Class Coordinators: Ms. Pavithra M

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Class Coordinators: Ms. Pavithra M


Sl. Faculty Subjects Code Course Instructor Page No No. Initial

1. Index & General Guidelines .. .. … 1-2

2. Computer communication Network 13TE401 Ms. Sushma Rawal SR 3-8 Theory 3. Embedded System Design 13TE402 Ms.S. Santhameena SSM 9-12

Ms.Suganthi J 4. Antenna Wave Propagation 13TE403 SJ,RGK 13-17 Prof. R.G. Kulkarni

5. Computer communication networks Lab 13TE404 Ms. Sushma Rawal SR 18

6. Embedded System Design Lab 13TE405 Ms.S. Santhameena SSM 19

Ms.Suganthi J 7. Antenna Wave Propagation Lab 13TE406 SJ,RGK 20 Prof. R.G. Kulkarni

Class Coordinators: Ms. Pavithra M

Note: Portions for test will be announced one week before the commencement.


P.E.S.I.T DEPT. OF TE Page 1 /


1. Students are not permitted to attend the class without the identity card.

2. Students should be well on time right from the first class.

3. Students should keep the classrooms, laboratories and library clean.

4. Writing on the desks and walls is strictly prohibited, failing which the students will be fined heavily. If the identity of the individual is not established the entire class/students in the class will be fined.

5. Students are advised to show due respect to all faculty regardless of their depart- ment and maintain an affable personality.

6. Students are to maintain absolute discipline and decorum, so as to promote the fair name of the college in all its activity.

7. Students securing less than 75 attendance in any individual subject will not be al- lowed to take up the SEE. No appeals will be entertained regarding shortage of atten- dance.

8. Students are informed that they may clarify their doubts in the respective sub- jects with the faculty by taking prior appointment.

9. Students are to inform their parents to follow up the progress of their wards, to inform about PTM by being in touch with the college authorities, at regular intervals.

10. Ragging is punishable under Karnataka Education Act and is strictly pro- hibited. Any student involved in ragging will be severely punished.

11. Students who secure less than 60 in the SEE and / or who secure less than 60 in the CIE are to go through the Student Academic Support Programme (SASP) compulso- rily.

12. Students should come prepared for all the experiments before attending the labo- ratory session.

P.E.S.I.T DEPT. OF TE Page 3 / 13. Students should bring the completed observation book and laboratory records to the laboratory & return the components issued in good condition at the end of the lab ses- sion.

14. Students have to score a minimum of 40 in internal assessment in the Lab & the- ory, failing which he/she will be denied the SEE under the clause Non Satisfying Ses- sional Requirements (NSSR).

15. The final attendance and the sessional marks will be displayed on the notice board at the end of the semester. It is the responsibility of the students to verify the correctness and report discrepancies, if any, to the concerned faculty / class in- charge.

16. If a student is found guilty of any malpractices in the test/quiz, his/her sessional marks in all the subjects of that test will be treated as zero. In addition, the parents have to personally come and discuss the issue with the HoD to avoid rusticating the student from the college.

17. Mobile phone strictly prohibited on campus.

18. The students are informed to approach the concerned faculty advisors for any communication to the Dept.

19. Any correspondences to the department must have parents letter and submit to their Class-Incharge (after signed by faculty advisors and HoD).



Subject Code: 13TE401 Faculty: Ms. SR No. of Hours: 52 Chapter Title/ % of Portion covered Class Reference Topic to be covered Reference Cumulative Literature Chapter

Data Communications-Components, Data 1 Representation, Data Flow Unit I Networks-Distributed Processing, Network Criteria, 2 Physical structures, Network Models, Categories of R1: Networks Protocols and Standards-Protocols, Standards, 3 Chapter 1: Introduction Standards Organizations, Internet Standards.

Layered Tasks-Sender, Receiver, and Carrier, 4 Hierarchy

Unit I Contd. The OSI Model-Layered Architecture, Peer-to-Peer 5 Process, Encapsulation. 19 19

Layers in the OSI Model-Physical layer, Data link R1: layer, Network layer, Transport layer, Session layer, 6 Chapter 2: Network Presentation layer, Application layer, summary of Models layers. TCP/IP Protocol Suite- Physical and Data link layers, 7 Network layer, Transport layer, Application layer.

