American Association of University Women, Inc

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American Association of University Women, Inc


FACETS JUNE 2014 The Rockland County Branch of the American Association of University Women, Inc.

Rockland County Branch AAUW P. O. Box 962 Monsey, NY 10952-0962 OUR WEB SITE:

Mission: AAUW advances equity for women and girls through advocacy, education, philanthropy and research.

CO-Presidents: Barbara Williams [email protected] Editor: Sylvia Miller (845) 358-1680 Joyce Brown [email protected] [email protected]


Tuesday, June 3 AAUW Board Meeting Joyce Brown hosting For new and old board members

Thursday, June 5 AAUW ‘Rockland Readers Book Club’ 1:00 p.m. Barnes & Noble NANUET ` Lakota Woman by Mary Brave Bird/Mary Crow Dog

Wednesday, June 18 AAUW Book Group New City Library 4:00 p.m. Mary Coin by Marissa Silver

Monday, June 30 AAUW DUES ARE DUE See payment form on page 7

Tuesday, July 15 Program Committee Meeting 7:00 p.m. Suzanne Young-Mercer At Sylvia Miller’s home

July 25 - 27 AAUW SUMMER Conference, Cazenovia College Contact Sylvia Miller if you wish to carpool

Tuesday, July 29 AAUW Budget Meeting 7:00 p.m. at Sylvia Miller’s

Wednesday, August 6 and AAUW RETREAT details will be forthcoming Wednesday, August 20

Friday, August 8 2014 AAUW Day at Chautauqua see details within

Saturday, August 9 EOF/ Scholarship Get-together at Patricia Lopez’s Details will be forthcoming

Tuesday, August 26 AAUW Board Meeting at Sylvia Miller’s 7:00 p.m.


VISION STATEMENT: AAUW will be a powerful advocate and visible leader in equity and education through research, philanthropy, and measurable change in critical areas impacting the lives of women and girls.

DIVERSITY STATEMENT: In principle and practice, AAUW values and seeks a diverse membership. There shall be no barriers to full participation in this organization on the basis of gender, race, creed, age, sexual orientation, national origin, disability, or class. 2 AAUW VALUE PROMISE: By joining AAUW, we belong to a community that breaks through educational and economic barriers so that all women have a fair chance.

President’s Message Joyce Brown

I’d like to thank Barbara Williams for her service as co-president of AAUW Rockland for the past 2 years. In addition to losing a beloved brother this year, she was faced with personal challenges which did not allow her to serve as she would like to have done. We saw a glimpse of her creativity in 2013 when she gave the invocation before the Woman of Achievement Dinner. We have hopes for her involvement in the future. We lost 3 outstanding members in the past 2 months: Marion Leavitt, Dr. Sonya Shapiro, and most recently Gertrude Lawrence. In their later years, they were very supportive of the new leadership and generous with whatever they had. We will miss these pillars of strength. We welcome the new board members: Elaine Caubere, Co-President, and Sandra Masiello, VP Membership. Ellie Grossman will serve a second term as recording secretary. Led by our VP for Programming, Suzanne-Young Mercer, we experienced an interesting program year, the usual programs being augmented by great presenters for the Diversity Brunch, Bijal Jani chair; Women’s History Month, Dr. Inez Brisfjord, chair; Pay Equity Month, Ann Mulligan, and the Annual Dinner, Sandy Masiello, chair. Thanks to these wonderful chairs and their splendid committees. Board meetings in January, February and March held by conference call (due to weather) made us so appreciative of the technology. Dr. Renee Brilliant-Donn was honored as the 2014 Woman of Achievement at a beautiful dinner on May 15 at the Nyack Seaport. In addition to chairing the STEM Engineer’s Luncheon, Dr. Renee (as we affectionately call her) chairs the West Nyack Rotary Scholarship committee. Previously, she worked with Dr. Martha MacGuffie, a previous Woman of Achievement, on Project SHARE. We learned so much more about this dynamic powerhouse at the dinner. Thanks, Bach-Tuyet for nominating her. As we approach the end of our program year, the AAUW executive board is preparing a retreat to determine our direction and goals for the next two to five years. Be a part of that exciting venture on August 6 and August 20 for 3 hours in the evening by contacting Sylvia Miller, [email protected] or 845 358-1680. For maximum effectiveness, it is recommended that you be available for both sessions.


