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Ph.D. Theses 1. Kucher Nicolai Alekseevich, Ph.D. in Physic and Math's, Title of the Thesis: “On solvability of some boundary value problems for elliptic equations on a plane”. Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia, 1975, (co-supervisor V.N. Monakhov). 2. Seleznev Vadim Alexandrovich, Ph.D. in Physic and Math's, Title of the Thesis: “Boundary value problems for analytical functions on a class of quasi-conformal contours and shears”. Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia, 1975, (co-supervisor V.N. Monakhov). 3. Papin Alexandr Alexeevich, Ph.D. in Physic and Math's, Title of the Thesis: “Well-posednes of boundary-value problems for equations of two-phase filtration”. Computing Center, Novosibirsk, Russia, 1980, (co-supervisor V.N.Monakhov). 4. Domanskii Andrei Vladimorovich, Ph.D. in Physic and Math's, Title of the Thesis: “Filtration of immiscible fluids in by-well zone”. Lavrentiev Institute of Hydrodynamics, Novosibirsk, Russia, 1985, (co-supervisor V.I. Penkovskii). 5. Kashevarov Alexandr Alexandrovich, Ph.D. in Physic and Math's, Title of the Thesis: “Mathematical modelling of the simultaneous motion of surface and underground waters”. Lavrentiev Institute of Hydrodynamics, Novosibirsk, Russia, 1986. 6. Amandus Natalia Egorovna , Ph.D. in Physic and Math's, Title of the Thesis: “Asymptotic properties of solutions of equations for two-phase filtration”. Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia, 1993, (co-supervisor V.N.Monakhov). 7. Chernusheva Evgenia Vladimirovna, Ph.D. in Physic and Math's, Title of the Thesis “Mathematical and numerical modelling of the underwater ejection of gas”. Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia, 1993, (co-supervisor V.N.Monakhov). 8. Semenko Tatiana Ivanovna, Ph.D. in Physic and Math's, Title of the Thesis: “Modeling of exchange processes between saturated and unsaturated filtration”. Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia, 1994, (co-supervisor A.A. Kashevarov). 9. Hermenegildo Augusto Vieira Borges de Oliveira, Title of the Thesis: “Localization of solutions of Navier –Stokes plane equations”, University of Algarve, Portugal, 09.07.2004. 10. José Duque, Title of the thesis “Método de elementos finitos com fronteiras livres (MEFFL)”, University of Beira Interior, Portugal, (co- supervisor Prof. Rui Manuel Pires Almeida), in preparation.

Master Theses 1. Paulo Jorge dos Santos Pinto Rebelo, Title of the Thesis: “Localização de soluções fracas para correntes de fluidos não- Newtonianos”. University of Beira Interior, Covilhã, Portugal, 1997. 2. More then 30 Master Theses approved at the Novosibirsk State University during 1968–1993.

LIST OF PUBLICATIONS (According to AMS, MahtScinet- Antontsev or Antoncev)


1. Antontsev S.N., Dias J.I., Shmarev S.I., Energy Methods for Free Boundary Problems: Applications to Nonlinear PDEs and Fluid Mechanics. Progress in Nonlinear Differential Equations and their Aplications, 48. Birkhäuser Boston, Inc., Boston, MA, 2002. xii+330 pp. ISBN: 0-8176-4123-8.

2. Antontsev S.N., Kazhikhov A.V., Monakhov V.N., Boundary Value Problems in Mechanics of Nonhomogeneous Fluids. Studies in Mathematics and its Applications, 22, North- Holland Publishing Co., Amsterdam, 1990, xii+309 pp. ISBN: 0-444-88382-7).

3. Antontsev S.N., Domanski A.V., Penkovski V.I., Filtration in By-Well Zone of the Formation and Well Productivity Stimulation Problems. Akad. Nauk SSSR., Sibirsk., Otdel., Inst., Hydrodynamics, Novosibirsk, 1989, 109 pp., (Russian).

4. Antontsev S.N., Localization of Solutions of Degenerate Equations of Continuum Mechanics. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Sibirsk. Otdel. Inst. Gidrodinamiki, Novosibirsk, 1986, 109 pp., (Russian).

5. Antontsev S.N., Epikhov G.P., Kashevarov A.A., Systematic Mathematical Modelling of Water Exchange Processes. (Sistemnoe matematicheskoe modelirovanie protsessov vodoobmena). Nauka, Sibirsk. Otdel., Novosibirsk, 1986, 216 pp., (Russian).

6. Antontsev S.N., Kazhikhov A.V., Monakhov V.N., {\cyr Kraevue zadachi mekhaniki neodnorodnykh zhidkosteui}, Boundary Value Problems of the machanics of inhomogeneous fluids, “Nauka”, Sibirsk., Otdel., Novosibirsk, 1983, 320 pp., (Russian ).

7. Antontsev S.N., Meirmanov A.M., Mathematical Models of the Simultaneous Motion of Surface and Ground Waters. Lecture Notes, Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, 1979, 77 pp., (Russian).

8. Antontsev S.N., Monakhov V.N., Boundary Value Problems for Certain Degenerate Equations of Continuum Mechanics. Filtration of Immiscible Fluids. Part III. Lecture Notes, Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, 1978, 77 pp., (Russian). 9. Antontsev S.N., Monakhov V.N., Boundary Value Problems for Certain Degenerate Equations of Continuum Mechanics. Filtration of Immiscible Fluids. Part II. Lecture Notes, Novosibirsk State University. Novosibirsk, 1977, 48 pp., (Russian).

10. Antontsev S.N., Boundary Value Problems for Certain Degenerate Equations of Continuum Mechanics. Part I. Lecture Notes, Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, 1976, 87 pp., (Russian).

11. Antontsev S.N., Kazhikhov A.V., Mathematical Questions of the Dynamics of Nonhomogeneous Fluids. Lecture Notes, Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, 1973, 121 pp., (Russian).


1. Antontsev S.N., Shmarev S.I., Elliptic equations with anisotropic nonlinearity and nonstandard growth conditions. Handbook of Differential Equations. Stationary Partial Differential Equations. Vol.3, Chapter 1, pp.1-100, Elsevier, 2006.


1. Antontsev S.N., Consiglieri L., Variable exponents on elliptic problems with nonstandard boundary conditions, Nonlinear Anal., Theory, Methods, Applications, 71 (2009), 891-902, available online at:

2. Antontsev S.N., Chemetov N.V., Superconducting Vortices: Chapman Full Model, Advances in Mathematical Fluid Mechanics, 44-55, (2009).

3. Antontsev S.N., Díaz J.I., On gradient estimates and other qualitative properties of solutions of nonlinear non autonomous parabolic systems, RACSAM, Rev. R. Acad. Cien. Serie A. Mat, vol.103 (1), (2009), pp.201- 214.B.Amaziane,

4. Antontsev S., Pankratov L., Piatniski A., Homogenization of p-Laplacian in perforated domain, Ann.I.H. Poincare-AN (2009), in press.

5. Antontsev S.N., Gagneux G., Mokrani A., Vallet G., Stratigraphic modelling by the way of a pseudoparabolic problem with constraint, Advances in Mathematical Sciences and Applications, Number 1, Vol. 19 (2009),195-209. 6. Antontsev S.N., Shmarev S.I., Existence and uniqueness theorems for parabolic equations with anisotropic non-standard growth conditions, Publicacions Matematiques de l'Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona, 53(2), (2009), 355-399.

7. Antontsev S.N., Shmarev S.I., Localized solutions of anisotropic parabolic equations, Nonlinear Anal. Theory, Methods, Applications, in press, (2009), 18 pp.

8. Antontsev S.N., Shmarev S.I., Vanishing solutions of anisotropic parabolic equations with variable nonlinearity, Nonlinear Anal. Theory, Methods, Applications, in press, (2009), 21 pp.

9. Antontsev, S. N., Alkhutov, Yu.A. and Zhikov, V.V., Parabolic equations with variable order of nonlinearity, The collection of works of Institute of mathematics NAS of Ukraine, Vol. 6, Nu. 1, (2009), 23--50. ( Збiрник праць Iнституту математики НАН України. 2009. Т. 6. N. 1).

10. Antontsev S.N., Díaz J.I., On the coupling between channel level and surface ground- water flows, Journal Pure and Applied Geophysics, 165(8), (2008), 1511-1530.

11.Antontsev S.N., Amaziane B., Pankratov L., Piatnitski A., Г- convergence and homogenization of functionals in Sobolev spaces with variable exponents, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Issue 2, Vol. 342 (2008), 1192- 1202.

12. Antontsev S.N., Oliveira H.B., Qualitative properties of the ice-thickness in a 3D model, WSEAS Transactions on Mathematics,Vol. 7, Issue 3, March 2008, Pages 78-86.

13. Antontsev S.N., Chipot M., Anisotropic equations: uniqueness and existence results, Differential and Integral Equations, Vol. 21, Numbers 5-6 (2008), 401-419. 14. Antontsev S.N., Díaz J.I., Mathematical analysis of the discharge of a laminar hot gas in a stagnant colder atmosphere, Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics., Vol. 49. N. 4 (2008), pp. 681-692, (Translated from Prikladnaya Mekhanica i Tekhnicheskaya Fizika , Vol. 49. N. 4 (2008), pp.192-205).

15. Antontsev S.N., Chemetov N.V., Euler equations with non- homogeneous Navier slip boundary condition, Journal Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, Vol. 237, no. 1, (2008), 92-105.

16. Antontsev S.N., Shmarev S.I., Existence and uniqueness of solutions of degenerate parabolic equations with variable exponents of nonlinearity, Journal of Mathematical Sciences , Volume 150, Number 5 / May, (2008), 2289-2301.

17. Antontsev S.N., Shmarev S.I., Extinction of Solutions of Parabolic Equations with Variable Anisotropic Nonlinearities, Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics, Moscow, Russia, Volume 61, Number 1/July (2008), 11-21, Pleiades Publishing, Ltd.

18. Antontsev S.N., Chemetov N.V., Flux of superconducting vortices through a domain, SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, Issue 1, Vol. 39 (2007), 263-280.

19. Antontsev S.N., Amaziane B., Pankratov L., Homogenization of a class of nonlinear elliptic equations with non-standard growth, Comptes rendus de l'Académie des sciences, Mécanique, Paris, Issue 3, Vol.335(2007), 138-143.

20. Antontsev S.N., Chipot M., Xie Y., Uniqueness results for equations of the p(x)- Laplacian type, Advances in Mathematical Sciences and Applications, Volume 17, Nu.1 ( 2007), pp. 287-304.

