Internet Chats/Interviews with Dan Burisch

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Internet Chats/Interviews with Dan Burisch

archived as more of Dan Burisch is at note: because important web-sites are frequently "here today but gone tomorrow", the following was archived from on February 4, 2004 . This is NOT an attempt to divert readers from the aforementioned web-site. Indeed, the reader should only read this back-up copy if it cannot be found at the original author's site. Internet Chats/Interviews with Dan Burisch # 4 - 'Human Subject' November 13 2003 - Glossary - alphabet: insider slang for a government agent, from the use of acronyms as titles of government departments aDNA: ancient DNA

Area 51: Facility at Papoose Lake

BCW: Biological & chemical warfare bird: insider slang for alien cherubim: crossbridge: A group of 32 cells (8 tetrads) formed from A GP which extends from the target cell to a secondary cell. The crossbridge is associated with a shiva linga

CotM: Committee of the Majority. A Scottish rite Masonic based committee of 33 men operating with U.S. and other governments

DCTP: Doctrine of Convergent Timeline Paradox. In this doctrine consequences of time travel are stacked in reality like a stack of cards

DMT: a hallucenogen ?

Dulce facility: Facility at LANL east of Area 51. "My experience during the time I stayed there was horrifying. You know, when you hear human beings screaming in pain?" - DrB

EBE: Extraterrestrial Biological Entity

Eloah Va Daath:


1 GP: Ganesh Particle; emerges from an activated quatrz crystal and travels down an electromagnetic river to the target cell. Once attached, one end of GP opens up like a flower and the shiva linga

J-Rod: A class of EBE from the Reticulum area. Chi' iielah -- the particular J-Rod associated with DrB --was housed in a pressurized hydrogen Clean Sphere at Level 5 of S4, and had a degenerative neurological condition. The appearance of the J-Rods is similar to that of the "grey" aliens recovered from Roswell.

Land of Enchantment: insider slang for the state of New Mexico

LANL: Los Alamos National Labs

Lotus Protocol: A genesis mechanism associated with the Tree of Life

Lotus Project: a subset of the Starflower project

Majestic 12: A group of scientists and scientific advisors who work for the CotM

MJ: Majestic 12

Patchwork: The controlled release of information to the public.

Pearls of Brahma: a group of viruses emitted from the GP on the side offosite the shiva linga

Project Aquarius:

Rancher: George W Bush

Raindancer: a compartmentalized project within the chemtrail project

S4: Sector 4 facility outside of Area 51

Section D: biological tinkering facility

Shiva linga: The tube that emerges from the opened GP to penetrate another cell

Starflower Project: A project which deals the effects of extraterrestrial interactions throughout history and today

Sweetness: insider slang for the Dulce facility


T9 treaty:

Vishnu Schist: Source of quartz crystal in the Frenchman Mountains, Nevada

Voynich Manuscript: An encoded document written by Francis Bacon.

Watertown: insider slang for Area 51 2 Yellow Book: A book showing possible futures

3 note: because important web-sites are frequently "here today but gone tomorrow", the following was archived from on February 4, 2004 . This is NOT an attempt to divert readers from the aforementioned web- site. Indeed, the reader should only read this back-up copy if it cannot be found at the original author's site. Internet Chats/Interviews with Dan Burisch # 3 - 'Human Subject' November 13 2003


All J's indicate Dan Burisch ... the J is a sys indicator for the person in charge.

"SA": (8:58:31 AM): Hello?

"SA": Human Subject, are you logged on? humansubject58001 (9:07:34 AM): yes

"SA": I have you. humansubject58001: You have me?

"SA": While the window is open, I thought I would keep pushing the man into the fore. humansubject58001: Well, I'm delighted and surprised! Remember please, I'm not a native speaker.

"SA": Feel up to a chat with him? humansubject58001: Very much so, yes.

"SA": He will be, too. This is his third external conversation with four others already. So he's already in a mood. humansubject58001: Well, I'm game!

"SA": I will set him up for video. When you have him, write a note and send it. That will start the conversation. He is really not expecting this.

