Proceedings Of The City Of Huntsville Planning Commission

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Proceedings Of The City Of Huntsville Planning Commission


December 20, 2016

A regular meeting of the City of Huntsville Planning Commission was held on Tuesday, December 20, 2016 at 5:00 p.m. in the council chambers on the first floor of the Administration Building located at 308 Fountain Circle. There was a quorum present.

MEMBERS PRESENT: Janet Watson, Les Tillery, Carlos Mathews , Gary Whitley, TJ Meers, Kelly Schrimsher, Devyn Keith, Donna Hendricks, LaFreeda Jordan, Jeff Rice



STAFF & ADVISORS PRESENT: Michelle Jordan, Jim McGuffey, Thomas Nunez, Ashley Nichols, Kimberly Gosa, Claudia Anderson, Dave Scroggins, Nicholas Nene

OTHERS PRESENT: John Hoover, Jerry Cargile, Brian Shipp, Ray Mahaffey, Al Jimmerson, Jerry McCarley, Billy Smith, John Roberts

The meeting was called to order by Ms. Watson, chair. Upon call for the ADOPTION OF MINUTES from the meeting held on November 22, 2016, Mr. Whitley made a motion to adopt the minutes; which was duly seconded by Mr. Mathews and carried unanimously.

OVERLAND COVE PHASE 3; R/S OF LOTS 128-151 OF OVERLAND COVE PHASE 2 was presented for public hearing.

Mr. Nunez stated that this 2.41-acre, Residence 2 District tract was located north of Plummer Road and east of Indian Creek Road. He explained that the Phase 2 layout initially depicted 24 townhome lots within 5 buildings but that since that time, the developer had opted to reduce the 24 lots to 13 lots to be used for single family development.

Ms. Watson then called for public comment.

There being none, the public hearing was declared closed. Planning Commission Minutes December 20, 2016

PEBBLE CREEK PHASE 4 AT RIVER LANDING was presented for public hearing.

Mr. Nunez stated that this 101-acre, Residence 2 District property was located west of Zierdt Road and north of Beadle Lane. He noted that Phase 3 had been granted final approval in November 2016. Mr. Nunez explained that the original layout, approved in 2004, consisted of 60-ft wide, 7500 square feet lots. He continued that this layout depicted 90-ft wide lots. He pointed out that another change included the addition of a stub in the eastern portion of the property.

Ms. Watson then called for public comment.

Al Jimmerson, representing the Hsv-Madison Co. Airport Authority stated that it was unclear as to whether this area in question was included in one of the airport noise exposure zones. He continued that in the case that the property was found to be in a noise exposure zone, the Airport Authority would request that approval of the subdivision be conditional upon the property owner rendering an aviation easement to the Airport Authority and City. He explained that this easement would serve as notice to any potential homebuyers that the property was located in the airport noise exposure zone.

There being no further comments, the public hearing was then declared closed.


Mr. Nunez explained that this Residence 1-C District tract was located north of Wellman Avenue and west of England Street. He explained that initial layout and preliminary approval had been granted in September 2015. He continued that this request was for a layout of 3 lots and pointed out that a portion of an existing home on the property would be demolished so that a side yard setback could be met. Mr. Nunez noted that the Historical Preservation Commission had already granted approval of the demolition.

Ms. Watson called for public comment.

There being no comment for the record, the public hearing was then declared closed.

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RIVER COVE SUBDIVISION (WITHDRAWN) was presented for public hearing.

Ms. Watson noted that although this request had been withdrawn, public comments would still be accepted.

There being no comment for the record, Ms. Watson noted that this hearing would remain open for a future meeting.

SEGERS TRAIL SUBDIVISION was presented for public hearing.

Mr. Nunez stated that this Residence 2 District zoned parcel was located north of Interstate 565 and east of Segers Road. He explained that the request had been presented for preliminary approval the previous month and had been denied. He further explained the denial had been due to concerns voiced from residents of Olde Cobblestone Subdivision concerning a connection to that subdivision. Mr. Nunez noted that this new layout depicted the removal of that stub street which therefore eliminated the connection to Olde Cobblestone.

Ms. Watson then called for public comment.

Aaron Wiggley, 28668 Old Stone Road, thanked the commission for listening to the residents who voiced their concerns at the previous month’s public hearing and for denying the previous layout. He continued by noting that he felt that the new layout of the subdivision would help benefit the residents of both subdivisions (Olde Cobblestone and Segers Trail) equally.

Ed Collins, 28658 Garden Hill Road, stated that he was in favor of the new layout but questioned whether there was a chance that at some point, the layout could be changed again. In response, Mr. Nunez explained that in the event the layout was amended again, adjacent property owners would once again be notified of the new request.