21. Antontsev S.N., Díaz J.I., Mathematical analysis of the discharge of a laminar hot gas in a colder atmosphere, RACSAM, Rev. R. Acad. Cien. Serie A. Mat, vol.101 (1), (2007), pp.119-124.

22. Antontsev S.N., Shmarev S.I., Existence and uniqueness of solutions of degenerate parabolic equations with variable exponents of nonlinearity. Fundamental and Applied Mathematics, Vol.12, no.4, (2006), 3-19.

23. Antontsev S.N., G. Gagneux, R. Luce, G. Vallet, New unilateral problems in stratigraphy, ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis, Vol.40, No. 4(2006), 765-784.

24. Antontsev S.N., G. Gagneux, R. Luce, G. Vallet, On a pseudoparabolic problem with constraint, Differential and Integral Equations, Vol.19, Num.12 (2006), 1391-1412. 25. Antontsev S.N., Shmarev S.I., Elliptic equations and systems with nonstandard growth conditions: existence, uniqueness and localization properties of solutions. J. Nonlinear Analysis, 65(2006), 728-761.

26. Antontsev S.N., Gagneux G., Luce R., Vallet G., A non standard free boundary problem arising from stratigraphy. Analysis and Applications (Singap), 4 (2006), no.3, 209--236.

27. Antontsev S.N., Rodrigues J.F., On stationary thermo-rheological viscous flows. Annali Dell’ Università di Ferrara, Sezione VII, Sci. Mat. 52 (2006), no.1, 19--36.

28. Antontsev S.N., Shmarev S.I., On localization of solutions of elliptic equations with nonhomogeneous anisotropic degeneracy. Siberian Mathematical Journal, Vol. 46, N. 5, (2005), 765-782.

29. Antontsev S.N., Zhikov V.V., Higher integrability for parabolic equations of p(x,t)-Laplacian type. Advances in Differential Equations, Vol. 10, Number 9 (2005), 1053-1080.

30. Antontsev S.N., Shmarev S. I., A model porous medium equation with variable exponent of nonlinearity: existence, uniqueness and localization properties of solutions. Journal of Nonlinear Analysis, 60, (2005), no.3, 515-545.

31. Antontsev S.N., Diaz J.I., Oliveira H.B., Stopping a viscous fluid by a feedback dissipative field: II. The stationary Navier-Stokes problem. Atti Accad. Naz. Lincei CI. Sci. Fis. Mat. Natur. Rend. Lincei (9), Mat. Appl. 15 (2004), no.3-4, 257-270.

32. Antontsev S.N., Diaz J.I., Oliveira H.B., Stopping a Viscous Fluid by a Feedback Dissipative Field: I. The Stationary Stokes Problem. Journal of Mathematical Fluid Mechanics, 6, (2004), no. 4, 439-461.

33. Antontsev S.N., Meirmanov A.M., Yurinsky V.V., Weak Solutions for a Well-Posed Hele-Shaw Problem. Bollettino Unione Mat. Ital. Sez. B Artic. Ric. Mat (8), 7-B, (2004), no.2, 397-424.

34. Antontsev S.N., Meirmanov A.M., Rubinstein I., Zaltzman B., ''Concentrated capacity'' model of ion -exchange funneling in a modified (thin film coated) heterogeneous electrodialysis membrane. Quarterly of Applied Mathematics, 62 (2004), no. 1, 77-95.

35. Antontsev S.N., Gagneux G., Vallet G., On some problems of stratigraphic control. Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics, 44 (2003), no. 6, 821-828. (Transl. from Prikladnaya Mekhanica i Tekhnicheskaya Fizika, 44 (2003), no.6, 85-94). 36. Antontsev S.N., Meirmanov A.M., Gonçalves C., Exact estimates for the classical solutions to the free boundary problem in the Hele-Shaw cell. Advances in Differential Equations, 8 (2003), no. 10, 1259-1280.

37. Antontsev S.N., Meirmanov A.M., Gonçalves C., Local existence of the classical solutions to the well-posed Hele-Shaw problem. Portugaliae Matemática, (N.S.) 59 (2002), no. 4, 435-452.

38. Antontsev S.N., Diaz J.I., Oliveira H.B., On the confinement of a viscous fluid by means of a feedback external field. C.R. Mecanique, Paris, 330 (2002), 797-802.

39. Antontsev S.N., Meirmanov A.M., Solonnikov V.A., Smooth Interface in Two-Component Stokes Flow. Ann. Univ. Ferrara, Sez. VII, (N.S.) 47(2001), 269-284.

40. Antontsev S.N., Meirmanov A.M., Yurinsky V.V., A one-dimensional free boundary problem arising in combustion theory. Portugaliae Matemática, 58 (2001), no.3, 317-337.

41. Antontsev S.N., Meirmanov A.M., Yurinsky V.V., A free-boundary problem for Stokes equations: classical solutions. Interfaces and Free Boundaries Vol. 2, Issue 4, (2000), 413-424.

42. Antontsev S.N., Meirmanov A.M., Yurinsky V.V., Homogenization of Stokes-type equations with variable viscosity. Siberian. Adv. Math., 8 (1998), No.2, 1-29, Alerton Press, Inc.

43. Antontsev S.N., Chipot M., Analysis of Blow up for the Thermistor Problem. Siberian Mathematical Journal, 1997, 38 (1997), no.5, 963-977, (English Transl. from Siberian Math.J., 1997. Vol.38, no. 5, 827-841.)

44. Antontsev S.N., Kashevarov A.A., Localization of solutions of nonlinear parabolic equations that are degenerate on a surface. Dinamika sploshnoi sredy, Novosibirsk, Institute of Hydrodynamics, Vol.111, (1996), 7-14.

45. Antontsev S.N., Diaz, J.I., Shmarev S.I., The Support Shrinking Properties for Solutions of Quasilinear Parabolic Equations with Strong Absorption Terms. Annales de la Faculté des Sciences de Toulouse. Math.(6) 4 (1995) , no.1, 5-30.

46. Antontsev S.N., Chipot M., The thermistor problem: existence, smoothness, uniqueness, blow up. SIAM J.Math. Anal., 25(1994), no. 4, 1128-1156.

47. Antontsev S.N., Domansky A.V., Diaz J.I., Continuous dependence and stabilization of solutions of the degenerate system in two-phase filtration. Dinamika sploshnoy Sredy. Fluids dynamics with free boundary, Novosibirsk, Vol. 107(1993), 11-25. 48. Antontsev S.N., Localization of solution of a problem of mass transport through porous medium. (Russian). Dokl. Akad. Nauk, 326 (1992), Vol., No 2, pp. 268-271. (English Transl. in Soviet Phys.Dokl. 37(1992), no.9, 464-466.

49. Antontsev S.N., Chipot M., Existence, Stability, Blow up of Solution for Thermistor Problem. Dokl. Akad. Nauk. 1992. Vol. 324. No 2. pp. 309- 313.(Engilsh translation in Soviet Phys. Dokl. 37(1992), No.5, 229-231).

50. Antontsev S.N., Diaz J.I., Domanski A.V., Stability and stabilization of generalized solutions of degenerating problems in two-phase filtration. Dokl. Akad. Nauk, 1992, Vol. 325, No. 6, pp. 1151-1155. (English Translation in Soviet Phys.Dokl. 37(1993), No.8, 411-413).

51. Antontsev S.N., Shmarev S.I., The local energy method and vanishing of weak solutions of nonlinear parabolic equations. Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 1991, Vol. 318, No. 4, pp. 777-781. (English transl. in Soviet Math. Doklady. 1991, Vol. 43, No. 3, pp.738-742 ).

52. Antontsev S.N., Diaz J.I., Space and time localization in the flow of two immiscible fluids through a porous medium: energy method applied to systems. Nonlinear Analysis, Theory. Methods, Applications, 1991, Vol.16, Nº 4, pp.299-313. Printed in Great Britain. Pergamon. Press. plc.

53. Antontsev S.N., Diaz J.I. and Shmarev S.I., New Applications of Energy Methods to Parabolic Free Boundary Problems. Uspekhi. Mat. Nauk. Vol. 46. Vyp 6(282). 1991. pp 181-182, (Russian, English transl. in Russian Mathematical Surveys. 1991. vol. 46. No 6. pp. 193-194).

54. Antontsev S.N., Kashevarov A.A., Semenko T.I., An iterative method for solving a stationary problem on saturated-unsaturated filtration in a hydraulic approximation (Russian). Dinamika Sploshnoi Sredy, Novosibirsk, Filtration and Mass-Transfer through Porous Media, no. 90, (1989), 3-15.

55. Antontsev S.N., Diaz J.I., The energy method and the localization of solutions of equations in continuum mechanics. Zh. Prikl. Mekh. i. Tekhn Fiz., no.2(1989), 18-25, (English transl. in J. Appl. Mech. Tech. Phys., Vol.30, no.2, (1989), 182-189).

56. Antontsev S.N., Shmarev S.I., Localization of solutions of nonlinear parabolic equations with linear sources of a general form. Dinamika Sploshnoi Sredy, Novosibirsk, Vyp. 89(1989), 28-42. (Russian).

57. Antontsev S.N., Papin A.A., Localization of solutions of equations of a viscous gas with viscosity depending on the density. Dinamika Sploshnoi Sredy, Novosibirsk, Vyp. 86(1988), 24-40. (Russian). 58. Antontsev S.N., Diaz J.I., New results on localization of solutions of nonlinear elliptic and parabolic equations obtained by the energy method. (Russian). Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Vol. 303, no. 3, (1988), 524-529. (English transl. in Soviet Math. Dokl, Vol. 38, no. 3(1989), 535- 539).

59. Antontsev S.N., Diaz J.I., Application of an energy method in the localization of the solutions of equations in continuum mechanics. (Russian). Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Vol. 303, no 2 (1988), 320-325. (English transl. in Soviet Phys. Dokl. Vol. 33. no. 11(1988), 813 - 816).

60. Antontsev S.N., Metastable localization of solutions of degenerate parabolic equations of general form. (Russian). Dinamika Sploshnoi Sredy, Novosibirsk, Vyp. 83(1987), 138-144.

61. Antontsev S.N., Kashevarov A.A., Splitting according to physical properties in the problem of interaction between surface and underground water. Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 1986, Vol. 288, No. 1, 86- 90. (English translation: Soviet Phys. Dokl., 31 No. 5, (1986), 381-383.