We extend our sympathy to the family on Sonya Shapiro who died May 19, 2014. A distinguished educator and community activist, she believed that no matter what your background, a good education is a ticket to successful life. Sonya was a special education teacher in New York City, deeply involved in the East Ramapo Central School system, an active PTA member, Associate Dean of Pace University, Professor and Dean at CUNY, Director of Adult Education Services for Rockland County and a member of the Rockland Community College Board of Trustees for the past 14 years. She had been a supporting member of our branch for many years.

News has just been received that long time member Gertrude Lawrence died Tuesday, May 27, 2014. Her daughter sent the following to Pat Cropsey. “Dear friends, A lady always knows when to leave. As many of you know, our mother Gertrude had suffered chronic illness over the past few years. Although she had great strength and fortitude, in recent months, fighting to recover from illnesses had become more difficult. Mom always believed in the quality of life, not the quantity. At age 90, after another hospital visit, she made her own decision to have hospice at home. On Tuesday evening, with her children with her, she quietly and peacefully died.” An Open House/celebration of Gertrude’s life was held May 31st at her home hosted by her children.

2014 Annual Dinner/Woman of Achievement by Sandy Masiello

Our Annual Dinner was held on Thursday, May 15, 2014 at the Nyack Seaport Restaurant. This year, our Woman of Achievement was Dr. Renee Brilliant-Donn, pediatrician and humanitarian. Dr. Renee treated us to a power-point presentation of her work in Kenya, Africa and here in Rockland County. Eighty people attended including: AAUW members, West Nyack Rotary members, and Dr. Renee’s son, friends, and neighbors. A good time was had by all. The Dinner Committee included: Dorothie Flieger, Ellie Grossman, Sandra Masiello (chair), Sylvia Miller, Bach Tuyet Pham, Charlotte Sorger and Kathleen Sullivan. Linda Fitzpatrick was our delightful mistress of ceremonies and Rosemary Waltzer thanked our outgoing officers and installed our incoming officers.

Thank you Sandy (committee chair) and committee members for another delightfully successful annual dinner. 3 STEM grateful to all who have contributed to the success of STEM at Summit Park Elementary School our STEM ventures. had a terrific year with the addition of nearly 20 volunteers from Gracepoint Gospel Fellowship of New A SPECIAL THANK YOU TO JOYCE BROWN AND City. We were diminished in progress by the absence ROS MAXWELL FOR KEEPING THIS WONDERFUL of the school principal from January 1- April 1, 2014 PROGRAM GOING. THEY ARE THE CORE!!! due to foot injury. We gained a vibrant new volunteer, Dr. Norma Mandel, and lost her at year’s end to Pennsylvania. Nikki Plaut, who has been a part of our program for at least 5 years, has become a true EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES FUND by snowbird, spending most of our program year in Patricia Lopez, EOF V.P. Florida. The new volunteers gave us a needed boost. International Project Grants: Several International Coach Debby Frank chaired the highly Project Grants ($5,000 to $7,000.) are awarded to successful Family Math Night which was supported women who completed an AAUW International financially by the Schools To End Poverty (STEP) Fellowship between 2003 and 2012. These grants Board of the Spring Valley Rotary (funded the take- support community-based projects that build on the home packets for families) and the coaches of the fellows’ academic work and are designed to improve program who provided the dinner for 300 attendees. A the social advancement and economic special thanks to that dynamic committee: Debby, empowerment of women and girls in the fellows’ Sandy Gordon, Joanne Feniger (ERCSD Math home countries. Coordinator), Rosalind Maxwell, Joanne Robinson- Silas, and the many coaches and volunteers who LEGAL ADVOCACY FUND (LAF) manned stations at the event. Since Family Math Night at Summit Park Supreme Court Upholds State Ban on Affirmative Elementary School is scheduled so late in the school year, Salute to Summer, held in partnership with Action Policies In April the U.S. Supreme Court Barnes and Noble whose purpose was to demonstrate released its decision in Schuette v. Coalition to Defend to parents that they could reduce brain drain in their Affirmative Action, a case previewed during our children with inexpensive, interesting activities over the Supreme Court member call last October. The 6-2 summer, has been included in Family Math Night. ruling upheld a 2006 Michigan ballot initiative that She Can Reach the Top is regrouping and amended the state constitution to prohibit affirmative planning for a conference in October, 2015. action admissions at state universities. At issue was Presenting this conference is a tremendous not the constitutionality of affirmative action policies undertaking in every respect, and many principles but whether the ballot initiative was constitutional. involved in the venture had to reconsider their time. AAUW signed on to an amicus brief urging the court Luci Goldberg, a very pivotal member of the board, relocated to Pennsylvania. She was very active in the to strike down the ban. Engineer’s Luncheon, She Can Reach the Top, and While AAUW is disappointed in the decision, STEM at Summit Park ES. We will miss her and we the ruling does not affect affirmative action policies wish her well. Hopefully the respite will allow the currently in place in other states. In fact a joint continuation of other very important participants. The statement issued by the U.S. Departments of Education team is only as successful as the sum of its members. and Justice on May 6th declared that the ruling leaves The year ended formally on May 29 with a “intact the court’s prior holdings, recognizing that sumptuous luncheon and many expressions of institutions of higher education and elementary and gratitude from students and their teachers. The secondary schools may use all legally permissible program will resume on October 2, 2014. Expansion methods to achieve their diversity goals.” AAUW to other schools is under consideration. Every volunteer to this arm of the program is strongly supports affirmative action policies and will outstanding and brings so much to the program so continue to resist similar bans in other states. when any one leaves, the loss is significant. We are

