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The University of Texas El Paso

Mark W. Lusk Department of Social Work The University of Texas El Paso

College of Health Sciences Tel: 915-747-8588 500 W. University Ave. Mobile: 915-929-4200 El Paso TX 79968 USA [email protected]

AREAS OF COMPETENCE LANGUAGES:  Social Work Education English (Native)  International Development & Migration Spanish (Fluent)  Research Administration Portuguese (Fluent)


 University of the Pacific Certificate in Drug Counseling  University of Kentucky Ed.D. Higher Education & Social Work  University of Kentucky MSW Social Work  New Mexico State University B.A. Sociology & Social Work ______


Licensed Master Social Worker (# 51387) – State of Texas - 2007 to present Academy of Certified Social Workers – NASW – 2010 to present Licensed Chemical Dependency Counselor (# 12112) – State of Texas – 2013 to present


Professor and Provost’s Faculty Fellow-in-Residence Department of Social Work Center for Civic Engagement University of Texas at El Paso 8/16-present

Professor University of Texas at El Paso 8/07-present Department of Social Work

Chair and Professor University of Texas El Paso 8/07-8/12 Department of Social Work Associate Dean for Academic Affairs University of Texas at El Paso 8/08-8/11 College of Health Sciences

Professor of Human Development Oregon State University 4/05-8/07 Director of International Education

Associate Provost and Professor University of Georgia 7/01-4/05 Office of International Affairs

Assistant Vice President and Professor University of Montana 7/96-7/01 Office of International Programs

Professor and Director Boise State University 7/93-6/96 School of Social Work

Professor and Chair University of Wyoming 7/92-7/93 Department of Social Work

Director Utah State University 4/87-5/92 Social Work Program

Professor Utah State University 4/90-5/92

Associate Professor Utah State University 7/85-4/90

Assistant Professor Utah State University 7/81-6/84

Medical Social Work Supervisor Logan Regional Hospital 1981-88

Chief Social Worker Harrison Rehabilitation Center 6/79-7/81

Instructor University of Kentucky 1/80-6/80 College of Social Work

Administrative Assistant University of Kentucky 5/78-12/79 College of Social Work

Social Worker State of Kentucky 5/77-10/77

Supervisor Eastern State Hospital 12/75-1/77 Occupational Therapy Clinic

Psychiatric Aide Eastern State Hospital 9/75-12/75


2 2006-7 Academic Fellow, Foundation for the Defense of Democracies, Washington DC

1989 Fulbright Fellow and Visiting Professor of Social Research, Graduate School of Social Work, Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

1983 Fulbright Fellow and Visiting Professor, Department of Education, Catholic University of Peru, Lima, Peru

1983 National Endowment for the Humanities Fellow and Visiting Professor, Department of History, University of Arizona


2018-21 William T. Grant Foundation, Institutional Challenge Grant, Empowering Immigrant & Latino Youth to Reduce Inequality, Co-PI’s Josiah Heyman, Mark Lusk, Silvia Acosta, $650,000 (Under Review)

2017-19 PIMSA – Programa de Investigación de Migracion y Salud – University of California, Resilience, Faith, and Social Supports among Migrants and Refugees from Central America and Mexico, Mark Lusk, Delia Puga, Sam Terrazas & Maria Nieves Gonzalez, $24,000

2015-16 Hogg Foundation for Mental Health, Bi-Lingual Mental Health Program and Technical Assistant Project, Mark Lusk & Silvia Chavez. Co- PIs, $99,851

2013-15 Hogg Foundation for Mental Health, Bi-Lingual Mental Health Program and Technical Assistant Project, Mark Lusk & Sam Terrazas. Co- PIs, $169,000.

2013-14 Title IV-E Child Welfare Training Grant, Texas Department of Family and Protective Services, PI and Director, $683,835

2013-14 Programa Internacional de Investigación de Migración y Salud (PIMSA) – Migration and Health Research Program. Mental Health Sequelae and the Role of Culture in Mexican Migrants: A Bi-national Study. $38,350. Co-PIs Mark Lusk (UTEP) & Sergio Sanchez (CIESAS)

2012-13 National Institute of Minority Health - Hispanic Health Disparities Research Center, Secondary Trauma among Caregivers who work with Hispanic Refugees and Migrants, $22,000. Mark Lusk, PI, Co-Investigators: Sam Terrazas, Lisa Tomaka, Jana McCallister

2012-13 Hogg Foundation for Mental Health Bilingual Scholarship Program, $44,000. Mark Lusk, PI and Director. Donna Cude-Islas, Adam McCormick and Sam Terrazas, Co-Investigators

3 2011 Federal Bureau of Investigation, El Paso Division, Hate Crimes Roundtable $999. Mark Lusk, PI

2010-11 Hispanic Health Disparities Research Center, Subjective Experiences and Mental Health Sequelæ of Mexican Refugees Exposed to Violence and Trauma on the U.S.-Mexico Border, Co-PI’s Mark Lusk, Griselda Villalobos & Jana McCallister. $5,000.

2010-12 Hogg Foundation for Mental Health, Bilingual Mental Health Scholarship Program - $119,861. Co-PIs Mark Lusk, Griselda Villalobos & Faith Lucas

2008-9 National Institutes of Health, Fogarty International Center, UTEP Fogarty Training Grant 2008-2009 -Variable $ based on number of trainees.

2008-10 Programa Internacional de Investigación de Migración y Salud (PIMSA) – Migration and Health Research Program. TB, HIV and Stigma in the US Mexico Border Region. Co-PIs Eva Moya and Mark Lusk, $39,000.

2006 USDA Foreign Agricultural Service, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) Issues $21,000, PI

2006-07 USDA Foreign Agricultural Service Borlaug Fellowship Program, $74,954, PI

2004-05 Open Society Institute Fellowship Program, $85,000, PI

2004-05 University of Georgia Athletic Association, $12,000, PI

2004-05 Georgia State Board of Regents, $17,750, PI

2003-06 U.S. State Department, Uzbekistan Freedom Support Project, $520,000 PI & Director

2003-04 Open Society Institute Fellowship Program, $80,000, PI

2002-03 Junior Faculty Development Project, U.S. State Department, $85,000, PI

2002-03 Open Society Institute Fellowship Program, $28,000, PI

2001-02 Bosnia Undergraduate Development Program, U.S. State Department, $116,491, Principal Investigator & Director

2000-01 Newly Independent States Junior Faculty Development Program, U.S. State Department, $62,000, PI & Director

4 2000-01 Bosnia Undergraduate Development Program, U.S. State Department, $116,229, PI & Director

2000-01 Open Society Institute Fellowship Program, $26,000, PI & Director

1999-00 Bosnia Herzegovina Undergraduate Development Program, U.S. Information Agency, $112,677

1999 Guyana Organizational Capacity Assessment of the Ministry of Education, InterAmerican Development Bank, $460,000, PI & Director

1998-99 Open Society Institute Fellowship Program, $24,750, PI & Director

1997.98 Open Society Institute Undergraduate Fellowship Program, $18,732, PI & Director

1998-00 Arabic and North Africa Culture Program, NSEP, $10,000, PI & Director

1998 United States Indonesia Society, $ 1,500, PI

1997 United States Indonesia Society, $1,500, PI

1996-97 USIA/CIEE Junior Faculty Development Project for Russia, $19,923

1995-96 Title IV-E Child Welfare Training Grant, $43,163, PI & Director

1995-96 State Hospital North Evaluation, $10,000, PI & Director

1994-95 Title IV-A Emergency Services to Children Grant, $144,567, PI & Director

1993-95 Title IV-E Child Welfare Training Grant, $286,261 per year ($858,783 total), PI & Director


Team Member, Minority Health International Research and training Program (MHIRT), University of Texas at El Paso, Costa Rica, 2016 to 2018.

