Request for Proposal (RFP) - Below 100K s1

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Request for Proposal (RFP) - Below 100K s1


DATE: 28 February 2016


Dear Sir / Madam:

We kindly request you to submit your Proposal for Development and Delivery of Weapon Registration Software and Delivery and Installation of Hardware (Server inclusive Licenses).

Please be guided by the form attached hereto as Annex 2, in preparing your Proposal.

Proposals are to be submitted on or before the 30th of March 2016 at 10am, mail or courier mail to the address below:

UNDP RFP 08/2016-software for SEESAC project Jordan Hadzi Konstantinov -Dzinot 23, 1000, Skopje

Your Proposal must be expressed in the English language, and valid for a minimum period of 60 days and make a clear reference towards the solicitation document number and title.

In the course of preparing your Proposal, it shall remain your responsibility to ensure that it reaches the address above on or before the deadline. Proposals that are received by UNDP after the deadline indicated above, for whatever reason, shall not be considered for evaluation. If you are submitting your Proposal by email, kindly ensure that they are signed and in the .pdf format, and free from any virus or corrupted files.

Services proposed shall be reviewed and evaluated based on completeness and compliance of the Proposal and responsiveness with the requirements of the RFP and all other annexes providing details of UNDP requirements.

The Proposal that complies with all of the requirements, meets all the evaluation criteria and offers the best value for money shall be selected and awarded the contract. Any offer that does not meet the requirements shall be rejected.

1 Any discrepancy between the unit price and the total price shall be re-computed by UNDP, and the unit price shall prevail and the total price shall be corrected. If the Service Provider does not accept the final price based on UNDP’s re-computation and correction of errors, its Proposal will be rejected.

No price variation due to escalation, inflation, fluctuation in exchange rates, or any other market factors shall be accepted by UNDP after it has received the Proposal. At the time of Award of Contract or Purchase Order, UNDP reserves the right to vary (increase or decrease) the quantity of services and/or goods, by up to a maximum twenty five per cent (25%) of the total offer, without any change in the unit price or other terms and conditions.

Any Contract or Purchase Order that will be issued as a result of this RFP shall be subject to the General Terms and Conditions attached hereto. The mere act of submission of a Proposal implies that the Service Provider accepts without question the General Terms and Conditions of UNDP, herein attached as Annex 3.

Please be advised that UNDP is not bound to accept any Proposal, nor award a contract or Purchase Order, nor be responsible for any costs associated with a Service Providers preparation and submission of a Proposal, regardless of the outcome or the manner of conducting the selection process.

UNDP’s vendor protest procedure is intended to afford an opportunity to appeal for persons or firms not awarded a Purchase Order or Contract in a competitive procurement process. In the event that you believe you have not been fairly treated, you can find detailed information about vendor protest procedures in the following link:

UNDP encourages every prospective Service Provider to prevent and avoid conflicts of interest, by disclosing to UNDP if you, or any of your affiliates or personnel, were involved in the preparation of the requirements, design, cost estimates, and other information used in this RFP.

UNDP implements a zero tolerance on fraud and other proscribed practices, and is committed to preventing, identifying and addressing all such acts and practices against UNDP, as well as third parties involved in UNDP activities. UNDP expects its Service Providers to adhere to the UN Supplier Code of Conduct found in this link :

Thank you and we look forward to receiving your Proposal.

2 Annex 1

Description of Requirements

Context of the Requirement Development and Delivery of Weapon Registration Software and Delivery and Installation of Hardware (Server inclusive Licenses) for the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Skopje, Macedonia.

Brief Description of the To engage a specialized company to develop and deliver a tailor-made Required Services software for the registration of firearms and ammunition as well as stockpile management including the delivery and installation of hardware (server including licenses) for the needs of MoI

List and Description of The Contractor is expected to deliver the following: Expected Outputs to be Delivered 1) provide a software solution that is compliant with relevant legislation and follows relevant business processes; 2) translate the software solution in the local language; 3) provide a user and maintenance workshop on the software package; 4) implement the software solution; 5) assist with migration of existing data to the new system and 6) assist with a helpdesk to the users concerning the new system. Additionally provide a hardware solution meaning server and relevant licenses as described in part 2 of the terms of reference of this document. The solution will include installation and maintenance.

Person to Supervise the Work/Performance of the SEESAC’s Coordinator Service Provider ☐ Exact Address/es [pls. specify] Location of work X At Contractor’s Location and as defined in the TOR Expected duration of work Up to 8 months Target start date 1 April 2016 Latest completion date 01 December 2016

Travels Expected As specified in the TOR

Implementation Schedule X Required indicating breakdown and ☐ Not Required timing of activities/sub- activities Names and curriculum vitae of individuals who will be X Required involved in completing the ☐ Not Required

3 services

Currency of Proposal ☐ United States Dollars ☐ Euro X Local Currency Value Added Tax on Price ☐ must be inclusive of VAT and other applicable indirect taxes Proposal X must be exclusive of VAT and other applicable indirect taxes

Validity Period of Proposals 60 days (Counting for the last day of ☐ 90 days submission of quotes) X 120 days

In exceptional circumstances, UNDP may request the Proposer to extend the validity of the Proposal beyond what has been initially indicated in this RFP. The Proposal shall then confirm the extension in writing, without any modification whatsoever on the Proposal.

Partial Quotes X Not permitted ☐ Permitted Within thirty (30) days from: Payment Terms a)  Hardware upon delivery and installation of the licenses. (based upon implementation report.  Software:  Delivery of the software document (30%)  Delivery of the software (30%)  Final approval (40%)

b) Receipt of invoice(s) for the Services Provided. Person(s) to review/inspect/ approve outputs/completed SEESAC’s Coordinator services and authorize the disbursement of payment ☐ Purchase Order Type of Contract to be Institutional Contract Signed X Contract for Professional Services

Criteria for Contract Award ☐ Lowest Price Quote among technically responsive offers X Highest Combined Score (based on the 70% technical offer and 30% price weight distribution) X Full acceptance of the UNDP Contract General Terms and Conditions (GTC). This is a mandatory criteria and cannot be deleted regardless of the nature of services required. Non acceptance of the GTC may be grounds for the rejection of the Proposal.

4 Criteria for the Assessment Technical Proposal (70%) of Proposal

1. Expertise of Firm / 40% 400 Organization

2. Proposed Methodology, 30% 300 Approach and Implementation Plan

3. Management Structure and 30% 300 Key Personnel

Total 1000

Technical Proposal Evaluation Points Form 1 obtainabl e

Expertise of the Firm/Organization 1.1 Reputation of Organization and Staff / 90 Credibility / Reliability / Industry Standing 1.2 General Organizational Capability which is 80 likely to affect implementation - Financial stability (10) - loose consortium, holding company or one firm (10) - age/size of the firm (20)

5 - strength of project management support

(10) - project financing capacity (10) - project management controls (20) 1.3 Extent to which any work would be 15 subcontracted (subcontracting carries additional risks which may affect project implementation, but properly done it offers a chance to access specialized skills.) 1.4 Quality assurance procedures, warranty 25 1.5 Relevance of: 190 - Specialized Knowledge (90) - Experience on Similar Projects (85) - Experience on Projects in the Region (05) Work for UNDP/ major multilateral/ or bilateral programs (10) 400

Technical Proposal Evaluation Points Form 2 Obtainabl e

Proposed Methodology, Approach and Implementation Plan 2.1 Quality and reality of the proposed work 45 plan with respected activities, inputs and target dates/deadlines

6 2.2 Have the important aspects of the task 45 been addressed in sufficient detail? 2.3 Is the proposal for methodology of work 45 prepared appropriately and in sufficient details? 2.4 Is the proposal based on a survey of the 25 project environment and was this data input properly used in the preparation of the proposal? 2.5 Is the conceptual framework adopted, 25 appropriate for the task? Is the technical proposal prepared in sufficient detail and quality? 2.6 Is the scope of task well defined and does 90 it correspond to the TOR? 2.7 Is the presentation clear and is the 25 sequence of activities and the planning logical, realistic and promise efficient implementation to the project? 300

Technical Proposal Evaluation Points Form 3 Obtainabl e

Management Structure and Key Personnel

3. Task Manager 80 1 Sub- Score

7 General Qualification (academic 20 background and relevant certifications)

Projects management experience 35 in similar projects (provide a list of projects implemented and role on project)

Professional Experience in the 25 area of specialization 80 Sub- 3. Experts Score 200 2 General Qualification (academic 40 background and relevant certifications )

Professional Experience in 100 the area of specialization (provide a list of projects implemented and role on project) Professional Experience in 60 the area of specialization

3.3 Gender composition of team 20 20

8 300 Total Part 3

A two-stage procedure will be utilized in evaluating the proposals. i) The technical components will be evaluated – Only those bidders who attain 70% of the obtainable scores of the 1000 points in the evaluation of the technical proposal will have their Price Component envelope opened.

The technical proposal is evaluated on the basis of its responsiveness to the Term of Reference (TOR). ii) The price evaluation will receive a weighting of 30% against the technical component of 70%.

iii) The company with the highest combined technical and price scoring will be awarded a contract.