62. Antontsev S.N., Kashevarov A.A. and Uskova T.I., Approximate Hydraulic Model of Interaction of Ground Waters with Zone of Nonsaturation. Dinamika Sploshnoi Sredy, Novosibirsk, Dinamika Jidkosti so Svobodnumi Granitsami, Vyp. 76(1986), 19-31 (Russian).

63.Antontsev S.N., Kashevarov A.A., Splitting with respect to physical process in a problem of interaction of surface and subterranean water. (Russian). Dinamika Sploshnoi Sredy, Novosibirsk, Vyp. 70(1985), 3-24.

64. Antontsev S.N., Domanskii A.V., Uniqueness of generalized solutions of degeneration problems of two-phase filtration. (Russian). Chisl. Metody Mekh. Sploshnoi Sredy, Novosibirsk, Vol. 15, no.6 (1984), 15-27.

65. Antontsev S.N., Kashevarov A.A., Finite rate of propagation of perturbations in simultaneous flows of surface and ground water. (Russian). Dinamika Sploshnoi Sredy, Novosibirsk, Vyp. 57(1982), 21- 27.

66. Antontsev S.N., Papin A.A., Approximate methods for solving regular and degenerate problems of Two-phase filtration. (Russian). Dinamika Sploshnoi Sredy, Novosibirsk, Vyp. 54(1982), 15-48.

67. Antontsev S.N., On the localization of solutions of nonlinear degenerate elliptic and parabolic equations. Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Vol.260, no. 6(1981), 1289-1293. (English transl. in Soviet Math. Dokl., 1981, Vol.24, no.2 (1981), 420-424). 68. Antontsev S.N., Finite rate of propagation of perturbations in multidimensional problems of two-phase filtration. (Russo). Boundary Value Problems of Mathematical Physics and Related Questions in the Theory of Functions, 12, Zap. Nauchn. Sem. Leningrad. Otdel.Mat.Inst. Steklov. (LOMI), Leningrad, Nauka, Vol. 96(1980), 3-12. (English trans. in J. Sov.Math., 21 (1983), 637-644).

69. Antontsev S.N., On Localization of Disturbances for Multi-Dimensional Degenerate Elliptic and Parabolic Equations. Uspekhi Matem. Nauk, Vol. 35, Vyp. 4 (214) (1980), 165-166. (Russian).

70. Antontsev S.N., Well-posedness of Boundary Value Problems for Degenerate Elliptic and Elliptic-Parabolic System of Equations of Hydrodynamics. Review of a dissertation in competition for the academic degree of D.Sc. in Physics and Mathematics, Computing Center of Siberian Division of Academy of Sciences of SSSR, Novosibirsk, 1980, 32 pp. (Russian).

71. Antontsev S.N., Asymptotic behavior of axially symmetric gas jets. (Russian). Dinamika Sploshnoi Sredy, Dinamika Zhidkosti so Svobodnumi Granitsami, Novosibirsk, Vyp. 40(1979), 3-13.

72. Antontsev S.N., The character of perturbations described by solutions of multidimensional degenerate parabolic equations. (Russian) Dinamika Sploshnoi Sredy, Dinamika Zhidkosti so Svobod. Granits., Novosibirsk, Vyp. 40(1979), 114-122.

73. Antontsev S.N., Finite speed of propagation of perturbations in two- dimensional problems of two-phase filtration. (Russian). Dinamika Sploshnoi Sredy, Novosibirsk, Vyp. 39(1979), 23-29.

74. Antontsev S.N., Papin A.A., Approximation methods of solving problems of two-phase filtration. Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Vol. 247, no. 3(1979), 521-525. (English Transl. in Soviet Math. Dokl, Vol. 20, no. 4 (1979), 722-726.).

75. Antontsev S.N., Monakhov V.N., Three-dimensional problems of time- dependent two-phase filtration in nonhomogeneous anisotropic porous media. Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 1978, Vol. 243, No. 3, pp.553-556. (English transl. in Soviet Math. Dokl., 1978, Vol. 19, No. 6, pp. 1354 -1358).

76. Antontsev S.N., Meirmanov A.M., Questions of correctness of a model of the simultaneous motion of surface and ground waters. (Russian) Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Vol. 242, no. 3(1978), 505-508.A

77. Antontsev S.N., Papin A.A., Global smoothness of the solutions of equations of two-phase filtration. (Russian), Dinamika Sploshn. Sredy, Novosibirsk, Vyp. 35(1978), 3-28. 78. Antontsev S.N., Steady-state problems of two-phase filtration with unknown boundaries. (Russian). Dinamika Sploshn. Sredy, Novosibirsk, Vyp. 36(1978), 3-10.

79. Antontsev S.N., Meirmanov A.M., Mathematical questions on the correctness of a model of the simultaneous motion of surface and underground water. (Russian). Dinamika Sploshnoi Sredy, Dinamika Zhidkosti so Svobod. Granitsami, Novosibirsk, Vyp. 31(1977), 5-51.

80. Antontsev S.N., Meirmanov A.M., Mathematical questions of the correctness of initial-boundary value problems of a hydraulic model of diffusion waves. (Russian). Dinamika Sploshnoi Sredy, Novosibirsk, Vyp. 30(1977), 7-34.

81. Antontsev S.N., Monakhov V.N., Well-posedness of three-dimensional problems of filtration of immiscible fluids in nonhomogeneous porous media. (Russian). Dinamika Sploshnoi Sredy, Novosibirsk, Vyp. 27(1976), 3-15.

82. Antontsev S.N., Monakhov V.N., On Some Non-Stationary Problems with Unknown Boundaries. Certain Problems of Mathematics and Mechanics. Amer. Soc. Trans., Vol. 2, No.104 (1976), 61-74.

83. Antontsev S.N., On a problem of M.A. Lavrent'ev. (Russian) Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Vol. 228, No. 4(1976), pp. 772-775. (English transl. in Soviet Math. Dokl. Vol. 17, No.3(1976), 797-801).

84. Antontsev S.N., A certain problem of M. A. Lavrent'ev. (Russian). Dinamika Sploshn. Sredy, Nekotorue Probl. Gaz Dinamiki, Novosibirsk, Vyp. 23(1975), 11-21.

85. Antontsev S.N., Generalized Cauchy-Riemann system with almost regular coefficients. Metric Questions of the Theory of Functions and Mappings. Izdat. Naukova Dumka, Kiev, 1975, No.7, pp. 3-17 (Russian).

86. Antontsev S.N., Axisymmetric problems of gas dynamics with free boundaries. Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Vol.216, No. 3(1974), 473-476. (English Transl. In Soviet Math. Dokl, Vol. 15, No. 3 (1974), 803-807).

87. Antontsev S.N., Some problems with free boundaries for the degenerating equations of gas dynamics. Dinamika Sploshnoi Sredy, Novosibirsk, 1973, Vyp. 13, pp. 5-17. (Russian).

88. Antontsev S.N., Monakhov V.N., On the solvability of a class of conjugate problems with a shift. Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Vol. 205, No. 2(1972), 263-266, (English Transl. in Soviet Math. Dokl, Vol. 13, No. 4 (1972), 901-905). 89. Antontsev S.N., Lelukh V.D., About the Solvability of Initial-Boundary Problem for One Model of Mediums Dynamics with the Internal Degrees of Freedom. Dinamika Sploshnoi Sredy, Novosibirsk, 1972, Vyp. XII, pp. 26-51. (Russian).

90. Antontsev S.N., The solvability of boundary value problems for degenerate equations of two-phase filtration. Dinamika Sploshnoi Sredy, Novosibirsk, 1972, Vyp. 10, pp. 28-53 (Russian).

91. Antontsev S.N., Kucher N.A., The Poincare problem with discontinuous coefficients of the boundary condition for a quasilinear elliptic equation. (Russian). Dinamika Sploshnoi Sredy, Novosibirsk, Vyp. V (1970), 118- 124.

92. Antontsev S.N., Some Problems of Gas Dynamics with Free Boundaries in Two Connected Regions. Dinamika Sploshnoi Sredy, Novosibirsk, 1969, Vyp 1, pp. 111-123 (Russian).

93. Antontsev S.N., Lelukh V.D., Some Conjugation Problems of Vortex and Potential Subsonic Flows. Dinamika Sploshnoi Sredy, Novosibirsk, 1969, Vyp. 1, pp. 134-153 (Russian).

94. Antontsev S.N., Monakhov V.N., Some Problems of Two-Phase Incompressible Liquid. Dinamika Sploshnoi Sredy, Novosibirsk, 1969, Vyp. II, pp. 156-167. (Russian).

95. Antontsev S.N., Monakhov V.N., About the General Quasi Linear Filtration Model of Immiscible Fluids. Dinamika Sploshnoi Sredy, Novosibirsk, 1969, Vyp. III, pp.5-17. (Russian).

96. Antontsev S.N., Monakhov V.N., Some Non-Stationary Filtration Problems of Nonhomogeneous Fluids with Free Boundaries. Dinamika Sploshnoi Sredy, Novosibirsk, 1969, Vyp. III, pp. 18-32. (Russian).

97. Antontsev S.N., Monakhov V.N., Boundary value problems with discontinuous boundary conditions for quasilinear elliptic systems of equations of order 2m, m 1. Izvestia Sibirsk. Otd. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 1967, No.8, pp., 65-73, (Russian).

98. Antontsev S.N., Monakhov V.N., The Riemann-Hilbert boundary value problem with discontinuous boundary conditions for quasilinear elliptic systems of equations. Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 1967, Vol. 175, pp., 511- 513, (English Trans. In Soviet Math. Dokl., 1967, Vol. 8, Nº4, pp. 868- 870).

99. Antontsev S.N., Boundary Problems with Discontinuous Boundary. The dissertation in competition for the academic degree of Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (Ph.D. in Physic and Mathematics), Novosibirsk State University, 1967, pp. 1-80 (English). 100. Antontsev S.N., Boundary Problems with Discontinuous Boundary Conditions and its Applications. Review of a dissertation in competition for the academic degree of Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (Ph.D. in Physic and Mathematics), Novosibirsk State University, 1967, pp. 1-8, (Russian).


1. Antontsev S.N., Shmarev S., Localization and blow - up of solutions to parabolic equations with nonstandard growth conditions, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Approximation Methods and Numerical Modelling in Environment and Natural Resources, MAMERN 2009, June 8-11, 2009, PAU, FRANCE, pp.145-150.

