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Niranjan Kumar Palla +91 98 49 49 30 30

NIRANJAN KUMAR. PALLA +91 98494 93030 [email protected]


 Le ad UI /UX Design er with o ver 15 + yea rs’ exp erie nce d eve lop in g an d d esign ing on lin e in tera ctive p ro du cts, We b/mob ile con ten t, use r e xpe rie nce s, inf orma tion a rch it ectu re , en te rta inmen t a nd ne ws med ia syste ms, e -comme rce syste ms, a nd ap ps for t he iPad an d iPh on e mo bile p latf orms.  Ext en sive e xperien ce in cre atin g h igh ly in te ra ctive, tech no logy- rich a pp lica tion s f or mobile, web , a nd TV.  Prove n ab ility to t hink o ut of the bo x a nd de velop cre ative, eleg an t solu tion s t o comple x in tera ction prob lems  Avid p ra ctition er o f u ser-cent ered d esign meth od olog ies an d usa bility prin cip les  Exp ert in pro ducin g ta sk flow ma ps, wireframe s, mock-u ps, de ta ile d fu nctio na l spe cif ica tion d ocume nts an d int eractive pro tot ype s  Ad ep t at ga the rin g an d tra nslat in g b usine ss re quiremen ts a nd use r ne ed s in to go al-orien ted , u ser-cent ered so lutio ns  Prove n ab ility to wo rk collab ora tively with deve lop ers, p ro du ct man ag ers an d visua l d esig ners in sta rtu ps a nd la rg e sca le comp an ie s  In -de pth kn owled ge of sof tware/a pp lica tion d eve lo pmen t pro cesse s, a nd met ho do lo gies from co nce pt to delivery  Prof icie nt in HTML5 a nd CSS3,  Exp ert in P ho tosh op , I llu strato r, Dre amwea ver.


Tools: 15 + yea rs of visu al a nd inte ra ctive soft wa re prog ra m exp erien ce . Ra pid learn in g capa bility of ne w prog ra ms an d cont in ua l inte re st in deve lop in g te chn olo gies. Co nsid erab le e xpe rie nce wit h the fo llo win g:

Adobe: Drea mwe ave r, P ho tosh op , Flash , I llu stra to r, Pa ge Ma ker Rapid UI/UX Prototyping : Axu re , Balsa miq , S ha re Poin t, Omnigraf fle, Visio UX Management: Project, E xcel, Go og le Do cs, Other: CSS3 , HTML5 , Ja vaScript , Jq ue ry, B ugzilla, Fireb ug , G oo gle Ana lytics, Micro soft W ord

Re sea rch a nd a na lysis to id en tify a nd classify b usin ess o bject ive s, use r nee ds system/p ro du ct cap ab ilities, b usine ss co nte xt, broa d con cep ts, and vit al d eta ils. En visio n p ossib ilities. Sp ecify UI fun ction ality.

Inte rface /inf orma tion /na viga tion de sig n tha t is ce nt ered on th e use rs’ nee ds a nd ab ilitie s while a lso ref le cting th e orga nizat io n sche me in a wa y t ha t is e asy t o u nd ersta nd an d op erate . Pag e la yout p ulls a ll d esig n elemen ts tog eth er sea mlessly.

Visua l/ grap hic de sig n tha t emp lo ys pa ge la you t, color, an d typ og ra ph y to prese nt in fo rmat io n a nd con tro ls clea rly an d at tractive ly.

Te amwork : Sh are ide as, coo rd in at e wo rk, ne go tiate , an d so lve prob le ms. Co mmitte d t o co lla bo ra tion .

Co mmu nicatio n : E xplain the a pp lica tion a nd clarif y te chn ica l co nce pts and key p oin ts to a variety of au dien ces. Goo d writte n do cume nta tion of id ea s, re quiremen ts, d esign s, p la ns, a nd prese nta tion s t ha t is clea r, concise a nd to th e poin t, un dersta nd ab le . Well-orga nized do cumen t se ts.

Project man ag emen t : Orga nize and plan p ro ject wo rk with ta sks in a wo rk brea kdo wn structu re , d eliverab les, an d milest on es f or sho rt a nd lo ng t erm proje cts. Track an d mon itor p ro gress an d issue s. Niranjan Kumar Palla | | [email protected] | +91 98 49 49 30 30

Professional Experience

IMS Health  Re spo nsible f or desig ning the e ntire Ne xxus Eng ag e ap p fo r B a n ga l o r e – I n d i a iP AD. L e a d E n g i n e e r , M a y 2 0 13 – T i l l D a t e  Un de rst an ding o f B usin ess req uiremen ts an d I nvo lve d in prep arin g th e de sig n plan .  Invo lve d in diffe re nt d esig n sta ge s in clu ding Strat eg y De finition and User Re sea rch like Inf orma tion Architect ure, Use r Flows, Use r Testing Session s, Wire f ra min g a nd Prot otyp ing .

