Religious Discourse
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Religious Discourse
Teun A. van Dijk August 8, 2013
Abbas, S. B. (2007). Risky knowledge in risky times: Political discourses of Qawwali and Sufiana-kalam in Pakistan-Indian Sufism. Muslim World, 97(4), 626-639. [[[asian studies; religion]]]
Abdul-Latif, E. (2011). Interdiscursivity between political and religious discourses in a speech by Sadat Combining CDA and addressee rhetoric. Journal of Language and Politics, 10(1), 50-67. [[[linguistics]]]
Abu Zaid, N. H. (1994). Islam und Politik. Kritik des religiösen Diskurses. Frankfurt am Main: dipa-Verlag. [[[b] [political discourse] [CDA]]]
Abu-Zaid, N. H. (1996). Islam und Politik. Kritik des religiösen Diskurses. Frankfurt am Main: dipa. [[[b] [Islam] [discourse] [Kritik]]]
Achille, T., & Aristide, J. B. (1998). Aristide, le dire et le faire. Essai. Mont-Royal Québec: Éditions de la Vérité. [[[b][Lg: fre][ISBN: 2980617903][Aristide, Jean-Bertrand][Discours politique][Communication politique] [Sociolinguistique][Analyse du discours][Religion et politique][Rhétorique][Communication in politics] [Sociolinguistics][Discourse analysis][Relig
Afsaruddin, A. (2002). Excellence and precedence. Medieval Islamic discourse on legitimate leadership. Leiden Boston: Brill. [[[b][Lg: eng][ISBN: 9004120432 (alk. paper)][Caliphate][Imamate][Islam and politics] [Legitimacy of governments][Leadership][Polity (Religion)]]]
Afshari, R. (1994). An Essay on Islamic Cultural Relativism in the Discourse of Human Rights. Human Rights Quarterly, 16(2), 235-276. [[[cultural patterns] [human rights declarations of human rights and human rights commissions official organizations] [islamic world and religion] [middle east] [muslim people and religion] [relativism ]]]
Agadjanian, A. (2001). Public religion and the quest for national ideology: Russia's media discourse. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 40(3), 351-365. [[[sociology; religion]]]
Ahmad, F. (2002). Engaging a new discourse - Teaching "Women in Islam" in the American University classroom. Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion, 18(2), 131-140.
Aichele, G. (1992). The Fantastic in the Discourse of Jesus + an Examination of a Theory of Literary Fantasy From the Trajectory of the Synoptic Tradition Derived From the Works of Todorov and Rabkin, a Comparative Approach. Semeia, (60), 53-66. [[[religion]]]
Al-Ali, M. N. (2006). Religious affiliations and masculine power in Jordanian wedding invitation genre. Discourse & Society, 17(6), 691-714. [[[critical discourse analysis; genre analysis; socio-cultural factors; wedding invitation; discourse analysis; communication; psychology, multidisciplinary; sociology]]]
Almeida, Y. (1978). L'opérativité sémantique des récits-paraboles: Sémiotique narrative et textuelle, herméneutique du discours religieux. Louvain: Peeters. [[[b] [Language and languages; Signs and symbols; Semiotics; Hermeneutics]]]
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Altuna Lizaso, B. (2006). La idea de pureza moral y religiosa en el discurso identitario vasco. Cuadernos de Alzate: revista vasca de la cultura y las ideas, 34, 41-68. [[[Lg: spa]]]
Alvarez Barredo, M. (1988). Discurso de Jeremías sobre el templo: crítica de la praxis religiosa. Carthaginensia: Revista de estudios e investigación, 4(5), 3-20. [[[Lg: spa]]]
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Alvarez Calleja, M. A. (2002). Diversidad cultural de la literatura norteamericana: representación del tema religioso en el discurso de las escritoras chicanas. In: Elizabeth Woodward Smith, & Pablo Cancelo López (Eds.), Aspects of culture. (pp. 25-36). Coruña: Universidade da Coruña, Departamento de Filoloxía Inglesa
Anderson, J. (2011). Vanity vs. Gluttony: Competing Christian Discourses on Personal Health. Journal of Applied Communication Research, 39(4), 370-388. [[[religion; health; values; dialectics; exercise; body-weight; values; attitudes; religion; obesity; communication]]]
Anees, M. A. (2006). Is the Science and Religion Discourse Relevant to Islam? In: F. Watts, & K. Dutton (Eds.), Why the science and religion dialogue matters: Voices from the International Society for Science and Religion. (pp. 81-89). West Conshohocken, PA: Templeton Foundation Press [[[Lg: English ] [science religion discourse ][Muslim world ][Islamic concept of knowledge ][Qur'an ][tradition of the Prophet ] [modernity ][postmodernism ][Islam][Muslims][Religion][Sciences ]]]
Anta Félez, J. L. (1999). Patria, fronteras y muerte: mitogénesis del discurso disciplinario de la Buena Muerte y su correcta memoria. In: Salvador Rodríguez Becerra (Ed.), Religión y cultura. (pp. 347-354). [[[Lg: spa]]]
Appolon, W. (1982). L'Evenement ou l'avenement de l'autre. Fondements pour une theorie formelle du lieu de l'autre dans la langue. (The Event or the Advent of the Other: Foundations for a Formal Theory of the Place of the Other in Language). Cahiers de Recherches en Sciences de la Religion, 4, 91-134. [[[philosophy of language] [interpersonal behavior] [discourse analysis] ]]
Ariff, T. N. A. Z. (2012). Ethnographic discourse analysis: Conversion to Islam ceremony. Discourse & Communication, 6(3), 295-322. [[[da'wah discourse; discourse; ethnographic discourse analysis; investigative interview; islamic discourse; religious discourse; religious professional setting; spoken interaction; topic transitions; humor; power; communication; resistance; interviews; w
Arrizabalaga, J. (2004). Diablos, doctores, curanderos y santos: el discurso médico y la experiencia religiosa desde la Edad Media a la Modernidad. In: María Soledad Gómez Navarro (Ed.), Estudios de historia iberoamericana: XXXIV Reunión Anual de la Society for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies (SSPHS), Madrid, 2-5 de julio de 2003. (pp. 165-169). [[[Lg: spa]]]
Ashiwa, Y., & Wank, D. L. (2006). The politics of a reviving Buddhist temple: State, association, and religion in southeast China. Journal of Asian Studies, 65(2), 337-359. [[[discourse]]]
Asik, M. O. (2012). Contesting religious educational discourses and institutions in contemporary Egypt. Social Compass, 59(1), 84-101. [[[discourse; education; egypt; islamism; religion; al-azhar; islam; politics; sociology; religion]]]
Astorga, M. C. A. (2006). Culture, religion, and moral vision: A theological discourse on the Filipino People Power Revolution of 1986. Theological Studies, 67(3), 567-601. 2 Audi, R. (2000). Religious Values, Political-Action, and Civic Discourse. Indiana Law Journal, 75(1), 273-294.
