Provision of Experiences in Working with Regular and Special Educational Programs; And

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Provision of Experiences in Working with Regular and Special Educational Programs; And

Institutional Report

STANDARDS TO BE COMPLETED BY THE PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT TO BE INSTITUTION COMPLETED BY VISITING TEAM MET NOT MET 10.58.707 SCHOOL PSYCHOLOGISTS 1 The program requires that  The philosophy, aims,  SP Handbook successful candidates: goals, and mission of the  Dept. Policies & Procedures Department and the School a demonstrate an understanding of Manual Psychology Program are  Practicum supervisor the articulated training philosophy, articulated in the evaluations Department’s Policies mission statement, goals, and  Practicum consumer Manual and the Program’s objectives; evaluation EdS Handbook. Adherence to  these standards is measured Internship supervisor in a number of ways, evaluation including semesterly  Internship consumer evaluations and feedback evaluation regarding personal,  Semester evaluation form interpersonal, ethical, and professional behaviors, practicum supervisor and consumer evaluations, and internship consumer and supervisor evaluations. b demonstrate knowledge of the Core School Psychology Courses  Course Grades that cover this standard include: unique history of American Indians  Response Papers  Psyx580 Principles and as it relates to education, social and  Multicultural Strategy Practices of Professional Presentation emotional development, and School Psychology academic skills;  CI 514 Education Across Cultures c demonstrate knowledge of these  PSYX 580 Principles and Performance assessments related domains in the field of school Practices of Professional to this standard include: psychology: School Psychology  Quizzes  Psyx587 every semester  Papers

Montana Office of Public Instruction ▪ Denise Juneau, Superintendent ▪ October 2007 Contact Person – Linda Peterson 444-5726 or [email protected] Institutional Report

STANDARDS TO BE COMPLETED BY THE PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT TO BE INSTITUTION COMPLETED BY VISITING TEAM MET NOT MET i data-based decision-making and  Psyx588 School Psychology  Presentation grades accountability; Internship  Exams  Psyx524 Tests and  Practicum consumer Measurement evaluations  Psyx583 Academic Assessment  Practicum supervisor and Interventions evaluations  Psyx582 Behavior Assessment  Course grades and Interventions  Course assignments  Psyx680 Consultation and  Semesterly faculty reviews Collaboration of student progress  Psyx535 Child and  Comprehensive examinations Adolescent Interventions  National Certification as a  Psyx540 Advanced School Psychologist Developmental Psychology examination  Psyx525 Intellectual Assessment  Psyx520 Advanced Psych Statistics  C&I520 Research Methods ii consultation and collaboration;  PSYX 580 Principles and Performance assessments related Practices of Professional to this standard include: School Psychology  Quizzes  Psyx680 Consultation and  Papers Collaboration  Presentation grades  PSYX 587 School Psychology  Exams Methods  Practicum consumer  Psyx588 School Psychology evaluations Internship  Practicum supervisor  Psyx583 Academic Assessment evaluations and Interventions  Course grades  Course assignments  Semesterly faculty reviews

Montana Office of Public Instruction ▪ Denise Juneau, Superintendent ▪ October 2007 Contact Person – Linda Peterson 444-5726 or [email protected] Institutional Report

STANDARDS TO BE COMPLETED BY THE PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT TO BE INSTITUTION COMPLETED BY VISITING TEAM MET NOT MET of student progress  Comprehensive examinations  National Certification as a School Psychologist examination iii effective instruction and  Psyx680 Consultation and Performance assessments related to this standard include: development of cognitive/academic Collaboration  Psyx587 School Practicum,  Quizzes skills; every semester  Papers  Psyx588 School Psychology  Presentation grades Internship  Exams  Psyx583 Academic Assessment  Practicum consumer and Interventions evaluations  PSYC 582 Behavioral  Practicum supervisor Assessment and Intervention evaluations  Psyx540 Advanced  Course grades Developmental Psychology  Course assignments  Psyx525 Intellectual  Semesterly faculty reviews Assessment of student progress  Psyx535 Child and  Comprehensive examinations Adolescent Interventions  National Certification as a  COUN 520 Group Counseling School Psychologist and Guidance examination  iv socialization and development of  Couns520 Group Counseling Performance assessments related to this standard include: life skills;  Psyx535 Child and Adolescent Interventions  Quizzes  Psyx582 Behavior Assessment  Papers and Interventions  Presentation grades  Psyx680 Consultation and  Exams Collaboration  Practicum consumer  Psyx587 School Practicum, evaluations