REMINDER: Membership dues for 2014-2015 are to be paid by June 30,

2014. See page 7 for tax deductible details. 4


Did you know that AAUW has several special campaigns to gain new members? Every member can help us grow. Here’s one: Give a Grad a Gift - current AAUW members have the opportunity to give free national memberships to college graduates who have earned their degrees within the last 12 months.

For more details, go to the AAUW national website in the Member Center under “Membership Campaigns.”

PUBLIC POLICY by Ann Mulligan 2014 has been a slow year in the NY State Legislature. The Women’s Equality Agenda was introduced again as a ten-point agenda.  Safeguarding Reproductive Health  Ending Pregnancy Discrimination  Fighting Human Trafficking  Supporting Domestic Violence Victims  Providing Fair Access to Housing  Stopping Employment Discrimination  Expanding Access to Justice  Ending Sexual Harassment  Securing Equal Pay

None of these bills have been passed in either the Assembly or the Senate. With the Legislative Session ending June 19th, we are unlikely to see further action. However, with elections for all Legislators this fall, it is possible that the Legislature may go back into session again. Bringing home (to their constituents) laws addressing women’s issues would be a plum for those Legislators seeking re-election. While women are 52% of the total population, we make up 54% of those who cast a vote in the voting booth. This November elections will be held for Governor and all NYS Senate and Assembly whose members serve a two-year term of office. In Rockland County there will be elections for Senate District 38 (incumbent David Carlucci); Senate District 39 (incumbent Larkin); Assembly District 96 (incumbent Zebrowski); Assembly District 97 (incumbent Jaffee), and Assembly District 98 (currently vacant after Rabbitt resigned to take the position of Orange County Clerk). There will likely be a Candidates Forum, co-sponsored by AAUW Rockland, to be held in October. If the Legislature comes back into action, you will receive an Action Alert. Look to the AAUW Rockland Facebook page ( Also questions regarding AAUW Public Policy and/or alerts should be directed to [email protected].