Unit I Contd. Guided Media-Twisted-Pair Cable, Coaxial Cable, 8 Fiber-optic Cable R1: Unguided Media: Wireless-Radio Waves, 9 Chapter 7: Transmission Media Microwaves, Infrared

Unit II

R1: Cyclic Codes-Cyclic Redundancy Check, 10 Polynomials, Cyclic Code Analysis, Advantages of Chapter 10: Error Cyclic Codes, Other Cyclic codes. Detection and 17 36 Correction

Unit II Contd. Framing-Fixed-Size Framing, Variable-size framing 11-12 R1: Flow and Error Control- Flow Control, Error

P.E.S.I.T DEPT. OF TE Page 5 / Chapter 11: Data Control. Link Control Protocols

Noiseless Channels-Simplest Protocol, Stop-and- Wait Protocol.

13-16 Noisy Channels- Stop-and-Wait Automatic Repeat Unit II Contd. Request, Go-Back-N Automatic Repeat Request, 17 36 Selective Repeat Automatic Repeat Request, R1: Piggybacking. Chapter 11: Data HDLC-Configuration and Transfer Modes, Frames, 17-18 Link Control Control field.

Random Access-ALOHA, Carrier Sense Multiple 21 57 Access (CSMA), Carrier Sense Multiple Access Unit III with collision Detection (CSMA/CD), Carrier Sense Multiple Access with collision Avoidance 19-21 R1: (CSMA/CA). Chapter 12: Multiple Access

IEEE standards-Data link layer, Physical layer.

Standard Ethernet-MAC sublayer, Physical 22-23 sublayer. Unit III Contd. Changes in the Standard-Bridged Ethernet Switched R1: Ethernet, Full-Duplex Ethernet.

Chapter 13: Wired Fast Ethernet-MAC sublayer, Physical Layer. LANs: Ethernet 24 Gigabit Ethernet-MAC sublayer, Physical Layer, Ten-Gigabit Ethernet.

Unit III Contd. IEEE 802.11-Architecture, MAC Sublayer, 25 Addressing Mechanism, Physical layer. R1: 26-27 Bluetooth-Architecture, Bluetooth Layers, Radio Chapter 14: Layer, Baseband Layer, L2CAP, Other upper layers. Wireless LANs

Unit III Contd. Connecting Devices-Passive Hubs, Repeaters, Active Hubs, Bridges, Two-Layer Switches, R1: Routers, Three-Layer Switches Gateway. 28 Chapter 15:

Connecting LANs

Circuit Switched Networks- Three Phases, Efficiency, Delay, Circuit-Switched Technology in Telephone Networks. Unit IV Datagram Networks- Routing table, Efficiency, R1: 29 Delay, Datagram Networks in the Internet. Chapter 8: Virtual Circuit Networks- Addressing, Three Switching Phases, Efficiency, Delay in Virtual-Circuit Networks, Circuit-Switched Technology in WANs. 23 80

Unit IV Contd. IPV4 Addresses-Address space, Notations, Classful 30-32 Addressing, Classless Addressing, Network Address R1: Translation (NAT) Chapter 19:

33 Network Layer: IPV6 Addresses- Structure, Address space. Logical Addressing

Unit IV Contd. Internetworking-Need for Network Layer, Internet 23 80 34 as a Datagram Network, Internet as a Connectionless Network

R1: IPV4- Datagram, Fragmentation, Checksum, 35 Options. Chapter 20: 36 IPV6-Advantages, Packet Format, Extension

P.E.S.I.T DEPT. OF TE Page 7 / Headers. Network Layer: Internet Protocol Unit IV Contd. Delivery-Direct Versus Indirect Delivery. 37 Forwarding- Forwarding Techniques, Forwarding Process, Routing Table. R1: Unicast Routing Protocols- Optimization, Intra and 38-40 Chapter 22: Inter-domain Routing, Distance Vector Routing, Link state Routing, Path vector Routing. Network Layer: Delivery, Multicast Routing Protocols-Unicast, Multicast and 41 Forwarding, and Broadcast, Applications, Multicast Routing, Routing Routing Protocols.

Process to process Delivery-Client-Server Paradigm, Unit V Multiplexing and Demultiplexing, Connectionless 42-43 versus Connection-Oriented Service, Reliable versus Unreliable, Three Protocols. R1: User Datagram Protocol-Well-known ports for 44 Chapter 23: UDP, User Datagram, Checksum, UDP Operation, Use of UDP. Process-to- Process Delivery: UDP and TCP-TCP services, TCP Features, Segment, A TCP 45-46 TCP connection, Flow control, Error control, congestion control

Name space- Flat Space, Hierarchical Name Space. 20 100 47 Domain name space- Label, Domain Name, Unit V Contd. Domain.