Montana Office of Public Instruction ▪ Denise Juneau, Superintendent ▪ October 2007 Contact Person – Linda Peterson 444-5726 or [email protected] Institutional Report

STANDARDS TO BE COMPLETED BY THE PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT TO BE INSTITUTION COMPLETED BY VISITING TEAM MET NOT MET every semester  Practicum supervisor  Psyx588 School Psychology evaluations Internship  Course grades  Course assignments  Semesterly faculty reviews of student progress  Comprehensive examinations  National Certification as a School Psychologist examination v student diversity in development  Psyx525 Intellectual Performance assessments related to this standard include: and learning; Assessment  Psyx587 School Practicum,  Quizzes every semester  Papers  Psyx588 School Psychology  Presentation grades Internship  Exams  Psyx583 Academic Assessment  Practicum consumer and Interventions evaluations  Psyx536 Child and  Practicum supervisor Adolescent Psychopathology evaluations  CI 514 Education Across  Course grades Cultures  Course assignments  CI 453 Special Education  Semesterly faculty reviews Law and Policy of student progress  Psyx582 Behavior Assessment  Comprehensive examinations and Interventions  National Certification as a  Psyx540 Advanced Child School Psychologist Development examination  Psyx535 Child and Adolescent Interventions vi school and systems organization,  Psyx580 Principles and Performance assessments related Practices of Professional to this standard include:

Montana Office of Public Instruction ▪ Denise Juneau, Superintendent ▪ October 2007 Contact Person – Linda Peterson 444-5726 or [email protected] Institutional Report

STANDARDS TO BE COMPLETED BY THE PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT TO BE INSTITUTION COMPLETED BY VISITING TEAM MET NOT MET policy development, and climate; School Psychology  Quizzes  Psyx587 School Practicum,  Papers every semester  Presentation grades  Psyx588 School Psychology  Exams Internship  Practicum consumer  C&I453 SpEd Law and Policy evaluations  CI 504 History of American  Practicum supervisor Education evaluations  C&I514 Education Across  Course grades Cultures  Course assignments  Semesterly faculty reviews of student progress  Comprehensive examinations  National Certification as a School Psychologist examination vii prevention, crisis intervention,  Psyx580 Principles of Performance assessments related to this standard include: and mental health; School Psychology  Psyx587 School Practicum,  Quizzes every semester  Papers  Psyx588 School Psychology  Presentation grades Internship  Exams  Psyx583 Academic Assessment  Practicum consumer and Interventions evaluations  Psyx582 Behavior Assessment  Practicum supervisor and Interventions evaluations  Psyx535 Child and  Course grades Adolescent Interventions  Course assignments  Psyx536 Child and  Semesterly faculty reviews Adolescent Psychopathology of student progress  Couns520 Group Counseling  Comprehensive examinations

Montana Office of Public Instruction ▪ Denise Juneau, Superintendent ▪ October 2007 Contact Person – Linda Peterson 444-5726 or [email protected] Institutional Report

STANDARDS TO BE COMPLETED BY THE PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT TO BE INSTITUTION COMPLETED BY VISITING TEAM MET NOT MET  Psyx680 Consultation and  National Certification as a Collaboration School Psychologist  examination viii home/school/community  Psyx580 Principles of Performance assessments related to this standard include: collaboration; School Psychology  Psyx587 School Practicum,  Quizzes every semester  Papers  Psyx588 School Psychology  Presentation grades Internship  Exams  Psyx680 Consultation and  Practicum consumer Collaboration evaluations  Practicum supervisor evaluations  Course grades  Course assignments  Semesterly faculty reviews of student progress  Comprehensive examinations  National Certification as a School Psychologist examination ix research and program evaluation;  Psyx587 School Practicum, Performance assessments related every semester to this standard include:  Psyx588 School Psychology  Quizzes Internship  Papers  Psyx583 Academic Assessment  Presentation grades and Interventions  Exams  Psyx520 Advanced  Practicum consumer Psychological Statistics evaluations  CI 520 Educational Research  Practicum supervisor  Psyx524 Tests and evaluations Measurement