Cumulative Analysis

The cumulative analysis evaluates the financial offer by introducing into the weighted evaluation the price proposed as per the following formula:

Sx = (Tx / Thighest) * (70%) + (Flowest / Fx) * (30%), where

Sx = Total score for company x,

Tx = Technical score for company x,

Thighest = Highest technical score obtained among all responsive bids

Fx = Financial Offer for company x, and

Flowest = The lowest financial offer of all evaluated bid prices among responsive bids

9 X Hardware: lowest offer meeting the technical requirements Right to Accept, Reject, UNDP reserves the right to accept or reject any Proposal, to or Render Non- render any or all of the Proposals as non-responsive, and to Responsive Any or All reject all Proposals at any time prior to award of contract, Proposals without incurring any liability, or obligation to inform the affected Proposer(s) of the grounds for UNDP’s action. Furthermore, UNDP shall not be obliged to award the contract to the lowest price offer.

UNDP will award the X One Service Provider only contract to: ☐ One or more Service Providers, depending on the following factors :

Annexes to this RFP X Form for Submission of Proposal (Annex 2) X General Terms and Conditions / Special Conditions (Annex 3)1 X Detailed TOR

Contact Person for Inquiries [email protected] (Written inquiries only) Any delay in UNDP’s response shall be not used as a reason for extending the deadline for submission, unless UNDP determines that such an extension is necessary and communicates a new deadline to the Proposers.

1 Service Providers are alerted that non-acceptance of the terms of the General Terms and Conditions (GTC) may be grounds for disqualification from this procurement process.

10 Annex 2


(This Form must be submitted only using the Service Provider’s Official Letterhead/Stationery3)

[insert: Location]. [insert: Date]


Dear Sir/Madam:

We, the undersigned, hereby offer to render the following services to UNDP in conformity with the requirements defined in the RFP dated [specify date] and all of its attachments, as well as the provisions of the UNDP General Contract Terms and Conditions :

A. Qualifications of the Service Provider

The Service Provider must describe and explain how and why they are the best entity that can deliver the requirements of UNDP by indicating the following :

a) Profile – describing the nature of business, field of expertise, licenses, certifications, accreditations; b) Business Licenses – Registration Papers, Tax Payment Certification, etc. c) Track Record – list of clients for similar services as those required by UNDP, indicating description of contract scope, contract duration, contract value, contact references; d) Certificates and Accreditation –if any- including Quality Certificates, Patent Registrations, Environmental Sustainability Certificates, etc. e) Written Self-Declaration that the company is not in the UN Security Council 1267/1989 List, UN Procurement Division List or Other UN Ineligibility List.

B. Proposed Methodology for the Completion of Services

The Service Provider must describe how it will address/deliver the demands of the RFP; providing a detailed description of the essential performance characteristics, reporting conditions and quality assurance mechanisms that will be put in place, while demonstrating that the proposed methodology will be appropriate to the local conditions and context of the work.

2 This serves as a guide to the Service Provider in preparing the Proposal. 3 Official Letterhead/Stationery must indicate contact details – addresses, email, phone and fax numbers – for verification purposes

11 C. Qualifications of Key Personnel

If required by the RFP, the Service Provider must provide :

a) Names and qualifications of the key personnel that will perform the services indicating who is Team Leader, who are supporting, etc.; b) CVs demonstrating qualifications must be submitted if required by the RFP; and c) Written confirmation from each personnel that they are available for the entire duration of th e contract.

D. Cost Breakdown per Deliverable*

Deliverables Percentage of Total Price Price [list them as referred to in the RFP] (Weight for payment) (Lump Sum, All Inclusive) 1 Deliverable 1 2 Deliverable 2 3 …. Total 100% *This shall be the basis of the payment tranches

E. Cost Breakdown by Cost Component Each deliverable shall have detailed budget breakdown

[Name and Signature of the Service Provider’s Authorized Person] [Designation] [Date]

12 Annex 3

General Terms and Conditions for Services


The Contractor shall be considered as having the legal status of an independent contractor vis-à- vis the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). The Contractor’s personnel and sub- contractors shall not be considered in any respect as being the employees or agents of UNDP or the United Nations.


The Contractor shall neither seek nor accept instructions from any authority external to UNDP in connection with the performance of its services under this Contract. The Contractor shall refrain from any action that may adversely affect UNDP or the United Nations and shall fulfill its commitments with the fullest regard to the interests of UNDP.


The Contractor shall be responsible for the professional and technical competence of its employees and will select, for work under this Contract, reliable individuals who will perform effectively in the implementation of this Contract, respect the local customs, and conform to a high standard of moral and ethical conduct.


The Contractor shall not assign, transfer, pledge or make other disposition of this Contract or any part thereof, or any of the Contractor's rights, claims or obligations under this Contract except with the prior written consent of UNDP.


In the event the Contractor requires the services of sub-contractors, the Contractor shall obtain the prior written approval and clearance of UNDP for all sub-contractors. The approval of UNDP of a sub-contractor shall not relieve the Contractor of any of its obligations under this Contract. The terms of any sub-contract shall be subject to and conform to the provisions of this Contract.


The Contractor warrants that no official of UNDP or the United Nations has received or will be offered by the Contractor any direct or indirect benefit arising from this Contract or the award

13 thereof. The Contractor agrees that breach of this provision is a breach of an essential term of this Contract.


The Contractor shall indemnify, hold and save harmless, and defend, at its own expense, UNDP, its officials, agents, servants and employees from and against all suits, claims, demands, and liability of any nature or kind, including their costs and expenses, arising out of acts or omissions of the Contractor, or the Contractor's employees, officers, agents or sub-contractors, in the performance of this Contract. This provision shall extend, inter alia, to claims and liability in the nature of workmen's compensation, products liability and liability arising out of the use of patented inventions or devices, copyrighted material or other intellectual property by the Contractor, its employees, officers, agents, servants or sub-contractors. The obligations under this Article do not lapse upon termination of this Contract.


8.1 The Contractor shall provide and thereafter maintain insurance against all risks in respect of its property and any equipment used for the execution of this Contract.

8.2 The Contractor shall provide and thereafter maintain all appropriate workmen's compensation insurance, or the equivalent, with respect to its employees to cover claims for personal injury or death in connection with this Contract.

8.3 The Contractor shall also provide and thereafter maintain liability insurance in an adequate amount to cover third party claims for death or bodily injury, or loss of or damage to property, arising from or in connection with the provision of services under this Contract or the operation of any vehicles, boats, airplanes or other equipment owned or leased by the Contractor or its agents, servants, employees or sub-contractors performing work or services in connection with this Contract.

8.4 Except for the workmen's compensation insurance, the insurance policies under this Article shall:

8.4.1 Name UNDP as additional insured; 8.4.2 Include a waiver of subrogation of the Contractor's rights to the insurance carrier against the UNDP; 8.4.3 Provide that the UNDP shall receive thirty (30) days written notice from the insurers prior to any cancellation or change of coverage. 8.5 The Contractor shall, upon request, provide the UNDP with satisfactory evidence of the insurance required under this Article.


The Contractor shall not cause or permit any lien, attachment or other encumbrance by any person to be placed on file or to remain on file in any public office or on file with the UNDP against any monies due or to become due for any work done or materials furnished under this Contract, or by reason of any other claim or demand against the Contractor.


Title to any equipment and supplies that may be furnished by UNDP shall rest with UNDP and any such equipment shall be returned to UNDP at the conclusion of this Contract or when no longer needed by the Contractor. Such equipment, when returned to UNDP, shall be in the same condition as when delivered to the Contractor, subject to normal wear and tear. The Contractor shall be liable to compensate UNDP for equipment determined to be damaged or degraded beyond normal wear and tear.


11.1 Except as is otherwise expressly provided in writing in the Contract, the UNDP shall be entitled to all intellectual property and other proprietary rights including, but not limited to, patents, copyrights, and trademarks, with regard to products, processes, inventions, ideas, know-how, or documents and other materials which the Contractor has developed for the UNDP under the Contract and which bear a direct relation to or are produced or prepared or collected in consequence of, or during the course of, the performance of the Contract, and the Contractor acknowledges and agrees that such products, documents and other materials constitute works made for hire for the UNDP.

11.2 To the extent that any such intellectual property or other proprietary rights consist of any intellectual property or other proprietary rights of the Contractor: (i) that pre- existed the performance by the Contractor of its obligations under the Contract, or (ii) that the Contractor may develop or acquire, or may have developed or acquired, independently of the performance of its obligations under the Contract, the UNDP does not and shall not claim any ownership interest thereto, and the Contractor grants to the UNDP a perpetual license to use such intellectual property or other proprietary right solely for the purposes of and in accordance with the requirements of the Contract.

11.3 At the request of the UNDP; the Contractor shall take all necessary steps, execute all necessary documents and generally assist in securing such proprietary rights and transferring or licensing them to the UNDP in compliance with the requirements of the applicable law and of the Contract.

11.4 Subject to the foregoing provisions, all maps, drawings, photographs, mosaics, plans, reports, estimates, recommendations, documents, and all other data compiled by or received by the Contractor under the Contract shall be the property of the UNDP, shall be made available for use or inspection by the UNDP at reasonable times and in reasonable places, shall be treated as confidential, and shall be delivered only to UNDP authorized officials on completion of work under the Contract.


The Contractor shall not advertise or otherwise make public the fact that it is a Contractor with UNDP, nor shall the Contractor, in any manner whatsoever use the name, emblem or official

15 seal of UNDP or THE United Nations, or any abbreviation of the name of UNDP or United Nations in connection with its business or otherwise.