2. Antontsev S.N., Shmarev S.I., Directional localization of solutions to elliptic equations with nonstandard anisotropic growth conditions. In book “More Progresses in Analysis. Proceedings of the 5th International ISAAC Congress, 25-30 July 2005, University of Catania, Italy. Editors H.G. W Begehr, F. Nicolosi. World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd, 2009, pp. 681-690.

3. Antontsev S.N., Shmarev S., On a doubly nonlinear parabolic equation with nonstandard growth conditions, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Approximation Methods and Numerical Modelling in Environment and Natural Resources, MAMERN 2009, June 8-11, 2009, PAU, FRANCE, pp.151-156.

4. Antontsev S.N., Díaz J.I., Mathematical models of hydrological cycle: channel level and surface ground water flows, Proceedings of the CMNE/CILAMCE Congress, University of Porto, Porto, Portugal, 13-15 June, (2007), pp.1-20.

5. Antontsev S.N., Oliveira H.B., On a mathematical model in ice sheet dynamics, Proceedings of the 5 th IASME/ WSEAS International Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Aerodynamics, WSEAS, Athens, pp. 1-8, (2007). ISBN: 978-960-8457-99-7.

6. Antontsev S.N., Díaz J.I. and H.B de Oliveira, Mathematical models in dynamics of non-Newtonian fluids and in glaciology, Proceedings of the CMNE/CILAMCE Congress, University of Porto, Porto, Portugal, 13-15 June, (2007), pp.1-20. 7. Antontsev S.N., Oliveira H.B., Navier-Stokes equations with absorption under slip boundary conditions: existence, uniqueness and extinction in time. RIMS Kôkyûroku Bessatsu, Vol. B1, pp. 21-41, Kyoto University, Japan (2007).

8. Antontsev S.N., Shmarev S.I., Parabolic equations with anisotropic nonstandard growth conditions. In book “Free boundary problems. Theory and applications”, Internat. Ser. Numer. Math. 154 (2006), 33-44, Birkhäuser Verlag Basel/Switzerland.

9. Antontsev S.N., Shmarev S.I., A Theory of Elliptic Equations with Variable Nonlinearity, Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Engineering Computational Technology, B.H.V Topping, G. Montego and R. Montenegro, (Editors), Civil-Comp Press, Stirlingshire, Scotland, 2006, Paper 16, 1-25.

10.Antontsev S.N., Oliveira H.B., Finite time localized solutions of Navier- Stokes equations with an anisotropic dissipation. In book “Free boundary problems. Theory and applications”, Internat. Ser. Numer. Math. 154 (2006), 25-32, Birkhäuser Verlag Basel/Switzerland.

11. Antontsev S.N., Gagneux G., Vallet G., A compactness result for a pseudo-parabolic conservation law with constraint. Monogr. Semin. Mat. García de Galdeano, Univ. Zaragoza, Zaragoza, 33(2006), 403-410.

12. Antontsev S.N., Diaz, J.I. and Oliveira H.B., Stopping a viscous fluid by a feedback dissipative field: thermal effects without phase changing. Trends in partial differential equations of mathematical physics, Progress in Nonlinear Differential Equations and Their Applications, 61 (2005), 1-14, Birkhäuser, Verlag Basel, Switzerland.

13. Antontsev S.N., Oliveira H.B., Localização de soluções fracas para escoamentos de fluidos não-Newtonianos. No CD-Rom das Actas do Congresso Métodos computacionais em Engenharia, APMTA e RSEMNI, Lisboa, 31 de Maio-2 de Junho, (2004), 1-15.

14. Antontsev S.N., Gagneux G., Vallet G., Mathematical modelling of sedimentary basin formation. Seventh Zaragoza-Pau Conference on Applied Mathematics and Statistics (Spanish) (Jaca, 2001), 81--88, Monogr. Semin. Mat. García Galdeano, 27, Univ. Zaragoza, Zaragoza, 2003.

15. Antontsev S.N., Elliptic systems with almost regular coefficients: singular weight integral operators. Factorization, singular operators and related problems (Madeira, Funchal, 2002), 25--41, Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht, 2003. 16. Antontsev S.N., Diaz J.I., Oliveira H.B., Stopping a viscous fluid by a feedback dissipative external field: the stationary Stokes equations. Abstracts of the International conference ''Navier Stokes Equations and Related Topics (NSEC8), p. 55-56, September 11-18, 2002, St. Petersburg, EIMI, Russia.

17. Antontsev S.N., Kashevarov A.A., Correctness of a hydraulic model of filtration for ground waters with an unsaturated zone. In book: Mathematical models in filtration and its applications. Institute of Hydrodynamics, Novosibirsk, 1999, pp. 21-35.

18. Antontsev S.N., Gagneux G., Petits paramètres et passages à la limite dans les problèmes de filtration diphasique. (French) [Small parameters and passages to the limit in two-phase filtration problems] Progress in partial differential equations, Vol. 1 (Pont-à-Mousson, 1997), 18--27, Pitman Res. Notes Math. Ser., 383, Longman, Harlow, 1998. 35B25 (35Q35 76S05 76T05).

19. Antontsev S.N., Quasilinear parabolic equations with non-isotropic nonlinearities: space and time localization. Energy methods in continuum mechanics (Oviedo, 1994), 1--12, Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht, 1996.

20. Antontsev S.N., Diaz J.I. and Shmarev S.I., On the boundary layer for dilatant fluids. Energy methods in continuum mechanics (Oviedo, 1994), 13--21, Kluwer Acad.Publ., Dordrecht ,1996.

21. Antontsev S.N., Chipot M., Some results on heat flow in electric conductors. World Congress of Nonlinear Analysis '92, Vol. I--IV (Tampa, FL, 1992), 57--65, de Gruyter, Berlin, 1996. 35K60 (35B05 80A20).

22. Antontsev S.N., Diaz, J.I., Shmarev S.I., The support shrinking in solutions of parabolic equations with non-homogeneous absorption terms. Elliptic and parabolic problems (Pont-à-Mousson, 1994), 24--39, Pitman Res. Notes Math. Ser., 325, Longman Sci. Tech., Harlow, 1995. 35K55.

23. Antontsev S.N., Localization of solution for a problem of mass transport through porous media. III Congress on Applied Mathematics/XIII Congress on Differential Equations and Applications (Spanish) (Madrid, 1993), 3-9. Univ. Politéc. Madrid, Madrid, 1993. 76S05 (35Q35).

24. Antontsev S.N., Shmarev S.I., Local energy method and vanishing properties of weak solutions of quasilinear parabolic equations. Free boundary problems involving solids (Montreal, PQ, 1990), 2--6, Pitman Res. Notes Math. Ser., 281, Longman Sci. Tech., Harlow, 1993. 35K55 (35D99). 25. Antontsev S.N., Diaz, J.I., Shmarev S.I., New applications of energy methods to parabolic and elliptic free boundary problems. Free boundary problems in continuum mechanics (Novosibirsk, 1991), 59--65, Internat. Ser. Numer. Math., 106, Birkhäuser, Basel, 1992. 35R35 (35J99 35K99 35Q35 76N15 76S05).

26. Antontsev S.N., Chipot M., Some results on the thermistor problem. Free boundary problems in continuum mechanics (Novosibirsk, 1991), 47--57, Internat. Ser. Numer. Math., 106, Birkhäuser, Basel, 1992. 35Q60 (35K55 78A60 80A20).

27. Antontsev S.N., Localization of solutions for degenerate equations in continuum mechanics. Free boundary problems: theory and applications, Vol. II (Irsee, 1987), 725--739, Pitman Res. Notes Math. Ser., 186, Longman Sci. Tech., Harlow, 1990. 35Q35 (35J70 35K65 73E60 76A05 76N15 76S05)

28. Antontsev S.N., Diaz J.I., On space or time localization of solutions of nonlinear elliptic or parabolic equations via energy methods. Recent advances in nonlinear elliptic and parabolic problems (Nancy, 1988), 3-- 14, Pitman Res. Notes Math. Ser., 208, Longman Sci. Tech., Harlow, 1989. 35B05 (35K22).

29. Antontsev S.N., Localization of solutions of degenerate equations in continuum mechanics. (Russian) Functional and numerical methods in mathematical physics (Russian), 7--10, 261, "Naukova Dumka", Kiev, 1988. 35Q20 (35K65 76A10 76S05 76T05).

30. Antontsev S.N., Kapranov Y.I., Kashevarov A.A., Rybakova S.T., Emykh V.N., Mathematical Models of Filtration Through Soils. In book: Problems of Filtration Theory and Mechanics Processes of Increasing Oil-Efficiency, Nauka, Moscow, 1987, pp.5-15. (Russian).

31. Antontsev S.N., Kashevarov A.A., Numerical Calculation of Problems of Surface and Ground Waters Interconnection. In book: Mathematical modelling of Hydro-geological Processes, Akad. Nauk SSSR, Sibirsk. Otdel. Inst. Gidrodinamiki, Novosibirsk, 1984, pp.3-17. (Russian).

32. Antontsev S.N., Localization of solutions of nonlinear degenerate elliptic equations. (Russian) Partial differential equations and problems with a free boundary, "Naukova Dumka", Kiev, (1983), 15-19, 35J70.

33. Antontsev S.N., Localization of solutions of certain degenerate equations of continuum mechanics. (Russian) Problems of mathematics and mechanics. "Nauka" Sibirsk. Otdel., Novosibirsk, (1983), 8--15. 73F30 (35Q20 76S05). 34. Antontsev S.N., Kashevarov A.A., Meirmanov A.M., Numerical modelling of Simultaneous Motions of Surface Channel and Ground Waters. (English). International Conf. on Numerical modelling of River, Channel and Overland Flow for Water Resources and Environmental Applications. Bratislava, Czechoslovakia, May 4-8, 1981, pp.1-11.

35. Antontsev S.N., Vasiliev O.F., Voevodin A.F., Kvon V.U., et. al., Mathematical modelling of heat and mass transfer processes in reservoirs. In book: Problems of Ecology and Environment, Nauka, Novosibirsk, 1980, 53-62. (Russian).

36. Antontsev S.N., Problems of two-phase filtration in unbounded regions. In book: Numerical Methods of Solving the Problems of Filtration of Multi- Phase Uncompressible Fluid, (Proceedings of IV All-Union seminar, Bacu, 1978), Novosibirsk, 1980, pp.13-22, (Russian).

