Natural Resources Conservation Service s12
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CODE 310
DEFINITION parallel channels. Plowing, blading, or otherwise elevating the surface of CONSIDERATIONS flat land into a series of broad, low ridges separated by shallow, parallel channels with positive drainage. Flatter fields and tighter soils require narrower beds. PURPOSE Consider effects on the water budget, especially To improve the drainage of surface water. on volumes and rates of runoff, infiltration, evaporation, transpiration, deep percolation, and CONDITIONS WHERE PRACTICE APPLIES ground water recharge. This practice applies to all land uses with flat to nearly Parallel channels may be shallow and side slopes flat topography and poorly drained soils where a steep or flat, based on the soil, crops grown, and wetland determination and scope and effect evaluation local construction and maintenance methods. permit the installation of this practice. Areas where the rooting depth may limit plant growth after construction of the beds should be CRITERIA identified on the plan map. Beds. Bedding shall run in the direction of the Consider practices that will mitigate off-site water available land slope. quality impacts (i.e., wetland treatment areas, filter Beds shall be shaped and cross-row ditches shall be strips, buffer strips, etc.). used, where required to provide free movement of Introduction of non-native species, (e.g. pines water from the crown to the dead furrow. introduced to former bottomland hardwood Soils must be of sufficient depth to provide a habitat) may introduce species destructive to satisfactory root zone after bedding. agricultural crops, or increase the risk of damage from pests or disease. Crown height, width, and maximum length of beds shall be determined on the basis of site conditions and Soil disturbance increases the potential for crop requirements. establishment of invasive plant species.
Crowns shall provide a cross slope of not less than 0.3 PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS percent. Plans and specifications for bedding shall identify the Capacity. Channel and outlet capacities shall be based area where the practice will be applied; direction of on the appropriate surface drainage coefficient, or on channel drainage; crown height, side slope, and width recommended removal rates from local drainage of bed crosses section; and location of outlets. guides. Hydraulic Gradient. Parallel channels shall be OPERATION AND MAINTAINENCE graded toward an outlet. The beds shall be maintained to the designed To prevent channel erosion, design velocities shall not height. Remove sediment from the channels as exceed those in NRCS National Engineering necessary to facilitate drainage and to prevent Handbook, Part 650, Engineering Field Handbook, ponding. Inspect channels and outlets for Chapter 14, Water Management (Drainage), damage after storm events. Maintain channels 650.1412(d). and outlets in a stable condition. Outlet. Drainage outlets must have sufficient capacity and depth to provide for removal of water from the 310 - 2 REFERENCES 650, Engineering Field Handbook, Chapter 14, Water Management (Drainage). USDA-NRCS, National Engineering Handbook, Part
NHCP, NRCS June, 2001