Information and data that is considered proprietary by either Party and that is delivered or disclosed by one Party (“Discloser”) to the other Party (“Recipient”) during the course of performance of the Contract, and that is designated as confidential (“Information”), shall be held in confidence by that Party and shall be handled as follows:

13.1 The recipient (“Recipient”) of such information shall:

13.1.1 use the same care and discretion to avoid disclosure, publication or dissemination of the Discloser’s Information as it uses with its own similar information that it does not wish to disclose, publish or disseminate; and, 13.1.2 use the Discloser’s Information solely for the purpose for which it was disclosed.

13.2 Provided that the Recipient has a written agreement with the following persons or entities requiring them to treat the Information confidential in accordance with the Contract and this Article 13, the Recipient may disclose Information to:

13.2.1 any other party with the Discloser’s prior written consent; and, 13.2.2 the Recipient’s employees, officials, representatives and agents who have a need to know such Information for purposes of performing obligations under the Contract, and employees officials, representatives and agents of any legal entity that it controls controls it, or with which it is under common control, who have a need to know such Information for purposes of performing obligations under the Contract, provided that, for these purposes a controlled legal entity means: a corporate entity in which the Party owns or otherwise controls, whether directly or indirectly, over fifty percent (50%) of voting shares thereof; or, any entity over which the Party exercises effective managerial control; or, for the UNDP, an affiliated Fund such as UNCDF, UNIFEM and UNV.

13.3 The Contractor may disclose Information to the extent required by law, provided that, subject to and without any waiver of the privileges and immunities of the United Nations, the Contractor will give the UNDP sufficient prior notice of a request for the disclosure of Information in order to allow the UNDP to have a reasonable opportunity to take protective measures or such other action as may be appropriate before any such disclosure is made.

13.4 The UNDP may disclose Information to the extent as required pursuant to the Charter of the UN, resolutions or regulations of the General Assembly, or rules promulgated by the Secretary-General.

16 13.5 The Recipient shall not be precluded from disclosing Information that is obtained by the Recipient from a third party without restriction, is disclosed by the Discloser to a third party without any obligation of confidentiality, is previously known by the Recipient, or at any time is developed by the Recipient completely independently of any disclosures hereunder.

13.6 These obligations and restrictions of confidentiality shall be effective during the term of the Contract, including any extension thereof, and, unless otherwise provided in the Contract, shall remain effective following any termination of the Contract.


14.1 In the event of and as soon as possible after the occurrence of any cause constituting force majeure, the Contractor shall give notice and full particulars in writing to the UNDP, of such occurrence or change if the Contractor is thereby rendered unable, wholly or in part, to perform its obligations and meet its responsibilities under this Contract. The Contractor shall also notify the UNDP of any other changes in conditions or the occurrence of any event that interferes or threatens to interfere with its performance of this Contract. On receipt of the notice required under this Article, the UNDP shall take such action as, in its sole discretion; it considers to be appropriate or necessary in the circumstances, including the granting to the Contractor of a reasonable extension of time in which to perform its obligations under this Contract.

14.2 If the Contractor is rendered permanently unable, wholly, or in part, by reason of force majeure to perform its obligations and meet its responsibilities under this Contract, the UNDP shall have the right to suspend or terminate this Contract on the same terms and conditions as are provided for in Article 15, "Termination", except that the period of notice shall be seven (7) days instead of thirty (30) days.

14.3 Force majeure as used in this Article means acts of God, war (whether declared or not), invasion, revolution, insurrection, or other acts of a similar nature or force.

14.4 The Contractor acknowledges and agrees that, with respect to any obligations under the Contract that the Contractor must perform in or for any areas in which the UNDP is engaged in, preparing to engage in, or disengaging from any peacekeeping, humanitarian or similar operations, any delays or failure to perform such obligations arising from or relating to harsh conditions within such areas or to any incidents of civil unrest occurring in such areas shall not, in and of itself, constitute force majeure under the Contract..


15.1 Either party may terminate this Contract for cause, in whole or in part, upon thirty (30) days notice, in writing, to the other party. The initiation of arbitral proceedings in accordance with Article 16.2 (“Arbitration”), below, shall not be deemed a termination of this Contract.

17 15.2 UNDP reserves the right to terminate without cause this Contract at any time upon 15 days prior written notice to the Contractor, in which case UNDP shall reimburse the Contractor for all reasonable costs incurred by the Contractor prior to receipt of the notice of termination.

15.3 In the event of any termination by UNDP under this Article, no payment shall be due from UNDP to the Contractor except for work and services satisfactorily performed in conformity with the express terms of this Contract.

15.4 Should the Contractor be adjudged bankrupt, or be liquidated or become insolvent, or should the Contractor make an assignment for the benefit of its creditors, or should a Receiver be appointed on account of the insolvency of the Contractor, the UNDP may, without prejudice to any other right or remedy it may have under the terms of these conditions, terminate this Contract forthwith. The Contractor shall immediately inform the UNDP of the occurrence of any of the above events.


16.1 Amicable Settlement: The Parties shall use their best efforts to settle amicably any dispute, controversy or claim arising out of this Contract or the breach, termination or invalidity thereof. Where the parties wish to seek such an amicable settlement through conciliation, the conciliation shall take place in accordance with the UNCITRAL Conciliation Rules then obtaining, or according to such other procedure as may be agreed between the parties.

16.2 Arbitration: Any dispute, controversy, or claim between the Parties arising out of the Contract or the breach, termination, or invalidity thereof, unless settled amicably under Article 16.1, above, within sixty (60) days after receipt by one Party of the other Party’s written request for such amicable settlement, shall be referred by either Party to arbitration in accordance with the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules then obtaining. The decisions of the arbitral tribunal shall be based on general principles of international commercial law. For all evidentiary questions, the arbitral tribunal shall be guided by the Supplementary Rules Governing the Presentation and Reception of Evidence in International Commercial Arbitration of the International Bar Association, 28 May 1983 edition. The arbitral tribunal shall be empowered to order the return or destruction of goods or any property, whether tangible or intangible, or of any confidential information provided under the Contract, order the termination of the Contract, or order that any other protective measures be taken with respect to the goods, services or any other property, whether tangible or intangible, or of any confidential information provided under the Contract, as appropriate, all in accordance with the authority of the arbitral tribunal pursuant to Article 26 (“Interim Measures of Protection”) and Article 32 (“Form and Effect of the Award”) of the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules. The arbitral tribunal shall have no authority to award punitive damages. In addition, unless otherwise expressly provided in the Contract, the arbitral tribunal shall have no authority to award interest in excess of the London Inter-Bank Offered Rate (“LIBOR”) then prevailing, and any such interest shall be simple interest only. The Parties shall be bound by any arbitration award rendered as a result of such arbitration as the final adjudication of any such dispute, controversy, or claim.


Nothing in or relating to this Contract shall be deemed a waiver, express or implied, of any of the privileges and immunities of the United Nations, including its subsidiary organs.


18.1 Section 7 of the Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations provides, inter-alia that the United Nations, including its subsidiary organs, is exempt from all direct taxes, except charges for public utility services, and is exempt from customs duties and charges of a similar nature in respect of articles imported or exported for its official use. In the event any governmental authority refuses to recognize the United Nations exemption from such taxes, duties or charges, the Contractor shall immediately consult with the UNDP to determine a mutually acceptable procedure.

18.2 Accordingly, the Contractor authorizes UNDP to deduct from the Contractor's invoice any amount representing such taxes, duties or charges, unless the Contractor has consulted with the UNDP before the payment thereof and the UNDP has, in each instance, specifically authorized the Contractor to pay such taxes, duties or charges under protest. In that event, the Contractor shall provide the UNDP with written evidence that payment of such taxes, duties or charges has been made and appropriately authorized.


19.1 The Contractor represents and warrants that neither it, nor any of its suppliers is engaged in any practice inconsistent with the rights set forth in the Convention on the Rights of the Child, including Article 32 thereof, which, inter alia, requires that a child shall be protected from performing any work that is likely to be hazardous or to interfere with the child's education, or to be harmful to the child's health or physical mental, spiritual, moral or social development.

19.2 Any breach of this representation and warranty shall entitle UNDP to terminate this Contract immediately upon notice to the Contractor, at no cost to UNDP.

20.0 MINES:

20.1 The Contractor represents and warrants that neither it nor any of its suppliers is actively and directly engaged in patent activities, development, assembly, production, trade or manufacture of mines or in such activities in respect of components primarily utilized in the manufacture of Mines. The term "Mines" means those devices defined in Article 2, Paragraphs 1, 4 and 5 of Protocol II annexed to the Convention on Prohibitions and Restrictions on the Use of Certain Conventional Weapons Which May Be Deemed to Be Excessively Injurious or to Have Indiscriminate Effects of 1980.

19 20.2 Any breach of this representation and warranty shall entitle UNDP to terminate this Contract immediately upon notice to the Contractor, without any liability for termination charges or any other liability of any kind of UNDP.


The Contractor shall comply with all laws, ordinances, rules, and regulations bearing upon the performance of its obligations under the terms of this Contract.