Distribution of Name Space- Hierarchy of Name 49 Servers, Zone, Root Server, Primary and Secondary R1: Servers. Chapter 25: DNS in the Internet- Generic Domain, Country 50 Domain Name Domains, Inverse Domain. System Resolution- Resolver, Mapping Names to 51-52 Addresses, Mapping Address to Names, Recursive Resolution, Iterative Resolution, Caching Literature:

Book Publication Information Code Title & Author Type Edition Publisher Year

Data Communications and Networking R1 4th TMH 2006 – Behrouz A Forouzan

Referen Computer Networks Prentice R2 4th - ce Book – Andrew S. Tanenbaum Hall

Data & Computer Communications Prentice R3 6th - – William Stallings Hall



Subject Code: 13TE401 Faculty: Mr. SR

1. What is networking? What are its advantages?

2. Identify the components of a Data communication system

3. Enumerate the advantages of distributed processing.

4. What is the need for a network? Give examples of a few public networks highlighting the services offered by each.

5. What are the main criteria necessary for an effective and efficient network?

6. Give ten possible applications of Networking.

7. Name at least five organizations involved in standards creation.

P.E.S.I.T DEPT. OF TE Page 9 / 8. Define Protocol? What are the key elements of a protocol?

9. Name four Standard forums that exist Internationally.

10. Name the three fundamental characteristics of a data communication system.

11. Explain and compare five Network topologies.

12. What is Line configuration? How is Topology related to Line configuration?

13. Name and explain the three types of Transmission modes.

14. If a fully connected Mesh network has 8 devices connected what is the total number of cable links required and the number of ports for each device? What is the number in Star, Ring and Bus technologies? If there are n devices what is the number of links required?

15. Distinguish between LAN, MAN and WAN.

16. What is an internet?

17. Describe Hosts and Subnet. What are Imp’s?

18. What is the Channel capacity for a) A voice channel with a Bandwidth of 3.4KHz and a signal to noise ratio of 30dB? b) A teleprinter channel of BW 300-Hz and a S/N ratio of 3dB.

19. A digital signaling system is required to operate at 9600bps. If a signal element encodes a 4-bit word, what is the minimum required Bandwidth of the channel? What is the BW if encoding is 8-bit words?

20. A noiseless 4khz channel is sampled every millisecond. What is the maximum data rate?

21. Television channels are 6Mhz wide. How many bits/sec can be sent if four level digital signals are used?

22. If a binary signal is sent over a 3KHz channel whose signal to noise ratio is 20 dB, what is the maximum achievable data rate?

23. What signal to noise ratio is needed to put a T1 carrier on a 50-kHz line?

24. Explain the OSI reference model.

25. A) Compare OSI model with TCP/IP reference model

B) Briefly discuss the Design issues in Computer networking.

26. A building has 5 offices per floor with 5 floors. Each office has a socket with the separation between sockets being 4m,both horizontally and vertically. How many sockets horizontally and vertically? How many meters of cable are required for connecting the sockets in a) ring b) bus c) Star configuration with single IMP in the middle.

27. Define the responsibilities of a) Data link layer b) Network layer c) Transport layer.

28. What is the difference between service point address, a logical address, and a physical address?

29. Name some of the services provided by the application layer. 30. Sketch the Manchester encoding for the bit stream: 0001110101

31. Write brief note on i. ARPANET ii. NICNET

32. What are the different transmission media used in computer network give their salient features?

33. What are the functions of DTE and DCE ?name some popular DTE DCE standards.

34. What is the difference between balanced and Un Balanced circuit?

35. Why are Modems required for telephone communication?

36. Name the important mediums used in transmission of signals.

37. Mention the advantages of:

1.Shielded twisted pair cable over unshielded twisted pair

2.Coaxial cable over Twisted-pair cable

3.Optical fibre over coaxial cable and twisted-pair cable.

38. What are the disadvantages of Optical Fibre as a Transmission medium?

39. What are the basic components of a Fibre optic Transmission system?

40. Describe the features of RS-232 (EIA-232) and RS 449 interface standards.

41. Describe the three major Multiplexing techniques?

42. Describe FDM with a block diagram.

43. Differentiate between FDM and WDM.

44. Enumerate the principle of TDM. What are the two types of TDM? How do they differ from each other?

45. Explain the advantage of Digital services over Analog services.

46. What are the three types of digital services available to Telephone subscribers?

47. Describe the Digital hierarchy (DS) of TDM signals.

48. What is the digital Multiplexing Hierarchy in use in Europe (E-lines)

49. Name 5 DSL technologies. What are the services provided by DSL in the local loop?

50. Name three types of Transmission Impairment.

51. Explain a) Circuit Switching, b) Message Switching and c) Packet Switching and distinguish between the

P.E.S.I.T DEPT. OF TE Page 11 / three.

