Page 16, 1.6 the Sentence; the Word Hatha Is Divided Into Two Life Force Energy (Prana)
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In thesis, Page 16, 1.6 the sentence; The word hatha is divided into two life force energy (prana) channels, Ha = sun/surya/right/yin and tha = moon/chandra/left/yang. Should be; The word hatha is divided into two life force energy (prana) channels, Ha = sun/surya/right/YANG and tha = moon/chandra/left/YIN. Result section (with graphs): Page 39; 5.4 Should be: FVC increased significantly in CTP group, but with no effect on FEV1. Please also look in Article III, Table 2, pp. 22-23! Page 46, Figure 21 median in box-plot in middle (12 weeks) is 80 for CTP group (highest in the box, therefore not visible and should be marked with a thicker line) In Article I (after all references), p. 5, Table 2; Diastolic blood pressure missing; p- value diastolic blood pressure 0.17 (n=12), effect size, 0.34, p-value diastolic blood pressure 0.17 (n=9), effect size, 0.53
In Article III: Page numbers are missing.
Article III; P. 5, Figure 1: Flow-chart; the number of subjects followed-up in the yoga group should be 15, and in the conventional training group 15
In Article III, strict intention to treat model (ITT) is using last observation carried forward (LOCF) calculations, this was also calculated but not shown in table 2:
Article III, Table 2 P.22-23.; ANOVA (group x time) i.e exactly the same as without LOCF calculation (for T3 were most drop-outs)
CRQ-fatigue p-value 0.04 (huynh– feldt correction for repeated measure)
CRQ-emotion p-value 0.02 (huynh – feldt correction for repeated measure)
T-tests or Wilcoxon calculations with LOCF;
Table 2, Article III, 6MWT NEW p-value=0.10, T1-T3 differences between groups (HY/CTP) with LOCF calculation (without LOCF p= 0.04). With LOCF the significance between T1-T3 disappeared between groups for differences between groups.
Between groups T1-T3 differences, CRQ-emotional p=0.004
Between groups T1-T3 differences, CRQ-fatigue p=0.017 (i.e significant with LOCF)
Within YE group T2-T3 FVC p=0.051 (not significant with LOCF)