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Trinity College Dublin
FR4050 French Language for Business (written) FR4051 French Language for Business (oral) FR4052 French BSL Case Writing Project French Department School of Languages, Literatures and Cultural Studies Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences 2011/12
Please note that a Word© version of this document is available from the French Department (e-mail [email protected]) on request. Table of contents
1. A Note on this Handbook 3
2. Introduction 4
3. Staff Contacts 5
4. General Information 6
5. The European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) 8
6. Overview and timetable 9
7. Description of Module FR4050 11
8. Description of Module FR4051 22
9. Description of Module FR4052 31
10. Case Study Guidelines 34
11. General Programme Regulations 49
12. Useful Advice 54
13. Student Supports 57
2 1. A Note on this Handbook
This handbook applies to all SS BSF students who must take the three French modules FR4050, FR4051 and FR4052 as part of their course. These modules are taught by the French department, School of Languages, Literatures and Cultural Studies (SLLCS). The handbook provides a guide to what is expected of you on this programme, and the academic and personal support available to you. Please retain for future reference.
The information provided in this handbook is accurate at time of preparation. Any necessary revisions will be notified to students via e-mail and notices on the notice board. Please note that, in the event of any conflict or inconsistency between the General Regulations published in the University Calendar and information contained in course handbooks, the provisions of the Calendar’s General Regulations will prevail.
3 2. Introduction
Welcome to the French Department, School of Languages, Literatures and Cultural Studies, in Trinity College.
As Business Studies and French, you will be doing 3 French modules during your Senior Sophister year:
FR4050 French Language for Business (Written) FR4051 French Language for Business (Oral) FR4052 French BSL Case Study Writing Project
We hope that you enjoy these modules. They are designed to build on knowledge acquired in the first part of the B.S.L. French Programme and the year abroad, in terms of language skills and understanding of the social, political, cultural and business context in France. They will also foster an awareness of the problems of intercultural communication, in particular as they relate to negotiation.
This programme will keep you very busy, so you need to be well organised and to get going right from the beginning.
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact me.
Wishing you all the best for your SS year.
Claire Laudet BSF Final Year French coordinator
4 3. Staff Contacts
Course coordinator Dr Claire Laudet E-mail: [email protected] , tel.: 01 896 2313, Room 4108, French Department, Arts Building Office hours: Mondays 3 p.m. – 4 p.m.; If this time does not suit you, please e-mail me to organise an alternative meeting.
Teaching Staff Dr Claire Laudet, details as above Dr Paule Salerno, [email protected]. tel. 01 896 1472, room 4113, French Department, Arts Building Dr James Hanrahan, [email protected], tel. 01 896 1841, room 4107, French Department, Arts Building Ms Florence Signorini, [email protected], tel.: 01 896 2313, room 4108, French Department, Arts Building
BESS/BSL French Office Tracy Corbett, e-mail : [email protected] , tel. : 01 896 1333, room 4089, Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays only. The office is open to students from 9.30 a.m. till 11.30 a.m. and from 2.30 p.m. till 3.30 p.m..
5 4. General Information
The BESS/BSF French notice board is located next to room 4094 on level 4 of the Arts Building. Below the notice board, you will find pigeon holes where spare copies of handouts may be found. The staff pigeon holes are located under the main French Department notice board, near room 4111.
Course materials are either available on WebCT ( or sent to the TCD e-mail account of all students registered for the course. If you are having problems accessing WebCT or if you do not receive the course materials by e-mail, please contact the relevant course coordinator immediately.
Computers, language laboratories and satellite TV/video workstations: you are entitled to use the facilities of the Centre for Language and Communication Studies (CLCS) located on level 4 of the Arts Building. To use the facilities, you must have a CLCS ID card valid for the current year (available on registration in the CLCS office, Room 4091).
Audio Language laboratory For self-access use: Room 4074. Video/satellite TV Self-access use only: Room 4074. Computers/DVD playback Self-access use: Room 4074. Self-access and occasional class use: Room 4073.
For more information, check
You may also use the computers in the Public Access Computer rooms but note that you need to have you own headphones if you wish to do listening comprehension work. (See map at
A €20 photocopying levy must be paid to the BESS/BSL French office (room 4089) before Wednesday 12th October, to cover the cost of the handbooks and handouts. No further handouts and documents will be distributed to students who have failed to pay the levy by the due date.
6 Teaching term dates and timetable
Lectures and tutorials start on Monday 27th September.
See details of the timetable for the French components on pages 9 and 10.
You can check your individual time-table on the TCD portal or the BESS/BSF French notice board near room 4094 on level 4 of the Arts Building.
Attendance is compulsory. Students will be deemed unsatisfactory if they miss more than a third of their course of study or fail to submit a third of the required course work in any term. If a student is returned as non- satisfactory (NS) in accordance with the general regulations governing attendance and course work in Calendar H5-H6 for two consecutive terms, the Senior Lecturer may refuse him/her permission to take his/her annual examinations and may required him/her to repeat the year in full. Students who have been returned NS should contact their tutor as a matter of urgency.
Student Surveys will be conducted according to College procedures to allow students to give feedback on the course.
7 5. The European Credit Transfer System (ECTS)
The European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) is an academic credit system based on the estimated student workload required to achieve the objectives of a module or programme of study. It is designed to enable academic recognition for periods of study, to facilitate student mobility and credit accumulation and transfer. The ECTS is the recommended credit system for higher education in Ireland and across the European Higher Education Area.
The ECTS weighting for a module is a measure of the student input or workload required for that module, based on factors such as the number of contact hours, the number and length of written or verbally presented assessment exercises, class preparation and private study time, laboratory classes, examinations, clinical attendance, professional training placements, and so on as appropriate. There is no intrinsic relationship between the credit volume of a module and its level of difficulty.
The European norm for full-time study over one academic year is 60 credits. 1 ECTS credit represents 20-25 hours estimated student input, so a 10-credit module will be designed to require 200-250 hours of student input including class contact time and assessments.
ECTS credits are awarded to a student only upon successful completion of the course year. Progression from one year to the next is determined by the course regulations. Students who fail a year of their course will not obtain credit for that year even if they have passed certain component courses. Exceptions to this rule are one-year and part-year visiting students, who are awarded credit for individual modules successfully completed.
8 6. Overview and timetable
MICHAELMAS TERM 2011 FR4051 FR4050 FR4051 FR4050 TESTS and EXAMS Monday 11-12 Monday 4-5 Wednesday 3-4 Thursday 12-1 Room 4101 Room 4053 Room 4045 Room 4046 Week 5 Note taking & French Economic Oral Skills Translation into 26th Sept – report writing & Business Florence Signorini English 30th Sept Florence Signorini Environment Dr. James Dr Claire Laudet Hanrahan Week 6 French Economic Oral Skills Translation into 3rd – 7th FR4052 Case & Business Florence Signorini English Oct Study Rm Environment Dr. James 3025 Dr Claire Laudet Hanrahan Dr Claire Laudet
Week 7 Note taking & French Economic Oral Skills Translation into 10th- 14th report writing & Business Florence Signorini English Oct Florence Signorini Environment Dr. James Hanrahan Dr Claire Laudet Week 8 FR4052 Case French Economic Oral Skills Translation into 17th – 21nd Study Rm 3025 & Business Florence Signorini English Oct Dr Claire Laudet environment Dr. James Hanrahan Dr Claire Laudet Week 9 Note taking & French Economic Oral Skills Translation into 24th – 28th report writing & Business Florence Signorini English Oct Florence Signorini environment Dr. James Hanrahan Dr Claire Laudet Week 10 Note taking & French Economic Oral Skills Translation into Monday = BANK 31st Oct– report writing & Business Florence Signorini English HOLIDAY 4th Nov Florence Signorini environment Dr. James Hanrahan (Bank Holiday) Dr Claire Laudet
Week 11 8th-12th November READING WEEK Week 12 Note taking & French Economic Translation into 14th – 18th report writing & Business FR4052 Case English Nov Florence Signorini environment Study Dr. James Hanrahan Dr Claire Laudet Dr Claire Laudet
Week 13 Note taking & French Economic Oral Skills Translation into ) 21st – 25th report writing & Business Florence Signorini English Nov Florence Signorini environment Dr. James Hanrahan Dr Claire Laudet Week 14 Note taking & French Economic Oral Skills Translation into Case Study 28th Nov – report writing & Business Florence Signorini English Presentation (10% of 2nd Dec Florence Signorini environment Dr. James Hanrahan FR4052) Dr Claire Laudet Week 15 Note taking & French Economic Translation into 5th – 9th report writing & Business FR4052 Case English Dec Florence Signorini environment Study Dr. James Hanrahan Dr Claire Laudet Dr Claire Laudet
Week 16 Note taking & French Economic Translation into Translation into 12th – 16th report writing & Business FR4052 Case English English test Dec Florence Signorini environment Study Dr. James Hanrahan 10 % of FR 4050 Dr Claire Laudet Dr Claire Laudet Note-taking exam (30 % of FR4051)