Avoke, M. (2002). Models of disability in the labelling and attitudinal discourse in Ghana. Disability and Society, 17 (7), 769-777. [[[models of disability] [labeling] [Ghana] [mental retardation] [attitudes] [traditional and religious beliefs] [government] [policies]]]
Azodanloo, H. G. (1993). Characteristics of Ayatullahs Khomeini's Discourse and the Iraq-Iran War. Orient, 34, 403-420. [[[iran] [iraq] [islamic world and religion] [war ]]]
Balaban, V. (1999). Self and agency in religious discourse - Perceptual metaphors for knowledge at a Marian apparition site. Metaphor in Cognitive Linguistics, 175, 125-144. [[[linguistics]]]
Barnes, G. (1989). Sermons and the Discourse of Power: The Rhetoric of Religious Oratory in Spain (1550-1900). Dissertation-Abstracts-International, Ann Arbor, MI (DAI). 1989 Aug., 50:2, 455A. [[[Spanish literature] [1500 1899] [prose] [sermons] [(date) 1550 1900] [relationship to power]]]
Barr, J. (1961). The semantics of Biblical language. Oxford: Oxford University Press. [[[religious discourse] [b]]]
Bartholoma, P. F. (2011). The Johannine Discourses and the Teaching of Jesus in the Synoptics a Comparative Approach to the Authenticity of Jesus' Words in the Fourth Gospel. Tyndale Bulletin, 62(1), 155-159. [[[religion]]]
Barton, R. (1750). The analogy of divine wisdom, between difficulties and mysteries of the sciences: In the from of an address most humbly offered to the teachers and students in all seminaries of learning, for one of whom especially, the following discourses were writt In: R. Barton (Ed.), The analogy of divine wisdom, in the material, sensitive, moral, civil and spiritual system of things, in eight parts. (pp. 7-31). Unknown Publisher[[[Lg: English] [divine wisdom][sciences][religion][Christianity][anal
Bartor, A. (2007). The representation of speech in the Casuistic laws of the Pentateuch: The phenomenon of combined discourse. Journal of Biblical Literature, 126(2), 231-249. [[[religion]]]
Barzegar, A. (2011). Discourse, Identity, and Community: Problems and Prospects in the Study of Islam in America. Muslim World, 101(3), 511-538. [[[asian studies; religion]]]
Batson, C. D. (1996). You take the high road. International Journal for the Psychology of Religion, 6(3), 159-163. [[[hermeneutics & metapsychology & discourse analysis vs empirical science in psychology of religion] [Empirical Methods; Hermeneutics; Metapsychology; Psychology; Religion; Phenomenology; Theoretical Interpretation]]
Bell, E., & Taylor, S. (2004). 'From outward bound to inward bound': The prophetic voices and discursive practices of spiritual management development. Human Relations, 57(4), 439-466. [[[implicit religion; motivation]]]
Benomar, J. (1988). The Monarchy, the Islamist Movement, and Religious Discourse in Morocco. Third World Quarterly, 10(2), 539-555. [[[islamic world and religion] [monarch monarchy king queen] [morocco] [religion in general]]]
Berg, H. (2012). The Essence of Essentializing: A Critical Discourse on "Critical Discourse in the Study of Islam". Method & Theory in the Study of Religion, 24(4-5), 337-356. [[[religion]]]
Berglund, J. (2011). Global questions in the classroom: the formulation of Islamic Religious Education at Muslim schools in Sweden. Discourse-Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, 32(4), 497-512. [[[education & educational research]]]
3 Berlinger, N. (2004). Spirituality and medicine: Idiot-proofing the discourse. Journal of Medicine and Philosophy, 29(6), 681-695. [[[temporal-lobe epilepsy; religion; health]]]
Betrán Moya, J. L. (2004). El discurso religioso y la imprenta barcelonesa durante el reinado de Felipe V. In: Eliseo Serrano Martín (Ed.), Felipe V y su tiempo: congreso internacional. (pp. 627-658). [[[Lg: spa]]]
Biagini, E. (2012). Introduction: Gladstone and Religious Discourse. Nineteenth Century Prose, 39(1-2), 82-+. [[[literature]]]
Bijelic, N. (2008). Sex Education in Croatia Tensions between Secular and Religious Discourses. European Journal of Womens Studies, 15(4), 329-343. [[[women's studies]]]
Bischof, K., Oberhuber, F., & Stogner, K. (2010). Gender-specific constructions of the 'other religion' in French and Austrian discourse on Turkey's accession to the European Union. Journal of Language and Politics, 9(3), 364-392. [[[european union; enlargement; turkey; discourse analysis; print media; identity; orientalism; france; austria; public sphere; debate; linguistics; language & linguistics]]]
Bischof, K., Oberhuber, F., & Stögner, K. (2010). Gender-specific constructions of the 'other religion' in French and Austrian discourse on Turkey's accession to the European Union. Journal of Language and Politics, 9(3), 364-392. [Lg: English][[[[Austria] [Discourse analysis] [Enlargement] [European Union] [France] [Identity] [Orientalism] [Print media] [Turkey] ]]]
Bobb, C. V. (2011). From the Problem of "Evil" to Interpretation. "Hermeneutic Phenomenology" as a Method for Understanding the Religious Discourse. Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies, 10(30), 299-317. [[[religion]]]
Boggild, J. (2012). The Offensive Retreat-An Upbuilding Discourse as a Function of the Paradox. Theology Today, 68(4), 424-437. [[[religion]]]
Bolufer Peruga, M. (1998). Del cuerpo violentado al cuerpo tutelado. Doctrina religiosa y discurso higiénico en el siglo XVIII: el ejemplo del nacimiento. In: Amparo Quiles Faz, & María Isabel Jiménez Morales (Eds.), De otras miradas: reflexiones sobre la mujer de los siglos XVII al XX. (pp. 53-88). [[[Lg: spa]]]
Bonnin, J. E. (2009). Religious and political discourse in Argentina: the case of reconciliation. Discourse & Society, 20(3), 327-343. [[[argentina; nominalization; political discourse; reconciliation; religious discourse; grammatical metaphor; nominalization; language; communication; psychology, multidisciplinary; sociology]]]
Bonnin, J. E. (2010). Discourse genres in the strategy of the Argentinean Catholic Episcopate. Political aspects of religious discourse between authoritarianism and democracy (1965-1990) . Los géneros discursivos en la estrategia del episcopado católico argentino. Aspectos polRevista Signos, 42(72), 9-30. [Lg: Spanish] [[[[Democracy] [Discourse genres] [Religious discourse] ]]]
Bonnin, J. E. (2010). Los géneros discursivos en la estratégia del episcopado católico argentino: Aspectos políticos del discurso religioso entre el autoritarismo y la democrácia. Revista signos: estudios de lingüística, 72, 9- 30. [[[Lg: spa]]]
Bonnin, J. E. (2011). From discursive event to discourse evenement: A case study of political-religious discourse in Argentina. Discourse & Society, 22(6), 677-692. [[[communication; psychology; sociology]]]
Borrero Montalvo, D. (2008). Etnografía y discurso religioso protestante: análisis crítico del discurso del Misterio Internacional Iglesia Fuente de Agua Viva en Puerto Rico. Boletín de filología, 43, 13-41. [[[Lg: spa]]]
Bowen, J. R. (1993). Muslims through discourse. Religion and ritual in Gayo society. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. [[[b] [Gayos (Indonesian people)/Rites and ceremonies] [Islam/Indonesia/Sumatra] [Sumatra (Indonesia)/Religious life and customs] [Gayos (Indonesian people)/Religion]]] 4 Bowles, A. (2010). Governance and religious conflict in the eighteenth century: Religion and the civil discourse of separateness in the maratha polity. South Asia: Journal of South Asia Studies, 33(1), 61-74. [Lg: English]
Boxer, D. (2002). Applying sociolinguistics: Domains and face-to-face interaction. Amsterdam,Netherlands: John Benjamins Publishing Company. [[sociolinguistics][discourse studies][oral interaction][family][educational sphere][social sphere][religious sphere][work sphere][cross-cultural face-to-face interaction][Discourse Analysis][Interpersonal Interaction][Oral Communication][Social Environments][Sociolinguistics]]
Bradley, C. T. (2009). Roman Catholic doctrine guiding end-of-life care: A summary of the recent discourse. Journal of Palliative Medicine, 12 (4), 373-377.[[[Lg: English] [end-of-life care][traditional Roman Catholic doctrine][artificial nutrition][patients][Catholic moral tradition][health care][Catholics][Health Care Services][Morality][Palliative Care][Religious Fundamentalism]]]
Braunstein, R. (2012). Storytelling in Liberal Religious Advocacy. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 51(1), 110-127. [[[religious advocacy; public policy; storytelling; christian right; united-states; stories; discourse; sociology; sociology; religion]]]
Brison, K. J. (2001). Crafting sociocentric selves in religious discourse in rural Fiji. Ethos, 29 (4), 453-474. [[[religious experience] [religious discourse] [sociocentric selves] [rural Fiji]]]
Brock, M. P. (2010). Resisting the Catholic Church's notion of the nun as self-sacrificing woman. Feminism & Psychology, 20(4), 473-490. [[[nuns; patriarchy; power; resistance; subjectivity; religious-orders; women; discourse; community; psychology, multidisciplinary; women's studies]]]
Brown, C. M. (2012). Conciliation, Conflict, or Complementarity: Responses to Three Voices in the Hinduism and Science Discourse. Zygon, 47(3), 608-623. [[[social issues; religion]]]
Brown, R. K. (2011). Religion, Political Discourse, and Activism Among Varying Racial/Ethnic Groups in America. Review of Religious Research, 53(3), 301-322. [[[religion; political activism; race/ethnicity; united-states; african-americans; church culture; participation; ; sociology; religion]]]
Bruce, T. C. (2006). Contested accommodation on the meso level - Discursive adaptation within Catholic Charities' Immigration and Refugee Services. American Behavioral Scientist, 49(11), 1489-1508. [[[religious nonprofits; contested accommodation; catholic charities; immigration; discourse; organizations; agencies; systems; goals; psychology, clinical; social sciences, interdisciplinary]]]
Bucar, E. M. (2008). Methodological invention as a constructive project - Exploring the production of ethical knowledge through the interaction of discursive logics. Journal of Religious Ethics, 36(3), 355-373. [[[religion]]]
Buitrago Escobar, F. (2007). "De Instauranda Aethiopum Salute" de Alonso de Sandoval: discurso que justifica el ministerio religioso. In: Lucía Ortiz (Ed.), "Chambacú, la historia la escribes tú": ensayos sobre cultura afrocolombiana. (pp. 319-348). [[[Lg: spa]]]
Buitrago Escobar, F. (2007). 'De Instauranda Aethiopum Salute' de Alonso de Sandoval: discurso que justifica el ministerio religioso. In: Lucía Ortiz (Ed.), 'Chambacú, la historia la escribes tú': ensayos sobre cultura afrocolombiana. (pp. 319-348). Madrid: Iberoamericana; Frankfurt am Main: Vervuert.[[[Lg: spa]]]
Cáceres, M. L. (2008). Un caso de religiosidad popular: discurso y expresiones de devoción en San Miguel de Tucumán. Iberoamerica Global, 1(1), 43-53. [[[Lg: spa]]]
Camilleri, J. A. (2012). Postsecularist discourse in an 'age of transition'. Review of International Studies, 38(5), 1019-1039. [[[international-relations; religion; international relations]]]
5 Campagne, F. A. (2000). Medicina y religión en el discurso antisupersticioso español de los siglos XVI a XVIII: un combate por la hegemonía. Dynamis: Acta hispanica ad medicinae scientiarumque historiam illustrandam, 20, 417-456. [[[Lg: spa]]]
Campbell, H. A., & Pastina, A. C. (2010). How the iphone became divine: New media, religion and the intertextual circulation of meaning. New Media and Society, 12(7), 1191-1207. [Lg: English][[[[blogs] [fandom] [intertexuality] [iPhone] [Jesus phone] [religion] [religious discourse] [technology] ]]]
Campbell Manjárrez, Y. (1994). Aspectos literarios del discurso religioso de Nueva Viscaya: cartas "annuas" del siglo XVII. In: Juan Villegas (Ed.), Actas Irvine-92: [Actas de XI Congreso de la Asociación Internacional de Hispanistas]. (pp. 264-273). [[[Lg: spa]]]
Campbell Manjárrez, Y. (1994). Aspectos literarios del discurso religioso de Nueva Viscaya: cartas 'annuas' del siglo XVII. In: Juan Villegas (Ed.), Actas Irvine-92: [Actas de XI Congreso de la Asociación Internacional de Hispanistas]. (pp. 264-273). [[[Lg: spa]]]
Cantón Delgado, M. (1992). Protestantismo pentecostal en Guatemala: discurso religioso y conciencia política. In: Pilar García Jordán (Ed.), Conquista y resistencia en la historia de América: = Conquesta i resistència en la història d'Amèrica. (pp. 353-364). Barcelona”b”: Universitat”c” D.L.[[[Lg: spa]]]
Capkova, K. (2011). Anti-Jewish Discourses in the Czech National Movement. Havlicek, Neruda and Kapper. Judaica Bohemiae, 46(2), 77-93. [[[religion]]]
Capps, D. (2011). The Verbal Portrait: Erik H. Erikson's Contribution to Psychoanalytic Discourse. Journal of Religion & Health, 50(4), 880-898. [[[public, environmental & occupational health; religion]]]
Carlos, C. M. (2011). El arte del disfraz y el Discurso sobre la libertad religiosa (1869) de Emilio Castelar. In: José Antonio Caballero López, José Miguel Delgado Idarreta, & Cristina Sáenz de Pipaón Ibáñez (Eds.), Entre Olózaga y Sagasta: retórica, prensa y poder. (pp. 75-84). Logroño: Instituto de Estudios Riojanos; [Calahorra: Ayuntamiento de Calahorra.[[[Lg:
Carney, A. A. H. (2005). Imamate and love: The discourse of the divine in Islamic mysticism. Journal of the American Academy of Religion, 73(3), 705-730.
