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September 2016: Compiled by FET staff on behalf of FESS Minor Award Name Human Growth and Development Minor Award Code 5N1279 Level 5
Suggested resources to support delivery:
Theme/Topic Type Relevance Author/Source Web Link Concept of Book Chapter 1: Excellent introduction to some of the key Human Growth and Human Growth issues in Human Growth and Development. Includes Development. Beckett, Human-Growth- and activities to stimulate thinking about causes of Chris and Taylor, Hillary. Development-Chris- Development behaviour, nature vs nurture debate and free will vs Beckett/dp/1847871798 from predetermination Conception to PDF An introduction to how early experiences may affect Prof Elizabeth Nixon TCD Old Age – Key future development including studies on cases of ssets/pdf/Early issues child deprivation and adoption. %20Experiences%20and %20Later%20Development %202015.pdf Youtube Youtube video clips explaining the nature vs nurture Youtube: StuChannel3 debate through social experimentation of twins. /watch?v=qw3S35wGgT8
Youtube: KiotasPCC watch? v=bRKbZtpBcgI&sns=em Youtube Youtube video of Genie case – can be used to Youtube: TLC discuss debate regarding Critical Vs Sensitive period Documentary. /watch?v=VjZolHCrC8E in development and effects on development of lack of stimulation in early life.
1 September 2016: Compiled by FET staff on behalf of FESS Development in Book Excellent, well laid out book with good visual Meggitt, Carolyn https://www.bookdeposito Infancy and support outlining holistic development of infant and childhood: child from birth to age 19. Includes a DVD providing Development-Illustrated- video clips of children's developmental stages at all Guide-Carolyn- ages Meggitt/9780435078805 Early BBC Over 3 engaging and informative episodes Dr. Dailymotion: Countdown to Episode1: Development Documentary Michael Mosely looks at prenatal development and Life: The Extraordinary the first 8 weeks of life including the factors that can Making of You. /video/x38hyti affect development including some exceptional Costello74 Episode 2: cases. m/video/x38hzm7 Episode 3: m/video/x38san2
Attachment Website Thorough overview of John Bowlby’s theory of McLeod, Saul. http://www.simplypsychol attachment – components, related studies, evaluation of theory and subsequent studies. Youtube Video clip of Harry Harlow’s monkey experiments to Youtube: Michael Baker demonstrate importance of contact comfort in watch?v=OrNBEhzjg8I formation of attachment between child and caregiver. Youtube Video clip of Mary Ainsworth’s Strange Situation Youtube: Mark Souter with explanation of Bowlby’s theory and importance /watch?v=s608077NtNI of attachment Emotional Website Explanation of Freud’s psychosexual stages of McLeod, Saul http://www.simplypsychol Development development
2 September 2016: Compiled by FET staff on behalf of FESS Exercise Exercise where you are asked to match given Arlene F. Harder http://www.rhsroughriders scenarios to appropriate Erikson psychosocial stage. .org/ourpages/auto/2010/ Also explains each of the stages. 4/23/34202676/U9%20Erik son_s%20Stages %20Activity.doc Cognitive Website Good descriptions of Piaget’s and Vygotsky’s Simplypsychology.or Development theories of Cognitive development including in McLeod, Saul depth look at different stages of development. Includes links to YouTube clips demonstrating ability at different stages, animations and diagrams all supporting understanding. Language PDF Looks at language development including Prof Jessica Sommerville, http://faculty.washington.e Development milestones and theories such as nativist, learning University of Washington du/sommej/LanguageDevel and interactionist. opment0607.pdf Youtube Video clip demonstrating prelinguistic Albert Einstein College of communication and development of first words Medicine /watch?v=a7WAfwKi88Q Youtube Video clip explaining milestones in communication Albert Einstein College of and social engagement in baby and toddlerhood Medicine /watch?v=pZSjm0drIGM Development in PDF Good overview of physical, socio-emotional and Hubner Angela, Virigina Adolescence cognitive development of teenagers Tech 0/350-850/350- 850_pdf.pdf Book Chapter 6 discusses different aspects of adolescence Beckett, Chris and Taylor, including cultural differences, transitional aspect of Hilary. Human Growth and Human-Growth- this age, sexuality and theories such as Erikson, Development Development-Chris- Marcia and Piaget. Also some useful exercises to Beckett/dp/1847871798 apply learning. PDF Explores major areas of development and issues American Psychological associated with adolescence including eating Association. /resources/develop.pdf disorders, sexuality, identity, risk taking behaviour Developing Adolescents: A
