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Will This Work

New Mexico Regulation and Licensing Department BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS DIVISION New Mexico Board of Dental Health Care and New Mexico Dental Hygienist Committee Toney Anaya Building ▪ 2550 Cerrillos Road ▪ Santa Fe, New Mexico 87505 (505) 476-4680 ▪ Fax (505) 476-4545 ▪ www.rld.state.nm.us/dental

New Mexico Dental Hygienist Committee REGULAR COMMITTEE MEETING Friday, July 29, 2011 Ruidoso, NM


I. CALL TO ORDER At 9:13 a.m., the Committee Chair, Ms. Rebecca Howard, RDH called the July 29, 2011 meeting of the New Mexico Dental Hygienists Committee Meeting to order.


MEMBERS PRESENT: Rebecca Howard, RDH Elizabeth Caress, RDH Laura Moss, RDH Burrell L. Tucker, DDS Robert Blewer, Public Member

MEMBERS ABSENT: Dianne-Orrell-Lopez, RDH Doris Martinez, RDH

OTHERS PRESENT: Mary Smith, Assistant Attorney General

STAFF PRESENT: Kathy Ortiz, Board Administrator Laura Romero-Halama, Compliance Liaison

Roll Call was taken by Ms. Kathy Ortiz and a quorum was determined present. (Refer to sign-in Sheet for Other Guests)

III. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Ms. Laura Moss, RDH made a MOTION to approve the agenda as written. Ms. Elizabeth Caress, RDH SECONDED the motion. Motion PASSED by UNANIMOUS APPROVAL.


May 5, 2011 Regular Committee Meeting Ms. Laura Moss, RDH made a MOTION to approve the minutes of the May 5, 2011 Regular Committee Meeting as written. Ms. Elizabeth Caress, RDH SECONDED the motion. Motion PASSED by UNANIMOUS APPROVAL.

V. REPORTS A. Committee Chair – Rebecca Howard, RDH Written report attached (Attachment A) Revision date: 05/2011 B. Secretary’s Report – Elizabeth Caress, RDH Ms. Elizabeth Caress, RDH reported to the Dental Hygienist Committee that from April 26, 2011 thru July 21, 2011 there were 18 Dental Hygienist Licenses issued by Examination and 3 Dental Hygienist Licenses issued by Credentials Ms. Laura Moss, RDH made a MOTION to enter the Committee’s Secretaries report into record. Dr. Burrell Tucker, DDS SECONDED the motion. Motion PASSED by UNANIMOUS APPROVAL.

C. WREB Report - Rebecca Howard, RDH Written report attached (Attachment B)

Ms. Dianne-Orrell Lopez, RDH arrived at 9.18 a.m. D. NM Health Services Report-Britt Catron, RDH No report given

E. NMDHA Report – Sasha Gilbert, RDH Written report attached (Attachment C)

F. UNM Dental Hygiene Prog. Report-Prof. Demetra Logothetis, RDH Written report attached (Attachment D)

G. San Juan College- Dr. Julius Manz Written report attached (Attachment E)

H. Dona Ana Community College - Evelyn Hobbs, RDH Written report attached (Attachment F)

I. Eastern New Mexico University – Roswell No Report Given

J. New Mexico Department of Health - Ms. Carol Hanson, RDH Written report attached. (Attachment G)

K. HB187 Rules Committee HB187 rules committee meeting will meet on July 30, 2011 in Ruidoso

New Mexico Regulation and Licensing Department BOARDS AND COMMISSION DIVISION Revision Date: 07/2011 Page 2 of 14 L. Rules & Statutes Committee Rules committee had a meeting on June 23, 2011 and will be meeting prior to the next board meeting. K. Ad Hoc Committee Reports: None given

VI. OLD BUSINESS A. Confirm Future Meeting Dates and Locations: Special Board Meeting - September 10, 211 - Albuquerque October Committee Meeting – November 4, 2011 – Santa Fe January Committee Meeting – January 27, 2012 – Santa Fe April Committee Meeting – April 20, 2012 – Farmington July Committee Meeting – July 27, 2012 – Santa Fe, NM October Committee Meeting – October 26, 2012 – Las Cruces, NM

C. Examining Board - CRDTS

Ms. Rebecca Howard, RDH made a MOTION to appoint Ms. Laura Moss, RDH as the Dental Hygiene representative to CRDTs and pay the fee to CRDTS to become an active members. Ms. Elizabeth Caress, RDH SECONDED the motion. Motion PASSED by UNANIMOUS APPROVAL.