52. Describe the working of ISDN. What are the standards used in ISDN?

53. Give the Transmission structure of ISDN Channels with the functions.

54. Explain the reference points in ISDN.

55. Explain with a block diagram a Digital PBX.

56. Explain the principle of a Time division Switch.

57. Write notes on 1.Polling 2.Terminal Handling.

58. Enumerate the difference between Multiplexing and Concentration.

59. Compare STDM and ATDM.

60. Explain Pure ALOHA and Slotted ALOHA systems. Show that channel utilization of Slotted ALOHA is more than that of pure ALOHA.

61. What are the five key assumptions made during the dynamic channel allocation in LAN’S and MAN’s.

62. Give salient features of IEEE 802.4 and 802.5 standards for LAN.

63. Explain CSMA/CD and its use. What is Collision?

64. What are the advantages of FDDI over Token ring?

65. Explain 4B/5B encoding, what is HDB3 encoding? Where is it used?

66. What types of transmission media are used in LAN’s?

67. Explain the operation of a Token ring LAN.

68. Compare the Data rates for Ethernet, Fast Ethernet, Gigabit Ethernet and FDDI.

69. Write notes on a) DQDB b) Physical standards used in IEEE 802.3 c) SMDS

70. Explain the Frame format of a) 802.3 Ethernet b) Token ring

71. Write notes on a) PPP b) LCP

72. Explain the Triple-X protocol—X.3, X.25. X.29

73. Compare the X.25 layers with OSI model.

74. What are the 4 types of redundancy checks used in Data communications?

75. What is the purpose of Hamming Code?

76. Find CRC information and the transmitted information for the message M(X)=1101011011,the generator polynomial G (X)=X4+X+1.

77. Explain the elementary data link protocols. What is the principle of sliding window protocols? 78. What are the properties of routing Algorithm?

79. Describe the reasons for Network Congestion and explain the Leaky Bucket algorithm for congestion control.

80. a) Describe the elements of Transport protocols.

b) What are the services provided by the Transport layer?

81. Explain the structure of TCP header and UDP header

82. Describe the Internet protocol (IP)

83. Explain the addressing in the IPV4. What is Multicasting?

84. Write notes on a) ARP b) RARP c) ICMP and d) IGMP

85. Describe the expression for the relationship between delivered load S, and offered load G for a pure ALOHA network

86. Assume the usual ALOHANET system with a data rate of 9600 bps and a packet size of 804 bits. If G=0.75 what is the load on the system in packet/second.

87. A groups of N stations store a 56 Kbps ALOHA channel. Each station outputs a 1000 bit packet at an average rate of one in every 100 seconds. What is the maximum useful value of N?

88. A groups of terminals to be connected to a central site using ALOHA scheme over 9600 bps channels. Frame maximum throughput condition estimate the number of terminals where that can be supported in pure ALOHA system

89. Calculate S for slotted ALOHA network if the offered traffic G=0.6. What is the average number of frames offered/second and the average number of frames successfully transmitted if the bit rate is 9600 bps and the frame size is 960 bits.

90. Show that for pure ALOHA, the maximum throughput is 1/2 2 and it occurs at G=0.5.

91. Explain slotted ALOHA network method of channel access and hence obtain expression for the average number of re-transmission per packet.

92. Describe the principle of:

i. Adoptive routing ii. Non-adoptive routing iii. Shortest path routing iv. Multi-path routing v. Hierarchical routing

93. What are the advantages of adoptive algorithm?

94. What is dead lock and how is it prevented?

P.E.S.I.T DEPT. OF TE Page 13 / 95. Distinguish between congestion and deadlock?

96. Discuss the various dead lock prevention techniques used in the computer network? Consider a network with 720 nodes. Assuming a 3-layer hierarchy. Find out the region and cluster sizes to minimize the size of the routing table.

97. Write short notes on:

i. Bridges and Gatewaysii. E-mail iii.. Cryptography v. Null-modem

98. What is carrier sense multiple access scheme? Discuss i. Non-persistent CSMA

ii. Persistent CSMA.