10 HILARY TERM 2012 FR4051 FR 4050 FR4050 FR4051 TESTS & Monday 11-12 Monday 4-5 Tuesday 1-2 Wed 3-4 EXAMS Room 3020 Room 3020 Room 4053 Room 4045 Week 21 Negotiation French Economic Translation into 16th – 20th Dr Paule Salerno- & Business French FR4052 Case Jan O’Shea Environment Dr P. Salerno- Study Dr Claire Laudet O’Shea Dr Claire Laudet Week 22 Negotiation French Economic Translation into Negotiation 23rd – 27th Dr Paule Salerno- & Business French Dr Paule Salerno- Jan O’Shea Environment Dr P. Salerno- O’Shea Dr Claire Laudet O’Shea Week 23 Negotiation French Economic Translation into 30th Jan – Dr Paule Salerno- & Business French FR4052 Case 3rd Feb O’Shea Environment Dr P. Salerno- Study Dr Claire Laudet O’Shea Dr Claire Laudet Week Negotiation French Economic Translation into Negotiation 24 Dr Paule Salerno- & Business French Dr Paule Salerno- 6th – 10th O’Shea Environment Dr P. Salerno- O’Shea Feb Dr Claire Laudet O’Shea Week Negotiation French Economic Translation into Negotiation 25 Dr Paule Salerno- & Business French Dr Paule Salerno- 13th – 17th O’Shea Environment Dr P. Salerno- O’Shea Feb Dr Claire Laudet O’Shea Week Negotiation French Economic & Translation into Negotiation Essay Assignment 26 Dr Paule Salerno- Business French Dr Paule Salerno- 20 % of FR4050 20th – 24th O’Shea Environment Dr P. Salerno- O’Shea Translation into Feb Dr Claire Laudet O’Shea French 10 % of FR 4050 Week 27th Feb. – 2nd March READING WEEK 27 Week Negotiation French Economic & Translation into Negotiation Submission of 28 Dr Paule Salerno- Business French Dr Paule Salerno- French Case 5th -9th O’Shea Environment Dr P. Salerno- O’Shea Study by 5 p.m. March Dr Claire Laudet O’Shea on Friday 9th March Week Negotiation French Economic & Translation into Negotiation Submission of 29 Dr Paule Salerno- Business French Dr Paule Salerno- English summary 12th – 16th O’Shea Environment Dr Salerno-O’Shea O’Shea of Case Study by March Dr Claire Laudet 5 p.m. on Friday 16th March Week Negotiation French Economic & Translation into Negotiation 30 Dr Paule Salerno- Business French Dr Paule Salerno- Bank Holiday on 19th – 23rd O’Shea Environment Dr P. Salerno- O’Shea Monday March Dr Claire Laudet O’Shea Week 31 Negotiation French Economic Translation into Negotiation 26th – 30th Dr Paule Salerno- & Business French Dr Paule Salerno- March O’Shea Environment Dr P. Salerno- O’Shea Dr Claire Laudet O’Shea Week 32 Negotiation French Economic Translation into Negotiation Group simulation 2nd – 6th Dr Paule Salerno- & Business French Dr Paule Salerno- oral 10 % of FR April O’Shea Environment Dr P. Salerno- O’Shea 4051 Dr Claire Laudet O’Shea
11 7. Description of Module FR4050
10 ECTS (250 student-input hours)
This is a year-long module, delivered during both Michaelmas and Hilary terms. It is only open to students of Business Studies and French and to some Socrates exchange students.
Course overview
The course is designed to build on knowledge acquired in Freshman part of the B.S.F. French Course and the year abroad, in terms of written language skills and translation as well as an understanding of the business context in France.
It includes the following components:
Extended writing skills/Business Environment Students will be required to study dossiers of articles and documents and write essays. The topics will relate to the French economic and business environment. Students will be trained to write well-structured essays and to improve the accuracy of their written French.
Translation: from and into French. The topics will be linked to current issues in Business. The course will develop an awareness of the translation process and its difficulties.
Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of this module, you will be able to: write extended essays and reports in French on topics relating to the French economic and business environment in accurate French, using the appropriate register and lexis; recall, select, evaluate and organise information relating to aspects of the French economic and business environment in order to write essays as described above. translate journalistic texts to and from French;
12 read, understand and evaluate academic and business sources; edit, evaluate and review your writing critically and effectively, using appropriate resources.
Module timetable
See detailed timetable information on pages 9 and 10.
Key Texts
Monolingual French Dictionary (Le Petit Robert) A French/English one-volume dictionary such as Harraps, Oxford or Collins Towell, R. and Hawkins, R, French Grammar and Usage, Arnold Hawkins, R., Lamy, M.N. and Towell, R., Practising French Grammar, a workbook, Arnold 1997 Supplementary materials will be provided by the French Department.
Extended writing skills One Essay assignment (20 % of mark for FR4050) to be handed in at the end of week 26 (week 6 of HT) or at a time to be agreed.
Penalties for late submission: - 10 % for 1st week, -10 % per day afterwards except if Med. Cert. is presented.
Translation Two Translation Tests, (10 % of mark for FR4050 each), week 16 (week 12 of MT and week 26 (week 6 of HT).
Summer examinations: 2 x 3-hour examination - 30% each of French Business Communication (written) mark. XFR40501 (French Written Language) and XFR40502 (Translation)
See for past papers. .
13 Overview of the Summer Examination breakdown of marks
XFR40501 (French Written Language) 30% XFR40502 (Translation) 30% Business Environment Essay 20% MT translation test 10% HT translation test 10% Total 100%
Please check the on-line exams timetable carefully at timetables.php
There are no Supplemental examinations. Please check the exam results and the exam conventions and contact your College Tutor if you have any queries.
A breakdown of individual mark will be available on WebCT once the examination results for the relevant programme have been published.
The examinations will be graded using the following scale:
1 First Excellent 70-100% 2.1 Upper Second Good 60-69% 2.2 Lower Second Quite good 50-59% 3 Third Adequate 40-49% F1 Fail 1 Weak 30-39% F2 Fail 2 Extremely weak 0-29%
A breakdown of individual mark will be available on WebCT once the examination results for the relevant programme have been published.
Grading Criteria
• The following grade profiles are general and typical: a candidate may not fit all aspects of a profile to fall into that grade band. • The criteria set out below are applied in a manner appropriate to the Senior Sophister year. • Allowance is made for essays/translations that are written under examination conditions, i.e. where time is limited and there is no access to bilingual dictionaries or other resources.
14 15 Essays written in French
I 70+ This grade indicates work of exceptional quality. A first-class essay will demonstrate some, though not necessarily all, of the following:
Language • Rich, complex and idiomatic language, employing a wide range of appropriate lexis correctly; • Tone, register and style wholly suited to the chosen task; • Virtually free from grammatical error; • Showing a very high degree of command of the structures of the language;
Content • Excellent knowledge and understanding of the subject matter; • Independent thought of high quality reflected in an original and imaginative handling of the subject matter; • Comprehensive treatment of the question; • Clear evidence of additional research which goes beyond the content of lectures and set reading; • Incisive critical and analytic ability; • Excellent structure and organisation with a very high degree of coherence and cohesion throughout • Rigorous, entirely relevant and conclusive argument supported by evidence from (where appropriate) primary and secondary sources. • Guided writing (if applicable): very skilful handling of the stimulus material
II.1 60-69: This grade indicates a very competent standard of work. An essay in this range will demonstrate some, though not necessarily all, of the following:
Language • Convincing attempt to use complex and idiomatic language and to employ a wide range of appropriate lexis with minor errors only; • Tone and register consistently suited to the task; • Some grammatical errors, mostly of a minor nature; • Showing a good degree of command of the structures of the language with the occasional lapse;
Content • Very good knowledge and understanding of the subject matter;
16 • Convincing attempt at independent thought reflected in an intelligent approach to the handling of the subject matter; • Deals with all points raised by the question; • Evidence of some additional research which goes beyond the content of lectures and set reading; • Evidence of independent critical response and analysis of the literature; • Generally well organised and structured but lacking coherence and cohesion in places; • Generally rigorous, relevant and conclusive argument; • Guided writing (if applicable): Skilful use of stimulus material
II.2 50-59 This grade indicates work of acceptable competence. The essay will demonstrate some, though not necessarily all of the following:
Language • Language at an acceptable level of complexity with an adequate but predictable range of lexis, and with a number of significant lexical errors; • Makes a number of major grammatical errors, but without impairing comprehension and communication significantly; • Tone and register not always suited to the task; • Showing some confidence in the command of the language, but with quite frequent lapses; • Some anglicisms;
Content • Shows good knowledge of the subject matter, but may be narrow, or somewhat superficial in frame of reference; • Candidate discusses some, but not all of the points raised by the question; • Generally capable, but unimaginative approach to the question; • Relies largely on lecture notes and set reading with limited evidence of additional research; • Reluctant to engage critically with primary and secondary literature; • Satisfactory organisation of material; • Development of ideas uneven and may not always be focused precisely on the question; • Argument may lack rigour, relevance and be inconclusive: there may be some contradiction or inadequately explained points; • Tendency to be narrative or descriptive, rather than analytical • Guided writing (if applicable): satisfactory use of stimulus material
17 III 40-49 Work in this grade will demonstrate some limited though acceptable knowledge of the subject, but will be too simplistic or brief, or contain other major weaknesses.
Language • Language lacks complexity; some basic knowledge of lexis but lacks variety and contains frequent and significant errors; • Tone and register frequently not suited to the task; • Frequent and serious grammatical errors, which impede comprehension and communication; • Limited ability to manipulate language resulting in simple ‘translated’ language which contains many anglicisms
Content • Demonstrates some knowledge of the subject matter, but generally narrow, or superficial in frame of reference; • Fails to discuss many of the points raised by the question; • Some relevant points made, but not always supported by relevant evidence; tendency to unsupported assertions • Reliance on uncritical reproduction of lecture notes; no evidence of additional reading; • Limited ability to organise material • Structure lacks coherence and cohesion • Argument lacks rigour and clarity and is inconclusive; • Descriptive with limited ability to develop ideas • Guided writing: poor use of the stimulus material
F1 30-39 This grade indicates insufficient evidence of serious academic study. The potential of the candidate to proceed to the next year is an important consideration in this grade.