37. Antontsev S.N., Kazhikhov A.V. and Monakhov V.N., Solvability of boundary value problems for some models of inhomogeneous fluids. Proceedings of an All-Union Conference on Partial Differential Equations (Moscow State Univ., Moscow, 1976), Moskov. Gos. Univ., Mekh.-Mat. Fakultet, Moscow, (1978), 30-33,. (Russian) 76V05 (35Q20).

38. Antontsev S.N., Lavrent'ev M.A., Ovsiannikov L.V., Monakhov V.N., Plotnikov P.I., Pukhnachev V.V., Garipov R.N., Kedrinsky B.K., Nalimov V.I., Movement of Fluid and Gas Masses with Free Surfaces. In Book: Fundamental Researches. Physical and Mathematical Sciences. Izdat. Nauka. Novosibirsk. 1977, pp.151-154, (Russian).

39. Antontsev S.N., Meirmanov A.M., Mathematical Models of the Coupled Motion of Surface and Ground Waters. In book: Mechanics, Third National Congress: Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, (Bulgaria, Varna, Sep. 13- 16,1977), Acad. Sci. of the Bolgaria, Vol.1 , Sofia, (1977), 223-228.

40. Antontsev S.N., Monakhov V.N., Boundary value problems for some degenerate equations of continuum mechanics. Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, 1977, pp. 1-42. (Russian).

41. Antontsev S.N., Monakhov V.N., Boundary value problems of conjugation with a shift in multiply connected domains for quasilinear elliptic systems of first order equations. Proceedings of the Symposium on Continuum Mechanics and Related Problems of Analysis. (Tbilisi, 23-29.IX.1971), Izdat. Mecniereba, Tbilisi, Vol. II (1974), 20-35. (Russian).

42. Antontsev S.N., Subsonic Gas Flows in Multiply Connected Regions. Warsaw, Polish Academy of Sciences, Fluid Dynamics Transactions, 1971, Vol. 5, Part II, pp.7-18. 43. Antontsev S.N., The Riemann boundary value problem with shift in multiply connected domains for quasilinear elliptic systems of equations. (Russian). Metric Questions of the Theory of Functions and Mappings, Vyp. III, Procceedings Second Colloq. Theory of Quasiconformal Mappings and its Generalizations, Dedicated to M.A. Lavrent'ev's Seventieth Birthday, (Donetsk, 1970), Izdat. Naukova Dumka, Kiev, 1971, pp. 5-11.

44. Antontsev S.N., Monakhov V.N., On Some Non-Stationary Problems with Unknown Boundaries. Certain Problems of Mathematics and Mechanics. In Book “On the Occasion of the Seventieth Birthday of M.A. Lavrent'ev, Izdat. Nauka, Leningrad, 1970, pp.75-87.

45. Antontsev S.N., Monakhov V.N., Some Problems with Discontinuous Boundary Conditions in the Theory of Liquid and Gas Flow with Free Boundaries. Summaries of Presented at the International Conference of the Mechanics of Continuum. Sofia, Bulgarian,1968, pp.63-73, (English).

46. Antontsev S.N., Vasiliev O.F., Kuznetsov B.G. and Yanenko N.N., Numerical Calculation of a Spillway. In the book: Certain Questions of Calculus and Applied Mechanics, Nauka, Sibirsk. Otdel., Novosibirsk, 1966, pp., 193-201, (Russian).


1. Antontsev S.N., Shmarev S., Blow–up of solutions to anisotropic parabolic equations with variable nonlinearity, Preprint 2009-007, pp., 1-15. CMAF, University of Lisbon,

2. Antontsev S.N., Shmarev S., Blow–up of solutions to parabolic equations with non-standard growth conditions, Preprint 2009-002, pp., 1-16. CMAF, University of Lisbon,

3. Antontsev S.N., Existence, localization and blow up of solutions to parabolic equations with nonstandard conditions, Libro de Resúmes del Congreso de la Real Sociedad Matemática Española, 2009, Oviedo, 4-7 de Febrero, p.62.

4. Antontsev S.N., Shmarev S., Localization and blow up for parabolic equations with nonstandard growth conditions, Materials of the International Conference “ Modern problems of mathematics, mechanics and their applications” dedicated to 70-th anniversary of rector of MSU acad. V.A. Sadovnichy, Russia, Moscow, MSU, March 30 – April 02, 2009, pp.241-242.

5. Antontsev S.N., Diaz J.I., L1 gradient estimates for solutions of some one – dimensional quasilinear parabolic equations, Materials of the International Conference “ Modern problems of mathematics, mechanics and their applications” dedicated to 70-th anniversary of rector of MSU acad. V.A. Sadovnichy, Russia, Moscow, MSU, March 30 – April 02, 2009, pp.244.

6. Antontsev S., Chemetov N., On flux of superconductivity vortices through a domain , All - Russian Conference “ New mathematical models of continuum mechanics: construction and study “, Russia, Novosibirsk, 23- 28, April, 2009.

7. Antontsev S.N., Shmarev S., Vanishing Solutions of Anisotropic Parabolic Equations with Variable Nonlinearity, Preprint 2008-021, pp., 1-27. CMAF, University of Lisbon,

8. Antontsev S.N., Shmarev S., Anisotropic parabolic equations in variable exponent Sobolev spaces, Abstracts of International Conference “Differential Equations. Function Space. Approximation Theory ” dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birthday of Sergei L. Sobolev, Novosibirsk, Russia, October 5-12, 2008, pp.80.

9. Antontsev S.N., Shmarev S., Elliptic equations in variable exponent Sobolev spaces , Abstracts of International Conference “Differential Equations. Function Space. Approximation Theory ” dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birthday of Sergei L. Sobolev, Novosibirsk, Russia, October 5-12, 2008, pp.81.

10. Antontsev S.N., Elliptic and Parabolic Equations with non-standard growth conditions, Abstracts, Third International Workshop on Analysis and Numerical Approximation of Singular Problems,10-12 September 2008, Ericeira, Portugal.

11. Antontsev S.N., Shmarev S., Anisotropic Parabolic Equations: Existence, Uniqueness and Localization Properties, Abstracts, International conference on differential equations and dynamical systems, Suzdal, 26 Juny-2 July 2008, pp. 274-275.

12. Antontsev S.N., Shmarev S., Localized solutions of anisotropic parabolic equations, Preprint 2008-007, pp., 1-24. CMAF, University of Lisbon,

13. Antontsev S.N., Oliveira H.B., Qualitative properties of the ice-thickness in a 3D model, Preprint 2008-006, pp., 1-9. CMAF, University of Lisbon,

14. Antontsev S.N., Díaz J.I., Mathematical analysis of the discharge of a laminar hot gas in a cold atmosphere, Abstracts of All-Russian Conference “Problems of continuum mechanics and physics of detonation”, Novosibirsk, Russia, September 17-22, 2007, pp. 189-190.

15. Antontsev S.N., Díaz J.I., Interfaces generated by discharge of a hot gas in a cold atmosphere, Abstracts of Fourth International Conference of Applied Mathematics and Computing, August 12-18, 2007, Plovdiv, Bulgaria, p. 21-22.

16. Antontsev S.N., Shmarev S., Parabolic equations with variable and anisotropic Nonlinearity, Abstracts of Fourth International Conference of Applied Mathematics and Computing, August 12-18,2007, Plovdiv, Bulgaria, p. 23.

17. Antontsev S.N., Chemetov N., Euler equations with non-homogeneous Navier slip boundary condition, Abstracts of Fourth International Conference of Applied Mathematics and Computing, August 12-18, 2007, Plovdiv, Bulgaria, p. 71.

18. Antontsev S.N., Shmarev S.I, Anisotropic Parabolic Equations with Variable Nonlinearity, Preprint 2007-013, pp, 1-34. CMAF, University of Lisbon,

19. Antontsev S.N., Gagneux G., Mokrahi A., Vallet G., Stratigraphic modelling by the way of a pseudoparabolic problem with constraint, Résumé des communications, 3ème Congrès National de Mathématiques Appliquées et Industrielles SMAI 2007, 4-8 Juin 2007, Praz Sur Arly, p.214.

20. Antontsev S.N., Díaz J.I., Mathematical models of hydrological cycle: channel level and surface ground water flows, Book of Abstracts “Congresso Métodos Numéricos e Computacionais em Engenharia”, CMNE CILAMCE, Porto, Portugal, 13-15 de Junho, (2007), p.460.

21. Antontsev S.N., Díaz J.I. and H.B de Oliveira, Mathematical models in dynamics of non-Newtonian fluids and in glaciology, CD-Rom das Actas do Congresso Métodos Numéricos e Computacionais em Engenharia, CMNE CILAMCE, Porto, Portugal, 13-15 de Junho, (2007), p. 279.

22. Antontsev S.N., Shmarev S.I, Elliptic equations with variable anisotropic Nonlinearities, Book of abstracts, The International Conference “Differential Equations, Theory of Functions and Applications” dedicated to the Centennial of Academician Ilia N. Vekua, Novosibirsk, Russia, May 28- June 2, 2007, pp.388.

23. Antontsev S.N., Díaz J.I., Mathematical analysis of the discharge of a hot gas in a colder atmosphere. Book of abstracts. XXII joint session of Moscow Mathematical Society and I.G. Petrovskii seminar, Moscow, May 21-26, 2007, pp.19-20. 24. Antontsev S.N., Mathematical models of Hydrological cycle. Program and abstracts. International seminar “Earth sciences and mathematics”, University Complutense of Madrid, Spain, 13-15 September, 2006, pp. 3.

25. Antontsev S.N., Shmarev S.I., Elliptic equations with variable anisotropic nonlinearity. Book of abstracts of International Congress of Mathematicians, Madrid, Spain, 22-30 August, 2006, section: Partial diff. equations, pp. 395-396.

26. Antontsev S.N., Shmarev S.I., Parabolic equations with anisotropic non- uniform degeneracy. Book of abstracts of Third Int. conference of Applied Mathematics, Bulgaria, Plovdiv, August 12-18, 2006, Vol.1, pp. 18-19.

27. Antontsev S.N., Parabolic equations with anisotropic non-uniform degeneracy. Book of abstracts of Int. conference on Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems”, Suzdal, Russia, 10-15 July, 2006, pp. 242-243.

28. Antontsev S.N., Shmarev S.I., Elliptic equations with anisotropic nonstandard growth conditions. Book of abstracts of Int. conference “Tikhonov and Contemporary Mathematics”, section 1, Func. Anal. and Diff.Eq., Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia, 19-25 June, 2006, pp. 19-20.

