Dr. Syed Hussain Shaheed Soherwordi
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DR. SYED HUSSAIN SHAHEED SOHERWORDI Department of International Relations University of Peshawar, Pakistan Email: [email protected] [email protected]
Ph.D., University of Edinburgh February 2010
Thesis Title: ‘PAKISTAN FOREIGN POLICY FORMULATION, 1947-65: An analysis of institutional interaction between Pakistani and American policy making bodies’.
M.Sc. (Research), University of Edinburgh 2005
Dissertation: ‘PAKISTAN’S FOREIGN POLICY TOWARDS MIDDLE EAST (1947- 60): Joining SEATO and CENTO as Dominant Factors during the Cold War in Regional Perspective’.
M.A International Relations, University of Peshawar 1994-95 Components: History of International Relations since 1871 Pakistan in World Affairs Middle East in World Politics
B.A Political Science and English Literature. University of Peshawar 1992 F.Sc (A-level Equivalents) in English, Physics. Peshawar 1991 Matric (O-level Equivalents) in English, Physics, Maths. Peshawar 1988
COURSES Brown University, US (Post-9/11 Pak-US Studies, June 2009) Edinburgh GRAD school (Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, April 2009) Time Management (Edinburgh University, 2005)
1 Diplomacy (Fudan University, Shanghai, China, 2004) US foreign policy in the age of globalization (US Fulbright, Bulgaria, 2003) Negotiation and conflict resolution (US Fulbright, Bulgaria, 2003) Leadership in the 21st century (US Fulbright, Bulgaria, 2003) Communication Skills (US Fulbright, Bulgaria, 2003) Law of Human Rights (Oslo-Peshawar University Collaboration, 2002) Defence, Technology and Co-operative Security in South Asia (Nepal, 2000)
Travel Grant to the US by the HEC, 2012 Carnegie Fellow, UK 2008 Charles Wallace Fellow Award, London, UK 2008 Higher Education Commission, Islamabad, Pakistan 2007-2008 University of Peshawar, Pakistan 2007 Andrew Smith Award, Scotland, UK 2007 University of Edinburgh, UK 2007 Newby Trust, UK 2007 University of Peshawar, Pakistan 2006 Fulbright, USA 2003 BIARI, USA 2009
University of Edinburgh, Scotland, UK
Jointly designed and taught courses as part-time lecturer: ‘South Asia Studies in Historical Perspective 2B’. January 2005-2010 (Lectures on the topic of Kashmir, Military and Politics in Pakistan, Religious and Ethnic Nationalism, 1857 Indian Uprising). Pakistan in History and World Affairs. September 2006-April 2010 (Lectures on Pakistani Nationalism, causes of the creation of Pakistan, 1857 Uprising, Pak-India relations, Pakistan’s Politico-Military Relations, War on Terror in Af-Pak, the Taliban Phenomenon and the US Foreign Policy towards South Asia) ‘Pakistan, Taliban, the US and the ‘War on Terror’. September 2007-2010
University of Peshawar, Pakistan ( April, May 1996- till present)
As Postgraduate/ PhD Lecturer:
History of International Relations since 1871 1996-2004
International and Regional Organizations September 2010-2012
2 (Study of Internationalism, League of Nations, the UN, and regional organizations like SAARC, NATO, EU, OIC, and ASEAN) Foreign Policies of Pakistan’s Neighbouring Countries since September 2010 (Study of the foreign policies of India, Afghanistan, China and Iran) Foreign Policy Analysis (PhD Students) since September 2010 Research Methodology (PhD Students) 2013
American Fulbright Commission, Visiting Faculty Since 2010
Visiting Faculty, National School of Public Policy, Executive Development Institute, Lahore Visiting Faculty, Command and Staff College, Quetta Coordinator, Peshawar University Alumni Association (PUAA) Deputy Director, Staff Training Institute, University of Peshawar (2012) Focal Person, National Video Conferencing Program, Higher Education Commission (HEC), Islamabad Director, South Asian Centre for International and Regional Studies (SACIRS) Resource person teaching ‘Peace and Conflicts Studies in the 21st Century’ At the Fulbright International Summer Institutes, Bulgaria Resource person at the Institute of Bankers Pakistan (IBP). Multi-lingual- speaking fluent English, Urdu, Hindi, Punjabi, Saraiki, and Pashto. Conference Administrator, BASAS, 2009-10, Edinburgh, Scotland UK
Selected Articles/Chapters 1. Hindu nationalism and the political role of Hindu women: Ideology as a Factor (International Journal of South Asia, Centre for South Asian Studies, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Vol. 28, No. 1, 2013) 2. Adverse Effects of the Creation of more Provinces (IPRI book Chapter, 18th Amendment: Revisited, November 2012) 3. Counter-insurgencies in Afghanistan and Pakistan: The US and the Pakistani Perspectives, (Pakistan Horizon, Vol. 65.4, February 2013 [forthcoming] Pakistan Institute of International Affairs (PIIA), Karachi). 4. The Characteristic Traits of Terrorism and Interpretation of Jihad by Al-Qaeda and the Taliban in the Pak-Afghan Society (Journal of South Asian Studies, University of the Punjab, Vol. 27, No. 2, July- December, 2012) 5. Withdrawal of American forces from Afghanistan (Endgame): Issues and challenges for Pakistan (Journal of Political Studies, Department of Political Science, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Vol. 19.1, Summer 2012) 6. Operation Geronimo: Assassination of Osama Bin Ladin and its implications on the US- Pakistan relations, War on Terror, Pakistan and Al-Qaeda , (International Journal of South Asia, Centre for South Asian Studies, University of the Punjab, Vol. 26, No. 2, July- December 2011)