Project Director, Trauma and Post Traumatic Recovery among Mexican and Central American Refugees and Migrants, PIMSA Program and Hispanic Health Disparities Research Project, 2010 to 2016.

Project Director: USDA Foreign Agricultural Service Borlaug Program, Tunisia and Morocco, 2006-2007

5 Project Director: U.S. State Department Uzbekistan Freedom Support Project, Tashkent, 2003-6

Director General: Ecolodge San Luis Research Station, San Luis Costa Rica, University of Georgia, 2002-2005.

Team Member: Open Society Institute Undergraduate Development Program, Delegation to Mongolia and Eastern Russia, 2001.

Principal Social Scientist: Irrigation System Administration Project (PROMASIR), Dominican Republic, Inter-American Development Bank, 2000-2003.

Water Policy Specialist: USAID/Chemonics Kyrgyzstan Land Reform Project, USAID, 2000.

Team Leader: Turkey Anatolia Watershed Project-Soil Conservation Study Tour of Portugal. World Bank, 1999.

Technical Director: Guyana Ministry of Education Organizational Capacity Assessment, Inter- American Development Bank, 1999.

Institutional Specialist: Kyrgyzstan Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources Area Development Project, Asian Development Bank, 1998

Social Scientist: Jamaican National Irrigation Development Plan. Inter-American Development Bank/ Harza Engineering, 1998.

Social Scientist: Japan International Cooperation Agency, Nippon Koei Kazakhstan Kzyl-Orda Irrigation Project, 1996-1997.

Social Scientist: USAID/Harvard Institute for International Development, Kazakhstan Environmental Economics and Policy Project, April & September 1996.

Social Scientist: World Bank/ Kazakhstan Irrigation & Drainage Improvement Program, 1995- 1996

U.S. Speaker: United States Information Agency, U.S. Speakers Program, Mexico, Summer, 1994.

Director: Institute for International Rural and Community Development, Utah State University, November 1987-1992.

Social Science Advisor: USU/USAID On-Farm Water Management Project, Azua and Santiago, Dominican Republic, 1987-1992.

6 Sociologist: USAID Irrigation Support Project for Asia and the Near East (ISPAN) Evaluation Team, Egypt, Bangladesh and AID/Washington, Devres Inc. Associate, September to October 1991.

Social Scientist: Pakistan Irrigation Systems Management Research Project, University of Idaho/USAID, Lahore, Pakistan, February to March and May to June, 1989.

Social Scientist: Evaluation team member and consultant, USAID Water Management Synthesis II Plan Meris Project, San Marcos, Peru, March 1985.

Fulbright Senior Lecturer: Catholic University of Peru, School of Education and Department of Social Work, Lima, Peru, July - October 1983.

Staff Assistant: Water Management Synthesis Project Course on Social & Technical Aspects of Irrigation Organization, Colorado State University, Summer, 1985.

Lecturer: International Irrigation Center, Utah State University Logan, Utah and Institute Agronomique et Veterinaire, Rabat, Morocco, 1985 - 1992.

Assistant Director: Institute for International Rural & Community Development, Utah State University, May 1985 - November 1987.

Campus Coordinator: USU/USAID Agriculture Education and Extension Project. University of Dar-es-Salaam, Morogoro, Tanzania, September 1982 - September 1983.

Consultant: Ford Foundation, Consultant to the University of Helwan, Cairo, Egypt, April 1983.

Dissertation Fellow: University of Kentucky 1980, to conduct research on higher education & social work in Peru.

Research Project Leader: Street Children in Latin American Cities. Fieldwork in Brazil, Colombia, Bolivia, Peru, Mexico, El Salvador and Costa Rica, 1986 - 1992.

Fulbright Interviewer: Latin American Scholarship Program of American Universities (LASPAU)/ Harvard University. Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Belize, Barbados, Jamaica, Trinidad, St. Lucia, and Guyana, 1986-1987.

Academic Specialist Grantee: Visiting Professor, The University of Guyana, Georgetown, United States Information Agency, May - June, 1988

United States Information Agency Exchange Professor: School of Social Work, Unversidad de Costa Rica, San Jose, Spring Semester, 1988.

AMPARTS Lecturer: American Partners Lecturer on Education and Development, Peru, Bolivia, Jamaica, and Nicaragua, U.S. Information Agency, 1986-1988.

7 Team Member: USU/USAID Water Management Synthesis II Experience Transfer Project, Utah State University, 1986-1988.

Fulbright Senior Lecturer and Researcher: Graduate School of Social Work, Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Fall Semester, 1989.

Social Scientist (Short-term advisor): Louis Berger International, Water Resources and Management Training Project, Anand, India, January, 1990


Undergraduate Courses Introduction to Social Work Introduction to Sociology Social Welfare and Minority Groups Child Welfare Basic Skills in Social Work Mental Health Medical Social Services Social Work Research Risk and Resilience in Families International Social Work Evaluacion e Intervencion en Español Public Social Policy Honors Research Methods Field Practicum Field Seminar

Graduate Courses Public Social Policy Social Policy Analysis Risk and Resilience in Families Irrigation Water Management Seminar on Ethnic Americans Graduate Research Methods International Social Work Social Work in the Border Region Culturally Grounded Social Work Evaluacion e Intervencion en Español Substance Abuse Counseling MSW Field Practicum



1981 Higher Education in a Developing Nation: The Case of Social Work Education in Peru. (University of Kentucky) Ann Arbor: University Microfilms International, 310 pp.


2012 Mark Lusk, Kathleen Staudt and Eva Moya (Ed.s), Social Justice in the U.S. Mexico Border Region. Dordrecht, Netherlands and New York: Springer Science

1999 David Stoesz, Charles Guzzetta and Mark Lusk, International Development. Boston: Allyn and Bacon.

1992 Bradley W. Parlin and Mark W. Lusk (Ed.s)) Farmer Participation and Irrigation Organization. Boulder: Westview Press.

Monographs & Technical Reports

2015 Silvia Chavez, Mark Lusk & Sergio Sanchez, El Rol de la Cultura y la Resiliencia en Migrantes y Refugiados Mexicanos, Programa de Investigación en Salud y Migracion (PIMSA), El Paso: Universidad de Texas en El Paso y el Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en Antropologia Social de México.

2011 Barry Benedict, Patricia Juarez-Carillo & Mark Lusk, Binational Educational Intervention for Pesticide Exposure in the Paso del Norte Region. El Paso: Border Environmental Cooperation Commission, Center for Environmental Resource Management.

1998 Mark W. Lusk, Toward Sustainable Irrigation Institutions in Kyrgyzstan. Bishkek: Asian Development Bank.

1996 Mark W. Lusk and S. I. Ospanov, Farmer Participation in Kazakstan Irrigation and Drainage Improvement. Almaty, Kazakstan: World Bank/Harza Engineering.

