed on to a horizontal bar and began doing chin-ups. By the time he got to twenty, his arms were shaking and he was sweating profusely. He unclenched his fists, and let himself drop back down, grimacing as his bare feet got covered in soil. Wanting to work on his legs a bit, he began walking along a fern, climbing as high as possible before sliding back down. The exercise was wonderful, much better than the gym and more interesting. At first Brian was totally focused on the climb, but soon he was climbing up as quickly as possible so that he could slide back down. Looking around, he spotted a very tall fern that looked to be an angle of 50 degrees from the ground. Brian grinned and started climbing it. When he got to the top, he took a deep breath and let go, yelling in excitement as he slid down the long stem. As he sped along, he began gaining velocity, such that he wouldn’t be able to slow down. As the bottom approached, he grabbed on to his head and got into a crash position. At the bottom he was propelled a few inches into the air (which was a lot considering his current size) and landed in a mud puddle. As the wetness went through his new clothes he began to laugh. He hadn’t gotten this dirty since he was Gus’ age. Brian almost forgot his predicament; he was having the most fun he had in years, and it didn’t even involve getting naked. Brian got up and pulled himself out of the puddle. Giggling like a schoolboy, he pulled off his soiled shirt and pants, slinging them over his shoulder. When he got out of the thickest part of the foliage, he searched out a spot where the late afternoon sun was brightest. When he found it, he lay out his clothes to dry and walked back into his ‘jungle.’ Tugging fiercely, he managed to remove a leaf from a nasturtium and placed it in the sun. The brunet lay down on his stomach. This was definitely a wonderful way to get an even tan, and he didn’t need to worry about anyone seeing him naked outside, other than the twink, but he didn’t count.

The sun had begun to set, and Brian woke up from his sun-induced sleep. Now that the sun was gone, he was getting cold. Brian reached for his clothes, but found that they were still muddy and wet. Brian grabbed them and held them in a bundle close to his chest, and started to walk the perimeter of the flower pot to find his twink.

As he came to the correct side, he began to panic. The twink was gone! He was cold, wet, and alone, stuck in a flowerpot, hungry, and had no chance of survival. Brian began to hyperventilate. He curled up into a little ball to keep the warmth close to him, and tried to make a plan.

“Pizza’s here Bri!” Justin said, bursting out of the house.

“Thank god!” Brian said, unbelievably happy to see the boy. “Where are your clothes?” Justin asked frowning.

Brian walked over to the pile and lifted it up for Justin to see.

Grinning at his clever pet, Justin stuffed the clothes in his pocket, scrunching up his nose when he felt how muddy they were.

“Now Brian Rudy Taylor!” Justin said, using Brian’s full name (or what he guessed it was) to scold him, “This is no way to treat your clothes!”

The speech was more of a jest than actual discipline, and Justin stopped his speech when he looked at his pet.

The little man was shaking, and holding his knees to his chest for warmth.

Justin gasped and picked him up, the warmth from the pizza boxes still lingering on his hands.

Brian snuggled into Justin’s hand, hugging a finger for warmth. Justin lifted him to his mouth and kissed the back of Brian’s head in a silent apology for letting him get so cold.

Back in the house, Justin used a facecloth full of warm water to clean Brian up, and dried him gently. When he was done, he handed Brian another pair of pants and the sweater he bought for him earlier that day. Brian smiled, grateful for the warmth and sat himself down, ready to eat some pizza, 7:00 rule be damned!

Unshrink My Heart: Chapter 9 by distorted_G

Brian snuggled into the pillow Justin had placed him on before he went to take his shower. It had been a long day, and he was tired, but he did not want to sleep. He had had more fun today than any other day in his life. Brian was scared that if he fell asleep, he would wake up to find that it had all been a dream. The creaking of a door hinge alerted him to the fact that Justin had entered the room. Lazily, he lifted his head and smiled at the boy. It was hard to believe, but after just one day, the twink was already worming his way into his heart.

The blond snuggled under the duvet and reached over to Brian.

“Goodnight little man, let’s get some sleep. We have another big day ahead of us tomorrow.” Justin craned his neck along the pillow and gave Brian’s head a kiss.

With that he reached over to the bedside table and tuned off the lamp. His arm ended up on his side, with his hand on the pillow next to his head. Brian looked over to the sleeping blond. The bed sure was big, and he was feeling kind of lonely. In an almost childlike manner, he picked up his quilt square and carried it across the pillow to where Justin’s hand was.

Brian lay back down, cuddling up to the warm hand and covering himself with the quilt. He sighed, realizing that he had never felt more safe and loved. He could get used to the feeling.

Hours later, Brian was woken by a very loud moan coming from right beside him. He looked over to the blond to see what was happening, since he was the only other person in the room. Justin was on his back with both hands beneath the sheets. Brian was too small to get a full view, but he could see Justin’s arms flexing and moving. His face was a picture of pure bliss. His eyes were closed, and his mouth was open. He was panting heavily and a faint sheen of sweat had broken out on his forehead and upper lip. The entire bed shook when Justin arched his back and came. Brian had to duck under his quilt square to avoid getting hit by a string of the lad’s cum. Despite the nearly fatal cum-shot, Brian had still heard the name Justin gasped when he came. He had said, ‘Brian.’