29. Antontsev S.N., Gagneux G, Luce R, Vallet G., Weather limited constraint in stratigraphy. Book of abstracts of Int. conference “Tikhonov and Contemporary Mathematics”, section 5, Mathematical Geophysics, Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia, 19-25 June, 2006, pp. 7-8.

30. Antontsev S.N., Shmarev S.I., Elliptic equations with non-standard growth conditions: existenc, uniqueness and localizations properties of solutions. Conferences Abstracts, International Conference “ISAAC-International Society for Analysis, its Applications and Computations”, July 25-31, 2005, Catania, Italy, pp.88.

31. Antontsev S.N., Etienne D., Gagneux G., Vallet G., New unilateral problems in stratigraphy. Preprint 0513/2005, pp. 1-24, University of Pau, France,

32. Antontsev S.N., Shmarev S.I., Parabolic equations with variable exponents of nonlinearity: existence, uniqueness and localization properties of solutions. Programme and abstracts. International Conference “Lavrentiev readings on mathematics, mechanics and physics”, May 27-31, 2005, Novosibirsk, Russia.

33. Antontsev S.N., Gonçalves C., Meirmanov A.M., Possíveis Aplicações de Problemas com Fronteiras Livres para a Célula de Hele-Shaw. In book ''Engenharia 2005. Inovação e Desenvolvimento'', Universidade da Beira Interior, 21-23 de Novembro, 2005, Covilhã, Portugal. 34. Antontsev S.N., Elliptic and parabolic equations with variable exponents of nonlinearity: existence, uniqueness and localization properties of solutions. Program and abstracts, p.12-13. International Conference “Free Boundary Problems: Theory and Applications”, 7-12 June, 2005, Coimbra, Portugal.

35. Antontsev S.N., Shmarev S.I., Parabolic equations with anisotropic non- uniform degeneracy. Conference “Frontiers of Applied Analysis”, September 8-10, 2005, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. Program and abstracts, p.5.

36. Antontsev S.N., Shmarev S.I., Elliptic equations with nonhomogeneous nonlinearity: existence and localization properties of solutions. Book of Abstracts. EQUADIFF 11. International Conference on Differential Equations. Czecho-Slovak series. Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia, July 25-29, 2005, pp. 84.

37. Antontsev S.N., Shmarev S.I., A generalized porous medium equation with variable exponent of nonlinearity: existence, uniqueness and localization properties of solutions. International Conference “Differential equations and related topics” dedicated to Ivan G. Petrovskii, May16-22, 2004, Moscow, (2004), Book of Abstracts, 14-15.

38. Antontsev S.N., Shmarev S.I., Existence and uniqueness of solutions of degenerate parabolic equations with variable exponents of nonlinearity, Pré-Publicação No. 3, (2004), pp.0-16. Centro de Matemática, Universidade da Beira Interior, Covilhã, Portugal.

39. Antontsev S.N., Shmarev S.I., Elliptic equations and systems with nonstandard growth conditions: existence, uniqueness and localizations properties of solutions, Pré-Publicação No. 4, (2004), pp. 0-37. Centro de Matemática, Universidade da Beira Interior, Covilhã, Portugal.

40. Antontsev S.N., Zhikov V.V., Higher integrability for parabolic equations of p(x,t)-Laplacian type, Pré-Publicação No. 5, (2004), pp.0-30. Centro de Matemática, Universidade da Beira Interior, Covilhã, Portugal

41. Antontsev S.N., Oliveira H.B., Stopping a viscous fluid by a feedback dissipative field: Navier-Stokes problem. Abstracts. International workshop on potential theory and free boundary flows, Ukraine, Kiev, 19-27 August 2003, p.3, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Institute of Mathematics, International Mathematical Center.

42. Antontsev S.N., Nonlinear parabolic equations with a variable exponent of degeneration. Book of abstracts. International conference ''Nonlinear partial differential equations'', Ukraine, Alushta, September 15-21, 2003. Institute of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics of NASU, Donetsk, 2003, p.12. 43. Antontsev S.N., Oliveira H.B., Stopping a viscous fluid by a feedback dissipative field: Stationary Navier-Stokes problem. Book of abstracts. International conference ''Nonlinear partial differential equations'', Ukraine, Alushta, September 15-21, 2003. Institute of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics of NASU, Donetsk, 2003, p.13.

44. Antontsev S.N., Shmarev S.I., A model porous medium equation with variable exponent of nonlinearity: existence, uniqueness and localization properties of solutions, Pré-Publicação No.2, 2003, pp.0-34. Centro de Matemática, Universidade da Beira Interior. Covilhã, Portugal,

45. Antontsev S.N., Vekua type integral operators in space Lp(), 2≤ p. Proceedings of the International conference on Factorization, Singular Operators, 2002, p.11.

46. Antontsev S.N., Gagneux G., Vallet G., On some stratigraphic control problems. Abstracts of the International conference ''Ill-posed and inverse problems'' dedicated to Prof. M.M. Lavrentiev on the occasion of his 70th anniversary, August 5-9, 2002. Novosibirsk, Russia, p.12.

47. Antontsev S.N., On some stratigraphic control problems. Abstracts of the National conference ''Mathematical methods in ecology and in mechanics of natural environments'', Russia, Barnaul, August 8-13, 2002, p.7-8.

48. Antontsev S.N., Diaz J.I. and Oliveira H.B., . Stopping a viscous fluid by a feedback dissipative external field: the stationary Stokes equations. Abstracts of the International conference ''Navier Stokes Equations and Related Topics (NSEC8), p. 55-56, September 11-18, 2002, St. Petersburg, EIMI, Russia.

49. Antontsev S.N., Gagneux G., Small parameters in problems of filtration of two immiscible fluids. Book of abstracts. Ukrainian Congress of Mathematics, International Conference, Kyiv, August 22-28, 2001, p.10.

50. Antontsev S.N., Gonçalves C., Meirmanov A.M., Weak and classical solutions to the free boundary problem in Hele-Shaw cell. Book of abstracts. Ukrainian Congress of Mathematics, International Conference, Kyiv, August 22-28, 2001, p.11.

51. Antontsev S.N., Mathematical models of hydrological cycle. In book ''Engenharia 2001. Inovação e Desenvolvimento '', Universidade da Beira Interior, 2001, 267-268.

52. Antontsev S.N., Gagneux G., Small parameters in problems of filtration of two immiscible fluids. Proceedings of International workshop '' Regularity in partial Differential equations'', Lisboa, Portugal, November 8-10, 2001, pp.7-8. 53. Antontsev S.N., Gagneux G., Vallet G., Analyse mathématique d'un modèle d'asservissement stratigraphique. Approche gravitationnelle d'un processus de sédimention sous une contrainte d'érosion maximale. Preprint 2001/23. Analise Non Linéaire et Modélisation. Laboratoire de Mathématiques Appliquées, ERS 2055, Université de PAU et Pays de l'Adour, France, 2001, pp.1-52.

54. Antontsev S.N., Gonçalves C., Meirmanov A.M., Local existence of the classical solution to the well-posed Hele-Shaw problem. Pré -Publicação Nº3, 2000, 1-20. Centro de Matemática, Universidade da Beira Interior. Covilhã, Portugal.

55. Antontsev S.N., Meirmanov A.M., Solonnikov V.A., Smooth interface in a two-component Stokes flow. Pré -Publicação Nº5, 2000, 1-15. Centro de Matemática, Universidade da Beira Interior. Covilhã, Portugal.

56. Antontsev S.N., Meirmanov A.M., Yurinsky V.V., Homogenization Theorem for Evolution of Density in Stokes Flow. Pré-Publicação Nº 7, 2000, 1-31. Centro de Matemática, Universidade da Beira Interior. Covilhã, Portugal.

57. Antontsev S.N., Gagneux G., Quelques remarques sur la recherche de la solution maximal d'un problème inverse en géologie. Preprint 2000/17. Analise Non Linéaire et Modélisation. Laboratoire de Mathématiques Appliquées, ERS 2055, Université de PAU et Pays de l'Adour, France, 2000, pp.1-15.

58. Antontsev S.N., Meirmanov A.M., Yurinsky V.V., Mathematical models with free boundaries in filtration theory. Abstracts. Fifth International Conference. Lavrentyev Readings on Mathematics, Mechanics and Physics, September 18-20, 2000, Novosibirsk, Russia, p.41.

59. Antontsev S.N., Rebelo P.J., Localização de soluções fracas para correntes de Fluidos não-Newtonianos com densidade inicial infinita ou nula. Pré -Publicação Nº1, 1999, 1-23. Centro de Matemática, Universidade da Beira Interior. Covilhã, Portugal.

60. Antontsev S.N., Meirmanov A.M., Yurinsky V.V., Um Problema de Fronteira Livre para as Equações de Navier-Stokes. Pré -Publicação Nº2, 1999, 1-13. Centro de Matemática, Universidade da Beira Interior. Covilhã, Portugal.

61. Antontsev S.N., Meirmanov A.M., Yurinsky V.V., Weak Solutions for Well- Posed Hele-Shaw Problem. Pré-Publicação Nº 5, 1999, 1-21. Centro de Matemática, Universidade da Beira Interior. Covilhã, Portugal.

62. Antontsev S.N., Meirmanov A.M., Yurinsky V.V., A Free Boundary Problem for Stokes Equations: Classical Solutions. Pré-Publicação Nº 7, 1999, 1-12. Centro de Matemática, Universidade da Beira Interior. Covilhã, Portugal. 63. Antontsev S.N., Meirmanov A.M., Yurinsky V.V., Hele-Shaw Flow in Two Dimensions: Global-in-Time Classical Solutions. Pré-Publicação Nº 8, 1999, 1-15. Centro de Matemática, Universidade da Beira Interior. Covilhã, Portugal.

64. Antontsev S.N., Dear Pelageya Yakovlevna. To centenary of the academician P.Y. Kochina. Newspaper '' Nauka v Sibiri'', Novosibirsk, N.18, May, 1999, pp.8. (Russian).

65. Antontsev S.N., Meirmanov A.M., Yurinsky V.V., Smooth interface in a two-component Stokes flow. Book of abstracts of the International Conference '' Mathematics in Applications'' honouring academician S. K. Godunov, Sobolev Institute of Mathematics, Novosibirsk, Russia, August 25-28, 1999, p.22.

