Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
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Curriculum Vitae
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory University of California 1 Cyclotron Road MS 71-259 Berkeley, California 94720, USA (510) 486-4992 e-mail: [email protected]
EDUCATION A.B. Cum laude, Harvard University - 1949, Mathematics M.A. (1951) and Ph.D. (1953) - Columbia University Theoretical Physics
PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Assistant in Physics, Columbia University (1949-52) National Science Foundation Predoctoral Fellow, Columbia University (1952-53) National Science Foundation Postdoctoral Fellow (1953-54) with Prof. H.A. Bethe, Cornell University Assistant Professor, The Ohio State University (1954) Associate Professor, The Ohio State University (1960) On leave to Midwestern Universities Research (1955-56) Visiting Physicist, Lawrence Radiation Laboratory (1959-60) Visiting Physicist, Niels Bohr Institute in Copenhagen (Summer 1961) Visiting Physicist, Intersecting Storage Ring Division of CERN, Geneva, Switzerland (1966-67) Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Fellowship at KEK (Tsukuba, Japan), (Fall 1985) Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Theoretical Physics: Research on many body problems, accelerator design problems, and plasma physics (1961-73) Energy and Environment: Participated in development of program (1971-73) Director: Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (1973-1980) Senior Scientist: Research on plasma physics and accelerator physics (1980-94) Distinguished Senior Staff Scientist (1994 - 01) Distinguished Guest Scientist (2001 – 02) Distinguished Emeritus Scientist (2002-present) Distinguished Director, Emeritus (2003-present)
U.S. Advisor to the Physics Institute at Panjab University, Chandigrah; U.S. -India Cooperative Program for the Improvement of Science Education in India (Summer 1966)
Member, High Energy Physics Advisory Panel to the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (1969-72)
Correspondent to Comments on Modern Physics: Part A (1969-71)
Member, Editorial Board of Nuclear Instruments and Methods (1969-present)
Member, Lawrence Hall of Science Advisory Committee (1974-78)
Chairman, Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Project (now SSRL) Science Policy Board (1974-77)
Chairman, EPRI Advance Fuels Advisory Committee (1978-81)
Chairman, BNL External Advisory Committee on Isabelle (1980-82)
Member, Princeton University Review Committee for the Plasma Physics Laboratory (1981-85)
Chairman, American Physical Society Committee on International Freedom of Scientists (1982)
AAAS Nominating Committee (1984-87)
Member, Federation of American Scientists Council (1979-82, 1985-88)
Chairman, ICFA Panel on Novel Accelerators (1984-87)
Member, Committee of Concerned Scientists Council (1984-87)
Chairman, NSF Gravity Wave Observatory Panel (1986, 1987, 1993)
2 Member, American Physical Society Study of Directed Energy Weapons (1985- 86)
Chairman (1988) Panel on Public Affairs, American Physical Society Vice Chairman (1987)
Chairman, Vanderbilt University FEL Panel (1987)
Vice Chairman (1987-88), Chairman (1988- 1991), Federation of American Scientists
Member, American Physical Society Division of Physics of Beams, Chairman (1990)
Member, Board of Directors, Associated Universities, Inc. (1991- 98)
Member, Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory Science Policy Board (1991- 92)
Chairman, American Physical Society Committee on the Applications of Physics (1993)
Member, Honorary Advisory Board, Institute for Advanced Physics Studies, La Jolla International School of Physics (1991-present)
Member, Superconducting Super Collider Scientific Policy Committee (1991-93)
Member, American Physical Society Council, Divisional Councilor for DPB (1994-97)
Vice president (1996), President-elect (1997), President (1998) of the American Physical Society
Member, Council of Scientific Society of Presidents (1997 - 00)
Spokesperson, Neutrino Factory and Muon Collider Collaboration (1999 – 02)
Associate Spokesperson, Neutrino Factory and Muon Collider Collaboration (2002- present)
3 Member of the National Research Council Fusion Sciences Assessment Committee (1999-00)
Member of the National Research Council Committee on High Energy Density Plasmas (2001-02)
Vice Chairman (2001), Chairman-elect (2002), Chairman (2003) of the American Physical Society Forum on Physics and Society
Member, National Academy of Sciences Board on Radiation Effects Research (2002-2005)
Member, Jefferson Laboratory Science Policy Advisory group (2002-2004)
Member, National Research Council Nuclear Radiation Studies Board (2005 -2009) Member, National Academies’ Committee on Human Rights (2007-2012)
Member, National Research Council Committee on Plasma Science (2010-2014)
Member, National Research Council Committee on the Commercial Aspects of Inertial Fusion (2009-2012) Member of the National Research Council Board on Naval Studies (2013-2013) Member of the National Research Council Committee on Selected Directed Energy Research and Development for U.S. Air Force Aircraft Applications (2013)
Fellow, American Physical Society
Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science
Fellow, New York Academy of Sciences
Member, Sigma Xi
Senior Member, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Finalist, Westinghouse Science Talent Search (1945)
Recipient, E.O. Lawrence Award by Atomic Energy Commission (1970)
4 Recipient, US Particle Accelerator School Prize (1988)
Member, National Academy of Sciences (elected 1990)
Leland J. Haworth Distinguished Scientist, Brookhaven National Laboratory (1991-1992)
Nicholson Medal For Humanitarian Service, The American Physical Society (1994)
Wilson Prize, American Physical Society (1997)
Enrico Fermi Award, Department of Energy (2013)
1. A. M. Sessler and H. M. Foley, "Spin-Spin Interaction of Electrons and the Ionization Energy of Helium," Phys. Rev. 92, No.5 p1321 (1953).
2. A. M. Sessler and H. M. Foley, "The Relativistic Correction to the Ground- State Energy of Helium," Phys. Rev. 92, No. 5 p1321-1322 (1953).
3. A. M. Sessler and H. M. Foley, "Statistical Atom with Angular Momentum," Phys. Rev. 96, No. 2 p366-368 (1954).
4. A. M. Sessler, "Mesonic Corrections to the Quadrupole Moment of the Deuteron," Phys. Rev. 96, No. 3 p793-796 (1954).
5. A. M. Sessler and H. M. Foley, "Hyperfine Structure of He 3+ and He 3," Phys. Rev. 98, No. 1 p6-18 (1955).
6. D. W. Kerst, et al., "Attainment of Very High Energy by Means of Intersecting Beams of Particles," Phys. Rev. 102, No.2 p590-591 (1956).
7. K. R. Symon and A. M. Sessler, "Methods of Radio Frequency Acceleration in Fixed Field Accelerators," CERN Symposium 1, p44-58 (1956).
8. D. W. Kerst, et al., "Operation of a Spiral Sector Fixed Field Alternating Gradient Accelerator," Rev. Sci. Instrum. 28, No.11 p970-971 (1957).
9. A. M. Sessler and R. L. Mills, "Nucleon Size Contributions to the Hyperfine Structure of Hydrogen and Helium," Phys. Rev. 110, No.6 p1453-1457 (1958).
10. A. M. Sessler and H. M. Foley, "Hyperfine Structure of Deuterium and Nucleon-Nucleon Spin-Orbit Potentials," Phys. Rev. 110, No. 4 p995-996 (1958).
11. L. M. Frantz, et al., "Exclusion Principle and Phenomenological Optical- Model Potentials," Phys. Rev. Letts. 1, No.9 pB526-1-2 (1958).
12. C. E. Nielsen and A. M. Sessler, "Longitudinal Space Charge Effects in Particle Accelerators," Rev. Sci. Instrum. 30, No.2 p80-89 (1959).
6 13. L. N. Cooper, R. L. Mills and A. M. Sessler, "Possible Superfluidity of a System of Strongly Interacting Fermions," Phys. Rev. 114, No.6 p1377-1382 (1959).
14. R. L. Mills, A. M. Sessler, S. A. Moszkowski, and D.G. Shankland, "Superfluidity of Nuclear Matter," Phys. Rev. Letts 3, No.8 pA503 (1959).
15. V. J. Emery and A. M. Sessler, "Energy Gap in Nuclear Matter," Phys. Rev. 119, No. 1, p248-250 (1960).
16. V. J. Emery and A. M. Sessler, "Possible Phase Transition in Liquid He3," Phys. Rev. 119, No.1 p43-49 (1960).
17. C. E. Nielsen, A. M. Sessler and K. R. Symon, "Longitudinal Instabilities in Intense Relativistic Beams," CERN Proceedings -59 p239-252 (1959).
18. S. A. Moszkowski and A. M. Sessler, "Hole-Hole Interactions and the Properties of Nuclear Matter," Nucl. Phys. 18, p669-671 (1960).
19. A. E. Glassgold and A. M. Sessler, "Flow Properties of Superfluid System of Fermions," II Nuovo Cimento Series 19, p723-737 (1961).
20. V. K. Neil and A. M. Sessler, "Coherent Electromagnetic Effects in High- Current Particle Accelerators: I. Interaction of a Particle Beam with an Externally Driven Radio-Frequency Cavity," Rev. Sci. Instrum. 32, No.3 p256-266 (1961).
21. L. J. Laslett, V. K. Neil, and A. M. Sessler, "Coherent Electromagnetic Effects in High-Current Particle Accelerators: III. Electromagnetic Coupling Instabilities in a Coasting Beam," Rev. Sci. Instrum. 32, No.3 p276-279 (1961).
22. D. W. Kerst, et al., "Electron Model of a Spiral Sector Accelerator," Rev. Sci. Instrum. 31, No. 10 p1076-1106 (1960).
23. A. M. Sessler, "Possible Low-Temperature Superfluid Phase of Liquid He3," 2nd Symposium on Liquid and Solid He3, (Editor J. G. Daunt) Ohio State, p81-102, (1960).
24. L. J. Laslett and A. M. Sessler, "Coupling Resonances in Spiral Sector Accelerators," Rev. Sci. Instrum. 32, No. 11 p1235-1252 (1961).
7 25. J. D. Stack and A. M. Sessler, "Bremsstrahlung in a Dense Plasma," Phys. Fluids 6, p1193 (1963).
26. G. Baym and A. M. Sessler, "Perturbation -- Theory Rules for Computing the Self-Energy Operator in Quantum Statistical Mechanics," Phys. Rev. 131, p2345 (1963).
27. H. P. Kelly and A. M. Sessler, "Correlation Effects in Many-Fermion Systems: Multiple-Particle Excitation Expansion," Phys. Rev. Lett. 132, p2091 (1963).
28. F. T. Cole, et al., "MURA 50-MeV Electron Accelerator -- Design Study and Choice of Operating Point II," Rev. Sci. Instrum. 35, p1398 (1964).
29. V. K. Neil and A. M. Sessler, "Longitudinal Resistive Instabilities of Intense Coasting Beams in Particle Accelerators," Rev. Sci. Instrum. 36, p429 (1965).
30. L. J. Laslett, V. K. Neil and A. M. Sessler, "Transverse Resistive Instabilities of Intense Coasting Beams in Particle Accelerators," Rev. Sci. Instrum. 36, p436 (1965).
31. A. M. Sessler, "SLAC Storage Ring Summer Study Summary Report Contributions," SLAC Nos. 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, 10 (1965).
32. A. M. Sessler, "Beta-Ray Spectrometer With Reduced Spherical Aberration," Nucl. Instrum. Methods 23, p165 (1963).
33. L. J. Lasett and A. M. Sessler, "Rotation of Mercury: Theoretical Analysis of the Dynamics of a Rigid Ellipsoidal Planet," Science 151, p1384 (1966).