D. AADB Annual Meeting – October 9-10, 2011 Board Administrator, Kathy Ortiz informed Ms. Rebecca Howard, RDH and Dr. Burrell Tucker, DDS that the out-of-state travel had been approved by RLD Superintendent. They will need to report on the current changes with the NM Board of Dental Health Care.

VII. NEW BUSINESS: A. Open Meeting Resolution Dr. Burrell Tucker, DDS made a MOTION to accept the Open Meeting Resolution as written. Ms. Elizabeth Caress, RDH SECONDED the motion. Motion PASSED by UNANIMOUS APPROVAL.

B. New Mexico Monitoring Treatment Program Ms. Rebecca Howard, RDH made a MOTION to approve the NM Monitoring Treatment Program FY12 and FY13 Contract for $11,550.00 per year ($23,100.00 Total). Ms. Laura Moss, RDH SECONDED the motion. Motion was PASSED by UNANIMOUS APPROVAL

C. Patricia L. Marr, RDH - CV Ms. Rebecca Howard, RDH made a MOTION to send a letter to WREB submitting Ms. Patricia Marr’s name as a WREB examiner. Ms. Laura Moss, RDH SECONDED the motion. Motion PASSED by UNANIMOUS APPROVAL

New Mexico Regulation and Licensing Department BOARDS AND COMMISSION DIVISION Revision Date: 07/2011 Page 3 of 14 VII. EXECUTIVE SESSION

Dr. Burrell Tucker, DDS made a MOTION that the New Mexico Dental Hygienist Committee close the meeting in order to enter into Executive Session to discuss the items listed in the agenda pursuant to Sections 10-15-1.H 1 of the Open Meetings Act authorizing closed sessions for matters related to issuance, suspension, renewals, revocation of a license and discussion of pending litigation. Ms. Laura Moss, RDH SECONDED the motion. Motion PASSED by UNANIMOUS APPROVAL.

Roll Call Vote: Rebecca Howard, RDH Aye Dianne Orrell-Lopez, RDH Aye Elizabeth Caress, RDH Aye Laura Moss, RDH Aye Doris Martinez, RDH Absent Burrell L. Tucker, DDS Aye Robert Blewer, Public Member Aye

Chair: The motion is approved by a majority of the board. Let the record show that at 10:05 a.m. the Board entered into closed session and the recorder has been turned off.

Back in Open Session

Let the record show that the recorder is back on. The New Mexico Dental Hygiene Committee is back in open session. The time is 11:00 am


(Items listed on Agenda)

A. Consider Requests for Inactive Status:

Ms. Elizabeth Caress, RDH made a MOTION to accept requests for Inactive Status for: Susan Bagley, RDH, Carol Stodola Collins, RDH, and Susan Johnston, RDH. Ms. Rebecca Howard, RDH SECONDED the motion. Motion PASSED by UNANIMOUS APPROVAL.

B. Consider Requests for Retirement Status:

Ms. Elizabeth Caress, RDH made a MOTION to accept requests for Retirement Status for: Doris Baker, RDH, Melinda Gale Blair, RDH, Angela Bowden, RDH, Linda Edwards, RDH, Jeannette Garcia, RDH, Karen C. Nelson, RDH and Shelly Swarner. Ms. Laura Moss, RDH SECONDED the motion. Motion PASSED by UNANIMOUS APPROVAL.

