School Closes at 2:35 PM and All Students Are Expected to Leave the Building by 3 PM
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WELCOME! Daryl Kubilus, Jr. 4A 10:29- 10:56 Welcome to Cloverleaf 4B Middle School. The policies Curriculum Director 10:56-11:26 and procedures in this Robert Hevener 4C handbook result from a 11:29- 11:56 concerted effort from 5 students, faculty, and Special Services 11:59- 12:49 administration. This TBA 6 information will be of great 12:52- 1:42 PM value in helping students 7 adjust to and become an Treasurer 1:45 2:35 PM integral part of CMS. TBA * We also have an adjusted T/W Excellence is our goal and schedule. our great staff is School Colors committed to helping our Green & White Arrival: The required school students find success. We day runs from 7:35 AM to urge all students to get 2:35 PM. The doors open involved in their studies Team Name each morning at 7:20 AM. and our extracurricular Colts Students are not allowed activities. in the building for any reason unsupervised until 7:20 AM. Have pride in being a Colt. Athletic Conference Suburban League Jamie Lormeau, Principal At 7:30, all students are to go to their lockers and then report to homeroom. The Cloverleaf Middle School Cloverleaf tardy bell will ring at 7:35 AM. 7500 Buffham Road Transportation Students must be on time to Seville, OH 44273 homeroom so that they will 330-948-2279 not be counted tardy or 330-948-2500 330- absent. Students arriving 722-1515 after 9:14 AM will be 330-336-7855 330- Cloverleaf Student considered ½ day absent. If 721-3606 Services a student misses more than 1 ½ hours during the school 330-721-3607 330-721-3517 day he/she is considered 330-721-3619 FAX absent for ½ day.
Principal Students who will need to Ms. Jamie Lormeau leave at any time throughout the school day for appointments need to bring a Assistant Principal note to the office window, Mr. Michael Coury by 7:35A.M., so it may be put on the attendance list. School Secretaries This will prevent Valerie Gregory miscommunications about Linda Todd when a student is leaving, Daily prevent class disruptions and Student will inform the teachers when Guidance Counselor to release the student. Upon Kristine Nagy Schedule* return, the student is to sign Elissa Ray Period in at the window, receive a pass to class and drop off a Cloverleaf Board of Time medical/dental/legal excuse if Education Members applicable. Mike Schmidt HR/1 Jim Curran 7:35 - 8:40 AM Dismissal: Students will be Chris Berry 2 dismissed at 2:35 PM. William Hutson 8:43- 9:33 AM Students being picked up by parents need to wait in the Jane Rych 3 cafeteria until buses have Superintendent 9:36 - 10:26 AM departed. At that time, parents may pull in front of the school to pick up students. Student safety is our main concern. Students are not to cross into the teacher’s parking lot for any reason. School closes at 2:35 PM and all students are without prior approval will be considered an expected to leave the building by 3 PM. Only unexcused absence. The school must be notified students supervised by a staff member are to by note or phone call of each student’s absence remain in the building after 3 PM. See driving prior to or on the day of the absence. (See and parking section for additional information. reporting students absent). Students should be picked up by a parent or relative only. Reporting Student Absence: All absences are to be verified by a written excuse from the School Closing: In the event of school closing parents upon the student’s return to school or for inclement weather, accurate information will by telephone call from the parents on the be made available to parents and students using morning of the student’s absence. If neither of the automated phone service and on the these occurs, the absence is unexcused and will following television stations: WEWS (Ch. 5), be considered truant after 5 in a row, 7 in a WOIO(Ch. 19), WKYC(Ch. 3), WJW(Ch. 8) month, or 12 in a year. Students will have a Please help by not calling school offices, homes one-day grace period to bring the written of school officials, radio or television stations. excuse. All medical excuses must be turned in Such calls may tie up lines, which should be kept within 5 days of the absence. open in order to cope with the emergency. Families can call 24 hours a day to report a student absence. Dial 330-721-3605 or 330- Attendance: School attendance laws in the 948-2500, ext. 3605. Please give student’s state of Ohio require each child between the age name and reason for absence. In order to of six and eighteen to attend school for the full comply with the Missing Child’s Act, school time the school is in session. Regular, daily personnel will call home to verify the absence on attendance and punctuality are necessary in the the days that parents have not called. If the working world. Parents have the legal obligation student’s parent or guardian is not contacted to see that their children attend school. We do directly, then the school will send a postcard recognize that there are occasions when a home. We must receive confirmation of the student cannot be present. student’s absence in note form or a phone call from the parent. Otherwise, the student may be The Ohio Revised Code and Cloverleaf Board considered unexcused/truant and consequences of Education state the following six conditions may be assigned. If the student is going to be under which an absence from school may be late due to appointments, oversleeping, etc., excused. please call the attendance line.
1. Personal Illness: The school may require Excused Absence Work: Students who a certificate of a physician, especially if missed school due to an excused absence are absences go beyond 10 days per year. required to make up the work they miss. Upon 2. Illness in the family: The absence under returning to school, the student will have the this condition shall not apply to children same number of days he/she missed to make up under 14 years of age. the work. 3. Quarantine of the home: The absence Parents may request missed homework from school, under this condition, is limited assignments beginning the second day of an to the length of the quarantine as fixed by absence. Requests should be made by 8:00 AM, the proper health official. and assignments may be picked up between 4. Death of a Relative: This condition is 2:35-3:30 PM the same day they are requested. limited to a period of three (3) days unless a When a student must be absent, parents and reasonable cause may be shown by the students are encouraged to check Progress Book applicant for longer absence. since teachers may post assignments there. 5. Observance of Religious Holidays: Any child of any religious holiday consistent with Unexcused Absence-Truancy: Students his/her creed belief. absent for a reason other than the six listed 6. To assist a parent in the event of an categories above or a pre-approved vacation will be considered unexcused or truant. Notification Emergency: The set of circumstances, of absence from a parent will still be required to which, in the judgment of the Principal, comply with the Missing Children’s Act; however, constitutes a good and sufficient case for the it may not automatically excuse an absence. absence from school. Truancy is defined as unexcused absence from a Vacations: Family vacations must be class or school. If a student is considered truant approved prior to the absence in order to be or unexcused, no credit will be issued for the excused. It is the principal’s discretion to work missed. Although students will receive no approve vacation as an excused absence. credit for the work missed during an unexcused Students must be in good academic and absence, students will be encouraged to make attendance standing to be considered for up work missed, since doing the work does help excused absence. Vacation permission forms them keep current and become prepared for are available at the office window. Any vacation future lessons. In accordance with State Law, the school system Parents/designee must sign the student out in recognizes the following, but not limited to, as the office. Upon returning to school the same acts of truancy: day, the student must sign back in at the office 1. Leaving school without signing out window. 2. Oversleeping 3. Transportation problems Assemblies: Assemblies are held during the 4. Shopping school year for a variety of reasons, including 5. Babysitting recognition, special speakers and promotion of 6. Emergency removal from class or school school spirit. Students are expected to be 7. Skipping class or school attentive and courteous. Students may not 8. Other absences listed as excused leave during an assembly. At the conclusion of 9. Failure to come back to school on the same day the assembly, students will be dismissed by the when sent home for improper dress Principal or the designated leader. 