Justin was no stranger to wet dreams. They were basically a common occurrence for him. Usually they involved nameless, faceless men and boys his age, but not tonight. Tonight it had been a handsome brunet with full, coral lips and dancing hazel eyes. The man was familiar, and yet in the dream Justin couldn’t place him. Having little experience, the dreams usually involved the faceless men kissing him, touching him, and holding him, leaving him slightly disappointed. Not tonight though. The hazel eyed stranger had evoked feelings of lust that put every other dream to shame. When he came tonight, he came so hard he thought it had hit the wall behind him, and left him unable to catch his breath.

It wasn’t until minutes later when he realized who the hazel eyed stranger was. It was Brian, his little pet human Brian! Somehow having wet dreams about his pet seemed very very wrong.

He looked over to his side to where Brian was sleeping, hoping that he hadn’t been awake for his performance. No such luck. The little man was wide awake and staring at him. Justin blushed a bright red and turned away, pulling the sheets up over his head. Now that’s awkward.

Unshrink My Heart: Chapter 10 by distorted_G

Justin woke early, despite his broken sleep the night before. His little friend was still sleeping, which suited Justin just fine. After last night’s performance, he didn’t think he could face the mini man. Just looking at him was enough to bring a blush to his face. Quickly, he put some clothes on and went downstairs to make himself some breakfast. It was a Sunday morning, which meant Justin had plenty of time to cook them something. Justin usually liked a good bowl of Cheerios in the morning, but he figured Brian wouldn’t be able to eat a bowl of cereal. Heck, Brian was smaller than the spoon! Justin began mixing up the batter, deciding to make it from scratch after having ordered out dinner the night before. He kept the kitchen radio on a low volume and avoided knocking the dishes together subconsciously wishing that Brian would sleep in as long as possible.

By noon, Justin had eaten, and was starting to worry about his little friend. Justin always slept late, but never passed noon, and so he began to worry that mini-Brian was sick. Quietly he walked back upstairs and opened the door. Brian was on a flat part of the mattress doing sit-ups. Justin smiled at how human- like his pet was, and walked over to him, picked him up, and carried him downstairs

Breakfast was a very sticky affair. Justin had torn up little pieces of pancake and put them on the side of his empty plate. There were remnants of syrup on the plate, and Brian had to walk to the centre of the plate to get to them. To drink, Justin had filled the cap of the Tropicana carton with orange juice. Brian was too small to hold cups, and so he had to scoop juice up to his mouth, cupping his hands together. When Brian was full, his hands and torso were splattered with juice, and his feet were covered in syrup. Luckily, Justin recognized his predicament and ran him another bath-in-a-bowl. The blond was distracted this morning and didn’t try to clean Brian as thoroughly, thus avoiding the bath problems from the day before.

When Brian was dry, Justin handed him a pair of his special mini pants and a shirt, and then proceeded to put him down on the couch in front of the TV.

“Okay Brian, I just remembered a few minutes ago that I have a calculus test tomorrow, so I’m going to turn on the TV and leave you alone for a little while.” Justin patted his head and flicked to MTV. He figured that Brian would enjoy music and there was little to no plot for him to have to follow.

Brian sat down, disappointed at not getting to spend the afternoon with the blonde. Instead, he resigned himself to an afternoon of television.

At first Brian was skeptical, making fun of the videos, even though no one could hear him and the fact that MTV played the same videos over and over again made him angry. By the second hour of watching TV, the songs were starting to stick in his head, and he found himself wanting to dance along with the pussycat dolls, or strut around like Beyonce. By the third hour, he found himself doing just that. The asinine lyrics became a calling to him, which he had no power to deny. He found himself singing and dancing along with the people on the television, doing moves that would make Emmett jealous. In a particularly rousing verse of “Milkshake” by Kelis, he began to pivot himself, spinning in a circle, waving an arm above his head in a mix between Emmett’s ‘praise Jesus’ and a lasso-motion, while loudly (though not loud enough to be heard by Justin) singing “My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard, DAMN RIGHT! It’s better than yours…”

A loud snort alerted him to the presence of someone else in the room. Brian’s head shot up, and he looked to the direction of the noise, to see his twink struggling to keep himself from laughing. Brian blushed bright red and covered his face in his hands out of embarrassment, causing Justin to laugh so hard he had to brace himself on the side of the couch. Brian turned around and put on his shirt, which he couldn’t remember taking off.

‘Damn, that music has brainwashing abilities, no wonder kids today are so fucked up’ Brian thought, trying to justify his moments as a dancing-queen.

Justin chuckled as he watched Brian dress himself. He began to think to himself that not many people could dance that well, or at least, not any of the kids at Saint James. There was only one possible explanation. He had thought he had picked up a regular little shrunken man, but he had actually found himself a shrunken stripper!

