1999 Oaklawn Baseball Mustang Rules & Regulations

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1999 Oaklawn Baseball Mustang Rules & Regulations

Oak Lawn Baseball 2015 Bronco Rules & Regulations

Pre-game and Post-game Rules

1. No batting practice is allowed for either team in the cages on game day. Cages can be used by the teams not playing-please use the calendar in meeting room to sign your team up. 2. Soft toss with wiffles or hitting stick is allowed in the outfield prior to game. 3. The home team has the field for infield practice the last fifteen minutes prior to the game and the visiting team will have the field thirty minutes prior to the start of the game for fifteen minutes. 4. The home team will occupy the 3rd base dugout and visitors will occupy the 1st base dugout at all fields. 5. Both teams are responsible for repairing the mound and filling in any holes (bases, batters boxes) after the conclusion of your game (for weekend games at Kolb the home team playing the next game should get the wheelbarrow ready to fix the mound after the prior game is complete) Both teams should also, if you are the last game of the day, tarp the mound and home plate area at the conclusion of your game. 6. Games are 6 innings. 7. Tie games will go into 1 extra inning unless the umpire rules there is not enough time for the inning to be completed before darkness. If the game remains tied after 1 inning, the game will be considered a tie (excluding playoffs, those games must be played until a winner is determined) 8. Both home & visiting teams are responsible for cleaning up any garbage from their respective dugouts as well as around the bleacher areas before leaving. 9. Both home and visiting teams should supply a new game ball to the umpire prior to the game and each team should receive a ball back from the umpire or field at the game's conclusion. 10. No smoking on the field, and no alcoholic beverages in the park area. 11. Timing of games: 12. Games on Weekends at Kolb will have a maximum 2 hr time limit. Do not start a new inning past 1 hr 45 min. If an inning was started prior to the 1 hr 45 min time limit and the home team does not have time to bat prior to the 2 hr time limit, the game’s final score will revert back to the prior full inning of play. At exactly 2 hrs you must be out of the dugout to allow the next game to begin. For 7:45PM games at Columbus Manor the 2 hr time limit will also apply and no inning will be started past 9:45PM In any case where there is a prior game on the same field and the game start time has passed, teams will forego infield warm-ups to get the games started on-time. 13. In case of rain, both managers must confer on field conditions prior to game time. Safety must be of the utmost concern in determining if a field is playable. On inclement weather days, BOTH teams should work to make the field playable. Once the game has begun, the umpire shall have final decision (after conferring with managers) of stoppage of play due to weather. If any game is stopped during the game, then the game will picked up exactly at the point of stoppage (both managers need to review and sign the scorebooks so that there is no confusion as to what point the game needs to begin at) 14. Rescheduling of rainouts will be done by the VP’s. 15. Play MUST stop upon evidence of lightning in the area. NO EXCEPTIONS! For every lightning strike teams must wait 15 minutes without another strike until game can be started or resumed. 16. Both managers must text the final score to both Bronco VP’s within 2 hours of game completion.

Game Rules 1. Unlimited substitution: players can go in & out of the game without regard to the previous position played (except for the pitcher à see pitching) 2. Continuous batting order will be in effect for the entire game. All players attending the game are eligible to bat. In the event a player refuses to bat manager of opposing team must be notified ASAP. If disciplinary reasons are being enforced by an umpire or manager i.e. player ejected from game, player benched by manager, the opposing manager must be informed ASAP. 3. All players must play a minimum of four innings per game, and two must be at an infield position. Any team not following this rule will forfeit the game.  Players may not sit more than 2 consecutive innings  All players must play at least 1 inning within the first 4 innings of the game 4. A forfeit will occur if a team cannot field eight rostered players within fifteen minutes of the start of the scheduled game. 5. All regular season games are considered complete after four innings or 3 ½ if the home team is ahead. This includes rain, darkness, cold, etc. this will be umpire’s determination or agreement by both managers. Games that are suspended and have not come to completion as stated above will be continued from spot of stoppage. Both managers will confer on score and situation of continuation players that have completed pitched innings may not pitch in this game. Players missing or added will be removed from game or put in at the end of lineup. 6. The slaughter rule is ten or more runs after four innings (unless the home team is ahead by ten or more at the end of 3 ½ innings.) If a team is up by 10 or more before the 5th inning, stealing will not be allowed. Players advancing bases on a steal will be sent back. 7. To help move the games along the catcher speed up rule is in effect. When the player scheduled to catch the following inning is on base, he must be replaced with a pinch runner. The pinch runner will be the player making the last out in the inning. This will allow the catcher time to put on the gear and prepare for the following ½ inning. 8. Dropped third strike rule is in effect. 9. Balks: there will be 1 warning per pitcher; after that balks will be enforced. The umpire will explain to the pitcher & manager the reason for the balk. Only the manager can bring a balk to an umpire’s attention. Once a team is ahead by 10 runs, players may not advance in a balk situation. 10. Bunting is allowed. Leadoffs are allowed. 11. Infield fly rule will be called and is the umpire’s judgment on whether he believes a double play will be turned and is purposely being done. Infield fly can only be called with players on 1st and 2nd or bases loaded. Runners may advance at their own risk. 12. Runners may steal bases, if the flow of the play has ended, the umpire can rule the play “dead”. For instance, if the pitcher has the ball near the mound and is advancing towards the mound, the play is ‘dead’ and runners cannot advance. The umpire can send runners back to their last occupied base if they determine that the runner advanced after the play was “dead”. Again, to avoid confusion during the game, please review this rule w/ the umpire prior to the start of the game. The conclusion of the play will be determined by the umpire’s judgement. 13. No stealing any base when throw from catcher is on its way back to the pitcher. If the pitcher drops the ball and it remains within the “mound” the play is dead. If the ball is overthrown or mis-thrown to where it gets away from the mound area, then play is live and runners may advance. 14. If catcher has possession of the ball and runner on third is not in forward motion towards home, as catcher throws ball back to pitcher play is dead; the runner may not advance. 15. A ball that goes under the fenced outfield area is a ground rule double. Fielders should raise their arms to indicate the ball is out of reach. A ball, which has gone under the backstop, should be considered a dead ball at that point and no further runner advancement allowed. Runners attempting to steal will be awarded that base at the discretion of the umpire. A dead ball shall be called and appropriate bases awarded if the ball goes past the fence line. Any ball remaining within the fence line is considered live. 16. Slide rule: a runner who fails to slide or fails to attempt to avoid contact with a fielder who has the ball and is waiting to make a tag is out. No player should maliciously run into a fielder. No fielder should block or intentionally interfere with a runner rounding a base unless there is an opportunity to make a play. A fielder must not block the base/plate with his leg or body. Runners must have access to the base. All players must slide into a base if there is a play being made on them. If there is a play and in the umpire’s judgment the player should have slid the player will be called out. Any player seen to maliciously run or interfere with another player will be dismissed from the remainder of the game by the umpire. No head first slides are allowed-the umpire will call a runner out for sliding headfirst into a base. Players will be allowed to dive back headfirst to base on a pick off attempt. 17. Any player exhibiting unsportsmanlike conduct (which may include, but not limited to, using profane language, throwing equipment, intentionally throwing at a player, etc.) may be suspended from play at the manager’s discretion. The player will be exempt from the minimum playing rules in the game. Should this occur the manager must notify the league VP’s immediately as well as the player’s parents.