3 60 Vantage  Co nce ptu alized a nd e xecu ted UI /UX de sig n fo r iOS mo bile a pp A n d hr a P r a d e s h , I N D I A 360 |One . Worke d clo sely t o t he pro je ct ma na ge rs a dd re ssin g UX S e n i o r D e s i g n e r , O c t o b e r 20 1 2 – M a y 2 0 13 prob le ms a nd coming u p with simp le an d eleg an t solutio ns, always be arin g in mind th e g oa ls an d the met rics of th e prod uct .  I've worked th ro ug h diff eren t d esign sta ge s in clu din g S trate gy De finition an d Use r Re sea rch , a nd I 've p articula rly fo cuse d on Info rma tion A rch itect ure, Use r Flo ws, User Te sting Se ssio ns, Wire fra ming an d P ro tot yping .  Co lla bo ra te d with , f ellow d esign ers a nd rese arche rs, fro nt-en d and ba ck-e nd de velo pe rs. Prese nte d con cep ts, pro du ct stra te gies, a pp flows, an d mocku ps.

Crystal Quest Magazine  I am re spo nsib le to lea d a te am fo r th e creat io n of a ll visua l /we b M a r k I n t e r n a t i o n a l - A n d h r a desig n, inclu ding typ og ra ph y, visu al co ncep t, lo go a nd icon d esign P r a d e s h , I N D I A G r a p h i c / W e b D e s i g n L e a d , for the prin t, Int erne t an d inte ra ctive p la tfo rms. Effe ctively D ec e m b e r 20 1 1 – O c t o b e r 2 0 1 2 commu nicat e a nd coo rd in at e wit h th e info rma tion archite ct, write r and prod uctio n a rtists to en sure th at th e visu al d esign commu nicat es th e d esired messa ge, a nd fun ction s su ccessfu lly fo r varyin g te chn ical and p erfo rman ce sp ecificatio ns. I a m ca pa ble o f le ad in g the cre ative a spe cts of a project an d demo nstrat ed stron g busin ess. I det ermin e a nd de velop s the lo ok a nd fe el fo r maga zine and we bsite .

Gaian Solutions India Pvt. Ltd  De sign le ad for ne xt ge ne ra tion IPTV, Digita l S ig na ge A n d hr a P r a d e s h , I N D I A app lica tion s. Resp on sib le f or th e UI, info rma tion flo w, an d visu al G r a p h i c D e s i gn L e a d , F e b r u a r y 20 1 0 – N o v em b e r desig n. Crea ted a p re miu m u ser exp erien ce fo r partn ers a nd 2 0 1 1 clie nts. Wo rking dire ctly wit h Exe cutive s, En gine ering , Ma rke ting , a nd Q A to ite ra te d esign con cep ts an d p ro du ce fina l asset d eliverab le s t hrou gh imp lemen tat io n as we ll as p la n for futu re ap plica tion in teg ration . Co lla bo ra ting with te am me mb ers to pro du ce d esign spe cif ica tion s, sto ry– bo ards/wire– fra mes, scena rio s, an d d esig n p roto type s. Work with e ng in eers to test new d esig n an d int erface id ea s wh ile und ersta nd ing the hard wa re an d d evice limitat io ns.

WebLogix Inc  Ind ep en de ntly comple ted work fro m project kick o ff t o A n d hr a P r a d e s h , I N D I A dep loymen t workin g with acco un t ma na ge rs, web prod uce rs and G r a p h i c / W e b L e a d , A u g us t 20 0 7 - J a n u a r y 2 0 10 cont en t prod uce rs. I le ad a tea m of 2 sen ior de sign ers an d 3 ju nior de sig ne rs.  De sign, de velo p an d imp lemen t ne w web in te rfa ces, grap hics an d la you ts  Crea te , ma na ge an d maint ain co mp an y Inte rn et , In tran et a nd e- comme rce sit es, with ke y re spo nsib ility f or crea tion o f web cont en t an d f lo w of info rmat io n  In-d ept h exp erien ce a pp lyin g grap hic de sign princip le s to prod uce crea tive, inn ova tive a nd pro fession al web sites  Re spo nsible f or qua lit y a ssura nce of all web d esign p ro jects, in cludin g web usa bility, a ccessib ility, testin g an d d eb ug ging  Excep tion ally well o rg an ize d a nd de tail-orie nt ed  Proven reco rd of e ffe ctively ma na ging mu lt ip le ta sks with ou t compromise to qu ality  Fa miliar with curre nt a nd eme rg in g Int erne t ma rke ting stra teg ie s  An ab ility to me et de ad lin es Niranjan Kumar Palla | | [email protected] | +91 98 49 49 30 30

 Excellen t pla nnin g a nd con sulting skills de velop ed from exte nsive work wit h custo mers a nd tea m me mb ers on a variety of challen gin g projects

