Dr. Cupp Readers & Journal Writers Lesson Plans Reader #48

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Dr. Cupp Readers & Journal Writers Lesson Plans Reader #48

Dr. Cupp Readers & Journal Writers – Lesson Plans – Reader #48 *TLW = “The learner will” Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Section A- Fluency and Section A- Fluency and Section A- Fluency and Section A- Fluency and Section A- Fluency and Comprehension- Comprehension- Comprehension- Comprehension- Comprehension- 1/3 of the group time 1/3 of the group time 1/3 of the group time 1/3 of the group time 1/3 of the group time

Materials: Dr. Cupp Readers & Materials: Dr. Cupp Readers & Journal Materials: Dr. Cupp Readers & Materials: Dr. Cupp Readers & Materials: Dr. Cupp Readers & Journal Writers Part 2 p. 183-184, Writers Part 2 p. 183-184, Reader #48 Journal Writers Part 3 p. 183-184, Journal Writers Part 2 p. 183, Journal Writers Part 2 p. 183 Reader Reader #48 p. 1, and ThinkerBox p. 2, and ThinkerBox Book Chapter 9 Reader #48 p. 1, and ThinkerBox Reader #45 p. 1, and ThinkerBox #48, p. 16 Assessment Book Chapter 9 pages 28-36. pages 28-36. Book Chapter 9 pages 28-36. Book Chapter 9 pages 28-38. Lesson Plan Sheet available from the Lesson Plan Sheet available from the Lesson Plan Sheet available from the Lesson Plan Sheet available from Lesson Plan Sheet available from web site: web site: web site: the web site: the web site: http://www.cindycupp.com/forms. http://www.cindycupp.com/forms.htm http://www.cindycupp.com/forms.htm http://www.cindycupp.com/forms.ht http://www.cindycupp.com/forms. htm m htm Objectives: TLW read the sight words Objectives: TLW read the sight words Objective: TLW select words from which, much, those, their, truth, which, much, those, their, truth, name, Objectives: TLW read the sight Objectives: TLW read the sight the word box to complete the name, and think. and think. words which, much, those, their, words which, much, those, their, sentence. TLW read with fluency. TLW read with fluency. truth, name, and think. truth, name, and think. TLW answer comprehension TLW answer comprehension TLW read with fluency. TLW recognize question marks, Procedure: questions. questions. TLW answer comprehension periods, and exclamation points. Students will do page 16 questions. TLW recognize commas. independently. Before reading pages 1-3- Students Procedure: TLW read sentences with fluency. Page 16 provides the comprehension in this reader have mastered 203 sight Review sight words. Procedure: TLW identify what is missing in assessment for pages 1-3. words, and they can sound out many Have children orally read p. 2 and play Review sight words. Read the story each picture. two-syllable words. Students are on a Beat the Tiger. on page 3. TLW use picture clues to help with 1.5 reading level. Reading levels and Have students answer comprehension Play Beat the Tiger. comprehension. Important Terms percentages of unknown words are questions at the bottom of the page. shown at the bottom of each page Go over comprehension questions at Procedure: Retell, Sequence, Summarize, each page of the readers in the the bottom of the page. Go over sight words. Prediction. copyright line. Oral Language Lesson for Reader 48 The teacher then randomly calls on p. 2 Graphic Organizer- Venn Diagram- students to read the sentences on Objectives: TLW retell a story. Procedure: Introduction of New Sight See page 183 of Manual. p.28-38 of ThinkerBox Chapter 9. TLW sequence events. Words which, much, those, their, Refer to Manual p. 184 for higher Discuss the pictures and story. TLW summarize a story. truth, name, and think. order thinking and comprehension Oral Language Lesson for Reader 48 TLW make predictions about the Students will read page 1. questions. p. 3 story. Important Terms Oral Language Lesson for Reader 48 Refer to Manual p. 184 for higher Section B- -Hop’n Pop Sight Words- p. 1 Important Terms order thinking and comprehension Retell, Sequence, Summarize, 1/3 of the group time questions. Prediction. Reader 48