Language • Language is simplistic with very limited knowledge of lexis and very high level of error frequency in choice and use of very basic words; • Tone and register not suited to the task; • Very frequent and serious grammatical errors, which seriously impede comprehension and communication • Very little command of language resulting in simple ‘translated’ language which consists largely of anglicisms
18 • Demonstrates very limited knowledge of the subject matter with little reference beyond it • Content largely irrelevant and disorganised • Misses important implications of the question • Little or no evidence of use of lecture notes or any additional reading • Structure almost wholly lacking in coherence and cohesion • Very limited ability to develop ideas • Entirely descriptive • Poorly documented sources • Guided writing (if applicable): inadequate use of stimulus material
F2 0-29 Written work in the F2 range will reveal some or all of the weaknesses noted under F1, but to a greater, perhaps extreme, extent.
Language • Knowledge and range of lexis almost non-existent; the level of error frequency in choice and use of even the most basic words is unacceptably high; • Tone and register not suited to the task; • Frequency and seriousness of grammatical errors mean that comprehension and communication are impossible; • No command of the structures of the language
Content • Virtually no knowledge of the subject matter • Fails to understand and to address the question • Content irrelevant and disorganised • No evidence of secondary reading • Structure is without cohesion and coherence • No evidence of ability to develop ideas • Lack of supporting material, sources not documented; • Guided writing (if applicable): no use of source material
19 Translation from French into English
I 70+ This grade indicates work of exceptional quality. A first-class translation will demonstrate some, though not necessarily all, of the following:
• Original text rendered with very high level of accuracy both in content and style; only minor, if any, problems of comprehension of the passage; • Stylistically appropriate, fluent and accurate English, which deals successfully with nuances of style, register, metaphor and cultural reference; • Natural and idiomatic expression throughout; • Student correctly identifies all points of difficulty in the translation and deals with them at a high level of competency; • Imaginative, apt translation solutions
II.1 60-69 This grade indicates a very competent standard of work. A translation in this range will demonstrate some, though not necessarily all, of the following:
• Original text rendered with high level of accuracy both in content and style; very good comprehension of the original • For the most part stylistically appropriate, fluent and accurate English, which deals successfully with nuances of style, register, metaphor and cultural reference; • Largely natural and idiomatic expression • Some mistakes in rendering the grammar, syntax and vocabulary of the original, but few serious errors • Competent handling of most points of difficulty in the translation
II.2 50-59 This grade indicates work of acceptable competence. The translation will demonstrate some, though not necessarily all, of the following:
• Original text rendered with a satisfactory to good level of accuracy both in content and style; some errors in comprehension and failure to reflect the original consistently • Does not always deal successfully with nuances of style, metaphor and cultural reference; • Some awkwardness in expression, which, in parts, gives impression of being translated • Some evidence of use of unsuitable register
20 • Not always competent handling of points of difficulty in the translation Some inaccuracy regarding fluency and accuracy in English
III 40-49 Work in this grade will demonstrate some limited translation ability, but contain major weaknesses.
• Original text rendered with poor level of accuracy both in content and style; many errors in comprehension and failure to reflect the original consistently • Does not deal successfully with nuances of style, metaphor and cultural reference; • Translation shows awkwardness in expression and tendency to literal translation • Evidence of use of unsuitable register • Evidence of inability to handle points of difficulty in the translation May contain nonsensical English
F1 30-39 This grade indicates insufficient evidence of serious academic study. The potential of the candidate to proceed to the next year is an important consideration in this grade.
• Original text rendered with very high level of inaccuracy both in content and style: translation fails to produce a coherent passage of English based on the original text; widespread errors in comprehension, translation fails in large measure to reflect the original • Fails to deal with nuances of style, metaphor and cultural reference; • Unsuitable register throughout • Awkward expression throughout, reflecting strong reliance on literal translation • Inability to handle points of difficulty in the translation • Likely to feature nonsensical English
F2 0-29 Translations in the F2 range will reveal some or all of the weaknesses noted under F1, but to a greater, perhaps extreme, extent.
• Minimal to complete failure to understand the original • Complete failure to convey the meaning or even the gist of the original • Incoherent and disjointed English • Unsuitable register throughout
21 Translation from English into French
I 70+ This grade indicates work of exceptional quality. A first-class translation will demonstrate some, though not necessarily all, of the following:
• Original text rendered with very high level of accuracy both in content and style; • Stylistically appropriate, fluent and accurate French which deals successfully with nuances of style, register, metaphor and cultural reference; • Natural and idiomatic expression throughout; • Student correctly identifies all points of difficulty in the translation and deals with them at a high level of competency; • Imaginative, apt translation solutions
II.1 60-69 This grade indicates a very competent standard of work. A translation in this range will demonstrate some, though not necessarily all, of the following:
• Original text rendered with high level of accuracy both in content and style; very good comprehension of the original • For the most part stylistically appropriate, fluent and accurate French, which deals successfully with nuances of style, register, metaphor and cultural reference; • Largely natural and idiomatic expression • Some mistakes in rendering the grammar, syntax and vocabulary of the original, but few serious errors • Competent handling of most points of difficulty in the translation
II.2 50-59 This grade indicates work of acceptable competence. The translation will demonstrate some, though not necessarily all, of the following:
• Original text rendered with a satisfactory to good level of accuracy both in content and style; some errors in comprehension and failure to reflect the original consistently • Does not always deal successfully with nuances of style, metaphor and cultural reference; • Some awkwardness in expression, which, in parts, gives impression of being translated • Some evidence of use of unsuitable register
22 • Not always competent handling of points of difficulty in the translation Some inaccuracy regarding fluency and accuracy in French.
III 40-49 Work in this grade will demonstrate some limited translation ability, but contain major weaknesses.
• Original text rendered with poor level of accuracy both in content and style; many errors in comprehension and failure to reflect the original consistently • Does not deal successfully with nuances of style, metaphor and cultural reference; • Translation shows awkwardness in expression and tendency to literal translation • Evidence of use of unsuitable register • Evidence of inability to handle points of difficulty in the translation May contain nonsensical French
F1 30-39 This grade indicates insufficient evidence of serious academic study. The potential of the candidate to proceed to the next year is an important consideration in this grade.
• Original text rendered with very high level of inaccuracy both in content and style: translation fails to produce a coherent passage of French based on the original text; widespread errors in comprehension, translation fails in large measure to reflect the original • Fails to deal with nuances of style, metaphor and cultural reference; • Unsuitable register throughout • Awkward expression throughout, reflecting strong reliance on literal translation • Inability to handle points of difficulty in the translation • Likely to feature nonsensical French
F2 0-29 Translations in the F2 range will reveal some or all of the weaknesses noted under F1, but to a greater, perhaps extreme, extent.
• Minimal to complete failure to understand the original • Complete failure to convey the meaning or even the gist of the original • Incoherent and disjointed French • Unsuitable register throughout
23 8. Description of Module FR4051
10 ECTS (250 student-input hours)
This is a year-long module, delivered during both Michaelmas and Hilary terms. It is only open to students of Business Studies and French and to some Socrates exchange students.
Course overview
The course is designed to build on knowledge acquired in Freshman part of the B.S.F. French Course and the year abroad, in terms of spoken and written language skills and presentation skills as well as an understanding of the business context in France. It will also foster an awareness of the problems of intercultural communication. It includes the following components:
Negotiation skills: Students will be required to take part in simulations and case studies (including negotiation case studies).
Oral Presentation skills: During MT, students will develop their oral presentation skills, building on their experience during their year abroad. In HT, they will do further work on their formal presentation skills in order to prepare for the final oral examination.
Note taking and report writing: Using video-based documents, students will be trained to take notes and write minutes and compte-rendus in French.
For timetabling details see p. 9 and 10
24 Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of this module, you will be able to: Demonstrate the necessary linguistic and cultural and intercultural skills to perform a range of tasks in spoken and written French; make formal oral presentations of business situations; discuss those situations with native French speakers; analyse business situations so as to solve business problems and present your findings; take part in simulations of business situations requiring an understanding of the negotiation process; take notes from an oral/video stimulus and write reports and compte- rendus in accurate and appropriate French.
Module timetable See detailed timetable information on pages 9 and 10.
Key Texts
Monolingual French Dictionary (Le Petit Robert) A French/English one-volume dictionary such as Harraps, Oxford or Collins Delahaye, Michel, 2005, La négociation d'affaires, Règles, pratiques et applications, Collection Fonctions de l’entreprise, 2º édition, Dunod Supplementary materials will be provided by the French Department.
Assessment Negotiation: Group simulation oral, 20 % of FR4051 mark. Week 10 of HT Note-taking test (3 hours): 30 % of FR4051 mark. Week 12 of MT
Oral Exam: presentation/discussion of business problem (50 % of French Business Communication [Oral/Aural]). This examination will be scheduled during week 4 of the examination period (week starting 23rd of May 2011).
25 Overview of the Examination breakdown of marks
Final Oral examination 50% Note-taking test 30 % Group Negotiation Simulation (HT) 20%
There are no Supplemental examinations. Please check carefully the exam results lists and the exam conventions and contact your College Tutor if you have any queries.
The examinations will be graded using the following scale:
1 First Excellent 70-100% 2.1 Upper Second Good 60-69% 2.2 Lower Second Quite good 50-59% 3 Third Adequate 40-49% F1 Fail 1 Weak 30-39% F2 Fail 2 Extremely weak 0-29%
A breakdown of individual mark will be available on WebCT once the examination results for the relevant programme have been published.