34. P. L. Morton, V. K. Neil and A. M. Sessler, "Wake Fields of a Pulse of Charge Moving in a Highly Conducting Pipe of Circular Cross Section," J. Appl. Phys. 37, p3875 (1966).
35. E. D. Courant and A. M. Sessler, "Transverse Coherent Resistive Instabilities of Azimuthally Bunched Beams in Particle Accelerators," Rev. Sci. Instrum. 37, p1579 (1966).
8 36. K. Bergkvist and A. M. Sessler, "A High Resolution, High Luminosity Beta- Ray Spectrometer Design Employing Azimuthally Varying Magnetic Fields," Nucl. Instrum. Methods 46, p317 (1967).
37. D. E. Beck and A. M. Sessler, "Properties of Liquid Helium-Three in the Two-Body Correlation Approximation," Phys. Rev. Letts. 146, p161 (1966).
38. A. M. Sessler and V. Vaccaro, "Longitudinal Instabilities of Azimuthally Uniform Beams in Circular Vacuum Chambers With Walls of Arbitrary Electrical Properties," CERN-67-2 (1967).
39. C. Pellegrini and A. M. Sessler, "Transverse Coherent Beam Phenomena in Colliding Beam Devices," Intl Conference on High Energy Accelerators, p135-143 (1967).
40. C. Pellegrini and A. M. Sessler, "Curvature Effects and the Shape of Bunches in Electron Storage Rings," Nuovo Cimento Series X, 53B, p198 (1968).
41. E. D. Courant, E. Keil and A. M. Sessler, "Improvement Possibilities in the Performance of the CERN Intersecting Storage Rings," Intl Conference on High Energy Accelerators pA163-A167 (1967).
42. E. Keil and A. M. Sessler, "Performance Capabilities of Proton Storage Rings," Intl Conference High Energy Accelerators, p77-84 (1967).
43. A. M. Sessler and V.G. Vaccaro, "Passive Compensation of Longitudinal Space Charge Effects in Circular Accelerators," The Helical Insert: CERN Report, 68-1 p1-26 (1968).
44. E.D. Courant, et al., "Bypass-Storage Ring Option for NAL," Nucl. Instrum. Methods 60, p29 - 35 (1968).
45. A. M. Sessler, "Seven Articles in Symposium on Electron Rings Accelerators," Lawrence Radiation Laboratory, (UCRL-18103) 11,137,164 (1968).
46. D. Keefe, et al., "Experiments on Forming Intense Rings of Electrons Suitable for the Acceleration of Ions," Phys. Rev. Letts. 22, No. 11 p558 (1969).
9 47. B. S. Levine and A. M. Sessler, "Excitation of a Closed Cylindrical Cavity by a Charged Ring Moving Along the Axis at Constant Velocity," IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 16, 3 p1031 (1969).
48. L.J. Laslett and A. M. Sessler, "A Method for Static-Field Compression in an Electron-Ring Accelerator," IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 16, 3, p1034 (1969).
49. M.J. Lee, et al., "Beam Amplitude Behavior Upon Crossing a Linear Coupling Resonance With Damping in One Dimension," IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. p176 , BNL-AADD152 (1969).
50. B. V. Chirikov, E. Keil and A. M. Sessler, "Stochasticity in Many- Dimensional Non-Linear Oscillating Systems," J. Stat. Phys 3 No. 3 p307-321 (1971).
51. C. Pellegrini and A. M. Sessler, "Lower Bounds on Ring Self-Focusing so as to Maintain Ring Integrity During Spillout and Subsequent Acceleration," Nucl. Instrum. Methods 86, p273-278 (1970).
52. C. Pellegrini and A. M. Sessler, "Crossing of an Incoherent Integral Resonance in the Electron Ring Accelerator," Nucl. Instrum. Methods 84, p109-116 (1970).
53. R. D. Hazeltine, M. N. Rosenbluth and A. M. Sessler, "Diffraction Radiation by a Line Charge Moving Past a Comb: A Model of Radiation Losses in an Electron Ring Accelerator," J. Math. Phys. 12, No. 3 p502 (1971).
54. C. Pellegrini and A. M. Sessler, "The Equilibrium Length of High-Current Bunches in Electron Storage Rings," II Nuovo Cimento 3A, N1 1 Maggio (1971).
55. E. Keil, C. Pellegrini and A. M. Sessler, "Diffraction Radiation Defocussing of an Electron Ring," Nucl. Instrum. Methods 95, p131-135 (1971).
56. D. Keefe, et al., "Experiments on Forming, Compressing and Extracting Electron Storage Rings for the Collective Acceleration of Ions," Nucl. Instrum. Methods 93, p541 (1971).
57. A. M. Sessler, "Beam-Surrounding Interactions and the Stability of Relativistic Particle Beams," IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. NS-18, 3, p1039 (1971).
10 58. A. Faltens, et al., "An Analog for Measuring the Longitudinal Coupling Impedance of a Relativistic Beam With Its Environment," VIII Intl Conf on High Energy Accelerators p338-344 LBL-43 (1971).
59. D. Mohl and A. M. Sessler, "The Use of RF-Knockout for Determination of the Characteristics of the Transverse Coherent Instability of an Intense Beam," VIIIth Interntl Conf on High Energy Accel, p334-337 LBL-42 (1971).
60. C. Pellegrini, et al., "A High-Energy Proton-Electron-Positron Colliding Beam System," VIIIth Intl Conf on High Energy Accelerators, SLAC Pub 967 p153-157(1971).
61. J. Druzbick, J. A. White and A. M. Sessler, "Relativistic Contribution to the Hyperfine Interval of the Metastable Triplet State of He 3," Phys. Rev. A5, No. 6 p2683 (1972).
62. D. Mohl, L. J. Laslett and A. M. Sessler, "On the Performance Characteristics of Electron Ring Accelerators," Particle Accelerators 4, p159-167 LBL-1062 (1973).
63. M. Allen, et al., "Status Report on the LBL-SLAC Proton-Electron-Positron Colliding Beam Project," All-Union National Conference on High Energy Particle Accelerators, 2, p292 LBL-1063 (1973).
64. D. Mohl, L. J. Laslett and A. M. Sessler, "Transverse Two-Stream Instability in the Presence of Strong Species-Species and Image Forces," Nucl. Instrum. Methods 121, p517 LBL-1072 (1974).
65. A. M. Sessler, "High-Intensity Effects in the Longitudinal Motion of Stored Particle Beams," IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. NS-20, 3 p854 LBL-1710 (1973).
66. T. Elioff et al., "Proton-Electron-Positron Design Study," IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci.-20 3, p1039 (1973).
67. E. Keil, C. Pellegrini and A. M. Sessler, "Tune Shifts for Particle Beams Crossing at Small Angles in the Low-Section of a Storage Ring," Nucl. Instrum. Methods 118, p165-170 (1974).
68. E. Keil, C. Pellegrini, A. Turrin and A. M. Sessler, "Beam Cavity Interaction in Electron Storage Rings," Nucl. Instrum. Methods 127 p475-485 (1975).
11 69. P. J. Channell and A. M. Sessler, "Strong Turbulence and the Anomalous Length of Stored Particle Beams," Nucl. Instrum. Methods 136, p473-484 (1976).
70. M. A. Levine, et al., "Tormac Confinement, Theory & Experiment," Intl. Atomic Energy 37/E-4 p81, (1979).
71. J. Channell, A. M. Sessler and J. S. Wurtele, "Longitudinal Stability of Intense Non-Relativistic Particle Bunch in Resistive Structures," Appl. Phys. Lett. 39 No.4 p359 LBNL-11367 (1981).
72. D. Prosnitz and A. M. Sessler, "Millimeter Wave Generator by a Single-Pass, Compton Regime, Variable Parameter Free Electron Laser," Free Electron Generators 9, p651 (1982).
73. C. Litwin, M. Vella, and A. M. Sessler, "Linear Electrostatic Instability of the Electron Beam Ion Source," Nucl. Instrum. Methods 198, p189-192 LBNL- 13770. Dec (1981).
74. A. M. Sessler, "The Free Electron Laser as a Power Source for a High Gradient Accelerating Structure," AIP 91, p154 LBNL-14158 (1982).
75. J. Channell, J. S. Wurtele and A. M. Sessler, "On the Density Oscillations of a Warm Particle Bunch," Phys. Fluids 26, No.8 p2281 Aug (1983).
76. A. Paul, et al., "A Variable Emittance Filter for the Electron Laser Facility," Physics of Fluids 26, p2281 (1983).
77. T. Orzechowski, et al., "The Status of the LBL and LLNL Free Electron Facility," Free Electron Generators, SPIE 453, p65 (1984).
78. J. Peterson and A. M. Sessler , "Report of the Storage Ring Design Group , Free Electron Generation of Extreme VUV Radiation, 1983," AIP, 118, p266 LBNL-16744 (1984).
79. D. Hopkins, A. M. Sessler, and J. Wurtele, "The Two-Beam Accelerator," Nucl. Instrum. Methods 228, p15-19 LBNL-17800 (1984).
80. T. Orzechowski, et al., "Microwave Radiation from High-Gain Free Electron Laser Amplifier," Phys. Rev. Letts 54, No. 9 p889 (1985).
12 81. E. T. Sharlemann, A. M. Sessler, and J. Wurtele, "Optical Guiding in a Free Electron Laser," UCRL-91476, Nucl. Instrum. Methods A239 p29-35 (1985).
82. J. Peterson and A. M. Sessler, "Summary of the Working Group on Design of a FEL Storage Ring for l < 1000A," Nucl. Instrum. Methods A239, p119 (1985).
83. E. T. Sharlemann, A. M. Sessler, and J. Wurtele, "Optical Guiding in a Free Electron Laser," Phys. Rev. Lett. 54, p1925 (1985).
84. A. M. Sessler, "Report on the Panel Discussion of Future R&D Cooperation," KEK Rpt 84-14, p310 (1984).
85. T. Orzechowski, et al., "High Gain Free Electron Lasers Using Induction Linear Accelerators," IEEE J. Quantum Electron. QE21, p831 (1985).
86. A. M. Sessler, "Report of the Working Group on Other Acceleration Schemes," Acceleration of Particles, AIP 130, p350 LBNL-19063 (1985).
87. R. Kuenning, A. M. Sessler, and J. W. Wurtele, "Phase and Amplitude Considerations for the Two-Beam Accelerator," AIP 130, p324 LBNL-19064 (1985).
88. W. A. Barletta, et al., "Enhancing the Performance of a High-Gain Free Electron Laser Operating at Millimeter Wavelengths," Nucl. Instrum. Methods A239, p47 (1985).
89. F. Selph and A. M. Sessler, "Transverse Wakefield Effects in the Two-Beam Accelerator," Nucl. Instrum. Methods A244, p323-329 LBNL-20083 (1986).
90. E. Sternbach and A. M. Sessler, "A Steady-State FEL: Particle Dynamics in the FEL Portion of a Two-Beam Accelerator," Nucl. Instrum. Methods A250, p464-475 LBNL-19939 (1986).
91. J. S. Wurtele, E. T. Scharlemann and A. M. Sessler, "FEL Performance with Two Waveguide Modes," Nucl. Instrum. Methods A250, p176-182 (1986).
92. R. W. Kuenning and A. M. Sessler, "Phase and Amplitude Control of the Radio Frequency Wave in the Two-Beam Accelerator," Nucl. Instrum. Methods A243, p263-270, LBL-20235 (1986).
13 93. T. J. Orzechowski, et al., "High Gain and High Extraction Efficiency from a Free Electron Laser Amplifier Operating in the Millimeter Wave Regime," Nucl. Instrum. Methods A250, p144-149 (1986).