22.1 The Contractor shall take all appropriate measures to prevent sexual exploitation or abuse of anyone by it or by any of its employees or any other persons who may be engaged by the Contractor to perform any services under the Contract. For these purposes, sexual activity with any person less than eighteen years of age, regardless of any laws relating to consent, shall constitute the sexual exploitation and abuse of such person. In addition, the Contractor shall refrain from, and shall take all appropriate measures to prohibit its employees or other persons engaged by it from, exchanging any money, goods, services, offers of employment or other things of value, for sexual favors or activities, or from engaging in any sexual activities that are exploitive or degrading to any person. The Contractor acknowledges and agrees that the provisions hereof constitute an essential term of the Contract and that any breach of this representation and warranty shall entitle UNDP to terminate the Contract immediately upon notice to the Contractor, without any liability for termination charges or any other liability of any kind.

22.2 The UNDP shall not apply the foregoing standard relating to age in any case in which the Contractor’s personnel or any other person who may be engaged by the Contractor to perform any services under the Contract is married to the person less than the age of eighteen years with whom sexual activity has occurred and in which such marriage is recognized as valid under the laws of the country of citizenship of such Contractor’s personnel or such other person who may be engaged by the Contractor to perform any services under the Contract.


Pursuant to the Financial Regulations and Rules of UNDP, only the UNDP Authorized Official possesses the authority to agree on behalf of UNDP to any modification of or change in this Contract, to a waiver of any of its provisions or to any additional contractual relationship of any kind with the Contractor. Accordingly, no modification or change in this Contract shall be valid and enforceable against UNDP unless provided by an amendment to this Contract signed by the Contractor and jointly by the UNDP Authorized Official.


Weapons registration software (LOT 1) and hardware (LOT 2)


Station: Skopje, FYR Macedonia4

Reference to Project: SEESAC – WRMS – MK – 2016/1

Contract Type: Professional Services by Company

Contract Period: Seven (07) Months for software

Starting Date: 15 April 2016

1. Description of the Problem...... 1 2. Basic Set of Processes and Reports...... 3 2.1 Global Features for the System and Other Requirements...... 4 2.2 Specific to Firearms Registration (Component A)...... 8 2.3 Specific to the Management of the Weapons Stockpiles (Component B)...... 11 3. Deliverables...... 13 3.1 User Manual...... 13 3.2 Technical Specification Manual...... 14 3.3 User Training and Technical Briefing...... 14 3.4 Software and Source Codes...... 15 3.5 Technical Support for Product Satisfaction...... 15 3.6 Firearms Reference Table...... 15 3.7 Helpdesk...... 16 3.8 Visibility...... 16

4. Project Schedule...... 16 5. Point of Contact for Questions...... 16

1. Description of the Problem


4 Because of the name dispute between the country being subject of this project document and Greece, the UN is referring to the country as FYR Macedonia. For the purposes of this document ‘Macedonia’ will be used throughout the text.

21 Compliance with the relevant EU/EC legislation and agreements concerning Small Arms and Light Weapons (SALW) is highly desirable for the institutions of the Western Balkans as they move towards further European integration and its importance has been outlined in the EU Commission proposals to strengthen firearms control of 18 November 2015. The institutions of the Western Balkans should work towards full compliance with the following: 5  The European Union (EU) Joint Action , 6  The EU Code of Conduct for Arms Exports.  EU Common Position 2008/944/CFSP of 8 December 2008 defining common rules governing control of exports of military technology and equipment.7

Additionally, where appropriate, the nations will be encouraged to move towards full compliance, and develop appropriate legislation, in accordance with the following documents:

 European Directive 91/477/EEC of 18 August 1991 concerning Harmonization of National Weapons Possession Legislation8 amended by 2008/51/EC.  Regulation (EU) No 258/2012 of 14 Match 2012 implementing article 10 of the United Nations’ Protocol against the illicit manufacturing of and trafficking in firearms, their parts and components and ammunition.  Regulation (EU) 2015/2403 of 15 December 2015 establishing common guidelines on deactivation standards and techniques for ensuring that deactivated firearms are rendered irreversibly inoperable

Due to the change in the EU Firearms Directive in 2008, most of countries in the Western Balkans have changed their legislation and those amendments in the legal framework require appropriate modifications to existing databases.

The European Union entrusted SEESAC with the implementation of a series of region-wide activities in the period 2014 – 2016 through EU COUNCIL DECISION 2013/730/CFSP. The upgrade and establishment of weapons registration software is part of the resulting EUSAC Project (EU Support of SEESAC Disarmament and Arms Control Activities in South East Europe) which is an integral part of the SEESAC SALW Control portfolio.


To develop a software package for the registration and licensing of all legally owned weapons by civilian entities and the stockpile management of these weapons, in order to improve the control of legal and stockpiled weapons in accordance with the relevant EU legislation and agreements as well as to further assist in tracing operations.

This EU compliance is deemed an essential characteristic of the software.

Description of Activity / Project

5 Council of the European Union, Joint Action on the European Union’s Contribution to Combating the Destabilising Accumulation and Spread of Small Arms and Light Weapons, (2002/589/CFSP), 12 July 2002. 6 EU Code of Conduct for Arms Exports, Council of the European Union, 08 June 1998. 7 8 ://

22 This project will support the implementation of the legislation on arms possession and stockpile management by the development of an IT platform. The activity will; 1) provide a software solution that is compliant with relevant legislation and follows relevant business processes; 2) can be used on their existing IT platforms; 3) translate the software solution in the local language; 4) provide a user and maintenance workshop on the software package; 5) implement the software solution; 6) assist with migration of existing data to the new system and 7) assist with a helpdesk to the users concerning the new system. Additionally, provide a hardware solution meaning server and relevant licenses as described in part 2 of this document. The solution will include installation and maintenance.


Improved registration and licensing of civilian weapons, combined with an enhanced stockpile management and tracing capability for governments, will lead to a reduction in the threat and risks of national, regional and international proliferation of arms from the Western Balkans. It will also be a concrete example of the Macedonia’s institutions’ commitment to SALW control using a related management information system (MIS) (SOFTWARE) that will ensure regional commonality and increased transparency for the international community, especially the EU.

The software will further assist relevant law enforcement institutions in their task of domestic and international tracing of weapons, their essential components and ammunition.

There are three main groups that will benefit, directly or indirectly, from this activity:  The general population;  The Institutions of Macedonia; and  The Western Balkan and the European Union.

The general population at risk from the widespread proliferation of SALW, will benefit indirectly from this project. It will reduce the risks faced by the population from the illegal and uncontrolled use of SALW in the future.

The Macedonian institutions will be able to be in full control of all legal weapons in their territory and able to develop a SALW database. This will contribute to increased information exchange, higher security, and effective implementation of all legislation concerning firearms.

The Western Balkan and the European Union will be able to exchange relevant data for tracing and gun crime investigation purposes through relevant channels such as Law enforcement institutions, South East European Firearms Expert Network or Group and European Firearms Experts.

2. Basic Set of Processes and Reports

The most important features and processes to be included in the software are outlined below. The software must meet these requirements, at a minimum. It must also allow for future expansion or modification, as the operational SALW environment changes, including changes in the country where the software is utilised.

The software will have two components or management information systems (MIS). These are:

23  Registration of Firearms (designated Component A)

This will include operations related to keeping track of firearms owned by an individual and/or legal entities (i.e. hunting associations, shooting associations, security companies, registered dealers) and the amount of ammunition authorised to possess. In addition to basic identification of a firearm (i.e. brand, model, calibre, manufacturer, country of production, type and category) and its serial number, it will be possible to produce details on permits that are issued for owning, possessing and carrying a particular firearm and its owner, to allow police and other officials to carry out check ups. Part of this component has been established in 2009, but needs to be revised in accordance to the amendments of the law on weapons during the last three years as well as to increase the functionality of this component by addressing errors or not complete modules. It has been decided that this part will be used a guidance only and this element will be newly developed and the existing data migrated before the testing phase.

 Management of the Weapon Stockpiles (designated Component B) This will include operations related to the stockpile management of arms, weapons, ammunition and/or explosives in magazines, approved warehouses or armouries, such as a central storage place, retail shops or gun shows. It will be possible to identify weapons, the users, the maximum storage quantity, date of entry in storage and data of exit of storage and the storage location of equipment.

The stockpile management tool will be the initial entry of all weapons, its components and ammunition into Macedonia based upon relevant import documentation.

A separate module will be developed under this component to allow legal entities to electronically provide data on their stockpiles to the MoIA although it will not be allowed to have direct access for these entities to the main database. A possibility here could be that some particular data can be transported using XML files.

Every individual firearm, weapon or ammunition registered in the system, will be identified and processed as belonging to one or both of the components, outlined above. Each Component has its own requirements, in terms of operations, reports and queries to the database; however all components will share the database.

To ensure that potential users need minimal training, the visual User Interface (i.e. the screens) must be as user friendly and accessible as possible. Ideally it will be based on a ‘one-click away’ principle or be automatically programmed.

2.1 Global Features for the System and Other Requirements

a) HIGHLY SECURE: Data safety and security are a major concern. The software has to provide the means for: high data safety, logging of ALL changes, deletions and modifications to sensitive data, configurable user access levels.

b) Hardware: The whole system will be a closed environment where the only stations attached to the network will be the clients’ computers.

24 Software: The system needs to have a provision for multiple users, high security for direct access to the database, configurable user access levels within the software interface, a log of sensitive actions and a means to prevent unauthorised transmission or copy of data from the database. c) MULTIPLE LANGUAGE LOCALISATION: The User Interface (UI) in the initial software must be configurable in English and Macedonian language.