1995 Mark W. Lusk, Research Strategy for Farmer Participation in the Kazakstan Irrigation and Drainage Improvement Program. Almaty, Kazakstan: World Bank/Harza Engineering.

1995 Mark W. Lusk, Ken R. Patterson and David Stoesz, Family Self-Sufficiency: Welfare Reform in Idaho. Social Policy Papers, 2, Boise State University, pp. 1-66

9 1991 Alan Early, Mark W. Lusk and Samuel Cooper, Evaluation of the Irrigation Support Project for Asia and the Near East. Washington, D.C.: United States Agency for International Development.

1990 K. D. Wilde, D. W. James, J. Keller, A. LeBaron, M. W. Lusk, B. W. Parlin and R. K. Stutler, Irrigation Experience Transfer: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Water Management Synthesis Report 88, Logan: Utah State University.

1989 Bradley W. Parlin and Mark W. Lusk (Editors), Farmer Participation and Irrigation Organization. Logan, Utah: International Irrigation Center and Institute for International Rural & Community Development.

1989 Luis A. Valverde and Mark W. Lusk, Los Ninos de la Calle de San Jose, Costa Rica (Street Children of San Jose, Costa Rica). Logan, UT: Utah State University Department of Sociology & Social Work Research Monograph No. 2.

1988 Mark W. Lusk and Bradley W. Parlin, Bureaucratic and Farmer Participation in Irrigation Development. WMS Report No. 89, Logan, Utah: Water Management Synthesis II, Utah State University.

1986 Mark W. Lusk (Editor), The Social Dimension of On-Farm Water Management, Logan, Utah: International Irrigation Center, (also published in Spanish).

1984 Mark W. Lusk, Peruvian Higher Education in an Environment of Development and Revolution, Utah State University Department of Sociology Research Monograph No. 1

Articles, chapters & and published abstracts

2017 Mark Lusk & Sam Terrazas, Critical Cultural Competence in Supervision, Human Service Organizations: Management, Leadership, & Governance, 41 (3), pp 1-13.

2017 Mark Lusk & Feliza Galindo, Strength and adversity: Testimonies of the migration. Social Development Issues, 39 (1), pp. 11-28.

2016 Mark Lusk & Silvia Chavez, Mental health and the role of culture and resilience in refugees fleeing violence. Environment and Social Psychology, 2 (1), pp. 1-13.

2016 Mark Lusk, Resilience and Culture in Hispanic Clients. Austin: Hogg Foundation for Mental Health, DVD, 340 minutes. Also available on-line at:

2015 Mark Lusk & Silvia Chavez, Culturally Competent Mental Health Practice with Hispanic Clients. Austin: Hogg Foundation for Mental Health, DVD, 360 minutes. Also available on-line at:

10 2015 Silvia Chavez, Mark Lusk & Sergio Sanchez, Secuelas en la Salud Mental: el Rol de la Cultura y la Resiliencia en Migrantes y Refugiados Mexicanos en la Región de El Paso del Norte. In. P. Barraza, L. Torres, S. Sanchez & H. Diaz (Ed.s) Tácticas y Estrategias Contra la Violencia de Genero: Antología. pp. 219-237. Mexico, D.F.: FONCA, EON Sociales.

2015 Mark Lusk & Sam Terrazas, Secondary trauma among caregivers who work with Mexican and Central American Refugees, Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 13 (2), pp. 257-273.

2015 Mark Lusk & Jana McCallister, Resilience and Trauma among Mexican Refugees, In Eva Moya and Silvia Chavez (Ed.s), Salud, Genero y Empoderamiento. pp. 89-119, Mexico, D.F.: Editorial EON.

2015 Eva Moya, David Stoesz, & Mark Lusk, Historia de Trabajo Social en los Estados Unidos (The History of Social Work in the United States). In: T.F. Garcia and R. de Lorenzo Garcia (Ed.s) Trabajo Social: Una Historia Global. pp. 185-202, Madrid: McGraw Hill.

2014 Lusk, M. & Chavez, S.B., Teaching clinical social work in Spanish: Cultural competence in mental health. Journal of Teaching in Social Work. 34, pp. 443-453.

2014 Mark Lusk, Hope and resiliency in a Mexican refugee. In E. Hoffler (Ed.) Hope matters: The power of social work, Washington DC: NASW Press

2013 Mark Lusk, Jana McCallister and Griselda Villalobos, “Mental Health Sequelae of Migration among Mexican Refugees.” Social Development Issues. 35 (3), pp. 1-17.

2013 Moya, E. & Lusk, M. (2013). Tuberculosis stigma and perceptions in the US-Mexico border. Salud Publica de Mexico, 55, pp. 1-10.

2013 Moya, E. M., Solis, G., Lusk, M., Ramos, R., Quist, C. “U.S. - Mexico Border (La Frontera): Challenges and Opportunities in Rural and Border Health. “ In C. A. Winters, (Ed.), Rural Nursing: Concepts, Theory and Practice (4th Ed.) Springer Publishing.

2012 Mark Lusk, Kathleen Staudt & Eva Moya, Social Justice in the U.S. - Mexico Border Region: A Conceptual Framework. In: M. Lusk, K. Staudt, & E. Moya (Eds.) Social Justice in the U.S. – Mexico Border Region. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer Science.

2012 Mark Lusk, Kathleen Staudt & Eva Moya, Social Justice in the U.S. - Mexico Border Region: Implications for Policy and Practice. In: M. Lusk, K. Staudt, & E. Moya (Eds.) Social Justice in the U.S. – Mexico Border Region. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer Science.

2012 Eva Moya, Oralia Loza & Mark Lusk, Border Health: Health Inequities, Social Determinants and the Case of Tuberculosis and HIV. In: M. Lusk, K. Staudt, & E. Moya 11 (Eds.) Social Justice in the U.S. – Mexico Border Region. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer Science.

2012 Mark W. Lusk & Griselda Villalobos, “Testimonio de Eva: A Mexican Refugee in El Paso.” Journal of Borderland Studies, 27 (1), pp. 17-25.

2012 Mark W. Lusk, “Immigration: Linking Policy to Practice.” Social Work Matters: The Power of Linking Policy to Practice. (Eds.: E.F. Hoffler & E.J. Clark), pp. 203-208. Alexandria VA: National Association of Social Workers.

2010 Mark W. Lusk, “International Social Development and Counter-Development.” Journal of Comparative Social Welfare. 26 (2) 165-176

2009 Eva M. Moya & Mark W. Lusk, “Tuberculosis and Stigma: Two Case Studies in El Paso, Texas and Ciudad Juárez, México.” Professional Development: The International Journal of Continuing Social Work Education. 12 (2), September.

2009 Mark W. Lusk & Faith Lucas, “The Challenge of Human Trafficking and Contemporary Slavery.” Journal of Comparative Social Welfare. 25, pp. 49-57.

2005 Mark W. Lusk & Kristina Westerholm, “Human Services for Juvenile Offenders in Finland.” in Lizbeth Gray (Editor) Human Services: International Perspectives. Chicago: Council for Standards in Human Service Education.

2005 Mark W. Lusk & Rita Avramov, “Israel’s Leading Hospital Responds to Terror Attacks.” Homeland Defense Journal, February.

1999 Mark W. Lusk & Charles Horejsi, “Toward a Synthesis of International Social Development.” Indian Journal of Social Work, 60 (1), pp. 153-167.

