Monthly Meter Service Charges
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1.1 1. Receipt of Application and Security. 1 Posting of Application in Service Register and 1.2 2. 8 Maintaining Separate Seniority Lists. 1.3 3. Verification of Connected Load. 9 1.4 4. Preparation and Sanction of estimates. 12 1.5 5. Financial Justification. 13 1.6 New Fixed service connection charges. 15 Recovery of Development charges for the 1.7 New connections to be released in un-authorised/un- 19 approved/un-developed colonies. 1.8 6. Line Service charges statement. 20 1.9 7. Monthly Meter Service Charges. 21 Procedure for working out unjustified amount when a 1.10 8. 21 sub-station is to be erected for giving LT Supply. Sanction, Extension and Reduction of load or 1.11 10. 22 Contract Demand. 1.12 11. Disposal of Unjustified Applications. 28 Intimation of Acceptance of Application and Issuing 1.13 12. 29 of Demand Notice. 1.14 14. Disposal of Unaccepted Requisitions. 31 Special Clause to be Introduced in Demand Notice 1.15 15. where Joint Estimate is framed for a Number of 31 Consumers. 1.16 16. Receipt of Agreement form and Test Report, Etc. 32 Issue of service connection order and allotting of 1.17 17. 35 Account No. 1.18 18. Measurement of Service Lines. 36 1.19 19. Recording of Consumer Cases. 37 1.20 20. Custody of Application and Agreement Forms. 38 Procedure for Dealing with cases where the full 1.21 21. Sanctioned Load is not availed by the Consumer 38 Initially. Procedure to be followed when one of the 1.22 22. consumers out of the joint estimate drops out and 40 does not avail the connections. Grant of electric connection in the absence of 1.23 23. 40 consent from the landlord. (ii)
1.24 24. Grant of connections procedure for fixing seniority. 41 Grant of Electric Connections to tube wells under AP 1.25 25. 42 category. 1.26 26. Time limit for grant of connection. 46 1.27 27. Grant of priority to applications for electric supply. 47 Procedure to deal with an applicant who does not 1.28 28. 48 avail connection. 1.29 30. Supply of load to Local Bodies for Public lighting. 49 1.30 37. Disposal of Pending Applications. 52 Direction for maintenance and upkeep of connected 1.31 38. 52 load Register E.B. form CS-24. Disposal of cases of preparation of incorrect or 1.32 40. perfunctory estimate detected at the time of 54 execution of works 1.33 259. Temporary Supply 54 Temporary connection where erection/augmentation 1.34 41. of Mains and Pole Mounting Sub Station and 56 subsequent dismantlement is involved. Electrification of Dhanies /Small Hamlets for release 1.35 New 57 of domestic connections 1.36 New Levy of Departmental charges on Deposit Works 57 Non-levy of O&M /Inspection Charges in respect of 1.37 New colonies developed by HUDA/HSIDC/ Private 58 colonizers.
2.1 33. Change of the site of connections. 59 2.2 34. Change of name. 60 2.3 35. Reconnection of a Service Line. 63 2.4 36. Change of Industry or Addition thereto. 65 Conversion of feeding source from rural to urban 2.5 New 66 feeder. Providing dedicated transformers to individual/a 2.6 New Group of existing LT Agriculture Pumping category 67 consumers. Construction of Industrial feeders for group of 2.7 New 70 industries. Shifting/removal of electric lines/poles necessitated 2.8 260 70 by the Construction of buildings in their vicinity 2.9 264 To sanction Dismantlement of Service Connection 72
3.1 76. Definition and Elements of Service line. 74 3.2 77. Line Service Charges. Method of Calculation. 75 Option of paying either the monthly charges or entire 3.3 78. 76 cost of service line. 3.4 79. Cable connection from distant sub-station. 76 Reduction or Extension in Load- Effect on Line 3.5 80. 76 Service Charges. Charging of line service charges on Temporary 3.6 81. 77 Disconnection. Apportionment of service charges when a new 3.7 83. 77 service is tapped off an existing service. 3.8 84. Revision of line service charges. 79 Levy of line service charges when 3-phase 3.9 86. connection is released by conversion of existing 79 single/ two-phase line to 3 phase lines.