The UI of the initial software needs to be translated into Macedonian (Cyrrilic) Alphabet to meet the Macedonian requirement. The cost for this translation will be shown as a separate budget item.

The User Manual and the Technical Specification Manual will be provided in English and Macedonian.

The nomenclature used in the software application must be based on a bi-lingual system (English and Macedonian language). This capability should be easily adaptable. d) CLIENT ACCESSIBILTY TO THE SERVER: The client will be able to access the server via a (HTTPS) protocol using a standard web browser (Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, and Google Chrome), without the necessity to have part of the developed application installed on their workstation. e) AUTOMATION: To reduce workload, increase accuracy and avoid mistakes, the highest level of automation must be used. The average software user will not be an expert on computer usage, so the software needs to provide simple interfaces (UI) to execute all tasks. f) HELP SYSTEM: The system must have an accessible ‘Help’ feature/system within the software. It will be able to specify the description of the fields on the current screen and provide procedural descriptions for the different operations. The help system must to be available in Macedonian and English, depending on the configuration of the user. g) CUSTOMISABLE DATA ENTRY FORMS AND LOGOS: The system will provide customisable data entry forms, so the installation/ administrator can select from a pool of optional fields. This is particularly important, for example, for arms or ammunition collected; arms or ammunition destroyed; application for permits and identification of weapon owners. The inclusion of customisable logos (i.e. flags and/or crests, branding) in the system screens and reports is required; for example, the Macedonia logos will be provided to the chosen contractor. h) DROP DOWN MENUS: Drop down menus that can be easily localised by the user should be maximised (i.e. a drop down menu for the ‘City’ field, from which the user can select the appropriate location in the list). This will reduce the amount of changes necessary to the software in the future, especially to the UI, and the related costs. i) FIREARM’S/ WEAPON’S IDENTIFICATION: The latest version of the Macedonia ‘Firearm’s Reference Table’ (FRT) data, will be used as the principal tool for weapon’s identification. The software will be capable of being queried during the identification process. It will be

25 possible to update and apply additions and deletions to the secondary database, as and when required.

The possibility to post photographs of the weapons is a mandatory characteristic/feature of the identification tools. It will be possible to post pictures when new produce weapons are proposed to be imported or exported. Pictures will be provided by MIA through UNDP/SEESAC. j) IBIS INTERFACE: The software must contain a UBIN (Unique Ballistic Identification Number) which creates a unique link between the owner of a particular firearms and the firearm itself and possibility for a bar code generation will be included. Standard for the barcode will be discussed in the development phase. k) SERVER APPLICATION AND PLATFORM: Given the present Macedonia IT environment, the software will be developed for a Linux environment – DB2 server and JAVA application server. Linux OS shall be one of the supported Linux distributions on which IBM DB2 is currently certified. Database shall be designed to work on physical and virtual servers. l) DATABASE CAPACITY: The Database must be capable of expanding with demand. The capability of the software to handle data, especially Component A, must initially be tested with randomly generated data, for up to 1,000,000 permits; 500,000 applications; 500,000 registered arms. This will allow for validation of the system’s response times (4 to 6 seconds) i.e. to screen queries, printed reports and data entry, when fully loaded. Capacity planning should be done in the design phase and passed to the MIA. m) AUDIT FACILITIES: The system must have audit capabilities to include a log of ALL data changes and data requests. The time, requestor and nature of all queries/changes should be recorded for future examination. The logs will have to be managed to avoid a permanent increment on the database size. Initialisation and archive mechanisms for the logs should be developed. An interface will be developed to be able to query relevant logs. n) DATA SHARING AND EXPORT: The database should be compatible with existing formats so that it can be integrated with related software in the future. It should be capable to implement XML format. o) INTERNAL DATA SHARING AND TRANSFER: It must be possible to transfer (share) all data between the two Components, for example:  A firearm registered in Component A, as part of the registration process, could be automatically listed in a stockpile called for example ’Registered Firearms in Skopje’, within the Management of Weapons Stockpiles, Component B;  A registered firearm reported lost or stolen could automatically be listed in the ‘Lost’ stockpile, within the Management of the Weapon Stockpiles, Component B or vice versa;  It will be possible to transfer weapons either individually, in a batch or completely between different stockpiles in Component B. A selection feature must be designed and available within the software to do this, which offers the user a number of criteria to select from (i.e. weapon type, serial number, location, etc.).

26 p) HISTORY OF FIREARMS/ WEAPONS, INCLUDING OWNERSHIP: The software will be able to provide the history of an individual firearm/weapon from the time it first entered the system, either through Component A or by being assigned to a stockpile in Component B. The software will be able to record changes in the firearm/weapon location, changes in ownership, changes in status (for example, from registered, to lost, to found, to destroyed), by type and by model number.

This ’History’ feature must also be able to show the firearm/weapon ownership of an individual or a legal entity, in either or both of the Components (i.e. how many firearms a person owns or is in possession of).

q) MANDATORY FIELDS: It has to be possible to mark each of the fields, within a User Interface, as ‘mandatory’ (by a symbol like an asterix or by colour coding, etc.). The Offeror should give details of how they propose to do this in its Proposal (bid).

The software must include an internal procedure that prevents the user from proceeding, if a mandatory field is not completed.

The fields which are mandatory will be decided during the installation phase of the software, and may be different from country to country or user.

r) PERSONNEL REGISTER and BUSINESS REGISTER: The software needs to be able to interface with the applicable Macedonia personnel register and business register ( central register) to help identify the applicant. This would mean, for example, in Macedonia, that the software will automatically search the Macedonia Register for an applicant, For natural persons and legal entities relevant data will be determined during the development phase. No direct access to the legacy databases is allowed. Structure of presented data from the legacy system will be described by MIA and given to the winning bidder. Web services can be used to fill relevant data in the weapons registration database derived from the personnel register. A possibility has to be foreseen if the server does not provide an answer on the request that fields can be filed manually.

s) PHOTOS: Component A must be able to capture photos from a hard copy and/or digital format and reproduce them onto a document (i.e. a permit, a licence, an identification card).

t) PRINT FUNCTION: Permits will be able to be printed, either in a passport format or in a card format9, and other documents generated by forms will be able to be printed on blank paper or on blank template printed by MIA.

u) REPORTS: The software needs to be able to design and produce reports, based on one or many fields found on any of the User Interfaces in either Component.

It must be able to produce an ‘immediate report’, allowing the user to quickly and simply, query the database and gather the required data.


27 It needs to be possible to have the relevant Macedonia badge/logo and arms’ laws references on any hard copies printed. The relevant information will be loaded on during the initial installation.

v) BACK-UP AND RESTORE CAPABILITY: MIA IT department shall be responsible for BACK-UP AND RESTORE procedure as a standard procedure. Back up and restore procedure will be proposed by the developing company and agreed with IT department of MIA.

w) PRINT SCREEN CAPABILITY: All the User Interfaces will have print screen capability but is should foreseen that the administrator platform can switch the feature on/off due to info security reasons.

x) ISO CERTIFICATION: A company submitting a Proposal would be ISO 9000 certified, and a copy of the certificate should be included in the Proposal.

y) SOURCE CODE PROPRIETARY RIGHTS: The source codes for the software will be the exclusive proprietary rights of UNDP/SEESAC. A copy of the software code will be handed over to MIA at the end of the project.

z) ADMINISTRATION MODULE: This module will allow an Admin user to create/modify/delete users. Admin user will be able to grant or revoke permission to a particular user on each Form or important process on the system. A functionality to group permissions must exist on order to make the process of permission management easier for users with similar permissions. Logs has to be accessible through this module.

aa) SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT MODEL: Due to experiences with previous projects, we found that more agile process models are suitable for us compared to the traditional Waterfall model, thus we would prefer to have more iterations of the software development life cycle to make sure that the implementation of the software is going as intended. The iterations will be determined during the design phase.

2.2 Specific to Firearms Registration (Component A)

a) The Macedonia registration of firearms consists of two major parts: licences and authorisations issued to natural persons, and licences and authorisations issued to legal entities.

(Natural persons are civilians that can request to acquire, possess a weapon) (Legal entities are companies that are including for example shooting associations, hunting associations, private security firms,..)

b) Interaction with the personal data in the existing database is foreseen.

c) The following evidence gathering operations are/shall be allowed:

 Evidence of weapon holders – by issuing of weapon licences  Evidence of weapons carried by individuals – by issuing of weapon carriage licences

28  Evidence of weapons owned by legal entities – by issuing weapon possession licences  Evidence of stolen weapons and ammunition  Evidence of found weapons and ammunition  Evidence of destroyed weapons and ammunition  Provision of a history of these weapons  Cataloguing of weapons, through the development of a Macedonian Catalogue d) The software application will/ include(s) checkboxes and data for the following criteria, according to the law:

1. Over 18 years old Y/N

2. Medical Certificate Y/N:  Medical Certificate number  Date of issue  Issuing body  List all of the medical organisations that can issue a medical certificate.

3. Social Certificate Y/N:  Social Certificate number  Date of issue  Issuing body  List all of the social organisations that can issue a social certificate.

4. Court Certificate Y/N:  Court Certificate number  Date of issue  Issuing body  List of all the courts.

5. Technical Knowledge Certificate Y/N:  Technical Certificate number  Date of issue  Issuing body  List of all the technical organizations that can issue a technical knowledge certificate.