10. Failure to provide a doctor’s excuse for absence when requested by the school system Consequences will be assigned for inappropriate behavior, which may include denial of the School related activities or functions are not privilege of attending future assemblies. counted as an absence from class. While in pep assemblies, students are expected to show support for their fellow students. All Chronic Absence: Parents of students missing students are expected to attend assemblies more than ten days will be notified by letter that unless excused by the Principal. any further student absences must be verified by written medical documentation. It is the Backpacks & Book bags: All backpacks and responsibility of the student and parent to book bags must be stored in the student’s locker communicate with the school. In cases covered upon entering the building. These items are not by medical documentation, the parents should allowed in the classrooms. This is necessary for contact the counselor or principal to review the health and safety reasons. Special exceptions case and discuss any other options to help keep for injury or disability may be approved by the the student current with class work. Any Principal. undocumented absences totaling 5 in a row, 7 in a month, or 12 in a year will be considered Book Store: The bookstore is located across truant and may result in the student being from the office. Many school supplies may be referred to the Juvenile Prosecutor. purchased at lunch. PTO volunteers help in running the bookstore. Perfect Attendance: A perfect attendance pass will be issued to students who have Cafeteria: Each student is assigned a thirty achieved perfect attendance during the school minute lunch period daily. All students are year. The pass will allow the student to gain expected to eat in the cafeteria. Students may free admission to most school sponsored bring lunch from home, purchase full lunches, a activities for the succeeding school year (athletic la carte items, or items from the vending events, musical, plays, and dances). Perfect machines. attendance is defined as being present for all Students may not charge lunches. Ice cream, days prescribed by the school calendar. milk, and a variety of punches are also available. Absence during any part of the day for less then While in the cafeteria, individuals are expected one and one-half hours will be counted as early to behave in an orderly manner, respecting the dismissal and shall be counted as a full day of rights of others. Students are expected to keep attendance. tables clean and the floors free of food and paper. Trays need to be brought to the window. School Policies & Procedures (In There is to be no horseplay. Students are not to Alphabetical Order) borrow money or eat off of others’ trays. Food is not to be consumed anywhere in the building Announcements: All regular announcements except the cafeteria unless special permission is will be made each morning during homeroom granted. Students may have the opportunity to over closed circuit TV. All announcements must participate in sports or activities inside or be submitted to the office on the proper form or outside, weather permitting. in writing, signed by a faculty member or the Principal and placed in Mrs. Gregory’s mailbox Changing Classes: Classes are dismissed by by 3:00 PM prior to the day they are to be read. the teacher and not the bell. There is adequate Appointments: All students who leave during time between each class allowing students to the school day must present a written note from reach any section of the building. Students do their parents to the office prior to the start of not need to go to their lockers between every homeroom. The time of their dismissal will be class. Students are expected to be in their noted on the daily absence list. Students must designated classrooms at the beginning of each then report to the office before leaving the period. building. Any student who does not follow this Child Custody (ORC 3313.67): In order to procedure will be deemed truant and facilitate the enforcement of the Missing Child consequences will be assigned. Law, and to assist in other aspects of school 1. student’s name administration, the law requires each entering student to provide a certified copy of any child 2. student’s address custody order or decree, which has been issued 3. student’s date of birth with respect to the student. The custodial 4. student’s extracurricular participation parent of such a student must also provide the Board with certified copies of any later court 5. student’s achievement awards or honors orders, which modify the original order or 6. student’s weight and height, if a decree. member of an athletic team Parent(s)/guardian(s) or eligible students will Clinic/Illness While at School: Should a have two weeks from issuance of this handbook student become ill while at school, he or she is to advise the District, in accordance with such to inform the teacher and when excused from regulations, of any or all items which they refuse class report directly to the office window to sign to permit as directory information about their into the clinic. At that time the student will be student. asked to sit in the office and the parent or (Bd. Policy JO) guardian will be contacted if necessary. It is imperative that each student has an up-to-date Disruption of School: A student shall not, by emergency medical form on file, complete with use of violence, force, coercion, threat, correct phone numbers for parents at work. harassment or insubordination, cause any Parents are encouraged to notify the office by disruption or obstruction to the educational note with changes that need to be made. process, including all curricular and extracurricular activities. Clubs/School – Organizations: Students will have the opportunity to join a variety of clubs 1. Radios, headsets, music players, video and organizations. Morning Announcements will players, video games or similar devices detail, where, when and how students may join. should not be brought into school past the lockers. Cell phones may be possessed by Credit Flexibility: The Board recognizes that an students but shall be kept out-of-sight and effective educational program is one that turned-off. Cell phones are not to be used provides opportunities for students to customize between 7:35 AM – 2:35 PM. Phones are aspects of their learning around their respective not to be used on school transportation needs and interests. Credit Flexibility is one unless the student is given consent by the method to motivate and increase student driver. learning by allowing access to more resources, 2. Gambling of any kind will not be permitted customization around individual student needs on school grounds. and the use of multiple measures of learning. 3. Note writing by students will not be Credit flexibility shifts the focus from seat time permitted during classes. All notes will be to performance. Students can earn units of high confiscated. school credit based on an individually approved 4. Use of electronic devices of any kind is not credit flexibility plan. The intent of credit permitted during the school day without flexibility is to meet increased expectations for permission of a staff member. high school graduation in response to globalization, technology and demographics, and 5. Please do not have flowers/balloons, etc. to meet the demand for 21st century skills. delivered to the school. (Also see Student Code of conduct for The following are approved forms of educational further information.) options for pupils in grades 9-12: (Applications are available through the High School Guidance Dress Code: Cloverleaf Middle School students Office.) will be expected to keep themselves well 1. completing coursework groomed and neatly dressed at all times. Any form of dress or hairstyle that is considered 2. testing out of showing mastery of course inappropriate for school or is contrary to good content hygiene will not be permitted. The middle 3. pursuing an educational option and/or school administration or designee reserves the individually approved option and/or right to make final decisions regarding the 4. any combination of the above. appropriateness of student dress code and grooming. Directory Information: The School District To provide a school atmosphere that is safe, has designated the following personally non-disruptive and conducive to learning identifiable information contained in a student’s Cloverleaf Middle School students shall not be education records as “directory information”, permitted to wear: and it will disclose that information without prior written consent, except when the request is for 1. Shorts, skorts, sleeveless shirts, tank tops, a profit-making plan or activity: shirts that expose cleavage or any skin about the waistband of the bottom garment, sheer, lacy or see through clothing, clothing minimum of five courses of all subjects that laces up the sides or otherwise, exposes taken in the preceding grading period. any skin. Any clothing that displays Summer school grades may not be used. language, pictures, insinuation or symbols of Emergency Procedures: Schools are required death, violence, alcoholic beverages, drugs, to have periodic fire and tornado drills. Other tobacco or other illegal items, or that are types of safety drills will be conducted. suggestive or sexual in any way. Directions for evacuation to places of safety are 2. Ripped, torn, tattered, or frayed clothing – posted in each room and must be followed including clothes that are purchased that unless circumstances dictate alternative way. Oversized or baggy pants - pants must methods of operation. It is imperative that all be worn with the waistband over the hips students move quickly and quietly during these and fitted appropriately. Pajama bottoms. procedures to their designated areas of safety. Gang related clothing. Energy Drinks: Students are not to drink or 3. Hats, sunglasses, headbands or other head possess highly caffeinated and/or energy drinks coverings. at any time at the middle school including 4. Skirts or dresses that are shorter than mid- extracurricular and sporting events. thigh in length or that have a split higher than mid thigh. Fees: Student fees are collected for consumables, workbooks and lab fees. 5. Chains, dog collars, choker chain, chained Collection weeks for fees are as follows: wallets, chained keys, neck straps for keys 8th grade - week of October 22th – 26st or items of similar nature not considered to 7th grade - week of October 15th – 19th be jewelry. 