Brandon Giesen Teaching Concepts of PE 2 Dr. Rattigan Tue/Thur 10:50 Micro 3: Lacrosse-Dodging

1. Name of teacher: a. Brandon Giesen 2. Activity: a. Dodgemania 3. Purpose: a. To reinforce and practice all three lacrosse dodges. b. To create participation and activity of all the students in the class. 4. Equipment needed: a. Lacrosse sticks b. Poly spot markers (three different colors) c. Tennis balls d. Indoor nets (goals) 5. Detailed Description: a. Three different color poly spot markers will be placed in random order all over the gym floor (staying inside the boundaries of the basketball court). Indoor nets will be set up with one at each end of the basketball court and one on each side of the basketball court, in the middle. Divide the class in half, each half lining up on the end lines of the court facing inward with a ball and stick in hand. Blow the whistle and students move forward into the court by walking or jogging. Every time a student comes to a poly spot, they must perform a dodge around it. The color of the poly spot will determine what dodge they have to perform. Red poly spot= face dodge, blue poly spot= split dodge, and green poly spot= spin dodge. If students come across another classmate they may perform any dodge of their choice around that classmate. Students can change directions at anytime or if the dodge automatically changes their direction for them. Once students reach either the opposite end line they started from or the sideline, they make take a shot on goal. After the shot on goal is taken students must repeat the same activity, without a ball, coming back to their original starting points. Students can keep track of how many goals they score for their own personal record. 6. Variations: a. Instead of setting up three different color poly spot markers with random order, set up one color with a specific order to it. The order can be done by laying the spot markers in lines, one every five feet. Another variation is having two goals, one at each end of the court. This will help students follow one path of travel and not feel lost.

7. Assessment: a. Instructor will observe and give positive feed back on any corrections that need to be made. Instructor will ask class at the end to review all three dodges and how they are done.