There being no further public comment, the public hearing was then declared closed.

SUMMIT AT PROVIDENCE was presented for public hearing.

Mr. Nunez stated that this 11.46-acre, C-4 zoned tract was located north of Old Monrovia Road and west of Johns Road. He noted that layout approval had been granted in September 2016.

Ms. Watson then called for public comment.

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There being none, the public hearing was declared closed.

LOCATION, CHARACTER, AND EXTENT: PIN POINTS OF INTEREST (#859) was presented for public hearing.

Bob Rogers, Hsv-Madison Co. Convention & Visitors Bureau stated that in May 2017, Huntsville would be the host city of the world’s largest convention of travel bloggers. He explained that this project would consist of the placement of signs which would help to promote attractions in the city and provide fun facts about the city of Huntsville. He presented a sample sign and noted that approximately 20 signs would be located mostly around the downtown area.

Mr. Rogers also pointed out that a website address would be noted on each sign, which would direct the visitor to a page which would detail the attraction noted on the sign.

Ms. Watson called for public comment.

There being no comment for the record, the public hearing was declared closed.

LOCATION, CHARACTER, AND EXTENT: ALABAMA A&M NEW RESIDENCE HALL (#856) was presented for public hearing.

Jerry Cargile, project engineer, stated that this facility would be located on Meridian Street, north of the campus Health & Wellness Center. He presented artist renderings and noted that this co-ed facility would consist of 572 beds. He also pointed out locations for bike racks to be installed, and a sidewalk connecting to the Health & Wellness Center.

Ms. Watson called for public comment.

There being none, the public hearing was declared closed.

BEADLE LANE REZONING (1621) WITHDRAWN was presented for public hearing.

Ms. Watson noted that although this request had been withdrawn, public comments would still be accepted.

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There being no comment for the record, Ms. Watson noted that the public hearing would remain open for a future meeting.

MAHAFFEY REZONING (1623) was presented for public hearing.

Ms. Nichols stated that this large tract, currently zoned Residence 1-B District, was located on the east side of Gray Road and north of Huntsville Brownsferry Road. She explained that the request was to rezone 23.82-acres to Highway Business C-4 District and 77.48-acres to Planned Industrial District. Ms. Nichols noted that this tract did abut Planned Industrial District property, which was also owned by the petitioner of this request. She pointed out that there was a small subdivision located to the south of the tract and that there was also an existing underground quarry operating on the PID zoned parcel. In an effort to provide a larger buffer from the nearby residential area, Ms. Nichols mentioned that the property owner would add a larger buffer to an existing Planned Industrial Park parcel located to the east of the property in question. She continued that the proposed C-4 rezoning would help to add additional commercial property and accommodate future commercial uses.

Ms. Watson called for public comment.

There being no comment for the record, the public hearing was then declared closed.

DAVIS CIRCLE REZONING (1624) was presented for public hearing.

Ms. Nichols stated that this 2.10-acre parcel, presently zoned Medical District, was located on the north side of Davis Circle and east of Dr. Joseph Lowery Boulevard. She explained that the request was to rezone the property to General Business C-3 District. Ms. Nichols noted that there was a church currently located on the tract, which was currently in the process of moving to another location and that there was an intended purchaser for the property.

Ms. Nichols further explained that being that the uses associated with the Medical District zoning were so limited; the intended purchaser was requesting the rezoning. She pointed out the General Business C-3 District zoning would be consistent with zoning of adjacent properties. She noted the City Center site to the north of this location and Twickenham Square to the east of the location.

Ms. Watson then called for public comment.

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Jackie Reed, 303 Jack Coleman Drive, asked whether Huntsville Hospital had been notified of this request. Ms. Nichols responded by stating that Huntsville Hospital had in fact been notified of the request.

There being no further public comment for the record, the public hearing was then declared closed.

BOMAN ZONING (1625) was presented for public hearing.

Ms. Nichols stated that this 1.26-acre, newly annexed property was located on the east side of Old Big Cove Road and on the north side of Kennedy Lane. She noted that the proposed zoning was Residence 1-B District, which would be consistent with zoning of adjacent property.

Ms. Watson called for public comment.

There being no comment for the record, the public hearing was then declared closed.

OVERLAND COVE PHASE 3; R/S OF LOTS 128-151 OF OVERLAND COVE PHASE 2 was presented for layout and preliminary approval.

Mr. Whitley made a motion for layout and preliminary approval on 13 lots; which was duly seconded by Ms. Warden and carried unanimously.