6. Permanent Resident Y/N

7. Technical and Practical Knowledge Exam Passed/Failed:  Date exam taken  Examination board  List of all the examination boards.

8. Delivery of bullets/cartridges:  Date  Location

29  Person responsible for the delivery  Date delivery transported to location.  Responsible for delivery. e) The software will allow the following forms ( but not limited to) to be filled out and printed (Example of forms will be handed over to the winning bidder):

Form Title of Form 1 Weapons Purchase Authorization Request 2 Request to Exchange a Foreign Licence for a Macedonian Licence 3 Authorization to Purchase Weapon Parts ( essential components) and Ammunition 4 Hunting or Sport Licence (booklet) 5 Weapon Possession Licence 6 Weapon Carriage Licence 7 Request and Permit to Produce Weapons and Ammunition 8 Request and Permit to Repair Weapons 9 Request and Permit to Trade in Weapons, Ammunition and Weapon Parts 10 Request and Permit to Transport Weapons and Ammunition 11 Request and Permit to Transport Weapons in Macedonia 12 Request and Permit to Transport Ammunition in Macedonia 13 Permit to Purchase and Export Weapons and Ammunitions from Macedonia by foreigner 14 Permit to Import/Export Weapons and Ammunition (produced by EXIM, this application to produce pdf and XML files for transporting of relevant data) 15 Foreigners Permit for the Import and Carriage of Weapons and Ammunition when in Transit in Macedonia 16 Permit for the Carriage of Hunting and Sports’ Weapons in Macedonia, for Hunting or for Practising and Competing in Shooting Competitions 17 Permit for the Carriage of Sports’ Weapons Abroad 18 Permit to Transport Weapons and Ammunition across the border 19 Deactivation certificate 20 Permit to Establish a Civilian Shooting Ground 21 Register of Permits to Purchase Weapons, Ammunition and Weapon Parts 22 Weapon Licence Register 23 Weapon Possession Licence Register 24 Weapon Carriage Licence Register 25 Collectors Register 26 Register of Weapons Category D 27 Register of civilian shooting grounds 28 Register of Permits to Produce Weapons and Ammunition and Repair Weapons 29 Register of Permits to Trade in Weapons, Ammunition and Weapon Parts, and Permits to Transport Weapons and Ammunition

30 30 Register of Permits: to Purchase and Export Weapons and Ammunition from Country, to Import Weapons and Ammunition; for the Import and Carriage of Weapons and Ammunition for Foreigners in Transit in Macedonia; for the Carriage of Hunting and Sports’ Weapons in Macedonia, for Hunting or for Practising and Competing in Shooting Competitions and for the Carriage of Sports’ Weapons Abroad 31 Register of Permits to Transport Weapons and Ammunition through Macedonia, and Permits to Transport Weapons and Ammunition across the Macedonia Border 32 Register of Permits to Establish a Civilian Shooting Ground f) Registration of firearms and ammunition for licences: 1. Weapon identification (Mark, model, manufacturer, country of production, calibre, category and type) 2. Weapon serial number 3. Nature of ammunition used/permitted to hold 4. Status: Not Assigned a Permit, Assigned to a Permit, Stolen, Found, Recovered, etc. g) Registration of permit applications: 1. The final application forms will be handed over to the winning bidder and the information fields they contain must be part of the software . 2. Permits can be issued by default for 5 five years, or for shorter periods of time in the case of temporary permits (i.e. for tourists). 3. Applications will be accompanied by a photograph of the applicant which should be included in the database. 4. The software will be able to store Geo-Codes, so that applications can be given a reference code depending on where in the country it is submitted. The software should also provide international reference codes to record the country of origin of temporary applications. 5. The application must automatically be checked against the registry of arms database to verify that the firearm is not already registered to another person with a valid permit. h) Registration of permits renewed. i) Approval and denial of applications. j) Cancellation of permits (i.e. on the death of the permit holder). k) Creating/printing permits on booklet, including basic identification information of the owner, an image of the owner and an option for adding a fingerprint image. An image of the applicant will be digitalized from a photograph submitted with the application. l) Control of stolen weapons. m) Established screens to query the database in any field on the application and permit. This will allow for field (internal) requests for example, erifying the information on issued cards or on arms found. Automated query triggering for expiry period will be provided. ( For example expiry date of the permits and DB users will be warned.)

31 n) Established statistical reports based upon regions and municipalities.

o) History of permit renewals by an individual or a weapon.

p) Query of applications denied.

q) A configurable reporting tool, so reports can be customised with different filters and/or different groupings by a user, and then stored as a particular report.

2.3 Specific to the Management of the Weapon Stockpiles (Component B)

Component B will be linked to specific request of component A such import licenses, permits for trade etc... It will at the same time be able to take and upload XML files produced by EXIM (“Едношалтерски систем за дозволи за увоз, извоз и транзит на стоки и тарифни квоти”) and the tables provided by legal entities concerning their stocks.

This data has to be stored in a separate database from the firearms register which only includes civilian owned weapons for security reasons.

Weapons stockpiles can be established by legal entities and private entities in accordance with relevant laws such as trade, retail, and collection.

Weapon stockpiles are authorised by the competent body in line with relevant law and can contain weapons, firearms, essential components, parts, additional equipment and ammunition.

Following elements are considered:

a) Registration of arms in stockpiles. The minimum information to be included is: 1. Weapon identification 2. Weapon serial number 3 Type of weapon 4 Category of weapon 5 Caliber 6 Producer 6 Country of production 7 Organization that confiscated, found or where surrendered 8 Report date 9 Nr of report 10 Responsible for action 11 Date IN storage 12 Date OUT storage 13 Court responsible decision 14 Court Decision date 15 Court Decision Nr 16 Remarks field 17 Storage Location, using a standard co-ordinates system like Room, Stand or Cabinet, Row and Column

32 18 Specific information about the weapon (i.e. special characteristics, markings) 19 Status of arms: serviceable, unserviceable, beyond repair, or destroyed. 20 Specific information on import, transport, legalization should be provided or linked to already developed permits in component A, 21 It should be possible to transfer multiple data such as one load of weapons etc... b) Registration of ammunition in stockpiles. The minimum information to be included is: 1. HCC (Hazard Compatibility Code) 2. EQ (Explosive Quantity) per unit 3. Quantity 4. Storage Location, using a standard co-ordinates system like Room, Stand or Cabinet, Row and Column. c) Registration of the holders of arms. d) Assignment or reassignment of arms and/or holders. The minimum information to be included is: 1. Period of time for assignment 2. Weapon assigned 3. Maximum quantity of rounds permitted. e) Weapons status change. f) Multiple independent stockpiles capability.

1. A licensed company can have more than one stockpile i.e. two or more stores in different cities; 2. It should be possible to enter data only once and transfer the data across the application when selected individually or in – batch. 3. Stockpile’s stock decreases in case a weapon is sold (again as a result of issued permit for a particular weapon) after providing a warning of location on the user screen. 4. Transfer between stockpiles should be possible. g) Inventory reports by stockpile holder, location or weapon type. A special module to be developed (XML Formatting) will allow legal entities to send inventory reports on a regular basis to MIA through e-mail and MoIA will be able to upload this file in component B in the relevant stockpile. h) Inventory stocktaking reports, for inventory verification purposes. i) Inventory adjustments for any differences found. Before taking effect these adjustments will need to be approved by high level users within the software. j) Reports for EQ stored by location, and the function to filter and group reports at the different levels.

33 k) Screens established that can query the database in any field on the inventory card. This will enable checks to be made to verify information on the responsibility cards or on arms that are found.

l) A configurable reporting tool, so reports can be customised with different filters and/or different groupings by a user, and then stored as a particular report.

m) Data should be made exchangeable between component B and the EXIM software through XML.

2.4 Migrating Existing Database

The offerer will provide a solution to migrate the data of the earlier implemented component, which has been registering weapons, ammunition and owners since 2007. The database was developed in the following environment: IBM DB2 – Linux – Websphere Application Server V6.0 - and contains about approximately 100.000 data and the FRT contains about 1.000.000 data.

The Contractor has to ensure the consistency and integration of the data after migration.

The Contractor has to determine which tables should be migrated and its depending data, which tables have to be merged with the main table in order to match the to-be database model, determinations must be made regarding what data elements need to be cleansed, what needs to be migrated, and how.

Migration will be done initially before the testing phase so testing can be implemented with full data in a test environment. The migration procedure will be repeated at the end of the testing phase and during installing the software in operational environment.

MIA IT department will be consulted about the script for migration and approval will be obtained before migration will take part.

3. Deliverables

General communication:

All deliverables will be proposed and discussed with MIA which will provide its approval.

During the planning and development as well as the testing phase and until the final acceptance of the software, the offeror will provide its deliverable is a timely manner and the contractor including end user will respond to all questions within three days. This will be done in writing and acceptance documents of deliverables will be drafted, exchanged and accepted through three signatures: The contractors for proposal, the end user and SEESAC for acceptance.

34 3.1. Software Design Document (SSD): Upon the requirements analysis phase, a software design document will be handed over. The software design document will include minimum the following information:

1. The data design meaning structures that reside within the software. 2. The architecture design will describe information flowing characteristics, and maps them into the program structure. The transformation mapping method is applied to exhibit distinct boundaries between incoming and outgoing data. The data flow diagrams allocate control input, processing and output along three separate modules. 3. The interface design describing internal and external (if applicable) program interfaces, as well as the design of human interface. Internal and external interface designs are based on the information obtained from the analysis model. 4. The procedural design describing structured programming concepts using graphical, tabular and textual notations.