Castaños, F. (1991). Relatoría: el discurso religioso. In: Noe Jitrik (Ed.), El dominio y la palabra. (pp. 325-338). [[[Lg: spa]]]
Castelar, E. (1999). Discurso en defensa de la libertad religiosa. Boletín de la Institución Libre de Enseñanza, 36, 11-22. [[[Lg: spa]]]
Cates, C. M. (1995). Cult Rhetoric: A Genre of Manipulative Speech. Dissertation-Abstracts-International,-A:- The-Humanities-and-Social-Sciences; 1995, 56, 1, July, 31-A. [[[Rhetoric] [Religions] [Public Speaking] [discourse analysis/text linguistics] [discourse analysis]]]
Cerella, A. (2012). Religion and political form: Carl Schmitt's genealogy of politics as critique of Jurgen Habermas's post-secular discourse. Review of International Studies, 38(5), 975-994. [[[international relations]]]
Chen, C. H. (2003). "Molympics"? Journalistic discourse of Mormons in relation to the 2002 Winter Olympic Games. Journal of Media and Religion, 2 (1), 29-47. [[[journalism] [media coverage] [Olympics] [Utah] [2002] [Mormons] [image]]]
Chidester, D. (1992). Word and light: Seeing, hearing, and religious discourse. Urbana: University of Illinois Press. [[[b] [Language and languages; Vision; Hearing; Knowledge, Theory of (Religion)]]]
6 Chiluwa, I. (2008). Religious vehicle stickers in Nigeria: a discourse of identity, faith and social vision. Discourse & Communication, 2(4), 371-387. [[[assumption; discourse; discursive; practices; religion; stickers; political bumper stickers; expression; israel; communication]]]
Chitando, E. (2005). 'In the beginning was the land': The appropriation of religious themes in political discourses in Zimbabwe. Africa, 75(2), 220-239.
Chruszczewski, P. P. (2006). Prayers as an integrative factor in Jewish religious discourse communities. In: T. Omoniyi, & J. A. Fishman (Eds.), Explorations in the sociology of language and religion. (pp. 278-290). Amsterdam,Netherlands: John Benjamins Publishing Company [[[Lg: English ] [Jewish religious discourse ][texts ][prayers ][socio-ethnic identity formation ][communities ][linguistics ][Identity Formation][Judaism][Prayer][Religious Literature][Sociolinguistics ]]]
Cicognani, C. (1948). Grandeza del P. Suárez como pensador y como religioso:: Discurso del Excmo. Sr. Nuncio de Su Santidad en España en la clausura de la semana suarecianna celebrada en la Universidad Pontificia de Comillas del 4 al 11 de abril de 1948. Miscelánea Comillas: Revista de teología y ciencias humanas, 6(9), 7-24. [[[Lg: spa]]]
Cid López, R. M. (2011). El discurso religioso y jurídico en la Roma antigua: La matrona y las mujeres de la Roma antigua. Un estereotipo femenino a través de las imágenes religiosas y las normas legales. In: David Hidalgo Rodríguez, Noemí Cubas Martín, & María Esther Martínez Quinteiro (Eds.), Mujeres en la historia, el arte y el cine: discursos de género, variantes de contenidos y soportes, de la palabra al audiovisual. (pp. 55-70). Salamanca: Ediciones
Cimino, R. (2005). "No God in common": American evangelical discourse on Islam after 9/11. Review of Religious Research, 47(2), 162-174.
Clark, J. C. D. (1994). The language of liberty, 1660-1832. Political discourse and social dynamics in the Anglo- American world. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [[[b] [United States/Politics and government/To 1775] [United States/Politics and government/1775-1783] [United States/History/Revolution, 1775- 1783/Religious aspects] [Great Britain/Politics and government/1660-1714] [ Great Britain/Politics and government/1]]
Clay, J. E. (2011). The Woman Clothed in the Sun: Pacifism and Apocalyptic Discourse among Russian Spiritual Christian Molokan-Jumpers. Church History, 80(1), 109-138. [[[identity; history; religion]]]
Clyne, M., & Bouma, G. D. (1994). Talking about One's Life and Faith: A Pilot Project on Language and Religion. Text, 14(2), 167-184. [[[Discourse Analysis] [Religions] [Australian English] [Registers Sociolinguistics] [Language Usage]]]
Coca Ramírez, F. (2011). Palabras que hablan al espíritu: El Discurso sobre la libertad religiosa y la separación entre la Iglesia y el Estado, de Emilio Castelar. In: José Antonio Caballero López, José Miguel Delgado Idarreta, & Cristina Sáenz de Pipaón Ibáñez (Eds.), Entre Olózaga y Sagasta: retórica, prensa y poder. (pp. 99-116). Logroño: Instituto de Estudios Riojanos; [Calahorra: Ayuntamiento de Calahorra.[[[Lg
Coe, K., & Domke, D. (2006). Petitioners or prophets? Presidential discourse, God, and the ascendancy of religious conservatives. Journal of Communication, 56(2), 309-330. [[[war; america; communication]]]
Coles, R. L. (2002). Manifest destiny adapted for 1990s war discourse: Mission and destiny intertwined. Sociology of Religion, 63(4), 403-426. [[[civil religion; political-culture; burke,edmund]]]
Collyer, V. M. (2010). Influence of interlocutor/reader on utterance in reflective writing and interview. Cultural Studies of Science Education, 5(1), 169-179. [Lg: English][[[[Discourse analysis] [Interview] [Reflection] [Religion] [Science] [Writing] ]]]
7 Cooper, A. M. (2003). Psychoanalytic discourse at the turn of our century: A plea for a measure of humility: Commentary. Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, 51 (Suppl), 108-114. [[[American psychoanalysis] [politics] [history] [psychoanalytic movement] [theories] [psychoanalytic discourse] [scientific discourse] [religious discourse]]]
Cortijo, A. (2003). El discurso barroco religioso: tres casos 'portugueses'. Estudios portugueses: revista de filología portuguesa, 3, 129-142. [[[Lg: spa]]]
Cortina, A. (1990). O processo de leitura do discurso religioso. (The Reading Process of Religious Discourse). Alfa, 34, 11-27. [[[Discourse Analysis] [Special Languages] [Mass Media]]]
Couture, D. (2003). Women's rights and religion: An analysis of some Islamic and Catholic discourses. Studies in Religion-Sciences Religieuses, 32(1-2), 5-18.
Cronn-Mills, D. D. (1995). A Social Construction of Reality Evident in the Discourse of Jehovah's Witnesses. Dissertation-Abstracts-International,-A:-The-Humanities-and-Social-Sciences; 1995, 56, 2, Aug, 402-A. [[[Discourse Analysis] [Religions] [discourse analysis/text linguistics] [discourse analysis]]]
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8 Desan, S. (1988). Redefining Revolutionary Liberty: The Rhetoric of Religious Revival During the French- Revolution. Journal of Modern History, 60(1), 1-27. [[[political discourse] [CDA]]]]]
Descimon, R., & Ruiz Ibáñez, J. J. (2003). Marineros con brújula pero sin mar: Los exiliados católicos radicales franceses al final de las guerras de Religión: discurso, acción política, interés social y procesos de desagregación. Historia y política: Ideas, procesos y movimientos sociales, 9, 219-244. [[[Lg: spa]]]
Devare, A. (2009). Secularizing Religion: Hindu Extremism as a Modernist Discourse. International Political Sociology, 3(2), 156-175. [[[nationalism; political science; sociology]]]
Dietz, G. (2004). Mujeres musulmanas en Granada: discursos sobre comunidad, exclusion de género y discriminación etnorreligiosa. Migraciones Internacionales, 2(3), 5-33. [[[Lg: spa][exclusión social][social exclusion]]]
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Dolgert, S. (2012). Thucydides, amended: religion, narrative, and IR theory in the Peloponnesian Crisis. Review of International Studies, 38(3), 661-682. [[[international-relations; politics; realism; self; war; neorealism; discourse; identity; science; images; international relations]]]
Donner, F. M. (2011). Qur´ânicization of religio-political discourse in the Umayyad period. Revue des mondes musulmans et de la Méditerranée, 129, 79-92.