Montana Office of Public Instruction ▪ Denise Juneau, Superintendent ▪ October 2007 Contact Person – Linda Peterson 444-5726 or [email protected] Institutional Report

STANDARDS TO BE COMPLETED BY THE PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT TO BE INSTITUTION COMPLETED BY VISITING TEAM MET NOT MET  Course grades  Course assignments  Semesterly faculty reviews of student progress  Comprehensive examinations  National Certification as a School Psychologist examination x school psychology practice and  Psyx580 Principles of Performance assessments related to this standard include: development; and School Psychology  Psyx587 School Practicum,  Quizzes every semester  Papers  Psyx588 School Psychology  Presentation grades Internship  Exams  Psyx680 Consultation and  Practicum consumer Collaboration evaluations  Practicum supervisor evaluations  Course grades  Course assignments  Semesterly faculty reviews of student progress  Comprehensive examinations  National Certification as a School Psychologist examination xi information technology;  Psyx587 School Practicum, Performance assessments related every semester to this standard include:  Psyx588 School Psychology  Quizzes Internship  Papers  Psyx583 Academic Assessment  Presentation grades and Interventions

Montana Office of Public Instruction ▪ Denise Juneau, Superintendent ▪ October 2007 Contact Person – Linda Peterson 444-5726 or [email protected] Institutional Report

STANDARDS TO BE COMPLETED BY THE PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT TO BE INSTITUTION COMPLETED BY VISITING TEAM MET NOT MET  Psyx520 Advanced  Exams Psychological Statistics  Practicum consumer  C&I520 Research Design evaluations  Psyx524 Tests and  Practicum supervisor Measurement evaluations  Psyx582 Behavioral  Course grades Assessment and Intervention  Course assignments  Semesterly faculty reviews of student progress  Comprehensive examinations  National Certification as a School Psychologist examination d demonstrate knowledge and  Psyx580 Principles and Performance assessments related understanding of: Practices of Professional to this standard include: School Psychology  Quizzes i orientation to the educational  Psyx587 School Practicum,  Papers process; every semester  Presentation grades  Psyx588 School Psychology  Exams Internship  Practicum consumer  C&I453 SpEd Law and Policy evaluations  C&I504 History of Education  Practicum supervisor  C&I514 Education Across evaluations Cultures  Course grades  Course assignments  Semesterly faculty reviews of student progress  Comprehensive examinations  National Certification as a School Psychologist examination

Montana Office of Public Instruction ▪ Denise Juneau, Superintendent ▪ October 2007 Contact Person – Linda Peterson 444-5726 or [email protected] Institutional Report

STANDARDS TO BE COMPLETED BY THE PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT TO BE INSTITUTION COMPLETED BY VISITING TEAM MET NOT MET ii assessment for intervention;  Psyx587 every semester Performance assessments related  Psyx588 School Psychology to this standard include: Internship  Quizzes  Psyx524 Tests and  Papers Measurement  Presentation grades  Psyx583 Academic Assessment  Exams and Interventions  Practicum consumer  Psyx582 Behavior Assessment evaluations and Interventions  Practicum supervisor  Psyx680 Consultation and evaluations Collaboration  Course grades  Psyx535 Child and  Course assignments Adolescent Interventions  Semesterly faculty reviews  Psyx540 Advanced of student progress Developmental Psychology  Comprehensive examinations  Psyx525 Intellectual  National Certification as a Assessment School Psychologist  Psyx520 Advanced Psych examination Statistics iii direct intervention; and  Psyx587 School Practicum, Performance assessments related every semester to this standard include:  Psyx588 School Psychology  Quizzes Internship  Papers  Psyx583 Academic Assessment  Presentation grades and Interventions  Exams  Psyx582 Behavior Assessment  Practicum consumer and Interventions evaluations  Psyx535 Child and  Practicum supervisor  Adolescent Psychopathology evaluations  Couns520 Group Counseling  Course grades  Course assignments  Semesterly faculty reviews