6th Grade – week of October 8rd – 12th 6. Rings, studs or other items that pierce the When paying fees, parents should make checks eyelid, eyebrow, nose, tongue, lip or any payable to Cloverleaf Middle School. At the end exposed skin other than the ears. (All of the year, fines may be assessed. Fines for jewelry must be removed for Phys. Ed. restitution must be paid in a timely manner. Please DO NOT have your ears newly pierced Fees/fines not paid will accumulate until because you will be required to remove the graduation. earrings!) 6th, 7th, 8th Grade Fee $50 7th or 8th 7. Garments tied around the waist. Band $20 7th General Music $10 This policy will be reviewed in May of each th th school year for the purpose of improving and 7 or 8 Choir $20 6th Band $10 updating the dress code for the following school th year. Suggestions, ideas and comments for 8 Spanish $15 6th Choir $10 improving the dress code policy should be th forwarded to the building principal or designee. 9 Honors English $ 8 Driving and Parking: Middle School students are not permitted to Field Trips: Students who have received four drive to or from school. Friday PM detentions or have been suspended Bus transportation is provided for all students. will not be allowed to take part in field trips Students who have parents’ permission to ride including the Washington D.C. field trip. with High School students should walk to the Students not in good academic or attendance High School to meet their ride. No students are standing may be denied participation in all field to cross the bus line at dismissal for any reason. trips, including the Washington D.C. field trip. For safety reasons, parents need to pick students up after buses depart. Students may Free and Reduced Lunch Program: be dropped off at the front door in the morning. Students may qualify for free or reduced meals at school, based on family size and income. Eligibility for Athletics: Families who qualify for this program are 7th grade students: Seventh grade students encouraged to apply by picking up an application will be allowed to participate in selected sports in the school office. All information provided on as agreed to with the Suburban League. All 7th the application will be treated with discretion grade students will be eligible for the first nine- and appropriate confidentiality. Parents of week period. Second, third and fourth nine students who qualify for the free lunch program weeks’ participation will be determined my have their students’ instructional fees waived according to the same criteria as 8th grade by completing the instructional fee waiver form students; students must receive passing grades available from the secretaries by request. in a minimum of five courses of all subjects taken in the preceding grading period. Grades/Grading Scale: Students attending 8th grade students: A student must be Cloverleaf Middle School will be graded on the currently enrolled and must have been enrolled following scale: in school in the immediately preceding grading A 93-100 4.0 C period and received passing grades in a 73 - 76 2.0 A- 90 - 92 3.6 C- The counselor will maintain the accurate 70 - 72 1.6 academic records for all students. B+ 87 - 89 3.4 D+ 67 - 69 1.4 Gum: Gum chewing is discouraged. It will be B 83 - 86 3.0 D left to team/teacher discretion on whether it is 63 - 66 1.0 allowed in individual classrooms. B- 80 - 82 2.6 D- 60 - 62 0.6 Harassment, Intimidation, or Bullying: C+ 77 - 79 2.4 F Harassment, intimidation, or bullying is an 59 – below (failing) 0.0 intentional written, verbal or physical act that a Exception: Some classes use the University of student has exhibited toward another particular Chicago Textbooks grading scale. student more than once and the behavior causes both mental or physical harm to the other Guidance Services: Guidance services are student and is sufficiently severe, persistent or provided through the Guidance Department pervasive that it creates an intimidating, located in the back of the main office. Students threatening or abusive educational environment should enter by way of the door from the for the other student. This includes violence cafeteria and speak to the student helper on within a dating relationship. duty in the waiting room. Students may sign up before school, during lunch, or in study hall to Harassment, intimidation, or bullying also means speak with the counselor. In the usual course of electronically transmitted acts, including events, students should not meet with the those acts transmitted via the Internet, cell counselor during a regularly scheduled class phone, or wireless/ cellular handheld device, except for emergencies. that a student has exhibited toward another particular student more than once and the Guidance services include: behavior both causes mental or physical harm to A. Orientation the other student/school personnel, and is Grade 6/7 and new students in the fall and sufficiently severe, persistent or pervasive that it throughout the year creates an intimidating, threatening or abusive educational environment for the other student/ B. Scheduling school personnel. New students and all students for the following school year Harassment, intimidation, or bullying can include C. Testing many different behaviors including overt intent Administration, scheduling & interpretation to ridicule, humiliate or intimidate another of results of Ohio Achievement Assessments, student or school personnel. Examples of Ability/Achievement Testing. conduct that could constitute prohibited D. Career Planning behaviors include: MCCC tours, panel presentation, individual Physical violence and/or attacks career plans, Ohio Career Information Threats, taunts and intimidation through System words and/or gestures E. Individual Counseling Extortion, damage or stealing money Students experiencing difficulty maintaining and/or possessions academic concentration because of personal and/or family stress may participate in Exclusion from peer group or spreading individual sessions with our guidance rumors counselor and/or student assistance Repetitive and hostile behavior with the coordinator. These sessions are conducted intent to harm others through the use of on a limited basis. Any issue that may information and communication require more in-depth services will be technologies and other Web- referred to an outside agency. Parents and based/online sites, such as the their support are an integral part of these following: services. o Posting slurs on websites where F. Group Counseling students congregate or on web Groups are available to all students. The logs topics are offered as needed; grief, stress, o Sending abusive or threatening adjustment, anger management, changing instant messages/texts. families and substance abuse. o Using cameral phones to take G. Classroom Guidance embarrassing photographs of The counselor will visit classrooms and students and posting them present various topics including academic online and personal issues. o Using websites to circulate gossip/rumors to others H. Records/Reporting o Excluding others from an online actions, the administrator may ban the student’s group by falsely reporting them use of any personal cell phone or digital device. for inappropriate language to All computer usage must be school appropriate. Internet providers Board Policy governs all usage. A nominal fee may be charged for copies printed from the Harassment, intimidation, or bullying is strictly school printers. prohibited and may result in disciplinary action including suspension and/or expulsion from Lines of Communication: Those students or school. These behaviors are prohibited on or parents with questions or concerns about the immediately adjacent to school grounds, at any school are encouraged to utilize the following school-sponsored activity, on school-provided communication to insure accurate answers. transportation (including on the school bus to Student/ Parents and from school) or at any official school bus Teachers stop. Counselor Principal Superintendent Students who are bullied or observe bullying Board of Education should report this activity or event to a teacher, Lockers: Student lockers are the property of counselor and/or principal. the district. It is the policy of the Board of Harassment/Intimidation/Bullying reports are Education to permit the building administrator or available in the office. Students found to have the designee of the building administrator, to purposely made a false report may face search lockers, desks, or storage spaces. These disciplinary action. searches may be conducted at any time.