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Droogsma, R. A. (2007). Redefining hijab: American Muslim women's standpoints on veiling. Journal of Applied Communication Research, 35(3), 294-319. [[[muslims; women's clothing; feminist standpoint; oppositional discourse; stereotypes of cultural groups; religious dress; nonverbal communication; feminist; conversion; communication]]]
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9 Ecklund, E. H., & Park, J. Z. (2009). Conflict between religion and science among academic scientists? Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 48 (2), 276-292.[[[Lg: English] [conflict][religion][sciences][academic scientists' attitudes][public opinion][scholarly discourse][religious challenges][Academic Environment] [Conflict][Educational Personnel][Religion][Scientists]]]
Edgell, P., & Tranby, E. (2010). Shared Visions? Diversity and Cultural Membership in American Life. Social Problems, 57(2), 175-204. [[[symbolic boundaries; multiculturalism; diversity; cultural membership; race and religion; racial-inequality; boundaries; attitudes; society; gender; multiculturalism; consequences; assimilation; discourse; religion; sociology]]]
Eggemeier, M. (2012). Christianity or Nihilism? the Apocalyptic Discourses of Johann Baptist Metz and Friedrich Nietzsche. Horizons, 39(1), 7-26. [[[religion]]]
El-Hani, C. N., & Sepulveda, C. (2010). The relationship between science and religion in the education of protestant biology preservice teachers in a Brazilian university. Cultural Studies of Science Education, 5(1), 103-125. [Lg: English][[[[Discourse analysis] [Multiculturalism] [Religious education] [Science education] [Teacher education] ]]]
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Fernando, M. L. (2010). Reconfiguring freedom: Muslim piety and the limits of secular law and public discourse in France. American Ethnologist, 37(1), 19-35. [[[islam; france; secularism; religious liberty; religious subjectivity; germany; islam; anthropology]]]
Ferreiro, A. (2012). Discourse 'Sermons' in the Libri Historiarum Decem of Gregory of Tours. Revue d Histoire Ecclesiastique, 107(1), 49-77. [[[history; religion]]]
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González, E., Lozano, J. F., & Pérez, P. J. (2009). Beyond the conflict: Religion in the public sphere and deliberative democracy. Res Publica, 15(3), 251-267. [Lg: English][[[[Deliberative democracy] [Discourse ethics] [Neutrality] [Public sphere] [Religious beliefs] [Religious exemption] ]]]
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Goodman, F. D. (1972). Altered mental state vs. "style of discourse:" Reply to Samarin. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion,rnal for the Scientific Study of Religion. Sep 1972; Vol. 11 (3), 297-299. [[[linguistic vs. sociological dimensions vs. neurophysiological explanations] [glossolalia] [reply to W. Samarin's criticism of F. Goodman's phonetic study of glossolalia]]]
Goulah, J. (2009). Navigating Identity Reformation, Marginalization, and "Soft" Colonization in Former Soviet Immigrant Students. Journal of Language Identity and Education, 8(2-3), 159-173. [[[former soviet union; immigrants; adolescents; religion/spirituality; qualitative study; jewish refugee adolescents; school; acculturation; adjustment; discourses; education & educational research; linguistics; language & linguistics]]]
Gray, D. B. (2005). Eating the heart of the Brahmin: Representations of alterity and the formation of identity in Tantric Buddhist discourse. History of Religions, 45(1), 45-69.
Greene, K., & Rubin, D. L. (1991). Effects of gender inclusive/exclusive language in religious discourse. Journal of Language and Social Psychology, 10 (2), 81-98. [[[speaker sex and sermon text and gender inclusive vs exclusive language and S psychological gender and religiosity and attitudes toward sexist language and females' rights] [judgment of minister and sermon] [adults]]]
12 Gresati Hallit, S., & Prado Pérez, E. (2007). El discurso político religioso en Líbano y su efecto en la distribución del poder. Tendencias: Revista de estudios internacionales, 4, 36-51. [[[Lg: spa]]]
Grillo, L. S. (2011). The Urgency of Widening the Discourse of Philosophy of Religion: A Discussion of A Primal Perspective on the Philosophy of Religion by Arvind Sharma. Journal of the American Academy of Religion, 79(4), 803-813. [[[religion]]]
Grimes, J. A. (1994). Problems and perspectives in religious discourse. Advaita Vedanta implications. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press. [[[b] [Language and languages/Religious aspects] [Language and languages/Philosophy] [Advaita] [Vedanta]]]
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Grunschloss, A. (2007). 'Ancient astronaut' narrations - A popular discourse on our religious past. Fabula, 48(3-4), 205-228. [[[folklore]]]
Gudorf, C. (2007). A new moral discourse on sexuality. In: K. Scott, & H. D. Horell (Eds.), Human sexuality in the Catholic tradition. (pp. 51-74). Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield [[[Lg: English ] [moral discourse ] [sexuality ][church teachings ][Morality][Religious Beliefs][Sexuality ]]]
Guessoum, N. (2008). The Qur'an, science, and the (related) contemporary Muslim discourse. Zygon, 43(2), 411- 431. [[[social issues; religion]]]
Guetin, N. (2003). USA: Genealogy of the religious in political discourse. Temps Modernes, 59(626), 99-117.
Gutiérrez Barajas, M. J. (2001). Discurso oral y religiosidad popular en la tradición de Madrid (Parte I). Revista de folklore, 255, 75-84. [[[Lg: spa]]]
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Hackett, R. I. J. (2003). Discourses of demonization in Africa and beyond (Religion, violence). Diogenes, (199), 61-75. [[[philosophy]]]
Haddad, B. G. (1998). Constructing theologies of survival in the South-African context - The necessity of a critical engagement between postmodern and liberation theory (Understanding the potential liberatory nature of feminist discourse among African women of faith). Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion, 14(2), 5-18.
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13 Hammarlund, J., & Riegert, K. (2011). Understanding the prime mover: Ambivalent Swedish press discourse on the USA from 1984 to 2009. International Journal of Cultural Studies, 14(1), 15-33. [Lg: English][[[[Cold War] [cultural symbols] [economy] [journalism] [press] [prime mover] [religion] [Zeitgeist] ]]]
Hanegraaff, W. J. (2013). The power of ideas: esotericism, historicism, and the limits of discourse. Religion, 43(2), 252-273. [[[western esotericism; historicism; intellectual history; discourse theory; platonic orientalism; anti-apologeticism; religionism; religion; religion]]]
Hart, K. (2009). The orthodoxization of ritual practice in western Anatolia. American Ethnologist, 36(4), 735-749. [[[turkey; islam; time; ritual practice; islamist movements; the state; turkish village; modern turkey; modernity; politics; islam; periphery; discourse; tradition; religion; europe; anthropology]]]
Hartman, T., & Samet, B. (2007). Uncovering private discourse: Teachers' perspectives of sex education in Israeli religious Jewish schools. Curriculum Inquiry, 37(1), 71-95. [[[sexuality education; education & educational research]]]
Haskell, D. M., Paradis, K., & Burgoyne, S. (2008). Defending the Faith: Easter Sermon Reaction to pop Culture Discourses. Review of Religious Research, 50(2), 139-156. [[[sociology; religion]]]
Hatem, M. F. (1994). Egyptian Discourses on Gender and Political Liberalization: Do Secularist and Islamist Views Really Differ? Middle East Journal, 48(4), 661-676. [[[egypt] [female sex] [islamic world and religion]]]
Healey, K. (2010). For a culture and political economy of the prophetic: Critical scholarship and religious politics after the 2008 election. Cultural Studies - Critical Methodologies, 10(2), 157-170. [Lg: English][[[[2008 election] [Neuromarketing] [Prophetic discourse] [Religion] [Sarah Palin] [Spiritual warfare] ]]]
Healey, K. (2010). The Pastor in the Basement: Discourses of Authenticity in the Networked Public Sphere. Symbolic Interaction, 33(4), 526-551. [[[authenticity; discourse; jeremiah wright; sarah palin; new media; prophetic critique; religion; youtube; communication; sociology]]]
Heather, N. (2000). Religious language and critical discourse analysis: Ideology and identity in Christian discourse today. Oxford New York: P. Lang. [[[b] [Critical discourse analysis; Language and languages]]]
Herrando Cugota, C. (2001). El discurso de Manuel Azaña acerca del problema religioso. Anales: Anuario del centro de la UNED de Calatayud, 9, 69-94. [[[Lg: spa]]]
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Hilfrich, C. (2005). "Making writing readable again": Sign praxis between the discourse on idolatry and cultural criticism. Journal of Religion, 85(2), 267-292.