Unshrink My Heart: Chapter 11 by distorted_G

Justin had been trying to study for hours and had gotten no where. Usually, the house was full of noise: his dad yelling at the television watching sport, his mom clanking around in the kitchen, his sister being a brat. Not this weekend though. Silence reigned through the house, distracting him more than his family ever could. Faintly, he could hear the television that he had turned on for Brian. Justin ginned. Brian would be good company while he was studying.

He snuck up on the little man, wanting to make him jump again, and couldn’t help but laugh when he saw Brian dancing to Kelis, shaking his little behind, swiveling his hips, and making some strange arm motions. He could have sworn that his little man was blushing when he rushed to redress himself. Once the brunet was redressed, he scooped him up and carried him upstairs. Justin’s desk was strewn with notes, graphing paper, and pencils. Eraser dust was sprinkled all over the papers from Justin’s futile attempts at his homework. Justin placed Brian on the desk and settled down to start his calculus again. Brian hadn’t done calculus in years, but calculus, like riding a bicycle, is a skill you never forget.

For a while, Brian sat back and watched the blond furrow his brows and sigh, obviously not getting it. “I don’t know what’s wrong, Brian, I’m trying to factor but I just can’t! This should be easy, but it isn’t. I’m so frustrated!”

Brian stood up and walked over to Justin’s math, taking a look at his ‘impossible question.’ It took a few minutes for him to figure it out. The problem he was factoring needed to be in negative b plus/minus square root of b squared minus four a b divided by two a form, where as Justin was trying to factor by putting the problem in brackets. Brian frowned. He didn’t want his twink to be upset for no reason and this question was easy, but he was too small to be heard. Brian looked around, and saw the calculator. It was a scientific calculator, and could suit his needs easily. Brian walked over to the monster-sized calculator and began walking around in between the buttons. Every time he wanted to press a button, he would lift his foot up high and stomp on the keys.

Justin watched in amazement as his pet studied his math, and was absolutely dumbfounded when his pet began to purposely stomp on his calculator keys.

After about a minute, Brian stood on the enter key and got off the calculator, grinning at his blond. Justin picked up the calculator, and looked at the numbers on the screen. He then picked up his textbook and checked the back.

“Oh my god.” Justin swore. “You’re right.!”

Justin picked up the calculator and looked back at what Brian had done. This was not a simple coincidence. It was intelligent thought, carried out by the little man. Brian grinned up at him like a Cheshire cat, pleased that he had managed to help his twink.

“Well Brian, that was brilliant. You have to do my homework with me more often.”

Justin proceeded to do his homework, Brian sitting and watching, stepping in whenever Justin needed help.

When the rough work was done and Justin could finish for himself, Brian got up and began to explore. Avoiding major road blocks such as books and art supplies, he made his way over to the other side of the desk.

Brian gasped; in front of him stood a beautiful 2007 red Ferrari. Slowly, he walked around it, gently stroking the car, admiring its paint job, and looking inside at the interior. Brian smiled, he was free to do what he wanted, and the car wasn’t locked. Carefully, he opened the door and stepped inside. The seats were patent leather and smelled new. Brian reclined his chair and smiled. This was the life for him!

Justin watched fascinated as Brian explored his model car display. His father had been upset with him when he refused to try out for any sport teams, but the two of them had found a middle ground in model cars. Craig Taylor loved model cars; as a boy he had spent many a Saturday making them with his friends. Justin equally loved painting them and doing the intricate work necessary to piece them together. The father and son had managed to bond through the cars, putting their differences aside. The models had gotten more and more complicated, leading up to the miniature Ferrari. The mini Ferrari was an exact scaled down replica of the actual thing, right down to the material of the seats, the colour of the paint, the reclining seats…hell, the only thing the car didn’t have was the ability to be driven, and even that was made up for by the fact that it could be driven by a remote control. When Brian got in to the car, Justin couldn’t help but notice how happy he looked sitting in it.

When Brian began moving the steering wheel, Justin got an idea. If it weren’t for Brian, he never would have finished his homework. He needed to find a way to reward his pet, and only one way came to mind.

“Hey Brian” he said, stooping down to be eye level with the car. “I’m going to move the car to the floor and let you take it for a spin.”

He gave Brian a few minutes to brace himself and then lifted the car up and put it on the floor with Brian inside it. He then grabbed the remote control, and activated the car.

Brian was shocked when the car started to move, but quickly caught on to what was going on. Smiling, he did up his seatbelt and put his hands on the wheel. Justin stood behind the car and turned the speed up a notch. Soon the car was speeding though the upstairs level of the house.

Brian was having the time of his life. He trusted Justin implicitly and every sharp turn and small ramp was thrilling. He cheered as the car whizzed through the upstairs.

Justin stopped the car when the car started to make strange noises.

“Hey Bri, the car’s batteries are dying. We need to stop now.” Justin said, picking the car up and opening the door for his little friend.