3 September 2016: Compiled by FET staff on behalf of FESS Reference for Professionals Development in Book Chapter 7 looks at issues in this period and includes Beckett, Chris and Taylor, Early/Middle theories such as Erikson and Levinson. Also includes Hilary. Human Growth and Human-Growth- Adulthood 3 very good case studies which clearly show Development Development-Chris- application of theory to different life stages. Beckett/dp/1847871798 Parenting Website Gives an overview of Baumrinds 3 parenting styles Coste, Birgitte http://www.positive- and also mentions Maccoby and Martin. Provides links to further and more in-depth information on parenting-styles.html other parenting styles e.g. attachment parenting PDF A review at Irish parenting styles based on a study The National Strategy of Irish families includes an overview of Research Series: Halpenny, wdoc.asp? contemporary perspectives on parenting and Ann Marie, Nixon, Eliabeth, fn=/documents/Publication changing family contexts Watson, Doroth s/Parents_Perspectives_on _parenting_styles.pdf YouTube Amy Chua: Tale of a Tiger Mother – Amy Chua YouTube: Channel 4 News discusses the tiger parenting style /watch?v=eDdEnKPA5_s Film Informative and entertaining film looking at the Biology of Dads http://topdocumentaryfilm Documentary influence of fathers on their child’s development Development in Online book Looks at ageing from adolescence to late adulthood http://www.blackwellpublis Older chapter and the cognitive and socio-emotional changes that Adulthood occur apter10.pdf Website Describes disengagement, activity and continuity theories of ageing. m/sociology/textbooks/bo undless-sociology- textbook/aging-18/the- functionalist-perspective- on-aging-128/
4 September 2016: Compiled by FET staff on behalf of FESS Panorama Engaging and informative documentary following Panorama: Living with Documentary Chris and his family as they deal with the Dementia: Chris’s Story /watch?v=QDOzQr2wBqc progression of Chris’s Dementia Abdul Nickels DVD Film Documentary look at accounts of people over 100 Older Than Ireland (DVD) years of age talking about their lives and how they 4140897-older-than- cope with ageing and bereavement ireland-dvd.aspx Book Engaging and accessible book looking at all aspects The Psychology of Ageing. of ageing including changes to personality, Hamilton, Ian Stuart. Psychology-Ageing- cognition, mental health issues and language at this Introduction-Ian-Stuart- stage of life. Also looks in detail at death and Hamilton/dp/184905245X bereavement and theories related to these subjects.
Youtube Documentary about Elizabeth Kubler Ross and her YouTube: To Live Until You work researching the experiences of dying people to Die /watch?v=jTxOiq3V7Bw formulate a psychological theory of dying. Noble Belton Interpersonal Website This website provides helpful advice on Skills you need http://www.skillsyouneed. Skills interpersonal skills and contains interactive com/interpersonal- material, in particular, an interpersonal skills self- skills.html assessment to get started with. Also available is an ebook on emotional intelligence Website Brief discussion on the skills required by healthcare Will Gemma personnel when dealing with clients and team of-interpersonal-skills/ members in health sector Website A list and explanation of skills need in a therapeutic GoodTherapy http://www.goodtherapy.o setting rg/become-a- therapist/skills- needed.html
5 September 2016: Compiled by FET staff on behalf of FESS Film Entertaining film demonstrating the importance of Secrets of Body Language http://topdocumentaryfilm Documentary reading and interpreting body language and the role it plays in communication. language/ All/ Majority of Book Written to cover QQI Level 5 learning outcomes Human Growth and Learning Development. O’Brien, 2/r_prod_info.php? Outcomes Emma Zara p=356135 Book Comprehensive and easy to read textbook looking Lifespan Development. at development across the lifespan – chapters 7 and Boyd and Bee. /Lifespan-Development- 8 focus on Middle and Late Adulthood including Denise- topics such as End of Life, Death, Dying and Boyd/dp/1292065621 Bereavement. Book A popular textbook exploring all aspects of Lifespan Development. development from conception to death. An Santrock, John W. 2803272-life-span- excellent reference book. development.aspx? gclid=CN299ODmkc4CFeR0 2wodNDoBA g PDF Chapter from textbook describing major Principles of Pediatric psychological theories of development from Nursing Caring for Children. /ball/pdf/ball_05.pdf newborn to adolescence and how to apply these Ball, Jane W. theories when planning care for different age Bindler, Ruth C. groups. Cowen, Kay J
Website Succinct explanation of stages of development from Cliff Notes: Haughton conception to death. Includes exploration of issues Mifflin Harcourt. m/study- in development, relevant research and looks at guides/psychology/develop physical, cognitive and psychosocial development at ment-psychology all stages of life.
6 September 2016: Compiled by FET staff on behalf of FESS
Useful Organisations: Name Contact Information Barnardo’s HSE CARDI (Centre for Ageing Research and Development in Ireland The Alzheimer Society of Ireland MOOCs (Massive Online Open Courses) Free access to online courses Search regularly for new courses and new start dates