C. Local Anesthesia Licensure – Mary Kathleen Hilley:

Ms. Elizabeth Caress, RDH made a MOTION to deny Ms. Mary Kathleen Hilley, RDH request to issue a local anesthesia and to refer case to the Attorney General Office for the issuance of a NCA for the violation of 61.51.21.A (5) & (7), 61.5A.4.D, 16.5.28 (8), (9) & (10) and (10) with proposed early resolution that she accept and comply with a “Cease & Desist” from administering local anesthesia until you are properly certified and direct staff to issue a letter to Ms. Hilley informing her of the committees decision. Dr. Burrell Tucker, DDS SECONDED the motion. Motion PASSED by UNANIMOUS APPROVAL.

New Mexico Regulation and Licensing Department BOARDS AND COMMISSION DIVISION Revision Date: 07/2011 Page 4 of 14 IX. ADJOURNMENT There being no other business to come before the Committee, Dr. Burrell Tucker, DDS made a MOTION at 11:05 a.m. to adjourn the DH Committee meeting. Ms. Laura Moss, RDH SECONDED the motion. Motion PASSED by UNANIMOUS APPROVAL.

Submitted by: Kathy Ortiz, Board Administrator Date

Approved by: ______Rebecca Howard, RDH, Committee Chair Date

New Mexico Regulation and Licensing Department BOARDS AND COMMISSION DIVISION Revision Date: 07/2011 Page 5 of 14 (Attachment A)

New Mexico Dental Hygienists’ Committee Chair Report July 29, 2011

MAY:  Attended WREB Dental Hygiene Exam as Team Captain in Eugene, Oregon. JUNE:  Attended WERB Dental Hygiene Subcommittee meeting in Phoenix to review the 2011 exam and prepare for the 2012 exam season and wrote report to be submitted to Dental Hygiene Exam Review Board citing recommendations for the upcoming year.  Attended WREB Dental Hygiene Exam again as Team Captain in Portland, Oregon. I wish I could have spent several more days after the exam in Portland since I couldn’t return to Los Alamos until July 3. JULY:  I have been steadily working on edits to all Dental Hygiene guides, manuals, workshop materials, online standardization exercises, and calibration tests for the 2012 exam season. Deadline is July 26.  Attended WREB Dental Hygiene Review Board meeting in Park City, Utah.

June is a very busy month for the Board of Dental Health Care office. Thank you to the staff for their hard work in keeping the Dental Hygienists’ Committee and Board of Dental Health Care functioning in the best way possible.

Respectfully, Rebecca Howard, RDH

New Mexico Regulation and Licensing Department BOARDS AND COMMISSION DIVISION Revision Date: 07/2011 Page 6 of 14 (Attachment B)

WREB report to the New Mexico Dental Hygiene Committee Meeting

July 29, 2011 By Rebecca Howard, RDH

The 2011 WREB dental hygiene exam season has progressed nicely. Examiners have adjusted to the Hygiene Electronic Scoring System (HESS) and the number of “roll backs” continues to decrease.

The Hygiene Electronic Scoring system is performing well. A self-running presentation is available in the examiner log in section of WREB.org. These short presentations show the software and walk examiners through the HESS/exam process. The Dental Hygiene Committee has submitted improvement requests for the 2012 exam season to the Executive Director.

Examiner standardization is now conducted on line. Examiners are required to complete the standardization exercises before each assigned exam. The Dental Hygiene Committee has asked WREB staff to investigate putting examiner calibration online as well. This will not likely happen until the 2013 exam season.

WREB’s stated mission is to be a leading developer and administrator of consistently valid, reliable, state of the art competency assessments, administered with honesty, integrity and appropriate technology via collaborative effort of its administrative staff, educators, consultants and examiners for dental health care providers and state agencies that license dental professionals. The new governing structure consisting of a Dental Hygiene Exam Review Board, a Dental Exam Review Board, and the Board of Directors is designed to help make WREB more efficient and distribute leadership more evenly throughout the organization to better fulfill its mission.