Cloverleaf Schools cannot be held responsible Hall Passes: A student in the halls while for personal items or money left in lockers. classes are in session must be carrying his or Items of value should not be brought to school. her agenda book, or be accompanied by a staff Students should not share lockers with other member. Halls will be monitored closely. It is students or keep locker combination “set” in the the student’s responsibility to receive a pass unlocked position. Lockers should be kept clean when in the halls, restroom, lockers, etc., while at all times. classes are in sessions. Lost and Found: The shelf outside the office is Hazing: No student, including leaders of for lost and found items. Each locker room also student organizations, shall plan, encourage, or has a lost and found area. Students are engage in any hazing. Hazing is defined as encouraged to check these areas for any lost doing any act or coercing another, including the item. The areas are emptied and articles given victim, to do any act of initiation into any to charity at the end of each semester. Items student or other organization that causes or such as jewelry, purses or glasses are kept in creates a substantial risk of causing mental or the office. Students missing this type of items physical harm to any person. Permission, should inquire at the office window. consent or assumption of risk by an individual subjected to hazing does not lessen the Loitering: A student shall not loiter or stay in prohibition contained in this policy. or around a school building without any purpose for being there. No student or other persons Honor Roll/Merit Roll: Each grading period should be on school property before 7:15 AM or the counselor will post the lists of those students after 3:00 PM who are not participating in a achieving academic progress that qualifies them school function. This includes school buildings for either the Merit or Honor Roll. A student and board owned property during unauthorized must receive a 3.00 to 3.49 point average to be periods. Also included are areas that are recognized on the Merit Roll and a 3.5-4.0 grade restricted from students during regular school point average to be recognized on the Honor hours. Students are not to be in any other part Roll. This information may also appear in the of the building or grounds without supervision. newspaper. The Middle School building closes at 3 PM and all students must be in their assigned location for Internet/Computer/ Personal Cell Phone their activity or detention by 3 PM. Students in Use: Students who use district computers, restricted areas may face disciplinary action. network, internet, personal cell phones or other Student safety is our primary concern. digital devices while on campus are subject to Trespassing charges may be filed on those the provisions of the Disciplinary Code. Students persons who do not comply: may not share or post personal information Medication: Students are not to be in about or images of any other student or staff possession of any over-the-counter or member without permission from that student or prescribed medications without office staff member. If a student is found to have used permission. Parents must complete form S-55 a personal cell phone or digital device in a and have a physician complete the form prior to manner that is not in accord with this Acceptable any school official administering any medication. Use Policy, in addition to other disciplinary All medications must be dropped off at the office and must be in original containers with the Promotion/Retention: A student in grade six student’s name on it. This is to insure all will be promoted to the next grade if he/she students’ safety. passes three of the five major subjects for the Students in possession of medication without year. A student who fails three or four of the proper permission of the office and the doctor major subjects will be required to repeat the will be dealt with through the drug/alcohol grade or to attend summer school. A student policies listed in this handbook. Consequences who fails five major subject areas will not be will range from out of school suspension to permitted to attend summer school in order to expulsion. (See Procedures for dealing with be promoted. alcohol use/student drug abuse). A student in grade seven or eight will be Medication will need to be picked up at the end promoted to the next grade if he/she passes of the school year within one week of school three of the four major subjects for the year. A closing or it will be destroyed. student who fails two or three of the major Physicals: Physicals are required before a subjects will be required to repeat the grade or student is allowed to practice or tryout for a to attend summer school. A student who fails particular sport. The physical is the four major subject areas will not be permitted to responsibility of the parent. attend summer school in order to be promoted. A student who fails may be placed in the next Progress Reports/Report Cards: There are grade based on age or number of times two formal forms of reporting academic and retained. social growth to parents, quarterly grade reports and interim reports. While quarterly grade Public Displays of Affection: Students are reports will be mailed home, interim reports will not to engage in inappropriate physical contact be posted on ProgressBook. Parents will be while on school property, at school related alerted via email or phone when reports are functions off school grounds, on a school bus or ready to view. Families may request that paper at any other time the student is subject to the copies of interims be mailed home. As always, authority of the school. This includes holding parents are encouraged to contact teachers hands, kissing, hugging or touching others in an directly (email is preferred) with questions or inappropriate manner. concerns regarding their child’s progress. Please refer to the calendar for all dates. (Also see Schedule: In general, students will be honor/merit roll section.) scheduled in the following courses:
Parents Right to Request Teacher 6th Grade Qualifications: Parents have the right to Language Arts Physical Education request information regarding the professional Reading Art qualifications of their child’s classroom Mathematics Band or Chorus teacher(s). If they request this information, the Science district or school will provide them with the Social Studies following as soon as possible: 7th Grade 8th a. Whether the teacher has met state licensing Grade requirements for the grade level/ Language Arts subjects in which the teacher is providing Language Arts instruction; Mathematics Mathematics b. If the teacher is teaching under an Science emergency status for which Science State licensing requirements have been Social Studies Social waived. Studies c. the type of college degree major of the Physical Education – 1 semester teacher and field of Physical Education – 1 semester discipline for any graduate degree or Health – 1 semester certificate; and Art – 1 semester d. If the child is receiving Title I services from Music: Band, Chorus or General Music paraprofessionals Technology – 1 semester and, if so, his/her qualifications. Music: Band or Chorus Elective If you would like this information, please contact your child’s school. th th Policy Referral: All policies of the Cloverleaf Accelerated courses are offered in 7 and 8 Board of Education are available on-line at grade Language Arts and Mathematics. In order If unable to access the to be enrolled in an accelerated course, a internet, hard copy policies are available in each student must meet grade point and teacher school building or in the office of the Board of recommendation requirements. A student who Education. received a grade of C- or lower for a grading period will be placed on probation for the next grading period. A student receiving a grade of Withdrawing from School/Moving: Any C- or lower in an accelerated course for the student who will be withdrawing from school semester will be withdrawn from the accelerated needs to bring a note to confirm this from a course. parent or guardian and give it to the guidance counselor on his/her last day at 7:35 AM. The With elective classes, a student may drop the student will need to fill out a sign out sheet to elective with no penalty during the first twenty- inform teachers and to get necessary records for five meetings/days with written parent transfer to their new school. permission. A student, who elects to drop a class after the deadline, will receive an “F” in that Work Permits: Work permits for after school class for the semester. or Saturday or for summer break, must be Soliciting, Selling and Distributing: No obtained before a student under 18 years old person is permitted to solicit, sell or distribute may be legally employed under the Child Labor anything in school, on buses, or on grounds Laws in Ohio. To obtain a full-time permit, an without permission of the Principal. applicant must be at least 16 years of age and obtain a job of at least 30 hours per week. Study Hall: Students are to be in assigned Work permits for limited jobs may be obtained seats on time. Students are to bring study by students beginning at age 14. Students must materials. Media Center passes may be present a birth certificate at the time of obtained during homeroom time. No talking will application, and must provide evidence of a be permitted. Aides and peer tutors will be physical exam. available to answer questions.