Brian got out and hugged Justin’s hand, happy as anything to have gotten a ride in a Ferrari, even if it was only a toy. An hour later while he watched Justin finish the last bit of his homework, he realized that he was still smiling. This was new. Brian couldn’t think of the last time he smiled for a few seconds, let alone for hours on end. Before he came to Justin’s home, every time he caught himself smiling, he made extra sure to be a jerk to whoever made him let down his guard and do something as undignified as smiling. Now though, he smiled at almost everything and wasn’t ashamed to be caught doing it. He didn’t like smiling or showing any emotions because it meant that he could be hurt, but when he was here, he had done nothing but smile, hug, and show his true self, and what really boggled his mind was that nothing bad had happened. Justin had shown him love and compassion, even when he got himself dirty and muddied his new clothes. His parents beat him as a child for less than that. He had worked so hard to put his past behind him, but what did he get from it? Money, luxury, tricks…but what was the point in having all that if he didn’t have anyone to share it with? His family didn’t love him any more than they did when he was a child, his friends had abandoned him entirely, and he none of his tricks wanted him for anything other than sex. While he was with Justin, he didn’t have money, or expensive furniture, or gratuitous sex, but he had the things he had desired most back when he still allowed himself to have feelings. He had solid friendships, he had comfort, and he even had…love.

With that Brian decided that he wasn’t going to worry about the work he would be missing, or the possessions he would lose if he never got back to normal size. He had everything he could ever want right here.

Unshrink My Heart: Chapter 12 by distorted_G

Brian was pulled out of his reverie as a large white sheet blocked his view of the rest of the room. Justin had finished all of his studies for the weekend and wanted to get some painting in before he was thrust back into the throes of everyday life. He lifted Brian up, and then placed him back down, allowing for the entire desk to be covered. The sheet itself had obviously been white at some point, but now it was so splattered with paint and charcoal, it could very well be considered Technicolor.

The blond reached under his desk and pulled out three bottles of prime coloured paint. With precision, he placed a dollop of blue, yellow, and red paint on his makeshift pallet and began to mix them to form a rainbow. Brian was amazed as he watched Justin create a full spectrum of colour using only 3 to being with. Next, he grabbed two canvases, one medium sized, and one smaller. He placed the smaller one face up next to him and started to paint on the larger one.

Brian looked at the paint. Justin was enraptured with what he was doing, and not paying much attention to him. Brian had enjoyed art when he was in school, and had been pretty good at it, if he did say so himself. Sneakily, he moved over to the pallet. The first colour he wanted to play with was blue. Brian believed that it was truly the most beautiful colour there. If he had looked closer, he would have noticed that it was the colour of Justin’s eyes, but Brian was not one to over analyze his actions. Slowly, he reached out and placed both hands in the concoction. He kneaded the paint until it was squishing between his fingers, and then he walked back over to the upturned canvas, careful not to drip on the sheet even though it was already a mess. At first he was content painting with his hands and fingers, but soon he wanted more. Brian used a corner of the sheet to scrub his hands clean, and then removed his shirt. The next time he went to get paint, he smeared it all over his arms. He then proceeded to ‘army crawl’ across the painting. When that got boring, he removed his pants and rolled in the paint, covering every bit of himself. He then ran at the canvas and rolled his way across it. Soon, he was running between the paint and the canvas, sliding his way across the wet paint, as though it were a giant “Slip and Slide.”

Brian had used his body, his arms, his fingers and toes, his head…but there were still some parts left unused. With that, he walked over to the pallet and sat on a large spot of paint, and then did a half sitting waddle over to the canvas, and sat himself down heavily. Carefully, he stood up, not wanting to smudge the prints. Brian laughed. There was now a perfect print of his ass on the canvas, and to the unknowing eye, it could be anything, but Brian knew what it was. When the canvas was suitably covered, Brian got up and admired his work. It wasn’t a Picasso, but it was pretty damn good!

Justin moved his brush down to the area on his pallet where the green should have been. He then stroked the brush across his canvas. When the colour that appeared was a strange brown, and not a forest green, he looked to his pallet to see what was wrong.

Not one colour was where it was supposed to be. There were skid marks all across it, tracking one colour into the other, and mixing them together. Justin couldn’t figure out how his colours had gotten so muddled…that was until he looked at the other canvas. When he had pulled it out of his drawer, it had been white, but now, it was an odd, yet strangely beautiful pattern.

“Huh, paintings don’t make themselves…how did this happen?” Justin asked himself.

It was then that Brian made his presence known. Brian was once again naked, only this time his entire body was covered in paint. A particularly large trail of yellow paint had slicked a portion of his hair up so that it was standing straight up, and he was walking slightly stiffly since the paint was drying, slowing sticking his body parts together.

“Well aren’t you incredible. You can dance, do math, and paint. Right now though, you need a good long soak; acrylic paint doesn’t come off to easily and you are absolutely covered little man.” Justin said, carrying Brian downstairs.

Brian looked up at him questioningly when Justin picked up a towel as he walked to the backyard. Justin put Brian down when they got to the patio and opened up his hot tub, undressing himself in a matter of seconds. Brian grinned. This would be a fun way to get clean. Justin eased his way in, holding Brian above the water until he was in entirely. Justin then cupped Brian in his hand and put him in the water up to his neck.