1997 Mark W. Lusk, “Commentary on Protection of the Environment in Transitional Economies: Strategies and Practices.” Regional Development Dialogue. (Spring).

1997 Mark W. Lusk, “Should Social Work Celebrate Unity or Diversity?” Journal of Social Work Education, 32 (2). pp. 225-236.

1998 Mark W. Lusk and S. I. Ospanov, “Toward Sustainable Irrigated Agriculture in Kazakstan.” In Marie Hoff (Editor), Sustainable Community Development: Case Studies in Economic, Environmental and Cultural Revitalization. New York: Saint Lucie Press.

1996 Theresa Tanoury, Mary Anne Saunders and Mark W. Lusk, “In Partnership with Families, Schools and Communities: Using Title IV-A Emergency Assistance Funds to

12 Support Families.” in K. H. Briar (Ed.) Expanding Partnerships for Vulnerable Children, Youth and Families. Washington, DC: Council on Social Work Education.

1996 Mark W. Lusk, “Victim Assistance.” pp. 55-60 in Women and Laws in Idaho. Boise: Idaho Commission on Women’s Programs.

1996 Mark W. Lusk, “Review of Underdevelopment in Latin America by J. Park.” Journal of International & Comparative Social Welfare, 12 (2), pp. 107-108.

1995 David Stoesz and Mark W. Lusk, "From Welfare State to Social Compacts: Welfare Transformation in Poland." Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare, 22 (4), 85-98.

1995 Mark W. Lusk, Ken R. Patterson and David Stoesz, “Family Self-Sufficiency: Welfare Reform in Idaho,” in K. Miller (Ed.) Renewing Partnerships in Welfare Research: Developing Research Coalitions in Public Welfare. Jackson, WY: National Association of Welfare Research and Statistics.

1995 Mark W. Lusk and David F. Scudder, “Public Opinion on Welfare Reform in Idaho: A Research Note.” Social Policy Papers, 3, Boise State University, June, pp. 1-11

1995 Mark W. Lusk and Derek T. Mason, "Latin American Street Children: Action Research with Social Work Students." Journal of International and Comparative Social Welfare, 11 (1), pp. 15-25.

1995 Mark W. Lusk and Loretta Constantinidis, “Beyond ‘Getting Tough’ with Idaho’s Youth.” Idaho Issues, Spring, pp. 32-34.

1995 Irene Rizzini and Mark W. Lusk, "Children in the Streets: Latin America's Lost Generation.” Children and Youth Services Review, 17 (3), pp. 387-395.

1995 Mark W. Lusk and Marie D. Hoff, "Sustainable Social Development." Social Development Issues, 16 (3), pp. 20-31.

1995 Mark W. Lusk, “Review of No Place to be a child: Growing Up in a War Zone.” Children and Youth Services Review, 17 (3), pp. 450-451.

1995 Mark W. Lusk, “Review of Turning Promises into Performance: The Management Challenge of Implementing Workfare. Journal of Teaching in Social Work, 11, 1&2, pp. 220-221.

1994 Mark W. Lusk and Derek T. Mason, "Fieldwork with Rio's Street Children." pp. 157-176 in I. Rizzini (Ed.) Children in Brazil Today: A Challenge for the Third Millennium. Rio de Janeiro: Editora Universitaria Santa Ursula.

13 1994 Mark W. Lusk and David Stoesz, "International Social Work in a Global Economy." Journal of Multicultural Social Work, 3 (2), pp. 101-113.

1994 Mark W. Lusk and Joseph D. Nies, "New Opportunities, New Responsibilities: Welfare Reform in Wyoming." Journal of Sociology & Social Welfare, 21 (4), pp. 41-56.

1994 Mark W. Lusk, "Review of Reinventing Government by D. Osborne & T. Gaebler." Journal of Sociology & Social Welfare, 21 (1), pp.155-157.

1993 Keith A. Miller, Martha S. Williams, and Mark W. Lusk, " Offering a Part Time Bachelor of Social Work in a Rural Area: A Sixteen-Year Retrospective." Human Services in the Rural Environment, 17 (2).

1993 Mark W. Lusk and Derek T. Mason, "Meninos e meninas de rua no Rio de Janeiro: Um estudo sobre sua tipologia." (Street Boys and Girls in Rio de Janeiro: A Study of their Typology). pp. 153-172. In: I. Rizzini (Ed.) A Crianca No Brasil Hoje: Desafio Para O Terceiro Milenio. (Children in Brazil Today: Challenge for the Third Millennium). Rio de Janeiro: Universidade Santa Ursula.

1993 Mark W. Lusk, "The Dwindling Significance of Ideology." Social Development Issues, 15 (1), 19-21.

1993 Derek T. Mason and Mark W. Lusk, "Development Theory for Rural Practice: Implications for Intervention and Education." Human Services in the Rural Environment, 16 (2), 12-17.

1993 Mark W. Lusk and Diana DiNitto, "Should We Expect to Change Clients' Behavior in Exchange for Aid?" pp. 226-237, In: H. Karger and J. Midgley (Eds.) Controversial Issues in Social Policy. Allyn and Bacon.

1993 Mark W. Lusk and Derek T. Mason, "Development Theory for Rural Practice." Human Services in the Rural Environment. 16 (1), 5-10.

1992 Derek T. Mason, Mark W. Lusk and Michael Gintzler, "Beyond Ideology in Drug Policy: A Primary Prevention Model." Journal of Drug Issues, 22 (4), 961-978.

1992 Mark W. Lusk, "Social Development and the State in Latin America: A New Approach." Social Development Issues, 14 (1), 10-21.

1992 David Stoesz and Mark W. Lusk, "Reconstructing the Socialist Welfare State." Affordability, (Pretoria, South Africa), 1 (4), 5-7.

1992 Mark W. Lusk, "Street Children of Rio de Janeiro." International Social Work, 35, 293- 305.

14 1991 Derek T. Mason and Mark W. Lusk, "The Interactive Environments Theory of Drug Use Prevention: Policy Implications." pp. 269-275 in A.S. Trebach & K. B. Zeese (Eds.) New Frontiers in Drug Policy. Washington, D.C.: Drug Policy Foundation.

1991 Mark W. Lusk, "Alternative Models for International Social Change." Journal of International and Comparative Social Welfare, 7 (1), 1-14.

1991 Bradley W. Parlin and Mark W. Lusk, "International Irrigation Development: Factors Affecting Project Success." pp. 157-170 in K. M. Mahmoudi et. al. (Eds.), Sociological Inquiry: A Humanistic Perspective. Dubuque, IA: Kendall/Hunt Publishing. (Reprinted from Society and Natural Resources).

1990 Mark W. Lusk, "Review of Street Children of Cali and Combating Child Labor." Grassroots Development, 14 (2), 46-47.

1989 Leslie G. Carlson, Mark W. Lusk and Luis Valverde O. "Un Modelo de Practica Integrada en Trabajo Social." (A Model of Integrated Practice in Social Work). Revista de Trabajo Social, 13 (32), 17-34.

1989 Mark W. Lusk, Felipe Peralta, and Jerry Vest, "Street Children of Juarez: A Field Study." International Social Work, 32, 289-302.

1989 Leslie G. Carlson and Mark W. Lusk, "Toward Integrative Social Practice." pp. 13-30 in E. Davis (ed.) Proceedings of the Conference of Baccalaureate Social Work Program Directors.

