BAA [Digital Photography 11] Framework

District Name: Okanagan Skaha

District Number: 67

Developed by: Gord Barnes and Stuart Fraser

Date Developed: November, 2012

School Name: Penticton Secondary School

Principal’s Name: Mr. Alan Stel

Board/Authority Approval Date:

Board/Authority Signature:

Course Name: Digital Photography 11

Grade Level: 10 – 12

Number of Course Credits: 4 (applied skill or fine arts)

Number of Hours of Instruction: 120

Prerequisite(s): None

Special Training, Facilities or Equipment Required: Digital Cameras, Image Editing Software (Adobe Photoshop), Computer Lab, Lighting Equipment. Students will be allowed to use their own digital cameras or use one of the department’s cameras (the department currently has 7 in inventory and hope to purchase more this year with Gaming Commission funds.)

Course Description: Want to take better pictures? Take your photography skills to the next level by using those settings that you were too afraid to try. Topics from camera basics to advanced photography tips. When you learn to truly understand how aperture, shutter speed, ISO, depth of field, lenses, composition and light work together, you open up a new way to see the world and create powerful imagery.

Digital Photography is a “hands on” course as every class will involve taking photos with a specific purpose. In addition, we will do weekly “photo walkabouts” taking photos with a specific focus (ie. landscape, beach, water, nature, humour, etc.).

The course will also discuss educational paths to becoming a professional photographer and avenues available to sell your photos. Student’s photos will be featured and utilized by both the school’s web site ( and the school’s yearbook.

Rationale: With today’s technology and social media, students are taking digital photos virtually every day….but it does not mean they are taking “good” photos. This course has been developed to support and encourage the growing interest in digital cameras and photography by our student body. The aim of this course is to teach students how to become more proficient at using modern digital cameras, how to take better photographs, and how to use image editing software. Photography will allow students to explore current and evolving photographic and digital imaging technologies. Students will learn to use digital cameras and image editing software as image making tools. By studying the foundation of photography, students will learn to create visually exciting digital imagery. The skills acquired through practical applications of photography will enhance the student’s ability to create better visual images to take advantage of today’s cameras, technology and social media. Organizational Structure Unit Topic Hours Unit One Camera Basics 10 Anatomy of a Digital Camera Overview of a Digital Camera functions and features Basic photography tips Sensors and megapixels How to control the settings Analyzing photos  Form of communication  Works of Art  Components of a successful and effective image  Examine the of successful photographers  Learn to make distinctions between “snapshots” and photographs Unit Two Memory 1.5 Card Types Read and Write Speed Formatting Create and Maintain an Organization of Digital Files Unit Three Camera Menu Systems 8 What’s on the Menu? How to make the Correct Menu Selections Unit Four Image Editing 23 The Basics of Photoshop Editing, Enhancing, and Correcting your Images Merging/Stitching your Images Unit Five Lighting 3 Principle of Light White Balance Match the Lighting Situation Indoor Lighting Outdoor Lighting Lighting Equipment Technical Aspects of Lighting Unit Six ISO 3 Controlling Camera Sensitivity to Light Maximize Resolution Minimize Noise Unit Seven Shooting Modes 12 Auto Mode Advanced Modes Unit Eight Specialty Shots 32 Landscapes Flowers Sports Portraits Nature Still Life City Life Close Ups Products Outdoors Natural Light HDR Images Unit Nine Avoiding Digital Headaches 3 Avoiding White Balance Problems Dusty Weather When to use a Lens Hood Avoid/Remove Red Eye Keeping your Lens Out of Trouble Unit Ten Using Flash 3 When to Use It Auto Flash External Flash Unit Eleven Getting Better Photos 5 Tools and Techniques of Composition Narrowing you Subject Matter Choosing an Orientation Framing and Balancing Unit Lenses 1 Twelve Understanding How Lenses Work Optical Allusions The Myth of the Do-it-all Lens Choosing Prime Lenses or Zoom Lenses Unit Trick Photography 8 Thirteen Unit Professional Tips of the Trade 3 Fourteen Unit Sharing Your Images 1.5 Fifteen Web Sharing Sharing Personal Photos with Family and Friends Using Commercial Sharing Sites Unit Selling Your Images 1.5 Sixteen Professional Photography Options Selling Your Photos as “Stock” Online Unit Accessories 1.5 Seventeen Tripods Detachable Flash Camera Bag Filters/Battery Packs Total Hours 120

Instructional Component  Direct instruction  Demonstration  Group work  Videotape  Practical lab work  Practical field work  Modeling  Guest Speakers (local professional photographers)  Analysis of own and classroom photos/projects

Assessment Component  60% of the grade will be based on practical lab work and practical field work. Student work will be teacher and peer assessed. Peer critique and discussion about their images will give students the ability to articulate what they are expressing visually in their work.  20% of the grade will be self assessment. It will give students an opportunity to compare and contrast their own images to those of professional photographers to illustrate their understanding of the components of a successful and effective image.  20% of the will grade will be based on the student’s portfolio that will encapsulate all the skills and techniques developed during the course. Included in this component is a photography contest with public viewing and critique by local experts.

Learning Resources  Handouts and tutorials created by instructor  A variety of photographic manuals, web sites and books  Instructional Web Site  Scott Kelby’s Digital Photography Book series

Additional Information  Student photos will be utilized in both the school’s yearbook and web site (  Photography has been taught at Penticton Secondary School since 2001 and has enjoyed great popularity and success with the students. This course will update the course content of the original photography course (which used black and white photos, darkrooms, film cameras, etc) to Digital Photography course which will incorporate modern technology, image editing software, and digital cameras.  We hope to establish a bursary to the top student (perhaps the photography contest winner) who is going to be pursuing a career in photography.