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Refer to Manual p. 184 for higher Retell, Sequence, Summarize, Materials: timer, Reader #48 p.4-5, order thinking and comprehension Prediction. Objectives: TLW retell a story. Dr. Cupp Readers & Journal Writers questions. TLW sequence events. Part 2, p. 185. Objectives: TLW retell a story. Important Terms TLW summarize a story. TLW sequence events. TLW make predictions about the Objective: TLW read sight words Important Terms TLW summarize a story. Retell, Sequence, Summarize, story. with speed and accuracy. TLW make predictions about the story. Prediction. Retell, Sequence, Summarize, Section B- -Hop’n Pop Sight Variation of a group warm-up for Prediction. Section B- -Hop’n Pop Sight Words- Objectives: TLW retell a story. Words-1/3 of the group time Hop’n Pop- The timer is set and the 1/3 of the group time TLW sequence events. first student begins saying the words Objectives: TLW retell a story. TLW summarize a story. Materials: timer, Reader #48 p.4-5, in column one and continues until he TLW sequence events. Materials: timer, Reader #48 p.4-5, Dr. TLW make predictions about the Dr. Cupp Readers & Journal Writers or she makes an error. As soon as an TLW summarize a story. Cupp Readers & Journal Writers Part story. Part 2, p. 185. error is made, the teacher corrects TLW make predictions about the 2, p. 185. the error and then it is the next story. Section B- -Hop’n Pop Sight Objective: TLW read sight words student’s turn. The group wins if Objective: TLW read sight words with Words- with speed and accuracy. they can get to word #45 before the Section B- -Hop’n Pop Sight Words- speed and accuracy. 1/3 of the group time timer sounds. 1/3 of the group time Materials: timer, Reader #48 p.4-5, Variation of a group warm-up for Variation of a group warm-up for Dr. Cupp Readers & Journal Writers Hop’n Pop- The timer is set and the See the August 2005 Online Materials: timer, Reader #48 p.4-5, Hop’n Pop- The timer is set and the Part 2, p. 185. first student begins saying the words Newsletter for sight word game Dr. Cupp Readers & Journal Writers first student begins saying the words in in column one and continues until he ideas: Part 2, p. 185. column one and continues until he or Objective: TLW read sight words or she makes an error. As soon as an www.cindycupp.com/2005 August she makes an error. As soon as an error with speed and accuracy. error is made, the teacher corrects Newsletter.htm Objective: TLW read sight words is made, the teacher corrects the error the error and then it is the next with speed and accuracy. and then it is the next student’s turn. Variation of a group warm-up for student’s turn. The group wins if Section C- Ten Minute Phonics The group wins if they can get to word Hop’n Pop- The timer is set and the they can get to word #45 before the 1/3 of the group time Variation of a group warm-up for #45 before the timer sounds. first student begins saying the words timer sounds. Hop’n Pop- The timer is set and the in column one and continues until he Materials: Reader #48 p. 6-7, first student begins saying the words See the August 2005 Online or she makes an error. As soon as an See the August 2005 Online Manual p.186, Toolbox Decks 25, in column one and continues until he Newsletter for sight word game ideas: error is made, the teacher corrects Newsletter for sight word game 29, 31, and 34. or she makes an error. As soon as an www.cindycupp.com/2005 August the error and then it is the next ideas: error is made, the teacher corrects the Newsletter.htm student’s turn. The group wins if www.cindycupp.com/2005 August Objective: TLW sound out words error and then it is the next student’s they can get to word #45 before the Newsletter.htm using th blends and thr blends. turn. The group wins if they can get to Section C- Ten Minute Phonics timer sounds. word #45 before the timer sounds. 1/3 of the group time Section C- Ten Minute Phonics Page 6- The teacher writes the letters See the August 2005 Online 1/3 of the time thr and throat on the board. “Thr See the August 2005 Online Materials: Reader #48 p. 6-7, Manual Newsletter for sight word game begins the word throat. When you Newsletter for sight word game ideas: p.186, Toolbox Decks 25, 29,31, and ideas: Materials: Reader #48 p. 6-7, see the letters thr written together, www.cindycupp.com/2005 August 34. www.cindycupp.com/2005 August Manual p.186, Toolbox Decks 25, they will make a new sound. This Newsletter.htm Newsletter.htm 29,31, and 34. new sound is /thr/. I would like for Objective: TLW sound out words everyone to touch your throat.” The Section C- Ten Minute Phonics using th blends and thr blends. Section C- Ten Minute Phonics Objective: TLW sound out words teacher will either select a few cards 1/3 of the group time 1/3 of the group time using th blends and thr blends. from a Card Deck with the /thr/ Page 6- The teacher writes the letters sound or write a few words with thr

