Minutes of the Committee of the Whole s6
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The Committee of the Whole of the Macomb City Council met on Monday, December 12, 2016 at 5:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers of City Hall at 232 East Jackson Street, Macomb, IL.
Mayor Mike Inman called the meeting to order.
Roll call was taken and the following Aldermen answered present; Mike Wayland, John Vigezzi, Mellie Gilbert, Tom Koch, Gayle Carper, Don Wynn and Dennis Moon.
Others present: Deputy City Clerk Renee Lotz, City Administrator Dean Torreson, and City Attorney Kristen Petrie. Also in attendance were PW Director Roger Viele, CDC Ray Heitner and DDD Kristin Terry. City Treasurer Ronald Ward was absent.
Public Comment. Mr. Gill Belles and Mr. Chris Enroth gave an update on the Cemetery Project of the McDonough County Historical Society. Mr. Belles introduced Mr. Enroth as a new partner in the project. The Rezab Prairie Grass project is located on Wigwam Hollow Road and W. Adams corner next to the Old Macomb Cemetery. The property is owned by the City of Macomb. The project began in 2008 to identify and tag all abandoned cemeteries in McDonough County, 98 have been identified and signage has been done, with two more cemeteries being researched.
He explained phase 2 as the Old Macomb Cemetery repair, fence addition, road closure and reroute entrance on the south side which is the Rezab Family Prairie Meadow.
He explained phase 3 as the meadow and prairie grass development which has had 14 new tree plantings. He stated that the prairie seed planting has not gone well there being victims of the weather. The next step would be to continue to get something to grow that resembles prairie plants and grass.
He stated the Illinois University Extension Office, located at the 4-H Center, was where he discovered Mr. Chris Enroth Master Naturalist, to help to restore these prairies. He has begun the plantings and seeding after assessing.
Mr. Enroth Horticulture Educator, addressed the council introducing the Master Gardener program in the area. He and the Master Naturalist volunteers met to conduct an initial site assessment. He stated there was great potential there. He stated they have staked out four plots; that would allow for pops of color during different seasons. Trails and additional plantings would occur as the resources become available.
He stated the State has an indefinite hold on FY2017 funds and they have written off the FY2016 funds not yet received. He stated Universities have received stop-gap funds, however Extensions have not, affecting the Ag and Master Gardener and 4H programs to mention a few.
He stated the tall grass prairie was the heritage of Macomb and he looked forward to working with everyone on the project.
The first item on the agenda for discussion was an update given by Downtown Director Kristin Terry for the 2016 year in review. Kristin briefly went over her nine page report to council. She conducted over 16 informational presentations concerning the downtown, sculpting project, business recognitions, construction on the Lamoine Hotel, façade grant monies available, and new businesses in the downtown.
Research & Development, attending and visiting different communities that have revitalization projects similar to Macomb’s learning of the positive effects.
Conferences & Meetings attended throughout the year were located in DeKalb, IL, Mason City, IA and locally. Committee of the Whole December 12, 2016 Page 2
Downtown Development: Boy and His Tiger, The Nail Salon, Macomb Office Supply and Divine Consign all located on the square.
Partnerships developed with: MDH, Chamber of Commerce, WIU Art, West Central Illinois Arts Center, Convention Visitors Bureau, WIU Hospitality and WIU COFAC, Performing Arts, Library Archive, RPTA Dept., Chad Sperry, Rural Affairs, English Dept., also United Way, Morton Community Bank, Spoon River College, Small Business, John Hallwas, Yeast Printing, Amtrak, Quincy CVB, Hy-Vee, Pepsi, and Macomb Beautiful Association.
