Call to Order: Meeting Called to Order at 9:35 Am by President Hall
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MALEHA Environmental Health Forum MALPH, Lansing, MI April 16, 2015 ______Board of Directors: (* = Present) (TC = Teleconference) * Tony Drautz Oakland CHD President (2016) Max Bjorkman Muskegon County Director (2017) * Rebecca Burns BHSJ DHD Past President (2015) * Bob Gouin Mid-Michigan District (2015) *Paul Makoski President Elect Calhoun CHD (2017) *Steve Demick St. Clair County (2015) *Regina Young BEDHD Secretary (2015) Daren Deyaert, Dickinson-Iron DHD (2016) TC Chris Westover Monroe CHD Treasurer (2015) *Dorothy Wicks Lapeer CHD Director (2015) ______Members Present and/or on Teleconference: Chris Klawuhn, Saginaw CHD Matt Bolang, Livingston CHD Vern Johnson, Kalamazoo CHD Patrick Jacuzzo, Marquette CHD TC Randy Rapp, Allegan CHD Dawn Hallwood, Genesee CHD Kristin Schweighoefer, Washtenaw CH Pam Koczman, U of M Tom Fountain, Benzie-Leelanau DHD Steve Lichota, Macomb CHD Addie Hambley, Ottawa CHD Larry Johnson, Shiawassee CHD Scott Smith, DHD 4 Jim Henry, Genesee Mark Hansell, Oakland CHD Martha Hall, Lenawee CDH Tip MacGuire, Huron & Tuscola CHD Christine Daley, Chippewa CHD Michelle Patton, Central Michigan CHD Liz Braddock, Oakland CHD Mike Krecek, Midland CHD Ken Bowen, Ionia CHD Rod McNeill, Ingham CHD
Guests Present and/or Teleconference: Meghan Swain, MALPH, Sandra Walker, MDARD, Alicia Schalk, MDARD, Carrie Monosmith, MDEQ, Mark Miller, MDHHS (p.k.a. MDCH), Orlando Todd, MDHHS, Blaine Cressman, MDHHS
1. Call to Order: Meeting called to order by President Drautz at 9:36 AM
2. Approval of Agenda: Motion by Vern, support by Chris, motion carried.
3. Approval of Minutes: Approval of March 26, 2015 minutes - motion by Rebecca, support by Paul, motion carried.
4. Officer & Affiliate Reports a. Presidents Report: Tony Drautz – MALPH meeting included a discussion on Proposal 1(road funding). State intends to notify 80 federal campgrounds that the campgrounds must be licensed. This may conflict with guidance documents relative to federal land and requirements for following local ordinances and state rules. Licensed campgrounds are now listed online and next month all licensed pools will be listed. A Board of Directors meeting was held last month. Discussion included membership dues, MEHA conference and NEHA conference for 2017. Tony asked members to submit nominations for awards directly to Tony and by next month’s forum meeting. Discussion was held at recent On-site Sewage Committee meeting with MDEQ regarding changing the MPR’s. Our meeting minutes are being posted to the MALPH website. Bob identified that local public health may have an opportunity to serve position on a cross walk between PHAB and state accreditation. Tony is seeking a MALEHA representative on this cross walk and Bob G will serve this role. Tony asked Kristen regarding food plan review and any MDARD training on plan review, which the contract identifies as an MDARD role. Tony is pursuing a sub-committee on plan review to make recommendations to the Board of Directors. Kristen identified the strong experience and training present at local health departments and thus local departments should be part of a joint venture with MDARD. A report has recently come out from Jamie Clover Adams regarding retail food service establishments in Michigan. The white paper that is being drafted by MALEHA can demonstrate the capability of locals to perform retail inspections at proper frequency with funding currently allocated to MDARD. Vern suggested that the food committee establish draft objectives for the plan review sub-committee and submit them for the Board of Director’s consideration. Discussion regarding food markets and temporary food/commissary license forms was held. b. Treasurer’s Report: Chris Westover reported no expenses this month. Balance is $20,156.74. Motion to accept by Paul and second by Dorothy. Motion carried. c. MALPH Report: Meghan –The Executive order (to cut ELPHS funding) may come back online in October. Meghan cautioned that the outcome of Proposal 1will guide the path of funding restoration (or not). There is no Plan B for road funding. We have worked hard to get funding level back to 2002. Fifty/fifty cost sharing has only been received once and discussion about how to fund local public health is necessary. The Day at the Capital is next week. MALPH board discussed the MDARD food markets memo. HB4054-mobile home park legislative is in the Senate Regulatory Reform committee. HB 4209-marijuana provisioning centers- Meghan reported that our position will be discussed at a planned future meeting with Rep. Callton. Meghan requested additional attendees at this meeting. Senator Colbeck’s legislation promotes the minimum requirements contained in the federal rules regarding fundraisers at schools. Fundraising surrounding events such as chili cook-offs are NOT intended to be included in the scope of the legislation. HB4017-donated food-language to assure that the liability remains if a food bank gives away food known to be bad. SB259, 260 & 261 - regarding public disclosure of immunization. Meghan has not reviewed these yet. d. MEHA Report: Christine Daley reported on the AEC and meeting tomorrow to look over the surveys. In the final stages of proof reading the e-ready reference and will be setting a fee. Brainstorming session regarding the 2017 AEC and consensus was to consider the scholarship level that may be available. A decision will be made by August. MEHA continues to work with the Public Health Training Center and U of M report on the training needs assessment/ survey.