Grading Criteria
• The following grade profiles are general and typical: a candidate may not fit all aspects of a profile to fall into that grade band. • The criteria set out below are applied in a manner appropriate to the Senior Sophister year. • Allowance is made for essays/translations that are written under examination conditions, i.e. where time is limited and there is no access to bilingual dictionaries or other resources.
26 Oral Examinations
The following elements are taken into account to assess a student’s performance:
Performance of the task, pronunciation/intonation, fluency, accuracy, communication skills.
• The following descriptions relate to a non-native learner of the language. • The grade profiles are general and typical: a candidate may not fit all aspects of a profile to fall into that grade band and there may be elements that do not apply to every oral presentation. • The criteria set out below are applied in a manner appropriate to the Senior Sophister year of the degree programme.
I 70+ This grade indicates work of exceptional quality. A first-class oral performance will demonstrate some, though not necessarily all, of the following:
• Excellent level of fluency and accuracy: the language is spoken with few mistakes in lexis, syntax, morphology and pronunciation • Rich, complex and idiomatic language, employing a wide range of appropriate lexis correctly; • Tone, register and style wholly suited to the setting and task • Confidence and ability to discuss a range of topics at an appropriate level of abstraction • Very high level of strategic competence • No comprehension difficulties in an interactive situation • Can respond very fluently to questions on the subject matter and engage effortlessly in dialogue with the examiners.
II.1 60-69 This grade indicates a very competent standard of work. Oral performance in this range will demonstrate some, though not necessarily all, of the following:
• Very good level of fluency and accuracy: the language is spoken with minor mistakes in lexis, syntax, morphology and pronunciation • Attempts complex and idiomatic language, employing a range of appropriate lexis with minor errors only • Tone, register and style consistently suited to the setting and task • Confidence and ability to discuss a range of topics • High level of strategic competence
27 • Only minor comprehension difficulties in an interactive situation • Can respond with a high level of fluency to questions on the subject matter and engage confidently in dialogue with the examiners.
II.2 50-59 This grade indicates work of acceptable competence. The candidate’s oral performance will demonstrate some, though not necessarily all, of the following: • Good level of fluency and accuracy, although the language is spoken with more frequent mistakes in lexis, syntax, morphology and pronunciation • Less ambitious in attempting complex and idiomatic language and when choosing lexis. Greater likelihood of error and of anglicisms when using more complex syntax. • Tone, register and style not always suited to the setting and task • Confidence and ability to discuss a range of topics at a lower level of abstraction and with simplification • Some evidence of strategic competence • Some comprehension difficulties in an interactive situation • Where appropriate, can respond at a satisfactory level of fluency to questions on the subject matter and engage satisfactorily in dialogue with the examiners
III 40-49 Work in this grade will demonstrate some limited ability to express oneself orally in the L2, but contain major weaknesses.
• Low level of fluency and accuracy, with frequent mistakes in lexis, syntax, morphology and pronunciation • Can only use limited and basic vocabulary and syntax. Extensive evidence of anglicisms. • Tone, register and style frequently not suited to the setting and task • Confidence and ability to discuss a range of topics only at a very low level of abstraction and with significant simplification • Little evidence of strategic competence in the L2 and, hence, tendency to revert to English • Frequent comprehension difficulties in an interactive situation • Where appropriate, can respond at only a basic level of fluency to questions on the subject matter and can only engage in a very limited way in dialogue with the examiners
F1 30-39 This grade indicates insufficient evidence of serious academic study. The potential of the candidate to proceed to the next year is an important consideration in this grade
28 • Very low level of fluency and accuracy, with very frequent mistakes in lexis, syntax, morphology and pronunciation, which can result in unintelligibility. • Cannot use even limited and basic vocabulary and syntax with any degree of accuracy. Extensive evidence of anglicisms. • Tone, register and style not suited to the setting and task • Lack of confidence and ability to discuss a range of topics at even the lowest level of abstraction and with significant simplification • No evidence of strategic competence in the L2 and, hence, frequent recourse to English • Significant comprehension difficulties • Responds inadequately to questions on the subject matter and cannot engage satisfactorily in dialogue with the examiners
F2 0-29 Oral communication skills in the F2 range will reveal some or all of the weaknesses noted under F1, but to a greater, perhaps extreme, extent.
• Fluency and accuracy lacking completely; mistakes in lexis, syntax, morphology and pronunciation render the speaker unintelligible • Cannot use even limited and basic vocabulary and syntax with any degree of accuracy. Extensive evidence of anglicisms. • Tone, register and style not suited to the setting and task • Inability to discuss a range of topics at even the lowest level of abstraction and with significant simplification • No evidence of strategic competence • Very significant comprehension difficulties • Responds wholly inadequately to questions on the subject matter and is incapable of engaging in dialogue with the examiners
29 Aural and written comprehension
Note-taking and report writing is assessed on the basis of both content and productive language competence. Candidates are given credit for grammatical and factual accuracy and for correct idiomatic usage in their own words.
I (70+) Language – Near-native competence in conveying communicative intention fully; Very high degree of fluency in appropriate style and register; (Near-)perfect grammatical precision. Within scope of exercise, ability to employ complex language and varied structures and a wide range of appropriate lexis and idiom; Highly successful balance between independent formulation and accurate content. . Content Precise understanding; Consistently renders factual content with almost flawless accuracy. Shows high degree of awareness of sophisticated rhetorical strategies. Thorough and subtle comprehension of implied points with a high degree of accuracy.
II 1 Language – High degree of fluency in appropriate style and register; High degree of grammatical accuracy, ability to convey communicative intention clearly, with minor errors only; Within scope of exercise, ability to command and vary language structures, appropriate lexis and idiom, with minor errors only. Some attempt at balance between independent formulation and accurate content. Content Good understanding; Consistently renders factual content with high degree of accuracy, avoiding major misunderstanding of the original; Shows some awareness of sophisticated rhetorical strategies. Accurate comprehension of implied points.
30 II 2 Language – Fluent, at an acceptable level of complexity in appropriate style and register; Satisfactory communicative ability, but with a number of major grammatical and lexical errors, which do not impair communication significantly; Within scope of exercise, largely successful attempt to employ appropriate language structures, with predictable range of lexis and idiom; Some attempt at own formulation, but over-reliance on text of the original. Content Adequate understanding; Renders factual content accurately with a fair degree of consistency, but with some major lapses of understanding; Shows some basic awareness of rhetorical strategies or implied points.
III Language – Intelligible, though not always accurate or at an appropriate level of complexity in style and register; Basic communicative ability, but with many major grammatical and lexical errors, which impair communication in places; Within scope of exercise, unsuccessful or no attempt to employ appropriate language structures, with very basic range of lexis and idiom; No attempt at reformulation, imbalance between own simple phrasing and almost verbatim quotation from the original. Content Basic, sometimes inadequate understanding and unfocused answer to question; Factual accuracy either defective or only in the simplest form, significant confusion and problems of understanding; Shows no awareness of rhetorical strategies or implied points.
F 1 Language –
31 Predominantly inaccurate usage, at an inappropriate level of style and register; Lacks basic communicative ability, high incidence of basic grammatical and lexical errors, which frequently impair communication; Within scope of exercise, inability to employ appropriate language structures; serious errors even within very limited range of lexis and idiom; No attempt at reformulation of quotation from the original; inaccurate quotation.
Content Inadequate understanding; Completely inaccurate or confused reproduction of facts, little grasp of content; Poor grasp of lexis and structures leads to major failure in comprehension; Shows no awareness of rhetorical strategies or implied points.
F2 (0 - 29) Work in the F2 range will reveal some or all of the weaknesses noted under F1, but to a greater, perhaps extreme, extent. Almost complete failure to comprehend original; grammatical and lexical deficiencies entirely impede intelligibility.
32 9. Description of module FR4052
FRENCH BSL CASE WRITING PROJECT f 10 ECTS credits (250 student-input hours)
Please note that you must pass FR4052 as it is a non-compensatable component of your degree.
This is a year-long module, delivered during both Michaelmas and Hilary terms. It is only open to students of Business Studies and French and is compulsory for them.
Course overview
Students are required to take Senior Sophister Strategic Management course BU4501 as a capstone course in their final year. This course will provide the core business academic support for both case writing and analysis. Students will conduct in-depth research on a firm and its environment and use the data collected to complete a major case writing project in French. The firm selected will be based in the country of the student’s target language. The selection should be done during the second half of the Junior Sophister year. This project will be linked to and supported by the Senior Sophister Strategic Management course BU4501. Course content will direct the structure and content of the case.
The case writing assignment will be supported by both the French department and the Business School. Language supervision will be provided through engagement with the student during the data collection, analysis and write-up stages.
Business content input will be provided through the study of strategic management (BU4501) and also through the provision of a number of special purpose case-writing seminars.
The Process Having selected a suitable organisation the student should then engage in an initial process of data collection on the company, its industry and its macro environment. Much of this data will ideally be in French and
33 gathered during the year abroad. When the student returns to Trinity for their Senior Sophister year the process of data collection will continue.
Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of this module, you will be able to: demonstrate your ability to study a real life business organisation with a view to understanding its strategic situation; identify, source, gather and make sense of data about a firm itself and its strategic situation a firm’s macro-environment and industry environment write up research data in a coherent and focused manner link and use course material in ‘real world’ unstructured situations write a major business project in accurate French, demonstrating the ability to adopt an appropriate plan, structure, discourse, style, and presentation.