94. D. B. Hopkins, et al., "High-Power 35 GHz Testing of a Free-Electron Laser and Two-Beam Accelerator Structures," SPIE 664 p61 LBNL-20576 (1986).
95. A. M. Sessler and D. B. Hopkins, "The Two-Beam Accelerator," 86 Linear Accelerator Conference Proceedings p385-390 LBNL-21618 (1986).
96. W. M. Fawley, et al., "Novel Accelerator Employed High-Current Electron Beams: Numerical Simulations," 86 LAC Proceedings p112 June (1986).
97. J. Masud, et al., "Sideband Control in a Millimeter Wave Free Electron Laser," Phys. Rev. Letts. 58 No. 8 p763-766 LBNL-21847 (1987).
98. T. Orzechowski, et al., "High Efficiency Extraction of Microwave Radiation From a Tapered Wiggler Free Electron Laser," Phys. Rev. Letts. 57 No. 17 p2172-2175 (1986).
99. F. T. Scharlemann, et al., "Intrinsic Corrections to Optical Guiding in a Free Electron Laser," Ninth Interntl Free-Electron Laser Conf, LLNL Sept (1987).
100. S. S. Yu, et al., "Waveguide Suppression of Free Electron Laser Sideband Instability," Nucl. Instrum. Methods A259, p219-225 (1987).
101. R. W. Kuenning, A. M. Sessler, and E. J. Sternbach, "Radio Frequency Phase in the FEL Section of a TBA," AIP Conf Proc 156 p 371-388 LBNL-22301 (1987).
102. J. S. Wurtele and A. M. Sessler, "High Repetition Rate Linear Colliders at TeV and GeV Energies," AIP Conf Proc 156 p322 - 334 (1987).
103. A. M. Sessler and S. S. Yu, "Relativistic Klystron Version of the Two-Beam Accelerator," Phys. Rev. Lett. 58, No. 23 p2439-2442 (1987).
104. D. B. Hopkins, et al., "Fabrication and 35 GHz Testing of Key Two-Beam Accelerator Components," IEEE PAC 87 1 p80-82 LBNL-23092 (1987).
105. Y. Goren and A. M. Sessler, "Phase Control of the Microwave Radiation in Free Electron Laser Two-Beam Accelerator," Workshop on New
14 Developments in Particle Acceleration Techniques, Orsay France, 1, p231 (1987).
106. A. L. Throop, et al., "Experimental Characteristics of a High-Gain Free Electron Laser Amplifier Operating at 8-mm and 2-mm Wavelengths," June (1987).
107. W. A. Barletta and A. M. Sessler, "Radiation from Fine, Intense, Self- Focused Beams at High Energy," Nucl. Instrum. Methods p211-220 (1989).
108. M. A. Allen, et al., "Relativistic Klystron Research and Development," UCRL 98843 LLNL June (1988).
109. D. B. Hopkins, et al., "Design and Fabrication of 33 GHz High-Gradient Accelerator Sections," LBNL-25368 (1988).
110. D. B. Hopkins and A. M. Sessler, "Status of LBL/LLNL FEL Research for Two Beam Accelerator Applications," Workshop on the Physics of Linear Colliders, p329 LBL-26253 (1989).
111. M. A. Allen, et al., "Relativistic Klystron Research for Linear Colliders," Linear Accelerator Conference, (June 1989).
112. D. H. Whittum, et al., "Plasma Suppression of Beamstrahlung," Particle Accelerators 34, p89-104, LBL-25759 (1990).
113. Y.-J. Chen, E. T. Scharlemann, and A. M. Sessler, "Intrinsic Corrections to Optical Guiding in a Free Electron Laser," Nucl Instrum. Methods A72 p485- 489 (1988).
114. A. L. Throop, et. al, "Experimental Results of a High Gain Microwave FEL Operating at 140 GHz," Nucl. Instrum. Methods A72, p15-21 (1988).
115. S. Chattopadhyay, et al., "Conceptual Design of a Bright Electron Injector Based on a Laser-Driven Photocathode RF Electron Gun," 88 Linear Accelerator Conference Proceedings p325-327 LBNL-25699, June (1989).
116. D. B. Hopkins, et al., "An FEL Power Source for a TeV Linear Collider," 88 Linear Accelerator Conference Proceedings p684-690 LBNL-25936, June (1989).
15 117. A. M. Sessler, E. Sternbach and J. S. Wurtele, "A New Version of a Free Electron Laser Two-Beam Accelerator," Nucl Instrum Methods B40 /41 p1064-1068 LBNL-25937 (1989).
118. W. M. Sharp, et al., "Simulation of Superradiant Free-Electron Lasers ," Nucl. Instrum. Methods A 285, p217 (1989).
119. D. B. Hopkins, et al., "Elements of a Realistic 17 GHz FEL/TBA Design," Workshop on AAC, AIP 193, p141-151 LBNL-27059 (1989).
120. D. H. Whittum, et al., "On the Re-Acceleration of Bunched Beams," AIP 193, p433-447 LBNL-27092 (1989).
121. D. H. Whittum, G. A. Travish, and A. M. Sessler, "Beam Break-Up in the Two Beam Accelerator," IEEE PAC Proceedings 2, p1190, LBNL-26940 (1989).
122. D. B. Hopkins and A. M. Sessler, "Status of LBL/LLNL FEL Research for Two Beam Accelerator Applications," IEEE PAC Proc. 2, p1262, LBNL- 26932 (1989).
123. B. Autin, A. M. Sessler and D. H. Whittum, "Plasma Compensation Effects with Relativistic Electron Beams," IEEE PAC Proc. 3, p1812, LBNL-26930 (1989).
124. M. A. Allen, et al., "Relativistic Klystrons," PAC Proc 2, p1122, LBNL- 27147 (1989).
125. J. Dawson and A. M. Sessler, "DNA Base Pair Sequencer: Scanning Tunneling Microscope Plus Infrared Radiation," Workshop on X-Ray Microimaging for the Life Sciences, LBL-27660, UC-600, CONF-8905192, 108 (1989).
126. M. A. Allen, et al., "High-Gradient Electron Accelerator Powered by a Relativistic Klystron," Phys. Rev. Letts. 63 No. 22 p2472-2475 LBNL-27718 (1989).
127. M. A. Allen, et al., "Recent Progress in Relativistic Klystron Research," Particle Accelerators 30, No.4 p189-196 (1990).
16 128. A. M. Sessler, D. H. Whittum and J. S. Wurtele, "A Study of Phase Control in the FEL Two-Beam Accelerator," Particle Accelerators 31, No.4 p69-74 LBL- 27765 (1990).
129. R. A. Jong, et al., "17.1-GHz Free-Electron Laser as a Microwave Source for TeV Colliders," Nucl Instrum. Methods A296, p776-783 (1990).
130. P. Chen, K. Oide, A. M. Sessler and S. S. Yu, "An Adiabatic Focuser," Particle Accelerators 31 p7-19 LBL-27608 (1990).
131. P. Chen, K. Oide, A. M. Sessler and S. S. Yu, "A Plasma-Based Adiabatic Focuser," Phys. Rev. Letts. 64 No. 11 p1231-1234 (1990).
132. C. Joshi, C. E. Clayton, K. Marsh, D.B. Hopkins, A. M. Sessler and D. Whittum, "Demonstration of the Frequency Upshifting of Microwave Radiation by Rapid Plasma Creation," IEEE Trans. Plasma Science 18, No. 5 p814-818 Oct. (1990).
133. D. Whittum, A. M. Sessler and J.M. Dawson, "The Ion-Channel Laser," Phys. Rev. Letts. 64, No. 21 p2511-2514 LBL-28570 (1990).
134. D. H. Whittum, A. M. Sessler and V.K. Neil, "Transverse Resistive Wall Instability in the Two-Beam Accelerator," Phys. Rev. A, 43, No. 1 p294-303 LBNL-29125 (1991).
135. M. A. Allen, et al., "RF Power Sources for Linear Colliders," SLAC-PUB 5274, PAC, LBL-29458 June (1990).
136. G. A. Westenskow, et al., "Relativistic Klystrons for High-Gradient Accelerators," 1990 Linear Accelerator Conference Proceedings, LA12004-C, p192-194 (1991).
137. W. M. Sharp, et al., "Simulation of a Standing-Wave Free-Electron Laser," 1990 LAC Proceedings, LA12004-C, p656-658/Nucl Instrum. Methods A304 No.1 p487-491 (1991).
138. D. I. Sessler, J. McGuire and A. M. Sessler, "Perioperative Thermal Insulation," Anesthesiology 74, No.5 p875-879 (1991).
17 139. W. M. Sharp, G. Rangarajan, A. M. Sessler and J. S. Wurtele, "Phase Stability of a Standing-Wave Free-Electron Laser," Intl. Soc. Opt. Eng. (SPIE), UCRL- JC-105569, Jan (1991).
140. A. M. Sessler, D. H. Whittum, J.S. Wurtele, W.M. Sharp and M. A. Makowski, "Standing-Wave Free-Electron Laser Two-Beam Accel," Nucl. Instrum. Methods A 306, p592-605 LBL-30418 (1991).
141. A. M. Sessler, D. H. Whittum and L-H. Yu, "Radio-Frequency Beam Conditioner for Fast-Wave Free-Electron Gen of Coherent Radiation," Phys. Rev. Letts. 68, No. 3 p309-312 LBNL-31006 (1992).
142. K-J. Kim and A. M. Sessler, "Photon Storage Cavities," Nucl. Instrum. Methods A318 p895-898 LBNL-31195 (1992).
143. S. Krishnagopal, M. Xie, K-J. Kim and A. M. Sessler, "Three-Dimensional Simulation of a Hole-Coupled FEL Oscillator," Nucl. Instrum. Methods A318, p661-664 LBL-31196 (1992).
144. G. Rangarajan, A. M. Sessler and W. M. Sharp, "Discrete Cavity Model of a Standing-Wave Free-Electron Laser," Nucl. Instrum. Methods A318, p745 LBL-31197 (1992).
145. L-H. Yu, A. M. Sessler and D. H. Whittum, "Free-Electron Laser Gen. of VUV and X-Ray Radiation Using a Conditioned Beam and Ion-Channel Focusing," Nucl. Instrum. Methods A 318, p721-725 LBL-31198 (1992).
146. K. Takayama, R. Govil and A. Sessler, "Macroparticle Theory of a Standing Wave Free-Electron Laser Two-Beam Accel," Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A320, p587-593 LBL-32044(1992).
147. G. Rangarajan and A. Sessler, "Sensitivity Studies of a Standing-Wave Free- Electron Laser," AIP 279, p156-170 LBL-32463 (1993).
148. J. S. Wurtele, D. H. Whittum and A. M. Sessler, "Common Analysis of the Relativistic Klystron and the Standing-Wave Free-Electron Laser Two-Beam Accelerator," Int. J. Mod. Phys. A, 2A, 508, LBL 32580 (1993).
149. D. I. Sessler, A. M. Sessler, S. Hudson, A. Moayeri, "Heat Loss During Surgical Skin Preparation," Anesthesiology 78 No. 6 p1055-1064 (1992).
18 150. S. Krishnagopal, G. Rangarajan and A. M. Sessler, "The Multi-Cavity Free- Electron Laser," Optics Communications 100 p518-525 LBL-32220 (1993).
151. W. Barletta, A. M. Sessler and L.-H. Yu, "Physically Transparent Formulation of a Free-Electron Laser in the Linear Regime," Nucl. Instrum. Methods 331, p491-495 LBNL-32221 (1993).
