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Name: Lesson Plan Template

Title: Greek and Roman Intro Lesson By: Ashley Duncan and Corinne Bost Primary Subject: World Literature Grade level: 10th Duration: 55 minutes

Objectives: (specific, measurable, taxonomic)  Students will be able to tell the Greek and Roman name of each god listed.  Students will be able to use a computer to do research.  Students will be able to tell the god’s power and relate it to something today or and element of Earth.

Objectives for ESOL students if different (including consideration for all four levels)

 Student will be able to pronounce the Greek and Roman gods’ names.  Student will be able to work with a partner to gather information about their god.

Sunshine State Standards:

LA.910.1.7.1 - use background knowledge of subject and related content areas, prereading strategies (e.g., previewing, discussing, generating questions), text features, and text structure to make and confirm complex predictions of content, purpose, and organization of a reading selection.

LA.910.1.7.7 - compare and contrast elements in multiple texts.


 Greek god family tree  List of Greek gods: Zeus, Hera, Hetas, Poseidon, Demeter, Hermes, Artimus, Athena (list may vary based on teacher)  Computer Lab

Additional Materials for ESOL students if necessary

 Vocabulary list of Greek gods with pictures


10 minutes  Introduce the Greek God family tree ask anyone if they have seen movies that portray these Gods or know anything about them.

Teacher explicit instruction: 30 minutes  Break the students into groups and assign them each a Greek God. Make a list out on the white board as exampled below: Greek God: Roman name: Family Ties (spouse, siblings, parents, etc) Power:  Students will use in class computers or go to the computer lab to research and answer these questions.

15 minutes  Students will then share their findings with the classroom  Have the class record the groups findings to make a “Greek/Roman God Cheat Sheet” these findings will be recorded in their daily journal.

Independent practice:

 Students will go home and pick a god that was not in their group, they will then find three interesting facts about the god and turn it in the following day.

Adaptations for different levels of ESOL students if necessary

 ESOL students will be able to work with a partner for guided help.

Assessment and Assessment Criteria:

The homework from the night before will serve as the assessment upon correction and completion. Also, the “Greek/Roman god Cheat Sheet” will be handed in with the homework to check if the students filled out all the information from each group.

Lesson Plan Extensions and Modification Ideas

If students were struggling finding the information extend the lesson another day and they could complete the search at home and share their findings the following day.

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