Module timetable
See detailed timetable information on pages 9 and 10.
Teaching Information:
A reintegration meeting and a case writing seminar will take place on Thursday 29th September between 1.00pm – 4 pm in Room 3.19 in Aras an Phiarsaigh.
7 group sessions will take place during MT and the early part of HT (See pages 9 and 10). Students are expected to meet their language supervisor at least twice per semester (MT and HT). The onus is on students to contact their language supervisor. There will also be 3 joint meetings with your language supervisor and the strategig management lecturer.
Key texts
Naumes W. & Naumes, M., The Art & Craft of Case Writing, Sage Publications, 2006
34 Useful strategy textbooks in French
Leroy, Frédéric (2004), Les stratégies de l’entreprise, Collection Les Topos, Dunod, 128 p., ISBN 2 10 006860 1, €9
Detrie, Jean-Pierre et Lispe (2005), Strategor Politique générale de l'entreprise, Collection Gestion Sup, Dunod, EAN13 : 9782100083145, €45, (version électronique payante (39,99€) à télécharger disponible sur id_livre=58797&id_theme=&format=3&id_collec=&rubzone=STD# )
We strongly recommend that you get a copy of: A Monolingual French Dictionary (Le Petit Robert). A worthwhile investment for all students of French. Check on-line prices on French web-sites such as or as they tend to sell it for around €55 as opposed to €75 or more on UK or Irish web- sites/bookshops. A French/English one-volume dictionary such as Harraps, Oxford- Hachette or Collins-Robert. Pocket dictionaries are not sufficient.
Supplementary materials will be provided by the French Department.
35 10. CASE STUDY GUIDELINES 2011-2012
Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
School of Languages, Literatures and Cultural Studies School of Business
The submission of a Case Study is a formal requirement of TCD for all BBS (Language) candidates. IT IS A NON-COMPENSATABLE COMPONENT OF YOUR DEGREE.
The project requires that you conduct in-depth research on a firm and its environment and use the data, which you collect during the JS and SS years, to complete a major case writing project in the target language. The firm, which you select, will be based in the country of your target language. This project will be linked to and supported by the Senior Sophister Strategic Management module BU4501, which you are required to take. This module will provide the core business academic support for both case writing and analysis. At the beginning of the academic year a number of case writing seminars will be run by Dr Jim Quinn with a view to developing case writing skills.
The material covered in BU4501 will direct and facilitate the structure and content of the case writing project. An assessment link between the case and the BU4501 course will be achieved through the submission of a summary of the case in English.
36 THE PURPOSE OF CASE-WRITING IS: - TO CONNECT THEORY WITH APPLICATION AND TO TEST YOUR UNDERSTANDING OF THEORY: the case study gives you an opportunity to relate the theory that you have learned on the course to a specific business or management setting in the practical world, to demonstrate your ability to evaluate the existing literature in a critical way and to relate this knowledge to ‘real world’ unstructured situations; - TO PROVIDE EXPERIENCE OF STUDYING A REAL LIVE BUSINESS ORGANISATION with a view to understanding its strategic situation; - TO DEVELOP DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYTIC SKILLS: the case study gives you hands-on experience of identifying/sourcing, gathering and making sense of data about a firm and its strategic situation, its macro-environment and industry environment; - TO PROVIDE EXPERIENCE OF WRITING UP RESEARCH DATA in a coherent, analytic and focused manner and draw conclusions within the framework of a significant business project in your target language. - TO DEMONSTRATE THAT YOU CAN DERIVE CONCLUSIONS THAT ARE RELEVANT TO THE BROADER BUSINESS CONTEXT, thus showing your ability to analyse more generally business and management problems.
LENGTH AND LANGUAGE i. The final complete case in the target language should not exceed 10,000 words, not including exhibits and/or appendices (See PRESENTATION below). This will comprise two elements: the case study/narrative (7,500 words) and a thematically driven case analysis (2,500 words). Students who do not adhere to these word limits by more than 10% will be penalized at the discretion of the examiners. ii. Summary of the Case in English, 5,000 words (See PRESENTATION below). The English-language summary should contain a narrative synopsis of the case study/narrative and all exhibits and appendices from the original case. The thematic analysis must not be included in the English summary.
37 NOTE: Students should write their case directly in the foreign language and avoid translating from English into the target language. iii. Strategic Analysis of the written case in English, which should not exceed 3,000 words. This forms part of the assessment for Strategic Management: BU4501.
Students must follow the Clear Print guidelines available at
The target-language case should comprise the following elements:
Title-page: Giving title, name of author, name of supervisor and year of submission.
Table of Contents: Listing introduction, chapter and section headings and bibliography, appendices with the page numbers on which each starts.
Introduction: Setting out briefly (no more than a page) the objectives and scope of the case.
Text: This will comprise 2 elements: a case study/narrative (7,500 words) and a thematically driven case analysis (2,500 words) and will be set out in chapters and sections using titles and subtitles, divided as most appropriate to the material being used and the challenges being presented. These must be listed in the Table of Contents. Footnotes should be used where appropriate. If exhibits are included, they must be linked and referenced clearly to the main text. Tables and charts should be clear and, where possible, integrated in the text.
The case narrative presents the strategically interesting themes and events which the company has faced/is facing and places these within their internal and external context.
38 The thematic analysis should address the following points:
1. What are the key strategic themes that emerge in the case (these may relate to environmental and industry context, competition, markets, or be intra-organisational relating to resources and competencies)? 2. How might the company respond to the strategic challenges presented?
The thematic analysis should make use of the data presented in the case narrative, but it must adopt an evaluative and analytic approach. It should not simply repeat information presented in the case narrative. It may draw on theoretical models presented in BU4501.
Summation and questions posed: Summarising the events and end state of the case and the challenges posed. Developing a series of questions that reflect the strategic challenge(s) posed by the case.
Bibliography: Listing all primary and secondary sources consulted. It should follow the conventions used in the target language.
The case should be typed, preferably using a word-processing package, with 1.5 spacing on one side only of good white paper (A4). The work should have a 4cm left hand margin and a minimum of 2cm should be used for top, bottom and right. The typing should be reasonably consistent in the length of line and the number of lines per page. The pages should be numbered consecutively. A binding (e.g., spiral plastic) is required. However good the typist, significant errors may occur, especially in a foreign language. It is the responsibility of the candidate to proof-read the final draft and the final case study, paying special attention to the transcription and referencing of quotations. It follows that arrangements for typing should not be left to the last minute.
Quotations: Layout of quotations differs according to length and target language conventions. • Short quotations (less than about 40 words) should be enclosed within quotation marks and run on with the main text. • Longer quotations should be indented and single spaced, starting on a new line, without quotation marks. Quotations should be in their original language and, where necessary, a translation or paraphrase in the target language (French, German, Russian, Polish or Spanish) should be given in a footnote.
The English Summary
The English summary should follow the structural guidelines of the full case study in the target language. As such, it should conform to the actual case study in terms of its introduction, conclusions, bibliography and appendices, but it should not include the thematic analysis.
The main body of the work should be edited in such a way that it can meaningfully convey to your supervisor and the lecturer in charge of BU4051 the key elements of your strategically focused narrative and significance of any data collected. It is expected that this will be done within a limit of 5,000 words.
The following framework may act as a guide: A. During the Junior Sophister year, from January onwards Select a business/commercial organisation whose origin lies in the country of your target language. This should be done during the second half of the Junior Sophister year. The firm concerned should be substantive enough and have sufficient profile to provide data for case writing purposes; • Engage in an initial process of data collection on the company, its industry and its macro environment (e.g., statistics from official and professional bodies, academic journals, trade journals, databases, business and economic press, annual reports of the company). Much of this data will ideally be in the target language; • Define the issues that you wish to examine in terms of a question or questions; Submit the report form on or before the agreed deadline Prepare a progress report to be submitted to the relevant language department by the first teaching day of your Senior Sophister year.
B. During the Senior Sophister year
For the case narrative:
40 • Ensure that you have a clearly defined focus in the narrative Review your data (primary and secondary sources of data) and engage, if necessary, in further data collection in order to deal fully with the topic/questions to be investigated • Finalise the structure of your case narrative
For the thematic analysis Identify the academic literature that relates to the topic and analyse it in order to identify what it has to say about the question/s that you wish to answer. Consider contrasting viewpoints adopted by different theorists and drawing on different (relevant) models to explain your findings, e.g., Pestel. • Analyse the data or information in order to reveal what it has to say about the issues being examined; • Draw conclusions by linking the analysis with the theory. How does your own analysis explain events when compared with the explanations in the literature? Does it confirm the literature or is it at variance with it? Have you discovered anything not revealed or covered by the literature? Don’t forget to make recommendations.
Assessment of Case
The case is assessed on four dimensions:
Content (target language version): 30%; Language 50%; MT Oral Presentation: 5%; Process: 5%; English Language Summary: 10%.
The content of the case narrative and thematic analysis will include assessment of:
The quality and originality of the case study; The general breadth and depth of the reading and research underlying the case; The analytical challenge presented to the reader: o How well does the case test the reader with respect to the key question(s), decision(s) or issue(s) posed by the case?
41 o How well does the case make use of qualitative, quantitative and graphical data in creating the analytical challenge? The conceptual challenge presented by the case; The presentational challenge presented to the reader: o How well does the writer structure the information? o How creative and appropriate are headings/subtitles used to guide the reader? o How creative and effective is the use of tables, figures, charts and graphs?