Justin began to gently rub Brian down, knowing that if he rubbed too hard, it would hurt Brian, but that the paint wouldn’t dissolve without his help. Brian felt boneless and wonderful as Justin, the hot water, and the gentle jets of water worked their magic on him. Justin cupped both hands around Brian’s body, shielding him from the massive hot tub, while giving him some room to swim and wash his own hair. It took about twenty minutes, but eventually Brian was paint free and his hair was no longer looking like something out of Dragon Ball Z.

Justin then grabbed a Fisher Price floating boat toy and sat Brian in it, allowing him to stay wet, while not making it necessary for Justin to watch him the entire time. Plus, it gave Justin the chance to turn on the jets.

Brian was happy as anything with this latest adventure. The boat swirled through the hot tub with the movement of the water jets, and splashed him constantly, keeping him warm. Brian smiled. He felt like he was Johnny Depp in that movie Mikey had dragged him to a few years ago…back when they were still on speaking terms. What was it called? Pirates something. Brian grinned. As far as sexy sea men went, Johnny Depp had nothing over him.

Unshrink My Heart: Chapter 13 by distorted_G

When Brian woke up, Justin was already gone. He looked over at the clock and saw that it was just after 8, and Justin was probably already at school. On the pillow, there was a large chunk of blueberry muffin and a cap full of water. Brian smiled. Even though the twink had to leave, he had still provided him with breakfast.

As Brian finished the last bits of his muffin and juice, he heard someone walking towards the room.

“Shit, I forgot Justin’s family was coming home last night!” Brian said to himself, and quickly scrambled over to one of the cars that was on a lower part of the desk and got in, hiding from the intruder.

A tall (or at least tall compared to Brian’s current height) woman with blonde hair walked in to the room and looked around.

Brian watched as she tidied up the room, starting by picking up clothing off the floor. Her eyes widened as she found the bag from the doll store and some of the clothing still inside it.

“What is Justin doing playing with dolls clothes?” she asked herself before moving on to the rest of the room.

She then walked over to the bed, clucking her tongue at the muffin crumbs and spilt water on the pillow. Bran grimaced, knowing that Justin would be getting a telling-off when he got home. He felt even worse when he saw Jennifer’s reaction to the cum on the wall behind the bed. Brian figured Justin hadn’t cleaned too carefully because he was embarrassed, but that wasn’t a good excuse now that his mother was in his room, judging his actions of the weekend. Jennifer then lifted up the mattress of Justin’s bed, looking under it and pulling out the things hidden underneath.

“Hey Woman! Stop that! That’s Justin’s private collection, leave it alone!” Brian yelled, outraged.

Jennifer, unable to hear him, sat herself down on the bed and began looking through the sketchbook hidden underneath. Brian poked his head out the window, trying to see what Justin had been hiding from his parents. Each page was full of sketches of naked men, their body parts, and graphic pictures of men together. Justin had even included himself in some of them. They were very well drawn, but Jennifer was not snooping to find out about Justin’s artistic abilities. Her eyes filled with tears as her long standing suspicions about Justin were confirmed. Daintily, she wiped her eyes, careful to not smudge her makeup, and then left the room, taking the sketch book with her.

The door slammed shut, and Brian could hear yelling and crying coming from downstairs, followed by another door slamming.

‘This can’t be good’ Brian thought, settling himself down for a long day.

*** Justin came straight home from school, excited about seeing has family after having not seen them for a few days. He was also anxious to see Brian, worried that his mom had found him, or that he got hurt somehow. Overall it had been a good day. He had been commended on his calculus homework that had been perfect, due in no small (pardon the pun) part to Brian.

“I’m home!” he yelled as soon as he came in the door.

The house was oddly quiet. Usually Molly ran to the door to meet him, cartoons blaring in the background, and his mom would often have a snack prepared for him. Today though, none of this happened.

“Hello?” he asked, starting to feel nervous.

“Justin” Craig said, his voice monotone, yet menacing.

“Dad? What’s going on? Where is Molly?” Justin asked, starting to feel afraid.

“We sent her to the neighbour's house.” Craig replied, the timber of his voice not changing.

“Justin, we found some things in your room that we want you to explain to us.” Jennifer Taylor said, wringing her hands in a nervous manner that would have made Lady Macbeth proud. “You were in my room? You had NO RIGHT!” Justin yelled, al the while trying to figure out what was in his room that they could have discovered.

“You are OUR son, this is OUR house, so we can do whatever WE want to do!” His father yelled back, temper already flaring.

“First off what are you doing with these?” Craig said, throwing the doll clothes at Molly.

“Um, well, they are a gift for Molly, you know how much she loves her dolls” Justin said, hoping that they bought it.

Craig had no come back for that, since he rarely spent time with his daughter, and therefore didn’t know what she did or didn’t play with.

“Darling, you know your sister hasn’t played with dolls in ages.” Jennifer said, looking away when Justin glared at her.

“Alright then, explain this” Craig said as he threw Justin’s sketchbook at him, opened to a particularly explicit picture.