Tardiness and Truancy: Students are responsible for being on time to homeroom and classes. Any student arriving after the tardy bell at 7:35 AM must report to the office window to receive a pass to enter class. A student who is BUS CONDUCT tardy more than two times to school or class in a Students riding school buses are the given grading period will be issued a detention. responsibility of the school once he/she boards Continued tardiness will result in Friday PM or the bus, and only at that time. Such in-school suspensions detentions being responsibility will end when the child is delivered assigned. Students should be in their seats when to the regular bus stop at the end of the school the tardy bell rings. day. Students are not allowed to leave school Tardiness to class will be handled by teachers. grounds at any time without written permission and approval from the office. Telephone: There is an office phone available Students are expected to show bus drivers to students who need to make a call to respect at all times. Bus drivers have parents/guardians during or after school. Calls tremendous responsibility. Students are should be made only with permission of the expected to cooperate 100%. office personnel. All calls concerning illness must be made in the office by the office staff. Students are not to: We cannot call students to the office to receive A. Use tobacco or drugs while a passenger personal phone calls or relay personal on a school bus; messages. In urgent situations, a message will be relayed to the student. B. Be insubordinate or disruptive while a passenger of a bus; Textbooks: All textbooks are loaned to C. Assault another student or school students for their use during the school year. personnel while a passenger on a school Textbooks are to be kept clean and handled bus; carefully. Books are to have student’s name, grade and section written on the inside cover. D. Be in possession of dangerous weapons Students will be charged for any damage to the while a passenger on a school bus; books while they are on loan to them. Students E. Use profanity and/or obscene language assume the risk of loaning a book to a friend. while a passenger on a school bus; Students will be charged for the book if it is not F. Cause or attempt to damage a school returned at the end of use. All textbooks that bus. have hard covers are to be covered at all times. A program for reporting and disciplining of Visitors: All visitors are required by state law students shall be undertaken to help insure the to report to the school office before entering any safety of all students and school buses. Proper part of the school building. A badge will be procedures for reporting the misbehavior of issued. School board policy prohibits student students of school buses shall be as follows: visitors from other schools unless in an approved exchange program. A. All of the district’s code of conduct applies to students while on the buses, and supersedes bus rule violations. B. First Violation - verbal warning The vast majority of Cloverleaf School District Second Violation - written warning students are transported by bus. The Third Violation - bus discipline report, Transportation Department assumes the conference with the driver, student and responsibility for getting these students to and administration. Friday PM detention from school in a safe and efficient manner. assigned (secondary level); appropriate Please note: Video cameras are now on discipline (elementary level); copies of the buses and may be used in disciplinary form; 1-parents, 2-administrators, 3-driver, hearings. and 4-transportations supervisor Fourth Violation- bus discipline report and a Transportation Policy: Bus Passes - Bus 5-day suspension from riding the bus passes will not be issued for a student to ride Fifth Violation - bus discipline report, 10-day alternate transportation home. Additional suspension from riding the bus and referral students riding on a bus add to the responsibility to the superintendent. of the bus driver in respect to discipline, to C. Student behavior, which may affect the changes in seating arrangements, to proper safety and/or welfare of any student or dismissal at a requested stop and to possible adult, will result in an immediate suspension overcrowding. of bus riding privileges. Bus drivers may Child Care – We recognize the need for parents bring a loaded bus back to school when the to have their children picked up or dropped off behavior of any student endangers the at a childcare provider or day care center. riders on the bus. Therefore, with certain restrictions, D. If there is any question about a bus transportation will be provided to and from discipline report, a conference will be held childcare. The restrictions that apply are that with the parties. students will be transported to and from a given E. Parents are responsible for the safety of location five days per week. The AM may or their student going to and from the pick up may not differ from the PM location. However, points and for meeting the bus on schedule. various locations during the week and/or weekly changes cannot be accommodated. F. The school does not enter disputes between parents and students prior to pick Emergency – An exception will be made to the up or after drop off. However, school above stated policy for a medical or accident personnel may intervene in disputes related emergency only. The parent or legal witnessed. guardian will contact the building principal with G. Buses are on a time schedule and cannot an alternative bus request to get the child home wait on tardy students. Students that miss safely. The necessary paperwork will be the bus are responsible for getting completed by the building principal or his/her themselves to school on time. designee. This paperwork will include a medical authorization form, which will be given to the H. Parents are responsible for any damage bus driver. to a bus caused by their student. I. Eating and littering are not permitted on Student Code of Conduct the bus. Reference: Cloverleaf Board Policy JFC-R, J. Noise on the bus will be maintained at a JG and JEGA safe level as determined by the driver. Parents and students are expected to read the Absolute quiet must be maintained at all Cloverleaf District Code of Conduct and railroad crossings. understand the possible consequences should a K. Students are to return to their side of rule be violated by the student. Each student has received a copy of this Code of Conduct. It the street or road. Cross at least ten feet in is posted within the Middle School as a reminder front of the bus. Wait for the driver to to all students. gesture that it is OK to cross. L. In case of emergency medical situations, Purpose – To provide the regulations and the driver will contact the transportation guidelines governing student conduct and supervisor who will in turn contact the discipline in the Cloverleaf Local Schools. proper authorities. Rational – Education cannot proceed without an In bad weather, if the bus arrives late to school, atmosphere of good order and discipline please report to the office before going to necessary for effective learning. The intent of lockers or classes. It is the responsibility of the this code is to help to create a positive student to get to school if he/she missed the educational environment, which holds young bus. Students will be expected to enter the people accountable for their actions and teaches building immediately upon arriving at school. them to live with the consequences of their Students will not be permitted to go to the decisions. student parking lot if they ride to school on a The Board of Education and the administration bus or walk to school. of Cloverleaf Local Schools, in consultation with representatives of the faculty, student, and Students found cheating/plagiarizing will receive parents have established these guidelines. We consequences that may include: loss of credit for feel that they will aid in achieving the best assignment, mandatory recompletion of assignment, referral possible atmosphere. The code is also intended to administrator for disciplinary action, and/or other to standardize procedures to guarantee equally consequences deemed appropriate by the teacher and/or the rights of every student within the district. administrator involved. This code meets the intent of H. B. 421 and the Ohio Revised Code. However we realize that it Assault- Physical and/or Menacing: A is impossible to foresee every possible situation student shall not cause physical or mental injury or circumstance. Thus, this is not meant to be a or behave in such a way, which could threaten complete list of all rules and regulations. to cause physical or mental injury to school Further this code will be reviewed and updated personnel, other students or visitors while under by the Board of Education, as it deems the jurisdiction of the school. Fighting is included necessary. in this section. A. Harassment: This includes any speech Jurisdiction – This code and its provisions shall or action that creates a hostile, be applicable not only during schools hours, but intimidating or offensive learning also at all school related activities, whether or environment; i.e. gender, ethnic, not they are on Cloverleaf school property. religious, and disability. B. Extortion: This includes asking for Rules Guiding Student Conduct: The money, goods or services under threat authority of school officials extends beyond the or feeling of threat. This includes school day. Any misconduct (on or off school panhandling. property) which directly relates to and adversely affects the welfare and morale of the school is C. Physical assault on fellow student. within the scope of authority of school officials. D. Physical assault of an adult in authority. Violation on the part of a student of any one or E. Hazing (see Hazing in the School Policies more of the following rules of conduct may and Procedures section). result in disciplinary action, including detention, Friday PM detention, suspension, emergency 1st offense: 5-day suspension with removal, and/or court referral. The nature and possibility of assault charges filed severity of any action may warrant more or less 2nd offense: 10-day suspension and severe consequences than stated on a given recommendation for expulsion. offense. Actions that jeopardize the safety or well being of staff and students may call for Cell Phones: Cell phones and pagers may be recommendation for expulsion from school. possessed by students but shall be kept out-of- Academic Dishonesty- Cloverleaf Middle School takes a sight and turned off. Cell phones are not to be strong position that cheating and plagiarism hinder the used between 7:35 AM – 2:35 PM. Phones are learning process are not acceptable practices. not to be used on school transportation unless Emphasizing the need for students to submit original work or the student is given the consent by the driver. properly acknowledged work of others is a responsibility of 1st offense: Phone confiscated and the school. Students found cheating or plagiarizing will be returned to parent, Warning penalized and disciplinary action may be taken. 