Montana Office of Public Instruction ▪ Denise Juneau, Superintendent ▪ October 2007 Contact Person – Linda Peterson 444-5726 or [email protected] Institutional Report

STANDARDS TO BE COMPLETED BY THE PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT TO BE INSTITUTION COMPLETED BY VISITING TEAM MET NOT MET of student progress  Comprehensive examinations  National Certification as a School Psychologist examination iv indirect intervention.  Psyx580 Principles of Performance assessments related School Psychology to this standard include:  Psyx587 School Practicum,  Quizzes every semester  Papers  Psyx588 School Psychology  Presentation grades Internship  Exams  Psyx583 Academic Assessment  Practicum consumer and Interventions evaluations  Psyx582 Behavior Assessment  Practicum supervisor and Interventions evaluations  Psyx535 Child and  Course grades Adolescent Interventions  Course assignments  Psyx680 Consultation and  Semesterly faculty reviews Collaboration of student progress  Comprehensive examinations  National Certification as a School Psychologist examination 2 practica experiences shall be Practica experiences occur during distinct from and occur prior to the each semester of the students’ on-campus experience two years. internship; This happens before their a practica occur at times, are in internship year, which is their settings, and are of sufficient length culminating experience and to be appropriate to the specific happens in their third year. training objectives of the program;

Montana Office of Public Instruction ▪ Denise Juneau, Superintendent ▪ October 2007 Contact Person – Linda Peterson 444-5726 or [email protected] Institutional Report

STANDARDS TO BE COMPLETED BY THE PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT TO BE INSTITUTION COMPLETED BY VISITING TEAM MET NOT MET b there is a direct and obvious Practica experience objectives  Course Grade are defined and are incorporated relationship between practica  Practicum consumer into practicum processes, logs evaluations experiences and the objectives for and reports.  Practicum supervisor which the practica are intended; evaluations  Practicum portfolio c practica experiences occur under Practica are supervised by an on-  Practicum logs site licensed school psychologist conditions of supervision appropriate and university-based school to the specific training objectives of psychologist professor with the program; regular weekly contact by each. Practicum students maintain a log of time spent on-site relative to program training objectives. d practica experiences are provided Students take three 3 practicum  Class Grades/transcripts credit hours for each semester 4 appropriate recognition through the that they take Psyx587. awarding of academic credit; e practica experiences occur with Practica students meet with  Practicum Logs university-based supervisors  Course grade university involvement appropriate to weekly during which time case the specific training objectives of the studies are reviewed and topics program; such as best practices in school psychology, legal and ethical issues, and evidenced-based interventions are discussed. f the quality of practica experiences Practica experiences are  Practicum consumer evaluated each semester the is systematically evaluated in a evaluations student is enrolled using the  Practicum supervisor manner consistent with the specific evaluation form completed by the evaluations on-site supervisor, and another training objectives of the program;  Semesterly feedback evaluation form is completed by a

Montana Office of Public Instruction ▪ Denise Juneau, Superintendent ▪ October 2007 Contact Person – Linda Peterson 444-5726 or [email protected] Institutional Report

STANDARDS TO BE COMPLETED BY THE PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT TO BE INSTITUTION COMPLETED BY VISITING TEAM MET NOT MET consumer of the practicum student’s services. Further, feedback is attained from the student’s perspective during weekly campus-based practicum classes, and during semesterly feedback sessions with the student’s primary faculty adviser. g practica experiences are Practice of current legal and  Practicum consumer ethical guidelines is an conducted in accordance with current evaluations objective of the practica and is  Practicum supervisor legal-ethical standards for the considered in the evaluative evaluations profession; feedback regarding the student’s practicum work. h the program shall require Students are required to learn  Practicum consumer about, and work with, other successful candidates to evaluations professionals within the school  Practicum supervisor demonstrate knowledge of the roles, system. The Psyx587 syllabi is evaluations clear in its expectation of responsibilities, and functions of  Psyx587 syllabus student involvement within other pupil service personnel, particularly 3rd and 4th interdisciplinary teams, semesters including the operation of including IEP meetings and  interdisciplinary teams; and consultation with general and Internship supervisor evaluation i the program shall require special education teachers. These  Internship consumer successful candidates to same expectations exist for the students’ internship experience evaluation demonstrate knowledge of available Psyx588 school and community resources. Utilization and knowledge of school and community resources is incorporated into the following