PEBBLE CREEK PHASE 4 AT RIVER LANDING was presented for relayout and preliminary approval.

Mr. Mathews made a motion for relayout approval on 260 lots and preliminary approval on 51 lots with the following modification: cul –de-sac length along street A to 824’, along street B to 867’, along street C to 984’, along street D to 984’, along street E to 962’. The motion was duly seconded by Ms. Warden.

Upon call for discussion, Mr. Whitley asked whether any clarification could be made concerning whether Phases 1-3 of this development were in the airport noise exposure zone. Mr. McGuffey responded that as far as staff was aware, none of the previous phases were included in the noise exposure zone.

Mr. Whitley inquired about the chances of Phase 4 being in the noise exposure zone if in fact Phases 1-3 were confirmed not to be in the zone. In response, Mr.

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McGuffey stated that the Phase 4 property was no further west or any closer to the airport runway than the other phases and that he felt it was safe to assume that it would not be in the noise exposure zone either.

Ms. Watson inquired about whether there had been any complaints regarding noise from residents in the existing phases of this development. Mr. Jimmerson responded by stating that the Airport Authority did receive complaints on occasion. He continued that although noise exposure was not a major issue presently, it would only worsen in the future. Mr. Jimmerson further stated that it was the Airport Authority’s goal to protect as much of the property in the noise exposure area as possible.

Mr. Tillery inquired about the purpose of an aviation easement. Mr. Jimmerson explained that the aviation easement would be recorded in the County Probate Office and would serve as notice that this property was located in a noise exposure zone. He further explained that one of the main objectives of the aviation easement was to state that there would be no construction above a certain height above mean sea level. He explained this was so that there would be no issues in approach or take off areas for the planes. Mr. Jimmerson continued that the easement would also ensure that owners of the property would not cause any interferences which could hamper airport operations.

Ms. Watson asked what the maximum height provision for Residence 2 District. Mr. Nunez responded that the maximum height for R-2 was 30 feet.

Ms. Schrimsher inquired about how often the noise exposure zones were reevaluated. Mr. Jimmerson responded that there was no set time for reevaluation. He explained that the exposure zone determination was based on a comprehensive study which attempted to project conditions 10-30 years in the future. He noted that there were no current plans to conduct another study.

Utilizing the layout and a map detailing the FAA noise exposure boundaries, Mr. Nunez was able to confirm that the property in question, as well as Phases 1-3, were in fact not located within the boundaries of the noise exposure zone.

After a further brief discussion, the motion was then carried unanimously.

PROPST SUBDIVISION; R/S OF EAST HUNTSVILLE ADDITION BLOCK 98 was presented for relayout and repreliminary approval.

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Mr. Mathews made a motion for relayout and repreliminary approval on 3 lots with a waiver on the U&D easement along the north side of lot 2 to 3 ft. The motion was duly seconded by Ms. Warden and carried unanimously.

SEGERS TRAIL SUBDIVISION was presented for relayout and preliminary approval.

Mr. Mathews made a motion for relayout approval on 113 lots and preliminary approval on 57 lots with a waiver on the sidewalk along one side of the street; double fronted lots 1-15, 48-54,and common area D. The motion was duly seconded by Ms. L. Jordan and carried unanimously.

SUMMIT AT PROVIDENCE was presented for consideration.

Ms. Schrimsher noted that this request had been forwarded without recommendation pending signature approval from Harvest/Monrovia Water Authority.

Upon staff confirmation that signature approval had been received, Mr. Whitley made a motion for preliminary approval on 2 lots; which was duly seconded by Mr. Meers.

On staff’s confirmation, Mr. Rice made a motion for final approval on 2 lots with sidewalks to be installed by December 20, 2016 and with improvements to be installed and accepted by the City for maintenance by December 20, 2016. The motion was duly seconded by Mr. Whitley and carried unanimously.

LOCATION, CHARACTER, AND EXTENT: PIN POINTS OF INTEREST (#859) was presented for consideration.

Mr. Whitley made a motion for location, character, and extent approval; which was duly seconded by Ms. Hendricks.

Upon call for discussion, Mr. Mathews asked whether these proposed signs would be in accordance with the city sign ordinance. Mr. McGuffey confirmed that the sign would be in compliance with the sign ordinance.

Mr. Keith inquired about the number of locations for the signs. Mr. Rogers stated that there would be approximately 20 locations. Mr. Keith then inquired about how the locations were determined. Mr. Rogers responded that the Visitors &

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Conventions Bureau chose the locations based on where they felt the most interesting locations for the bloggers would be.