Joiners to Mimi Korb Scholarship Committee. Purpose: to choose a student majoring in an area of STEM to receive a scholarship for Fall 2014 term. Contact: Charlotte Sorger 845 352-1488 or [email protected]


This event is always motivating, inspiring, and enjoyable. Being with members of our NYS board, other branch members and speakers always provides fun and inspiration. Arrive the afternoon of July 25 and depart after lunch July 27. The cost is $100 for online Registration. For details and registration form, go to Car pooling always makes it even more fun. Contact Sylvia Miller for car pooling. 5


Marion Leavitt, who left this planet on May 2, 2014, was a very active member of AAUW Rockland since 1966. Over the years Marion held the following positions: Hostess for many branch and board meetings; Cultural Chair, Women’s Legislative Chair, Women’s Issues, Historian, Evening Literature Chair for many years, International Relations Representative, Bulletin Editor for 10 years, Member of President’s Committee (three members were tri-presidents); Publicity Chair, Community Chair, Corresponding Secretary, Program Vice President, Diversity Chair. In 1999 she was one of the founders of the Diversity Brunch which just celebrated its 15th event this past February. All this while raising six children, working, and rescuing injured birds and wild animals, and participating in her Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Rockland. Daughter Cheryl wrote “AAUW was an important part of Mom’s keeping up with intelligent, dynamic women, while working and raising 6 children. The social network kept her connected, even after she had retired. Thank you for all your efforts to support women and girls!” Joyce Brown remembers “Seeing Marion and Bert on the top floor of the Palisades Mall rushing to her Parkinson’s Disease meetings. He’d be racing down the hall like a luge driver.” More memories of Marion will be forthcoming. We will let you know when the Memorial Service will be this summer.

To honor any of our members, tax deductible contributions can be made to: AAUW Education Fund – send to Patricia Lopez , 2 Doris Drive, Nanuet, NY 10954. Designate fund # or let Patricia choose. Mimi Korb Scholarship Fund – send check made out to Mimi Korb Scholarship Fund to AAUW Rockland Branch, P. O. Box 962, Monsey, NY 10952-0962. AAUW Rockland County Branch - send check made out to AAUW Rockland County Branch to AAUW Rockland Branch, P. O. Box 962, Monsey, NY 10952-0962.

2014 AAUW Day at Chautauqua

Date: Friday, August 8th, 2014 Host: AAUW Branch of Jamestown, NY Theme: Ken Burns: Historian, Documentarian & American Conscience: The Roosevelts Speaker: Ken Burns and Geoffrey C. Ward Place: Chautauqua Institution, Chautauqua, NY ( Time: Lecture 10:45 a.m. at Amphitheatre; ticket good from 9:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m. Cost: $32.40/person plus $26.50 for lunch in the historic Athenaeum Hotel’s Parlor Total: $58.90 (Make check payable to AAUW Jamestown Branch) ______To make a reservation, please fill out this coupon and mail a check made out for the total amount to AAUW Jamestown Branch. Include your email address, so confirmation of your reservation can be sent to you. All orders must be prepaid. AAUW Day at Chautauqua costs $58.90 per person and includes lunch. Mail your coupon and check to Barb Russell, 2702 Salam Drive, Ashville, NY 14710. Please email questions to [email protected] . You can also order ticket OR meal, only. Check Meal selection: Grilled Shrimp or Chicken Caesar Salad: Shrimp______; Chicken ______; Oven Roasted Zucchini (vegetarian) ______; Lemon Baked Cod: ______Name:______

Address: ______

No. of tickets: ______Amount of enclosed check:______Telephone No: ______Email address: ______(Deadline for reservations is Friday, August 1st, 2014)

DID YOU KNOW that Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 was signed by President Nixon. This was one of the most important legislation initiatives passed for women and girls since women won the vote in 1920. 6


Wednesday, June 11 – Rivertown Film presents Afternoon of the Faun, Nyack Center, Nyack, NY 8:00 p.m.

Saturday, June 14 – New Hempstead Presbyterian Church Annual Tag Sale, 484 New Hempstead Rd., New City, 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. See what treasures you will find. Baked goods, hot dogs and hamburgers available.

Thursday, June 19 – Women Veterans Association of Hudson Valley, Inc. Bus Trip to Washington, DC & Arlington, VA, See details below

Wednesday, June 25 – Rivertown Film presents The Broken Circle Breakdown, Nyack Center, Nyack, NY 8:00 p.m.

Wednesday, July 9 – Rivertown Film presents Le Week-End, Nyack Center, Nyack, NY 8:00 p.m.