152. R. Govil, R. A. Rimmer, A. M. Sessler and H.G. Kirk, "Design of RF Conditioner Cavities," Nucl. Instrum. Method A331 p335-339 LBL-32232, (1993).
153. I. Ben-Zvi, L-H. Yu, R. Govil and A. M. Sessler, "A Proposed Experiment for Beam Conditioning," Nucl. Instrum. Methods A331, ABS 1 BNL-47857, (1993).
154. D. K. Kalluri, V. R. Gotenti and A. M. Sessler, "WKB Solution for Wave Propagation in a Time-Varying Magnetoplasma Medium: Longitudinal Propagation," IEEE Trans. Plasma Science, 2 No. 1 p70-76 LBL-34048 (1993).
155. J. Wurtele, D. Whittum and A. Sessler, "Impedance-Based Analysis and Study of Phase Sensitivity in Slow-Wave Two-Beam Accelerators," AIP Conf Proc. 279, p143-155 LBL-31848 (1993).
156. K. Belani, D. I. Sessler, A. M. Sessler, et al., "Leg Heat Content During the Core Temperature Plateau," Anesthesiology 78 No. 5 p856-863 (1993).
157. S. Krishnagopal and A. M. Sessler, "Stability of Resonator Configurations in the Presence of Free-Electron Laser Interactions," Optics Communications, LBL-33053.
158. W. A. Barletta and A. M. Sessler, "Characteristics of a High Energy m+m- Collider Based on Electro-production of Muons," Nucl. Instrum. Methods A350 p36-44 LBL-33613 (1994).
159. S. Krishnagopal, G. Rangarajan and A. M. Sessler, "Numerical Studies of the Multi-Cavity Free-Electron Laser," Nucl. Instrum. Methods A331, ABS 22- ABS 25 (1993).
160. R. Govil and A. M. Sessler, "Theoretical Examination of Transfer Cavities in a Standing-wave Free-electron Laser Two-beam Accelerator," Intense
19 Microwave Pulses, Howard E. Brandt, Ed., SPIE 1872, p130 LBL-32480 (1993).
161. C. Wang and A. Sessler, "Three-Dimensional Simulation Analysis of the Standing-wave Free-electron Laser Two Beam Accelerator," Intense Microwave Pulses, Howard E. Brandt, Ed., SPIE 1872, p135 LBL-32481 (1993).
162. J. S. Kim, H. Henke, A. M. Sessler and D. H. Whittum, "Multi-Bunch Beam- Break-Up Studies for a SWFEL/TBA," PAC Proceedings 3 p3288-3290 LBL- 33255 (1993).
163. C. Wang and A. M. Sessler, "Three-Dimensional Simulation Analysis of the First Sections of a Standing-Wave Free-Electron Laser Two-Beam Accelerator," PAC Proceedings 3 p2608-2610 LBL-33256 (1993).
164. J-S. Kim, H. Henke, A. M. Sessler and W. M. Sharp, "The Standing Wave FEL/ TBA: Realistic Cavity Geometry and Energy Extraction," PAC Proceedings 3 p2593-2595 LBL-33257 (1993).
165. J. Wei, X-P. Li and A. M. Sessler, "Crystalline Beam Ground State," PAC Proceedings 3 p3527-3529 (1993).
166. W. M. Fawley, A. M. Sessler and E. T. Scharlemann, "Coherence and Linewidth Studies of a 4-nm High Power FEL," PAC Proceedings p1530- 1531 LBL-33285 (1993).
167. W. Barletta, et al., "Plasma Lens Experiments at the Final Focus Test Beam," PAC Proceedings 3 p2638-2640 (1993).
168. C. Wang and A. M. Sessler, "An Efficient Microwave Power Source: Free- Electron Laser Afterburner," J. Appl. Phys., 74 No. 8 p4840-4844 LBL- 33755, March (1993).
169. A. M. Sessler and D. H. Whittum, "Suppression of Beamstrahlung by Means of a Plasma," AIP 279, p939 (1993).
170. S. Krishnagopal and A. M. Sessler, "Generation of Harmonic Radiation Using the Multi-Cavity Free-Electron Laser," Nucl Instrum. Methods A341 p331- 334 LBL-34015 (1994).
20 171. R. L. Mills and A. M. Sessler, "Liouville's Theorem and Phase-Space Cooling," CERN Report 94-03 Wkshp on Beam Cooling , p3-13 LBL-34667 (1994).
172. W. A. Barletta and A. M. Sessler, "Stochastic Cooling in Muon Colliders," Workshop on Beam Cooling and Related Topics, CERN 94-03 p145-151 LBL 34680, (1993).
173. J. Wei, X-P. Li and A. M. Sessler, "Critical Temperatures for Crystalline Beam," Workshop on Beam Cooling and Related Topics, CERN 94-03 p366- 370 (1993).
174. W. Barletta, S. S. Gershtein, V. Krishan, M. Reiser, A. M. Sessler and M. Xie, "Collective Acceleration in Solar Flares," Physica Scripta, T52 p154-156 LBL-34842 (1994).
175. J. Wei, X-P. Li and A. M. Sessler, "The Low Energy States of Circulating Stored Ion Beams: Crystalline Beams," Phys Rev Letts, 73, No. 23, p3089, LBL-35322 (1994).
176. H. Okamoto, A. M. Sessler and D. Mohl, "Three Dimen Laser Cooling of Stored and Circulating Ion Beams by Means of a Coupling Cavity," Phys Rev Letts, 72, No. 25 p3977-3980 LBL-35266 (1994).
177. A. M. Sessler, "Theory of the Standing-Wave Free-Electron Laser Two-Beam Accelerator," Intl Workshop on Pulsed RF Power Sources for Linear Colliders," p279 -292 (1993).
178. X-P. Li, J. Wei and A. M. Sessler, "Crystalline Beams in a Storage Ring: How Long Can It Last?" EPAC'94 II p1379-1381, June (1994).
179. D. Mohl, A. M. Sessler, "Report of the Working Session on Cyclotron Maser Cooling ," Workshop on Beam Cooling, CERN 94-03 p429-435 Oct (1994).
180. S. Chattopadhyay, W. Barletta, S. Maury, D. Neuffer. A. Ruggiero and A. M. Sessler, "Critical Issues in Muon Colliders - A Summary," Wkshp on Beam Cooling and Related Topics CERN 94-03, p439-443 Oct (1994).
181. T. Matsukawa, D. Sessler, A. M. Sessler, M. Schroeder, M. Ozaki, A. Kurz and C. Cheng, "Heat Flow and Distribution During Induction of General Anesthesia," Anesthesiology. June 30 (1994).
21 182 J. Wei, X-P. Li and A. M. Sessler, "Crystalline Beam Ground State," RHIC Project, BNL 52381, June (1993).
183 M. Xie, K-J. Kim, A. M. Sessler, "Crab Crossing in a Gamma-Gamma Collider," Nucl. Instrum. Methods A355 p163-165 LBL-35997 (1994).
184. H-D. Nuhn, A. M. Sessler, et al., "Short Wavelength FELs Using the SLAC Linac," EPAC'94 I , p855-857 LBL-35905 June (1994).
185. S. Yu, F. Deadrick, N. Goffeney. E. Henestroza, T. Houck, H. Li, C. Peters, L. Reginato, A. Sessler, D. Vanecek and G. Westenskow, "Relativistic-Klystron Two-Beam-Accelerator Power Source For a 1 TeV Next Linear Collider - A System Study," Proc of 94 LINAC II p597-599 LBL-36232 (1994).
186. H. Li, S. Yu and A. Sessler, "Design Study of Longitudinal Dynamics of the Drive Beam in a Relativistic Klystron Two-Beam Accelerator," LBL-36180 (1994).
187. H. Li, T. Houck, N. Goffeney, E. Henestroza, A. Sessler, G. Westenskow and S. Yu. "Design Study of Beam Dynamics Issues for 1 TeV Next Linear Collider Based Upon the Relativisitic Klystron Two-Beam Accelerator," AIP Conf 335 p817-835 LBL-36233 June (1994).
188. W. Barletta, S. Chattopadhyay, P. Chen, D. Cline, A. Sessler et al., "Plasma Lens Experiments at the Final Focus Test Beam," AIP 335 p606-611 June (1994).
189. B. Ivanov, V. Butenko, A. Egorov, and A. Sessler et al., "Development of a Project and Theoretical Substantiations of a Two-Beam Electron-Ion Accelerator Based on Doppler Effect," AIP Conf 335 p429-450 June (1994).
190. H. Okamoto, A. Sessler, and D. Mohl," Three-Dimensional Laser Cooling," EPAC'94 II p1205-1207, LBL-35899 (1994).
191. J. Wei, X-P. Li and A. M. Sessler, "Crystalline Beam Properties As Predicted for the Storage Rings ASTRID and TSR," PAC, LBL-36495 May (1995).
192. P. Chen, A. Sessler, et al., "Progress On Plasma Lens Experiments at the Final Focus Test Beam," IEEE p2135-2137 May (1995).
22 193. G. Giordano, H. Li, N. Goffeney, E. Henestroza, A. Sessler, S. Yu, "Beam Dynamics Issues in an Extended Relativistic Klystron," IEEE p740-742 LBNL-36494 May(1995).
194. D. Robin, C. Kim, A. Sessler, "Compton Scattering in the ALS Booster," IEEE p207-209, May (1995).
195. S. Yu, F. Deadrick, N. Goffeney, E. Henestroza, T. Houck, H. Li, C. Peters, L. Reginato, A. Sessler, D. Vanecek and G. Westenskow, "A Systems Study of An RF Power Source For A 1 TeV Next Linear Collider Based Upon the Relativistic-Klystron Two-Beam Accelerator," AIP Conf 337, p213 LBL- 36545, (1995).
196. S. Yu and A. M. Sessler, "Low-Field Permanent Magnet Quadrupoles in a New Relativistic-Klystron Two-Beam Accelerator Design," Halbach Symposium PUB-755, 1 p137 LBL Feb (1995).
197. A. M. Sessler and A. O. Ostrovsky, "A Theory of Two-Beam Acceleration of Charged Particles in a Plasma Waveguide System," AIP Conf 335 p536-543 June (1994).
198. J. Wei, A. Draeseke, A. Sessler and X-P. Li, Crystalline Beams and Related Issues "Diverse Topics in Crystalline Beams," World Scientific p229-252 Feb (1996).
199. H. Okamoto, S. Machida, D. Mohl and A. Sessler, Crystalline Beams and Related Issues "Three-Dimensional Laser Cooling by Synchrobetatron Coupling," World Scientific p173-183 Feb (1996).
200. W-H. Cheng, A. M. Sessler and J. Wurtele, "Studies of Collective Instabilities in Muon Collider Rings," AIP p206-217 Oct (1995).
201. R. B. Palmer, A. Sessler, et al., "Muon Colliders," 9th Advanced ICFA Beam Dynamics Workshop: Beam Dynamics and Technology Issues for µ+µ- Colliders, Star Island, NY, Oct (1995).
202. W. A. Barletta and A. Sessler, "Characteristics of a high energy µ+µ- collider based on electro-production of muons," AIP p31-39 Nov (1994).
203. G. Westenskow, A. Sessler, et al., "Design of a Relativistic Klystron Two- Beam Accelerator Prototype," IEEE p737-739 May (1995).
23 204. A. M. Sessler Crystalline Beams and Related Issues “Methods of Beam Cooling” World Scientific p93-109 UC 427, LBNL-38278 February (1996).