Justin gulped, unable to find words

“I want you out of this house. Now. You have 10 minutes to pack, and then I want you to leave.” Craig said, turning his back on Justin. The blonde looked to his mother for support, but she was holding her face in her hands, crying. Justin should have known she’d never stand against her husband.

Justin grabbed his sketch book and the clothes, and ran upstairs. He pulled a duffle back out of his closet and began stuffing things that he’d need into it: extra uniform, underwear, weekend clothes.

Brian walked out and waved wildly to Justin, having heard the fight downstairs. Justin walked over to him and picked him up, sticking him in his blazer pocket. He didn’t want his dad to hurt Brian. He then grabbed the keys, wallet, and cell phone that came with the shrunken man, and walked downstairs.

He parents were watching him silently, ready to step in if he made a scene. Justin hung his head and walked out, shutting the door on his childhood home, family, and life.

*** Justin had been wandering aimlessly for hours, trying to figure out where to go. Daphne’s house wasn’t an option. Her parents wouldn’t let a boy spend the night with their daughter, it simply wasn’t ‘proper.’

Sighing, he sat down on a park bench and pulled out his calculator. He had about a hundred dollars, and so he needed to figure out a budget for what he could spend that day on food and accommodations. Any good hotel and edible food would be expensive, and after only 3 or 4 days, he would be on the streets.

Brian peeked out of the pocket, and when he saw no one was around, he started to climb up Justin’s body to get to the calculator.

“Hey little man” Justin said sadly, “Do you have a cure for my financial problems too?”

With that Justin put the calculator on his lap along with Brian.

Brian shook his head. He knew how it felt to have no options, and would do anything he could to help the twink that had given him back the desire to live.

Slowly he walked across the calculator, tuning it on alpha mode and wrote out “Corner of Tremont top floor.” Justin looked down to see what he had written, and gaped. Brian had given him the address of a place to sleep for the night. He wondered if it was safe, but then rationalized that it would be safer than sleeping on the streets. With that, he began walking to Tremont’s old warehouse district.

He used the keys that Brian had come with to let himself in and gasped. The building looked like a dump from the outside, but inside, it was like something from an interior decorating magazine. Justin walked through the loft, touching the soft Italian leather furniture, and checking out the shower that could easily fit two people. When his stomach growled, he ordered himself a large pizza, knowing it would serve as dinner for more than one night since he now had a fridge to put things in.

When the pizza arrived, he sat himself down and cut a bit off for Brian, who took it without complaint.

As soon as he was done eating, he walked over to the large bed and turned on the blue lights. He placed Brian down next to him and lay down on his back, staring at the ceiling.

“Why can’t they accept me” Justin whispered to the silent room, and began to shake with tears.

Brian’s heart went out to the boy. He knew how hard it was to not be loved by his parents and how scary it was to be alone in the world.

Brian walked over to Justin’s head and began to gently stroke the curve of his ear in what he hoped was a soothing way.

“Don’t worry Jus, it will all work out. I promise you will never have to worry about food or shelter while I’m around… I love you.”

As Brian whispered the last words, shooting pains began to hit his chest. At first he thought he was having a heart attack due to what he had said. The pain soon spread though to every part of his body, and he began to convulse.

“Brian? BRIAN!” He could hear Justin yelling for him, and knew that he was scaring the boy. Frankly, he was terrified himself.

Just as the pain seemed to become unbearable, he began to feel his body growing.

Unshrink My Heart: Conclusion by distorted_G

Rivulets of cold water ran down along Brian’s temple, pooling in his ears as the cold compress on his forehead started to melt. Justin watched the unconscious brunet, not knowing if he should call the hospital, or if he should wait and see if his not-so- tiny friend woke up. Justin took the time to examine Brian, wanting to capture every detail in his memory. Gently, he ran his artistic fingers along Brian’s muscled arms, down to his strong hands. He traced Brian’s lips and jaw, ran his hand down Brian’s chest, and examined his toes. He was also checking all the while to make sure that he had no other injuries from the speedy growth. A groan pulled his attention back to the man’s face.

Justin started to pull his hand away, but Brian caught it in the air, and pulled in back to his body, along with the rest of Justin. The blonde cuddled into his friend, his head on Brian’s chest.

Brian brought his hand up and began to card his hands through Justin’s hair as he slowly regained consciousness.

Justin rubbed Brian’s stomach, pressing his ear to the firm chest, allowing the older man’s steady heart beat to sooth him.

The body beneath him tensed as Brian lifted his torso up with his arms, forcing Justin into a sitting position.

“Justin?” Brian asked, disorientated after his ordeal

“Yeah, it’s me, are you alright? What’s going on, why are you big? Is your name really Brian? What’s up with you being small?” Justin asked.

Brian grinned, “Slow down Jus and I’ll answer your questions. First, yes, my name is Brian. Brian Kinney, not Brian Rudy Taylor. And do you really want to know my story, because it might take a while.”

“I would definitely like to hear your story, Brian Kinney, even if it takes a year.” Justin said as the two of them lay back down, putting his head on Brian’s arm and snuggling into Brian’s side.