2nd offense: Phone confiscated and returned to parent, Friday PM Detention Cheating includes but is not limited to: 3rd offense: Phone confiscated and A. Copying homework from another returned to parent, 3 day suspension B. Securing answers in a dishonest manner C. Allowing work to be copied by another D. Transmitting answers from one class to another Damage to Property: A student shall not cause or attempt damage to school or private E. Obtaining copies or digital images of tests/exams without teacher approval property on the school premises at any time or at school activities on or off school grounds. The Plagiarism is using another's thoughts, writings, drawings, nature and severity of the damage will etc., as one's own. Plagiarism includes but is not limited to: determine the punishment and possibility of criminal charges. (Administrative discretion) A. Failure to document materials with quotation marks from Replacement cost may be assessed to fees. Full other sources. payment of actual repair, replacement or B. Failure to acknowledge paraphrased materials cleaning will apply when appropriate. Students (from someone else's ideas) may not participate in graduation until full C. Failure to provide a works cited (bibliography) payment is made. D. Failure to provide sources for any visual (drawing, sketch, painting, etc.) Dangerous Weapons and Instruments: A The above mentioned points include works taken from the student shall not possess, handle, transmit or internet, software, published or non-published works and conceal any weapon or instrument capable of computer disks and/or files. Individual teachers may adapt harming another person, such as guns, rifles, this policy to include course-specific requirements. knives, ice picks, switch blades, brass knuckles, bars, etc., on the school premises, at school two Thursday morning detentions. Failure to activities or while transported to and from school serve Friday PM detention will result in two activities. (Included in this prohibition would be Friday PM detentions or suspension. Chronic the use of chemicals, gasses, mace firecrackers, failure to serve will be treated as smoke bombs, explosives, etc.) insubordination. 1st offense: 10-day suspension and expulsion, if convicted permanent expulsion. Harassment, Intimidation, or Bullying: Harassment, intimidation, or bullying is an Disrespect: A student shall not be disrespectful intentional written, verbal or physical act that a or toward any staff member, student or visitor. student has exhibited toward another particular (Administrative discretion) student more than once and the behavior causes both mental or physical harm to the other Disruption of Class: A student shall not student and is sufficiently severe, persistent or disrupt the learning process for other students in pervasive that it creates an intimidating, a class setting. threatening or abusive educational environment 1st offense: (after all other for the other student. This includes violence classroom/team procedures exhausted - within a dating relationship. warning, isolation, detentions, parent conference) Friday PM detention. Harassment, intimidation, or bullying also means 2nd offense: 2 Friday PM detentions, electronically transmitted acts, including possible temporary removal from class those acts transmitted via the Internet, cell for 5 days and conference with parent, phone, or wireless/ cellular handheld device, teacher, student and principal. that a student has exhibited toward another particular student more than once and the Disruption of School: A student shall not by behavior both causes mental or physical harm to use of violence, force, coercion, threat, the other student/school personnel, and is harassment or insubordination, cause any sufficiently severe, persistent or pervasive that it disruption or obstruction to the educational creates an intimidating, threatening or abusive process, including all curricular and educational environment for the other student/ extracurricular activities. This will include said school personnel. violations to board authorized vehicles to transport students. Harassment, intimidation, or bullying can include Some examples, not intended to be exhaustive, many different behaviors including overt intent would include: false fire alarms or arson, false to ridicule, humiliate or intimidate another 911 emergency call, student walkouts, use of student or school personnel. Examples of fireworks of any kind, misconduct during fire or conduct that could constitute prohibited tornado alert, running within the building, behaviors include: horseplay (pushing, ripping, grabbing, hitting, Physical violence and/or attacks etc). Regardless of intent, horseplay may cause Threats, taunts and intimidation through more serious problems and possibly even injury. words and/or gestures Therefore, it can never be tolerated in the school. (Also see School Policies and Procedures Extortion, damage or stealing money on disruption.) and/or possessions Administrative Discretion: Friday PM Exclusion from peer group or spreading Detention to Expulsion. rumors Repetitive and hostile behavior with the Dress Code Violations: Failure to meet dress intent to harm others through the use of code will result in the following actions. st information and communication 1 offense - a warning and student must technologies and other Web- change clothes. nd based/online sites, such as the 2 offense –detention; and student following: must change clothes. Posting slurs on websites where 3rd offense -Friday PM detention and o student must change. students congregate or on web 4th offense -3 day suspension and logs student must change. o Sending abusive or threatening 5th offense -5 day suspension and instant messages/texts. student must change clothes. o Using cameral phones to take embarrassing photographs of All offenses will result in students receiving students and posting them zeros for any class work missed if student online refuses or is unable to change clothes. o Using websites to circulate Failure to Serve: Failure to serve after/before gossip/rumors to others school detention will result in two detentions o Excluding others from an online issued. Failure to serve Thursday before school group by falsely reporting them detention will result in Friday PM detention or for inappropriate language to hands, kissing, hugging or touching others in an Internet providers inappropriate manner. 1st offense: Friday PM detention Harassment, intimidation, or bullying is strictly 2nd offense: 1-day suspension prohibited and may result in disciplinary action 3rd offense: 3-day suspension including suspension and/or expulsion from school. These behaviors are prohibited on or Sexual Harassment: Cloverleaf Middle School immediately adjacent to school grounds, at any is committed to eliminating and preventing school-sponsored activity, on school-provided sexual harassment. Sexual harassment is transportation (including on the school bus to improper, immoral, illegal and detrimental to the and from school) or at any official school bus educational environment of our school. This stop. procedure is implemented to inform students as to the definition and procedure to be followed in Students who are bullied or observe bullying dealing with sexual harassment. Ohio and should report this activity or event to a teacher, Federal law defines sexual harassment as counselor and/or principal. unwanted sexual advances or unwanted visual, Harassment/Intimidation/Bullying reports are verbal or physical contact of a sexual nature. available in the office. Students found to have Such offensive behavior includes, but is not purposely made a false report may face limited to the following: disciplinary action (Disciplinary actions for Unwanted sexual advances, making or conduct determined to be harassment, threatening reprisals after a negative response intimidation, or bullying are at administrative to sexual advances, nonverbal conduct, leering, discretion and may include consequences as making sexual gestures, displaying sexually severe as suspension with recommendation for suggestive objects, making or using derogatory explusion). comments, epithets, slurs or jokes, making sexually based remarks about another person or Insubordination: A student shall not disregard one’s own body, verbal abuse of a sexual or refuse to obey reasonable directions given by nature, graphic verbal commentaries or school personnel. Violations of minor rules, suggestive obscene letters. directives or disciplinary procedures shall (Range of consequences will be from Friday constitute insubordination. detention to suspension.) st 1 offense: Friday PM detention or 3 day Theft: A student shall not take, borrow or suspension. move property, which does not belong to nd 2 offense: 5-day suspension. him/her. This includes property belonging to the rd 3 offense: 10-day suspension with Cloverleaf School Board, another student, recommendation for expulsion. teacher, other staff member or visitor to the school. Loitering: (See Loitering in School Policies and The nature and severity of the damage will Procedures section) determine the punishment and possibility of st 1 offense - Warning criminal charges. (Administrative discretion) nd 2 offense - Friday P.M. detention Replacement cost may be assessed to fees. 3rd offense - 3-day suspension, student restricted to no after school activities Unexcused Absence/Truancy st without parent supervision. 