1989 Mark W. Lusk, "Street Children Programs in Latin America." Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare. 16 (1), 55-77.

1988 Bradley W. Parlin and Mark W. Lusk, "Irrigation Development and Management: Social Science Perspectives." pp. 1-28 in Bradley W. Parlin (Ed.) Farmer Participation and Irrigation Organization. Logan, UT: International Irrigation Center.

1988 Mark W. Lusk, "Review of William Easter's Irrigation Investment, Technology and Management Strategies for Development." Rural Sociology, 53 (3), 370-372.

1988 Mark W. Lusk and Bradley W. Parlin, "Overcoming Social Obstacles to Irrigation Organization." pp. 29-64 in Bradley W. Parlin (Ed.) Farmer Participation and Irrigation Organization. Logan, UT: International Irrigation Center.

1988 Mark W. Lusk, "Irrigation Experience Transfer: The Social Dimension." pp. 109-145 in Bradley W. Parlin (Ed.) Farmer Participation and Irrigation Organization. Logan, UT: International Irrigation Center.

15 1988 Mohamed Ait Kadi and Mark W. Lusk, "Moroccan Irrigation Design and Management." pp. 296-317 in Bradley W. Parlin (Ed.) Farmer Participation and Irrigation Organization. Logan, UT: International Irrigation Center.

1988 Bradley W. Parlin and Mark W. Lusk, "Irrigation Development: Factors Affecting Project Success." Society and Natural Resources, 1 (2), 131-144.

1986 Mark W. Lusk, "Traditional Mexican American Medicine and Hospital Practice." Arete, 1986, 11 (2), 1-14.

1986 Mark W. Lusk, "Social Factors in Irrigation and On-Farm Water Management." pp. 1-42 In: M. W. Lusk (Ed.) The Social Dimension of Irrigation and On-Farm Water Management. Logan, UT: International Irrigation Center.

1986 Pamela J. Riley and Mark W. Lusk, "Social Science Research for Irrigation and On-Farm Water Management." pp.61-89 In: M. W. Lusk (Ed.) The Social Dimension of Irrigation and On-Farm Water Management. Logan, UT: International Irrigation Center.

1986 Mark W. Lusk and Pamela J. Riley, "Public Choice Theory and Irrigation Development." The Rural Sociologist, 1986, 6 (4), 280-289.

1986 Mark W. Lusk "Review of Ordeal Therapy by Jay Haley," Journal of Comparative Family Studies, 1986, 17 (1), 142-144.

1985 Mark W. Lusk, "Latin American Higher Education in Transition: The Case of Peru." In T. Turner & E. Brandon (Eds.) Proceedings of the Multicultural and Development Education Conference, Kingston: University of the West Indies.

1985 Mark W. Lusk and Dorothy A. Miller, "A Study of Traditional and Non-Traditional Graduate Students of Social Work for Values and Cognitive Development." Journal of Continuing Social Work Education, 3 (2), 22-28.

1984 Mark W. Lusk, "Aging, Development & Social Welfare Strategies." International Social Work, 1984, 27 (4), 10-25.

1984 Mark W. Lusk, "The Assimilation of Indochinese Refugees: Social Service Issues." Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare, 1984, 11 (1).

1983 Mark W. Lusk, "The Psychosocial Evaluation of the Hospice Patient." Health and Social Work, 1983, 8 (3), 210-218.

1981 Mark W. Lusk, "Philosophical Changes in Latin American Social Work." International Social Work, 1981, 24 (2), 14-21.

16 1981 Betty A. Kirlin and Mark W. Lusk, “Education of Social Workers for Rehabilitation Services." In B. A. Kirlin (Ed.), Rehabilitation and the Social Work Role: Challenge for Change. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins.

1979 C. Aaron McNeece and Mark W. Lusk, "Inmate Attitudes Regarding Determinate Sentencing and Rehabilitation." Criminal Justice and Behavior, 1979, 6 (3).


2017 Sam Terrazas & Mark Lusk, Critical Cultural Competence in Social Work Supervision, Latino Social Workers Association, Berkeley, (March 27, 2017).

2016 Mark Lusk & Sam Terrazas, Culturally Competent and Incompetent Supervision in Social Work, Annual Conference of the National Association of Social Workers Texas Chapter, Arlington, (October 7, 2016).

2016 Gonzalez, A., Lusk, M. & Wagler, A. Community and University Partnerships: A Collective Effort towards the Formation of Future Social Work Professionals. 41st National Institute for Social Work and Human Services. El Paso. (July 7, 2016).

2015 Stone, L. C., Lusk, M. W., Harvey, N., Corbett, D., Gaubeca, V., Public Health Beyond Borders, "A New Narrative to Advance Human Security in the US - Mexico Border Region: Principles, Policy and Practice," New Mexico Public Health Association, Las Cruces. (April 13, 2016).

2015 Globalizacion en el Continente Americano, "Ensenando Habilidades Clínicas en Español: Competencias Culturales en Ciencias de la Salud y Trabajo Social." Universidad Autónoma de Juarez, Cd. Juarez, Mexico. (October 30, 2015).

2015 Baray, S. C., Lusk, M. W., XV Congreso Internacional Sobre Integracion Regional, Fronteras y Globalizacion en el Continente Americano, “El Rol de la Cultura y la Resiliencia en Migrantes y Refugiados en El Paso Texas y Ciudad Juarez, Mexico. " Universidad Autónoma de Cd. Juarez, Ciudad Juarez, Mexico. (October 29, 2015).

2015 Lusk, M. W., Conferencia Binacional de Esclavismo Moderno, "Those affected by Labor Slavery," Paso del Norte Center of Hope/UTEP Health Sciences. (October 17, 2015).

2015 Lusk, M. W., Social Justice Forum, "Voices from the Border," Social Justice Forum. (September 12, 2015).

2015 Lusk, M. W., Care Conference for Foster Parents, "Substance Abuse among Adolescents," Texas Department of Family and Protective Services, El Paso. (September 9, 2015).

17 2015 Lusk, M. W., Task Force on Drug Policy, "The Impact of U.S. Drug Policy in the Borderlands," Presbyterian Church USA, El Paso. (May 2, 2015).

2014 Lusk, M. W., Revtyak, K., Terrazas, S. R., Texas Department of Family & Protective Services, "Compassion Fatigue & Self-Care," Texas Department of Family & Protective Services, Juvenile Probation Department, El Paso. (November 8, 2014).

2014 Lusk, M. W., Baray, S. C., Ybarra, R., Guajardo, A., NASW Texas Chapter, "Teaching Cultural & Linguistic Competence to Bilingual Students & Practitioners," National Association of Social Workers, San Marcos TX. (October 20, 2014).

2014 Lusk, M. W., Fire & Ice: Human Trafficking-Modern Day Slavery, "Human Trafficking-Modern Day Slavery," MINERS Advocacy Initiative, UTEP. (October 8, 2014).

2014 Lusk, M. W., Mano y Corazon, "Risk & Resilience in Migration: Implications for Human Trafficking," Office of Senator Jose Rodriguez, Paul Foster School of Medicine. (August 7, 2014).

2014 Lusk, M. W., Terrazas, S. R., Revtyak, K., Paso de Norte Civil Rights Workshop, "Secondary Trauma & Self-Care: Working with Refugees," Paso del Norte Civil Rights Project, Bienvivir, El Paso. (July 30, 2014).