Pitching rules

1. Pitching limits: 2 innings per game, and 4 innings per week, if playing 2 games per week. If 3 or more games in a week the 2 innings per game limit is still in effect, and the weekly limit is 5 innings. 1 pitch thrown constitutes an inning pitched. A “week” is considered Monday-Saturday. 2. If a pitcher is dangerously wild in the umpire’s judgement, he will be removed. 3. A pitching change must occur if a manager or coach makes two trips to the playing field in a half inning. The only exception to this rule is in the case of injury. 4. Intentional walks are not permitted. 5. The strike zone is the knees to the armpits. Also one fist inside/outside of the plate.

Player Safety Rules

1. All players batting and on deck must wear a protective helmet. 2. All players except current batter and runners should remain in the dugout area or behind a fenced area during their team’s at bat. 3. Bats and helmets should be kept in the dugout area when not in use. 4. All players must have their uniform jerseys tucked into their pants. 5. All games must be played on a field with a backstop; it is not allowed to play a game in the grass. 6. Catchers are required to wear a mask with throat protection, chest protector, cup type athletic supporter, shin guards, and protective head gear which gives protection to the top of the head while catching behind the plate. Any player serving as catcher to warm up a pitcher shall wear a mask, whether the pitcher is warming up from the mound, in the bullpen, or elsewhere. A player cannot catch without a cup type athletic supporter.

Bat Regulations

1. Bats can be any weight or length; max diameter is 2 ¼” i.e. no “big barrel” bats. Umpires

1. Umpires are in complete control of all games beginning with the scheduled starting time. The umpire shall automatically eject without warning a player, coach, manager or fan for the following: use of profanity, destruction of OLB property, acts or threats of physical or verbal abuse or intimidation, etc. 2. Umpires may eject a player, coach, or manager after one warning for, but not limited to: the throwing of equipment, improper or unsportsmanlike conduct, harassment of the umpire or any conditions outlined in #1. 3. A discussion of the ground and playing rules should take place before the game between the managers and the umpire-MAKE NO ASSUMPTIONS-get clarification before the game starts 4. Only the manager may discuss rules with the umpires. 5. Managers, coaches, and spectators should direct their comments to their own players. Each manager must make every effort to control the action of their team’s fans. 6. A team will forfeit any game if they fail to comply with an umpire’s directive to remove a fan, coach, manager, or player who has been ejected from the area. The term “area” shall be defined as the umpire’s field of vision from his position on the field. 7. All issues regarding umpires should be directed to the Bronco VP’s. 8. If an umpire fails to report to a game, contact the Bronco VP’s. 9. THERE WILL BE ZERO TOLERANCE REGARDING UMPIRE ABUSE BY FANS, PLAYERS OR COACHES. Managers are ultimately responsible for his team and team’s fans conduct.


1. Any manager/coach/player/fan ejected from a game shall be suspended for one game; this suspension shall apply to the game following the one in which they were ejected. Furthermore, a suspended manager/coach/player/fan may not appear on or near the field that the game is being played at during the suspension. This rule is applicable to both regular season and playoff games. 2. If a manager/coach/player/fan is ejected for a second time during the season (including playoffs), they will be suspended for the remainder of the season (including playoffs), and must comply to the rules outlined in #1. 3. Violation of game rules: 1st occurrence: the manager will be suspended for the next game. 2nd occurrence: the manager will be removed from his position and suspended for the remainder of the season (including playoffs). 4. Any manager/coach removed from his position will not be allowed to manage/coach in OLB the following season.

Field Dimensions Bases-70’ Mound-48’

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