SECTION – IV METERING & METER SERVICE CHARGES 4.1 101. Providing an Energy Meter. 80 4.2 102. Site for Installation of Meter 80 4.3 103 Meter Sealing. 81 4.4 104. Resealing of Energy Meters 85 Security to be deposited if Meter is supplied by the 4.5 106. 86 Nigam. Meter Service Charges if the Meter is supplied by the 4.6 107. 87 Nigam. Responsibility of the Consumer in respect of loss or 4.7 108. 87 damage to the meter. Procedure to be followed when a meter is Reported 4.8 109. 87 to be Damaged or burnt 4.9 110. Charges of Inaccurate or Inoperative Meters 88 4.10 111. Checking the Accuracy of Energy Meters. 88 4.11 112. Accuracy of Energy Meter 90 4.12 113. Procedure to be followed when a Meter is challenged 90 4.13 114. Adjustment of Accounts of Challenged Meters 91 Adjustment of Consumer's Account if Meter is found 4.14 115. 92 in accurate or inoperative by a Nigam’s Employee. 4.15 116. Differences or Dispute over the Accuracy. 93 4.16 117. Changing the Position of a Meter. 94 Installation and Maintenance of Meter supplied by 4.17 118. 94 the consumer. Testing charges if the meter is got tested from 4.18 120. 95 Nigam’s Laboratories (iv)
4.19 121. Taking reading of M.D.I. 95 Removal of meter and other equipment from the 4.20 123. 96 consumer premises on permanent disconnection. SECTION – V TARIFFS
5.1 126. Charges for supply. 97 5.2 New Schedule of Tariff For – Domestic Supply. 97 5.3 New Schedule of Tariff For – Non-Domestic Supply. 99 5.4 New Schedule of Tariff For L.T. Industrial Power Supply. 100 Schedule of Tariff For H.T. Industrial & Steel Furnace 5.5 New 105 Power Supply. Schedule of Tariff For Agricultural Pumping (A.P.) 5.6 New 111 Supply. 5.7 New Schedule of Tariff For Bulk Supply. 114 5.8 New Schedule of Tariff For Street Lighting Supply. 116 5.9 New Schedule of Tariff For Traction 117 5.10 New Schedule of Tariff For Public Water Works Supply. 118 Schedule of Tariff For Temporary Metered Supply 5.11 New 121 (T.M.) Schedule of Tariff For Schedule of Electricity Duty 5.12 New 123 (E.D) 5.13 New Schedule of Tariff For Schedule of General Charges 123 Schedule of Tariff For Schedule of Miscellaneous 5.14 New 128 Charges Levy of monthly minimum charges on temporary 5.15 42. 132 disconnection. 5.16 131. Levy of surcharge. 135 Procedure for adjustment of levy of surcharge in 5.17 132. 135 case of part payment. Delegation of powers for settlement of billing 5.18 New 136 disputes Exemption of charges in case of flat rate Agricultural 5.19 New Pumping Supply consumers during the period 140 transformer remained inoperative. 5.20 New Method of Billing for H.T. Industrial consumers. 140 5.21 New Applicability of tariff for Mushroom Farming. 141 Billing of Domestic consumers in Police Colonies/Police Lines and other Departmental 5.22 New 142 Colonies of various Govt. Departments including Boards and Corporations Wheeling charges for use of Distribution and 5.23 New Transmission System by owners of Captive Power 142 Plants Hiring of Nigam’s poles for laying Cable TV Network 5.24 New 143 by small Cable Operators. (v)
Facility of advance payment of electricity bills by 5.25 New consumers and payments of incentive there 144 against. Cash collections through Registered Resident 5.26 New 146 Welfare Associations/ Village Panchayats. 5.27 New Collection charges for collection of M. Tax 147 SECTION – VI PREPARATION AND DELIVERY OF BILLS
6.1 151 Issue, Presentation and due dates of bill 148 6.2 251 Payment of Bills 149 6.3 262 Rounding of Electricity Bills 149 Procedure to be followed when issue of bill is 6.4 152 149 delayed. 6.5 153 Delivery of Bills to consumers 150 Sending of bills to consumers by post-Recovery of 6.6 154 151 Postage Charges Bill of consumer whose premises are found locked at 6.7 155 151 the time of meter reading Procedure to be followed in Finally Disconnecting the 6.8 156 152 consumers and payment of bills by them 6.9 157 Bill procedure for part period of a month 154 6.10 158 Payment of an incorrect bill 156 Accounting procedure of charges of issuing duplicate 6.11 159 157 bill. 6.12 162 Rendition of Electricity Bills 157 Un-metered supply of Power to MITC/IB tube-wells 6.13 164 158 billing thereof Setting of consumer’s account whose sites are not 6.14 New 158 available or meter are not a site Meter Reading and billing of Domestic/Non-domestic 6.15 New and Bulk Supply consumers having load above 70 159 kW. Instructions regarding recovery of arrears from the 6.16 New consumers in view of provisions of Electricity Act, 159 2003.