Montana Office of Public Instruction ▪ Denise Juneau, Superintendent ▪ October 2007 Contact Person – Linda Peterson 444-5726 or [email protected] Institutional Report


 Psyx580 Principles of School Psychology  Psyx587 School Practicum, every semester  Psyx588 School Psychology Internship  Psyx680 Consultation and Collaboration

3 The comprehensive internship is The internship experience occurs  Grades/Transcripts the culminating experience in school after the completion of the MA and all coursework. The psychology graduate preparation. internship experience occurs The successful school psychologist during the third and final year candidates: of the SPSY MA/Ed.S. program. a demonstrate, under supervision, Exceptions would only be their ability to integrate knowledge considered in extenuating circumstances and would need and skills in providing a broad range approval from the program of school psychological services. director. The internship experience: i is provided at or near the end of the formal training period; ii is designed according to a written All interns, in conjunction with  Psyx588 Syllabus/Internship their onsite supervisors, detail plan that provides the student Guidelines an internship plan that explains  Internship Plan opportunities to gain experience in their intern experiences in the delivery of a broad range of relation to the 10 NASP domains school psychological services; of competency, which coincide with Montana Standards 10.58.707 Ici-Icxi.

Montana Office of Public Instruction ▪ Denise Juneau, Superintendent ▪ October 2007 Contact Person – Linda Peterson 444-5726 or [email protected] Institutional Report

STANDARDS TO BE COMPLETED BY THE PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT TO BE INSTITUTION COMPLETED BY VISITING TEAM MET NOT MET iii occurs in a setting appropriate to Internships are carried out in  SP Handbook school settings. Provision is the specific training objectives of the made for a minor portion of the program; internship to be carried out in other settings if it serves the internship purpose. iv is provided appropriate Students take 12 total credit  Grades/Transcripts hours for their internship recognition through the awarding of experience, typically six credits academic credit; per semester. v occurs under conditions of Internship supervisors are  SP Handbook currently and appropriately appropriate supervision. Field-based  Psyx588 Syllabus/Internship credentialed within the state, Guidelines internship supervisors hold a valid and they have to have had a least credential as a school psychologist three years of fulltime for that portion of the internship that experience working as a fully credentialed school psychologist. is in a school setting. That portion of In cases where a minor portion of the internship, which appropriately the internship is done in another may be in a nonschool setting, setting, onsite supervisors must requires supervision by an be equally experienced and appropriately credentialed appropriately credentialed. psychologist; vi is supervised. Field-based Field-based internship  Psyx588 Syllabus/Internship supervisors are responsible for Guidelines internship supervisors are no more than two interns per responsible for no more than two year. University supervisors are interns at any given time. University responsible for no more than internship supervisors are twelve interns per year. responsible for no more than 12 interns at any given time;

Montana Office of Public Instruction ▪ Denise Juneau, Superintendent ▪ October 2007 Contact Person – Linda Peterson 444-5726 or [email protected] Institutional Report

STANDARDS TO BE COMPLETED BY THE PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT TO BE INSTITUTION COMPLETED BY VISITING TEAM MET NOT MET vii is based on a positive working University supervisors maintain  Psyx588 Syllabus/Internship monthly contact with interns and Guidelines relationship and represents a regular contact with onsite collaborative effort between the internship supervisors. university program and field-based supervisors to provide an effective learning experience for the student. University internship supervisors provide at least one on-site contact per semester with each intern and supervisor; viii is a provision for participation in Students are expected to  Practicum portfolio participate in, and document, continuing professional development  Internship Contractual professional development agreement activities; activities while on internship. ix is systematically evaluated for The internships are evaluated  Internship supervisor according to the systems built quality in a manner consistent with evaluation into each intern’s written plan.  Internship consumer the specific training objectives of the The plans must comply with the evaluation program objectives. Interns are program;  Psyx588 Syllabus/Internship also evaluated by their on-site Guidelines supervisors using the Internship supervisor evaluation form. Additionally, they are evaluated by a consumer of their services using the internship consumer evaluation form. x is conducted in a manner Internships are conducted in the  Psyx588 Syllabus/Internship manner consistent with current Guidelines consistent with the current legal- legal-ethical standards of the ethical standards of the profession; profession. Ethical

