The Challenges of Freedom

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The Challenges of Freedom

8th grade World History Ms. Morgan

A LITTLE INFO ABOUT MS. MORGAN  I’ve been teaching 8th grade in Littleton since before most or all of you were born (started in Sept. 1998). This is my 17th year teaching 8th grade in Littleton!  I have two sons, Casey (7) and Garrett (4). My husband is a Spanish teacher at a private school. We all love soccer and music. They love rough housing.  Just like you, I like sleeping in during the summer and taking more than 20 minutes to eat lunch, but I always try to make the best out of reality once school starts.  I hope it’s a fun and educational year for everyone!

CURRICULUM The time periods studied in 8th grade history begin with Europe after the fall of the Roman Empire. We study a variety of topics involving Europe as well as the rest of the world. The specific topics that we'll study are listed below. Middle Ages Islam Development of Christianity African Empires Byzantine Empire Mayas, Aztecs, Incas Renaissance & Reformations Ancient China Scientific Revolution European Exploration

GRADING  You have a lot of control over your grades in history. Earning a good grade requires consistent and effective effort from you.

 Each assignment is worth a certain number of points. For example, a homework assignment might be worth 10 or 15 points while a test or project will be worth 100 points.

 Then, each category of work has a certain weight-

Homework= 20% Classwork= 20% Quizzes/Tests/Projects= 60% Ms. Morgan loves clip art and having the clip art say random things. If you wish to get a good grade in history, you should try sincerely and consistently. HOMEWORK Why it’s assigned  to practice skills  learn about new topics  reinforce and extend the material learned in class Why it’s important  to learn new material  so you can connect to what we are doing in class  it contributes to your grade How I grade it Homework is graded differently depending on the purpose of the assignment. I have listed the various ways that I assess homework.  for completion, quality, and following directions  for completion  homework quiz (this assesses the quality of your notes; 2-3 a trimester at most)  not assessed in any way Doing your own work  Homework is individual work (unless otherwise noted).  Your work shouldn’t resemble or be the same as another student’s work!  Review the student handbook if you are unsure what constitutes cheating. The middle school homework policy in the student handbook  Please review it. I believe strongly in the policy & worked hard with other members of the LMS community to create it.

WEBSITE AND EMAIL ADDRESS Website Email [email protected] I will get back to you as soon as I can. I do not always check my email in the evening, but if you have an issue with homework and email me in the evening I will see it in the morning and know you made a sincere effort to be in touch with me about any issues.

LATE WORK Most assignments can be turned in late for partial credit. It's better to do an assignment and turn it in late than not do it at all. An assignment is considered late if it is not ready to be turned in or checked when I ask for it in class. You will lose five points for a late homework assignment and a late project will lose one-two letter grades.

• Homework Late homework needs to be turned in by the Friday of the week it was originally due in order to still receive credit. Exceptions to this policy may be made in case of absence or for larger homework assignments.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday If you don’t turn If you don’t turn If you don’t turn If you don’t turn Turn in HW due in today’s HW, it in today’s HW, it in today’s HW, it in today’s HW, it today or it’s a needs to be done needs to be done needs to be done needs to be done zero (exceptions by FRIDAY to by FRIDAY to by FRIDAY to by FRIDAY to made still get credit. still get credit. still get credit. still get credit. sometimes). LATE WORK continued

• Projects You will lose one or two letter grades depending on how late the project is. Specific guidelines will be given out when it’s relevant.

ABSENCES If you are absent, it's your responsibility to get your work. This should be done at the very beginning of class.

If you are absent, you need to:  check for a packet with your name on it in the front of the room,  read the packet and make up any necessary work, and  turn in any assignments that were collected or checked so that you can get credit for them.

If you are absent the day before a project is due, you are expected to turn in the project on the scheduled date. The same is true for most major quizzes and tests.

EXTRA HELP (or just a place to do homework) I am available one or two days a week for extra help, usually Tuesday and/or Thursday. They are usually written on my homework website.

EVERY student is capable of doing well in my class, if you put forth a decent amount of effort both inside and outside of class. If you do assignments regularly and participate in a positive way to the class you will do fine. Most students in the past have earned a C- or higher by completing most or all of their work and putting effort into the work. Your choices will determine your level of success in history.

MATERIALS The required materials for history are:  a 1 ½” 3 ring notebook (used for history work ONLY)  sheet protectors  5 dividers  a 2 pocket folder (for history work ONLY and NOT part of your binder)  green or multicolored pen(s)  a jumbo sized book cover  thin markers or colored pencils (to be used at home) Please bring the binder, sheet protectors, dividers, and 2 pocket folder to class on MONDAY SEPTEMBER 8. GUIDELINES AND EXPECTATIONS In order for me to perform my job effectively and for learning to take place there are certain expectations that I have. You know what it takes to be a good student and have a good class. I expect that you will understand and follow these guidelines.

1. Behave in a RESPECTFUL and DECENT way towards all people, ideas, and materials in this class. Some, but not all, examples of this include: • just being nice (but not phony),  speaking with the appropriate volume, . moving around the room in a calm manner, • accepting other people's ideas even if you don't agree with them, • keeping your book covered and in a good condition, and • using classroom materials nicely.

2. Speak when it’s your turn. Raise your hand if you would like to speak and wait to be called on.

3. Bring all books and materials to class. This includes your binder, history folder, a writing utensil, and your covered textbook (when required). A good attitude will also be helpful and you should be willing to put effort towards each day's activities.

4. Keep your hands, body parts and objects to yourself. Do not touch someone else's property unless you have permission. Control your body.

5. Use language appropriate for school.

CONSEQUENCES FOR MISBEHAVIOR The consequences for failing to be respectful and/or disrupting the learning environment are listed below. Occurrence #1- Warning Occurrence #2- Lunch or after school detention Occurrence #3- Referral to the office Any severe infractions could lead to an automatic detention or office referral.

I have read and understand Ms. Morgan's guidelines for class.

______Student signature Date

______Parent/Guardian signature Date

CUT OFF THE WEBSITE ADDRESS BELOW IF YOU’D LIKE. 8th grade history website GRADING  You have a lot of control over your grades in history. Earning a good grade requires consistent and effective effort from you.

 Each assignment is worth a certain number of points. For example, a homework assignment might be worth 10 or 15 points while a test or project will be worth 100 points.

 Then, each category of work has a certain weight-

Homework= 20% Classwork= 20% Quizzes/Tests/Projects= 60% Ms. Morgan loves clip art and having the clip art say random things. If you wish to get a good grade in history, you should try sincerely and consistently.

GRADING  You have a lot of control over your grades in history. Earning a good grade requires consistent and effective effort from you.

 Each assignment is worth a certain number of points. For example, a homework assignment might be worth 10 or 15 points while a test or project will be worth 100 points.

 Then, each category of work has a certain weight-

Homework= 20% Classwork= 20% Quizzes/Tests/Projects= 60% Ms. Morgan loves clip art and having the clip art say random things. If you wish to get a good grade in history, you should try sincerely and consistently.

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