2014 Lusk, M. W., Vulnerability to Drug Abuse among Hispanics: Bridging Science and Society, "Risk, Resilience and Migration: Implication for Drug Use, Mental Health and Services Delivery," Hispanic Health Disparities Research Center, El Paso. (May 29, 2014).

2014 Lusk, M. W., Revtyak, K., Healing Helping Hands Conference, "Secondary Trauma and Self-Care," El Paso County Dept of Mental Health, El Paso. (April 10, 2014).

2014 Lusk, M. W., Terrazas, S. R., Association of Borderlands Studies, "Secondary Trauma among Caregivers who work with Mexican Refugees," Association of Borderlands Studies, Albuquerque. (April 3, 2014).

2014 Lusk, M. W., Terrazas, S. R., Revtyak, K., Child Welfare Training Project - Title IV-E, "Working with Traumatized Individuals; Secondary Trauma," UTEP & Texas Dept of Family & Protective Services, El Paso. (March 26, 2014).

2014 Lusk, M. W., Capacitacion de Promotoras, "Deportados y Refugiados en la Región Fronteriza México-Estados Unidos," Familias Triunfadoras Inc., UTEP, El Paso. (March 22, 2014).

18 2014 Lusk, M. W., Terrazas, S. R., Revtyak, K., "Working with Traumatized Refugees, Immigrants and Families: Protecting Oneself from Secondary Trauma," Family Service of El Paso, El Paso. (February 21, 2014).

2014 Lusk, M. W., Centennial Symposium on Resiliency and Hispanic Mental Health, "Resiliency and Hispanic Mental Health - Opening," Hogg Foundation, UTEP. (January 28, 2014).

2013 Lusk, M. W., Taller de Evaluacion de los Programas para el Desarollo y Empoderamiento de las Mujeres en Mexico, "Violencia de Genero - La Situacion de Refugiadas de Mexico," Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnologia, Ciudad Juarez, Mexico. (May 2, 2013).

2013 Lusk, M. W. (Leader), Chavez, S. (Leader), Palomo, J. (Discussant), Palacios, N. (Discussant), 10th International Sun Conference, "Teaching Clinical Social Work in Spanish: Cultural Competency in Mental Health," Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning CETaL, El Paso. (February 28, 2013).

2012 Coronado, I., Lusk, M. W., Quinones, S. A., Villalobos, G., CeTAL Faculty Friday, "Culturally Sensitive Teaching Strategies for Hispanic Students," CeTAL UTEP, University of Texas atEl Paso. (October 5, 2012).

2012 Rainford, W. (Presenter & Author), Zayas, L. (Presenter & Author), Lusk, M. W. (Presenter & Author), National Association of Social Workers - Texas Chapter, "Nos encontraremos con los inmigrantes: Social workers, immigrants and the need for evidence based practice.," National Association of Social Workers - Texas Chapter, Houston. (September 7, 2012).

2012 Moya, E. M., Lusk, M. W., Joint World Congress on Social Work & Social Development, "Border Health: Health Inequities, Social Determination and the Case of TB and HIV," Stockholm, Sweden. (July 2012).

2012 Lusk, M. W., Diocesan Migrant and Refugees Services, "Working with Traumatized Refugees, Immigrants and Families: Protecting Oneself from Secondary Trauma," Diocesan Migrant and Refugees Services, El Paso. (July 27, 2012).

2012 Hester, R. (Chair), Lusk, M. W. (Panelist), Villalobos, G. (Panelist), Latin American Studies Association, "Secure borders, insecure lives: The health and human rights consequences of security policies in the U.S. and Mexico," Latin American Studies Association, San Francisco. (May 24, 2012).

2012 Lusk, M. W., Villalobos, G., Las Americas Immigration Advocacy Center Staff Development, "Working with Traumatized Refugees & Immigrants: Protecting Oneself from Secondary Trauma," Las Americas Immigrant Advocacy Center. (May 15, 2012).

19 2012 Lusk, M. W., Association of Borderlands Studies, "Social Justice in the U.S. – Mexico Region: A Conceptual Framework," Association of Borderlands Studies, Houston. (April 12, 2012).

2012 Coronado, I., Lusk, M. W., Villalobos, G., Quinones, S. A., The International Sun Conference on Teaching and Learning, "Culturally Sensitive Teaching Strategies for Hispanic Students." The University of Texas at El Paso, El Paso. (March 1, 2012).

2012 Lusk, M. W., Villalobos, G., Trauma through the Life Cycle from a Strengths Perspective, "Trauma and Mental Health Sequelae of Migration of Mexican Refugees to the United States," Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem. (January 9, 2012).

2012 Irasema Coronado, Mark Lusk, Stella Quinones & Griselda Villalobos, Culturally Sensitive Teaching Strategies for Hispanic Students, The Sun Conference on Teaching and Learning. El Paso, March 1.

2012 Mark Lusk & Griselda Villalobos, Trauma and Mental Health Sequelae of Migration of Mexican Refugees to the United States. Paper presented the Trauma through the Life Cycle from a Strengths Perspective. Jerusalem, Israel. January 9.

2011 Griselda Villalobos & Mark Lusk, Efectos de trauma entre migrantes de México a los Estados Unidos. Articulo presentado en el Seminario Binacional Sobre la Violencia en la Frontera. El Paso, Ciudad México, Austin, y Ciudad Juarez, Diciembre 2.

2011 Mark Lusk, Griselda Villalobos & Jana McCallister, Subjective experiences and mental health sequelae of Mexican refugees exposed to violence and trauma on the U.S. – border. Research paper presented at the 35th Annual conferenced of the Texas Association of Social Workers. Dallas, October 8.

2011 Mark Lusk, Griselda Villalobos & Jana McCallister. Refugees and Violence on the US Mexico Border. Paper presented at the University of Texas at El Paso College of Health Sciences Healthy Exchange Series. Presented April 21, 2011

2011 Griselda Villalobos & Mark Lusk “Sequelae of Mexican Migration following Trauma.” Workshop on Migration, Health and Security. University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston. March 30.

2010 Patricia M. Juárez-Carrillo, Mark W. Lusk, Amitava Biswas, Patrick L. Gurian, Sharon Thompson, Barry Benedict, “Social, Cultural, and Individual Factors of Latino Residents in the U.S.-Mexico Border as Determinants of Social Disparities Increasing Exposure to Residential Pesticides.” American Public Health Association, 138th Annual Meeting, Denver. November 9, 2010,

20 2010 Mark W. Lusk “Risk and Resilience: An Approach to Working with Unaccompanied Minors, Street Children, and Survivors of Human Trafficking.” Texas Criminal Lawyers Association, 3rd Annual Meeting on Mental Health and the Law. El Paso October 29.

2010 Mark W. Lusk & Eva M. Moya, “Tuberculosis: Voices and Images of TB from the US Mexico Border.” Annual Meetings of the National Association of Social Workers – Texas Chapter, Houston, October 8.

2010 Mark W. Lusk & Eva M. Moya, “The use of the Photovoice method in tuberculosis care.” 6th International Conference on Social Work on Health and Mental Health, University College Dublin, Ireland, June 29. (Winner of the Clients Group Award for Outstanding Conference Research Paper).

2010 Mark W. Lusk “Risk and Resilience: An Approach to Working with Unaccompanied Minors, Street Children, and Survivors of Human Trafficking.” Lutheran Refugee and Migrant Services Conference, El Paso TX April 21.