99. Compare the functions of each layer of SNA and DNA. Identify their similarities and differences.

100 Write a note on data compression? .

101 Describe the various error correction techniques used in data communication. .

******** EMBEDDED SYSTEMS (4-0-0-4)

Subject Code: 12TE402 Faculty: Ms. SSM &MP No. of Hours: 52

% Portions Covered Chapter Title/ Class Portions to be Covered Reference Cumula Reference Literature Chapter tive

Introduction to embedded systems, UNIT 1 1-3 Overview of Embedded system blocks Embedded System Physical system -Processor and peripherals 6 6 components Embedded software: Tool chains, Boot loader, Device Drivers, Embedded OS

Registers, Current program status register, 4-9 ARM Processor Pipeline, Exceptions, Interrupts and vector 12 18 Fundamentals table, core extensions, architecture revisions, ARM Processor families

Data Processing Instructions, Branch Instructions, Load- store Instructions, software Interrupt Instruction, Program status register Instructions, Loading 10-21 UNIT II constants ARM Extensions, conditional Introduction to ARM 9 execution. Introduction to Thumb 23 41 Instruction Set Instruction set. Programming examples

P.E.S.I.T DEPT. OF TE Page 15 / Introduction: OS Overview, process management-Process, Process control block, Process states (5 State model), Inter Process Communication using LINUX- Pipes, FIFO, concurrency issues (deadlock, race condition, starvation), Semaphore and Programming examples. Threads-Threads UNIT III 22-33 and programming example, Process Overview of Operating Scheduling-Basic concepts, Scheduling 25 66 Systems & RTOS Criteria, Scheduling Algorithms (FCFS, SJF, RR, Priority Scheduling), Memory management-Protection, Relocation, Partition (Fixed, Dynamic), Paging, Segmentation. Introduction to RTOS features.

UNIT IV Overview of Device drivers, I2C, SPI, 34-44 UART, USB, SDIO overview. Peripherals 21 87

UNIT V Case Study of Embedded Systems 45-52 Case Study of Embedded 13 100 Systems

Reference Books:

1.“ARM System Developer’s Guide – Designing and optimizing system software”, Andrew N SLOSS, Dominic SYMES, Chris Wright, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers.

2.“ARM system architecture”, Stephen B. Furber, Addison Wesly, 1996.

3.“Introduction to embedded systems”- Shibu K.V., Mc Graw Hill.

4.“Operating System concepts” – Silberschatz, Galvin, Gagne, 8th edition Wiley,2010 5.“Operating systems –internals and design principles”-William Stallings , 6th Edition Pearson

Prentice Hall, 2009 Extensive use of technical datasheets and on-line documentation for

Unit 1, Unit 3 to 5


Subject Code: 12TE402 Faculty: Ms.SSM & MP



1. What is an embedded system ?

2. Explain an embedded system with a neat block diagram.

3. Explain embedded system tool chain.

4. What are real time systems?

5. What are hard and soft real time systems.

6. Explain register structure of ARM processor.

7. Explain CPSR of ARM 9.

8. List the different conditional flags of ARM 9.

9. Explain interrupts and interrupt vector table of ARM 9.

10. Explain with an example what happens when an exception occurs.

11. Explain with an example what happens when there is a change in mode.

12. Explain 5 stage pipeline for ARM 9 processor.


13. Explain the data processing instructions of ARM.

14. Explain the load-store instructions of ARM.

15. Explain the stack operation in ARM

16. Explain the software interrupt instruction of ARM.

17. Explain the program status register instructions in ARM.

18. Explain how conditional execution is implemented in ARM. 19. Explain the Thumb data processing instructions of ARM.

20. Explain the Thumb version of load-store instruction of ARM.

21. Explain the Thumb stack operations in ARM.

22. Explain the Thumb software interrupt instruction of ARM.

23. Differentiate between ARM and THUMB state with an example.

24. Explain with an example how do you change over from ARM to Thumb state.


25. What are the functions of an operating system ?

26. What are the activities of an operating system in regard to process management ?

27. What are the activities of an operating system in regard to memory management ?

28. What is purpose of system calls ?

29. Explain the process states.

30. Explain the process control block.

31. Explain how a new process can be created ?

32. Explain the different inter-process communication facilities available for the processes to communicate with each other in Linux.

33. Differentiate between process and threads.

34. What are the differences between user-level threads and kernel-level threads.

35. Explain FCFS scheduling algorithm with an example.

36. Explain Shortest Job First scheduling algorithm with an example.

37. Explain Priority scheduling algorithm with an example.

38. Explain Round Robin scheduling algorithm with an example.

39. Explain the use of semaphores for synchronization between processes that share same data and memory space.

P.E.S.I.T DEPT. OF TE Page 19 / 40. Explain with an example fixed memory partitioning.