The content of the case will be assessed by the language supervisor in consultation with Dr Jim Quinn, who will have reviewed and assessed the English language summary.
• ENGLISH LANGUAGE SUMMARY (10%) The content of the English language summary will be assessed according to the same criteria as the target language version.
• LANGUAGE (50%)
The following aspects will be taken into account:
• grammatical accuracy, • lexis, • style and register, • structure and transitions.
A 10-minute presentation will be made to the target language supervisor(s) during week 10 of MT and will be centred on the following issues: 1. Company profile and reasons for choosing the company; 2. Progress in data collection and organisation of materials/information; 3. Overview of data analysis; 4. Assessment of your progress to date. Marks will be awarded for content, presentation skills and quality of the language used.
• PROCESS (5%) Under this heading, the language supervisor will evaluate the student’s progress throughout the case writing process.
42 • Marks will be awarded on the basis of assessment of student performance in terms of adherence to interim work deadlines, including during the Junior Sophister year and the quality of interim work presented, including the 1,000-word report submitted on day 1 of Michaelmas term and the 1,000-1,500-word draft summary of the company’s history (see below). Students must ensure that they make regular contact with their supervisor. Supervisors will also evaluate the degree and quality of responses by the student to supervisory suggestions and feedback given during the year.
Deadlines must be adhered to by all students. Permission for extensions will only be granted in exceptional circumstances and following a meeting with the student concerned (and their tutor if they so wish). Penalties will be applied for not meeting the mandatory deadlines and this will affect your process mark (see below).
1 DAY 1 OF MICHAELMAS TERM 2011 (Monday, 26 September 2011): Progress report in the target language to language supervisor This will consist of a work content and timeline plan for Michaelmas term along with details of preliminary work undertaken during the JS year (1,000 words).
2 WEEK TEN OF MICHAELMAS TERM 2011: A. Presentation in the target language to supervisor (10-minute PowerPoint presentation) centred on the following issues: 1. Company profile and reasons for choosing the company 2. Progress in data collection and organisation 3. Overview of data analysis 4. Assessment of your progress to date B. Submission of a draft version of the section of the case study outlining the company’s history. (1,000/1,500 words)
3 FRIDAY OF WEEK 8 OF HILARY TERM 2012 BY 12 NOON (Friday, 9 March 2012) Submission of the case in the target language – 2 copies to the relevant language department (and an additional one for yourself). You must also submit an electronic version of the case to the language supervisor.
43 4 MONDAY OF WEEK 10 OF HILARY TERM 2012 BY 12 NOON (Monday, 19 March 2012) Submission of the 5,000-word English language summary – 3 copies to the relevant language department (and one for yourself). You must also submit an electronic version of the case to the language supervisor and to Dr Quinn.
5 FRIDAY OF WEEK 10 OF HILARY TERM 2012 BY 12 NOON (Friday, 23 March 2012) Submission of the strategic analysis of the case (written in English). This will account for 20% of the assessment on the strategic management course BU4501. Two copies to be handed in to the Business School. Further details on length from Dr Quinn.
FRIDAY IN WEEK 8 OF HILARY TERM 2012 by 12 noon • Final version of case in target language Two copies must be submitted to the Department of Germanic Studies/French/Russian & Slavonic Studies/Spanish, including a signed declaration of authorship, and you should retain a third one for yourself. You must also submit an electronic version of the case to the language supervisor.
MONDAY IN WEEK 10 OF HILARY TERM 2012 BY 12 Noon • Final version of summary in English Three copies of each must be submitted to the Department of Germanic Studies/French/Russian & Slavonic Studies/Spanish, including a signed declaration of authorship, and you should retain a fourth one for yourself.
Strategic Analysis in English
Two copies should be submitted to the School of Business Studies
The final case and summary must be submitted according to the Submission Procedures of the respective language departments and, in the case of the Strategic Analysis, of the School of Business (See Handbooks). No submission will be accepted after the deadlines unless an extension has been granted prior to the deadline by the relevant coordinator on presentation of medical evidence.
The case writing assignment will be supported by both the relevant language department and the Business School. Language supervision will be provided through engagement with students during their Senior Sophister year. The language supervisor provides guidance on conventions regarding presentation, referencing, and on language (stylistic and structural issues). The language supervisor will also support students in refining their data collection and in progressing through the data analysis and write-up stages. Business content input will be provided through the Strategic Management Module BU4501 and also through the provision of a number of special case writing seminars by the School of Business.
The precise modalities of supervision will be defined by each language department. In general, language supervisors should expect to meet with each student on 1 occasion during each term. Additional meetings can take place subject to agreement with the student that such meetings would be necessary and fruitful. The onus is on students to attend these meetings and to keep their work on schedule. The initial meeting should focus primarily on the research process and expectations regarding the nature of the case study. Group meetings may be appropriate. In addition, there will be a joint supervision session between the language supervisor, the BU44501 lecturer, and the student.
45 WARNING The language and content of the case must be the student’s own work. Editing and/or re-writing by a native speaker is strictly prohibited.
Any discrepancy between the standard of the language in the case and of other submitted work will be investigated and, following consultation with the external examiner, may be taken into account in determining the final grade.
Copying from a book, article, website or any other source, extensive paraphrasing of a single work are not acceptable practices. Plagiarism (i.e., dishonestly representing an author’s view as your own) is a disciplinary offence against College regulations and carries severe penalties. Short quotations are acceptable, even desirable, but must be acknowledged by means of appropriate reference giving author, title of work and page number. Similarly, all paraphrasing must be acknowledged in the text and appropriately referenced in the bibliography.
The following declaration must be included and signed when submitting your case study:
“ I declare that this case study, either in whole or in part, has not been submitted as an exercise for a degree at this or any other university. I declare that this case study is entirely my own work except where duly acknowledged. I further declare that any materials directly cited as quotations/extracts from other works have been fully referenced in the test of the work and that all sources used in the preparation of this work have been listed in the Bibliography. I have read the statement on plagiarism in the Undergraduate Handbook of the Department of Germanic Studies/French/Russian and Slavonic Studies/Spanish and understand that it is an offence that may result in expulsion from the University. I agree that the libraries of the Departments of Germanic Studies, French, Russian and Slavonic Studies, Spanish and of the School of Business Studies library may lend or copy this case study upon request. “
Signed : ......
Date : ......
The aim of these guidelines is to capture the main features of performance at different degree class levels. These descriptions should be taken as indicative rather than prescriptive: assessment of degree classes is multi- dimensional and excellence in one dimension can compensate for weakness in another. Submitted work that is poorly presented or inadequately referenced is likely to be penalised by (at least) a class unless defects are outweighed by exceptional quality.
The content of the case narrative and thematic analysis is assessed on the basis of the following:
originality and creativity in choice of target and topic(s) quality of data gathered and presented comprehensiveness and accuracy of narrative derived from the data integration of a range of materials leveraging of the design opportunities presented by the data and literatures evidence of wide reading insight into the theoretical opportunities and issues presented by the case originality of overall exposition or treatment.
First Class Honours I (70–100)
This grade indicates work of exceptional quality. A first-class case study will demonstrate some, though not necessarily all, of the following:
Content Case Narrative Excellent knowledge of the subject matter and intelligent comprehensive understanding of the topic’s wider implications Clear evidence of ability to leverage the opportunities presented by the data Independent thought of high quality reflected in an original and imaginative handling of the subject matter Clear evidence of thorough original research
47 Excellent knowledge and ability to assess the relevance of the information from primary and secondary sources Rigorous, entirely relevant, excellent structure and organisation with a very high degree of coherence and cohesion throughout (Near-)flawless formulation and persuasively communicated throughout Original choice of topic; original angle on topic Comprehensive and accurate narrative derived from the data throughout
Thematic Analysis Incisive analytic ability Excellent critical focus on the question/s raised by the case narrative Independent critical response to the primary and secondary sources Excellent handling of relevant primary and secondary sources to support argument Rigorous, entirely relevant, excellent structure and organisation with a very high degree of coherence and cohesion throughout
Language • Rich, complex and idiomatic language, employing a wide range of appropriate lexis correctly • Tone, register and style wholly suited to the chosen task • Virtually free from grammatical error • Showing a very high degree of command of the structures of the language
Second Class First Division II.1 (60 - 69)
This grade indicates a very competent standard of work. A case study in this range will demonstrate some, though not necessarily all, of the following:
Content Case Narrative Very good understanding and thorough knowledge of the subject matter Convincing attempt at independent thought reflected in intelligent approach to the subject matter Coherent and clearly focused within a carefully planned framework, dealing with all aspects of the question Convincing attempt to leverage the opportunities presented by the data Convincing attempt at thorough original research Generally well organised and structured, but some lack of cohesion in places
48 Generally persuasively communicated throughout, with only minor flaws in formulation and presentation Convincing choice of topic; intelligent approach to topic Generally comprehensive and accurate narrative derived from the data
Thematic Analysis Evidence of analytic ability Sustained critical focus on the question/s raised by the case narrative Evidence of ability to respond critically to the primary and secondary sources Competent handling of relevant primary and secondary sources to support argument Generally well organised and structured, but some lack of cohesion in places
Language • Convincing attempt to use complex and idiomatic language and to employ a wide range of appropriate lexis with minor errors only • Tone and register consistently suited to the task • Some grammatical errors, mostly of a minor nature • Showing a good degree of command of the structures of the language with the occasional lapse
Second Class Second Division II.2 (50 - 59)
This grade indicates work of acceptable competence. The case study will demonstrate some or all of the following:
Case Narrative Shows good knowledge of the subject matter, but may be narrow in frame of reference or superficial Generally aware of implications of the subject matter, discusses some, but not all of the points raised by it; unimaginative approach Reliance on limited range of primary and secondary sources Limited ability to leverage opportunities presented by data Satisfactory organisation and clear presentation of material, but may omit some material of relevance or contain some which is irrelevant
49 Development of ideas effective but uneven, maintains focus on subject matter, but not always precisely May lack rigour; some contradiction and repetition; some unsupported or inadequately explained points Readable, but occasional significant flaws in formulation and/or presentation Suitable choice of topic; conventional approach to topic Narrative derived from the data is limited in comprehensiveness and not always accurate
Thematic Analysis Reluctant to engage critically with primary and secondary sources Tendency to be narrative or descriptive, rather than analytical Limited critical focus on the question/s raised by the case narrative Uneven handling of relevant primary and secondary sources to support argument Satisfactory organisation, cohesion and coherence May lack rigour; some contradiction and repetition; some unsupported or inadequately explained points
Language • Language at an acceptable level of complexity with an adequate but predictable range of lexis, and with a number of significant lexical errors • Makes a number of major grammatical errors, but without impairing comprehension and communication significantly • Tone and register not always suited to the task • Showing some confidence in the command of the language, but with quite frequent lapses • Some anglicisms
Third Class III (40 - 49)
A case study in this grade will demonstrate some limited though acceptable knowledge of the subject matter, but will be too simplistic or brief, or contain other major weaknesses.