3.2 User Manual:

 Three (3) printed copies and one electronic copy, all in English and in Macedonian and in WORD format, will be provided by the contractor.  The User Manuals will have to specify procedures to complete all the operations of the system like, ‘Issuing a Permit’, ‘Defining a List for Destruction’, etc., in a user friendly style.  User manuals will include an example of all the reports available in the system.  The Offeror (bidder) will detail in his Proposal the content and format of this manual (with an example).

3.3 Technical Specification Manual:

 Three (3) printed copies and one electronic copy, all in English and in Macedonian, will be provided by the contractor.  The Technical Manuals will define the structure of the database and the relationships between the different tables.  The Technical Manual will specify the data dictionary.  The Technical Manual will specify in detail fresh installation procedures, data backup procedures and restoring procedures.  The Technical Manual will specify software maintenance requirements, fault finding and user remediation.

3.4 User training and Technical Briefing

Technical Briefing  For the efficient development of the software and to ensure explicit understanding of the requirements, it will be essential for the Contractor to meet with the Client; UNDP/SEESAC and representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.  At least two of these meetings are foreseen to take place in Skopje, Macedonia: one to meet on the contract award and one at the mid-way point in the software development. These meetings will each last three working days and English or Macdeonian will be the

35 working language for the meetings. The Offeror will specify in his technical proposal who will be their company representative at these technical briefing meetings and will include the travel costs for each meeting in the Price Schedule, as applicable.  The Offeror will detail in his technical proposal how this technical coordination will be completed during the on-going development process of the software (i.e. weekly updates, telephone and video conferences, additional face to face meetings, etc.). The Offeror may suggest more than two technical briefing meetings, in his technical proposal; their cost will also be shown in the Price Schedule.

User Training  On finalisation of the software, including its translation into the required Macedonian Alphabet, the Contractor will be responsible for the conduct of User Training. This training will take place in Skopje, Macedonia, and will last a minimum of ten (10) working days. The working language will be English with simultaneous translation into Macedonian provided by SEESAC, if necessary.  This User Training will be delivered to three distinct groups: Group A - the Client; UNDP/SEESAC (a maximum of one day), Group B - the IT staff of the Macedonia competent body and Group C – the Users. Group A and B will together have a maximum of five persons. Users can run up to 50 persons. IT Staff and administrator will be addressed in a separate training!  The Training Material must be provided to enable local technical support to replicate their experience with new potential users.  The Offeror will detail in his technical proposal a timetable for this User Training and the general topics to be covered.  The Offeror will specify in his technical proposal who would conduct the User Training, from their company, and the Price Schedule will include the cost of training materials and travel, as applicable. It is ideal if one of the trainers speaks the local language.

3.5 Software and Source Codes:

 A copy of the complete software, including source codes, is required by UNDP/SEESAC to accept the finalisation of the contract. A copy of the software code will be delivered to MIA.  A specific payment milestone will be tied directly to the provision of the source codes to UNDP. It should be at least 20% of the overall value of the contract. The exact percentage will be negotiated with the potential Contractor.

3.6. Test methodology and plan: The offerer will propose in the technical proposal the testing method and plan as well as the proposed test which will be used for final acceptance of the software. It will include dynamic testing. The properties will at a minimum indicate under test if the product:

 meets the requirements that guided its design and development,  responds correctly to all kinds of inputs,  performs its functions within an acceptable time,  is sufficiently usable,  can be installed and run in its intended environment, and  achieves the general result its stakeholders desire.

36 The final acceptance document will be decided upon at the first meeting and will be based upon the proposed test methodology and plan.

3.7 Technical Support for Client Satisfaction:

 Technical support must be included to guarantee product satisfaction and to provide minor changes and refinements to the software after initial release AND must extend to minimum six months after the delivery, installation and User Training, a period of one year is preferred.  This technical support will be provided, in part, by a local representative in Macedonia who will be in-situ during the above note period. In addition, the Contractor must be capable of responding to other requests within four (4) hours. The Offeror must provide proof in their proposal of local representation for software technical support (i.e. the name of a person/company, contact information, experience, references).  The technical support should be different from a standard warranty on the quality of the product released (Bugs free product and fixing them in case some are found), which should also be specified.  It is foreseen that the technical support will be able to make modifications to the system and to solve any issues with the system.  The Offeror will specify in his technical proposal the details of his technical support and in include the related cost in his Price Schedule.  The offeror will also include in the price schedule a description and price of maintenance of the installed software after this period. Price to be provided for a period of one year.

3.8 Firearms Reference Table (FRT):

 The Macedonian FRT will be the principal tool in the identification of firearms and weapons and the offeror will make sure that pictures will be linked to the firearms. Pictures will be provided by MoIA through UNDP/SEESAC.


 A helpdesk will be provided during three full working weeks and this immediately after the training;  The helpdesk will be implemented in two levels: 1. FIRST LEVEL: 1. React on request of the user and determine/ assist in: 1. IT problems; and 2. Skills and Knowledge 2. All data will be analysed and reported in a weekly report. 2. SECOND LEVEL: 1. Technical support and bug fixing


37 Contractors and/or implementing partners are responsible for giving adequate publicity to the project or programme that they are implementing and to the support from SEESAC and the EU. The communication strategy will be defined in the corresponding contract/agreement or developed during its implementation.

4. Project Schedule

 Delivery of software to MoI – by 15 October 2016

 Testing, training - 20 October 2016

 Helpdesk – 20 October to 15 November 2016

 Acceptance by MoI – 25 November 2016

 Final acceptance – 01 December 2016

5. Point of Contact for Questions

Alain Lapon, UNDP SEESAC

E-mail: [email protected]


Station: Skopje, FYR Macedonia

Reference to Project: SEESAC – WRMS – MK – 2016/2

Contract Type: Commercial Services

Contract Period: One (01) Month for software

Starting Date: 01 April 2016

Dear Sir / Madam:

We kindly request you to submit your quotation for ” Hardware and licenses” as detailed in Annex 1 of this RFQ. When preparing your quotation, please be guided by the form attached hereto as Annex 2.

Quotations may be submitted on or before 30 March 2016 and/or via e-mail, to the address below:

UNDP LOT 2 hardware for SEESAC project Address: Jordan Hadzi Konstantinov Dzinot 23 Skopje

Quotations submitted by email must be limited to a maximum of 2 MB, virus-free and no more than 01 (one) email transmissions. They must be free from any form of virus or corrupted contents, or the quotations shall be rejected.

It shall remain your responsibility to ensure that your quotation will reach the address above on or before the deadline. Quotations that are received by UNDP after the deadline indicated above, for whatever reason, shall not be considered for evaluation. If you are submitting your quotation by email, kindly ensure that they are signed and in the .pdf format, and free from any virus or corrupted files.

Please take note of the following requirements and conditions pertaining to the supply of the abovementioned good/s

Delivery Terms X DAP, [INCOTERMS 2010] Delivery and installation of server and relevant licenses (Pls. link this to price schedule) Customs clearance10, if X UNDP

39 needed, shall be done by: Exact Address/es of Delivery Location/s (identify all, if Ministry of Internal Affairs, Skopje multiple) .

UNDP Preferred Freight NA Forwarder, if any11

Distribution of shipping NA documents (if using freight forwarder)

Latest Expected Delivery X 30 days from the issuance of the Purchase Order (PO) Date and Time (if delivery X As per Delivery Schedule attached [if delivery will be staggered] time exceeds this, quote may Time : Before 15 May 2016 be rejected by UNDP) Time Zone of Reference : Macedonia time X Required Delivery Schedule ☐ AIR X LAND Mode of Transport ☐SEA ☐OTHER [pls. specify] X Euro( MKD, VAT excluded ) Preferred Currency of Quotation12 Value Added Tax on Price X Must be exclusive of VAT and other applicable indirect taxes Quotation13 After-sales services required X Warranty on Parts and Labor for minimum period of 1 year X Provision of Service Unit when pulled out for maintenance/ repair x Others : transport to delivery point and installation Deadline for the Submission 30 March 2016, 10am local time of Quotation All documentations, including x English catalogs, instructions and ☐ Others [pls. specify, including dialects, if needed] operating manuals, shall be in this language ☐ Duly Accomplished Form as provided in Annex 2, and in 14 Documents to be submitted accordance with the list of requirements in Annex 1; x Confirmation that licenses of this nature have been obtained in the past and an expectation of obtaining all the necessary licenses 10 Must be linked to INCO Terms chosen. 11Depends on INCO Terms. The suggestion to use a UNDP preferred courier is only for purposes of familiarity with procedures and documentary requirements applicable to the UNDP when clearing with customs. 12 Local vendors must comply with any applicable laws regarding doing business in other currencies. Conversion of currency into the UNDP preferred currency, if the offer is quoted differently from what is required, shall be based only on UN Operational Exchange Rate prevailing at the time of UNDP’s issuance of Purchase Order. 13 This must be reconciled with the INCO Terms required by the RFQ. Furthermore, VAT exemption status varies from one country to another. Pls. tick whatever is applicable to the UNDP CO/BU requiring the goods. 14 First 2 items in this list are mandatory for the supply of imported goods

40 should the quotation be selected; x Quality Certificates (ISO, etc.); x Latest Business Registration Certificate ; x Manufacturer’s Authorization of the Company as a Sales Agent (if Supplier is not the manufacturer); ☐ Patent Registration Certificates (if any of technologies submitted in the quotation is patented by the Supplier); x Written Self-Declaration of not being included in the UN Security Council 1267/1989 list, UN Procurement Division List or other UN Ineligibility List; X 120 days Period of Validity of Quotes starting the Submission Date In exceptional circumstances, UNDP may request the Vendor to extend the validity of the Quotation beyond what has been initially indicated in this RFQ. The Proposal shall then confirm the extension in writing, without any modification whatsoever on the Quotation. Partial Quotes X Not permitted

X 100% upon complete delivery of goods and installation ( delivery Payment Terms15 report) ☐ Others [pls. specify]

Evaluation Criteria X Technical responsiveness/Full compliance to requirements and NOTE: UNDP reserves the lowest price16 right not to award the X Comprehensiveness of after-sales services contract to the lowest priced X Full acceptance of the PO/Contract General Terms and Conditions offer, if the second lowest X Others [pls. specify] price among the responsive offer is found to be significantly more superior, and the price is higher than the lowest priced compliant offer by not more than 10%, and the budget can sufficiently cover the price difference. The term “more superior” as used in this provision shall refer to offers that have exceeded the pre- determined requirements established in the specifications.