You are cordially invited to The Women Veterans Association of Hudson Valley, Inc. Bus Trip to Washington, DC, and Arlington, VA Thursday, June 19, 2014 Departing at 6:15 a.m. and returning at 10:00 p.m. Cost: $20.00 plus cost of meals Meet-N-Park: First Baptist Church 3 Hoyt Street, Spring Valley, NY 10977 Agenda: 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. – Lunch 12:00 – 4:00 p.m. --Tours Women in Military Service for America Memorial, Arlington, VA National World War II Memorial, Washington, DC Roosevelt Museum, Washington, DC 4:00 – 5:15 p.m. – Dinner Joint Base Ft. Myer-Henderson Hall, Arlington, VA cost $4.65 Pre-Registration required: Contact Nancy at 845-596-6267/845-480-5660 or e-mail [email protected] Seats are limited!

PEOPLE TO PEOPLE FOOD PANTRY Over 35,000 Rockland residents are food insecure with one in five children in our county at the poverty level. School will end soon – children will be home for breakfast and lunch instead of having these meals provided to them at their schools. Please help by taking canned goods, juices, cereal, soups, peanut butter & jelly, etc. to PTP as often as you can. For more information, go to their web site: Hours are Monday through Friday 9:30 a.m. – *4:00 p.m.; Thursday 9:30 a.m. – 6:30 p.m. at 121 West Nyack Road, Nanuet, NY. * During July and August Friday hours are 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Questions? Call 845-623-4900 THANK YOU

SAVE THE DATE June 3 – AAUW Board Meeting – Joyce Brown, 7:00 p.m. June 5 – AAUW Rockland Readers, Barnes & Noble, Nanuet, 1:00 p.m. June 5 – 7 – AAUW NCCWSL at University of Maryland, College Park, MD June 18 – AAUW Book Group, New City Library, 4:00 p.m. July 15 - AAUW Program Committee Meeting by Suzanne Young-Mercer at Sylvia Miller’s 7:00 p.m. July 25-27 - AAUW Leadership Conference at Cazenovia College, Cazenovia, NY July 29 - AAUW Budget Meeting at Sylvia Miller’s 7:00 p.m. August 6 and August 20 – AAUW Retreat 7 August 9 - EOF/Scholarship get together at Patricia Lopez’s

MEMBERSHIP DUES for 2014-2015 year

AAUW membership year is July 1, 2014 – June 30, 2015. Therefore, dues of $77.00 are due by June 30, 2014.  National dues remain at $49 this year. Remember, out of the national dues of $49, $46 is now tax deductible by each member due to restructuring of AAUW and its Educational Opportunities Fund, a 501(c) (3). The remaining $3 is used to support the AAUW Action Fund’s Section 501 (c) (4) activities (Lobby Corps and election-related activities).  Branch dues are $15.00. Our branch is also a 501 (c) (3) so our dues of $15 are also tax deductible.  State dues are $13.00. AAUW NYS is also now a 501 (c) (3) tax deductible organization

Make checks payable to: AAUW Rockland County Branch. Mail COMPLETED form and check to: Membership c/o AAUW Rockland County Branch, PO Box 962, Monsey, NY 10952-0962

Amount Enclosed ______Name ______AAUW Membership year is July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2015

____$1,008 AAUW Life Member (Includes: $980 Life membership; $13 NY State dues; $15 branch dues.) In subsequent years, pay only State and Branch dues annually. ___ $77 AAUW Branch Member (Includes: National Association/ NY State//Branch dues) ____$28 AAUW National members may pay this amount to join our branch. (National members have paid dues to the National Association but are not yet members of a local branch) ______AAUW Educational Opportunities Fund contribution* *always appreciated ______AAUW Legal Advocacy Fund contribution*

______AAUW Rockland Newsletter mailing costs $10** **always appreciated for members who would rather receive the newsletter via USPS instead of e-mail 2014-2015 AAUW Membership Directory Form Please note: The final deadline for your name to be included in the Membership Directory is August 1, 2014



Phone: Home ______Work______Cell______E-mail______

College/University ______


College/University ______


College/University ______8 Degree(s)______Major(s)______

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