Fundraising for the Sculpting the Future Downtown project, raised $13,000.00
Events: Brown Bag Concerts with attendance of 1267 people. Park N Cruise with attendance of 1750 people once a month. Downtown Sculpture Walk Farmers Market Moon Over Macomb Shop Small Kickoff Party 4th of July Celebration Dickens on the Square
Current Projects in Development: Downtown Historic Walk Heritage Days Mock Trial
She has also reached out to WIU Admissions to get involved with Discover Western helping to market new students into Macomb and the downtown. She is currently working on the new round of sculptures for the downtown. She also provided a graph of statistics for social media marketing.
Kristin thanked the council for their support and believing in her; stating she had enjoyed the year and was looking forward to the next.
Alderman Carper commented on the good work done and the face book page Kristin had created for the downtown.
Mayor Inman also thanked her. He noted the importance of her outreach to sustain relations with the WIU Campus, and remarked on the dependence on one to another.
The second item on the agenda for discussion was on the 2017 Street Projects. CA Torreson explained the proposed list of projects were recommended by the Public Works Committee brought forth to the full council for review and discussion. He explained the cost spread sheets stating that the $3 million to be spent in 2017; of that it would take $1.5 for the downtown street overlay which has had money transferred into it. He explained the re-arrangement of certain projects in order to accomplish the projects listed; and noted the need to push the Candy Lane project out to 2022.
He stated that he had $1,540,000 in estimated cost for the downtown, however the engineers have estimated it to be $1.3 with another $50,000 in redesign costs.
Wigwam Hollow Road project he had an estimate of $510,000 for mil & overlay.
Western Ave estimate of $775,000 mill & overlay to include culvert lining.
Bayberry cul-de-sac PCC Reconstruction estimate $75,000.
These equal $2.9 million. Committee of the Whole December 12, 2016 Page 3
Committee had also discussed White Street from Jackson to Piper. There were new water lines run two years ago in those blocks and it was planned to improve the street then but was postponed. The cost estimate for full depth recycle $126,000.
Another possible project would be 3 blocks of South Clay, full depth recycle, there was not an estimate done for that yet.
He then explained the sales tax revenue funds spread sheet that he reduced by $150,000 due to falling revenues. He explained line item breakdowns. He estimates there would be approximately $600,000 per year for street projects for the next few years. He stated his estimates were very conservative and he hoped for a better end than was forecast.
He explained the Candy Lane project had $500,000 in it, recommending it be transferred back into the sales tax fund to be used this summer. Moving that project out to 2022 it would be a $4 million project and $3.1 million would be from STU funds from the state which could be borrowed ahead.
Alderman Moon pointed out that most of the projects had options and should they come in below estimates they could pick up one or two more projects.
There was no more discussion and Mayor Inman stated it would be the preferred direction for the next construction season.
The third item on the agenda for discussion was on an ordinance to amend Section 15-164 of the Municipal Code of Macomb to amend the location of stop signs along University Drive. This ordinance had first reading last Monday night. There was no discussion and Mayor Inman stated it would be placed on the agenda for Monday night meeting for second reading and final action.
The fourth item on the agenda for discussion was on an ordinance to provide for the levy and collection of taxes for the year 2016, payable 2017 for the City of Macomb, McDonough County, Illinois. There was no discussion and Mayor Inman stated it would be placed on the agenda for Monday night meeting for second reading and final action.
The fifth item on the agenda for discussion was on an ordinance to abate the direct annual tax levied for 2016 to pay the annual debt service on $2,275,000 in General Obligation Bonds (Waterworks Alternate Revenue Source), Series 2016 and $7,500,000 in General Obligation Bonds, (Infrastructure Projects Alternate Revenue Source) Series 2012. There was no discussion and Mayor Inman stated it would be placed on the agenda for Monday night meeting for second reading and final action.
Mayor Inman announced the open enrollment for the 5th annual Lock Family Christmas lights contest.
There being no further business to discuss Alderman Moon moved, seconded by Alderman Wynn to adjourn the meeting, all Aldermen voted “Aye” by Viva Voca vote, Mayor Inman declared the motion carried and they adjourned the meeting at 5:42 p.m.
______Deputy City Clerk, Renee Lotz