Date Time 05/01/2017 7:00 PM Meeting Called to Order by Debbi-Lynn Bateson
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MINUTES WKCCC Meeting Date | time 05/01/2017 7:00 PM Meeting called to order by Debbi-Lynn Bateson
Welcome - In Attendance
Debbi-Lynn Bateson – Chair/Webmaster Lana Luzny – Vice Chair Shannon Zikman Rhonda Dressler – Treasurer Leahann Marr Jason Coleman - Principal Terry Mario – Vice Principal Regrets: Kate Flamont
Jason moved we adopt the agenda. Lana seconded. All in favour. Carried.
Old Business
a. Adoption of Minutes Lana moved we adopt minutes from the March meeting. Shannon seconded. All in favour. Carried.
Executive Reports
a. Chairperson Report Spring Grant Funding:
Cheques will be issued tonight for the Science Fair submissions. There is a delay in the issuing of the band money due to confusion over if they will receive funding from the division. Jason will try and have an answer by the end of the week; if there is no answer by the end of the May, the grant money will be forfeited. Scholarship: Ryan Bruce in guidance contacted Debbi-Lynn last week asking for an extension for the Community Council Scholarship to keep it in line with other deadlines. Debbi-Lynn asked for a date prior to making any changes to our documentation. The date was set for sometime in May (she did not have the email with her) prior to consultation. There was discussion over how deadlines are established for a reason and to push back the deadline does not reflect real-world experiences where deadlines have to be adhered to. It was indicated there were problems with the scholarship process last year and that more proactive systems need to be in place going forward to ensure scholarship information is given to the students in a more appropriate fashion. Jason indicated there is a outgoing transitions core group that can help with scholarships.
NOTE: Debbi-Lynn confirmed after the meeting that the new deadline was May 26th. She sent an email to Ryan Bruce stating the SCC was not pleased with a deadline much later than she thought it would be; that it makes for a tight turnaround time; and that going forward, the SCC would be adhering to the April deadline for scholarship applications. The scholarship has also been set up as an online application, without consultation with the SCC. The issues concerning the scholarship will be on the agenda for the meeting on June 5th.
Regina Autobody Documentation: Terry will provide receipts to Rhonda for the fundraising money received from Regina Autobody, which was spent on ice cream for the staff. Terry will also check into whether RAB will issue fundraising money retroactively.
Shared Values Recognition Program: Debbi-Lynn shared information regarding the Shared Values Recognition Program, which honours Regina Public School employees who exemplify RBE's Shared Values in making significate contributions through their work. This information will be posted to the website and nominations close on May 12, 2017.
b. Vice Chairperson Report No report.
c. Treasurer’s Report Adoption of Treasurer’s Report: Jason moved we adopt the treasurer’s March report. Terry seconded. All in favour. Carried.
Balance Going Forward: It was determined that the minimum bank balance would be decreased from $3,500 to $1,500 and will be closely monitored by the treasurer.
Audit (2015-2016 books): Warren Luzny performed the audit and reported no concerns or recommendations.
d. SRC Report Knoll Spirit Dance: There will be a dance on May 25 from 6:30 – 10:30 and the SRC approached the Council about staffing the concession table. We will need four volunteers for two shifts (6:30 – 8:30 and 8:30 – 10:30). Leahann will recruit some volunteers if needed, following a call out to members absent tonight. It was determined we have enough pop and syrup for sno cones, but Debbi-Lynn will pick up 24 water and 50 individual sized bags of chips. Rhonda will drop off the float prior to the dance and make arrangements to pick it up following the dance. All items will be sold for $1.00 and SRC will indicate change and small bills only on their posters. The SRC will also move the pop and water from the supply cupboard to the fridges the day before the dance.
Page 2 The SRC will be sponsoring a carnival the afternoon of June 9. It was decided that the Council will donate any left over items from the concession stand.
Administration Reports
e. Principal's Report Core Groups: Jason reported on each of the Core groups – Student Engagement, Equitable Outcomes, Incoming Transitions, Educational Technology, Employability and Outgoing Transitions. Formal requests for money from the LIP will be presented in June from Student Egnagement and Educational Technology.
Tripe 8 Data: 97% of grade 10 students are on track for 8 credits; 94% of grade 11 students are on track for 16 credits; and 88% of grade 12 students are on track for 24 credits.
f. Vice Principal Timetables: Timetables are being developed, but will be dependent on staffing allocation. The school is down by 40 students and as a result, we will lose 2 teachers. With the cuts, we are expecting to lost another 2 – 4 teachers. This will result in larger class sizes and the elimination of some stand alone classes (ie: AP)
13 Reasons Why: The board has issued letter to schools asking them to be aware of the Netflix series, 13 Reasons Why, and the implications it might have on the mental health of students. There are concerns it glamorizes suicide and the “revenge” factor.
New Business
a) Council Succession Plan:
Concerns arose from the AGM held earlier in the evening that there are vacancies for all positions and the resulting viability of the Council in future years. Jason proposed using some of the LIP money to mail out a joint Administration/Council letter to each household indicating the need for support. A letter will also be included in the report card package, as well as with the grade nine package sent out in the summer.
Round Table
No report.
Motion to adjourn was made at 8:35 PM and was passed.
Next Meeting
Page 3 Monday, June 5, 2017 at 7:00 at The Barley Mill. Debbi-Lynn will make a 7:00 reservation for 8 people.
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