2009 Moya, E., Lusk, M., Ibarra, J., Biswas, A., Lomeli, B., Acosta, L., Viveros, M., Cruz, I., De Jesus, T., and Andrade, L. “Tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS Related Stigma in Mexico.” The 40th Union World Conference on Lung Health: Poverty and Lung Disease. Cancun, México. December.

2009 Lomeli, B., Ramos, R., Gallegos, N., Moya, E., Rangel Gomez, G., Macias Suarez, G., Lusk, M., Cruz Reyes, I., Garcia, M., Andrade Ramos, L., Tovar Aguado, A., Olivares Martinez, P., Poncon, B., and Reyes Herrera, A. “From Cough to Cure Study: Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices Affecting Tuberculosis Control in Mexico.” The 40th Union World Conference on Lung Health: Poverty and Lung Disease. Cancun, México. December.

2008 Mark W. Lusk “The Challenge of Human Trafficking” National Association of Social Workers Texas Chapter Annual Meeting, Galveston Texas. November 7.

2007 Mark W. Lusk and Leah Burgy, “Slavery: A Challenge to the Human Services.” Northwest Human Services Association, Eugene OR: April 27.

2003 Mark W. Lusk, Lindsey Parsons and Robert Hausmann, “Risk Management in International Education, Association of International Education Administrators, Rio de Janeiro, March 15.

2003 Mark W. Lusk and Mary Anne Grant, “Creative Approaches to International Exchange with Latin America.” Association of International Education Administrators, Rio de Janeiro, March 14.

21 1996 Mark W. Lusk & S. I. Ospanov, “Toward Sustainable Farmer Participation in Kazakstan Irrigated Agriculture.” International Conference on the Role of Sociology in Societal Transformation, Kazakstan State University, October 23.

1995 Mark W. Lusk, Ken R. Patterson, and David Stoesz, “Family Self-Sufficiency: Welfare Reform in Idaho.” Paper presented at the National Association of Welfare Research & Statistics, Jackson, WY, September 12.

1994 Mark W. Lusk, "The Synthesis of Mexican and North American Social Work after NAFTA." Keynote address at the First Bi-National Mexico/US Conference on Social Work. Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, November 11.

1994 Mark W. Lusk, "Latin American Street Children: Action Research with Social Work Students." Paper presented at the International Association of Schools of Social Work, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, July 13.

1994 Mark W. Lusk, Joy Castello Butler, Nazneen S. Mayadas and Charles Guzzetta "Unity vs. Diversity: The International Challenge." Council on Social Work Education, Annual Program Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia, March 5.

1994 Mark W. Lusk, "Latin American Street Children: A Regional Perspective." Paper presented at the Society for Cross Cultural Research, Santa Fe, New Mexico, February 17.

1993 David Stoesz & Mark W. Lusk, "Regional International Social Compacts and the Privatization of Social Welfare." Paper presented at the International Conference on Privatization and Socioeconomic Policy in Central and Eastern Europe. Krakow, Poland, October 20.

1993 Mark W. Lusk, Joseph D. Nies, Joseph Golden & Martha S. Williams, "New Opportunities, New Responsibilities: Welfare Reform in Wyoming." Paper presented at the National Association of Welfare Research and Statistics. Scottsdale, Arizona, August 10.

1993 Derek T. Mason, Cheryl Schroeder & Mark W. Lusk, "New Directions in Rural Substance Abuse Prevention." Paper presented at the Fourth Annual Conference on Problem Solving in Rural Areas. Austin, Texas, April 16.

1993 Keith A. Miller, Mark W. Lusk, Martha S. Williams, Hilliard Chesteen, and James Wiebler. "The Part-Time Bachelor of Social Work Degree in Rural Areas: A Fifteen- Year Retrospective." Paper presented at the Fourth Annual Conference on Problem Solving in Rural Areas. Austin, TX, 4/15

1993 Mark W. Lusk, "Future Directions in Professional Social Work Education." Paper

22 presented at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology. Melbourne, Australia, Feb. 9.

1992 Mark W. Lusk & David Stoesz, " The New World Order: Implications for the Welfare State." Paper presented at the Annual International Exchange Conference. Lewiston, Idaho, October 8.

1992 Mark W. Lusk & David Stoesz, "Redefining the Role of the State in Social Welfare." Plenary paper presented at the Inter-University Consortium for Social Development Meetings. Washington DC, July 14.

1992 Mark W. Lusk, "International Social Work Consultation: New Directions." Invitational paper presented at the Council on Social Work Education Meetings. Kansas City, March 3.

1991 Mark W. Lusk, "International Social Work in a Global Economy." Keynote address and paper presented at the 15th Annual Meeting of the Indiana Association of Social Work Education. Indianapolis, October 4.

1991 David Stoesz and Mark W. Lusk, "Reconstructing the Socialist Welfare State." Hungarian Academy of Science. Budapest, Hungary, June 4.

1990 Mark W. Lusk, "Sustainable Development in Latin America." Keynote Address and paper presented at the Meetings of the Inter-University Consortium on International Social Development, San Jose, Costa Rica, August 13.

1990 Mark W. Lusk, "Street Children of Rio de Janeiro." Paper presented at the World Congress of Sociology, Madrid, Spain, July 10.

1990 Mark W. Lusk, "International Alternative Models for Social Change". Invitational Paper presented at the Council for Social Work Education APM, Reno, Nevada, March 6.

1989 Mark W. Lusk, "Procedimentos e Tendencias da Pesquisa no Servico Social." (Social Work Research: Direction and Trends). Paper presented in Portuguese at the Encontro Nacional de Beneficios, Asociacao Brasileira de Recursos Humanos, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, September 22.

1989 Felipe Peralta, Mark W. Lusk and Jerry Vest, "Street Children of Juarez: A Field Study." Paper presented at the Rocky Mountain Council on Latin American Studies, Las Cruces, New Mexico. February 4.

1988 Felipe Peralta, Mark W. Lusk and Jerry Vest, "Children of the Streets: A Study of Children Who Live and Work in the Streets of Ciudad Juarez." International Symposium of the International Federation of Social Workers, Stockholm, Sweden, July 28.

1988 Leslie G. Carlson and Mark W. Lusk, "Toward Integrated Practice." Association of

23 Baccalaureate Social Work Program Directors, New Orleans, September 19.

1988 Mark W. Lusk and Bradley W. Parlin, "Bureaucratic and Farmer Participation in Irrigation Development." World Congress of Rural Sociology, Bologna, Italy, June 27.

1988 Mark W. Lusk, "Street Children Programs in Latin America: Preliminary Issues and Findings." Second National Congress of Social Work, San Jose, Costa Rica, April 20.

1986 Mark W. Lusk and Bradley W. Parlin, "Social Obstacles to Irrigation Organization." World Congress of Sociology, New Delhi, India, August 19.

1986 Bradley W. Parlin and Mark W. Lusk, "Factors Affecting the Success of Technical Transfer in Irrigation." Rural Sociological Society Meetings, Salt Lake City, August 25.

1984 Mark W. Lusk "Latin American Higher Education in Transition: The Case of Peru." Development Education Conference, Kingston, Jamaica. August 9.