41. Explain with an example dynamic memory partitioning

42. Explain paging.

43. Explain memory segmentation.

44. What is real time operating system?

45. List the features if RTOS.

46. What is priority inversion? How can it be overcome?


47. Explain device drivers.

48. Write short note on I2C.

49. Explain bus arbitration in I2C.

50. Write short note on SPI.

51. Explain with a neat sketch the typical SPI connection.

52. Write short note on UART.

53. Explain the USB protocol.

54. Explain the electrical model of USB.

55. Write short note on SDIO.


56. Explain energy meter as an embedded system.

57. Explain smart card as an embedded system.

58. Explain digital camera as an embedded system. ********


Subject Code: 13TE403 Faculty: SUGANTHI J No. of Hours: 52

Class Chapter Title/ Topic to be covered % of Portion covered

P.E.S.I.T DEPT. OF TE Page 21 / Reference Literature Reference Cumulative Chapter

Introduction, types of antennas, radiation mechanism. UNIT-1 Radiation pattern, isotropic, directional, T1: 1.1, 1.2, 1.2.1 – 1.2.6, and omnidirectional patterns,

1.3, 1.3.1-1.3.3, Principal patterns, radiation pattern lobes, 2.2, 2.2.1- field regions, radians and steradian.

2.2.5, 2.3, 2.4, Radiation power density and intensity, 2.5, 2.5.1, 2.5.2,2.7 - 2.11, Directivity and gain, antenna and 2.13, 2.14, beam efficiency 2.15, 2.15.1, 2.15.2, Half power beam width and bandwidth. 01-12 23 23 2.16,2.17.1. Input impedance

3.1 to 3.8 Antenna aperture and effective length. (Subsections under 3.8 Friis transmission equation excluded) Radiation integrals, vector potentials.

Relation between vector and scalar potential: Lorentz condition

Solution for inhomogeneous vector

potential wave equation.

Far field radiation. Duality and reciprocity theorems.

Infinitesimal current element (or Hertzian UNIT-2 dipole): radiated fields, power density T1: 4.1 to 4.6 Radiation resistance, near field region, and intermediate field region, far field region,directivity T1: 5.1, 5.2, 23 46 5.2.1 to5.2.6, Small dipole: region separation, far field 5.3, 5.3.1, approximations 5.3.2, 5.6, Finite length dipole: current distribution, 5.6.1 radiated fields,

Power density, radiation intensity and T2: example radiation resistance, directivity, input 2.5 resistance.

Half wavelength dipole. Hertzian dipole in the ‘x’ and ‘y’ direction

13-24 Loop antennas. Small circular loop- radiated fields,

Power density and radiation resistance,

Near field region, far field region, radiation intensity and directivity

Circular loop of constant current- radiated fields,

Power density and radiation resistance, radiation intensity and directivity

Square loop – radiated fields.

Chapter Title/ Class Reference % of Portion covered Literature

Reference Cumulative Chapter

25-34 2 element array: 20 66 pattern multiplication, UNIT-3 Topic to be covered T1: 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.3.1 to 6.3.4, 6.4, 6.4.1 to 6.4.3, 6.8, 6.8.1, 6.10, 6.10.1

N’ element linear array: Array factor, uniform amplitude and spacing,

P.E.S.I.T DEPT. OF TE Page 23 / Broadside array,

Ordinary endfire array,

phased array

Hansen Woodyard endfire array, directivity of broadside

Ordinary end fire and Hansen Wood yard array.

N element linear array: uniform spacing

N element linear array: uniform spacing non uniform amplitude- array factor

Rectangular planar array: array factor

35-44 Yagi Uda array 20 86


T2: 6.3, 6.5, 6.5.1, 6.5.2, 6.7,6.9, 4.2, 4.2.2, 4.3, 4.3.2, 4.8, 4.9, 4.10, 4.10.1, 4.10.2, 4.10.3

Helical antenna: axial mode helix, normal mode helix

Log Periodic Array, Micro strip patch antenna Introduction, field equivalence principle,

Sheet current distribution in free space,

Radiation pattern as Fourier transform of current distribution.

Horn antenna: pyramidal horn.

Reflector antenna: flat plate reflector, corner reflector

Reflector antenna: prime focus fed parabolic reflector,

Cassegrain reflector configuration

45-52 Surface wave 14 100 propagation UNIT-5

T3: 10.1, 10.1.1, 10.1.2, 10.2, 10.2.1, 10.2.2, 10.3, 10.3.1 to 10.3.3, 10.4,10.4.1 to 10.4.4

Wave tilt, Attenuation of surface wave,

P.E.S.I.T DEPT. OF TE Page 25 / Space Waves, Space wave

with directional antennas

Space wave over spherical earth.

Structure of ionosphere, dielectric constant of ionosphere,

Group velocity for wave in plasma,

wave propagation through ionosphere, skip distance, virtual height

Attenuation of waves in ionosphere, maximum usable frequency.