5. Old Business: none
6. New Business:
a. MDEQ Remediation & Redevelopment Division-Bree Bennett will be present in May
7. Committee Reports:
Food: Kristen – recent mushroom certification classes held through MDARD has identified a need to communicate with restaurants that they should look for that certification. One day food law training recently held will be changed back to the food code and only include relevant topics in the food law. Rodney Blanchard is now the MDARD contact for website issues. The current trends in vending machines offer a new training opportunity. Contact Kristen if interested in a vending tour in southwest Michigan. Private & Type III Water: Tip McGuire – next meeting is scheduled for May 14 On-site Wastewater: Randy Rapp –Met on March 31. Set seven goals for the failure data and reporting. Next meeting is April 17, 2015. Changes to the failure reporting guidance document (to promote consistency in reporting) will be generated. Also looking at MPR changes in the future with consideration of re-focusing MPR efforts to a self-assessment model along with MDEQ training. MDEQ low staffing levels compared to the time needed to complete current accreditation review were discussed. Legislative: Rebecca reported that HB4054 is mobile home bill and passed the house and in senate committee however it still does not include local health departments. SB139 regarding fundraising in schools does not require any MALEHA input (licensure requirements not changed). SB144-low risk foods- no updates at the legislative site with amendments. Dogs on the patio status is being sought. SB231-e-cigarettes & SB240-powedered alcohol were discussed. HB 4209-marijuana provisioning centers- Ken reported that a meeting with Rep. Callton has been scheduled with the MALEHA position that centers should be under the food law. HB4435-another allergen bill requires a menu or disclosure by the public to their server if they have an allergy. Body Art: Tony reported that Mike Kucab confirmed he has received all of the comments. Tony has not seen any compiled amendments. Director’s Conference/Technology & Training: – Paul is still looking for an additional person on the committee. He continues to hold meetings with himself. He has several speakers lined up. Please consider joining Paul in the planning committee. Retail Food: Tony Drautz – a meeting is scheduled for next week with the food committee and to discuss retail food inspections. Kevin was initially looking at low risk inspections and concessions. Mobile Home Park Ad Hoc: Larry Johnson – same as above Campground Statute Workgroup: none Act 399/rTCR workgroup: Regina requested copies of the Level 1 & 2 assessments. Carrie identified that they are finishing the forms and that they will be given out at the Type 2 conference. Acella: Vern reported that the roll out should be expected at the end of the year. MDARD’s last announcement was for a September roll out.