2 Reader 48

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Materials: Reader #48 p. 6-7, Manual thr and throat on the board. “Thr Materials: Reader #48 p. 6-7, Page 6- The teacher writes the on the board. Students will practice p.186, Toolbox Decks 25, 29, 31, and begins the word throat. When you see Manual p.186, Toolbox Decks 25, letters thr and throat on the board. “ sounding out these new words. The 34. the letters thr written together, they 29, 31, and 34. Thr begins the word throat. When /th/ sound was first introduced in will make a new sound. This new you see the letters thr written Ten Minutes Phonics lesson 47. It is Objective: TLW sound out words sound is /thr/. I would like for Objective: TLW sound out words together, they will make a new repeated in this lesson to provide using th blends and thr blends. everyone to touch your throat.” The using th blends and thr blends. sound. This new sound is /thr/. I extra practice. The key word for the teacher will either select a few cards would like for everyone to touch /th/ sound is the word think. If Page 6- The teacher writes the letters from a Card Deck with the /thr/ sound Page 6- The teacher writes the your throat.” The teacher will either students need a more concrete thr and throat on the board. “Thr or write a few words with thr on the letters thr and throat on the board. “ select a few cards from a Card Deck picture for the key word for /th/, the begins the word throat. When you see board. Students will practice sounding Thr begins the word throat. When with the /thr/ sound or write a few teacher might draw a picture of a the letters thr written together, they out these new words. The /th/ sound you see the letters thr written words with thr on the board. thumb. will make a new sound. This new was first introduced in Ten Minutes together, they will make a new Students will practice sounding out For page 7, students can practice sound is /thr/. I would like for Phonics lesson 47. It is repeated in this sound. This new sound is /thr/. I these new words. The /th/ sound was sounding out the words from the everyone to touch your throat.” The lesson to provide extra practice. The would like for everyone to touch first introduced in Ten Minutes Toolbox decks. teacher will either select a few cards key word for the /th/ sound is the word your throat.” The teacher will either Phonics lesson 47. It is repeated in Assessment-page 6- The teacher will from a Card Deck with the /thr/ sound think. If students need a more concrete select a few cards from a Card Deck this lesson to provide extra practice. select two words from page 6 or write a few words with thr on the picture for the key word for /th/, the with the /thr/ sound or write a few The key word for the /th/ sound is beginning with a thr sound and two board. Students will practice sounding teacher might draw a picture of a words with thr on the board. the word think. If students need a words beginning with a th sound. out these new words. The /th/ sound thumb. Students will practice sounding out more concrete picture for the key Students will sound out the words. was first introduced in Ten Minutes For page 7, students can practice these new words. The /th/ sound was word for /th/, the teacher might draw The teacher may also use words Phonics lesson 47. It is repeated in sounding out the words from the first introduced in Ten Minutes a picture of a thumb. from the Toolbox Card Decks this lesson to provide extra practice. Toolbox decks. Phonics lesson 47. It is repeated in For page 7, students can practice beginning with a th or thr. The key word for the /th/ sound is the Assessment-page 6- The teacher will this lesson to provide extra practice. sounding out the words from the word think. If students need a more select two words from page 6 The key word for the /th/ sound is Toolbox decks. For other game ideas, the teacher concrete picture for the key word for beginning with a thr sound and two the word think. If students need a Assessment-page 6- The teacher will may check the August 2005 Online /th/, the teacher might draw a picture words beginning with a th sound. more concrete picture for the key select two words from page 6 Newsletter: of a thumb. Students will sound out the words. The word for /th/, the teacher might draw beginning with a thr sound and two www.cindycupp.com/2005 August For page 7, students can practice teacher may also use words from the a picture of a thumb. words beginning with a th sound. Newsletter.htm sounding out the words from the Toolbox Card Decks beginning with a For page 7, students can practice Students will sound out the words. Toolbox decks. th or thr. sounding out the words from the The teacher may also use words Assessment-page 6- The teacher will Toolbox decks. from the Toolbox Card Decks Independent Time for Reader #48 select two words from page 6 For other game ideas, the teacher may Assessment-page 6- The teacher will beginning with a th or thr. Group beginning with a thr sound and two check the August 2005 Online select two words from page 6 words beginning with a th sound. Newsletter: beginning with a thr sound and two For other game ideas, the teacher Teacher-selected activity. Students will sound out the words. www.cindycupp.com/2005 August words beginning with a th sound. may check the August 2005 Online The teacher may decide to do a The teacher may also use words from Newsletter.htm Students will sound out the words. Newsletter: journal writing or vocabulary the Toolbox Card Decks beginning The teacher may also use words www.cindycupp.com/2005 August building activity. with a th or thr. from the Toolbox Card Decks Newsletter.htm beginning with a th or thr. GPS Standards For other game ideas, the teacher may ELA1R1 a, c check the August 2005 Online I ndependent Time for Reader #45 For other game ideas, the teacher Independent Time for Reader #48 ELA1R2 c, Newsletter: Group may check the August 2005 Online Group ELA1R3 a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h www.cindycupp.com/2005 August Newsletter: The teacher may select pages 14 and ELA1R4 a, b, c, d, e Newsletter.htm The teacher may select pages 10 and www.cindycupp.com/2005 August 15 of Reader 48. ELA1R5 a