Montana Office of Public Instruction ▪ Denise Juneau, Superintendent ▪ October 2007 Contact Person – Linda Peterson 444-5726 or [email protected] Institutional Report

STANDARDS TO BE COMPLETED BY THE PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT TO BE INSTITUTION COMPLETED BY VISITING TEAM MET NOT MET and xi occurs on a full-time basis over a Internships typically are full-  Psyx588 Syllabus/Internship time for an academic year Guidelines period of one academic year, or on a although provision is made for half-time basis over a period of two half-time for two consecutive consecutive academic years. At years. least 600 hours of the internship are completed in a school setting; b complete a field-based internship Field-based internship  Psyx588 Syllabus/Internship supervisors provide at least two Guidelines supervised, on average, at least two hours per week of direct hours per week of direct supervision supervision for each intern. for each intern; c accept an internship placement Interns, along with their site  Internship contractual that provides appropriate support for supervisors, and University agreement supervisor, sign an internship the internship experience including: contractual agreement which i a written agreement specifying the specifics the period of the period of appointment and any terms internship, as well as terms of of compensation; compensation. ii a schedule of appointments, Reimbursement, work conditions,  Internship Contractual and support services are outlined agreement expense reimbursement, a safe and in the Internship Contract. secure work environment, adequate office space, and support services consistent with that afforded agency school psychologists; iii provision for participation in Students are expected to  Practicum portfolio participate in, and document, continuing professional development  Internship Contractual professional development agreement activities; activities while on internship.

Montana Office of Public Instruction ▪ Denise Juneau, Superintendent ▪ October 2007 Contact Person – Linda Peterson 444-5726 or [email protected] Institutional Report

STANDARDS TO BE COMPLETED BY THE PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT TO BE INSTITUTION COMPLETED BY VISITING TEAM MET NOT MET iv release time for internship Site agrees to provide adequate  Internship Contractual buy-out time for onsite agreement supervision; and supervisor, per internship contractual agreement. v a commitment to the internship as The internship is to provide a  Practicum portfolio diverse training experience, a diversified training experience.  Internship Contractual outlined in the internship agreement contract agreement, an which  Psyx588 Syllabus/Internship includes: Guidelines see internship plan portion  The site’s commitment to the internship as a diversified training experience.

 Utilization of the intern’s time in performing usual school psychological services under the supervision of the supervising psychologist;

 Provision of experiences in working with regular and special educational programs; and

 Allowing and expecting the intern and supervising psychologist to attend professional workshops and meetings.

Montana Office of Public Instruction ▪ Denise Juneau, Superintendent ▪ October 2007 Contact Person – Linda Peterson 444-5726 or [email protected] Institutional Report

STANDARDS TO BE COMPLETED BY THE PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT TO BE INSTITUTION COMPLETED BY VISITING TEAM MET NOT MET Further, these are documented in the intern’s Internship Portfolio, Internship Logs, and their Internship Plan.