An Invitation to view your Webcam was sent to humansubject58001 (11/13/2003 9:10 AM)

"SA": You have his video? humansubject58001 (9:10:49 AM): Very honored to meet you, Sir

"SA": I am not DB. humansubject58001: My name is Dan too, coinkydink, and I am also a member at the Godlike Productions forum.

4 "SA": Stop! Do you have Dan's video feed? … This is the guy setting it up. humansubject58001 (9:12:07 AM): I started the thread on your story because when I came across it, my world came to a sudden halt as you can imagine.

"SA" (9:12:24 AM): I will patch him...standby.

"J" (9:12:35 AM): Hello? humansubject58001 (9:12:53 AM): Hello, Sir

"J": Love the name. humansubject58001: Avatar Human subject here, friend of DonDep and many others out there.

"J": Jesus! … Okay ... You are my third...aaaaaah...visitor. humansubject58001: We discuss your case at godlike …

"J" : I have kind of heard ... yes. humansubject58001: And boy, am I surprised!

"J": No more than I. humansubject58001: We have many questions, sir and my typing skills are not all that great.

"J": That's fine, I am dyslexic and dead-tired. You have me beat. humansubject58001: I'll do my best. I live in Holland and your case is even being discussed across the pond.

"J": Holland? Cool! Am I on camera? humansubject58001: I can see. humansubject58001: Can you advise us on how to proceed if you were us? humansubject58001 (9:16:14 AM): Have some more coffee, sir. I hear you live on the stuff. LOL

"J": No more sirs. 'Dan'. Okay? Ya, caffeine isn't the best for my heart. But ya. humansubject58001: … that you are tired, and I wanted to express my empathy with you.

"J": Eh? No more tired than others! As for proceeding, I really have no idea. I am currently in the model stage of my research which will be complete (model, that is) at the end of '04. All honor goes to God. 5 humansubject58001: All honor to Him, yes. humansubject58001: I saw the video you made with Bill Hamilton. Wanted to warmly shake your hand when you finished. You are a brave man and he sees that. Model of the "Ark", you mean?

"J": No. I have to finish the basic theoretical model of the Lotus by then. humansubject58001: What kind of model, may I ask?

"J": Sure. The Lotus (theory) has many parts. humansubject58001: I know. I'm shaking at my compy.

"J": My team is currently synthesizing the many parts so that we may be able to communicate it in a coherent fashion for the authorities that want it. There are three basic parts to this theory. humansubject58001: What does that mean exactly? In layman's terms if you can …

"J": A particle that communicates information which comes from an unknown location. The unknown location itself and what the particle does to a target cell. … humansubject58001: "Unknown" as in 'Divine'?

"J": I believe so. humansubject58001: What else can you say about it?

"J": I just concluded a rather lengthy discussion of the exact steps it takes to the best of our knowledge with somebody named "marcmann". I am sure if you guys get together on the net he will share it. Suffice to say this is a rather new approach to some old themes. humansubject58001: Ok .He's a known member, too. We'll hear it from him.

"J": Ya, spoke with him from about 0630 Pacific Time to about 0840 Pacific Time. So he got an earful! It bridges the gap between the material and the spiritual, if you will. humansubject58001: And the chemtrails?

"J": What? Of "Raindancer"? The portion of the chemtrail project to which I was privy involved a panic attempt to ensure that our DNA could not be unwound by a specifically targeted virus that was threatened upon us, by a rogue faction of the J-Rods, that said the whole PX issue was aimed at certain long distance enemies that had us in their eyes ... humansubject58001: How do you feel in your heart at the moment? … … sorry …

"J": No, that's fine. My heart is stable right now, but I have a progressive heart disease that has spread into the apex of my heart. It sets in an area that can be lethal should I have a heart attack. It is not possible to conduct a bypass in the area of atherosclerosis. I am well medicated and my case is being studied by 2 physicians other than my primary cardiologist. 6 humansubject58001: Can it be helped by your own discoveries?

"J": I have no clue. I am not one to experiment upon myself. That is for sure! One way or the other...I will be fine. humansubject58001: We want what's best for you and all …

"J": I know. I appreciate that. humansubject58001: So, you wouldn't [want to have] have some sound advice?

