Twenty-Sixth Annual University of California Celtic Studies Conference
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Twenty-Sixth Annual University of California Celtic Studies Conference hosted by the UCLA Celtic Colloquium Royce Hall 314, March 4-7, 2004 (all events take place in Royce Hall 314, unless otherwise indicated)
Co-sponsored by the UCLA Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, the Department of English, the Center for the Study of Religion, and the Indo-European Studies Program, with the special assistance of the Campus Programs Committee
Thursday, March 4
Welcome (2:00) Professor Michael Allen, Director, Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies
Session 1 (2:15-3:45) Leslie Ellen Jones (University of California, Los Angeles), "Pwyll the Chaste and Uther the Chaser: Shape-Shifting and the Begetting of Heroes (Or Not) in Welsh Mythology" Donncha Ó hAodha (National University of Ireland, Galway), "The Relationship between Immram Brain (The Voyage of Bran) and Echtrae Chonnlai (The Adventure of Connla) Ranke de Vries (Trinity College, Dublin), "Saints and Wild Women"
Session 2 (4:00-5:30), Colloquium of the UCLA Center for the Study of Religion Bernhard Maier (University of Bonn), "Pagan Spell and Christian Prayer: An Early Irish Case Study" Discussant: Joseph Falaky Nagy (University of California, Los Angeles)
Reception (5:30-7:00)
Session 3 (7:00-8:00) Gerald Morgan (University of Wales, Aberystwyth), "Don't Welsh on Welsh History: A View of the Landscape"
Friday, March 5
Coffee and Pastries (9:00)
Session 4 (9:30-10:30) Jonathan Golden and Whitney Papailiou (Drew University), "Fact, Fantasy, and the Modern Appetite for Celtic Human Sacrifice" Matt Nichols (California State University, Sacramento), "Language, Learning and National Identity: The Imposition of an English-Only Education System in Wales, 1847- 1870" Session 5 (10:45-12:15), Seminar Damian McManus (Trinity College, Dublin), "The Smallest Man in Ireland Can Reach the Tops of her Trees: Utopian Imagery in Bardic Poetry"
Session 6 (3:00-4:45), at the Leavey Library, University of Southern California Colum Hourihane (Princeton University), "Survival: Gothic Irish Art and the Native Traditions in Late Medieval Ireland" Lisa Bitel (University of Southern California), "St. Brigit in Cyberspace: Iconography and Cult in the Electronic Age"
Reception at the James Harmon Hoose Library of Philosophy, University of Southern California (5:00-6:00)
Concert by the Welsh Choir of Southern California (Director: Michael J. Lewis) 8:00, Royce Hall 314, University of California, Los Angeles
Saturday, March 6
Coffee and Pastries (9:00)
Session 7 (9:30-11:00) Kathryn A. Klar (University of California, Berkeley), "Cynghanedd Notation in the Welsh Bardic Grammar" Barry Lewis (Centre for Advanced Welsh and Celtic Studies, Aberystwyth), "Getting Started in Welsh Bardic Poetry: How Poems Open in the Fourteenth Century" Candon McLean (University of California, Irvine), "Middle Welsh Cynghanedd: A Use of 'Natural Language'"
Session 8 (11:15-12:15) Tomás Ó Cathasaigh, "Táin Bó Cuailnge and Early Irish Law"
Session 9 (1:30-3:00) Maria Teresa Agozzino (University of California, Berkeley), Theres plenty more where that came from: Revealing Anglo-Welsh Oikotypes Patrick P. Lynch (Marymount High School), "Anger Alters All: Fury and Liminal Space in the Ulster Cycle, Joyce, and Heaney" Salvador Ryan (National University of Ireland, Maynooth), "'A Slighted Source': Rehabilitating Bardic Religious Poetry in the Twenty-First Century"
Session 10 (3:15-4:15) Kristen Over (Northeastern Illinois University), "Kings and Monsters: Images of Insular Power in Medieval British Literature" Session 11 (4:30-6:00) Judith L. Bishop (Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley), Language and Authority in the Bethu Brigte Charles MacQuarrie (California State University, Bakersfield), "Inclement Sea Sons: Arguments against a Common Origin for Manannán and Manawydan" Antone Minard (San Diego State University), "Creepy-Crawlies and the Supernatural: The Etymologies of Púca and Bug Revisited"
Banquet at VIP Seafood Harbor, 11701 Wilshire Blvd. (8:00), $25 (payable by check or cash to Joseph Nagy) per person, including gratuity but not including beverage other than tea; SPACE IS LIMITED--PLEASE SIGN UP WITH NAGY FOR THE BANQUET AS SOON AS POSSIBLE ([email protected]; checks may be mailed to him c/o English, UCLA, Box 90095-1530, LA CA 90095-1530)
Sunday, March 7
Coffee and Pastries (9:00)
Session 12 (9:30-10:30) Jennifer Miller (University of California, Berkeley), "Cotton MS. Vespasian A.xiv and Anglo-Saxon England"
Session 13 (10:45-11:45) Kimberly Ball (University of California, Irvine), "Oral Tradition, Writing, and the Otherworld in the Acallam na Senórach" Lisabeth C. Buchelt (Boston College), "Ye of Little Faith: Convincing Doubting Thomases in Christ and Satan and Siaburcharpat Con Culaind"
Session 14 (12:00-1:00) Patrick K. Ford (Harvard University), "What We Don't Know about Medieval Welsh Poetry . . ."
For more information about campus locations, parking, and directions, please go to the websites at and For nearby accommodations, please visit For any other questions, please contact Professor Joseph Nagy of UCLA at [email protected].