4 School psychology training School Psychology faculty meet  Practicum supervisor programs employ systematic, valid every semester to go over data evaluations regarding student knowledge and evaluation of candidates,  Practicum consumer capabilities. Faculty collect evaluation coursework, practica, internship, course grade, as well as  Internship supervisor qualitative feedback for faculty, supervisors, and resources evaluation students’ instructors. This and use the resulting information to  Internship consumer monitor and improve program quality. information is used to provide evaluations of student evaluation School psychology graduate performance, a copy of which is  Semester evaluation form programs shall: given to the student and placed a establish and maintain an in their file. Additionally, data is collected on the students’ accountability program to assess the impact on youth and consumers via knowledge and capabilities of school the practicum and internship psychology candidates and of the supervisor and consumer impact that interns and graduates evaluation forms. have on services to children, youth, families, and other consumers; b incorporate different sources of In addition to a, above,  Practicum Portfolio portfolios are maintained and process and performance information Requirements turned in for course credit for  Internship Portfolio e.g., instructional evaluation, practicum and internship Requirements experiences. Outcomes from the performance portfolios, field  NCSP score reports NCSP exam are collected for every supervisor evaluations, systematic  student. Comprehensive exams are Comprehensive exam results valid procedures are used to given at the end of the students’ evaluate and improve the quality of second year in the program and

Montana Office of Public Instruction ▪ Denise Juneau, Superintendent ▪ October 2007 Contact Person – Linda Peterson 444-5726 or [email protected] Institutional Report

STANDARDS TO BE COMPLETED BY THE PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT TO BE INSTITUTION COMPLETED BY VISITING TEAM MET NOT MET the program, candidate/graduate must be successfully passed for the student to go into their performance on licensing/certification internship year. examinations, and alumni follow-ups, as appropriate, to evaluate and improve components of the program; c apply specific published criteria, Objective criteria for assessment  SP Handbook and admission of candidates is in both objective and qualitative, for the  Dept. Policies & Procedures the Eds School Psych handbook, as Manual assessment and admission of well as on the website. Specific  Practicum supervisor quantitative criteria gpa, GRE, candidates to the program at each evaluations etc. are not given as the review level and for candidate retention and  Practicum consumer progression in the program. The process is holistic. Academic and professional competencies are evaluation criteria address the academic and articulated in the SP Handbook,  Internship supervisor professional competencies, as well as well as the Psychology evaluation as the professional work Department’s Policy and  Internship consumer characteristics needed for effective Procedures Manual. Academic evaluation criteria for continuation in the  Semester evaluation form practice as a school psychologist graduate program are addressed in including respect for human diversity, the above sources. Additionally, communication skills, effective academic and professional interpersonal relations, ethical characteristics e.g., respect for responsibility, adaptability, and human diversity, communication skills, effective interpersonal initiative/dependability; relations, ethical responsibility, adaptability, and initiative/dependability are also articulated in a the SP EdS Handbook, as they fall under NASP Training Domains, b in the practicum consumer and supervisor evaluations, c in the internship consumer and supervisor

Montana Office of Public Instruction ▪ Denise Juneau, Superintendent ▪ October 2007 Contact Person – Linda Peterson 444-5726 or [email protected] Institutional Report

STANDARDS TO BE COMPLETED BY THE PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT TO BE INSTITUTION COMPLETED BY VISITING TEAM MET NOT MET evaluations, and d in domains that are routinely evaluated by all program faculty in semesterly evaluations. d employ a systematic process that  Psyx580 Principles and Performance assessments related to this standard include: ensures that all students possess the Practices of Professional School Psychology  Quizzes knowledge and professional  Psyx587 every semester  Papers expertise to collaborate with families  Psyx588 School Psychology  Presentation grades and school and community based Internship  Exams professionals in designing,  Psyx524 Tests and  Practicum consumer implementing, and evaluating Measurement evaluations interventions that effectively respond  Psyx583 Academic Assessment  Practicum supervisor to the educational and mental health and Interventions evaluations needs of children and youth;  Psyx582 Behavior Assessment  Internship consumer and Interventions evaluations  Psyx680 Consultation and  Internship supervisor Collaboration evaluations  Psyx535 Child and  Course grades Adolescent Interventions  Course assignments  Psyx540 Advanced  Semesterly faculty reviews Developmental Psychology of student progress  Psyx525 Intellectual  Comprehensive examinations Assessment  National Certification as a  Psyx520 Advanced Psych School Psychologist Statistics examination  Psyx535 Child and  Grade transcripts Adolescent Psychopathology  Couns520 Group Counseling e limit the number of credit hours Less than 1/3 of credit hours  UMT Graduate School Catalog