Mr. Keith stated that he felt it was a great idea but suggested it would also have been a great idea to have given businesses the opportunity to pitch the idea of being chosen as a location for a sign.

After further discussion, the motion was then carried unanimously.

LOCATION, CHARACTER, & EXTENT: ALABAMA A&M NEW RESIDENCE HALL (#856) was presented for consideration.

Mr. Meers made a motion for location, character, and extent approval. The motion was duly seconded by Ms. Warden.

Upon call for discussion, Mr. Keith inquired about the timeline for the completion of the project. Brian Tibbs, architect, stated that the projected completion date was November 2017.

Mr. Whitley referenced the sidewalk to be located along Meridian Street and questioned whether any additional streetscape design was planned. In response, Mr. Nunez stated that according to the plan, there would be no additional streetscape included.

Mr. Whitley then suggested that with an additional 572 students in the area, there would be a great deal of students walking and biking to classes. He asked whether additional streetscape to act as a buffer between the street and sidewalk had been considered. Mr. Nunez responded that it had been suggested; however an additional buffer was not a requirement.

Mr. Whitley stated that this was a concern for him and suggested that no additional buffer to widen the space between the sidewalk and street would pose a safety concern for students. In response, Brian Shipp, Director of Facilities (Alabama A&M), noted that there was another residence hall currently located on Meridian Street, as well as Normal Hills Apartments. Mr. Whitley countered that neither of those facilities actually faced Meridian Street. Mr. Shipp noted that students could utilize a walkway located behind the Health & Wellness Center as an alternative

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route. Mr. Whitley suggested that there would still be a concern with students getting to certain locations on campus safely.

Mr. Cargile stated that the sidewalk in the plan would be the same standard sidewalk as those constructed throughout the city and utilized by pedestrians on a regular basis. He further stated that the placement of this sidewalk and its pedestrian activity would not be any different than sidewalks in other similar areas of the city.

Mr. Mathews pointed out that with the addition of more traffic in this particular area of the campus, gaining access to Meridian Street from the residence hall could be difficult. He inquired about whether there were plans to install a traffic light or some other form of traffic calming. In response, Mr. McGuffey stated that staff would be conferring with the Traffic Engineering Division to examine some options for slowing traffic through this area, which could include a reduction in the speed limit.

Mr. Tillery stated that he felt that the concerns voiced were valid but that the issue of concern was a bigger problem and applied not only to this development site but along the entire Meridian Street. He further stated that in order for the safety concerns to be addressed, Alabama A&M would need to provide an additional buffer along the entire Meridian Street corridor and not just for the location in question.

Ms. M. Jordan stated that there had been discussions between staff and university officials concerning Meridian Street’s connection with the campus. She continued by noting that staff would be more than willing to meet with university officials in the near future to determine better ways of making Meridian Street safer for both students and motorists.

In regards to the university transit system, Mr. Rice inquired about the where buses would pick up students from the residence hall. Mr. Shipp responded by stating that buses would enter into the parking lot located at the rear of the building.

Mr. Rice stated that for some time, the Police Department had had concerns regarding the speed limit on Meridian Street. He further stated that he had been in discussions with the Traffic Engineering Division and was in favor of lowering the speed limit on Meridian Street between Industrial Road and Chase Road. Mr. Rice mentioned that this would especially need to be the case with the addition of a 572 bed facility on this corridor.

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There being no further discussion, the motion was carried with Mr. Whitley casting an opposing vote.

MAHAFFEY REZONING (1623) was presented for consideration.

Mr. Whitley made a motion to recommend to City Council that the Mahaffey property be rezoned from Residence 1-B District to Highway Business C-4 District (23.82 acres) and Planned Industrial District (77.48 acres). The motion was duly seconded by Ms. Warden and carried unanimously.

DAVIS CIRCLE REZONING (1624) was presented for consideration.

Mr. Whitley made a motion to recommend to City Council that the Davis Circle property be rezoned from Medical District to General Business C-3 District. The motion was duly seconded by Mr. Meers and carried unanimously.

BOMAN ZONING (1625) was presented for consideration.

Ms. L. Jordan made a motion to recommend to City Council that the Boman property be zoned Residence 1-B District; which was duly seconded by Mr. Mathews and carried unanimously.

INVOCATION/EXTENSION OF BONDS were presented for action.

Upon staff’s recommendation, Mr. Whitley made a motion to recommend invocation of the following bonds:

Southgate Subdivision Phase 1 Magna Carta Place

The motion was duly seconded by Mr. Meers and carried unanimously.

There being no further business to come before the commission, the meeting was then adjourned.

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