205. A. M. Sessler, et al., “ Muon Muon Collider, A Feasibility Study," The Muon Collaboration Group Fermilab Conf ‘96, BNL 52503, LBNL-38946 June (1996)
206. J. S. Wurtele and A. M. Sessler, "Constraints on Laser-Driven Accelerators for a High-Energy Linear Collider," EPAC'96, 1 p845 LBNL-38955, CBP/LBNL-39031 June (1996).
207. K-J. Kim & A. M. Sessler, et al., "A Second Interaction Region for Gamma- Gamma, Gamma-Electron & Electron-Electron Collision," EPAC'96, 1 p501 LBNL-38935, Center for Beam Physics Papers LBNL-39031 June (1996).
208. J. Wei & A. M. Sessler, "Sensitivity Studies of Crystalline Beams," EPAC'96, 2 p1179-1181 LBNL-38937 June (1996).
209. G. Westenskow, A. M. Sessler, et al., "RF Power Source Development at the RTA Test Facility," EPAC'96, 3 p2149 LBNL-38938 CBP LBNL-39031 June (1996).
210. W-H. Cheng, A. M. Sessler and J. S. Wurtele, "Single Bunch Collective Effects in Muon Colliders," EPAC'96, 2 p1081, LBNL-38936, CBP LBNL- 39031 June (1996).
211. R. Palmer, A. M. Sessler and A. Tollestrup, "Progress on the Design of a High Luminosity Muon-Muon Collider," EPAC'96, 1 p861 LBNL-38934 June (1996).
212. A. M. Sessler, editor “ Center for Beam Physics Paper “ June (1996) LBNL- 39031
213. K-J. Kim, M. Xie and A. M. Sessler, “An FEL Scheme for Generating High Power Optical Beams for Gamma-Gamma Colliders Based on Chirped Pulse Amplification Techniques,” Nucl. Instrum. Methods 375 p523-25, LBNL- 37094 (1996).
214. A. Sessler, et al., “ Muon Collider Design “ Reprinted from Proceedings Supplements Nuclear Physics B 51A p61-84 (1996).
24 215. W H Cheng, A. M. Sessler and J Wurtele, “ Varying Chromaticity: A Damping Mechanism for the Transverse Head-Tail Instability,” Phy Rev E 56 No. 4 p4695-4709 Oct 1997 LBNL-39717 Dec (1996).
216. W-H. Cheng, A. M. Sessler, and J. S. Wurtele, “Damping of The Transverse Head-Tail Instability by Periodic Modulation of The Chromaticity,” Phys. Rev Letts 78 No.24 p4564-4568 LBNL-39642 Nov (1996).
217. R.B. Palmer, A. Tollestrup, A. Sessler, “ Status Report of a High Luminosity Muon Collider and Future Research and Development Plans,” BNL Nov (1996).
218. W-H Cheng, A. M. Sessler, J. S. Wurtele, “ Longitudinal Behavior in a Muon Collider Ring, “ published in Nucl. Instrum. Methods May (1997).
219. W-H. Cheng, A. M. Sessler and J. S. Wurtele, “Increase of the Transverse Strong Head- Tail Instability Threshold by A Varying Chromaticity,” published in the 1997 Particle Accelerator Conference Proceedings, Vol. 4, p. 1614, LBNL-40252 May (1997).
220. W-H. Cheng, A. M. Sessler, W. C. Turner and J. S. Wurtele, “Control of Longitudinal Collective Behavior in the Muon Collider Rings,” ,” published in the 1997 Particle Accelerator Conference Proceedings, Vol. 4 , p. 422, LBNL-40251 May (1997).
221. A. M. Sessler et al., “Simulation study of 3D laser cooling schemes for circulating stored beams,” printed in proceedings of Workshop in Japan (1997).
222. D. I. Sessler and A.M. Sessler, “Experimental Determination of Heat Flow Parameters During Induction of General Anesthesia,” Anesthesiology, Vol. 89, Num. 3, p. 657 Sept. (1998).
223 J. Wei, H. Okamoto and A. M. Sessler, “Necessary Conditions for Attaining a Crystalline Beam,” Physical Review Letters 80 No. 12 p2606 (1998).
224. R. B. Palmer, J. C. Gallardo, A. Tollestrup and A. M. Sessler “High Luminosity m+ m- Collider: Report of a Feasibility Study,“ Hadron Colliders at the Highest Energy and Luminosity, World Scientific Pub. Co. p. 39 (1998).
25 225. A. I. Dzergach, V. S. Kabanov, A. M. Sessler and J.S. Wurtele, “About the Realization of Laser Acceleration Schemes based on Plasmoids in R.F. Wells,” published in the 6th European Particle Accelerator Conference proceedings, p. 821, LBNL-41966 (1998).
226. C. Celata, A. Sessler, P. B. Lee, B. A. Shadwick and J. Wurtele, “A Moment Equation Approach to a Muon Collider Cooling Lattice,” 6th European Particle Accelerator Conference proceedings, p. 1058, LBNL-42088 (1998).
227. R. Palmer, A. Sessler, A. Tollestrup and J. Gallardo, “Muon Collider Overview: Progress and Future Plans,” 6th European Particle Accelerator Conference proceedings, p. 838, LBNL – 42090 June (1998).
228. J. Wei and A. Sessler, “Colliding Crystalline Beams,” 6th European Particle Accelerator Conference proceedings, p.862, LBNL-42091 June (1998).
229. K-J Kim and A. Sessler, “The Equation of Motion of an Electron,” Advanced Acceleration Concepts--8th Workshop, AIP Conference Proceedings 472, p. 3, ANL pub LS-270, LBNL-42186 July (1998).
230. E-S. Kim, A. Sessler and J. Wurtele, "Longitudinal Instability in a 50Gev x 50Gev Muon Collider Ring," 1999 Particle Accelerator Conference Proceedings, V. 5, p. 3053, LBNL-43043, March (1999).
231. E-S. Kim, A. Sessler and J. Wurtele, "Transverse Instability in a 50Gev x 50Gev Muon Collider Ring," 1999 Particle Accelerator Conference Proceedings, V. 5, p. 3056, LBNL-43044, March (1999).
232. B. A. Shadwick, J. S. Wurtele and A. M. Sessler, "Modeling the Muon Cooling Channel Using Moments," 1999 Particle Accelerator Conference Proceedings, V. 3, pg. 1716, March (1999).
233. E-S. Kim, A. Sessler and J. Wurtele, "Analysis of the longitudinal collective behavior in a 50 Gev 3 50 Gev Muon Collider Ring," Phys Rev Special Topics: Accelerator and Beams 2, 051001 (1999).
234. C.M. Ankenbrandt, M. Atac, B. Autin, V.I. Balbekov, et al., “Status of Muon Collider Research and Development of Future Plans,” submitted to the Phys Rev Special Topics Accelerator and Beams, 2, #8, August (1999).
26 235. R. Alley, P. Anthony, H. Baldis, P. Bolton, et al., “Plasma Focusing of High Energy Density Electron Beams,” submitted to Physics Review Letters, March (2000).
236. T. Anderson, N. Andreev, C.M. Ankenbrandt, S. Assadi, et al., “A Feasibility Study of a Neutrino Source Based on a Muon Storage Ring,” March (2000).
237. A.M. Sessler, J.M. Cornwall, B. Dietz, S. Fetter, S. Frankel, R.L. Garwin, K. Gottfried, L. Gronlund, G.N. Lewis, T. A. Postol and D.C. Wright, “Countermeasures: A Technical Evaluation of the Operational Effectiveness of the Planned US National Missile Defense System,” published by the Union of Concerned Scientists, April (2000).
238. P. X. Wang, Y. K. Ho, X. Q. Yuan, Q. Kong, N. Cao, A. M. Sessler, E. Esarey, and Y. Nishida, “Vacuum electron acceleration by an intense laser,” App. Phys. Letters, 78, No.15 p. 2253 – 2255, LBNL-47634 April (2001).
239. A. M. Sessler, “Staging” Proceedings of the Neutrino Factories 2001 Conference, Tsukuba, Japan, 2001, Nuclear Instruments and Methods A 503, 62 (2003).
240. W. Fawley, G. Penn, A. M. Sessler, and J. Wurtele, “Studies of the Front End of a Neutrino Factory” Particle Accelerator Conference Proceedings (2001).
241. P. Szmuk, M. F. Rabb, J. E. Baumgartner, J. M. Berry, A. M. Sessler, D. I. Sessler, “Body Morphology and the Speed of Cutaneous Rewarming,” Anesthesiology 95, no. 1 p. 18-21 July (2001).
242. P. X. Wang, Y. K. Ho, X. Q. Yuan, Q. Kong, A. M. Sessler, E. Esarey, E. Moshkovich, Y. Nishida, N. Yugami, H. Ito, J. X. Wang and S. Scheid, “Characteristics of laser-driven electron acceleration in vacuum,” J. Appl. Phys. 91 (No. 2,) 856 (2002), LBNL-49103 Nov (2001).
243. J. Wei and A. M. Sessler, “Crystalline Beams,” Quantum Aspects Of Beam Physics, 18th Advanced ICFA Beam Dynamics Workshop Proceedings, p. 176 – 193, (2002).
244. J. Gallardo, A. M. Sessler, J. Wurtele, “The Role of Quantum Mechanics in Neutrino Factories,” Quantum Aspects Of Beam Physics, 18th Advanced ICFA Beam Dynamics Workshop Proceedings, p. 242 – 254, (2002).
27 245. M.M.Alshoro’a et al, “Recent progress in Neutrino Factory and Muon Collider research within the Muon Collaboration”, Physical Review Special Topics: Accelerators and Beams 6, 081001 (2003).
246. J. Pang, Y. K. Ho, X. Q. Yuan, N. Cao, Q. Kong, P. X. Wang, L. Shao, E. H. Esarey, and A. M. Sessler, “Subluminous phase velocity of a focused laser beam and vacuum laser acceleration.” Physical Review E 66, 066501(2002)`
247. S Berg, et al, “FFAG for Muon Acceleration”, Particle Accelerator Conference Proceedings, 2003, FPAB062 (2003).
248. E. Keil and A.M. Sessler, “Muon Acceleration in FFAG Rings”, Particle Accelerator Conference Proceedings, 2003, WOAB010 (2003).
249. A. Wolski, G.Penn. A. Sessler and J. Wurtele, “Beam Conditioning for FELs: Consequences and Methods, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Report 53898 (2003).
250. A. Wolski, G.Penn. A. Sessler and J. Wurtele, “Beam Conditioning for FELs: Consequences and Methods, Phys. Rev Special Topics: Accelerators and Beams 7, 080701 (2004).
251. H. Okamoto et al, “One-dimensional ordering of ultra-low density ion beams in a storage ring”, Su Physical Review E 69, 066504 (2004).
249 E. Keil and A.M. Sessler, “An Electron Model of an FFAG Muon Accelerator”. CERN Report-AB-2003-095-ABP, CERN_NUFACT Note 135 (2003).
250 E. Keil and A.M. Sessler, “Muon Acceleration in FFAG Ring”s, Nuclear Instruments and Methods A 538, 159 (2005)
251 E. Keil, J.S. Berg and A.M. Sessler, “Electron Model of an FFAG Muon Accelerator”, European Particle Accelerator Conference, Luzern (2004).
252 J. Scott Berg et al, “Review of Current FFAG Lattice Studies in North America”, Cyclotron Conference, Tokyo, Oct 20004.
253 D. Trbojevic et al, “Design of a Non-Scaling FFAG Accelerator for Proton Therapy”, Cyclotron Conference, Tokyo, Oct 2004.