"J": Concerning? humansubject58001: I know you live kind of isolated …

"J": Yes, somewhat. humansubject58001: Must be real weird to talk with us like this?

"J": It has taken me by surprise. The 'name' you use is known to me. humansubject58001: We see the Hopi's webs everyday, and we worry.

"J": Yes, well, we can pray. humansubject58001: Yes, the elevator shaft cries .. I could hear them …I feel for you. We mock, aye?

"J": Well, the person to which you refer was expired when I encountered him. The tests that were conducted … humansubject58001: Humanity ... what will you do with them?! Must we bring the story out Big Time?

"J": I don't know. For a long while I thought it best to splatter it everywhere -- using my own sense of selfishness -- but the project's importance has grown to such an extent that I will let people do what they may with the information that has come out and just pray that we are successful in our efforts. humansubject58001: He's with the Creator now. We remember him/her in our prayers as all test subjects

"J": Yes, he is. humansubject58001: Even dolphins, I heard?

"J": I should think that all life returns to the wellspring. humansubject58001: So glad to meet you. He has His ways, aye?!

"J": Yes, He does. I am happy as well. Shocked at the last several hours … and happy. 7 humansubject58001: We are ALL 'One'.

"J": Yes, sir, we are. humansubject58001: Haven't you come to that conclusion, too, as you refer to Kaballah and so on?

"J": Yes, I have, but I still fight against my human failings, stumble about with my emotions, and crawl along the ground with my "theories of everything" as does everyone else. humansubject58001: The Tree of Life?

"J": She is beautiful. humansubject58001: I can imagine. Praise Him!

"J": As I have told the others (Marc and Don), I have only asked with this research to peer over the East gate of Eden, to see the Tree. I vigorously fight against any attempts to touch her fruit. The Lotus is not something that can be sold as a technology or -- if possible -- shouldn't be. It has a life of its own, sprung from the Eternal. For many years I begged -- as I think many biologists do -- to have the "Holy Grail of Biology" - to see the Origin of Life. Now I am realizing that I may have entered upon her territory and must proceed very carefully and with the utmost respect. Such respect is lacking in the greater part of the scientific community as much of that community has lost her way from the path of God.

I too, stood as an arrogant biologist thinking that I could grasp what I will and do with it as I pleased. Then, I met the person from far away (in distance as time). When I first met him, I could look down at my hands and at my face and see youth. Now, I see time. Just like the time he crossed to come here, and allow himself to be experimented upon by the arrogant ones (myself included at that time). I understand.

My God! In our own arrogance, we have constructed portals we staunchly call stargates as if we can control the nature of time itself. They must ALL be destroyed or we shall undo ourselves and become what I have seen. This is something that profoundly changes a person, to know the error, before it is made, and to have it out of grasp. All I can do is hand this to God and pray for our survival.

I was asked by "DonDep" if I had seen a hologram of the future. I answered that I had. But that is only a possible scenario. We must return to the worship of the Creator, and an appreciation of the things He has given (including the natural stargates) or we are dooming ourselves. Right now, under the facade of the "War on Terror", thousands are risking their lives. And they know not why. Is there WMD in various countries? Yes. "Are" there, I should have said. But the big push was precipitated by a threat that followed the attack on my country. That is why we went after Iraq. Plus the oil, I am sure didn't look too bad given our economy.

We were -- and are looking for -- one kind of WMD: the stargates. Why did the Sumerian Cylinder Seals disappear from the Museums? They tell of a technology (see William Henry's work) that will eventually destroy us by our own arrogance. So, we find ourselves in the greatest catch22 between the literal Devil and the figurative deep blue sea.

8 "J" (9:50:56 AM): I am sorry, are you still there? Oh God! If you haven't read what I just wrote, that means it's just you and me in here. God! Human Subject 58-001, ya still there? Hello? Well, obviously you have had system trouble. May God go with you, my friend. This is Dan Burisch signing off and saying "Pray to God, He listens!"

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