The WREB Dental Hygiene Exam Review Board meeting was held July 19, 2011 in Park City, Utah.

New Mexico Regulation and Licensing Department BOARDS AND COMMISSION DIVISION Revision Date: 07/2011 Page 7 of 14 (Attachment C)


Report to the New Mexico Dental Hygienists’ Committee

July 29, 2011

NMDHA held a Board of Trustees meeting in Albuquerque on Saturday, June 11, 2011. Representatives of NMDHA are continuing to meet with representatives of the New Mexico Dental Association, as the “Liaison Committee”, working together to find solutions to the oral health access and workforce challenges in New Mexico. NMDHA has discussed offering a continuing education course in southern NM this summer but no date has been set. NMDHA components have elected new officers and are setting their calendar for the upcoming year. The next NMDHA BOT meeting is scheduled for October 20, 2011. The NMDHA General Membership Meeting will be held Saturday, October 22, 2011. Scientific Session is scheduled for October 21-22, 2011.

Sasha Gilbert, RDH, MPH NMDHA President sasha123gilbert@yahoo.com

New Mexico Regulation and Licensing Department BOARDS AND COMMISSION DIVISION Revision Date: 07/2011 Page 8 of 14 (Attachment D)

UNIVERSITY OF NEW MEXICO Division of Dental Hygiene Board of Dental Health Care Dental Hygiene Committee Report

July 29, 2011

Respectfully Submitted by Demetra Logothetis, Professor and Director

Graduation Twenty two students graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in dental hygiene, and 3 students graduated with a Master of Science degree in dental hygiene in May 2011.

Department of Dental Medicine The Department of Dental Medicine began operation as a free standing department within the UNM School of Medicine on July 1, 2011. Dr. Gary Cutrell is chair and Demetra Logothetis is Vice Chair. Demetra will continue as director of the dental hygiene division as well as serve as vice chair.

Sandoval County Health Commons Our preventive dental center in collaboration with the Sandoval County Health Commons, is operating very well. Grant funding for this program is available again this year.

School Based Clinics Clinics at Grant, Wilson and Van Buren middle school were funded again this year. In addition, a new school based clinic at Highland High School will begin this year. Delta Dental once again donated the funding necessary to operate the Van Buren middle school clinic.

Division of Dental Hygiene Outreach to Nicaragua

In July of 2011, The UNM Division of Dental Hygiene participated in its first international student outreach to Nicaragua. Being one of the poorest countries in the western hemisphere, Nicaragua has residents deficient in basic needs as well as medical care. This lack of access is even more predominant in rural locations. A group of 37 provided medical and dental health care in two rural areas, San Blas and Santa Ana, outside of Granada, Nicaragua. The 37 consisted of 3 faculty members, 1 dentist, 4 dental hygienists, 22 undergraduate dental hygiene students, 1 physician, 1 physician’s assistant and 5 volunteers. Patients in these rural areas had not had the opportunity to see a dental provider in their lifetime. A lot of oral disease and infection was recognized and treated with periodontal debridements and tooth extractions. Moreover preventative treatment such as sealant placement and patient education was given. Medically, many patients were diagnosed with infections. The most prevalent were diarrhea, thyroid issues, renal diseases and scabies infections. Many of these conditions were related to the poor living conditions, including access to only contaminated water, and lack of medical care. This effort was made possible by fundraising, UNM study abroad grant, and other grants. Over $3,000 worth of supplies were generously donated by Patterson Dental, Benco Dental, and United Concordia. In the week the UNM Division of Dental Hygiene spent in Nicaragua, 259 patients, New Mexico Regulation and Licensing Department BOARDS AND COMMISSION DIVISION Revision Date: 07/2011 Page 9 of 14 that would not have been seen otherwise, received quality healthcare. Students returned extremely happy with the unique experience they were given, and would like to return next year as practicing dental hygienists.