Hodge, D. R., Wolfer, T. A., Limb, G. E., & Nadir, A. (2009). Expanding diversity in social work discourse: Exploring the possibility of a theistic perspective. Journal of Religion & Spirituality in Social Work: Social Thought, 28 (1-2), 202-214.[[[Lg: English] [diversity][social work discourse][theistic perspective][religion] [spirituality][Religion][Social Casework][Spirituality]]]
Hoover, S. M. (1998). Religion in the news: Faith and journalism in American public discourse. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Inc [[[[b] historical and contemporary perspectives on religion in the news]]]
Hopson, R. E., & Smith, D. R. (1999). Changing Fortunes: An Analysis of Christian Right Ascendance Within American Political Discourse. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 38(1), 1-13. 14 Horvath, T. (1993). Eternity and eternal life. Speculative theology and science in discourse. Wilfrid Laurier Univ. Press. [[[b] [Eternity] [Future life/Christianity] [Time/Religious aspects/Christianity]]]
Houziaux, A. (2002). Dieu, à la limite de l'infini. Une légitimation du discours théologique. Paris: les éditions du Cerf. [[[b][Lg: fre][ISBN: 2204069949][Théorie de la connaissance (Religion)][Théologie philosophique] [Logique symbolique et mathématique][Royaume de Dieu][Apologétique]]]
Hoverd, W. J., & Sibley, C. G. (2007). Immoral bodies: The implicit association between moral discourse and the body. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 46(3), 391-403. [[[overweight; religion; obesity; sociology; religion]]]
Howard, R. G. (2010). Enacting a virtual 'ekklesia': online Christian fundamentalism as vernacular religion. New Media & Society, 12(5), 729-744. [[[christian fundamentalism; evangelism; religion; vernacular discourse; virtual community; worldwide web; web; internet; communication]]]
Hsu, P. L. (2010). Beyond space and across time: Non-finalized dialogue about science and religion discourse. Cultural Studies of Science Education, 5(1), 201-212. [Lg: English][[[[Bakhtin] [Dialogism] [Non- finalization] [Outsideness] [Self/Other] ]]]
Hultgren, S. (2008). The apostolic church's influence on the order of sayings in the double tradition. Part I: From John the Baptist to the Mission Discourse; and the rest of Matthew. Zeitschrift fur die Neutestamentliche Wissenschaft und die Kunde Der, 99(2), 185-212. [[[jesus; gospel; religion]]]
Ibrahim, A. A. A. (1994). Assaulting with words. Popular discourse and the bridle of shariah. Evanston, IL: Northwestern University Press. [[[b] [ISBN: 0810110814] [evil eye sudan] [jaaliyyin arab tribe folklore] [jaaliyyin arab tribe social life and customs] [discourse analysis narrative sudan] [magic islamic] [metaphor religious aspects] [sudan religious life and customs]]]
Iskander, E. (2012). The 'mediation' of Muslim-Christian relations in Egypt: the strategies and discourses of the official Egyptian press during Mubarak's presidency. Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations, 23(1), 31-44. [[[media; egypt; nationalism; sectarianism; muslim-christian relations; identity; state; religion]]]
Jacinto, L. (2006). Abandoning the wardrobe and reclaiming religion in the discourse on Afghan women's Islamic rights. Signs, 32(1), 9-14. [[[women's studies]]]
Jacobs, J. L. (1991). Gender and Power in new Religious Movements - a Feminist Discourse on the Scientific Study of Religion. Religion, 21(4), 345-356.
Jensen, E. (2012). Mediating subpolitics in US and UK science news. Public Understanding of Science, 21(1), 68- 83. [[[abortion; biomedical culture (risk); discourse analysis; media; religion; risk; textual (documents) analysis; human cloning debate; expertise; communication; history & philosophy of science]]]
Johnson, G. (2004). Naturally there: Discourses of permanence in the repatriation context. History of Religions, 44(1), 36-55.
Johnson, P. C. (2006). Joining the African diaspora: Migration and diasporic religious culture among the Garifuna in Honduras and New York. In: R. M. Griffith, & B. D. Savage (Eds.), Women and religion in the African diaspora: Knowledge, power, and performance. (pp. 37-58). Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press [[[Lg: English ] [African diaspora ][diasporic religious culture ][migration ][religious practice ] [discourse ][religious communities ][group self-definition ][social exchange ][Black Carib
Jones, R. D. (2010). Islam and the rural landscape: discourses of absence in west Wales. Social & Cultural Geography, 11(8), 751-768. [[[islam; absence; waleswest; counterpublic; rurality; religion; religion; politics; representations; geography; scotland; mosques; finance; place; geography]]]
15 Juan Pablo II,,P. (2004). Discurso del Papa Juan Pablo II a los representantes de las diversas religiones en Asís. In: La religión y las religiones. (pp. 245-253). [[[Lg: spa]]]
Julián, A. (1951). La perla de la América. Provincia de Santa Marta. Reconocida, observada y expuesta en discursos históricos a mayor bien de la Católica monarquía, formento del comercio de Espanã, y de todo el Nuevo Reino de Granada, e incremento de la cristiana religión entre las nacion. [Bogotá: Ministerio de Educación Nacional. [[[b][Indians of South America]]]
Jurist, E. L. (1999). Commentary on Ilka Quindeau's "Remembrance and politics: Psychoanalytic remarks on the recent Holocaust discourse in Germany". Psychoanalysis and Contemporary Thought, 22 (2), 273-278. [[[Holocaust] [discourse on memory and remembering] [psychoanalytic interpretation] [generational conflict] [Daniel Goldhagen] [religious dramatization] [history] [Germany]]]
Karyotis, G., & Patrikios, S. (2010). Religion, securitization and anti-immigration attitudes: The case of Greece. Journal of Peace Research, 47(1), 43-57. [[[greece; migration; qualitative-quantitative synthesis; religion; securitization; european-union; migration; policy; discourse; churches; international relations; political science]]]
Kaylor, B. T. (2011). Altar call: The Democratic Party's religious rhetoric as image repair discourse. Public Relations Review, 37(3), 250-256. [[[religious; image; democratic; rhetoric; campaign; apologia; criticism; defense; katrina; business & economics; communication]]]
Keddie, A. (2011). Framing discourses of possibility and constraint in the empowerment of Muslim girls: issues of religion, race, ethnicity and culture. Race Ethnicity and Education, 14(2), 175-190. [[[education & educational research; ethnic studies]]]
Keddie, A. (2011). Framing discourses of possibility and constraint in the empowerment of muslim girls: Issues of religion, race, ethnicity and culture. Race Ethnicity and Education, 14(2), 175-190. [Lg: English] [[[[Culture] [Empowerment] [Ethnicity] [Muslim girls] [Race] [Religion] ]]]
Kelly, J. R. (2013). Orders of Discourse and the Function of Obedience in the Hebrew Bible. Journal of Theological Studies, 64(1), 1-24. [[[old-testament; religion]]]
Kenney, J. T. (1994). Enemies Near and Far: The Image of Jews in Islamist Discourse in Egypt (an Analysis of the Quranic View of Judaism as an Anti-Semitic Trans-Historical Symbol of Evil). Religion, 24(3), 253-270.
Kerbs, R. (2001). Sobre la estructura kantiana de la hermenéutica filosófica del discurso religioso de Paul Ricoeur. Estudios filosóficos, 50(144), 291-327. [[[Lg: spa]]]
Khisbiyah, Y. (2009). Contested discourses on violence, social justice, and peacebuilding among Indonesian Muslims. In: C. J. Montiel & N. M. Noor (Eds.), Peace psychology in Asia. (pp. 123-145). New York, NY: Springer Science + Business Media [[[Lg: English] [violence][social justice][peacebuilding][Indonesian Muslims][religious radicalism][militants][Muslims][Peace][Radical Movements][Social Justice] [Violence]]]
Kim, H. (2009). Public engagement and personal desires: BAPS Swaminarayan temples and their contribution to the discourses on religion. International Journal of Hindu Studies, 13(3), 357-390. [Lg: English]
Kim, Y. K. (2008). In Search of the Narrator's Voice: A Discourse Analysis of 2 Kings 18:13-16. Journal of Biblical Literature, 127(3), 477-489. [[[religion]]]
Kim, Y. S. (2001). The predicament of modern discourses on gender and religion in Korean society. Korea Journal, 41(1), 114-136.
King, L. R. (1995). The "I AM" discourses. St. Germain Press. [[[b] [i am religious activity]]]
16 Klimova, S. (2007). Conceptualizing religious discourse in the work of Fedor Dostoevskij. Studies in East European Thought, 59(1-2), 55-64. [[[ethics; philosophy]]]
Kloppenborg, J. S. (2007). Diaspora discourse: The construction of ethos in James. New Testament Studies, 53(2), 242-270. [[[religion]]]
Krausmuller, D. (2005). Conflicting anthropologies in the Christological discourse at the end of late antiquity: The case of Leontius of Jerusalem's Nestorian adversary. Journal of Theological Studies, 56(2), 415-449. [[[religion]]]
Krupnick, M. (1989). Edward Said: Discourse and Palestinian Rage. Tikkun, 4(6), 21-24. [[[arab world including its culture] [israel] [jews jewish people] [nationalism] [occupied territories] [religion in general] [zionism ]]]
Kwok, K. W. (1985). Civil Religion, Public Discourse, and the Rise of New Prophets. Berkeley journal of sociology: a critical review, 30, 143-165.
Ladrière, J. (1970). L'articulation du sens: Discours scientifique et parole de la foi. Paris: Aubier Montaigne. [[[b] [Religion and science; Bible and science; Semantics (Philosophy)]]]
Lafollete Miller, M. (2008). Childhood, Gender, and Religion in the Poetry of Claudio Rodríguez: A Dialogic Response to Francoist Discourse. Hispania, 91(2), 342-351.
Lammothe, R., Arnold, J., & Crane, J. (1998). The Penumbra of Religious Discourse. Psychoanalytic Psychology, 15(1), 63-73.
LaMothe, R., Arnold, J., & Crane, J. (1998). The penumbra of religious discourse. Psychoanalytic Psychology, 15 (1), 63-73. [[[issues in empathic inquiry and patients' religious experiences in psychoanalytic psychotherapy]]]
Lara Ródenas, M. J. (2002). Los préstamos religiosos en la construcción del amor burgués: el discurso sentimental entre el antiguo y el nuevo régimen. In: Ritos y ceremonias en el mundo hispano durante la Edad Moderna. (pp. 275-296). [Huelva: Servicio de Publicaciones Universidad de Huelva.[[[Lg: spa]]]
Larson, J. L. (1991). Lady-Wrestling for Victorian Soul - Discourse, Gender, and Spirituality in Womens Texts. Religion & Literature, 23(3), 43-64.
Lauziere, H. (2005). Post-Islamism and the religious discourse of 'Abd Al-Salam Yasin. International Journal of Middle East Studies, 37(2), 241-261.