1 Offense - Friday PM detention issued - no 4th offense: - 5-day suspension, credit for work missed nd trespassing charges may be filed. 2 Offense - 2 Friday PM detentions issued - no credit for work missed rd Profane, Obscene or Inappropriate 3 Offense - Denial of privileges, in-school Language: A student shall not use profanity, suspension or out-of-school suspension, and obscenities or inappropriate language (written or possible referral to Juvenile Prosecutor. verbal) or vulgar gestures, in general or while Chronic Misconduct/Attendance Problems: communicating with school personnel, other Students who have chronic behavioral or students, or visitors while under the jurisdiction attendance problems may have unruly charges of the school. filed with the Medina County Juvenile Court. st 1 offense: Friday PM detention or 3 Unruly child as defined in sections 2151.01 to day suspension depending on severity. 2151.54, inclusive, of the Ohio Revised Code, nd 2 offense: 5-day suspension. include any child: 3rd offense: 10-day suspension with A. who does not subject himself to the recommendation for expulsion. reasonable control of his parents, teachers, guardians or custodian, by Public Displays of Affection: Students are reason of being wayward or habitually not to engage in inappropriate physical contact disobedient; while on school property, at school related functions off school grounds, on a school bus or B. who is an habitual truant from home or at any other time the student is subject to the school; authority of the school. This includes holding C. who deports himself/herself as to injure stated on the detention. Signed detention forms or endanger the health or morals of must be returned to the teacher. Each student himself/herself or others; is to have sufficient study materials and is to cooperate with the detention supervisor. D. who marries, visits/associates with Students will be given 24 hours notice of undesirables, works illegally, or breaks detentions at minimum. Detention assignment the law. times are at the teacher’s discretion. Morning Application of the Code: It is considered a detentions (7AM-7:30AM) will be highly fundamental understanding by each student and recommended due to transportation problems his/her parent that any administrator, teacher, after school, which leave students unsupervised. or other school official has not only the right, but also the duty, to insist on good behavior. The Thursday Detention: Students exhibiting building principal is charged with the overall misconduct in study halls, hallways, tardy to responsibility of proper enforcement of discipline homeroom or other disciplinary infractions will in the total school setting. However, he/she has be issued detention on Thursday from 7 AM to discretionary authority along with other 7:30 AM in room 209. Failure to serve these certificated personnel to use the following detentions will result in Friday PM detention. measures to correct pupil behavior: 1. teacher-student conferences Friday PM Detention Rules: Accumulation of detentions, truancy or discipline referrals will 2. teacher-parent conferences result in a Friday PM detention. Failure to serve 3. referral to guidance a Friday PM detention will result in additional 4. extra assigned studies Fridays assigned or suspension, depending on the repetition of the offense. 5. assigned detentions Friday PM School will meet from 2:35 PM until 6. referral to the office 6:00 PM. Friday PM School is held at the High. 7. removal from class or activity for 24 Please use the main entrance to enter the school hours or less since all other doors will be locked. Tardy A key guideline in the application of this policy is students admitted after 3:00 PM will be required embodied in the principle that the appropriate to attend additional Friday PM School or be reaction to a discipline problem is the least issued an in-school suspension. Students will extreme reaction that holds promise of resolving not be allowed to go to their lockers or use the the problem. However, there are situations in phone except in cases of emergency. which a more severe disciplinary measure is Students will not be allowed to put their needed to correct the problem. At this time, heads down or sleep. the student is referred to the principal; and the No radios, cards, magazines, or other following action may be taken: recreational articles will be allowed in the 1. emergency removal room. 2. suspension (in or out of school) No food or beverages will be consumed 3. referral to police or judicial authorities during Friday PM School. 4. expulsion There will be a 10-minute break at 4:30 PM. The nature and severity of any action may Students may go to the restroom, throw warrant more severe consequences than stated away paper, and sharpen pencils at that on a given offense. Actions that jeopardize the time. safety, or well being of staff and students may Students are required to bring all their call for a recommendation for expulsion from textbooks with them and have class school. assignments with them when they attend Friday School. Corporal punishment is prohibited and shall not be used as a form of discipline in the District. The only way a student may be excused The Board expects administration, faculty and from a Friday PM School session will be if staff to use other forms of discipline, counseling prior permission was obtained from the and referral, including communication and principal. This includes illness or any other meetings with the parents to promote reason that would prevent a student from appropriate, positive behavior. attending a particular session. A student, who misses a session without receiving Detention: Students may be assigned a permission beforehand, will be assigned an detention by any member of the school staff. extra session to attend or assigned to in- Offenses may include, but not limited to, school suspension. If a student would fail to undesirable patterns of tardiness, repeated serve in- school suspension, the student will misconduct in class, cafeteria problems, as well then be assigned an out-of-school as other discipline problems. suspension for the days left in the Students assigned to detention are to report to suspension. the room designated on the detention notice at the time given and be excused at the time In-School Suspension: Students will report to the in-school cases it is up to the student, not the teacher suspension room by 7:35 AM and will remain to initiate the process. there until 2:35 PM. Students on early A student should make up any work dismissal will stay the entire day. missed. Full credit will be given for work Students are to bring educational completed if submitted to the teacher material to the in-school suspension room. when the student returns. If a student Failure to bring books or materials will result fails to request and complete the make- in further disciplinary action. up work, he/she will receive zeros for all work missed. A general guideline of Students must get their assignments three (3) days of in-school suspension before starting in-school suspension. will be allowed per semester per Students will not be permitted to leave the student. in-school suspension room to get assignments. Students must turn in all Emergency Removal: assignments the first day back to class. 1. The Superintendent or Principal may remove The student must complete any the student from curricular or extra additional assignments made by the in- curricular activities or from the school school suspension teacher. premises. Students are not permitted to talk or 2. A teacher may remove the pupil from sleep in in-school suspension. curricular or extracurricular activities under Students will use restrooms as directed his/her supervision but not from the school by the teacher in charge of in school premises altogether. suspension. Restroom privileges will be 3. If a teacher makes any emergency removal, limited to once in the morning and once in the reasons for the removal must be the afternoon, as a group, unless there is an submitted to the principal as soon as emergency. practicable thereafter. There will be a lunch period. Students 4. Written notification of the decision and the will have to provide a sack lunch. Lunch right to appeal to the Board of Education or will be eaten in the in-school suspension its designee is required, as it is for a room. Lunch program students will have suspension. The notice must include the lunch provided. reasons the expulsion, the right to be Students must be present the full day represented in the appeal, and to request for the day to be counted. Days of partial the hearing to be held in executive session. attendance will not be counted. (Including work-study students). Appeal: A student, his parent, guardian, or Students who refuse to report to in- custodian may appeal a suspension or expulsion to the Board of Education or its designees. school suspension; who leave without Thus, the Board may either review the case permission, or who disrupt the quiet itself or approve a hearing officer to act in its atmosphere will be suspended out of school. place. As previously noted, the student has the Suspension: right to representation at the hearing. At the A. The Superintendent or Principal must request of the pupil, his parent, guardian, give the pupil actual written notice of the custodian, or attorney, the Board or its designee intention to suspend. may hold the hearing in executive session. B. The pupil must have the opportunity to Formal action on the appeal may only be taken in a public meeting. By a majority vote of the appear at an informal hearing before the Board or by action of the Board’s designee, the Principal, Superintendent, or order of suspension or expulsion may be Superintendent’s Designee to challenge the affirmed, the pupil may be reinstated, the action reasons for the intended suspension or to reversed, vacated or modified. otherwise explain his/hers actions. If the administrator determines as a result of the Exclusion: The Board may seek the permanent hearing that the pupil should be suspended, exclusion of a student 16 years or older who is