“I was raised in a lower-middle class Irish family. My father never wanted to have me, and took to beating me whenever he could while my drunken mother turned her head the other way. I only survived because of my best friend Michael and his mother’s help. They cleaned me up when I was a bloody mess, fed me, and offered me a place to stay when things at home got too rough. When it was time for college, I worked hard to be the best at what I do, and continued that trend right up until now. I stopped caring about the people around me; people only lead to disappointment and pain. Soon though, I had no friends and the people at work cover when I enter a room. I filled the void left by not having friends by tricking every night. Each night I brought home a different man, fucked him, and then sent him away. Soon even that wasn’t enough, and I began purposely hurting the feelings of those around me. Fate intervened, and I was shrunken down to a height less than the length of my dick, and was found by you.”

When Brian finished his story, he lay there, thinking about his past.

Justin knew he had to break the somber mood. The blond shimmied down Brian’s body until he was hovering above Brian’s dick.

“What are you doing?” Brian asked as he felt eyes on him.

“I wanted to see if you truly were shorter than your dick…and you were.” Justin said, grinning. Brian began laughing, Justin joining in as well. When their laugh was done, they lay on the bed, side by side.

Justin looked over to Brian out of the corner of his eye, catching Brian doing the same thing.

“Come here” Brian said, and rolled Justin over onto his side.

Brian leaned in and looked into Justin’s eyes before gently kissing the boy who had taken care of him the past few days. Justin moaned and pressed his mouth harder against Brian’s, using his tongue to try and gain entrance into Brian. Brian groaned and rolled them over so that he was on top of Justin, and kissed him roughly, pushing his tongue into Justin’s willing mouth where the two of them battled for dominance.

“Brian” Justin said, pulling away from Brian “I want you to be my first.”

Brian smiled reassuringly at him and began to kiss his way down Justin’s chest.

Justin watched through heavily lidded eyes as Brian moved lower and lower. Brian pressed a kiss to the tip of Justin’s dick, causing his eyes to roll back.

Brian then began to suck, taking in only the tip. He swirled his tongue around the head of Justin’s dick, and then slowly began to bob his head up and down along the shaft. Brian tightened his lips and sucked it all the way in, deep-throating him. He then relaxed his throat, allowing Justin to pump his hips and fuck is face.

Justin came with a shout, never having experienced anything like what Brian had done to him ever before. His legs were trembling as he lay back trying to catch his breath.

Without allowing him time to recover, Brian grabbed both legs below the knees and pushed them up towards his stomach. Justin’s eyes opened, and he tried to look down to see what Brian was doing.

Brian grinned as he felt Justin squirming to get a view, and gave his ass a long wet lick all along the crack.

Justin jumped at the unexpected sensation and tried to pull away.

“Shhh” Brian said. “Relax, you’ll enjoy this.”

Justin lay down again and tried to relax as Brian had suggested.

Brian smiled at him and then dropped his head back down. He slung Justin’s legs over his shoulders and used his hands to spread his cheeks wide open. Brian began to circle the hole with his tongue while kneading and rubbing Justin’s perfect ass. The circles got smaller and smaller until Justin was completely relaxed. Brian then stiffened his tongue and pushed it into the rosebud hole before him. Justin let out a keening cry as he was breached. Brian continued to wiggle his tongue inside the opening, and Justin started to push back, trying to get more of the appendage inside.

When Justin felt loosened enough, Brian grabbed the lube and squeezed some out onto two fingers, warming it up. He then moved back up to kiss Justin while slowly easing one, then two fingers into the waiting hole. Justin winced in discomfort initially, but was soon riding the fingers like a pro.

Brian got up onto his haunches and shrugged his shoulders, making sure that Justin’s feet were still secure, and began to slowly push in.

“Wait, stop, it hurts” Justin said, scrunching his face up in pain as Brian pushed through the first ring of muscle.

“You’re doing fine Jus, just wait, the pain will go away and you’ll feel incredible” Brian said, rubbing Justin’s stomach to relax him.

Brian then pushed in the rest of the way once Justin’s muscles had eased from their death-grip. Justin gasped when Brian was fully seated, his balls resting against his ass, feeling comfortably warm.

“Ready?” Brian said

Justin nodded, and Brian began to pull out, and then slowly push back in. Justin moaned as Brian’s cock stroked his inner walls. Justin threw back his head and moaned. The sound made Brian’s cock become impossibly harder. The two undulated together, perfectly in tune to each other. Justin came first, the feeling of his cock rubbing against Brian’s stomach and the sensation of Brian pounding into his prostate was too much, and he to shoot his seed between them. As the walls of Justin’s ass tightened, Brian began to thrust wildly. Soon he was staying in as deep as he could, jabbing into Justin’s prostate with each push. To keep from yelling, he began to suck on Justin’s neck, knowing that it would leave a dark mark the next day. Justin became hard again from the constant assault on his prostate and when Brian came, the pulsing of his dick as he released his seed caused him to cum as well.

Brian grabbed the condom and pulled out. He lay down, throwing his leg over one of Justin’s thighs, laying his head down on his shoulder.