Lee, P. (2012). Selective Memory: Augustine and Contemporary Just War Discourse. Scottish Journal of Theology, 65(3), 309-322. [[[religion]]]
Legg, K. L. (2009). Religious Celebrity: An Analysis of Image Repair Discourse. Journal of Public Relations Research, 21(2), 240-250. [[[communication]]]
Lemus Delgado, D. (2008). Entre el cielo y el infierno, la construcción de la identidad y el mundo indígena en el discurso religioso del siglo XVII: el caso de la Relación de las Misiones de la Compañía de Jesús en la Provincia de los Mayas. Revista de humanidades: Tecnológico de Monterrey, 24, 33-50. [[[Lg: spa]]]
Levy, Y. (2010). The Clash between Feminism and Religion in the Israeli Military: A Multilayered Analysis. Social Politics, 17(2), 185-209. [[[us military; integration; motherhood; discourse; movements; nation; policy; roles; army; idf; social issues; women's studies]]]
Lewis, T. A. (2007). Cultivating our intuitions: Hegel on religion, politics, and public discourse. Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics, 27(1), 205-224. [[[religion]]] 17 Ley, K. (1991). Uber die allmahliche Verfertigung der Gedanken vor dem Reden. 'Circumstantia'-Lehre, Beichte und Alltagsrhetorik in der Gegenreformation. (On the Gradual Production of Thoughts for Speaking. The Circumstantia Theory, Confession, and Common Rhetoric in the Counter-Reformation). Zeitschrift fur Romanische Philologie, 107, 3-4, 295-323. [[[Religious Literature] [Discourse Analysis] [Interpersonal Behavior] [Interpersonal Communication] [History of Linguistics]]]
Lichterman, P. (2012). Religion in Public Action: From Actors to Settings. Sociological Theory, 30(1), 15-36. [[[religion; public; interaction; group style; social settings; culture; sociology; situations; discourse; identity; talk; sociology]]]
Lieten, G. K. (1996). Inclusive View of Religion: A Rural Discourse in Uttar-Pradesh. Economic and Political Weekly, 31(23), 1411-1416.
Lincoln, B. (1996). Old Persian frasa and vasna: two terms at the intersection of religious and imperial discourse. Indogermanische Forschungen, 101, 147-167.
Lindsay, D. M. (2006). Elite power: Social networks within American evangelicalism - (Winner of the Robert J. McNamara Student Paper Award 2005). Sociology of Religion, 67(3), 207-227. [[[civil-society; discourse; culture]]]
Lindsay, T. (1991). James Madison on Religion and Politics: Rhetoric and Reality. American Political Science Review, 85(4), 1321-1377. [[[political discourse] [CDA]]]
Locke, J. (2003). Discours sur les miracles. Chicoutimi: J.-M. Tremblay. [[[b][Lg: fre][Tolérance religieuse] [Miracles][Connaissance, Théorie de la][Recueils de faits notables][Religious tolerance][Knowledge, Theory of][Commonplace-books]]]
Longacre, R. E. (1979). The discourse structure of the flood narrative. Journal of the American Academy of Religion 47(1), 89-133.
Longman, C. (2007). "Not us, but you have changed!" discourses of difference and belonging among Haredi women. Social Compass, 54(1), 77-95. [[[sociology; religion]]]
López de la Plaza, G. (1993). Las mujeres moriscas granadinas en el discurso político y religioso de la Castilla del siglo XVI (1492-1567). En la España medieval, 16, 307-320. [[[Lg: spa]]]
López Quintana, F. J. (2001). Semiótica del discurso e ideología medieval: materialismo y religiosidad en The pardoner's prologue and tale de G. Chaucer y Enxienplo de la propriedat qu'el dinero ha del Arcipreste de Hita. In: Antonio Rafael Rubio Flores, María Luisa Dañobeitia Fernández, & Manuel José Alonso García (Eds.), Literatura y cristiandad: homenaje al profesor Jesús Montoya Martínez (con motivo de su jubilación): (estudios sobre hagiografía, mariología, épica, y
Loveman, K. (2012). Samuel Pepys and 'Discourses touching Religion' under James II. English Historical Review, 127(524), 46-82. [[[history]]]
Lovheim, M., & Axner, M. (2011). Halal-tv: Negotiating the Place of Religion in Swedish Public Discourse. Nordic Journal of Religion and Society, 24(1), 57-74. [[[religion]]]
Luddeckens, D. (2004). New rituals for all situations in life - Observations on the popularization of ritual discourse. Zeitschrift fur Religions-und Geistesgeschichte, 56(1), 37-53.
Mahlberg, G. (2012). The Republican Discourse on Religious Liberty during the Exclusion Crisis. History of European Ideas, 38(3), 352-369. [[[republicanism; religious liberty; toleration; catholics; exclusion crisis; henry neville; toleration; cromwell,oliver; restoration; philosophy]]]
18 Maina, W. M. (2012). Public Ethical Discourses and the Diversity of Cultures, Religions, and Subjectivity in History: can we Agree on Anything?. Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies, 11(32), 18-36. [[[religion]]]
Maingueneau, D. (1982). Sémantique de la polémique: Discours religieux et ruptures idéologiques au XVIIe siècle. Lausanne: L'Age d'homme. [[[b] [Semantics; Polemics; Discourse analysis]]]
Maingueneau, D. (1983). Sémantique de la polémique: Discours religieux et ruptures idéologiques au XVIIe siècle. Lausanne, Suisse: L'Age d'homme. [[[b] [French prose literature; Devotional literature, French; French language; French language; Humanism]]]
Maldamé, J. M. (2003). Science et foi en quête d'unité. Discours scientifiques et discours théologiques. Paris: Éditions du Cerf. [[[b][Lg: fre][ISBN: 2204071870][Religion et sciences][Théorie de la connaissance (Christianisme)][Sciences]]]
Marcos Sánchez, M. M. (2009). De la convivencia a la exclusión. Reflexiones sobre el discurso de la tolerancia religiosa en el cristianismo antiguo. In: Mª Angeles Almela Lumbreras, José Francisco González Castro, J. Siles Ruiz, Jesús de la Villa Polo, Gregorio Hinojo Andrés, & Patricia Cañizares Ferriz (Eds.), Perfiles de Grecia y Roma: actas del XII Congreso Español de Estudios Clásicos, Valencia,
Marlowe, W. C. (2011). David's I-Thou Discourse: Verbal Chiastic Patterns in Psalm 23. Scandinavian Journal of the old Testament, 25(1), 105-115. [[[religion]]]
Martín-Retortillo Baquer, L. (1999). Discurso de don Emilio Castelar en defensa de la libertad religiosa. Boletín de la Institución Libre de Enseñanza, 36, 7-10. [[[Lg: spa]]]
Martinez, D. F. (2007). A critical religious approach to the study of the Old English text as a strategic heterogenous discourse type. Neuphilologische Mitteilungen, 108(3), 553-566. [[[anglo-saxon england; language & linguistics]]]
Martínez Montávez, P. (1994). Pensamiento crítico y religioso en Egipto: sobre "Naqd al-jitab al dini (Crítica del discurso religioso)", de Nasr Hamid Abu-Zayd. Saber leer, 80, 8-9. [[[Lg: spa]]]
Martínez Montávez, P. (1994). Pensamiento crítico y religioso en Egipto: sobre 'Naqd al-jitab al dini (Crítica del discurso religioso)', de Nasr Hamid Abu-Zayd. Saber leer, 80, 8-9. [[[Lg: spa]]]
Mascall, E. L. (1957). Words and images: A study in theological discourse. London: Longmans, Green. [[[b] [Christianity; Language and languages; Knowledge, Theory of (Religion)]]]
Massengill, R. P. (2008). Prayers of the people: Moral metaphors in the right-to-life and faith-based labor movements. Poetics, 36(5-6), 338-357. [[[culture; abortion; secularization; discourse; cognition; religion; symbols; literature]]]
Mate, F. (1983). Ideología en el discurso religioso: (análisis de la octogésima adveniens). Ponferrada (León): Mañana Editorial D.L. .[[[b] [Lg: Spa]]]
Mate Rupérez, F. (1982). Ideología en el discurso religioso. Madrid: Mañana. [[[b][spanish discourse analysis] [análisis del discurso]]]
McGuire, B. P. (1997). Late medieval care and control of women + Exploring male-female emotional bonds and religious discourse at the beginning of the fifteenth-century. Revue d Histoire Ecclesiastique, 92(1), 5-37.
McMahan, D. L. (2004). Modernity and the early discourse of scientific Buddhism. Journal of the American Academy of Religion, 72(4), 897-933.
19 McVittie, C., McKinlay, A., & Sambaraju, R. (2011). Social Psychology, Religion and Inter-Group Relations: Hamas Leaders' Media Talk about their Vision for the Future. Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology, 21(6), 515-527. [[[discourse analysis; gaza strip; hamas; islam; media interviews; muslim identities; political leaders; religion; discourse; minority; order; psychology]]]
Mehan, H. B., & Chang, G. C. (2006). Discourse in a religious mode: The Bush administration's discourse in the War on Terrorism and its challenges. Pragmatics: A quarterly journal of the international pragmatic association, 16(1), 1-24.