8. State Departments:
a. MDCH, now MDHHS Report-Mark Miller reported that the merger of MDCH and MDHS has is official and now called the Department of Health & Human Services. Mark’s department is now called Population Health and Community Services. Some local DHS offices are targeted for closure and thus space at local health departments may be requested. Orlando Todd identified the development of an exemption transfer policy for temporary cigar bar license transfers. This would allow a cigar bar to transfer their license to a location within a 25 mile radius and to a charitable event. Blaine Cressman reported guidelines were started last year to allow “borrowing” of a license for up to six hours. Only a non-profit organization can use the loaned exemption once a year (per cigar bar licensure? or each non-profit?) for six hours. During that period the cigar bar must be closed and the owner of the cigar bar must be present at the non-profit organization’s event. This will only be effective for establishments in existence on May 2010. Any cigar bars sold since 2010 are not eligible for this exemption transfer. Processes to guide the response if people do not follow the guidelines are not developed. An affidavit is required from both the cigar bar and the non-profit to be submitted within 60 – 90 days to MDHHS regarding the exemption transfer. The IRS Non-profit letter must also be submitted with the affidavit. The definition of “charity event” was questioned. Financial reporting to MDHHS is also required. Tony asked about advance notification to local health departments when borrowing is occurring. MDHHS is considering a notice that the event holder can post to allow persons to see the cigar smoking event has been reviewed under the MDHHS policy. Orlando identified that a survey is being constructed for the smoke free law. Orlando reported that the e-cig legislation is essentially the same language as was vetoed by the governor last year. b. MDEQ Report- Carrie referenced a recent newspaper article regarding Slides in the City, which is a 1000’ long “slip n slide”. Carrie reported that licensing them would be difficult. Florida’s experience with these slides found that the event organizers took the fines or fees rather than obtain licenses. Campgrounds are listed on the web along with a disclaimer. A letter is being sent to the USDA US Forest and National Park Service asking for an inventory of their federal campgrounds and with the intent of licensure next year. There are approximately 80 campgrounds. Dana will be sending out a list serve regarding Private & Type III procedures that extends dates. Four procedures have been revised including isolation distances for a MDARD document. The new arsenic brochure includes changes in the risk level. Association of Recreational Vehicles & Campgrounds (ARVC) MI group met with Carrie last month regarding the rTCR group. An article for their newsletter is being created. Carrie will distribute this article to the forum. New gov delivery list serve was created for Environmental Health and others. OT sign up look for the little red envelope on the website. c. MDARD: Sandra Walker introduced Alicia Schalk of MDARD. Future survey monkey for reporting will be sent to the forum (through Jodi Fulk or Tony Drautz). Alicia relayed her work experience with state agencies. Sandra reported that Rodney Blanchard will now coordinate web content. This allows a food safety and technically knowledgeable person to post appropriate content and information. MDARD is working on meat processing and HAACP requirements. MDARD is awaiting a grant from MRA. MDARD is in the process of inspecting facilities with specialized processing. A few applications and HAACP plans have been reviewed but approval not completed. Sandra requested that the forum report any suspect meat processing facilities in their jurisdictions to the MDARD call center 800-292-3939. Tony requested a list of the processors and their locations from Sandra. Sandra identified that requirements can be complicated and that licensure becomes involved when processors are performing activities such as making sausages and retail. MDARD’s budget has requested an increase in fees and a bill sponsor has been found. MDARD used pictures to illustrate the issues being found in the field and to show the need for increased fees for the program. Vern asked Sandra if cost recovery is being sought with the MDARD fee proposal. Sandra identified that cost recovery was included in the proposal. Vern identified that the current low fees cause tax payers to fund the costs of retail establishment licensure and encouraged MDARD and MALEHA to communicate the message surrounding costs being born by the public. Sandra identified that sampling of finished products has been occurring throughout the state. MDARD is working with MDHHS laboratory to present a grant to expand testing to include sending samples on to MDHHS for testing of contaminants such as anthrax. A sampling team exercise for a simulated emergency response sampling event is being considered. A series of workshops by a non-profit is ongoing to provide mushroom certification. Sandra will complete the certification card format and will send it to the forum when completed. Vern inquired about a guidance document regarding temporaries and the old application status. Sandra identified that the guidance will be coming soon and asks that we use up old ones until December 31, 2015 and “send in” any old ones in January 2016. Sandra will investigate an alternative of locals mailing in the unused licenses (such as sending in the numbers of unused applications and destroying them) Stay tuned. Tony identified that commissary licenses being posted on the web presents concerns. Sandra will pull the licenses from their website. 9. Items from the Board: none 10. Items from the Members: none 11. Upcoming Conferences a. Directors Conference September 23-25, 2015 12. Future Agenda Items a. CAFO –MDARD
13. Adjourn at 12:02 p.m.
Submitted by: Regina Young 4-21-2015
Approved 05-xx-2015
Regina Young, MALEHA Secretary