Next Regular Meeting Date December12, 2016 at 10 Am at NJAMHAA Headquarters

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Next Regular Meeting Date December12, 2016 at 10 Am at NJAMHAA Headquarters

NAME: Finance & Compliance Committee

DATE: Time: Presiding: Recorded By: Sept 19, 2016 10:00 a.m. to Noon Cheryl Marks Young, Co- Julia Schneider chair

Present: Mary Pat Angelini Participated via Phone: Deb Hartel, Cheryl Marks Young, Harry Marmorstein, Jim McCreath, Staff: Julia Schneider, June Noto, Debra Wentz

AGENDA DISCUSSION ACTIONS TIMEFRAME WHO’S ITEMS/ISSUE TAKEN/OUTCOME RESPONSIBLE Approval of the The Committee Co-chair/Board The minutes were N/A N/A June 13, 2016 Treasurer welcomed those on the call m/s/p. meeting minutes initially and those in attendance. After more individuals joined the call, a motion was made to approve the minutes from the previous meeting. The minutes were seconded and approved. Financial Issues The first agenda item discussed A motion was made to October 19, Julia Schneider, concerned the Request for Spending recommend to the 2016 Debra Wentz, for Media Advocacy. Debra Wentz Board to approve up to NJAMHAA Shauna Moses, asked the committee to consider that $10,000 on media Board Consent Finance & NJAMHAA potentially pursue the advocacy spending. Agenda Compliance production of additional videos for The motion was Committee advocacy, noting that the previous seconded and passed. videos produced in June, 2016 very effectively stimulated media coverage, visability via social media and awareness of legislators and policy makers. Slightly under $15,000 was spent in June on radio ads and video production.

Julia Schneider presented the August financials and stated that NJAMHAA is on target with its dues collection at this early stage, having received 24% of the total budgeted amount for the year. Likewise, conference revenue at 16% of budget received to date reflects the fact that the majority of events will take place later in the fiscal year. There were no other remarkable revenue or expense items to note for the August financials.

In regards to the next agenda item, Debra Wentz will reply Following the Debra Wentz Member Hardship Dues Requests, to United Family and meeting discussion was initiated as to the Children’s Society as request by United Family and well as to Esther East Children’s Society to have their dues of Jewish Family AGENDA DISCUSSION ACTIONS TIMEFRAME WHO’S ITEMS/ISSUE TAKEN/OUTCOME RESPONSIBLE reduced. While it was noted that this Service of Greater member has been active and helpful Clifton-Passaic in in NJAMHAA’s advocacy efforts, the regards to the decision was made to disallow any committee’s decision further discounts on the basis that the on their recent committee thought their budget correspondence and should be able to support the full dues requests. In addition, amount. Debra Wentz then presented Debra will reach out to an email sent to NJAMHAA’s VP of another Camden Public Affairs and Member Services NJAMHAA provider to from Esther East of the Jewish Family follow up on the calls Service of Greater Clifton-Passaic, she and Shauna made which informally expressed both her to the new leadership of appreciation for the benefits of Urban Treatment NJAMHAA membership over the Associates to years as well as her wish that the JFS encourage continued agencies receive consideration in membership. terms of reduced dues rates, stating that many of these agencies may not rejoin otherwise due to budget constraints. After discussion among the committee members, it was concluded that no decision would be made without a formal request including financial statements submitted by the particular JFS agencies. Debra Wentz agreed to reply to Esther with this information. Debra also noted that two members ended membership recently: Education & Health Centers of America, Inc. (EHCA), due to the death of its founder and reorganization with a different priority focus; and Urban Treatment Associates, which has new executive leadership.

Operational The Building Search proposal report, June Noto and Julia October 19, June Noto, Issues distributed prior to the meeting, was Schneider will work 2016 Board Julia Schneider then discussed. The report reflects with NJAMHAA’s Meeting Debra Wentz NJAMHAA’s recommendation to rental agent and/or the Shauna Moses pursue a 10 year lease for the UOP1 property owner University Office Plaza 1 (UOP1) to obtain a lease with property on Quakerbridge Road, the desired language, which is in close proximity to the have it reviewed by current NJAMHAA headquarters. Of counsel and bring it to chief concern to both the committee the October and NJAMHAA staff is the wording NJAMHAA Board of the “opt out” clause should meeting for approval NJAMHAA ever lose its state and signing. funding, which as of the date of this meeting, had not been spelled out. AGENDA DISCUSSION ACTIONS TIMEFRAME WHO’S ITEMS/ISSUE TAKEN/OUTCOME RESPONSIBLE NJAMHAA staff will attempt to obtain language in the lease that will be favorable to NJAMHAA such that the lease can be finalized.

Old/New June Noto discussed her report on After discussion, a October 19, June Noto, Business Audio conferencing, which will motion was made to 2016 Julia Schneider, attempt to address the concerns of spend up to $10,000 for NJAMHAA Debra Wentz various conference call participants audio conferencing Board Consent Shauna Moses who at times have trouble hearing all equipment in FY’17. Agenda of the dialogue. It was noted that the The motion was equipment to be purchased will be seconded and passed. portable and therefore can be transported and installed in NJAMHAA’s new location after it relocates. .

The Committee Co-chair/Board M/S/P N/A N/A Treasurer motioned to end the meeting.

Next regular meeting date – December12, 2016 at 10 am at NJAMHAA Headquarters.

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