28 254 E. Keil, Andrew Sessler, and Dejan Trbojevic, “A Non-Scaling Radial-Sector Fixed Field Alternating Gradient (FFAG) Ring for Carbon Cancer Theroapy”, Proceedings of the International Workshop on FFAG Accelerators, Oct, 2004, KEK, Tsukuba,p.41
255 H. Enokizono et al, “On the Maintenance Condition of Crystalline Beams”, to be submitted to Phys, Rev, Special Topics: Accelerators and Beams, 2005
256 E. Gerjuoy and Andrew Sessler, “Popper’s Experiment and Communication”, American Journal of Physics 74, 643, 2006
257 J.J. Banard et al, “Accelerator and Ion Beam Tradeoffs for Studies of Warm Dense Matter, Particle Accelerator Conference, Knoxville, May, 2005
258 A. Friedman et al, “Highly Compressed Ion Beams for High Energy Density Science”, Particle Accelerator Conference, Knoxville, May, 2005
259 E. Keil, D. Trbojevic, and A.M. Sessler, “Fixed Field Alternating Gradient Accelerators (FFAG) for Hadron Cancer Therapy”, Particle Accelerator Conference, Knoxville, May, 2005
260 J.W. Staples et al, “RF-Based Accelerators for HEDP Research”, Particle Accelerator Conference, Knoxville, May, 2005
261 X-P Li et al, “ Phonon Modes and the Maintenance Condition of a Crystalline Beam”, Particle Accelerator Conference, Knoxville, May, 2005
262 K-J Kim and A.M. Sessler, “Transverse-Longitudinal Phase-Space Manipulations and Correlations”, Beam Cooling and Related Topics, Proceedings of COOL05, Sept 2005, editors S. Nagaitsev and R. Pasquinelli, American Institute of Physics Conference Proceedings 821, p.115 (2006).
263 Andrew Sessler, Simon Yu and Enrique Henestroza, Ion Motion in the Adiabatic Focuser”, EPAC Proceedings
264 Eberhard Keil, Andrew Sessler, and Dejan Trbojevic, “Field Alternating Gradient Accelerators (FFAG) for Fast Hadron Cancer Therapy”, EPAC Proceedings
29 265 Andrew M. Sessler and Andrzej Wolski, “Linear and Nonlinear Coupling Using Decoupling Transformations”, EPAC Proceedings
266 J. Wei, et al, “Crystalline Beams at High Energies”, EPAC Proceedings
267 D. Trbojevic, E. Keil and A. Sessler, “Non-Scaling Fixed Field Gradient Accelerator (FFAG) Design for the Proton and Carbon Therapy”, International Symposium on the Utilization of Accelerators, June 2005.
268 Eberhard Keil, Andrew Sessler and Dejan Trbojevic, “Hadron Cancer Therapy Complex Employing Non-Scaling FFAG Accelerator and Fixed Field Gantry Design”, Proceeedings of the FFAG Workshop, Osaka (2006).
269 D. Trbojevic et al, “Proton-Carbon Therapy: A Novel Gantry Design”, Phys. Rev. Special Topics: A&B 10, 053503 (2007).
270 Andrzej Wolski and Andrew M. Sessler, “Linear and Nonlinear Decoupling Using Time-dependent Transformations”, Phys Rev Special Topics: A&B 10, 124002 (2007).
271 E. Keil, A.M. Sessler, and D. Trbojevic, “Hadron Cancer Therapy Complex Using Non-Scaling FFAG Accelerator and Gantry Design”, Phys Rev Special Topics: A&B 10, 054701 (2007)
272 Hiromi Okamoto, Kenichi Kaneta and Andrew Sessler, “Phase-space manipulation of charged-particle beams by means of coupling resonances”, J. Phys. Soc. of Japan 76, 074501 (2007).
273 Gregory Penn, Andrew Sessler, Jonathan Wurtele, “A plasma channel beam conditioner for free electron lasers”, PAC June 2007
274 D. Trbojevic, R. Gupta, B. Parker, E. Keil, and A.M. Sessler, “Superconducting Non-Scaling FFAG Gantry for Carbon/Proton Cancer Therapy”, PAC June 2007
275 E. Huenestra, A.M. Sessler, Simon Yu, Adiabatic Focuser, PAC June 2007
276. D. Trbojevic, E. Keil, and A. Sessler, “Non-scaling FFAG Accelerators and Gantries for Medical Purposes, ICFA Beam Dynamics Newsletter, No 43, August, 2007.
30 277. H. Okamoto, K. Kaneta and A.M. Sessler, “Theoretical Study of Emittance Transfer”, COOL07 Proceedings (2007).
278. J.Wei at al, “Recent Theoretical Investigations of Beam Crystralization”, COOL 07 Proceeding (2007)
279. D Trobojevic et al, “Innovative Design of the Isocentric Proton/Carbon Gantries”, Cyclotrons 2007
280. Hiroshi Sugimoto, Hiromi Okamoto, Jie Wei, Yosuke Yuri and Andrew M. Sessler, “ON THE STABILITY OF HIGH-ENERGY CRYSTALLINE BEAMS”, Particle Accelerator Society of Japan (2008).
281. Kenichi Kaneta, Hiromi Okamoto and Andrew M. Sessler, “PHASE-SPACE MANIPULATION AND CONDITIONING FOR FEL”, Particle Accelerator Society of Japan (2008).
282. Kenichi KANETA, Hiromi OKAMOTO, Masao KURIKI, Andrew M. SESSLER, “Application of Coupling Resonance to Electron-Beam Conditioning for Free Electron Lasers”, J. of the Phys. Soc. of Japan 78, 124503 (2009)
283. Peicheng Yu, Jie Wei, Andrew Sessler, Hiromi Okamoto, Yosuke Yuri,
“Intrabeam Scattering at Low Temperature Range”, Int. Particle Acceleraor
Conference (2010), p. 1943.
284. D. S. Robin, D. Arbelaez, S. Caspi, C. Sun, A. Sessler, W. Wan, M. Yoon, “Superconducting Toroidal Combined Function Magnet for a Compact Ion Beam Cancer Therapy Gantry”, Nuclear Instruments and Beams A 659, 484 (2011).
285. M. Zolotorev, A. Sessler, J. Wurtele, G. Penn, and A. Charman, “Enhancing Trapped Antiproton Populations Through Frictional Cooling”, Phys. Rev. Special Topics: A&B, 15, 033502 (2012).
286. M. Zolotorev, A. Sessler, J. Wurtele, G. Penn, and A. Charman, “Enhanced trappable Antiproton Populations Through a Induction Unit Followed by Frictional Cooling”, COOL-11 (2011)
31 287. C. Sun† , D. Arbelaez, S. Caspi, D. Robin, A. Sessler, W. Wan, LBNL, CA 94706, USA, M. Yoon, POSTECH, Pohang, Kyungbuk, Korea, “COMPACT BEAM DELIVERY SYSTEMS FOR ION BEAM THERAPY”, Proceedings of the IPAC 3633 (2011).
288. Matthias Reinsch, Brian Austin, John Corlett, Lawrence Doolittle, Gregory Penn, Donald Prosnitz, Ji Qiang, Andrew Sessler, Marco Venturini, Jonathan Wurtele, “System Trade Analysis for an FEL Facility”, FEL (2011).
289. M Reinsch et al, “Machine parameter Studies for an FEL Facility Using STAFF”, International Particle Accelerator Conference, 2012
290. Weishi Wan, David Robin, Andrew Sessler, Changchun Sun, “Compact Gantry with Large Momentum Acceptance”, IPC 2012 291. G. Stupakov, A. Sessler and M.Zolotorev, “Noise Suppression in Relativistic Beams” Proceedings of the COOL13 Conference. Review Papers
1. A. M. Sessler, "Theory of Liquid 3 He," Liquid Helium, International School of Physics " Enrico Fermi" Course 21 (Academic Press), 188 (1963).
2. A. M. Sessler, "Helium Three," Eighth International Conference on Low Temperature Physics, (edited by Davies, Butterworths), 11 (1963).
3. A. M. Sessler, "Instabilities of Relativistic Particle Beams," Vth International Conference on High Energy Accelerators 319 Frascati and Roma (1966).
4. A. M. Sessler, "Summary Paper on Beam Behavior," International Symposium on Electron and Positron Rings, Saclay, Sept.1966, Presses Universitaires de Frances (1966).
5. A. M. Sessler, et al., "The Electron-Ring Accelerator Program LRL," Soviet National Conference on Accelerators 1, 54, Moscow (1970).
6. A. M. Sessler, "The Electron Ring Accelerator," Encyclopedia of Science and Technology McGraw-Hill 252 (1969).
7. A. M. Sessler, "The Acceleration of Particles by Collective Fields I," Comments on Nuclear and Particle Physics 3, 93 (1969).
32 8. A. M. Sessler, "Collective-Field Acceleration," VIIth International Particle Accelerator Conference, Yerevan, 1969, 2, 431 (1970).
9. C. Pellegrini and A. M. Sessler, "Physics With and Physics of Colliding Electron Beams," Comments on Nuclear and Particle Physics, 4, 55 (1970).
10. J. M. Peterson, et al., "The Electron-Ring Accelerator Program at Berkeley, Lawrence Radiation Laboratory Report," UCRL-20150, 2nd National Conference on Particle Accelerators, USSR, Nov (1970).
11. L. J. Laslett and A. M. Sessler, "The Acceleration of Particles by Collective Fields II," Comments on Nuclear and Particle Physics 4, 211 (1970).
12. A. M. Sessler, "The Possibilities and Problems of Present and Future Accelerators," VIIth International School on Particle Physics, Yerevan Nov. (1971).
13. A. M. Sessler, "Instabilities of Relativistic Particle Beams," VIIth International School on Particle Physics, Yervan, Nov (1970).
14. A. M. Sessler, "Collective Phenomena in Accelerators," Proton Linear Accelerator Conference, Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory LA-5115, 291 (1972).
15. A. M. Sessler, "Wigglers and Free Electron Lasers," An Overview, Wiggler Magnets, (Edited by H. Winick and T. Knight), SSRP Report 77/05 May (1977).
16. D. Keefe and A. M. Sessler, "Heavy Ion Fusion," XI International Conference on High Energy Accelerators, CERN Geneva, 201(1981).
17. A. M. Sessler, "Collective Field Accelerators in Physics of High Energy Particle Accelerators," AIP, 87, 919 (1982).
18. A. M. Sessler, "Report of the Working Group on Media Accelerators," Workshop on Laser Acceleration of Particles, 1982, AIP, 91, 10 (1982).
19. A. M. Sessler, "The Research Needs of the New Accelerators Technologies," Seminar on New Trends in Particle Acceleration Techniques, June(1982), LBL-14819.
33 20. A. M. Sessler, "Collective Effect Accelerators and the Challenge of Attaining Ultra-High Energies," ECFA-RAL Meeting on the Challenge of Ultra-High Energies, New College, Oxford, 79, Sept. (1982).
21. A. M. Sessler, "Laser Accelerator," IEEE Trans. on Nucl. Sci. NS-30, 4, 3145 (1983).
22. A. M. Sessler, "New Concepts in Particle Accelerators," XIIth International Conference on High Energy Accelerators, Fermilab, 445 (1983).
23. A. M. Sessler, "Topics in the physics of Particle Accelerators," in Techniques and Concepts of High-Energy Physics III, (edited by T. Ferbel, Plenum Press), New York 337 (1985).
24. A. M. Sessler, "New Acceleration Methods," in Techniques and Concepts of High-Energy Physics III, (edited by T. Farbel, Plenum Press), New York 375 (1985).