Content Case Narrative Demonstrates some knowledge of the subject matter, but generally narrow in frame of reference;
50 Satisfactory engagement with the issues, but adopts mechanical approach; fails to discuss many of the points raised by or see all implications of the data; Some relevant points made, but not always supported by relevant evidence Reliance on very limited range of primary and secondary sources Limited ability to organise material; structure lacks coherence and cohesion Lacks rigour and clarity; tendency to unsupported assertions Limited ability to develop ideas Adequate presentation and capacity to articulate, but with serious flaws Poor choice of topic; simplistic approach to topic Narrative derived from the data is very limited in comprehensiveness and reveals many inaccuracies.
Thematic Analysis Descriptive with limited ability to develop ideas Inadequate critical engagement with the issues raised by the case narrative Limited ability to organise material; structure lacks coherence and cohesion Some relevant points made, but not always supported by relevant evidence Very uneven handling of relevant primary and secondary sources to support argument
Language • Language lacks complexity; some basic knowledge of lexis but lacks variety and contains frequent and significant errors • Tone and register frequently not suited to the task • Frequent and serious grammatical errors, which impede comprehension and communication • Limited ability to manipulate language resulting in simple ‘translated’ language which contains many anglicisms
Fail F1 (30 - 39) This grade indicates insufficient evidence of serious academic study.
51 Content Case Narrative Demonstrates minimal knowledge of the subject matter with little reference beyond it Content largely irrelevant and disorganized Generally naive approach or serious misunderstanding of the subject matter, misses important implications Little or no evidence of use of either primary or secondary sources; Structure almost wholly lacking in coherence and cohesion Very limited ability to develop ideas; either dogmatic assertion or over- descriptive summary or both Clumsy style; poor articulation and presentation; poorly documented sources Poor choice of topic; ill-conceived approach to topic Narrative derived from the data is extremely limited in comprehensiveness and reveals a significant number of inaccuracies
Thematic Analysis Little or no evidence of reflection or engagement with data presented in the case narrative Little or no evidence of use of either primary or secondary sources Structure almost wholly lacking in coherence and cohesion Content largely irrelevant and disorganized
Language • Language is simplistic with very limited knowledge of lexis and very high level of error frequency in choice and use of very basic words • Tone and register not suited to the task • Very frequent and serious grammatical errors, which seriously impede comprehension and communication • Very little command of language resulting in simple ‘translated’ language which consists largely of anglicisms
Fail F2 (0 - 29) Written work in the F2 range will reveal some or all of the weaknesses noted under F1, but to a greater, perhaps extreme, extent.
Content Case Narrative
52 Virtually no knowledge of the subject matter Fails to understand and to address the issues raised by the subject matter Content irrelevant and disorganized No evidence of secondary reading or use of primary sources Lack of supporting material, sources not documented Structure is without cohesion and coherence No evidence of logical organization or ability to develop ideas Extremely poor articulation and presentation; formulation frequently incomprehensible Very poor choice of topic; entirely uninformed approach to topic Narrative derived from the data is unacceptably limited and reveals a very significant number of inaccuracies
Thematic Analysis Fails to understand and to address any relevant issues Content disorganized No evidence of secondary reading or use of primary sources Lack of supporting material, sources not documented Structure is without cohesion and coherence No evidence of logical organization or ability to develop ideas
Language • Knowledge and range of lexis so limited that no mark can be awarded; the level of error frequency in choice and use of even the most basic words is unacceptably high • Tone and register not suited to the task • Frequency and seriousness of grammatical errors mean that comprehension and communication are impossible • No command of the structures of the language
53 11. General Programme Regulations
For information on the Course Regulations, please consult the relevant handbook (available on line at or see
Detailed exam conventions are available on line at
Examination papers and results (College Calendar, H9)
45. Access to scripts and discussion of performance (i) All students have a right to discuss their examination and assessment performance with the appropriate members of staff as arranged for by the director of teaching and learning (undergraduate) or the head of department as appropriate. This right is basic to the educational process. (ii) Students are entitled to view their scripts when discussing their examinations and assessment performance. (iii) Students’ examination performance cannot be discussed with them until after the publication of the examination results. (iv) To obtain access to the breakdown of results, a student or his/her tutor should make a request to the director of teaching and learning (undergraduate) or course co- ordinator. (v) Examination scripts are retained by schools and departments for thirteen months from the date of the meeting of the court of examiners which moderates the marks in question and may not be available for consultation after this time period. 46 Re-check/re-mark of examination scripts (i) Having received information about their results and having discussed these and their performance with the director of teaching and learning (undergraduate) or the head of department and/or the appropriate staff, students may ask that their results be reconsidered if they have reason to believe: (a) that the grade is incorrect because of an error in calculation of results; (b) that the examination paper specific to the student’s course contained questions on subjects which were not part of the course prescribed for the examination; or (c) that bias was shown by an examiner in marking the script. (ii) In the case of (a) above, the request should be made through the student’s tutor to the director of teaching and learning (undergraduate) or course co-ordinator as appropriate. (iii) In the case of (b) and/or (c) above, the request should be made through the student’s tutor to the Senior Lecturer. In submitting such a case for reconsideration of results, students should state under which of (b) and/or (c) the request is being made. (iv) Once an examination result has been published it cannot be amended without the permission of the Senior Lecturer. (v) Requests for re-check or re-mark should be made as soon as possible after
54 discussion of results and performance and no later than twelve months from the date of the meeting of the court of examiners which moderated the marks in question. (vi) Any student who makes a request for re-check or re-mark that could have implications for their degree result is advised not to proceed with degree conferral until the outcome of the request has been confirmed.
Academic appeals (College Calendar, H10)
47 The Academic Appeals Committee meets to consider appeals arising out of examinations or other academic circumstances where a student case (i) is not adequately covered by the ordinary regulations of the College, or (ii) is based on a claim that the regulations of the College were not properly applied in the applicant’s case, or (iii) represents an ad misericordiam appeal. An appeal other than an ad misericordiam appeal, cannot be made against the normal application of College academic regulations approved by the University Council. The Academic Appeals Committee will consider appeals concerning events occurring more than eighteen months previously only in the most exceptional circumstances. Appellants, in the first instance, must have exhausted the appropriate appeals mechanism in the first instance through the relevant Court of First Appeal3 before coming before the Academic Appeals Committee. Appeals should be made in writing by a student’s tutor or, if the tutor is unwilling to act, by the student alone, having first consulted with the Senior Tutor. Tutors who are filing an appeal must use the procedural form, must indicate the precise grounds upon which the appeal is being made and what the appeal is attempting to achieve on the student’s behalf, e.g. permission to repeat the year, special supplemental etc. The attention of those bringing an appeal is directed to the assistance offered by the school or course administrators and the undergraduate studies staff in the Office of the Vice-Provost in helping them to complete their records, provide copies of medical certificates and other appropriate documents. [...] Any student who has an appeal underway that could have implications for their degree result is advised not to proceed with degree conferral until the outcome of the appeal has been confirmed.
Statement on Plagiarism
Plagiarism is defined as being ‘the wrongful act of taking the product of another person’s mind and presenting it as one’s own’ (A. Lindey, Plagiarism and Originality, 1952, p.2). It can arise from actions such as:
copying another student’s work; enlisting another person or persons to complete an assignment on the student’s behalf; quoting directly, without acknowledgement, from books, articles, the internet, or other sources, either in printed, recorded or electronic format; paraphrasing, without acknowledgement, the writings of other authors;
Everyone gets a large proportion of their ideas from elsewhere: indeed you should make use of other people’s writings. However, it is important that you distinguish clearly
55 between your own words and the ideas and words of someone else. Direct quotations must be indicated by quotation marks and an indication of the source, with a page number and a reference traceable through your bibliography. When you paraphrase someone else’s work, it is enough to indicate the source, with a page number and a reference to the bibliography. The bibliography should list all the works you have consulted, not only those that you quote from. Including a work in the bibliography is not sufficient: you must indicate the source of any quotation or paraphrase in the body of your work.