66. Antontsev S.N., Localization of solutions describing the flows of non- Newtonian fluids. Book of abstracts of the International Conference ''Mathematics in Applications'' honoring academician S. K. Godunov, Sobolev Institute of Mathematics, Novosibirsk, Russia, August 25-28, 1999, 20-21.

67. Antontsev S.N., Meirmanov A.M., Yurinsky V.V., Homogenization of Stokes-Type Equations With Variable Viscosity. Pré-Publicação Nº2, 1998, 1-25. Centro de Matemática, Universidade da Beira Interior. Covilhã, Portugal.

68. Antontsev S.N., Gagneux G., Small parameters in problems of filtration of two immiscible fluids. Book of abstracts of the International Conference ''Modern approaches to flows in porous media'' dedicated to P.Y. Polubarinova-Kochina (1899-1999), Moscow, September 6-8, 1999, 40-41.

69. Antontsev S.N., Meirmanov A.M., Yurinsky V.V., Hele-Shaw flow in two dimensions: global-in-time classical solutions. Book of abstracts of the International Conference ''Modern Approaches to flows in porous media'' dedicated to P.Y. Polubarinova- Kochina (1899-1999), Moscow, September 6-8, 1999, 56-58.

70. Antontsev S.N., Kashevarov A.A., Mathematical models of mass transfer in interconnected processes of surface, soil and ground waters. Book of abstracts of the International Conference ''Modern Approaches to flows in porous media'' dedicated to P.Y. Polubarinova-Kochina (1899-1999), Moscow, September 6-8, 1999, 165-166.

71. Antontsev S.N., Meirmanov A.M., Yurinsky V.V., A one-dimensional free boundary problem arising in combustion theory. Pré -Publicação Nº5, 1998, 1-18. Centro de Matemática, Universidade da Beira Interior. Covilhã, Portugal. 72. Antontsev S.N., Solutions localization of nonlinear parabolic equations with degeneracy on a surface. In book: Resumos das Conferências, Cursos e Comunicações. Sociedade Portuguesa de Matemática. Encontro Nacional , Universidade do Minho, Braga, 9-12 de Fevereiro, 1998, pp.33.

73. Antontsev S.N., Gagneux G., Small Parameters in the Problems of Filtration of Two Immiscible Fluids. Book of Abstracts ''Free Boundary Problems, Theory and Applications'', Herakleion, Crete, Greece, 8-14 June, 1997, pp. 37.

74. Antontsev S.N., Gagneux G., Small Parameters in the Problems of Filtration of Two Immiscible Fluids. Book of Abstracts. ''Third European Conference on Elliptic and Parabolic Problems''. Pont-á-Mousson, France, June 16-20, 1997. pp.2-3.

75. Antontsev S.N., Kashevarov A.A., Solutions localization of nonlinear parabolic equations with degeneracy on a surface. Book of Abstracts. International Conference ''Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations'', Kiev, August 26-30, 1997, pp.174.

76. Antontsev S.N., Gagneux G., Problèmes mathematiques ouverts de la théorie de filtration diphasique. Preprint 96/15. Analise Non Linéaire et Modélisation. Laboratoire de Mathématiques Appliquées, URA 1204, Université de PAU et Pays de l’Àdour, France, 1996, pp.1-48.

77. Antontsev S.N., Parabolic Equations with Non-isotropic Nonlinearities: Space and Time Localization. Abstracts of IV International conference ''Lavrent'ev Readings on Mathematics, Mechanics and Physics'' , Kazan, 3-7 July, 1995, p.37.

78. Antontsev S.N., Penkovskii V.I., Effects of Capillary Locking and Hysteresis Self-Propelling under Wave Impact. Abstracts of International conference on mathematical modelling of flow through porous media, May 22-26, 1995, Sant-Etienne, France.

79. Antontsev S.N., Chipot M., Analysis of Blow up for the Thermistor Problem. Abstracts of International Conference '' Advanced Mathematics, Computations and Applications”, AMCA-95, Novosibirsk, June 20-24, 1995, NCC Publisher, Novosibirsk, pp.25.

80. Antontsev S.N., Diaz J.I., Shmarev S.I., The Support Shrinking for Solutions of Quasilinear Parabolic Equations with Strong Absorption Terms. Book of Abstracts 2º European Conference on Elliptic and Parabolic Problems. France, Pont-à-Mousson, June 13-17, 1994, pp.11.

81. Antontsev S.N., Diaz J.I., Shmarev S.I., The Support Shrinking in Solutions of Parabolic Equations with Non-Homogeneous Absorption Terms. Pre-publicaciones del Departamento de Matematica Aplicada, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Curso 1993/1994, pp.1-16. 82. Antontsev S.N., Chipot M., Some Results on the Thermistor Problem. (English). Preprint. Nº 03/92, Universitate de Metz, France, 1992, 10 p. 83. Antontsev S.N., Diaz J.I., Shmarev S.I., New Results on the Character of Localization of Solutions for Parabolic Equations. Abstracts of International Conference ''Free-Boundary Problems in Continuum Mechanics'', July 15- 19, 1991, Novosibirsk, USSR, pp.11-12.

84. Antontsev S.N., Diaz J.I., Energy Method of Space-Time Localization of Solutions of Nonlinear Equations in Continuum Mechanics. (Russian). Abstracts. III International Conference ''Lavrent'ev Readings on Mathematics, Mechanics and Physics'', Novosibirsk, September 10-14, 1990, p.41.

85. Antontsev S.N., Penkovsky V.I., Domansky A.V.,Gas-Oil Filtration in By- Well Zone and Methods of Intensification of Inflow. (Russian). Abstracts of Republican Conference, Tashkent, FAN, 1989, pp.44.

86. Antontsev S.N., Energy Method and Localization of Nonlinear Degenerate Equations. (Russian). Abstracts of an All Soviet Union School-Seminar ''Math. Methods in Mechanics'', April 17-21, 1989, Akad. Nauk SSSR, Sibirsk. Otdel. Inst. Gidrodinamiki, Novosibirsk, p.4.

87. Antontsev S.N., Quasi-conformal mappings in gas dynamics problems. Abstracts of an All-Union conference ''Geometrical theory of functions '', Sobolev Institute of Mathematics, Novosibirsk, Russia, October 18- 20,1988, pp.9, (Russian).

88. Antontsev S.N., Kashevarov A.A., Models of Interconnection of Ground and Surface Waters. (Russian). Abstracts of Republican Scientific- Technical Seminar, Kazansky State University, Kazan, 1988, pp.3-4.

89. Antontsev S.N., Localization of Solutions of Degenerate Nonlinear Equations of Elliptic, Parabolic and Combined Types. (Russian). Abstracts of All-Union Conference '' Theory and Application of Functional Differential Equations'', Dushanbe, 1987, pp.31-32.

90. Antontsev S.N., Kashevarov A.A., Mathematical modelling of the Simultaneous Motion of Surface and Underground Water with unsaturated zone. Abstracts. II All -Union Seminar '' Modelling and forecast of chances of natural environments conditioned by redistribution of water resources'', February 11-13, 1987, Novosibirsk, pp.9.

91. Antontsev S.N., Space and Time Localization of Solutions for Nonlinear Degenerate Equations. (Russian). Abstracts of 6-th Republican Conference ''Nonlinear Problems of Math. Physics'', Akad. Nauk of Ukrainian SSR, IMPP, Donetsk, September 10-15, 1987, pp.6. 92. Antontsev S.N., Localization of Solutions of Degenerate Equations of Continuum Mechanics. (Russian). Abstracts. First North- Caucasus Regional Conference '' Functional-Differential Equations and its Applications'', Makhachkala, 1986, Dagestan State University, pp.29-30.

93. Antontsev S.N., Localization of Solutions of Degenerate Equations of Continuum Mechanics. (Russian). Abstracts of 9-th Soviet- Czechoslovak Consultation '' Application of Functional Methods and Theory of Functions on Problems of Math. Physics'', September 7-13, 1986, Donetsk, IPMM, Akad. Nauk Ukrainian SSR, p.5.

94. Antontsev S.N., Kazhikhov A.V., Monakhov V.N., Boundary Value Problems of Nonhomogeneous Fluids. (Russian). Annotation of Dokl. VI-th All-Union Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, September 24- 30, 1986, Tashkent, Acad. Nauk Uzbek. SSR, pp.45-56.

95. Antontsev S.N., Localization of Solutions of Degenerate Equations of Continuum Mechanics. (Russian). Abstracts of an All-Union School Optimum Control. Geometry and Analysis, Kemerovo, September 29- October 8, 1986, Kemerovsky State University, pp.61.

96. Antontsev S.N., Kazhikhov A.V., Monakhov V.N., Boundary Value Problems of Nonhomogeneous Fluids Mechanics. (Russian). Abstracts of 2-nd All-Union Conference ''Lavrent'ev Readings on Mathematics, Mechanics and Physics'', Kiev, 1985, pp.14-15.

97. Antontsev S.N., Atavin A.A., Bukreev V., Kobets T., Pukhnachev V., Wide Range of Problems. (Russian). Newspaper ''Nauka v Sibiri'', Novosibirsk, 31 (1212), August 1, 1985, pp.7-8.

98. Antontsev S.N., Kazhikhov A.V., Monakhov V.N., Hydrodynamics: Mathematical Researches of Composite Media. (Russian). Newspaper ''Nauka v Sibiri'', Novosibirsk, 43 (1224), October 31, 1985, p. 5.

99. Antontsev S.N., Penkovsky V.I., Pinakov V.I., Vibrator Refines a Well. (Russian). Newspaper ''Nauka v Sibiri'', Novosibirsk, 48 (1229), December 12, 1985, pp.4-5.

100. Antontsev S.N., Kashevarov A.A., Correctness of Mathematical Model of the Simultaneous Motion of Surface and Ground Waters. (Russian). Abstracts. I.T. Petrovsky Seminar. 7-th Session of Moscow Math. Society, January 18-21, 1984, Uspekhi Mat.Nauk, 1984, Vol.4 (238), pp.116.

101. Antontsev S.N., Kapranov Y.I., Rybakova S.T., Emykh V.N., Mathematical Models of Filtration and Moisture-Transfer through Soils. Abstracts of All-Union Seminar ''Modern Problems and Math. Methods of Filtration Theory''. Akad. Nauk SSSR., Inst. Problems of Mechanics, May 14-17, Moscow, 1984, pp.3-4. (Russian). 102. Antontsev S.N., On Localization of Solutions of Degenerate Nonlinear Equations of Elliptic, Parabolic and Combined Types. (Russian). Abstracts of Republican Conference '' Nonlinear Problems of Math. Physics'', September 12-14, Donetsk, 1983, p.6.