Midden, E. (2012). Feminism and cultural and religious diversity in Opzij: An analysis of the discourse of a Dutch feminist magazine. European Journal of Womens Studies, 19(2), 219-235. [[[women's studies]]]
Middleton, A. (1992). Langland's Lives: Reflections on Late-Medieval Religious and Literary Vocabulary. In J. M. Dean, & C. Zacher (Eds.), The Idea of Medieval Literature: New Essays on Chaucer and Medieval Culture in Honor of Donald R. (pp. 227-42). Howard. Newark: University of Delaware Press. [[[English literature] [1100 1499 Middle English period] [Langland, William] [vocabulary] [relationship to religion] [discourse analysis]]]
Miles, M. R. (2007). "Facie ad faciem": Visuality, desire, and the discourse of the other. Journal of Religion, 87(1), 43-58. [[[religion]]]
Miller, B. A. (2002). Divine apology. The discourse of religious image restoration. Westport, Conn.: Praeger. [[[b] [Rhetoric][Verbal self-defense]]]
Miller, M. L. (2008). Childhood, gender, and religion in the poetry of Claudio Rodriguez: A dialogic response to Francoist discourse. Hispania-a Journal Devoted to the Teaching of Spanish and Portuguese, 91(2), 342- 351. [[[linguistics; language & linguistics; literature, romance]]]
Milligan, J. A. (2000). Mapping the Road Toward Bethlehem: Parameters for Discourse on the Relationship Between Religion and Public-Education. Educational Policy, 14(5), 685-702.
Moaddel, M. (2005). Islamic modernism, nationalism, and fundamentalism. Episode and discourse. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. [[[b][Islam and politics][Religion and politics][Islamic modernism][Islamic fundamentalism][Nationalism]]]
Moessner, L. (2010). Directive speech acts - A cross-generic diachronic study. Journal of Historical Pragmatics, 11(2), 219-249. [Lg: English][[[[Directive (speech act)] [Legal discourse] [Realisation strategy] [Religious discourse] [Scientific discourse] ]]]
Morningstar, B. I. (2010). Stories that transform: Narrative approaches to spiritually oriented clinical practice. Smith College Studies in Social Work, 80(2-3), 286-303. [Lg: English][[[[Discourse] [Narrative therapy] [Psychotherapy] [Religion] [Scripture] [Spirituality] ]]]
Moss, C. R. (2012). The Discourse of Voluntary Martyrdom: Ancient and Modern. Church History, 81(3), 531- 551. [[[history; religion]]]
Murphy, T. (2007). Religionswissenschaft as colonialist discourse: The case of Rudolf Otto. Temenos, 43(1), 7-27. [[[religion]]]
Musselman, J. (2011). American Muslims: a (New) Islamic Discourse on Religious Freedom. Review of Faith & International Affairs, 9(2), 17-24. [[[pluralism; religion]]]
Napolitano, V. (1997). Becoming a Mujercita: Rituals, Fiestas and Religious Discourses. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 3(2), 279-296.
20 Narayan, A., & Purkayastha, B. (2011). Talking 'gender superiority' in virtual spaces: Web-based discourses of Hindu student groups in the US and UK. South Asian Diaspora, 3(1), 53-69. [Lg: English][[[[Feminism] [Gender] [Hinduism] [Immigrants] [Racialization] [Religion] ]]]
Naude, P. J. (2011). Is prophetic discourse adequate to address global economic justice?. Hts Teologiese Studies- Theological Studies, 67(1), -. [[[religion]]]
Nekula, M. (2011). The Image of Jews in Neruda's Tales of the Little Quarter and Anti-Jewish Discourse. Judaica Bohemiae, 46(2), 51-76. [[[religion]]]
Neubaur, C., & Wilkens, L. (1997). Religion der Propaganda im Nationalsozialismus. /Propaganda as religion in National Socialism. Psyche: Zeitschrift fuer Psychoanalyse und ihre Anwendungen, 51(3), 253-277. [[[projective rhetorical strategies & religious discourse, induction of psychotic mass formation phenomenon & suspension of critical judgment, National Socialist propagandists, Germany]]]
Neusner, J., & Chilton, B. (1997). The intellectual foundations of Christian and Jewish discourse. The philosophy of religious argument. London New York: Routledge. [[[b][Lg: eng][ISBN: 0415153999 (pbk. : alk. paper)] [Jewish law][Theology][Midrash][Dialectic][Reasoning][Judaism][Christianity and other religions]]]
Nida, E. A. (1995). Lexical Cosmetics; Studies in Honor of Ladislav Zgusta. In B. B. Kachru, & H. Kahane (Eds.), Cultures, Ideologies, and the Dictionary. (pp. 69-72). Tuingen: Niemeyer. [[[English language Modern] [lexicology] [phraseology] [relationship to word choice] [in religious language] [political discourse]]]
Nielsen, K. (1974). Religious discourse and arguing from ordinary language: Some meta-theological and meta- philosophical remarks. Metaphilosophy, 5(2), 106-112. [[[philosophy of language] [discourse analysis] [register] [word] [meaning] [rhetoric] ]]
Noonan, C. (2011). 'Big stuff in a beautiful way with interesting people': The spiritual discourse in UK religious television. European Journal of Cultural Studies, 14(6), 727-746. [[[cultural studies]]]
Norager, T. (1996). Metapsychology and discourse: A note on some neglected issues in the psychology of religion. International Journal for the Psychology of Religion, 6(3), 139-149. [[[metapsychology & discourse in reconceptualization of psychology of religion] [Metapsychology; Psychology; Religion]]
Nordanger, D. (2007). Discourses of loss and bereavement in Tigray, Ethiopia. Culture Medicine and Psychiatry, 31(2), 173-194. [[[trauma; ptsd; bereavement; culture; religion; posttraumatic-stress-disorder; psychiatric morbidity; western ethiopia; ; anthropology; psychiatry; social sciences, biomedical]]]
Obadia, L. (2009). Discours et religion: Approche synoptique en sociologie et anthropologie. Langage et Societe, 129(4), 83-101. [Lg: French]
Oliveira, C. B. C. (2010). A possibilidade do discurso religioso em Nietzsche: o deus dancarino. Horizonte: revista de Estudos de Teologia e Ciências da Religiao, 8(19), 144-150.
Otterbeck, J. (2005). What is reasonable to demand? Islam in Swedish textbooks. Journal of ethnic and migration studies, 31(4): 795-812. [[[Lg: English] [Migration ; Ethnicity ; Islam ; Immigrant adaptation; Religion ; Textbooks ; Social representations; Discourse ; Power ]]]
Otto, B. C. (2013). Discourse theory trumps discourse theory: Wouter Hanegraaff's Esotericism and the Academy. Religion, 43(2), 231-240. [[[religion]]]
Ozervarli, M. S. (2010). The Reconstruction of Islamic Social Thought in the Modern Period: Nursi's Approach to Religious Discourse in a Changing Society. Asian Journal of Social Science, 38(4), 532-553. [[[area studies; social sciences, interdisciplinary]]]
21 Özervarli, M. S. (2010). The reconstruction of Islamic social thought in the modern period: Nursi's approach to religious discourse in a changing society. Asian Journal of Social Science, 38(4), 532-553. [Lg: English] [[[[modernization] [Ottoman Empire] [religion] [Said Nursi] [social thought] [Turkey] ]]]
Pae, K. C., & McCarty, J. W. (2012). The Hybridized Public Sphere: Asian American Christian Ethics, Social Justice, and Public Discourse. Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics, 32(1), 93-114. [[[religion]]]
Palau Orta, J. (2002). Cultura, política y discurso religioso en la Cataluña de Felipe V. Tiempos modernos: Revista Electrónica de Historia Moderna, 3(7). [[[Lg: spa]]]
Palinkas, L. A. (1989). Rhetoric and religious experience: The discourse of immigrant Chinese churches. Fairfax, Va. Lanham, MD: George Mason University Press Distributed by University Associates. [[[b] [Chinese Americans; Language and languages; Rhetoric; Discourse analysis]]]
Pandian, J. (2002). Supernaturalism in human life. A discourse on myth, rituals & religion. New Delhi: Vedams ebooks. [[[b][Lg: eng][ISBN: 8179360059][Supernatural][Parapsychology and anthropology][Mythology] [Religion and sociology]]]
Panford, M. E. (1998). Diego Sánchez de Badajoz: el discurso religioso hegemónico y la marginación de los negros. Revista de estudios hispánicos, 32(1), 57-74. [[[Lg: spa]]]
Paquette, E. (2006). Religion as the academic's enemy: A case study of an ineffective discursive strategy (The distinction between theology and the academic study of religion). Studies in Religion-Sciences Religieuses, 35(3-4), 431-446. [[[sciences; ecstasy; nerve; religion]]]
Paret, M. L. (2012). Iconos femeninos en el discurso intercultural e interreligioso. Crítica, 62(978), 57-62. [[[Lg: spa]]]
Paris, P. J. (1995). The spirituality of African peoples. The search for a common moral discourse. Philadelphia: Fortress Press. [[[b] [afro americans religion] [sub saharan africa religion]]]
Parnham, D. (1997). Sir Henry Vane, theologian. A study in seventeenth-century religious and political discourse. Rutherford, NJ: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press. [[[b] [ISBN: 0838636810 (Fairleigh Dickinson Univ. Press)] [vane, henry, sir, 1613-1662] [puritans england doctrines history 17th century] [theology doctrinal england history 17th century] [political science philosophy history 17th century]]]
Patte, D. (1990). The Religious dimensions of biblical texts: Greimas's structural semiotics and biblical exegesis. Atlanta, GA: Scholars Press. [[[b] [Semiotics; Discourse analysis; Faith]]]
Pellistrandi, B. (2002). Catolicismo e identidad nacional en España en el siglo XIX: un discurso histórico de Donoso Cortés a Menéndez Pelayo. In: Paul Aubert (Ed.), Religión y sociedad en España: (siglos XIX y XX): seminario celebrado en la Casa de Velázquez (1994-1995). (pp. 91-120). [[[Lg: spa]]]
Pérez Rodríguez, S. (2010). Discurso inaugural. In: Juan José Tamayo Acosta (Ed.), Religión, género y violencia. (pp. 12-15). Sevilla: Universidad Internacional de Andalucía.[[[Lg: spa]]]
Perkinson, J. W. (2004). Reversing the gaze: Constructing European race discourse as modern witchcraft practice (Intercultural encounters with indigenous ritual under western domination). Journal of the American Academy of Religion, 72(3), 603-629.