7.1 176 Disconnection for non-payment of electricity charges. 161 7.2 178 When consumer’s premises are found locked 162 7.3 179 Recovery of Arrears for Defaulting Consumers 162 7.4 180 Payment of Arrears not originally Billed 166 7.5 181 Power to Wave of Surcharge 166 (vi)
Regulation of surcharge on other consumers after 7.6 182 167 permanent disconnection Incentive for recovery of defaulting amount 7.7 New outstanding against permanently disconnected 167 private consumers. SECTION – VIII UN-AUTHORISED USE OR THEFT OF ENERGY
Instructions for dealing with the cases of theft of 8.1 201 169 Electricity. Instructions for dealing with the cases of 8.2 202 175 unauthorized use of Electricity.
Supply of Electrical Energy to Nigam Employees for 9.1 226 189 residential purposes Accounting of units consumed on works/Auxiliary 9.2 227 189 Consumption of Sub Station Charging of Line Service Charges and Meter Service 9.3 228 190 Charges
Procedure to be followed in the submission of a copy 10.1 252 191 of the judgement of a court to Head Office. 10.2 253 Intimation of Shut Down of Supply 191 10.3 263 Authorization of the Legal documents 192 10.4 265 Refund of Securities 192 10.5 New Dishonor of cheque. 193 10.6 New Instructions regarding implementations of awards. 194 (vii)
THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS HAVE BEEN DELETED BECAUSE THESE ARE NOT APPLICABLE AT PRESENT. Instruction SUBJECT No. SECTION – I 9. Calculation of Minimum Consumption Guarantee (MCG) 13. Issue of Demand Notice viz a viz shortage of fund/material etc. 29. Temporary additional supply to permanent consumers. Keeping applicants informed about the whereabouts of their 31. application. 32. Splitting of Industrial load. 39. Supply of power for load exceeding 100 kW. SECTION – II 51. M.C.G.- Short Title, Application and Assessment thereof. 52. Restricted House Supply. 53. Recovery of M.C.G. Amount. 54. Reduction or extension in load – MCG 55. Change of Name. 56. Splitting of Industrial Load. 57. Levy of MCG, when service line is tapped. 58. Atta Chakki Load. 59. Revision of Amount of MCG. 60. Power to waive off or to shift the period of MCG. SECTION – III 82. Already deleted in 1985 edition. 85. Service equipment charges. Electrification of Villages/ lying of complete L.D. system with 87. periphery of Villages/charging of service rental from consumers. SECTION – IV Installation of separate meters for segregating large & small 105. loads at Industrial premises. 119. Purchase of meter by the consumer. Procedure for billing where the Maximum Demand Indictor get 122. defective or not installed from the date of connection. SECTION – V 127. Interpretation of Factory lighting clause. 128. Compounding in schedule CS & DS. 129. Commercial supply viz a viz motive power loads. (viii)
130. Bulk supply for general or mixed load at single point. 133. Lamp Renewal Charges as applicable to Tariff Schedule S.L. Fixation of monthly lamp maintenance charges for special type 134. of fittings provided by the load bodies. Industrial consumers- Correction Factor in demand charges to 135. compensate the effect of Low Power Factor. Levy of MMC on I.B. connections released for floodwater relief 136. pumping stations. Applicability of Bulk Supply Tariff to the Hospitals, Nursing 137. Homes managed by individual/societies or institutions. SECTION – VI Billing of consumers on Connected Load basis when a MDI is 160. not available to be installed at consumer’s premises. Un-authorized Extension of load- Overhauling of consumer’s 161. accounts. 163. Spot billing of Large Supply consumers. SECTION – VII 177. Disconnection of consumer’s governed by MCG. SECTION – VIII 203. Procedure of dealing with theft of energy cases. 204. Reconnection of supply to consumer’s caught stealing energy. SECTION – X 254. Load Surveys. 255. Justified service length for tubewell connections. 256. Prejudice use of supply. 257. Overcoming of shortage of three phase meters. 258. Installation of meter for General & Industrial Supply. 261. Improvement of power factor.