Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity
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Third Grade Science—Timeline for 2011-2012
Month Core Content Program of Studies Learning Targets Strategies Taught Aug. Science Assessment By the end of the year, I can explain what I already know Pre-test read and comprehend about science. of Basic Skills informational texts, Non-fiction text features including science and I can read and comprehend using science books technical texts, at the informational text independently high end of third grade and proficiently. Common Core Guidelines in Reading for text complexity band Interdisciplinary connections/Informational Text independently and proficiently. Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity
Aug. Scientific Method Describe the I can explain the steps of the http://www.havefunteaching. relationship of scientific scientific method. com/science-songs/scientific- ideas or concepts, or method-song Common Core Guidelines in Reading for steps in technical I can use the scientific method in Interdisciplinary connections/Informational Text procedures in a text, basic research. http://www.brainpop.com/sc using language that ience/scientificinquiry/scienti pertains to sequence, ficmethod/ and cause and effect. http://science.pppst.com/sci entificmethod.html
Sponge Bob and the Scientific Method + Safety Rules http://sciencespot.net/Pages /classgen.html
Sept./ Ecosystems: SC-P-I-U-1 I can name and describe many Research Students will Oct. Unity and Diversity/Energy different environments that Technology: Web quest Transformation/Independency understand that the support life and different and http://fairmount.fhsd.k12.mo .us/knikodem/Ecosystem Photo/Respiration world has many environments. different environments. %20WebQuest/ecoprocess.ht SC-P-4.7.1 DOK 2 ml Distinct environments SC-P-3.4.4 DOK 2 support the lives of SC-P-3.4.1 DOK 2 different types of Interactive food chain SC-P-4.6.1 DOK 2 organisms. http://www.sheppardsoftwar SC-P-3.4.2 e.com/content/animals/kidsc I can identify the characteristics of SC-P-3.4.3 DOK 2 orner/foodchain/foodchain.h an ecosystem. tm SC-P-I-S-1 Students will identify the http://www.authorstream.co characteristics of an m/Presentation/tutray- ecosystem 329470-Ecosystem- WebQuest-science-habitats- SC-P-I-S-2 I can observe and then explain how Students will observe, ecosystems-webqu- document and explain organisms depend on their Education-ppt-powerpoint/ how organisms depend environment. on their environments Food chains using chains SC-P-I-S-3 http://classroom.jc- Students will describe schools.net/sci-units/living- and explain how the things.htm#3 environment can be affected by the I can describe and explain organisms living there interdependency within an Food webs Using spider webs environment, using both plants SC-P-I-S-5 and 3/5 cards create a food Students will ask and animals. chain in students ecosystem questions that can be Buckle Down Science explored using a variety of appropriate print and I can explain why certain species Study Island non-print resources have a better chance of survival Project: Do a report on an (e.g., why certain plants within the same ecosystem. ecosystem and create a cannot survive in a diorama of their habitat particular area; why some animals are endangered or extinct; why some areas are ‘protected’) I can explain why some animals look the same, while other animals are different. SC-P-UD-U-3 Students will understand that some animals are alike in the way they look and in the things they do, and others are very different from one I can explain how offspring are another. similar to their parents, but not exactly alike. SC-P-UD-U-4 Students will understand that the offspring all living things are very much like their parents, but not exactly alike. I can use scientific tools to observe and compare organisms.
SC-P-UD-S-5 Students will use scientific tools (e.g., I can classify organisms using one hand lens/magnifier, or more of their characteristics. metric ruler, balance) to observe and make comparisons of organisms; and to I can analyze and compare a classify organisms using one or more of their variety of plant life cycles. external characteristics (e.g., body coverings, body structures) I can analyze and compare a SC-P-UD-S-6 Students will analyze variety of animal life cycles. and compare a variety of plant and animal life cycles in order to uncover patterns of I can ask questions that can be growth, development, researched and shared with others. reproduction and death of an organism
SC-P-UD-S-7 Students will ask questions that can be I can explain how the basic needs investigated, plan and of living organisms. conduct ‘fair tests,’ and communicate (e.g., write, draw, speak, multi-media) findings to others
SC-P-UD-U-1 I can explain how all energy begins Students will with producers. understand that most living things need water, food and air, while nonliving things can continue to exist I can create and explain a model of without any a food chain within an ecosystem requirements. using both producers and consumers.