25. A. M. Sessler, "The Quest For Ultra-High Energies," American Journal of Physics 54, 505 (1986).
26. W. Colson and A. M. Sessler, "The Free Electron Laser," Annual Reviews of Nuclear and Particle Science 35, 25 (1985).
27. A. M. Sessler, "Future Accelerator Technology," 2nd Conference on the Intersections between Particle and Nuclear Physics, May 1986, Lake Louise, AIP 150, 53 (1986).
28. A. M. Sessler and D. Vaughan, "Free Electron Laser," American Scientist 75, 34 (1987).
29. A. M. Sessler and W. Schnell, "Semi-Conventional High-Frequency Linacs," Summary Report of Working Group I, Workshop on New Development in Particle Acceleration Techniques, Orsay France 1, 137, June (1987).
30. A. M. Sessler, "New Particle Acceleration Techniques," Physics Today. 41, No. 1, 26 January (1988).
31. A. M. Sessler, "The Two-Beam Accelerator," Intl Conf High Energy Physics, (1987).
34 32. N. Bloembergen, et al., "Report to the APS by the study group on Science and Technology of Directed Energy Weapons," Rev. of Mod. Phys. 59, No 3 Part II (1987).
33. A. M. Sessler, "Report of the New Acceleration Schemes Panel," ICFA Meeting on New Perspectives in HEP, Brookhaven, Oct. (1987).
34. A. M. Sessler, "The Two-Beam Accelerator and the Relativistic Klystron Power Source," Intl Memorial Seminar for G. I. Budker, Novosibirsk, U.S.S.R. LBL-25760 April (1988).
35. A. M. Sessler, "Pulsed Power Technology and High Energy Particle Accelerators," What's New in Physics, Physics Today 42, S-39 January, (1989).
36. A. M. Sessler, "High-Power, High-Efficiency FELs," CERN Accelerator School on Synchrotron Radiation and Free Electron Lasers, Chester College, Chester, England, April 1989, CERN 90-03, p335 LBL-27035 (1990).
37. A. M. Sessler, "Prospects for the FEL," CERN Accelerator School, Chester College, Chester, England, April 1989, CERN 90-03, p373 LBL-27034 (1990).
38. A. M. Sessler, "Some Frontiers of Accelerator Physics," Kent M. Terwilliger Memorial Symposium, University of Michigan, Oct 1989, AIP 237, p92 LBL- 28066 (1991).
39. A. M. Sessler, "Frontiers of Particle Beam Physics," 31st Annual Meeting, American Physical Society-Division of Plasma Physics, Anaheim, November 1989, Phys. Fluids B—Plasma Physics 2, No. 6, p1325 LBL-28021 June (1990).
40. A. M. Sessler, "Beam Dynamics Issues of High-Luminosity Asymmetric Collider Rings,” Particle World 1, No. 5, p125 LBL-29000 (1990).
41. K-J. Kim and A. Sessler, "Free-Electron Lasers: Present Status and Future Prospects," SCIENCE 250, p88-93 LBL-29124 Oct (1990).
42. A. M. Sessler, "New Techniques for Particle Accelerators," LBL-29114A, presented at 2nd European Accelerator Conference, Nice, France, June 12-16,
35 1990; Recent Projects and Developments in Acceleration Machines, Varenna, 289, LBL-29114 June (1990).
43. A. M. Sessler, "Some Nonlinear Problems in the Manipulation of Beams," LBL-29716, US-Japan Workshop on Nonlinear Dynamics and Acceleration Mechanisms, Tsukuba, Japan, October 22-25, 1990, Nonlinear Dynamics and Particle Acceleration, AIP 230, 165, LBL-29716 (1991).
44. A. M. Sessler, "Beam Conditioning for Free-Electron Lasers," Workshop on Fourth Generation Light Sources, Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory, Feb. 24 1992, SSRL 92/02, 278 (1992).
45. W. A. Barletta, A. M. Sessler and L.-H. Yu, "Using the SLAC Two Mile Accelerator for Powering an FEL," Workshop on Fourth Generation Light Sources, Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory, Feb. 24-27, 1992, SSRL 92/02, 376 (1992).
46. A. Sessler, "The Development of Colliders," Intl. Symp. on 30 Years of Neutral Currents: from Weak Neutral Currents to the (W)/Z and Beyond, Santa Monica, CA, Feb 1993, LBL-33664.
47. A. M. Sessler, "Progress in Advanced Accelerator Concepts," LINAC'94, Tsukuba, Japan, LBL- 35967 August (1994);
48. J. Wei, X-P. Li, A. Sessler, "Crystalline Beams," Proceeding of the Advanced Accelerator Concepts Conference, Lake Geneva, WI, 224 June (1994).
49. S. Chattopadhyay, W. Barletta, S. Maury, D. Neuffer, A. Ruggiero and A. Sessler, "Critical issues in low energy muon colliders — ," Nucl. Instr. Meth, 350 53-56, (1994).
50. A. M. Sessler, "The Cooling of Particle Beams," Tamura Symposium on Accelerator Physics, Univ. of Texas Austin, LBL-36302 Nov (1994).
51. S. Chattopadhyay and A. Sessler, "Linear Colliders with Gamma Gamma Collisions—an Introduction," Nucl. Instr. Method, Feb 1, No. 1 355 (1995).
52. A. M. Sessler, "Photon-Photon Colliders," LBL-36499 May (1995).
53. A. M. Sessler, "Accelerator Beam Emittance," Am. J. of Phys, 60, 760 (1992).
36 54. J. P. Holdren, et. al., Invited panel member on The President's Committee of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST), The U.S. Program of Fusion Energy Research and Development, “Report of the Fusion Review Panel,” July (1995).
55. A. Sessler, "Methods of Cooling Beams," 31st Workshop "Crystalline Beams and Related Issues," Eric, Italy, Proc 31st Wkshp INFN Eloisatron Project 93 Nov (1995).
56. K-J. Kim and A. M. Sessler, “Gamma-Gamma Colliders," SLAC Beam Line, 26, No. 1 16 LBNL-39093, Spring/Summer (1996).
57. A. M. Sessler “The Development of Colliders,“ Multi-GeV High-Performance Accelerators and Related Technology The XVI RCNP Osaka International Symposium” World Scientific, p8 (1997), presented at APS Mtg April (1997), presented at PAC ‘97 LBNL-40116 May (1997).
58. A. M. Sessler, “Two New Colliders Gamma Ray--Gamma Ray Colliders and Mu-Lepton--Mu -Lepton Colliders," published in Physics Today (1997).
59. A. M. Sessler, "Progress in Advanced Accelerator Concepts," Advances in Spectroscopy and Lasers edited by H. D. Bist and T.S. Little McGraw Hill reprinted Chap. 13, pp 319-327 (1997).
60. A. Sessler and G. Westenskow “Two-Beam Accelerators,” Encyclopedia handbook (1997).
61. A. M. Sessler, “Gamma-Ray Colliders and Muon Colliders,” Physics Today 51, No.3 p48 March (1998).
62. A. Sessler and G. Westenskow, “Two-Beam Accelerators,” Handbook of Accelerator Physics and Engineering pp 44-46 September (1998).
63. A. Sessler, et al., "Status of Muon Collider Research and Development and Future Plans,” Accepted by Phys Rev Special Topics: Accelerator and Beams 2, #5, May (1999).
64. E. J. N. Wilson and A. M. Sessler, “Summary of Scenarios Working Groups,” published in NuFACT’99 proceedings, February 18 (1999).
37 65. A. M. Sessler, “Scientific Progress and the Development of Predictive Capability,” working on report for NRC Fusion, May 3 (2000).
66. Y. K. Ho, P. X. Wang, Q. Kong, X. Q. Yuan, A. M. Sessler, E. Esarey and E. Moshkovich, “Vacuum Electron Acceleration by an Intense Laser,” to be presented at Advanced Accelerator Concepts, June (2000).
67. A. M. Sessler, “An Assessment of the Department of Energy’s Office of Fusion Energy Sciences Program” National Research Council; Committee on the High-Energy-Density Plasma Physics assessment (2001-2002).
68. A. M. Sessler, “Introductory Remarks: Reflections on the Reasons for Building Accelerators” 20th ICFA Advanced Beam Dynamics Workshops on High Intensity and High Brightness Hadron Beams, a Conference Proceedings, Ed. D. V. Neuffer and J. –F. Ostiguy, AIP Conference Proceedings 642, .3 (2002).
69. A. M. Sessler, “Closing Remarks at 4th NuFact’02 Workshop, London, England, July 6, 2002” (2002), J. of Physics G: Nucl. and Part. Phys. 29, 1 (2003).
70. A.M. Sessler, “Neutrino Factories: The Facility”, Comments on Modern Physics 2 (Issue 6), A309 (2002).
71. R. Davidson et al., “Frontiers in High Energy Density Physics” National Research Council Report, ISBN 0-309-08637-X (2002).
72. D. Mohl and A.M. Sessler, “Beam cooling: principles and achievements, COOL 03, Mt. Fuji, Japan, Nuclear Instruments and Methods A (to be published) (2003).
73. K. Symon and A.M. Sessler, ”The Appreciation of Stochastic Motion in Particle Accelerators”, Proc. of Dynamical Chaos in Classical and Quantum Physics (cd only) (2003).
74. A.M. Sessler, “Quantum Interference”, Proc. of Dynamical Chaos in Classical and Quantum Physics (cd only) (2003).
75. K.J. Kim e al, “Towards Advanced Electron Beam Brightness Enhancement and Conditioning”, Argonne National Laboratory Report ANL/APS/LS-305 (2004).
38 76. D. Mohl and A.M. Sessler, “Beam cooling: principles and achievements”, COOL 03, Mt. Fuji, Japan, Nuclear Instruments and Methods A532, 1 (2004).
77. A.M. Sessler, G. Westenskow, I. Wilson, “Two-Beam Accelerators”, Handbook of Accelerator Physics and Engineering, 3 rd Edition, Editors Chao and Tigner.
78. A.M. Sessler et al, “Countermeasures”, Report of the Union of Concerned Scientists and MIT Security Studies Program (2000)
79. A.M. Sessler, “Particle Accelerators: The Big Machines of Physics”, Encyclopedia article
80. A. M. Sessler, “Accelerators and the Accelerator Community”, Reviews of Accelerator Science and Technology, Edit A. Chao and W. Chow, 1, 303 (2008)
81. Jie Wei and Peicheng Yu, Hiromi Okamoto, Yosuke Yuri, Xiao-Ping Li and Andrew M. Sessler, “ Status and Challenges in Beam Crystalization”, Proceeeding of COOL 09.
82. A.M. Sessler, “Accelerators: Engines for traversing a large and often difficult landscape, RuPAC (2012).
83. R. Davidson and G. Kulcinski “An Assessment of the Prospects for Inertial Fusion Energy”, NRC Report , 2013
84. A.M. Sessler, 8 5 .
J Low Temp Phys (2011) 164:126–139 8 6 .
Book Reviews
39 1. A. M. Sessler, Book Review of Linear Accelerators (by P. Lapostolle, S. Septier), Nucl Instrum Methods 95, No. 395 (1971).
2. A. M. Sessler, Book Review of Collective Ion Acceleration, (by Olson, Schumacher), Collective Methods of Acceleration, Edited by Rostoker and Reiser, Nucl Instrum Methods 171, 627 (1980).
3. A. M. Sessler, Book Review of Refusenik (by Mark Ya Azbel), in Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, Vol. 39, No. 7, p. 4 (1983).
4. A. M. Sessler, Book Review of Artificial Particle Beams in Space Plasma Studies for American Scientists, 73, No. 76 (1985).
