Wayne Garland/Cv/2007

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Wayne Garland/Cv/2007

WAYNE GARLAND/CV/2007. ~~~~~~~


Prior to becoming passionately involved in alternative medicine, Wayne Garland was Head Researcher and Strategist for a large problem- solving, business consulting company, Garland, Stewart & Roache Ltd., based in South East Asia and consulting to major corporations and governments in Hong Kong, Kuala Lumpur, Singapore, Sydney and Melbourne, Australia. Clients the company counted as clients included Bankers Trust, Chase Manhattan Bank; Continental Airlines; Seagram; The Australian Defense Department; Bank of New Zealand; the Elders-IXL conglomerate; John Fairfax Media Group; Merck Pharmaceuticals; Cunard; Newspaper Advertising Bureau; Colliers International and The New South Wales Treasury and The Australian Government. In 1984 and 1985, Garland was diagnosed with severe Stage 3 Cancer, with tumors subsequently removed from his head, face, thighs and spine. The cancer however, did not cease and in early 1986, when the cancer had spread from the spine to the central nervous system, the doctors at St Vincent’s Cancer Detection Centre Hospital in Sydney advised him that the prognosis was terminal within six to nine months, and that chemotherapy or radiation were not therapies to consider as the timeframe was so limited. It was at this critical juncture that Garland embarked on a journey of discovery to see if his research training and ability to analyze voluminous amounts of data and information could find an answer to what the doctors considered a “hopeless case”. Information that Garland had been given by other cancer survivors lead him to India to utilize the natural therapies used there for centuries to treat all disease, in particular to the Ganguly Shree Ashram in Goa. It was from here that total recovery began. #2.: THE INDIA YEARS. 1986-1988.

The Ayurvedic Medicine practices at the Ashram were revolutionary compared to modern medicine. The essentiality of the Ashram and the reason for its great success in treating all disease conditions, was that the body had to be purged of death substances and abundantly provided with “life” to overcome the disease. This meant total elimination of any animal protein like red meat, pork and chicken. No milk, no cheese and no sugar. Sugar it was taught at the Ashram, was “the great cancer of the Western world” and worse than heroin in addicting people for profit. Detoxification was the equal partner to a total vegetarian diet with daily colonics and enemas to purge the body of the cancer and disease contributing poisons. And hourly intakes of Ayurvedic herbal compounds to fight the cancer, freeze its proliferation and boost the immune system. In conjunction with high doses of intravenous Vitamin C to 15,000mgs daily. The six month’s prognosis came and went and after 14 months, the head of the Ashram suggested that it would be advantageous to try additional therapies that could help further. This meant going to Mumbai to be treated and also to study at the Hanemann Clinic of Homeopathy which added an incredible dimension to the herbal therapies. Then to journey first to northern India into Rajasthan and Shimla to be further treated with medicinal herbal tea therapies, and after six months then onto Pakistan and to the province of Hunza to experience the power of high mineral and trace mineral compounds that the Hunzas have used for thousands of years to prevent disease, successfully. Each day I could feel my body getting cleaner, stronger and the cancer going. Instead of tumors exploding in my legs, thighs and skull, I was instead exploding with health, an amazing turnaround in just a short time. It was in Hunzaland that I learnt the true power of minerals upon the body and how they triggered each and every organ into action and how a deficiency of any of the 84 minerals and trace minerals, even for a day, will mean disease can begin its inexorable journey within the body. #3.: BHUTAN AND SHANGHAI. 1990-91. While in Hunza, another visitor told me about an incredible free, charity clinic run by an old Italian doctor in the nearby kingdom of Bhutan. This clinic was started to help the impoverished fight disease and also, many Westerners were going there and getting beneficial, drug free results for their disease conditions, including cancer. The Instituto Baldoni was a wonderful find for me, as Doctori Baldoni used a total combination of herbs, vitamins, minerals and herbal teas and detox methods to bring about total healing. His philosophy was “THE BODY AS DOCTOR”, and how when triggered, the body healed itself without the intervention of modern medicine. His protocol for me, was a true turning point and apart from being a patient, I was his most fervent student and soaked up every word he uttered and his philosophy became the core of that which I utilize today in creating formulas and helping people overcome disease. It was at his suggestion that I go to Shanghai, where he had studied, to understand the true power of Eastern/Chinese/Tibetan/Korean herbal medicine and learn what he considered “the highest plane of healing on this planet”. From Bhutan, I traveled by train, truck, bus and bike to Shanghai to The Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine and not only was further treated with what Chinese Medicine doctors could bring to my problem, (which now seemed so faint) but also to learn about the power of “Adaptogenic Medicine” that Eastern Medicine can bring to the body. Every day at the Institute was a revelation mentally and physically by what I learnt and what I was adding to my regimen. I felt so full of life, and through the clinic and hospital attached to the Institute, I had a battery of blood tests done that came back with the findings that I was not only cancer free, but all my key elements such as White Blood Cell counts, T-cell counts, viral load were perfect and that the cancer that was once engulfing me, had now been eradicated. The Chinese doctors called this condition “Health Beyond Disease” or “Radiant Health” which is where the body achieves life without disease as it cannot exist in that kind of environment. It was then that I knew that this knowledge that I had gained had to be brought to the world in some way and thus, I moved to America, first to Utah to spread my message and start bringing my experience, knowledge and healing formulas to the public. #4. THE MASTER FORMULAS/1992-2007.