Your attention is drawn to the entries in the College Calendar which deal with plagiarism. The Calendar is available on line at (click on General Regulations and Information (PDF, 116 kB). You should in particular consult paragraphs H37 , 41 and 43 and H70 to 78 (in the 2008-09 Calendar these paragraphs are on pages H8-9 and H16-18).
In accordance with the Calendar regulations the School and its component departments regard plagiarism as a serious offence which may lead to a 0 mark for the work submitted and possibly to disciplinary action by College.
Students should note that, in addition to downloading material from the World Wide Web, asking native speakers in your target language to correct work is also defined as plagiarism and will be monitored and penalised.
The above regulations on plagiarism apply in exams, in submitted essays, dissertations, case studies, and in assessed language work. Remember that if you fail to give adequate sources, lecturers may ask you to account for the originality of your work.
For advice on referencing, consult the TCD Library web-site at and advice from your department.
37 Except as provided for below, candidates for examination are forbidden during an examination to do or to attempt to do, any of the following: to have in their possession or consult or use any books, papers, notes, memoranda, mobile phones or written or electronic material of any nature or to copy from or exchange information with other persons or in any way to make use of any information improperly obtained. […] 41 Any breach of this regulation is regarded as a major offence for which a student may be expelled from the University. […] 43 Examinations or other exercises which are part of continuous assessment are subject to the same rules as other College examinations. Where submitted work is part of a procedure of assessment, plagiarism is similarly regarded as a serious offence and is liable to similar penalties. (Calendar 2008-9, p. H8-9, § 37 , 41 and 43)
56 70 Plagiarism is interpreted by the University as the act of presenting the work of others as one’s own work, without acknowledgement. Plagiarism is considered as academically fraudulent, and an offence against University discipline. The University considers plagiarism to be a major offence, and subject to the disciplinary procedures of the University.
71 Plagiarism can arise from deliberate actions and also through careless thinking and/or methodology. The offence lies not in the attitude or intention of the perpetrator, but in the action and in its consequences.
Plagiarism can arise from actions such as: (a) copying another student’s work; (b) enlisting another person or persons to complete an assignment on the student’s behalf; (c) quoting directly, without acknowledgement, from books, articles or other sources, either in printed, recorded or electronic format; (d) paraphrasing, without acknowledgement, the writings of other authors. Examples (c) and (d) in particular can arise through careless thinking and/or methodology where students: (i) fail to distinguish between their own ideas and those of others; (ii) fail to take proper notes during preliminary research and therefore lose track of the sources from which the notes were drawn; (iii) fail to distinguish between information which needs no acknowledgement because it is firmly in the public domain, and information which might be widely known, but which nevertheless requires some sort of acknowledgement; (iv) come across a distinctive methodology or idea and fail to record its source.
All the above serve only as examples and are not exhaustive.
Students should submit work done in co-operation with other students only when it is done with the full knowledge and permission of the lecturer concerned. Without this, work submitted which is the product of collusion with other students may be considered to be plagiarism.
72 It is clearly understood that all members of the academic community use and build on the work of others. It is commonly accepted also, however, that we build on the work of others in an open and explicit manner, and with due acknowledgement. Many cases of plagiarism that arise could be avoided by following some simple guidelines: (i) Any material used in a piece of work, of any form, that is not the original thought of the author should be fully referenced in the work and attributed to its source. The material should either be quoted directly or paraphrased. Either way, an explicit citation of the work referred to should be provided, in the text, in a footnote, or both. Not to do so is to commit plagiarism. (ii) When taking notes from any source it is very important to record the precise words or ideas that are being used and their precise sources. (iii) While the Internet often offers a wider range of possibilities for researching particular themes, it also requires particular attention to be paid to the distinction between one’s own work and the work of others. Particular care should be taken to keep track of the source of the electronic information obtained from the Internet or
57 other electronic sources and ensure that it is explicitly and correctly acknowledged.
73 It is the responsibility of the author of any work to ensure that he/she does not commit plagiarism.
74 Students should ensure the integrity of their work by seeking advice from their lecturers, tutor or supervisor on avoiding plagiarism. All schools and departments should include, in their handbooks or other literature given to students, advice on the appropriate methodology for the kind of work that students will be expected to undertake.
75 If plagiarism as referred to in §68 above is suspected, in the first instance, the head of school will write to the student, and the student’s tutor advising them of the concerns raised and inviting them to attend an informal meeting with the head of school7 and the lecturer concerned, in order to put their suspicions to the student and give the student the opportunity to respond. The student will be requested to respond in writing stating his/her agreement to attend such a meeting and confirming on which of the suggested dates and times it will be possible for the student to attend. If the student does not in this manner agree to attend such a meeting, the head of school may refer the case directly to the Junior Dean, who will interview the student and may implement the procedures as referred to under CONDUCT AND COLLEGE REGULATIONS §2.
76 If the head of school forms the view that plagiarism has taken place, he/she must decide if the offence can be dealt with under the summary procedure set out below. In order for this summary procedure to be followed, all parties attending the informal meeting as noted in §73 above must state their agreement in writing to the head of school. If the facts of the case are in dispute, or if the head of school feels that the penalties provided for under the summary procedure below are inappropriate given the circumstances of the case, he/she will refer the case directly to the Junior Dean, who will interview the student and may implement the procedures as referred to under CONDUCT AND COLLEGE REGULATIONS §2.
77 If the offence can be dealt with under the summary procedure, the head of school will recommend to the Senior Lecturer one of the following penalties: (a) that the piece of work in question receives a reduced mark, or a mark of zero; or (b) if satisfactory completion of the piece of work is deemed essential for the student to rise with his/her year or to proceed to the award of a degree, the student may be required to re-submit the work. However the student may not receive more than the minimum pass mark applicable to the piece of work on satisfactory re-submission. 78 Provided that the appropriate procedure has been followed and all parties in §73 above are in agreement with the proposed penalty, the Senior Lecturer may approve the penalty and notify the Junior Dean accordingly. The Junior Dean may nevertheless implement the procedures as referred to under CONDUCT AND COLLEGE REGULATIONS §2. (Calendar 2008-9, p. H16-18, § 70 to 78)
7 The director of teaching and learning (undergraduate) may also attend the meeting as appropriate. As an alternative to their tutor, students may nominate a representative from the Students’ Union to accompany them to the meeting.
58 12. Useful Advice
Language Learning Strategies1
The "Good Language Learner"
According to research by Rubin (1975), the Good Language Learner:
1. is a willing and accurate guesser 2. has a strong drive to communicate 3. is often not inhibited 4. is prepared to attend to form 5. practises 6. monitors his own speech and the speech of others, and 7. attends to meaning.
So what does this mean? Although this research is a bit dated and culture specific, we can still learn a few lessons from it.
Language Learning Strategies
Another researcher (Naiman et al. 1978)2 identified five major strategies for language learning:
1. active task approach (Good Language Learners actively involve themselves in the language learning task) 2. realisation of language as a system (Good Language Learners develop or exploit an awareness of language as a system) 3. realisation of language as a means of communication and interaction 4. management of affective demands (Good Language Learners realise initially or with time that they must cope with the affective demands made upon them by language learning and succeed in doing so) 5. monitoring of performance in the target language.
The most frequently used techniques (Naiman et al., 1978) by Good Language Learners were:
1 Source:
2 Naiman N. et al., 1978, The good language learner: a report, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, 1978
59 1. having contact with native speakers 2. listening to radio, T.V., records, movies, commercials etc. 3. reading anything: magazines, newspapers, professional articles, comics, etc. 4. repeating aloud after teacher and / or native speaker 5. making up bilingual vocabulary charts and memorising them 6. following the rules as given in grammar books or text books 7. having pen-pals.
Study Skills
If you are going to learn a foreign language, you might need to brush up your general study skills first. This means you should attend to issues such as:
managing your time effectively making good notes planning out your studies collecting together the resources you need making sure you have a suitable place to study brushing up your IT skills trying a few memory exercises developing your own confidence-building techniques.
WEBCT guidelines
Student guides
CLT has produced a set of guides which will help you to become accustomed to the design and features of the Blackboard/WebCT Learning System.
1. Logging in and navigating within Blackboard/WebCT (pdf, 202kb) 2. My WebCT (pdf, 353kb)
They are available at
TO ACCESS WEBCT, CLICK ON THIS LINK : Once you’re on the page, bookmark it for easy access.
60 When you log into Blackboard/WebCT, you will see a list of the courses you have access to. Click on a course name to enter your course module (FR4050). Two menus may display; Course Tools and My Tools.
You may be able to view course material, reading lists, and goals presented by your Lecturer. You may be required to complete assignments and quizzes, and then submit them for grading. Once assignments have been graded the results are published to the Grade Book. You may also be required to interact with other Students and Academic/Teaching staff through electronic mail, online discussions, or chat rooms.
In the WebCT Learning System, you will use various tools to perform these tasks. A tool is a function in this software that allows you to perform specific activities. What tools are available to you depends on how your module has been set up and what your Lecturer has made available. Don’t be concerned if all these tools are not available. Just concentrate on the tools your have been asked to use.
61 13. Student Supports
Remember that there are people here whose job is to help and support you!
Talk to the course coordinators and/or to your French tutor.
Don’t forget your College Tutor. If you don’t know who you tutor is, check your student record: For information on the Tutorial Service, see
If you need advice on Study Skills, why not check what’s on offer at ?
Other services include
Student Counselling Service (there’s plenty of help available on-line too!)
Disability Service
College Health Centre
Careers Advisory Service (They can also help with summer work experience!)
Chaplains (Free lunches on Tuesdays! Free tea and coffee all day, every day in the Chaplaincy Common Room, House 27)