SC-P-ET-U-2 Students will I can create and explain a model of understand that almost a food web within an ecosystem all kinds of food that using both producers and animals eat can be consumers. traced back to plants. Food chains/webs are useful models of these relationships. I can infer from models of food chains and food webs whether they complete or not.
SC-P-ET-S-3 Students will observe, illustrate and explain basic relationships of plants and animals in an I can explain how plants and ecosystem (e.g., use animals features help them to simple food chains and webs to explain how survive in different environments. plants and animals get food/energy to live and grow) I can describe how the basic needs SC-P-ET-S-7 of organisms are met in different Students will explore a environments. variety of models (e.g., food chains, webs, circuit diagrams) to infer whether the Students will identify the characteristics that define a habitat. representation is complete or only part of the actual event/object
SC-P-UD-U-2 Students will understand that plants and animals have features that help them live in different environments.
SC-P-UD-S-1 Students will describe the basic needs of organisms and explain how these survival needs can be met only in certain environments
SC-P-UD-S-2 Students will identify the characteristics that define a habitat
Nov. Matter SC-P-STM-S-1 I can use my senses to describe and Interactive whiteboard – Students will use SC-P-1.1.1 DOK 3 explain the properties of material Solids, liquids and gases senses to observe and objects. SC-P-1.1.2 describe properties of material objects (color, Song: “Matter is All Around” size, shape, texture, I can use appropriate scientific flexibility, magnetism) tools to measure and record Compare and contrast objects and materials. materials by color, size, SC-P-STM-S-2 shape, texture, flexibility and Students will use magnetism appropriate tools (e.g., balance, metric ruler, thermometer, graduated cylinder) to measure and record length, I can observe and make predictions width, volume, about the properties of material temperature and mass objects. of material objects and to answer questions about objects and I can classify matter using one or materials more physical properties.
SC-P-STM-S-5 Students will observe and predict the properties of material objects
SC-P-STM-S-4 Students will classify water and other matter using one or more physical properties
Dec. Nutrition Students will identify I can identify nutrients that are Guest Speaker: Jackie nutrients (protein, PL-1.2.1 important for my body to grow and Hodgens, Taylor Co. Health carbohydrates, fats), be healthy. Department PL1.2.2 DOK 1 which are important in the growth and development of healthy I can describe the purpose of the Create a Wellness plan which bodies. Dietary Guidelines for Americans includes a balanced diet. and how it relates to my health. Students will describe the overall purpose of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans. Dec./Jan Rock Cycle SC-P-EU-U-1 I can explain how people use a Interactive whiteboard chart Students will SC-P-2.3.1A DOK 2 variety of earth materials for – rocks understand that people different uses. SC-P-2.3.1B use a variety of earth materials for different purposes because of their different properties. interactive rock cycle All products that people I can use scientific tools to use somehow come observe, describe and classify rocks http://www.learner.org/inter from the Earth. and minerals using their physical actives/rockcycle/diagram2.h SC-P-EU-S-1 properties. tml Students will use senses and scientific tools (e.g., hand I can explore earth materials for lens/magnifier, metric different properties. Song: Rock Cycle to tune of ruler, balance, etc.) to observe, describe and row, row your boat classify earth materials I can explain the difference (solid rocks, soils, water between rocks, minerals, and soil. and air) using their physical properties I can explain the various types of In your lab group, write rocks that make up the rock cycle. your own poem, rhyme, SC-P-EU-S-2 song/rap, or skit about the Students will explore rock cycle. how earth materials are used for certain things because of their properties Investigate and draw Mach Rocks