Faculty Achievements Demetra Logothetis, Professor and Director published Local Anesthesia for Dental Hygienists for Elsevier Publishing which came out in June 2011. Elsevier publishing has already informed Professor Logothetis that many dental hygiene programs across the nation have already adopted the textbook for the fall semester.

Christine Nathe, Professor and Graduate Program Director, is currently writing her 3rd Edition of Dental Public Health for Prentice Hall Publishing. Professor Nathe’s public health textbook is currently the number one public health textbook in the country.

Christine Nathe is currently working on her 6nd edition of Primary Preventive Dentistry for Prentice Hall Publishing.

Demetra Logothetis is currently working on her 2nd edition of SUCCESS in Dental Hygiene, a board review textbook.

Vicki Gianopoulos and Diana Burnham Assistant Professors are currently working on an article to feature results from their Nicaragua program.

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Report of the San Juan College Dental Hygiene Program to the New Mexico Board of Dental Health Care.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Dr. Julius N. Manz – Director San Juan College Dental Programs 4601 College Blvd Farmington, NM 87402 Phone: 505-566-3018, e-mail: manzj@sanjuancollege.edu

Faculty and Staff: Full Time: Julius N. Manz DDS – Director Sherry Paxson, RDH – First Year Clinic Coordinator Tammy Sanderson, RDH – Second Year Clinical Coordinator Sherilyn Oldfield – Program Administrative Assistant Georgia Cotie – Clinical Manager Dalene Meek – Clinic Administrative Assistant Adjunct: Chuck Schumacher, DDS Craig Layton, DDS Mike Tornow, DDS Cameron Black, DDS Ivy Tornow Becky Miller, RDH Mandi Pickering, RDH Brittany Nichols, RDH Jeff Nygren, RPh Nancy Rhein, RDH, PA Rachon Howard, RDH Josalyn Sewell, RDH Robyn Cole, RDH Advisory Council: Dr. Chuck Schumacher Dr. Ronald Johnson Dr. Gene Hilton Josalyn Sewell, RDH Becky Miller, RDH Linda Parks, RDH Tyler Moline, Dental Hygiene Student Senior Class TBD, Dental Hygiene Student Junior Class Barbara Caton, Public member

Accreditation: The San Juan College Dental Hygiene Program is fully accredited by the Commission on Dental Accreditation. The Programs next Accreditation site visit will be in 2017.

Class of 2011

New Mexico Regulation and Licensing Department BOARDS AND COMMISSION DIVISION Revision Date: 07/2011 Page 11 of 14 National Boards: 100% of the class of 2011 have taken the National Board Dental Hygiene Examination School = 100% pass School average = 88.1, National average = 82.7 Exceeded the national average in 14 of 14 areas

WREB Local Anesthesia Boards 100% of the class of 2011 have taken WREB Local Anesthesia Boards 100% have passed their LA boards

WREB Clinical Boards 100% of the class of 2011 have taken WREB Clinical Boards 11 of 12 students have passed their Clinical Boards, awaiting final results on last student

Graduates The Program graduated 12 students on May 13, 2011.

Applications: Accepted 12 new students for the class of 2013 out of 32 qualified applications Average GPA of incoming class = 3.81  10 are from NM (Farmington – 7, Bloomfield – 2, Aztec - 1 )  1 from Washington State  1 from Utah

Civic/Community Activities Mission of Mercy – The San Juan College sent 12 senior dental hygiene students 3 faculty and 1 staff member to the first NM Mission of Mercy. The Program plans to participate in the upcoming 2012 MOM in Las Cruces as well NMDHA scientific session. GKAS Farmington Health Fair Kiddie Clinic – screenings, radiographs, fluoride, prophies and OHI for community preschool children Nursing home – Senior student rotation to provide preventive dental care to residents of Life Care nursing home. Indian Health service – Senior student rotation with IHS School Educational Programs – Senior student rotation providing oral health education to area schools (elementary to high school) Head Start assessments, education and fluoride program IHS Sealant Program Special Needs Clinic

Upcoming Plans and Projects San Juan College Dental Hygiene Program is currently working in conjunction with the NMDS and the ADA to examine the feasibility of establishing a Community Dental Health Coordinator (CDHC) education program at San Juan College.