3 Reader 48

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 11 of Reader 48. Newsletter.htm Suggested Writing Topic-The ELA1R6 a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, k, l, Independent Time for Reader #48 Suggested Writing Topic: Dad Tiger illustration on page 14 shows Little m Group read Little Tiger a bedtime story. Tiger sitting up in bed. Write a story ELA1W1 a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, j, k Students will draw a picture of telling what Little Tiger was ELA1SV1 a, b, c, d, e, f The teacher may select pages 8 and 9 themselves and someone reading them Independent Time for Reader #48 thinking about. of Reader 48. The students will draw a favorite book. Students will then Group a picture of Little Tiger thinking write a short summary of their favorite GPS Standards about telling his mom and dad what book. The teacher may select p. 12 and 13 ELA1R1 a, c he has done. The students will pretend of Reader 48. ELA1R2 c, to be Little Tiger and write a letter to GPS Standards Suggested Writing Topic- In the ELA1R3 a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h Mom and Dad. ELA1R1 a, c illustration on page 12, Dad Tiger is ELA1R4 a, b, c, d, e ELA1R2 c, reading Little Tiger a bedtime story. ELA1R5 a GPS Standards ELA1R3 a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h Look at Little Tiger’s face. Write a ELA1R6 a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, k, l, ELA1R1 a, c ELA1R4 a, b, c, d, e story telling what Little Tiger is m ELA1R2 c, ELA1R5 a thinking. ELA1W1 a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, j, k ELA1R3 a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h ELA1R6 a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, k, l, m ELA1SV1 a, b, c, d, e, f ELA1R4 a, b, c, d, e ELA1W1 a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, j, k ELA1R5 a ELA1SV1 a, b, c, d, e, f GPS Standards ELA1R6 a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, k, l, m ELA1R1 a, c ELA1W1 a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, j, k ELA1R2 c, ELA1SV1 a, b, c, d, e, f ELA1R3 a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h ELA1R4 a, b, c, d, e ELA1R5 a ELA1R6 a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, k, l, m ELA1W1 a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, j, k ELA1SV1 a, b, c, d, e, f


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