3 7. Hinduism- A Western Social Construction or an Influence? (International Journal of South Asia, Centre for South Asia, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Vol. 26.1, Summer 2011) 8. A Theoretical Discourse on the Pakistani Taliban. showing a shift of perspective in terrorism studies- from an actor oriented to an academic discourse. (Pakistan Horizon, Karachi, Pakistan Institute of International Affairs, Vol. 64, No. 1 January 2011) 9. The Sati- a matter of high caste Hindus or a general Hindu Culture: A case study of Roop Kanwar (Journal of Political Studies, Department of Political Science, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Vol. 18.1, Summer 2011) 10. An Estranged Client and an Annoyed Patron: Shift in the Pakistan-US Relations during the ‘War on Terror’, (Journal of Political Studies, Department of Political Science, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Vol. 18.2, Winter 2011) 11. Impact of International Pressure on the Sri Lankan Ethnic Conflict: Global Actors but Local Failures, (Pakistan Journal of International Relations, University of Karachi, Karachi, Vol. 2.2, November 2010) 12. The Arab Spring: Causes, effects, and Implications for Pakistan and Afghanistan, (Pakistan Horizon, Karachi, Pakistan Institute of International Affairs, Vol. 64, No. 3 July 2011) 13. Ungoverned Spaces in Pakistan, (Journal of Research Society of Pakistan, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Vol. 48, No. 2, 2011) 14. Pakistan-US policies concerning the ‘War on Terror’ and the Taliban: Allies at loggerheads . (Pakistan Horizon, Vol. 63, No. 2, April 2010). 15. Pakistan’s foreign policy interaction with the US foreign policy making bodies (1947- 2010): Applied Theories, Levels of Analysis, Decision Making Units and Discourse Assessment (IPRI Journal, Islamabad, Vol.10, No. 2, Summer 2010). 16. The processes that enabled the construction of Tamil and Sinhalese identities in contemporary Sri Lanka (Pakistan Horizon, Vol. 63 No. 3, July 2010) 17. 'Punjabisation' in the British Indian Army 1857-1947 and the Advent of Military Rule in Pakistan, Edinburgh University Working Paper Series, ISSN: 978-1-900795-24-8. 18. The U.S Foreign Policy Shift towards Pakistan during 1960s, (‘South Asian Studies Journal’, Vol. 25, No. 1, January-June 2010) 19. Decision Making, Organization and Operation of Clean Development Mechanism (CDM)- Application of Instruments of Environmental Law, (Law and Society, University of Peshawar, Vol. XXXVIX, No. 53, January 2009) 20. Caste- a matter of hierarchy, or identity and the British Colonial interpretation of the role of Religion and Caste in Indian Society-A Socio-legal perspective ( Journal of Law and Society, (Journal of Law and Society, University of Peshawar, Vol. XXXVIII, No. 52 July 2008) 21. The U.S Unilateralism and the need for a new Persian Gulf Security Paradigm , (‘Pakistan Horizon’ Vol. 60, No. 3, 2007) 22. Towards Human Security: A Paradigm Shift in South Asia, (http://www.worldsecuritynetwork.com. 2006) 23. Human security in South Asia: military expenditures dimension, (Pakistan Horizon, Pakistan Institute of International Affairs, Vo. 58, No.01, Karachi, January 2005)
4 24. Terrorism: Islamic Concept and Current International Developments-An Analytical View of Responsible Factors, (FRIENDS, ‘National Development and Security’ Vol. 13, No. 2, Winter 2005, Islamabad ) 25. ‘ Theoretical Perspectives of Human Rights’, (Human Rights Studies Centre, Law College, University of Peshawar, International Human Rights Perspective: Vol.3 No.1, 2004) 26. ‘ Human Security in South Asian Paradigm’, (Hull University, ‘Managerial Law’: Vol.46. No.6. 2004) 27. ‘ CBMs and Peace in South Asia’, (Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Peshawar. Vol. 32. No. 4. Summer 2000) 28. Nuclearization of South Asia: What’s in the Future? (Conference Proceedings, Department of International Relations, University of Peshawar, 1999) 29. ‘ India Pakistan Security Paradigm’, (Chapter in ‘Encounters: Integrated Regional Development in Pakistan, Nepal and Bhutan’, Vienna (Austria), Society Mountains 2001, ISBN: 3-9501533-0-6) 30. ‘ Maoist Movement in Nepal’, (Chapter in ‘Encounters: Integrated Regional Development in Pakistan, Nepal and Bhutan’, Vienna (Austria), Society Mountains 2001, ISBN: 3-9501533-0-6)
Forthcoming Book
Pak-US Foreign Policy institutional Interaction, Routledge Press, London, UK, December 2013.