Dr. Julius N. Manz, Director

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Dona Ana Community College Dental Hygiene Program Report to the Dental Hygiene Committee & New Mexico Board of Dental Health Care

July 29, 2011

The Dona Anna Community College had a very successful academic year 2010-2011. In May 2011, eleven of the twelve senior students graduated and in August the twelfth senior will receive her degree. All students passed the written National Dental Hygiene Board exam which set the school’s average passing score above the national average. All twelve students passed the WREB local anesthesia exam and the written Patient Care exam. One student will take the WREB Clinical exam in August.

All but one student has received her dental hygiene license and all are working as dental hygienists in New Mexico. Several returned to their home towns in Santa Fe, Grants, Bernalillo and Deming and all of the others are employed in the Las Cruces area.

All twelve students in the first class successfully completed the first year of the curriculum and will continue next year. A new cohort of twelve students (all females) will enter the Program in August. The academic level of the applicant pool was excellent and we are confident the new students will be successful.

Although the position of the Program Director is still open, I have been spending approximately 32 hours a week providing leadership for the Program while serving as Division Dean. It has been very challenging but rewarding. Several additional dental hygienists who are familiar with our Program were employed to help with administrative duties for the Program until a Program Director can be hired. The College is in the process of a second national search for the Program Director. Unfortunately the applicant pool has been extremely small on both occasions. However, interviews will be conducted soon and it is hoped that a qualified person can be hired in the next month or so. In the mean time, qualified faculties have been hired for all of the fall classes and we are expecting to have a very successful year.

Students and faculty were busy this year with community service projects which included serving at the “MOM” event, participating at the Las Cruces Special Olympics, and providing community service to a variety of local agencies in partnership with dental assisting students and students enrolled in the DACC Public Health Program. They also participated in professional develop projects by hosting the student reception at the New Mexico State Dental Hygienists Scientific Sessions last fall and attending the educational Border Learning Conference in El Paso, TX this spring.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require additional information.

Respectfully submitted by:

Evelyn R. Hobbs, Division Dean Health & Public Services Phone: (575) 527 7639 Email: erhobbs@nmsu.edu

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To: New Mexico Board of Dental Health Care and the Dental Hygiene Committee

From: Carol Hanson, RDH, MPH Coordinator, New Mexico Dental Support Center (NMDSC) New Mexico Department of Health 300 San Mateo NE, Suite 900 Albuquerque, NM 87108 505-222-8685 carol.hanson@state.nm.us

Date: July 15, 2011

Highlights of NMDSC since April 20, 2011:

 Attended the National Rural Health Association Conference on May 3-6, 2011 at the Hilton Austin, TX. Presented “Improving Access to Oral Health Care through a Dental Support Center” with Mary Altenberg, MS, CHES  Attended the NM Oral Health Advisory Council Meeting on May 13, 2011 in Albuquerque. Reported on the activities of the NMDSC  Attended the NM Health Resources 19th Annual Health Provider Retreat on May 20-21, 2011 at the Sagebrush Inn and Conference Center in Taos, NM. Sponsored presentations entitled “Medical-Dental Integration in the Health Care Setting to Improve Perinatal Oral Health” and “Fluoride and Tooth Decay Prevention” by Irene Hilton, DDS, MPH, San Francisco DOH. Provided scholarships for two dentists and seven dental residents  Attended the NMPCA Dental Provider Breakfast Meeting in Taos on May 21, 2011  Developed May and June newsletters with Eileen Goode at the NM Primary Care Association (NMPCA). Distributed newsletters via e-mail to network dental providers, network dental educators, UNM dental residents, and executive directors of community health center dental clinics  Awarded funding to Community Dental Services to conduct a prevention project to include four presentations on health education; oral health screenings; distribution of toothbrushes, toothpaste and floss; counseling on dental access and referral

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