Reference Books

1. “Antenna theory analysis and design”, C.A.Balanis, John Wiley & sons

Unit I: 1.1, 1.2, 1.2.1 – 1.2.6, 1.3, 1.3.1-1.3.3, 2.2, 2.2.1- 2.2.5, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 2.5.1,2.5.2,2.7 - 2.11, 2.13, 2.14, 2. 15, 2.15.1, 2.15.2, 2.17.1. 3.1 to 3.8 (Subsections under 3.8 excluded)

Unit II: 5.1, 5.2, 5.2.1 to 5.2.6, 5.3, 5.3.1, 5.3.2, 5.6, 5.6.1,

Unit III: 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.3.1 to 6.3.4, 6.4, 6.4.1 to 6.4.3, 6.8, 6.8.1, 6.10, 6.10.1 2. ”Antennas and Propagation”, A.R.Harish & M.Sachidananda, Oxford University Press

Unit II: example 2.5,

Unit IV: 6.3, 6.5, 6.5.1, 6.5.2, 6.9, 4.2, 4.2.2, 4.3, 4.3.2, 4.8, 4.9, 4.10, 4.10.1, 4.10.2, 4.10.3

3. ”Electromagnetic Waves”, R K Shevgaonkar

Unit V: 10.1, 10.1.1, 10.1.2, 10.2, 10.2.1, 10.2.2, 10.3, 10.3.1 to 10.3.3, 10.4, 10.4.1 to 10.4.4


Subject Code: 12TE403 Faculty: Ms. SJ



UNIT 1: Antenna Basics 1. Define i) Radiation Intensity ii) Directivity and iii) Half power beamwidth of an antenna and obtain suitable mathematical expressions.

2. The radiation intensity of an Antenna is given by: U= sinn . Find the directivity of the antenna if the half power beam width is 90degrees and the mismatch loss if the antenna input impedance of 100 ohms is connected to a 50 ohm transmission line.

3. Derive Friis Transmission Formula

4. Define Effective Area and derive its relation with directivity 5. Derive the differential equation for A assuming Lorentz condition for solving the Vector Potential A for electric current source J.


UNIT 2:Dipole and Loop

1. Derive the Vector Potential A and then the Electric and Magnetic fields in spherical co- ordinates for an infinitesimal dipole carrying a current I. 2. Calculate the error introduced in the amplitude and phase if the far field approximation is used for computation of fields at distance of 50 λ for dipole of length 2λ. 3. Obtain the expression for the magnetic fields

4. Find the radiation resistance and effective aperture of a large circular loop antenna of radius > or = λ /2 if C/ λ is equal to 2 π and compare it with its physical area.

UNIT 3:Array

1. Derive the Array Factor for an N element uniform linear array of isotropic sources and obtain the location of maxima and condition for Broadside and Endfire array operation

2. What are the conditions to be satisfied for Hansen Woodyard array if enhanced directivity is desired

3. Obtain an expression for the directivity of an Endfire Uniform Linear Array

4. Given a linear uniform array of 32 elements with a separation of λ/4 between the elements. Compare the directivity of the array if the array is used in Hansen Woodyard End fire array P.E.S.I.T DEPT. OF TE Page 29 / configuration and Broadside configuration

5. Derive the array factor for an uniform Planar array find the progressive phase shift between the elements in the x and y directions for a desired beam at θ = θ0 φ = φ0 , and the conditions for principal maxima and grating lobes to occur.

UNIT 4:Special Antennas

1. Design a ten element Yagi-Uda array to obtain at 200 MHz a directivity of 10 dB

2. Explain with suitable figure the modes of operation of a helix antenna and their applications

3. Design a helix antennato obtain a directivity of 16 dB at 6.4 GHz and calculate its input impedance, HPBW, and Axial Ratio

4. Describe briefly the Pyramidal horn and obtain an expression for the phase variation over the aperture and the method adopted for obtaining optimal flare angle.

5. Describe the features of 90deg. Corner reflector and obtain an expression for the radiation pattern using image theory.

6. Compute the diameter of a parabolic reflector antenna of gain 36 dB at 12 GHz assuming an aperture efficiency of 90% and spill over efficiency of 80%.

7. Derive an expression relating the feed pattern and the power intensity distribution on the aperture of a prime focus fed parabolic reflector

8. Explain briefly the various factors affecting the performance of a parabolic reflector antenna

UNIT 5:Propagation

1. Discuss the various modes of propagation of electromagnetic wave with suitable sketch.

2. A vertically polarized wave having power density of 40W/Sq.m is launched as a surface wave along a smooth ground having dielectric constant of 20 and conductivity of 10-2 mho/m. If the wave frequency is 500 KHz find the wave tilt and power loss per unit area of the ground. 3. Explain the space wave propagation assuming earth is flat. What happens when earth is assumed to be spherical?