Create igneous rocks out of peanut brittle
Create sedimentary rocks out of clay Create metamorphic rock using paper and crayons
Jan/Feb Fossils SC-P-BC-U-1 Using a track design by Students will understand Geological Time I can infer how fossils found in the student create an animal that that fossils found in earth indicate that organisms and would have made the track Biological Change Earth materials indicate environmental conditions may and draw a picture of what SC-P-3.5.1 DOK 2 that organisms and environmental have changed over time. animal would look like and conditions may have what life would have been been different in the I can identify and describe like for that animal. past. organisms that no longer exist as fossils. Compare and contrast fossils SC-P-BC-S-1 Students will identify and describe evidence I can make comparisons between Create a fossil using plaster of of organisms that no organisms that lived long ago and Paris longer exist (fossils) organisms that are alive today. Interactive dino dig SC-P-BC-S-2 http://paleobiology.si.edu/di Students will examine fossils/representations I can infer about the basic nosaurs/interactives/dig/mai of fossils and make environment fossils were found in. n.html comparisons between organisms that lived long ago and organisms of today (e.g., compare I can compare fossils, plants, and a fern to a fossil of a fern-like plant) animals from their geographical locations. SC-P-BC-S-3 Students will make inferences about the basic environments represented by fossils found in earth materials (e.g., fossils of fish skeletons represent an aquatic environment)
SC-P-BC-S-5 Students will compare fossils, plants and animals from similar environments in different geographic locations February Water Cycle/Weather SC-P-STM-U-4 I can explain how water can exist in Hands on activity to teach Students will understand SC-P-1.1.3 DOK2 three states of matter. each of the weather that water can be a instrument SC-EP-2.3.2 DOK 2 liquid, solid, or gas and can go back and forth from one form to I can investigate the physical Set up weather station with another. properties of water. instruments Collect data SC-P-STM-S-3 I can classify water using one or Students will investigate more physical properties. Graphing Weather over the physical properties of water as a solid, period of time liquid and gas
SC-P-STM-S-4 I can identify repeating patterns in Students will classify changes of weather from day to water and other matter day. using one or more physical properties I can observe and record weather SC-P-EU-U-2 conditions using weather Students will understand instruments over time. that some events in nature have a repeating I can use weather data to describe pattern. Weather changes from day to day, weather conditions and make but things such as simple predictions based on temperature or patterns observed. precipitation tend to be similar (high, medium or low) in the same months every year.
SC-P-EU-S-3 Students will observe weather conditions and record weather data over time using appropriate tools (e.g., thermometer, wind vane, rain gauge, etc.) SC-P-EU-S-4 Students will use weather data to describe weather conditions and make simple predictions based on patterns observed (e.g., daily, weekly, seasonal patterns) March Sun/Moon/Earth SC-P-EU-U-3 I can explain how the sun, moon, http://www.bbc.co.uk/school Students will understand and stars appear to move slowly s/ks2bitesize/science/physica that the sun, moon and across the sky. l_processes/light_shadows/pl SC-EP-2.3.3 DOK 2 stars appear to move SC-EP-2.3.4A DOK 2 slowly across the sky at ay.shtml SC-EP-2.3.4B different speeds and we I can explain the patterns I have can see patterns in their observed from the movement of Beach balls to represent sun, SC-EP-2.3.5 movement with careful the sun, moon, and stars. moon and earth observation.