Montana Office of Public Instruction ▪ Denise Juneau, Superintendent ▪ October 2007 Contact Person – Linda Peterson 444-5726 or [email protected] Institutional Report

STANDARDS TO BE COMPLETED BY THE PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT TO BE INSTITUTION COMPLETED BY VISITING TEAM MET NOT MET acquired through courses, seminars, taken toward the EdS degree in  Coursework sequence Program School psychology are open to and other learning experiences not website and in EdS Handbook undergraduate students.  open exclusively to graduate Grade transcripts students to no more than one-third of the student’s program; f exclude credit requirements for Program requirements are limited  UMT Graduate School Catalog to the prescribed program of undergraduate study, study that is  Coursework sequence Program graduate study, which does not website and in EdS Handbook remedial, or study which is designed include remedial credits, or  Grade transcripts to remove deficiencies in meeting prerequisite undergraduate requirements for program admission; courses toward admission. and g include a full-time continuous Students complete the program  SP Handbook coursework in two years and an  Grade transcripts residency or an alternate planned internship in their third. Other  Graduate School Catalog experience for all students. arrangements would be considered Programs allowing alternate planned an exception and would require experiences as a substitute for full- program approval. Exceptions time residency must demonstrate have been given for personal situations necessitating a leave how those experiences are of absence and is possible in equivalent to experiences commonly cases when someone does a half- associated with residency time internship over a two year requirements. period noted above. Graduate school regulations stipulate continuous registration with formal program approval required for a leave of absence.

5 The standards for specialist-level The School Psychology Graduate  SP Handbook programs shall follow those training program includes two  Grade transcripts years of onsite, full time study

Montana Office of Public Instruction ▪ Denise Juneau, Superintendent ▪ October 2007 Contact Person – Linda Peterson 444-5726 or [email protected] Institutional Report

STANDARDS TO BE COMPLETED BY THE PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT TO BE INSTITUTION COMPLETED BY VISITING TEAM MET NOT MET described by the National and a third year of a full-time Association of School Psychologists: or two years at half time internship that fulfills NASP a specialist-level programs consist standards see above. All of a minimum of three years of full- coursework is graduate level. time study or the equivalent at the graduate level; b the program shall include at least SP Graduate Students take 61  SP Handbook graduate credit hours onsite and  Grade transcripts 60 graduate semester hours or the acquire 12 more graduate credit equivalent, at least 54 hours of which hours in third third year are exclusive of credit for the internship for a total of 73 supervised internship experience; graduate credit hours. c institutional documentation of Program completion is noted on  Grade Transcripts official UMT transcripts. program completion shall be provided; and d specialist level programs include a The EdS program in SP requires a  Psyx588 Syllabus/Internship one year at least 1200 hours minimum of one academic year of Guidelines onsite internship experience that  SP Handbook supervised internship experience meets NASP standards articulated  Grade Transcripts consisting of a minimum of 1200 above. The required hours are clock hours. either accrued within one calendar year of fulltime professional work, or within two years of part-time work experience. 6 The standards for doctoral N/A programs shall follow those described by the National Association of School Psychologists. Doctoral programs provide greater

Montana Office of Public Instruction ▪ Denise Juneau, Superintendent ▪ October 2007 Contact Person – Linda Peterson 444-5726 or [email protected] Institutional Report

STANDARDS TO BE COMPLETED BY THE PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT TO BE INSTITUTION COMPLETED BY VISITING TEAM MET NOT MET depth in multiple domains of school psychology training and practice as specified in these standards; a doctoral programs consist of a minimum of four years of full-time study or the equivalent at the graduate level; b the program shall include a N/A minimum of 90 graduate semester hours or the equivalent, at least 78 of which are exclusive of credit for the doctoral supervised internship experience and any terminal doctoral project e.g., dissertation and shall culminate in institutional documentation; and c the program shall include a N/A minimum of one academic year of doctoral supervised internship experience consisting of a minimum of 1500 clock hours.

Montana Office of Public Instruction ▪ Denise Juneau, Superintendent ▪ October 2007 Contact Person – Linda Peterson 444-5726 or [email protected]

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