“Well, I don’t know about you, but I’m starving” Brian said once they got their breathing back to normal, breaking the tension before it could even start. He put out a hand for Justin, and hoisted him off the bed.

Justin allowed himself to be pulled forward even further and landed in his arms, chest to chest. The two kissed sweetly, and then headed off to the shower to clean up before they went out.

Brian adjusted the temperature to a level that would suit Justin’s skin, figuring the near scalding water he usually used would not suit Justin. The two washed each other, exchanging a quick kiss every once in a while.

When the water ran cold, Justin grabbed a towel and began to dry Brian off. Brian raised an eyebrow in question.

Justin shrugged “Old habit I guess” he said and continued to do what he was doing when he received no protests.

Brian grinned and grabbed another towel from the rack and began to dry Justin off at the same time.

“New habit” he said and kissed Justin on the nose.

Justin smiled and the two left the room to get dressed.

Brian threw on a forest green D&G shirt and a pair of Armani jeans. Justin looked at him slack jawed.

Brian grinned at the reaction and reached out a hand to the boy. Justin looked down, embarrassed by his messy cargos and school t-shirt.

“Look at me” Brian said, raising Justin’s head with two fingers. “You look beautiful, no matter what you wear” Brian said, and kissed him on the lips.

Justin gave Brian one of his brightest smiles.

“Come on sunshine” Brian said, and draped his arm across Justin’s shoulders. Justin laughed at the nickname, but still wrapped one of his arms around Brian’s waist in return. Together the two of them walked down the stairs and over to Liberty Avenue.

“Come on in here” Brian said “This is where my best friend Michael’s mom Debbie works. Mikey, Ted, and Emmett used to meet me here for breakfast every day, and sometimes for dinner before we went to Babylon.

“You miss them” Justin said, reading between the lines.

“Sometimes” Brian replied “But it’s too late to get them back”

Justin shook his head and led Brian into the diner before he could change his mind.

“Where’s Debbie?” Justin asked, looking around for one of the people from Brian’s life.

“Believe me, when she’s here, you’ll know right away” Brian whispered, leading Justin over to a booth.

Brian slid in first and was surprised, yet pleased, when Justin slid in next to him. Brian ordered a coffee and toast, while Justin ordered orange juice and a massive stack of pancakes with extra syrup. “The food here will make you fat” Brian said after the waitress left.

“Then you’ll just have to help me work it off” Justin said cheekily, not letting Brian revert to his old ways.

When the food came, they ate silently. It also seemed like a habit between them. A few times, Justin caught Brian checking out his pancakes.

“Do you want one?” He asked.

“No, definitely not, do you know how bad they are for you?” Brian asked back.

“Just one bite won’t hurt” Justin said, spearing a large piece of pancake and covering it in syrup.

“No” Brian said, his face firm.

Justin lifted the pancake up to Brian’s mouth and began trying to push it in, covering his cheeks and lips in syrup in the process. As soon as Brian began to laugh, Justin shoved the food in his mouth, laughing all the while.

“How was it?” he asked as Brian swallowed.

“Amazing” Brian drawled, pulling Justin in for a syrup sticky kiss. “Well I don’t believe my eyes, is that the great Brian Kinney gracing us with his presence?” a voice drawled from the doorway.

“Emmett” Brian said, pulling away from the kiss.

“Now who might this tasty morsel be” Emmett said, sliding into the other side of the booth. “I’m Justin” Justin said, a bit dazed by the colourful man in front of him.

“Well sweet heart, I’ll be glad to show you around!” Emmett said.

Brian glared at him and pulled Justin into his lap, circling Justin’s waist with his arms.

“We’re just leaving” Brian said, dropping a twenty on the table.

Emmett got up with them.

“Sweety, just to warn you, Brian isn’t someone you want to hang around. He’ll just use you and leave you, and I don’t want to see you hurt.” Emmett said quietly into Justin’s ear.

“Well Sweety” Justin said sarcastically “Brian is my friend and I will only be hurt if you hurt him. We’re leaving” and with that, he put his arm around Brian’s waist and the two of them walked out, leaving a very confused Emmett standing alone in the diner. “I told you Jus, I can’t get them back. It’s too late; they’ll never trust me.” Brian said sadly.

“Brian, you are the sweetest, most lovable person I’ve met. It doesn’t matter who you were. All that matters is who you are now. Times change and people change with them. I love you, and I won’t allow your relationship with your friends to end this way.” Justin said, looking into Brian’s eyes.

“What should I do?” Brian asked, completely inexperienced with this sort of thing.

“Get to know them again, and give them a chance to get to know you. You are the only one who can and I know you will be able to; you’re a genius!”

Brian grinned, knowing Justin was thinking about how he helped him do his calculus.

“I could have a dinner party tonight” Brian thought out loud, getting excited. “I’ll invite all of them, Debbie, Michael Ted, Emmett, Vic, Lindsay and even Melanie; I can get to know them all together over again.”

Justin smiled at Brian. “That sounds great Bri, you can do it.”

“We can do it, together.” Brian said, and with that, the two of them stepped forward hand in hand to face a new life together. The End

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