Parent/Youth Interview
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Youth’s Name: Click here to enter text.
School/Site: Click here to enter text.
Date of Interview: Click here to enter text. Interviewer’s Name: Click here to enter text.
Before beginning, explain the BBBS program and what it means to have a site-based mentor. Talk to the child about what to expect from the interview, especially if the child is young and may not understand what it means to be interviewed. In that explanation, be sure to share expectations around mandatory reporting of abuse if disclosed. Here is a sample script: “Today, I’m going to ask you a lot of questions – about things such as school, your family, and yourself. These questions will help me get to know you, which will then help me find the best Big for you. I will also ask you some questions about what you want and what you expect from having a Big. Some of these questions might be hard for you to answer – that’s okay, just do your best to answer. If you want to skip and come back to a question, just say, “Skip.” We are also going to talk some about safety. Before we get started, I wanted to tell you a few things. As we talk, I am going to write, so I am sure not to forget anything you have shared with me as I look for you a Big Brother or Big Sister. I am not going to let a Big, parent, or teacher read your answers, but I will share some of your answers, especially with the Big before they meet you to help them understand a little bit about who you are and what you like. Also, I wanted to let you know that if you share any information with me about you or someone else being hurt or unsafe, I may have to share that information with certain people, like the police or other social workers whose job it is to help children that are being hurt. I do that because I care about the safety and well- being of all children, including you. Do you understand? Do you have any questions before we get started?”
Question Group 1 – Program Interest
1. Besides what I just told you, what have you heard about Big Brothers Big Sisters? Click here to enter text.
2. Why do you think your [teacher/parent/guidance counselor/etc.] wanted me to talk to you about the program? Why do you think they thought you would like it? Click here to enter text.
3. Do you want a Big? Why? Why not? Click here to enter text.
4. For middle-school and older youth or others that you are trying to assess their interest in the program: a. We ask for at least a year commitment from you and the Big. So, that means they will come see you once a week for the whole school year and into next year. What do you think about that? Click here to enter text.
b. What do you hope to learn or gain from having a Big? Click here to enter text.
c. If you are the only one of your friends that has a Big that comes and visits you here, will that matter? Are there times that you don’t want a Big coming to visit you (i.e. lunch, recess, etc.)? Click here to enter text.
Youth Interview SB Page 1 of 6 September 2013– document in use until updated AIM360 forms are released Question Group 2 - School
1. Tell me what you think about school. Click here to enter text.
a. Do you like school? Why or why not? Click here to enter text.
b. Do you think school is important? Why or why not? Click here to enter text.
2. What grades did you get on your last report card? Click here to enter text.
a. Are there any subjects or areas that you need help with learning? Which subjects are the hardest? Click here to enter text.
3. How long have you been at this school? How long do you think you will go to this school? Click here to enter text.
4. What is your favorite part of the school day? Click here to enter text.
a. Do you have a favorite subject? Click here to enter text.
5. What is your least favorite part of the school day? Click here to enter text.
6. What do you think other kids in your class say about you? What about your teacher? Click here to enter text.
7. Who has been your favorite teacher? What did you like about that person? Click here to enter text.
8. Tell me about your closest friends at school. Why did you choose them as friends? Click here to enter text.
9. Tell me about someone you don’t get along with at school. Why do you think you don’t get along with that person? Click here to enter text.
10. What is the biggest problem you have at school? Click here to enter text.
11. Tell me about the last time you got in trouble at school. When was it? What happened?
Youth Interview SB Page 2 of 6 September 2013– document in use until updated AIM360 forms are released Click here to enter text.
12. What do you usually do after school? Click here to enter text.
Question Group 3 – Family and Home
1. What should we tell a Big Brother or Big Sister about your family? Click here to enter text.
a. Who makes up your family? Who lives in your home? Click here to enter text. b. Have you always lived with these people? Click here to enter text. c. Has your family talked about moving soon? Click here to enter text.
2. What do you like most about your family? Click here to enter text.
3. What are some things you like to do with your family? Click here to enter text.
4. Do you go to church or other religious services with your family? Click here to enter text.
5. What is the biggest problem you have at home? Click here to enter text.
6. Finish these sentences: My mom is… Click here to enter text. My dad is… Click here to enter text. I wish my family… Click here to enter text.
Youth Interview SB Page 3 of 6 September 2013– document in use until updated AIM360 forms are released 7. What do you like to do in your neighborhood? Click here to enter text.
8. Tell me about your friends at home. What do you think they would say about you? Click here to enter text.
Question Group 4 – Personal
1. What do you want to be when you are older or grow up? Click here to enter text.
2. What is the best thing that has ever happened to you? What makes you happy? Click here to enter text.
3. What makes you sad? Click here to enter text.
4. If you could change one thing in your life, what would that be? Click here to enter text.
5. What is something that makes you special or unique? Click here to enter text.
6. What is something that is hard for you to do that you need help with sometimes? Click here to enter text.
7. If you could be good at one thing, what would it be? Click here to enter text.
8. What do you worry about or who do you worry about? Click here to enter text.
9. What do you hope never happens? Click here to enter text.
10. What makes you mad? Click here to enter text. 11. What is the best thing about you? Click here to enter text.
Youth Interview SB Page 4 of 6 September 2013– document in use until updated AIM360 forms are released Question Group 5 - Safety
Follow BBBSA child safety materials, “Talking with Grown Ups” or “Personal Safety Awareness for Teens”, or your agency’s child safety materials, using that as a discussion guide to cover the material with the child and ensure that she/he understands the content. Document the child’s answers in the booklet and on this form. Please note the following:
1. Any areas of safety in which the child seemed most familiar and knowledgeable: Click here to enter text.
2. Any questions the child had about the materials: Click here to enter text.
3. Any areas of the material with which the child seemed unfamiliar: Click here to enter text.
4. Any disclosures of abuse or trauma made by the child during this discussion or in any part of the interview: Click here to enter text.
Question Group 6 - Match
1. What do you think is going to be the best part about having a Big Brother or Big Sister? Click here to enter text.
2. What would you want me to tell them about you? Click here to enter text.
3. What might you want to know about them? Click here to enter text.
4. Is there anything you would like to talk about with a Big? Click here to enter text.
5. What are some things you would like to do with a Big Brother/Big Sister here at school/after-school program? (Explain again to the child that the Big will only see the child at the site.) Click here to enter text.
5. Tell me about the kind of person you think would be the best Big for you? (This question is open-ended for a reason, so let the child lead. Explore what preferences the child does mention. For example, if a child says they want a Black male volunteer, ask the child if they would be open to Black female or white male volunteer. Let the child know that we try to find someone that is a good match overall, so may not always be able to match all preferences but will do our best to match most preferences.) Click here to enter text.
6. Are there any questions that you want to ask about having a Big Brother or Big Sister?
Youth Interview SB Page 5 of 6 September 2013– document in use until updated AIM360 forms are released Click here to enter text.
Youth Interview SB Page 6 of 6 September 2013– document in use until updated AIM360 forms are released