103. Antontsev S.N., Domansky A.V., Uniqueness of Generalized Solutions of Degenerate Problems of Two-Phase Filtration. (Russian). Abstracts of Republican Conference on Nonlinear Problems of Math. Physics. September 12-14, Donetsk, 1983, pp.7.

104. Antontsev S.N., On Localization of Solutions of Some Degenerate Equations of Continuum Mechanics. In book Successes of Mathematical Science, Novosibirsk, 1983, Vol.38, Vyp.5 (233), pp.160, (Russian).

105. Antontsev S.N., Kazhikhov A.V., Plotnikov P.I., Activity of a Scientist. (Russian). Newspaper ''Nauka v Sibiri'', Novosibirsk, 32, August 19, 1982, p.7.

106. Antontsev S.N., Kapranov U.I, Penkovsky V.I., Emykh V.N., Rybakova S.J., Mathematical Modelling of Water-Salt Regime of Soils. (Russian). In book '' Methods of Modelling of Nature Conditions Changing Under Redistribution of Water Resources''. Akad. Nauk SSSR. Sibirsk. Otdel. Novosibirsk, 1982, p.38.

107. Antontsev S.N., On Localization of Disturbances for Degenerate Elliptic and Parabolic Equations. (Russian). In book: Numerical Methods of Continuum Mechanics, Novosibirsk, 1981, Vol. 12, N. 1, pp. 147.

108. Antontsev S.N., Kashevarov A.A., Meirmanov A.M., Numerical modelling of Simultaneous Motions of Surface Channel and Ground Waters. (Russian). Abstracts of an All-union seminar, June 8-11, 1981, Moscow, pp.18-19.

109. Antontsev S.N., Monakhov V.N., Mathematical Modelling of Filtration Streams of Multi-Phases Fluids. (Russian). Abstracts of 5-th All-Union Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Alma-Ata, 1981, p. 28.

110. Antontsev S.N., Papin A.A., Estimates of Velocity of Convergence for Approximate Methods of Solution of Two-Phase Filtration Problems. (Russian). In book ''Dynamics of Multi-Phase Systems''. Materials of 5-th All-Union Seminar ''Numerical Methods ...''. Akad. Nauk SSSR Sibirsk. Otdel., Inst. Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. Novosibirsk, 1981, pp.73.

111. Antontsev S.N., Monakhov V.N., Questions of Correctness of Boundary Value Problems of Two-Phase Filtration. (Russian). Abstracts of an All- Union Seminar-Consultation on Boundary Value Problems of Filtration Theory. May 29-June 1, 1979, Rovno, UIIVN., 1979, p. 66. 112. Antontsev S.N., Meirmanov A.M., Mathematical Questions of Correctness of Simultaneous Movement of Surface and Underground Waters. (Russian). Abstracts of All-Union Seminar-Consultation on Boundary Value Problems of Filtration Theory, May 29-June 1, 1979, Rovno, UIIVN, 1979, p. 90.

113. Antontsev S.N., O.F., Rybakova S.T., Sabinin V.I., Mathematical modelling of Soil and Ground Water Regime.(English). Academy of Sci. SSSR, Abstracts of Conference. Environmental Management of Agricultural.Watersheds.1979. p. 1.

114. Antontsev S.N., Papin A.A., Approximate Methods of Solving Two- Phase Filtration Problems. (Russian). Abstracts of All-Union Seminar- Consultation on Boundary Value Problems of Filtration Theory, May 29- June 1, 1979, Rovno, UIIVN, p. 95.

115. Antontsev S.N., Localization of Solutions for Degenerate Equations in Continuum Mechanics. (English). Abstracts. International Colloquium on Free Boundary Problems: Theory and Appl. (Irsee, Bavaria, West. Germany), 1978, p.30.

116. Antontsev S.N., Movement of Fluid and Gas Masses with Free Surfaces. (Russian). Newspaper ''Za Nauku v Sibiri'', Novosibirsk, Number 20, May 19, 1977, p.4.

117. Antontsev S.N., Monakhov V.N., Three dimensional nonstationary problems of two-phase fluids. (Russian). Resumes. IV Congress Theoretic and Applied Mechanics of the Soviet Union, Kiev, May 21-28, 1976, p. 40.

118. Antontsev S.N., Monakhov V.N., Boundary Value Problems of Stationary Filtration. (Russian). Abstracts of an All-Union Seminar-Consultation, Ujgorod, November 11-18, 1976, pp.3-4.

119. Antontsev S.N., Monakhov V.N., Mathematical modelling of Non- Stationary Filtration Problems of Nonhomogeneous Fluids. (Russian). Abstracts of an All-Union Seminar-Consultation, Ujgorod, November 11- 18, 1976, p. 50.

120. Antontsev S.N., Monakhov V.N., Problems of the Non-Stationary Filtration of the Two-Phase Fluids. (English). Summaries of Papers of II National Congress Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Bulgarian, 1973, pp. 73.

121. Antontsev S.N., Non Special Cases of Hilbert Problem for Quasilinear Elliptic Systems in Multiply Connected Regions. (Russian). Theses of III Republican Conference of Mathematicians of ByeloRussia, Part I, Minsk, 1971, pp. 77. 122. Antontsev S.N., Monakhov V.N., The Markushevich Boundary Problem with Undifferentiable Shift in Multiply Connected Regions for Quasilinear Equations and Systems of Equations. (Russian). Abstracts. III Republican Conference of Mathematicians of ByeloRussia, Part I, June 4-7, Minsk, 1971. pp. 78.

123. Antontsev S.N., Monakhov V.N., Some Problems of a Two-Phase Incompressible Liquid. (Russian). Abstracts. II All-Union seminar. ''Application News Mathematical Methods for Theory and Practice of Extraction of Oil'', Moscow, October 7-10, 1969, p.11-12.

124. Antontsev S.N., Problems of Hydrodynamics with Free Boundaries for Two Connected Regions. (Russian). Thesis of III Congress. Theoretic and Applied Mechanics of the Soviet Union. Moscow, January 25-February 1, 1968, p.22.

125. Antontsev S.N., Monakhov V.N., On the Boundary Problems Theory for Quasi Linear Elliptic Systems of Equations. (Russian). Abstracts. II-nd Republican Conference of Mathematicians of ByeloRussia. Part II. June 27-30, Minsk, 1967, pp. 40-42.


1. Antontsev S.N., Bettencourt G., Correia N., Análise Matemática III. Parte I, Integral próprio e impróprio. Universidade da Beira Interior, Covilhã, Portugal, 2003, 1-53, (Português). 2. Antontsev S.N., Equações diferenciais ordinárias. Parte I. Equações de 1ª ordem. Universidade da Beira Interior, Covilhã, Portugal, 2003, 1-77, (Português). 3. Antontsev S.N., Guerman A., Estabilidade das soluções de sistemas de equações diferenciais. Universidade da Beira Interior, Covilhã, Portugal, 2001, 1-53, (Português).


1. Antontsev S.N., Amaziane B., Pankratov L., Piatnitski A., Homogenization of p(x)-Laplacian in perforated domain, submitted to Annali de l’Institut Henri Poincaré, 2008.

2. Antontsev S.N, Rodrigues J.F., Stabilization of weak solutions for a class of nonlinear evolution equations to a stationary state , in preparation. 3. Antontsev S.N., Chipot M., Shmarev S.I., Parabolic equations with double variable nonlinearities, in preparation.


1. Antontsev S.N., Meirmanov A.M., Yurinsky V.V., Modelos Matemáticos de Sistemas com Fronteiras Livres. Final report on the project PRAXIS XXI 2/2.1/MAT/53/94, University of Beira Interior, Covilhã, Portugal, 2000, pp. 1- 311.


1. Antontsev S.N., Voevodin A.F., Penkovsky V.I., Pinakov V.I, Makarov V.N., Zaiets E.I., Investigation and Working Out of Aero-Hydrodynamics Stimulator. (Russian). Report of Akad. Nauk SSSR Sibirsk. Otdel. Inst. Gidrodinamiki. Novosibirsk. 1981, pp.1-83.

2. Antontsev S.N., Penkovsky V.I., Domansky A.V., Pinakov V.I., Zaiets E.I., Investigation of Refining Process of Zone Attached to Face by Vibro-Percussion Drill of Closed Type. (Russian). Report of Akad. Nauk SSSR Sibirsk. Otdel. Inst. Gidrodinamiki. Novosibirsk. 1982, pp.1-65.

3. Antontsev S.N., Penkovsky V.I., Domansky A.V., Pinakov V.I, Working Out of AGDU and Investigation of Inflow to Well with Help of Chemical Reagents and Vibro-Force. (Russian). Report of Akad. Nauk SSSR Sibirsk. Otdel. Inst. Gidrodinamiki. Novosibirsk. 1984, pp. 1-75.


1. Scientific Journal “Dynamics of Continuous Media'' (Dinamika sploshnoi sredy), Lavrentiev’s Institute of Hydrodynamics, Novosibirsk, (1969-1992), member of Editorial Board. (Russian).

2. Book ''Boundary Value Problems with Free Boundaries for Elliptic Systems of Equations'', Novosibirsk, 1977, 420 p. (the author: Monakhov V.N., edited by S.N. Antontsev) , (Russian, English Trans., Am. Math. Soc. Trans. of Math. Monographs, V.57, 1983, 650 p.).

3. Book ''Meliorative and water economic problems of Siberia'', (Meliorativnye I Vodokhoziaistvennye Problemy Sibiri : Sbornik Nauchnykh Trudov ) Novosibirsk,(1989) (Edited by Antontsev S.N., P. Ya. Kochina, Vasiliev O.F.), (Russian).

4. ''Free Boundary Problems in Continuum Mechanics. Proceedings of the International conference on free boundary problems in continuum mechanics. Novosibirsk, Russia, July 15-19, 1991''. Basel/Birkhauser, ISNM, International Series of Numerical Mathematics, Vol.106, (1992) (edited by Antontsev S.N., Hoffmann K.H. and Khludnev A.M.).

5. '' Energy Methods in Continuum Mechanics. Proceedings of the International workshop on energy methods for free boundary problems in continuum mechanics, Oviedo, Spain, March 21-23, 1994'', Dordrecht/ Kluwer Academic Publishers, (1996) (edited by Antontsev S.N.,.Diaz J.I and Shmarev S.I).

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