4. Find the number of Microwave Towers of 100m height to be installed to cover the perimeter of the earth(Radius=6400Km)

5. Describe briefly the propagation of electromagnetic waves through different layers of Ionosphere with refractive indices n1, n2, n3 etc. and explain briefly Secant Law , Critical Frequency, and Skip distance.

6. The electron density of a layer at a height of 500 Km is 10^ 11 / cubic m. Find the Plasma frequency and the maximum elevation angle for a 5.0 MHz signal to get reflected from the layer and also calculate the skip distance.

7. The E Layer of Ionosphere has an electron density of 10^10 electrons /cu.m and the collision frequency is 1MHz. Find the complex dielectric of the layer at 2 MHz.

8. Explain the terms Virtual Height and Maximum Usable frequency and obtain suitable expressions.


Subject. Code: 13TE404 Faculty: Ms.SR



1) Write and execute a C program to demonstrate bit stuffing & de-stuffing for a given frame [High Level Data Link Control (HDLC) protocol]. 2) Write and execute a C program to demonstrate byte/character stuffing & de-stuffing for a given frame [Point to Point Protocol (PPP)]. 3) Write and execute a C program to compute shortest path between a source and destination in a giv- en network using Dijkstra’s algorithm. 4) a) Write and execute a C program to encrypt a given message using substitution method. b) Write and execute a C program to decrypt a given message using substitution method. 5) a) Write and execute a C program to encrypt a given message using transposition method. b) Write and execute a C program to decrypt a given message using transposition method. 6) Write and execute a C program to find the minimum spanning tree of a network using Kruskal’s al- gorithm. 7) Write and execute a C program to implement cyclic redundancy check (CRC) using CRC-CCITT polynomial x16 + x12 + x5 + 1. \


8) Write and execute a C program to demonstrate inter process communication (IPC) between two pro- cesses running on the same host using fork and pipe system calls. 9) Write and execute a C program to demonstrate inter process communication (IPC) between two pro- cesses running on different hosts using socket programming. 10) Configure and demonstrate the operations of TErminaL NETwork (TELNET) in an Ubuntu net- work. 11) Configure and demonstrate the operations of Remote Login (rlogin/ssh/rsh) in an Ubuntu network. 12) Configure and demonstrate the operations of File Transfer Protocol (FTP) in an Ubuntu network. 13) Open ended experiment. P.E.S.I.T DEPT. OF TE Page 33 / EMBEDDED SYSTEMS LAB (0-0-1-1)

Subject. Code: 12TE405 Faculty: Ms. SSM & MP



1. Write a program to demonstrate I/O operation of ARM kit using GPIO LED port

2. Write a program to interface Seven segment display to ARM kit.

3. Write a program to interface LCD to ARM kit.

4. Write a program to scan the keypad, assign own values to the keys and

display the key pressed.


5. Write an ALP to find the GCD (Greatest Common Divisor), with and without conditional execution of ARM instructions.

6. Write a program to (a) copy a string from source to destination

(b) Reverse a string.

7. Write a program to multiply two matrices with and without MLA instruction.

8. Write a program for convolution of two sequences with and without MLA instruction.

CYCLE III 9. Write a program to open a file and using fork system call to create a child process. Let both the parent and child process write to the same file. Check the output of the file.

10. Write a program to communicate between two processes using

(a) PIPE (b) FIFO.

11. Write a program to synchronize shared memory usage using Semaphore.

12. (a) Write a simple program to create three threads.

(b) Perform 3x3 matrices addition using threads


Subject Code: 12TE406 Faculty: Ms. SJ



1.Matlab implementation to obtain radiation pattern of an typical antenna systems: wire antenna aperture antenna.

2.Matlab implementation to obtain radiation pattern of an Arrays.

3.Measurement techniques of radiation characteristics of Dipole antenna.

4. Measurement of Radiation pattern , beam width & of micro strip Antenna.

5. Determination of polarization of an antenna.

6. Determination of Axial ratio of a circularly polarized antenna.

7. Measurement of Gain by substitution method.

8. Measurement of Absolute gain of an antenna.

9. Familiarization to FEKO simulator. a) Analysis of monopole antenna using FEKO simulator. b) Analysis of dipole antenna using FEKO simulator. c) Analysis of Horn antenna using FEKO simulator. d) Analysis of log periodic array antenna using FEKO simulator. e) Analysis of yagi uda antenna using FEKO simulator. f) Analysis of Helical antenna using FEKO simulator.

10. Open ended design experiment.

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