Book Reviews Confronting Terrorism, edited by Maroof Raza. Penguin Books, India, (Exemplar, Vol. 1.2, Fall 2012, South Asian Studies Association (SASA), USA. Pakistan: Origins, Challenges, and Sustainable Solutions, by Dr Muhammad Asif, Oxford University Press, Karachi, (International Journal of Law and Management, Emerald, UK, 2011, Vol. 53 Iss: 6, pp.462 – 463) After the Taliban: Nation-Building in Afghanistan, by James F. Dobbins. Potomac Books, DC. (IPRI JOURNAL, Islamabad, Winter 2011,Volume XI, Number1) Secularism and Muslim Democracy in Turkey, by M. Hakan Yavuz, Cambridge. (Pakistan Horizon, January 2010). Empowering Pakistan: Meeting Pakistan’s Energy Needs in the 21st Century by Robert Hathaway & Michael Kugelman (eds), OUP. (International Journal of Law and Management,Vol. 52.03, Emerald, UK, 2010) Diaries of Field Marshal Mohammad Ayub Khan 1966-1972, edited by Craig Baxter, OUP. (Contemporary South Asia, Routledge, UK, Vol. 18.2, June 2010) Subalterns and Raj: South Asia since 1600 by Bates Crispin, Routledge. (Pakistan Journal of International Relations (PJIR), Karachi, Vol. 1.1, July 2009). Authoritarian Backlash: Russian Resistance to Democratization in the Former Soviet Union By Thomas Ambrosio (PJIR, University of Karachi, Vol.2 No. 2, Spring 2010)
5 ‘Foreign Policy, Terrorism and the Media’, USIS, Colombo, Sri Lanka, 2-5 December 2012 ‘US-Pakistan Counter Insurgency Policies and its impact on Afghanistan and FATA’, South Asian Studies Association, Los Angeles, USA, April 11-13 2012. ‘Internal and external dimensions of Pakistan’s foreign policy’, National Conference, Department of Political Science, University of the Punjab, 8th March, 2012. International Conference on ‘Pakhtun Identity, Nationalism and the War on Terror’, University of Peshawar, October 14-15 2011 International Conference on ‘Pakistan: Challenges to Democracy, Governance and National Unity’, University of the Punjab, 24-25 October 2011. ‘Pakistan-US policies concerning the ‘War on Terror’:. European Conference on Modern South Asian Studies, University of Bonn, Germany, July 25-30, 2010. WHAT A TERRORIST WANTS? AN ANALYSIS OF TERROR AND TERRORISTS IN THE CONTEXT OF THE US ‘WAR ON TERROR’. Organised by the HEC, Islamabad and the Department of Psychology, Bara Gali, June 23-26, 2010 ‘Conflict in the Modern Era: Iraq and Afghanistan, the Responsible Factors from the Sources to the Discourses’. School of History and Politics, University of Strathclyde, February 25, 2010. ‘ Leadership Crisis in Pakistan Foreign Policy: A Futuristic Approach’. Christ Church College, Oxford University, 30-31 January 2010. ‘Advent and Evolution: The Pakistan Army from the British Indian Army 1857- 1947’. Centre for South Asian Studies, University of Edinburgh, September 2009. ‘ Weak Political Institutions and The rise of the Army in Pakistan: 1947-58’. Annual Conference British Association for South Asian Studies (BASAS), March-April, 2009. ‘ Pakistan’s Foreign Policy Interaction with US Foreign Policy Making Bodies during the 1950s & 60s: Applied Theories, ‘Levels of Analysis’, Decision-making Units and Discourse Assessment’. Annual Conference at Kings College, London, October 2007. ‘Conflict Transformation in South Asia’, WISCOMP, New Delhi, India, 2005. ‘The Concept of Terrorism in the recent era: how to take it?’ International Conference organized by the Government of Iran, Tehran, June, 2004. ‘Co-operative Security in South Asia’, Shanghai, China, December, 2003. Conducted a survey on “The problems of the third world”, in collaboration with Austrian scholars in Nepal, May-June, 2001. ‘ Defence, Technology and Co-operative Security in Asia’. Annual Conference of the Regional Centre for Strategic Studies (Sri Lanka), Kathmandu, Nepal, September 2000.
PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS British Association of South Asian Studies (BASAS). United States Institute of Peace (USIP). European Conference on Modern South Asian Studies (ECMSAS). Brown International Advanced Research Institute, US. (BIARI) United States International Visitor Leadership Program, US. (IVLP)
6 South Asian Studies Association, US. (SASA)