 I h ave b ee n wo rke d a s web d esign er, wo rke d wit h a n umbe r of Aura Vision diffe re nt clien ts d esign ing t he ir corpo ra te id en tity an d d eve lo pin g A n d hr a P r a d e s h , I N D I A and promot in g the ir online p re sen ce. W e b D e s i g ne r , J u n e 2 0 0 4 - J u l y 2 0 0 7  Re spo nsible f or best we b d eve lop me nt practice s o n Aura Vision we bsite – se arch-friend ly co nte nt, valid XHTML /CSS, site stru ctu re , sit emap , e tc.  De signe d, d eve lop ed an d ma na ged clien t co rp orat e ide ntity, web sit es & Flash proje cts.  Wo rke d with p ro gra mmers, de sig ne rs an d clien ts o n de velop ing and implemen ting clie nt sea rch e ngin e op timizatio n campa ign s.  Imp lemen ted SEO campa ign s fo r clien ts in clu din g keyword re sea rch , sea rch en gin e opt imizatio n of the ir comple te we bsite s.  Playe d key role in compa ny's growth in Inte rne t te chn olog y, re ferred clien ts. Overloo ked job ap plicatio ns, hired a nd train ed new sta ff a nd co ntract ors.

SAI Marketing and Advertising  I ha ve the fu ll au ton omy o n p lan ning a nd de sig nin g the layo ut Agency fo r the p ape r a dve rt ise men ts, Corp orate Profile Broch ure, A n d hr a P r a d e s h , I N D I A So ftwa re I nsta lla tion Gu ide , a nd Prod uct-CD ove rp rin ts, Prod uct - G r a p h i c D e s i gn e r , J a n u a r y 2 00 0 - Ju n e 2 0 0 4 CD Case Covers, Co rp ora te P rint Ad vertisemen ts a nd P ro du ct User Man ua ls e tc.

Selected Projects

Nexxus Engage (iPAD Touch) Nexxus™ Engage provides unrivalled CRM capabilities and innovative multichannel engagement solutions to help reach the right customers across the right channels to deliver the right message. Nexxus Engage combines clinical programs, data science, and artificial intelligence to develop a powerful, modern, and user-friendly infrastructure for health care delivery.

It comes for Online and iPAD and we have App specifically designed for both with a sophisticated Cache and Sync engine support

Environment: iOS, Salesforce. Design implication: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Photoshop and illustrator.

360|One Mobile App 360|One is a complete CRM solution, designed specifically for Life Sciences sales professionals by industry veterans, where the Rep can be use the App and show the Demo about the products, based on the demo for physicians they will estimate the sales.

The application is designed for both iPad and SFDC (online) with a sophisticated Cache and Sync engine support.

This App is used to maintain Communication between the Hospitals/ Physicians and Representatives in the Pharmacy Industry. Where they need to distinguish about the licenses of the drug where the Physicians is eligible to sell the drug, or not. Any adversent event that is reported display has notification on the home page of the App when the Medical representative logins.

The applications supports localization for more than 10 Locale like Japanese, CA, China, French.

Environment: iOS, Salesforce. Design implication: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Photoshop and illustrator.

IPTV Software for Wave Entertainment, IPTV software was deployed in Cruise liners at Western Europe. It is an End-to-End IPTV LA, USA solution. We have created all Graphical User Interfaces for all the interactive applications. This contains all the different graphical works, User-friendly Navigation, User-friendly Colors and designs.

Environment: JavaScript, Java, .net (window) Design implication: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Photoshop and Illustrator. Niranjan Kumar Palla | | [email protected] | +91 98 49 49 30 30

Touch screen UI Product for Hotwire Product’s target audience is patients- Patients personal doctor or referring specialist can also Communications, PA, USA request access to the system to keep on top of your hospital care and ongoing treatment. Appointment confirmations, Appointment recalls, Scheduling updates to waitlist patients, Patient satisfaction surveys, Practice updates or general announcements. Complete system is based on touch screen concept that meets the needs of all patients and hospital staff. Hot wire communications is producing this product to develop for their branding mileage of their company in east cost areas in USA. I have been there at clients place for the requirements and design specifications for this project.

Environment: JavaScript, Java, .net (windows backend) Design implication: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Photoshop, Illustrator.

Digital Signage Portal (SaaS model), By targeting marketing verticals. A Visionary Idea ahead of Its Time. Terminology has In-house product, India. changed over the years from ASP to software as a service (SaaS) to cloud computing. It is easy to deploy, Simple to use, Helpful, Valuable. is a portal where clients can make their own digital signage screens/menus/message board/offers designs for the particular signage. And they can purchase their own STBs for Digital Signage hardware. is making out of the box for a marketing industry.

Environment:, Ajax, JavaScript Design Implication: Adobe Photoshop, Flash, HTML, CSS, J query.


B.Com, Bachelor of Commerce. Andhra University - Andhra Pradesh, IND Web designing Arena Multi Media

Awards Client Delight IMS Health Operational Excellence 2015 IMS Health Operational Excellence 2016 IMS Health

NIRANJAN KUMAR. P Niranjan Kumar Palla | | [email protected] | +91 98 49 49 30 30

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