Annex 1: Project Design Summary
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Annex 1: Project Design Summary
Key Performance Hierarchy of Indicators Monitoring & Evaluation Critical Assumptions Objectives Sector-related CAS Sector Indicators: Sector/ country reports: (from Goal to Bank Goal: Mission) 1. Ensure environmental 1. Red Data classification 1. National State of the 1. Poor benefit the sustainability Environment Report most from better environmental quality 2. Promote growth and 2. Real GDP growth and 2. National Accents: Real 2. Poor people gain higher employment labor force growth GDP growth and labor employment force data 3. Enhance sub-regional 3. Export – import data 3. Trade statistics 3. Poor regions benefit integration Global Objective: Outcome / Impact Project reports: (from Objective to Indicators: Goal) GEF Global Endemic species State of the Environment Sustained financing Objectives: maintained. Viable Reports. Survey reports. and political To conserve globally populations of threatened Red Data Reports commitment; significant biodiversity species. Improvement in in the Maloti- terms of IUCN categories Drakensberg mountains of threat within a transfrontier conservation and development area framework Stakeholders work Protected area system in Project progress reports, Bilateral political together to realize place, benefit transfers in supervision missions harmony; nature-based $ terms, number of people Continued growth in development employed as a result of international tourism to opportunities project increased, number Southern Africa; and size of entrepreneurial Stable energy prices activities in response to project initiatives Output from each Output Indicators: Project reports: (from Outputs to component: Objective) 1. Project Management Bilateral Memorandum of Minutes of meetings of Bilateral and domestic and Transfrontier Understanding. Steering Steering Committee, PCCs, administrative Collaboration Committee established. and PCUs. coherence Project Coordination Minutes of quarterly FMC Committees, Project meetings to consider the Coordination Units and PMRs. Financial Management Project Annual Reports. Committees constituted. Disbursement Reports. Recruitment of senior Audit Reports. PCU Staff. Timely Evaluation Reports, delivery of Project Supervision Missions, milestones. Endorsement Mid-term Reviews. of Cash Forecasts. Regular Staff Appraisal. Financial Management System in place.
1 2. Conservation Completed biodiversity Survey Reports. Protected Compatible regional Planning surveys in priority areas. area maps. Local land-use plans. Local New PAs identified and knowledge on biodiversity agreement to supply delineated. Biodiversity documented through data and allow surveys. conservation program participatory involvement finalized and implemented 3. Protected Area Revised Development and Development, Zonation, Agreement on Management Planning Zonation plans for PAs. Management and Business conservation priorities Conducted Initiate the process of plan documents among stakeholders. development and zonation Agreement on area planning for the identified designations, and proposed conservation effective conservation areas. Completed management Management and institutions in place. Business plans for PAs, Competent technical using a participatory leadership supported approach. with adequate local representation. 4. Conservation No populations of Implementation Agency Agreement on area Management PAs threatened species in Reports. Patrol logs, designations, and decline, extent of alien visitor statistics per area, effective conservation plant invasion reduced rescue reports, stock counts management significantly, sustainable Patrol logs, visitor statistics institutions in place. range management in key per area, rescue reports, Competent technical areas. Rock art sites etc. Supervision missions leadership supported protected. Effective anti- with adequate local poaching, effective visitor representation. management and rescue service, prevention of illegal grazing, institutionalize social fencing 5. Conservation Improved range condition Results of vegetation Agreement on area Management ex-PAs and basal cover. surveys undertaken every designations, and Education program on two years in areas of effective conservation grazing management intervention. Education management implemented. program report. Resource institutions in place. Resource management management plan and Competent technical plan for improved range survey of implementation leadership supported condition and animal with adequate local productivity in place representation. within two years of project implementation. 6. Community Recruitment of 1 social Recruitment records. Agreement on area Involvement ecologist/country. Existence of community designations, and Creation of 3 community centers. Forum records. effective conservation conservation centers with Training programs and management curio shops by end of year evaluation reviews institutions in place. 2. Recruitment of Competent technical community extension leadership supported officers (EOs) for the with adequate local centers as completed. Not representation. less than 10 community facilitators per community
2 center, before the end of year 2. Preparation of training materials, visual aids within 12 months. Annual training of trainers’ workshops for EOs and community facilitators. Workshops with at least 50 herdboys p.a. At least 1 training workshop for principal and local chiefs & VDCs and livestock owners p.a. 7. Nature-based At least 200 people Local tourism plans, Communities and Tourism employed in local nature- records from workshops. private commercial based tourism enterprises Trail maps & verification sector derive benefits by end of year 2 and walks/drives. Nursery from investment in additions of 300 p.a. visits. Local employment nature-based tourism Nursery output. Local surveys. Visitor counts and and respond will to the tourism plans community client feedback surveys. enabling environment. areas finalized. At least Nursery accounts. 100 community entrepreneurs and 10 civil servants trained each year starting in year 2. No. of km hiking & 4x4 trails installed p.a. At least 2 village nurseries installed by end of year 2, with additions of 2 every year thereafter. 8. Institutional Establishment of Community Conservation Agreement about development. Community Conservation Forums documents. institutional models Forums. Support Gazette establishment of and staff interest in development of national national conservation training. and local institutions for institution in Lesotho. nature conservation and Training programs reports. land use planning measures in priority areas. Staff training program implemented. Project Components / Inputs: (budget for each Project reports: (from Components to Sub-components: component) Outputs) 1. Project management $2.6 Million 1. Bilateral MoU. PCC 1. Bilateral harmony & transfrontier minutes. PCU Institutional cooperation: Bilateral Coordinators’ progress commitment at MoU, PCCs & PCUs reports national and provincial with FMCs, GIS levels. Agreement on capacity storage & access to information. 2. Conservation $1.4 Million 2. Strategy Plan 2. Compatible regional planning: Design of Participation Plan. Survey land-use plans. Local protected area system. reports. agreement to supply Conceptual data and allow surveys.
3 development planning. Participatory planning Comprehensive biodiversity surveys. Participatory data collection
3. Protected area $1.4 million 3. Strategy documents and 3. Institutional basis management planning progress reports from established in Lesotho implementing agencies
4. Strengthening of PA $3.3 million 4. Conservation Agency 4. Acceptance of management, including Reports effective grazing fire management, protection and anti- security management poaching measures and wildlife and inter-agency management programs support
5. Conservation $1.5 million 5. Project annual reports 5. Alien eradication management and erosion control · Addressing threats technically effective, and impacts posed by and community alien plants, soil erosion cooperation in and unsustainable range enforcing agreements. management 6. Community $3.1 million 6. Strategy plan 6. Benefit transfer to conservation program: Extension staff installed. community effective Community Forum bylaws. Local community conservation centers, acceptance of local Conservation Forums forums and programs. and Local Boards 7. Nature-based tourism $1.5 million 7. Records from training 7. Synergy between development: courses. the project and other Community training and nature-based tourism entrepreneurial promotion exercises. development 8. Institutional $0.4 million 8. Regulations and bylaws 8. Agreement on development including for conservation institutional reforms comprehensive nature institutions. Progress and counterpart conservation staff reports. funding. development program effective
Africa Region M:\RAMON\Bilateral\January2000\WB\Regional Maloti-Drakensberg\Part II.doc 01/27/00 5:34 AM