1983 Mark W. Lusk, "Aging, Development, and Social Welfare Strategies." 8th International Congress for Statistics, Computer Science, Social & Demographic Research. Cairo, Egypt. March 30.

1982 Mark W. Lusk, "The Peruvian University Crisis: Peruvian Society in Microcosm." Annual Program Meeting. Western Social Science Association, Denver, April 23.

1982 Mark W. Lusk and Dorothy A. Miller, "A Comparison of Traditional and Non- Traditional Graduate Students of Social Work for Cognitive and Value Development." Council on Social Work Education, New York, March 7.

1978 Mark W. Lusk, "Evaluating Juvenile Delinquency Programs. “Faculty Research Symposium. College of Social Professions, University of Kentucky. Lexington, Kentucky. April 14.


Invited Presentations

Lusk, M. W., Distinguished Guest Speaker Series, "Ethics in the Contemporary World," College of Education - UTEP, El Paso. (September 22, 2014).

24 Lusk, M. W. (Presenter & Author), Chavez, S. (Presenter & Author), Palomo, J. (Presenter & Author), Palacios, N. (Presenter & Author), Healthy Exchange Research Series, "Ensenando la Practica de Trabajo Social en Español/Teaching Clinical Social Work in Spanish," UTEP College of Health Sciences, UTEP. (April 24, 2013).

Lusk, M. W., Border Servant Corps, "Violence and Migration in the Border Region," Lone Star College, El Paso. (March 13, 2013).

Lusk, M. W., Border Servant Corps, "Refugees and Deportees in the Border Region," Belmont University, El Paso. (March 6, 2013).

Lusk, M. W. (Presenter Only), Tomaka, L. M. (Presenter Only), Paso del Norte Civil Rights Project & Ciudad Nueva, "Preventing Secondary Trauma," Paso del Norte Civil Rights Project & Ciudad Nueva, El Paso. (January 25, 2013).

Lusk, M. W., Caravana por La Paz y Justicia con Dignidad, "Plenary: Toward Peace and Justice in Mexico," Caravana por La Paz y Justicia con Dignidad - Annunciation House, UTEP El Paso. (August 21, 2012).

Lusk, M. W., Women's History Month Conference, "Child Human Trafficking and the Film "Playground."," UTEP Women's Studies Program, UTEP. (March 27, 2012).

Moya, E. M., Lusk, M. W., Segundo Congreso Internacional de Ciudades Fronterizas, "Voices and Images of Tuberculosis in a trans-border setting," Universidad Autonoma de Ciudad Juarez, Ciudad Juarez. (November 10, 2011).

Lusk, M. W. (Presenter & Author), Villalobos, G. (Presenter & Author), Mc Callister, J. L. (Presenter & Author), Rotary Club of West El Paso, "Subjective experiences and mental health sequelae of Mexican refugees exposed to violence and trauma on the U.S.-Mexico border.," Rotary Club, Holiday Inn, Sunland Park Drive El Paso, TX 79912. (July 2011).

Lusk, M. W., Revtyak, K., Terrazas, S. R., Texas Department of Family & Protective Services, "Compassion Fatigue & Self-Care," Texas Department of Family & Protective Services, Juvenile Probation Department, El Paso. (November 8, 2014).

Lusk, M. W., Baray, S. C., Ybarra, R., Guajardo, A., NASW Texas Chapter, "Teaching Cultural & Linguistic Competence to Bilingual Students & Practitioners," National Association of Social Workers, San Marcos TX. (October 20, 2014).

Lusk, M. W., Fire & Ice: Human Trafficking-Modern Day Slavery, "Human Trafficking- Modern Day Slavery," MINERS Advocacy Initiative, UTEP. (October 8, 2014).

25 Lusk, M. W., Mano y Corazon, "Risk & Resilience in Migration: Implications for Human Trafficking," Office of Senator Jose Rodriguez, Paul Foster School of Medicine. (August 7, 2014).

Lusk, M. W., Terrazas, S. R., Revtyak, K., Paso de Norte Civil Rights Workshop, "Secondary Trauma & Self-Care: Working with Refugees," Paso del Norte Civil Rights Project, Bienvivir, El Paso. (July 30, 2014).

Lusk, M. W., Vulnerabillity to Drug Abuse among Hispanics: Bridging Science and Society, "Risk, Resilience and Migration: Implication for Drug Use, Mental Health and Services Delivery," Hispanic Health Disparities Research Center, El Paso. (May 29, 2014).

Lusk, M. W., Revtyak, K., Healing Helping Hands Conference, "Secondary Trauma and Self-Care," El Paso County Dept of Mental Health, El Paso. (April 10, 2014).


1) University of Arizona, Department of History, Summer 1983

2) Catholic University of Peru, School of Social Work, Fall 1983

3) New Mexico State University, Department of Social Work, 1987 - 1988

4) University of Costa Rica, School of Social Work, March 1988

5) University of Guyana, Department of Sociology, Summer, 1988

6) Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, Graduate School of Social Work, Fall 1989

26 SERVICE ACTIVITIES (Selected Listing)

Editorial Boards International Social Work, (1995-present) Journal of Comparative Social Welfare, (1993-2015)

Manuscript Reviewer BMC Public Health (2016-present) Environment and Social Psychology (2015-present) International Journal of Culture and Mental Health (2014-present) Journal of Addiction, Recovery and Aftercare (2014-present) International Journal of Culture and Mental Health (2014-present) Journal of Addiction, Recovery and Aftercare (2014-present) Revista Internacional de Políticas de Bienestar y Trabajo Social (2013-present) Violence and Victims (2013-present) Journal of Applied Research on Children (2012-present) ______


Albert Almendariz Lifetime Achievement in Civil Rights Award – 2014 Lifetime Achievement Award, NASW, Rio Grande Region, 2012 Idaho NASW Social Worker of the Year, 1996

Phi Beta Delta International Honor Society, 2001 Phi Alpha Social Work Honor Society, 2008 Pi Gamma Mu Social Science Honorary, 1972

Mentorship of Women Award, Council on Social Work Accreditation, Commission on Women, 2010 Utah State University Social Sciences Researcher of the Year, 1987 and 1992 ______


National Association of Social Workers National Association of Addiction Professionals


Dr. Sam Terrazas, Associate Professor School of Social Work New Mexico Highlands University 5401 Indian School Road NE Suite 100 Albuquerque NM 87110 (561)762-7906 [email protected]

Dr. Irasema Coronado, Professor Department of Political Science The University of Texas at El Paso 500 W. University Ave. El Paso TX 79968 USA 915-747-7980 [email protected]

Dr. Kathleen A. Staudt, Professor Department of Political Science The University of Texas at El Paso 500 W. University Ave. El Paso TX 79968 USA 915-747-7975 [email protected]

Dr. Eva M. Moya, Associate Professor Department of Social Work The University of Texas at El Paso 500 W. University Ave. El Paso TX 79968 USA 915-747-8493 [email protected]

Dr. Joao Ferreira Pinto Research Professor & Director of Research College of Health Sciences The University of Texas at El Paso 500 W. University Ave. El Paso TX 79968 USA 915-747-7295 [email protected]

Dr. Elias Provencio-Vasquez, PhD, RN, FAANP Dean and Professor Robert H. Hoy III Distinguished Professorship in Health Sciences 28 School of Nursing The University of Texas at El Paso 500 W. University Ave. El Paso, TX 79968 915-747-8194 [email protected]


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