My first starts were by utilizing the healing power of minerals that I had witnessed in Pakistan and China by triggering electrical simulation to the cells and organs of the body. The Great Salt Lake in Utah, is a massively concentrated liquid mineral ocean that provides the body with incredible healing powers. We started using these minerals in both dry and liquid form and spreading the word of what they could generate within the body. At the same time I was studying at The National College of Naturopathic Medicine in Portland as a visiting student under a special program that the dean of the college instituted and enrolled with the Clayton School of Healing for their correspondence course in naturopathic medicine. I was also a volunteer at the Ashanti Aids Foundation in San Francisco, bringing the power of minerals in a form identical to blood plasma that had highly beneficial effect on the patients. Word of these minerals and formulas reached the desk of a man called Bill Gould who was starting a company called Equinox International and after a series of meetings, my company “Essence of Life, Inc” was appointed to become the nutritional products developer and manufacturer for their company. This meant living a dual-life in Shanghai and America over a four year period as we in turn formed a joint venture with The Institute to develop the formulas for Equinox and also supervising the factory that The Institute had as an adjunct to their facility. This meant being able to further study the science of Chinese Adaptogenic Medicine at The Institute while actually developing formulas based on this science and then manufacturing them and bringing them to the West. The formulas had immediate success; the Equinox Company at one point was the fastest growing company in America and grew to $250 million a year in sales in just three years with 70% of this being the Master Formulas that we were providing. From this spectacular beginnings, unfortunately due to a number of serious faults with the character of the company’s founder and improper marketing methods, the FTC shut Equinox down, placed it into receivership and the company disintegrated. Many of the Equinox distributors were still demanding the formulas regardless of the demise of the company, so to meet their demand and continue my mission of “Healing the World One Person At a Time”, I started Wayne Garland’s Master Formulas as well as the Garland Center For Naturopathic Healing as a free charity clinic to bring healing modalities to disadvantaged people and those on low incomes, modeled on the healing centers that had helped me so much in my recovery. This “Clinic Without Walls” treats people via the internet, all over the country and the world with patients in Afghanistan, England, Germany, the Philippines, Sweden and Australia. The success of these formulas and the specialized use of electronically- charged ionic mineral compounds led to an offer from Stephen Smith of the LIFESMIRACLE company to develop “the ultimate” healing formula for his new venture. This formula brings together everything that I have learnt over the past 25 years; it triggers a condition called “Contagious Health” within the cells to replicate the Chinese goal in medicine of “Health Beyond Disease”, or “Radiant Health.” Apart from the use of the crucial electrically charge mineral compounds at the “heart” of the formula, the formula is further potentiated with bio-magnetic fields that dramatically enhance the body’s ability to use the compounds using the research and findings of the world’s leading bio-magnetic scientist, Peter Kulish of BioMagnetic Technologies, Inc. A critical component in the formula is the use of two compounds that in a four year study at Creighton University reduced the incidence of cancer by nearly 80% by triggering the body to manufacture “Calcitriol”, a natural steroidal hormone that has profound anti-cancer properties. The LIFESMIRACLE company will be the ultimate nutritional products company that will continue my mission of Helping Heal The World One Person At A Time with a continual research and development program to find the very best, technologically advanced nutraceuticals for mankind. Apart from his studies both as a student and a patient at the clinics and institutions listed, Garland continues his studies at Clayton and also holds a PhD in Nutritional Science, Magna Cum Laude, from Rockville University, gained in 2001. He has authored two books on Nutritional Science; “THE KEY TO ALL HEALTH AND HEALING” and “HOW TO KILL CHOLESTEROL BEFORE CHOLESTEROL KILLS YOU.” For more information: Email: [email protected] Tel: 501-760-3515.

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