15 UNDP preference is not to pay advanced amount upon signing of contract. If vendor strictly requires advanced payment, it will be limited only up to 20% of the total price quoted. For any higher percentage, or advanced payment of $30,000 or higher, UNDP shall require the vendor to submit a bank guarantee or bank checque payable to UNDP, in the same amount as the advanced payment made by UNDP to the vendor.

41 UNDP will award to: X One and only one supplier

Type of Contract to be Signed X Purchase Order

Special conditions of Contract X Cancellation of PO/Contract if the delivery/completion is delayed by 30 days

Conditions for Release of X Passing Inspection Payment X Complete Installation X Passing all Testing X Written Acceptance of Goods based on full compliance with RFQ requirements

Annexes to this RFQ17 X Specifications of hardware and licenses Required (Annex 1) X Form for Submission of Quotation (Annex 2) X General Terms and Conditions / Special Conditions (Annex 3). ☐ Others [pls. specify, if any]

Non-acceptance of the terms of the General Terms and Conditions (GTC) shall be grounds for disqualification from this procurement process.

Contact Person for Inquiries Alain Lapon (Written inquiries only)18 SEESAC project Manager [email protected] Any delay in UNDP’s response shall be not used as a reason for extending the deadline for submission, unless UNDP determines that such an extension is necessary and communicates a new deadline to the Proposers.

Goods offered shall be reviewed based on completeness and compliance of the quotation with the minimum specifications described above and any other annexes providing details of UNDP requirements.

16 UNDP reserves the right not to award the contract to the lowest priced offer, if the second lowest price among the responsive offer is found to be significantly more superior, and the price is higher than the lowest priced compliant offer by not more than 10%, and the budget can sufficiently cover the price difference. The term “more superior” as used in this provision shall refer to offers that have exceeded the pre-determined requirements established in the specifications. 17 Where the information is available in the web, a URL for the information may simply be provided. 18 This contact person and address is officially designated by UNDP. If inquiries are sent to other person/s or address/es, even if they are UNDP staff, UNDP shall have no obligation to respond nor can UNDP confirm that the query was received.

42 The quotation that complies with all of the specifications, requirements and offers the lowest price, as well as all other evaluation criteria indicated, shall be selected. Any offer that does not meet the requirements shall be rejected.

Any discrepancy between the unit price and the total price (obtained by multiplying the unit price and quantity) shall be re-computed by UNDP. The unit price shall prevail and the total price shall be corrected. If the supplier does not accept the final price based on UNDP’s re-computation and correction of errors, its quotation will be rejected.

After UNDP has identified the lowest price offer, UNDP reserves the right to award the contract based only on the prices of the goods in the event that the transportation cost (freight and insurance) is found to be higher than UNDP’s own estimated cost if sourced from its own freight forwarder and insurance provider.

At any time during the validity of the quotation, no price variation due to escalation, inflation, fluctuation in exchange rates, or any other market factors shall be accepted by UNDP after it has received the quotation. At the time of award of Contract or Purchase Order, UNDP reserves the right to vary (increase or decrease) the quantity of services and/or goods, by up to a maximum twenty five per cent (25%) of the total offer, without any change in the unit price or other terms and conditions.

Any Purchase Order that will be issued as a result of this RFQ shall be subject to the General Terms and Conditions attached hereto. The mere act of submission of a quotation implies that the vendor accepts without question the General Terms and Conditions of UNDP herein attached as Annex 3.

UNDP is not bound to accept any quotation, nor award a contract/Purchase Order, nor be responsible for any costs associated with a Supplier’s preparation and submission of a quotation, regardless of the outcome or the manner of conducting the selection process.

Please be advised that UNDP’s vendor protest procedure is intended to afford an opportunity to appeal for persons or firms not awarded a purchase order or contract in a competitive procurement process. In the event that you believe you have not been fairly treated, you can find detailed information about vendor protest procedures in the following link: .

UNDP encourages every prospective Vendor to avoid and prevent conflicts of interest, by disclosing to UNDP if you, or any of your affiliates or personnel, were involved in the preparation of the requirements, design, specifications, cost estimates, and other information used in this RFQ.

UNDP implements a zero tolerance on fraud and other proscribed practices, and is committed to identifying and addressing all such acts and practices against UNDP, as well as third parties involved in UNDP activities. UNDP expects its suppliers to adhere to the UN Supplier Code of Conduct found in this link :

Thank you and we look forward to receiving your quotation.

43 Technical Specifications

Nr Quantity Description / Specifications of Goods Latest Delivery Date Pcs 1 EA 01 Dual Socket Server (rack mountable, to be installed in item – 19” rack. All mounting accessories shall be included. Specifications Processor 2 x E5-2640 (15M Cache, 2.50 Ghz, 7.20 GT/s) or equivalent Memory 64 GB Advanced ECC, extendable to min. 128 GB Optical Disk DVD RW, SATA Slots 6 x Full height PCI Express slots Hard Disks 6 x HDD SAS, 900 GB, 10000 rpm, hot-plug, 2.5-inch, enterprise I/O controller RAID controller with RAID levels 0/1/10, extendable to min. 2 GB cache Secondary RAID controller ( min 2 GB Cache) 4 x 10/100/1000 Mbit/s Ethernet ports (supports Jumbo frames, MSI and MSI-X, 802.1Q VLANs, CP, IP, UDP checksum, Large Send Offload (LSO), TCP, and segmentation Offload (TSO), Network teaming) 2x Channel HBA Fiber ChannelAdapter, 8/4 Gbps auto-negotiation Management Integrated Remote Management Controller, IPMI 2.0 compatible, with dedicated additional management port 1 Gb/s. Min features included: health monitoring, Virtual Power button, Wed based GIU, SSH interface, Virtual Serial port, Integrated Remote console ( text and graphics mode) – pre and post OS, Virtual media via Remote Console, Record and playback of Remote console, Kerberos authentication, E-mail alerting. Trusted platform Supported module (tpm)

44 Power 2 x hot- plug power supply 2 EA 01 DB2 Workgroup edition Processor license - unlimited users but limited to HW on which DB2 will be installed (only 1 processor socket and 4 processor cores supported on 1 CPU) - 1 year Support included *Pls. attach delivery schedule, if relevant, and cluster by lot, if partial bids will not be allowed. Specify delivery locations if goods multiple destinations.

[Enter name of authorized staff] [Designation] [Click here to enter a date] TABLE 1 : Offer to Supply Goods Compliant with Technical Specifications and Requirements

Latest Item No. Description/Specification of Goods Quantity Delivery Unit Price Total Price Date per Item 1 Server EA 01 2 DB2 workgroup server license EA 01 3 SUSE Linux License for server under 1 EA 01 ( optional) 4 Costs for installation EA 01

Total Prices of Goods19 Add : Cost of Transportation Add : Cost of Insurance Add : Support per year - server Add : Support per year - licenses Add : Other Charges (pls. specify)

Total Final and All-Inclusive Price Quotation

TABLE 2 : Offer to Comply with Other Conditions and Related Requirements

19 Pricing of goods should be consistent with the INCO Terms indicated in the RFQ

45 Other Information pertaining to our Your Responses Quotation are as follows : Yes, we will No, we cannot If you cannot comply, comply comply pls. indicate counter proposal Delivery Lead Time Estimated weight/volume/dimension of the Consignment: Country/is Of Origin20: Warranty and After-Sales Requirements a) Maintenance b) For server and licenses : Minimum three (3) year warranty on both parts and labor c) Service Unit to be Provided when the Purchased Unit is Under Repair d) Brand new replacement if Purchased Unit is beyond repair e) Others Validity of Quotation All Provisions of the UNDP General Terms and Conditions Other requirements [pls. specify] UNDP reserves the right to purchase item 1-2 and 4 and not item under 3.

All other information that we have not provided automatically implies our full compliance with the requirements, terms and conditions of the RFQ.

[Name and Signature of the Supplier’s Authorized Person] [Designation] [Date]

20 If the country of origin requires Export License for the goods being procured, or other relevant documents that the country of destination may require, the supplier must submit them to UNDP if awarded the PO/contract.


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