5. A. M. Sessler, Book Review of Times' Arrow, (by Richard Morris), American Scientists 73, No. 4, 384 (1985).
6. A. M. Sessler, Book Review of Relativity and Engineering, (by J. Van Bladel), Physics Today 38, No. 78 (June 1985).
7. A. M. Sessler, Book Review of The Periodic Table, (by P. Levi), S.F. Chronicle, April 17, (1985).
8. A. M. Sessler, Book Review of Dangerous Thoughts: Memoirs of a Russian Life, (by Y. Orlov), Physics Today 44 No. 11 p92-93 Nov (1991).
9. A. M. Sessler, Book Review of The Quark Machines, How Europe Fought the Particle Physics War, Physics Today 51, No.2 p69 February (1998).
10. A. M. Sessler, Book Review of Way Out There in the Blue, Reagan, Star Wars and the End of the Cold War, (by Frances Fitzgerald), Science, V. 289, p. 397, July 21 (2000).
11. A. M. Sessler, Book Review of Space Weapons, Earth Wars, (by B. Preston, D. Johnson, S. Edwards, M. Miller, and C. Shipbaugh), Newsletter of the Forum on Physics and Society 31 #4 (July), 16 (2002).
12. A. M. Sessler, Book Review of the Brotherhood of the Bomb, (by Gregg Herken, Hemry Holt and Company), Newsletter of the Forum on Physics and Society (2002).
40 13. A.M. Sessler, Book Review of: R.W. Hamm and M.E. Hamm, “Industrial Accelerators and their Applications”, World Scientific, 2012, ISBN 9789814307048.
1. Beam Dynamics Issues of High-Luminosity Asymmetric Collider Rings; AIP 214 Berkeley, CA, Editor: A. M. Sessler (1990).
2. The Development of Colliders; Editors: C. Pellegrini and A. M. Sessler, AIP (1995).
3. Gamma-Gamma Collider Workshop, S. Chattopadhyay and A. M. Sessler, Nucl Instrum Methods Sec A, Feb 1995, 355, No.1. LBL, March (1994).
4. Advanced Accelerator Concepts Workshop; AIP, P. Schoessow and A. Sessler, (1994).
5. Workshop on Applications of Accelerators, W. B. Herrmannsfeldt, A. M. Sessler and J. R. Alonso, SLAC-430/LBL-35023 December 1993, revised Jan (1994 ).
6. Engines of Discovery: A Century of Particle Accelerators, T. Wilson and A. Sessler (2007)
7. Innovation Was Not Enough: A History of the Midwestern Universities Research Association, F. Mills, L. Jones. A. Sessler, K. Symon and D. Young (2009)
8. Engines of Discovery: A Century of Particle Accelerators, Second edition T. Wilson and A. Sessler (2013)
41 1. A. M. Sessler, "A View From Home," Nature 263, 624 (1976).
2. A. M. Sessler, The LBL: "A Welcome to the Particles and Radiation Therapy (Part II)," International Conference - Int. J. Radiation Oncology, Biol. Phys. 3, 1 (1977).
3. R. LaBrie and A. M. Sessler, "Impact on World Science of Soviet Science as Measured by Journal Citations," LBL-16158 (1983).
4. A. M. Sessler and Y. Howell, "Andrei Sakahrov: A Man of Our Times," American Journal of Physics 52, 397 (1984).
5. A. M. Sessler, "Reflections occasioned by the release of Yuri Orlov," Editorial, Physics Today 39, 168 Nov (1986).
6. A. M. Sessler, "The ELF Facility," LLNL Brochure (1987).
7. A. M. Sessler, "Testimony on the SSC before the U.S. Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources & Develop.; Subcom on Energy Research & Develop," April (1988).
8. A. M. Sessler, “Opening Remarks, 1987 Fermilab Industrial Affiliates Roundtable On Research Technology in the Twenty-First Century," Batavia, IL, May 131 (1987).
9. A. M. Sessler, “Remarks, Upon receipt of the Achievement in Accelerator Physics and Technology Prize," July (1988).
10. A. M. Sessler, “The physics of beams: Past, present, future, Opinion," Physics Today 43, 69 June (1990).
11. A. M. Sessler, “Intro Remarks at Yelena Bonner Lecture, Sakharov Sym," UC Berkeley, March (1990); 1st Intl. A.D. Sakharov Conf on Physics, Moscow, USSR, May (1991).
12. A. M. Sessler, ed., “Workshop on Beam Dynamics Issues of High-Luminosity Asymmetric Collider Rings,” Berkeley, CA , February (1990), AIP 214, NY (1990).
42 13. J. M. Dawson, C. Joshi, W. B. Mori, A. M. Sessler and S.C. Wilks. “Method and Apparatus for Upshifting Light Frequency by Rapid Plasma Creation," U.S. Patent No. 4,975,655, Dec (1990).
14. M. Furman, R. Warnock, F. Izrailev, M. Lieberman and A. Sessler, "Jeffrey Tennyson Remembered," SLAC Beam Line 22, No. 3, 48 (1992).
15. A. M. Sessler and M. Pripstein, "S.O.S. and the Eternal Struggle for Human Rights," Halback Symposium PUB-745, 6873 213, LBL Feb (1995).
16. T. H. Stix, A. M. Sessler, et. al., "Fusion Prospects," Science, 271, 891, Feb (1996).
17. A. M. Sessler and T.H. Stix, “Build the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor?” Physics Today, 49 No.6 21-25, (June 1996).
18. A. M. Sessler, “ The Radiation Laboratory/Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory 1958-1980,” Remarks made at the Celebration of the Laboratory’s (1996) LBNL 39396 August (1996).
19. A. M. Sessler, “Sakharov, Andrei Dmitrievich,” Macmillan Encyclopedia of Physics, V. 4, p. 1391-1392 (1996).
20. A. M. Sessler, M. Rosenbluth, T. Stix, “ITER Debaters Reply to Pro and Con Fusion Comments from Readers,” Physics Today, 95 Jan (1997).
21. A. M. Sessler and K. R. Symon “Donald William Kerst 1911-1993,” A Biographical Memoir National Academy Press 72 (1997).
22. A. M. Sessler, “Strategic Planning for Magnetic Fusion Energy Research,” Physics Today (1997).
23. A. M. Sessler, “Commencement Address,” Physics and Astronomy Departments May 22, (1997).
24. A. M. Sessler, “Communication, APS Centennial are Sessler’s Top Priorities in 1998,” Interview APS News p2 January (1998).
25. A. M. Sessler, “Muon Collider,” retracted statement AAAS 279 p786 February (1998).
43 26. A. M. Sessler, “Scientists Huddle for Peek at Future,” Open Forum San Francisco Chronicle A25 March 20 (1998).
27. A. M. Sessler, “Celebrating a Century of Physics in ’99,” APS NEWS 7, No.3 p 4 March (1998).
28. A. M. Sessler, “Third International Math and Science Study,” 12th Grade Advanced Science Results APS NEWS 7, No.4 p4 April (1998).
29. A. M. Sessler, “US Scientists rally behind funding bill,” Nature 393 p727 (June 1998).
30. A. M. Sessler, “Human Rights Fades as a Cause for Scientists,” Science 282 p216 -219, Oct. (1998).
31. A. M. Sessler, Electromagnetics of Complex Media, “Foreword,” author Dikshitulu K. Kalluri (1998).
32. A. M. Sessler, “Introductory Remarks, 1998 American Physical Society Annual Report," (1998).
33. A. M. Sessler, “Looking Backwards, Looking Around, Looking Forward," American Physical Society Retiring Presidential Speech, March 24 (1999).
34. J. S. Langer, A. M. Sessler and R. Lopez, "Teachers Groups, APS Debate New California Science Standards," Physics Today Article, Volume 52, Number 4, April (1999).
35. A. M. Sessler, “Absent: A Plan for High Energy Physics,” published in the ICFA Beam Dynamics Newsletter, 21, p 3, ed. K. Hirara and J. M. Jowett, April (2000).
36. A. M. Sessler, “Setbacks don’t dampen the energy of US Physics,” Nature, V. 405, p. 733, June 15 (2000).
37. J. D. Jackson and A. M. Sessler, “Proposed Junior Star Wars A Threat to U.S. Security – Defense Missile System Would Hurt Progress in Nuclear Weapons Reductions,” Op-Ed San Francisco Chronicle, May 19 (2000).
38. A. M. Sessler, “Letter to the Editor regarding the National Missile Defense (NMD),” California Monthly, p. 4, June (2000).
44 39. A. M. Sessler, “Sakharov, Andrei Dmitrievich (1921-1989),” Macmillan Encyclopedia of Energy, V. 3, p. 1025-1027 (2001).
40. A. M. Sessler, “A fundraising letter for Earthjustice” February 18 (2002).
41. M. Gilchriese, A. M. Sessler, G. Trilling, and R. Vogt, "Committee on the Formal Investigation of Alleged Scientific Misconduct" Report submitted by FIASM committee, March 27 (2002).
42. S. Sen and A. M. Sessler, “Detection of Anti-Personnel Land Minds for Humanitarian De-mining: Evaluation of Technologies” A proposal for a study submitted to The American Physical Society Executive Board and The American Physical Society Council, October 28 (2002).
43. A. M. Sessler, “Remarks at the Festschrift.” The Physics of Beams, Editor W. Barletta, American Institute of Physics, New York (1996), (due to an error, this was not published)
44. A.M. Sessler, “Professional Ethics”, ICFA Beam Dynamics Newsletter # 30, April 2003, p.4.
45. E. Przybylowicz, et al , “Report of the Committee to Evaluate the Safety of the Pentagon Mail” (2003).
46. A.M. Sessler, “Einstein: His Impact on Accelerators; His Impact on the World”, Proceedings of the FEL Conference (2005).
47. A.M. Sessler, “Comments on the Word “Cooling” as it is Used in Beam Physics”, Beam Cooling and Related Topics, Proceedings of COOL05, Sept 2005, editors S. Nagaitsev and R. Pasquinelli, American Institute of Physics Conference Proceedings 821, p. 3 (2006).
48. A.M. Sessler,” Turning a Dream (Deftly, Subtlety, and Most Effectively) into Reality”, Springer Verlag
49. A.M. Sessler, “Explosive Remnants of War: Land Mines and Pieces of Cluster Bombs”, News Letter of the APS Forum on International Physics, Spring, 2007.
45 50. Lawrence Jones, Andrew Sessler and Keith Symon, “A Brief History of the FFAG Accelerator”, Letter to Science 316, 1567 (June 15, 2007)
51. Milchberg et al, External Review of the Plasma and Ionic Physics Task Area at the Naval Research laboratory, 2007.
52. Steven Libby and Andrew Sessler, “Edward. Teller Biographical Memoir”, in Edward Teller Centennial Symposium, Edit. S. Libby, World Scientific (2010), p.13
53. Letter to Science with Jones and Simon (2007)
54. On the Occasion of the HARVARD Class of 1949 60th Reunion
55. Some Remarks on the Early Days of Colliders and the Role of Claudio Pellegrini
56. Przybylowicz et al, “Advice on the Department of Energy’s Cleanup Technology Roadmap”, National Research Council Press (2009) 57. National Research Council Report, Frontiers in High Energy Physics: The X-Games of Contemporary Science (2003). 58. National Research Council Report, Assessment of the Prospects for Inertial Fusion Energy (2013) 59. Presentation at the Symposium for Chan Joshi’s 60th Birthday, “Our Youthful Year: What Were We Thinking” 60. National Research Council Workshop Summary, Robert Katt, Rapporteur, “Selected Directed Energy Research and Development for U.S. Air Force Aircraft Applications” (2013)