then within twenty-four hours of the either convicted in a criminal court or suspension, the parent, guardian, or adjudicated delinquent by a juvenile court of custodian of the student must be notified in certain offenses that occur on school grounds or writing. The notice must include the reasons at a school function. See Board policy for more for the suspension and the right of the pupil, details. parent, guardian or custodian to appeal the action to the Board of Education or its Smoking by Students – Use or Possession designee, and the right to request that the of Tobacco Products: It is the belief of the hearing be held in executive session. Cloverleaf Local Board of Education that smoking C. The following guidelines will pertain to is a definite hazard to good health and safety of schoolwork missed during suspension. In all people. The Board therefore, believes that it is necessary to establish rules and regulations, use/misuse/addiction. The assessment which will relate to the policy stating that there information must be released to the shall be no smoking or use of tobacco products District Prevention Coordinator for on school properties, buses or at other school intervention with the student. It will be related functions. strongly encouraged that student, 1st offense: 3 days out-of-school parents, Principal, and District suspension and recommendation for Prevention Coordinator meet to discuss tobacco insight program. It will be the intervention strategies and the strongly encouraged that students, future of the student. Cloverleaf Local parents, the Principal and Chemical Schools believe that early intervention in Dependency Coordinator meet to discuss the disease process means less the insight program. destruction for the student and a greater 2nd offense: 5 days out-of-school likelihood to recover. suspension. Conference with parents highly recommended to discuss choices The parents or guardians of the child will that the student has made. notify the school principal and District rd 3 offense: 10 days out of school Prevention Coordinator that the student suspension and recommendation has made contact and is willing to for expulsion. comply with the appropriate treatment The tobacco insight programs will be established process. Based on the data that the by the District Prevention Coordinator and may student is being evaluated and not meet during the school day. appropriate procedures agreed upon are being followed, the student will not be Procedures for Dealing with Alcohol recommended for expulsion. Use/Student Drug Abuse: A student shall not posses, use, transmit, conceal, or be under the influence of narcotics, alcoholic beverages, drugs 3. The principal will notify the appropriate or any mind-altering substance. A student shall guidance counselor and the building level not possess any counterfeit drug (look-alikes), Prevention Counselor. nor shall a student make, sell, offer to sell, 4. The principal will notify the Juvenile Officer conceal, give, package or transmit any of the Medina County Sheriff’s counterfeit drug. Department
Professional procedures for handling Second Offense students who appear to be under the 1. The principal will assign the student a 10 influence of chemicals: day out-of-school suspension and make a If a student appears to be displaying unusual recommendation for expulsion. behavior due to the possibility of the use of 2. The principal will notify the School Resource some harmful or illegal chemical, a school Officer of the Medina County Sheriff’s employee should enlist help to determine the Department. seriousness of the apparent illness. When the student is brought to a nurse or physician, an 3. The principal will contact the Medina County attempt should be made to determine what Juvenile Prosecutor and pursue prosecution chemical was taken, by what method and in of the student. what quantity. When the student’s condition 4. The principal will notify the appropriate appears to be in immediate need of further guidance counselor and building level medical attention, regular emergency Prevention Counselor. procedures should be followed. The building level prevention counselor and guidance Students expelled or suspended for use or counselor should be notified of the student who possession of alcohol/drugs: appears to be under the influence of chemicals. Affected students – all persons under Procedures for dealing with possession of the age of 18 who have been expelled or items stated: suspended for the use or possession of alcohol or drugs. First Offense Reporting Official - County The principal will assign the student a 10- 1. Superintendent day out-of-school suspension. Hearing timeline – no hearing required 2. The principal will recommend to the superintendent of schools that the student Reporting time – The Bureau of Motor be expelled unless the following procedure is Vehicles and Juvenile Judge must be followed: notified within two weeks after the expulsion or suspension hearing date. The student must agree to and complete a professional drug assessment for a After receiving such information from professional opinion concerning the the Superintendent, the Registrar of Motor Vehicles is required to suspend the temporary instruction permit or driver’s license of the student who is the Art subject of the notice. If a temporary Mrs. Hower permit or license has not been issued for that student, the registrar is prohibited Band/General Music from issuing a temporary permit or Mr. Johnson license. Mr. Winter Selling or distributing illegal chemical Chorus and/or instrumentalities for use of drugs to fellow students: Mrs. Leonard
First Offense Communication/Technology If a school employee sees what appear to be Mr. McGee harmful and/or illegal chemicals being transferred from one student to another, he/she Guidance should immediately take the students and the Mrs. Nagy material to the principal of the school. The principal should call the Medina County Mrs. Ray Sheriff and request someone to be dispatched to Health investigate the case. A report of the investigation should be provided to the school Mr. J. Manix principal. The principal will contact the Medina County Language Arts Juvenile Prosecutor and pursue prosecution of Mrs. K. Baughman, Mrs. Collum, the student. Mrs. Detwiler, The principal will assign the student a 10-day out-of-school suspension and request a parent Mr. Dombroski, Mrs. Ereg, Miss conference to discuss the matter. Ferguson Mrs. Geissman, Mrs. The principal will recommend to the superintendent that the student be expelled. Hopkins, Mrs. Large, Ms. Licursi, All sections of Cloverleaf Board of Education Mrs. McMillen, Mrs. McQuate, Policy JEGA Permanent Exclusion apply. Mrs. Musolf, Mr. Scisciani Mathematics Mrs. Carson, Mrs. Cavey, Mrs. Culp, Mrs. Gunkelman, Mr. Haldiman, Ms. Licursi, Mrs. Manix, Mrs. McMillen, Mrs. McQuate, Mrs. Musolf, Mrs. Riley, Mr. Scisciani, Mrs. Taylor
Middle School Physical Education Staff Roster Mrs. Gasper, Mr. Murphy Reading 2011– 2012 Mrs. Collum, Mrs. Detwiler, Mrs. Ereg, Miss Ginley, Mrs. Hopkins, Principal Mrs. McMillen, Mrs. Musolf, Mrs. Ms. Jamie Lormeau Riley Assistant Principal Science Mr. Michael Coury Mr. Boggs, Mrs. Carson, Mrs. experience the natural and logical Dodson, Mrs. Manix, consequences of their own behavior. Mr. Oeltjen, Mr. Scisciani, Mr. Our goal is to provide each child with Stoll the best educational op-opportunities Social Studies possible. To accomplish this, we must Mrs. Augustus, Mrs. Ereg, Mrs. be able to: Geissman, Mr. Rogers, Provide a safe, secure environment Mr. Shaeffer for all students. Provide an environment that is free Support Staff of disruption. Secretaries Support teachers and good Mrs. Gregory teaching. Mrs. Todd Insist that students be in Custodial/ Maintenance Staff attendance, on time and ready, willing and able to learn. Mr. Havalotti, Mr. Kelling, Mr. Ramsier, Mrs. Stark Paraprofessionals Mr. Brown, Mrs. Civittolo, Mrs. Drogell, Mrs. Kozma, Mrs. Kungl, Mrs. Lacko, Mrs. Lance, Mrs. Osborn, Mrs. T. Rogers, Mrs. Stephens, Mrs. Sullivan Librarian/Media Specialist Mrs. Weigand Food Service Mrs. Clifford, Mrs. Holtzapple, Mrs. Lentz, Mrs. Risko, Mrs. Vargas
A Note to Parents
When parents do not allow their children to be held accountable for their To continue to be effective, the school behavior, the children: must be able to enforce rules, policies and procedures with the support of Begin to believe that the rules do parents. not apply. Become difficult to work within a Please consider the following structured situation. suggestions when working with your Become disrespectful toward and children and the school: unaccepting of authority. Let your children be responsible and Any and all of these may lead to a lack accountable for their own behavior. of school success and a lack of success Let your children experience as an adult. Parents who enable or disappointment or failure. It is part make excuses for their children strip of growing and maturing. their children of the opportunity to Setbacks should be viewed as opportunities. Let your children accept the consequences of their behavior. Realize school rules, procedures and policies are for all students, and there are not separate rules for any students. Finally, never say, “My son or daughter would never…”
(This was taken from an open letter written to parents from an Ohio High School.) The mission of the Cloverleaf Local Schools, a unified community committed to an interactive approach to life-long learning, guarantees all students an excellent education that prepares them for life’s challenges, by providing innovative instruction filled with engaging, experience-based opportunities, delivered by highly qualified educators in a safe, stimulating, and respectful environment.
We believe that family is the foundation of society.
We believe that excellence is achieved through commitment, risk and hard work.
We believe that every person has worth and potential.
We believe that learning is a life-long process.
We believe that a safe environment is essential for a quality of life.
We believe that honesty and integrity are the basis of good relationships.
We believe that respect is fundamental for social order.
We believe that all people are responsible for their own actions.