SC-P-EU-U-4 I can explain why the sun only Sun, moon and earth Students will understand appears in the daytime and why interactive that the sun can only be the moon can be seen both in the http://www.bbc.co.uk/school seen in the daytime. daytime and nighttime. s/scienceclips/ages/9_10/ear The moon can th_sun_moon.shtml sometimes be seen during the day and I can explain how the interaction of http://www.forgefx.com/cas sometimes be seen at the sun, moon, and the Earth can estudies/prenticehall/ph/ecli night and its shape be used to identify apparent pse/eclipses.htm changes in a predictable patterns of movement. pattern. Chart the moon cycle SC-P-EU-U-5 I can observe the locations and real Students will understand or apparent movement of the sun http://www.google.com/sear that observable and moon. ch? interactions of the sun, q=interactive+phases+of+the moon and the Earth can I can explain how the interaction +moon&sourceid=ie7&rls=co be used to identify the between the sun and the earth m.microsoft:en-us:IE- apparent pattern of their movement. causes shadows. SearchBox&ie=&oe=&rlz=
SC-P-EU-S-5 Students will observe http://highered.mcgraw- the locations and real or hill.com/olcweb/cgi/pluginpo apparent movements of the sun and the moon p.cgi? it=swf::800::600::/sites/dl/fre SC-P-EU-S-6 Students will investigate e/0072482621/78778/Lunar_ evidence of interaction Nav.swf::Lunar%20Phases between the sun and %20Interactive the Earth (e.g., shadows, position of sun relative to horizon) Moon challenge Game to support inferences about movements in the http://www.sciencenetlinks.c Earth/Sun system om/interactives/moon/moon _challenge/moon_challenge. html
April Electricity and Magnetism SC-P-ET-U-5 I can explain how energy flowing Create electrical circuit Students will understand Energy Transformation through a closed circuit can that electricity can only produce light and sound. Create parallel circuits Waves flow when it has a Motion and Forces closed path (circuit) to follow. Closed electric I can construct an open and closed Create series circuits circuits can produce circuit using scientific tools. SC-EP-4.6.3 DOK 2 light and sound. Interactive learning circuits SC-EP-1.2.1 DOK 3 I can analyze models of basic http://www.learningcircuits.c SC-P-ET-S-5 electrical circuits the energy flow o.uk/ SC-EP-4.6.4 DOK 2 Students will demonstrate open and within the circuit. closed circuits using batteries, bulbs and I can explore circuit diagrams to wires and analyze infer whether or not the circuit is models of basic complete. electrical circuits in order to determine whether a simple circuit is open or closed I can explain that magnetism is a SC-P-ET-S-7 force of energy that repels or Students will explore a attracts other objects. variety of models (e.g., food chains, webs, circuit diagrams) to infer I can ask questions about energy whether the and gather information to answer representation is my questions. complete or only part of the actual event/object SC-P-MF-U-5 Students will understand that magnetism is a force that can make some things move without touching them.
SC-P-MF-S-6 Students will observe interactions of magnets with other magnets and with other matter (e.g., I can explain how light can travel magnets have a force and interacts with different that can make some materials. things move without touching them; larger I can investigate how light travels size of a magnet does not have to mean it has in a straight line until it strikes an greater force) in order to object and then creates shadows. make generalizations about the behavior of magnets
SC-P-MF-S-8 Students will ask questions about motion, magnetism and sound and use a variety of print and non-print sources to gather and synthesize information
SC-P-ET-U-4 Students will understand that light can be observed to determine how it travels and how it interacts with different materials (e.g. reflects, is absorbed, and passes through).
SC-P-ET-S-6 Students will investigate light traveling in a straight line until striking an object by observing the shapes of the shadows that are produced May Forces and Motion SC-P-MF-U-1 I can explain how things move in Interactive Forces and Students will understand different ways. Motion Graphing that things move in SC-EP-1.2.2 many different ways (e.g., fast and slow, back and forth, straight, zig zag, etc.). I can explain the location of an object relative position based on SC-P-MF-U-3 other objects or backgrounds. Students will understand that the position of an object can be described I can explain how forces can cause by locating it relative to objects to start moving, increase another object or the speed, decrease speed or change background. directions.
SC-P-MF-U-2 Students will understand that forces (pushes or pulls) can cause objects to start moving, go faster, slow down, or change the direction they are going.