Perlin, J. (2011). Religion as a Conversation Starter: What Liberal Religious Political Advocates Add to the Debate About Religion's Place in Legal and Political Discourse. Georgetown law Journal, 100(1), 331-365. [[[engagement; theology; government & law]]]
22 Pesut, B. (2006). Fundamental or foundational obligation? Problematizing the ethical call to spiritual care in nursing. Advances in Nursing Science, 29(2), 125-133. [[[competency; ethics; religion; spiritual care; spirituality; integrative energy; discourse; model]]]
Pesut, B., Fowler, M., Reimer-Kirkham, S., Taylor, E. J., & Sawatzky, R. (2009). Particularizing spirituality in points of tension: enriching the discourse. Nursing Inquiry, 16(4), 337-346. [[[nursing; philosophy; religion; spiritual care; spirituality; health-care; religion; sociology; emperors; clothes; view; nursing]]]
Peters, R. T. (2012). Feminist Critical Discourse on Globalization, Economy, Ecology and Empire. Ecumenical Review, 64(3), 281-298. [[[religion]]]
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Rajtar, M. (2011). Gender in the Discursive Practices of the Jehovah's Witnesses in the Former East Germany. Social Compass, 58(2), 260-270. [[[former east germany; gender; jehovah's witnesses; kinship; family; sociology; religion]]]
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Roach, L. (2013). Penitential Discourse in the Diplomas of King AEthelred 'the Unready'. Journal of Ecclesiastical History, 64(2), 258-276. [[[history; religion]]]
Robertson, L. H. (2007). Reflections on the use of spirituality to privilege religion in scientific discourse: Incorporating considerations of self. Journal of Religion & Health, 46(3), 449-461. [[[public, environmental & occupational health; religion]]]
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Rossolinski-Liebe, G. (2012). Debating, obfuscating and disciplining the Holocaust: post-Soviet historical discourses on the OUN-UPA and other nationalist movements. East European Jewish Affairs, 42(3), 199- 241. [[[holocaust; ukraine; antisemitism; second world war; denial; obfuscation; east central europe; post- soviet historical discourses; oun; upa; nsz; ak; laf; kresowiacy; july 1941; galicia; polish; lviv; jews; history; religion]]]
Roth, W. M. (2010). Science and religion in a high school physics class: Revisiting the source materials of "The interaction of scientific and religious discourses". Cultural Studies of Science Education, 5(1), 163-167. [Lg: English][[[[Dialogism] [Discourse] [Interpretive repertoires] [Science and religion] ]]]
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Shinde, K. A. (2011). "This Is Religious Environment": Sacred Space, Environmental Discourses, and Environmental Behavior at a Hindu Pilgrimage Site in India. Space and Culture, 14(4), 448-463. [[[hindu pilgrimage sites; environmental discourse; religious socialization; social spatialization; vrindavan; social construction; place attachment; cultural studies; geography]]]
Shortell, T. (2001). Radicalization of Religious Discourse in El Salvador: The Case of Oscar A Romero. Sociology of Religion, 62(1), 87-103.
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Silverstein, B. (2008). Disciplines of presence in modern Turkey: Discourse, companionship, and the mass mediation of Islamic practice. Cultural Anthropology, 23(1), 118-153. [[[religion; islam; secularism; turkey; practice; discipline; mass media; power; tradition; anthropology]]]
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Sollod, R. N. (1998). Unexamined nonreligious assumptions. American Psychologist, 53(3), 324-325. [[[framework of values & assumptions & practices to examine moral dimensions of psychological discourse & practice & approach, commentary] [Models; Morality; Professional Ethics; Psychologists; Social Values; Professional Competence; Professional Criticism; Psychology; Theoretical Orientation]]
Somerset, F. (1998). Clerical discourse and lay audience in late medieval England. Cambridge [England] New York: Cambridge University Press. [[[b][Christian literature, Latin (Medieval and modern)][Latin language, Medieval and modern][Christian literature, English (Middle)][Learning and scholarship][Laity][Laity] [Religious thought][Authors and readers]]]
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Taraki, L. (1996). Jordanian Islamists and the Agenda for Women: Between Discourse and Practice. Middle Eastern Studies, 32(1), 140-158. [[[female sex] [islamic world and religion] [jordan] [middle east] [religion in general] [society as a whole]]]
27 Taub, G., & Hamo, M. (2011). Dialectic textual negotiation Redemption and sovereignty in manifestos of the Israeli religious settlers' movement. Journal of Language and Politics, 10(3), 416-435. [[[critical discourse analysis; dialectics; discourse-immanent critique; historical change; ideological tensions; political manifestos; point of view; temporality; terms of reference; discourse; linguistics]]]
Taylor, D. (1996). The healing power of stories. Creating yourself through the stories of your life. New York, NY: Anchor Books/Doubleday. [[[b] [ISBN: 0385480504] [psychology biographical methods] [storytelling psychological aspects] [storytelling religious aspects] [discourse analysis narrative psychological aspects] [self perception]]]
Tedio, G. (2003). Proyecciones ideológicas del discurso religioso y el mercantil en la narrativa de Juan Rulfo. Espéculo: Revista de Estudios Literarios, 23. [[[Lg: spa]]]
Thatcher, M. S. (2011). Negotiating the Tension Between the Discourses of Christianity and Spiritual Pluralism in Alcoholics Anonymous. Journal of Applied Communication Research, 39(4), 389-405. [[[religion; dialogism theory; bakhtin; relational dialectics theory; alcoholism; communication; dialectics; communication]]]
Thobani, S. (2011). Pedagogic discourses and imagined communities: knowing Islam and being Muslim. Discourse-Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, 32(4), 531-545. [[[sociology of the curriculum; cultural nationalism; religious education; islamic education; muslim identities; education; identity; politics; state; education & educational research]]]
Thormann, J. (2001). Higher education's (mis)appropriations of therapeutic discourse. Journal for the Psychoanalysis of Culture and Society, 6 (2), 310-313. [[[education] [social networks] [institutions] [religion] [penal system] [politics] [psychoanalytic theory] [cultural ideology] [ego psychology] [object relations]]]
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Torres Degró, A. (2005). La mediación religiosa del discurso poblacional en la antigüedad. Cuadernos de realidades sociales, 65, 25-40. [[[Lg: spa]]]
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Tsuda, A. (1986). (Title in Japanese; see translation). (Language in Religion: A Religious Talk Addressed to a Deceased Soul). Sophia Linguistica, 20-21, 337-344. [[[Discourse Analysis] [Register] [Communicative Function of Language] [Language and Culture]]]
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Vargas Llovera, M. D. (1999). Discurso e identidad en las actuales minorías religiosas. In: Salvador Rodríguez Becerra (Ed.), Religión y cultura. (pp. 137-144). [[[Lg: spa]]]
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Vefali, G. M., & Erdentug, F. (2010). The coordinate structures in a corpus of New Age talks: "man and woman"/"woman and man". Text & Talk, 30(4), 465-484. [[[man and woman; woman and man; corpus evidence; gender; new age; osho; religious movements; gender-roles; discourse; capitalism; language; rajneesh; corpora; womens; cult; communication; linguistics; language & linguistics]]]
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Viefhues-Bailey, L. H. (2007). Patriotic Dreams, Illicit Sex, and Divine Graces: the Intersection of Religion, Politics, and Sexual Normativity in Conservative Christian Discourse on Homosexuality. International Studies in Philosophy, 39(2), 133-148. [[[philosophy]]]
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Von Braun, C., & Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. (Ed.). (2006). "Holy War" and gender. Violence in religious discourses. Berlin: Lit. [[[b][Lg: eng][ISBN: 9783825881092 (pbk.)][Violence][Women and religion] [Women and war]]]
Von Der Lippe, M. (2011). Young people's talk about religion and diversity: A qualitative study of Norwegian students aged 13-15. British Journal of Religious Education, 33(2), 127-142. [Lg: English][[[[discourse] [diversity] [Islam] [Muslims] [REDCo project] [religion] [religious education] [young people] ]]]
Vovchenko, D. (2011). Gendering irredentism? Self and other in Russian Pan-Orthodoxy and Pan-Slavism (1856- 85). Ethnic and Racial Studies, 34(2), 248-274. [[[religious nationalism; balkans; gender; discourse; identity formation; images; ethnic-conflict; ethnic studies; sociology]]]
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Walsh, C. (2001). Civilizing discourse. Women in politics, the Church, and the environmental movement. New York: Longman. [[[b][Feminism][Women in politics][Women and religion][Ecofeminism][Persuasion (Rhetoric)]]]
Wangenheim, H. V. (2009). El discurso sobre el fenómeno de la médium unidad en las religiones afrocubanas, Revista Colombiana de Antropología, 45. [[[Lg: spa]]]
Wangila, M. N. (2010). Religion, the African Concept of the Individual, and Human Rights Discourse: An Analysis. Journal of Human Rights, 9(3), 326-343. [[[international relations; political science]]]
Watson, J. (1885). Human reason and the perfect morality: A discourse. Montreal?: s.n. [[[b] [Knowledge, Theory of (Religion)]]]
Weber, C., & Thornton, M. (2012). Courting Christians: How Political Candidates Prime Religious Considerations in Campaign Ads. Journal of Politics, 74(2), 400-413. [[[presidential approval; behavior; impact; accessibility; activation; discourse; beliefs; support; cues; race; government & law]]]
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