KING GEORGE S Medical University Uttar Pradesh, Lucknow
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King George’s Medical University U.P., Lucknow
Short Term Tender Inviting Notice
Notice no .207 /G.A. & Property Section /14 Date: 13 /01/2014
Sealed Tenders are hereby invited by Reputed Manufacturer /Authorized Dealers latest by 30.01.2014 for the supply and installation of Item no.01. Air curtains, Item no.02. Chemical storage, Item no.03. Coring Plastic ware and Item no.04. Corning/Pyrex Glass ware for Centre of Advance Research Department of this University. Tender documents can viewed and downloaded from our website: www.
(Registrar) KING GEORGE’S Medical University Uttar Pradesh, Lucknow
Tender Document’s Regarding Supply and Installation of:- Item no.01. Air curtains, Item no.02. Chemical storage, Item no.03. Coring Plastic ware and Item no.04. Corning/Pyrex Glass ware for Centre of Advance Research Department of this University.
Cost of Tender Documents for each items-Rs. 5000/-(Rs. Five thousand) (Non-Refundable)
1. Name of the Tenderer………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………
2. Last Date of Submission 30.01.2014 at 4.00 P.M. at Registrar Office (G.A. & Property Section) K.G.M.U., Lucknow.
3. Tender document and Technical bid will be opened on 31.01.2014 at 12.00 Noon in the office of Registrar K.G.M.U., Lucknow. CHECK LIST
IMPORTANT: The tenderer are hereby instructed to arrange the required tender documents as per check list and must mentioned the page numbers against each column of the check list. All papers submitted must be numbered and signed by tenderer. All paper submitted must be strictly in order as per check list.
S.No. Name of Document Page No. From To 1. Earnest Money (in Form of FDR) of Rs. 2. Declaration on non judicial stamp paper of Rs. 10/-as per Proforma (Schedule A) 3. Technical Bid (a) Details of products offered on letter head (Schedule B) (b) Technical compliance chart strictly as per specification (Schedule C) (c) Copy of product manual/catalogue of product (d) Circuit diagram (if applicable) (e) Valid authorization letter of manufacture (f) Manufacturing License of manufacturer (g) User List (h) Full Addresses & contact numbers of Service Centres (i) Proof of Indian agent for last 2 years or more with present foreign manufacturing company (in form of DGS&D registration, 1st import bill, Govt. order copy 4. Sales Tax Registration Certificate 5. Sales Tax Clearance Certificate 6. Income Tax Clearance Certificate 7. Acknowledgement of Tender Form No. 8. Other papers Schedule - A
1. I/we hereby agree to abide by all terms and condition mentioned in tender document along with special terms & condition mentioned with specification of the items. 2. I/we herby declare that I/we have not been debarred by any Institution /Govt. organization in past from Tendering. 3. I/we herby agree to provide services and supply spares for the equipment for a minimum period of 10 year from date of purchase.
Signature of Tenderer
Serial NO. of Model Name of Items Name of Instrument/Equipment No./ Cat. with full Principal as per enclosed No. specification Manufacturing Specification etc. Co. Country of Origin 1 2 3 4
Signature of Tenderer
Serial No. of Instrument/ Model Full Remarks Equipment as per enclosed No./cat No specification of Specification of tendered of item quoted model item offered 1 2 3 4
Signature of Tenderer
Please highlight & serialize the specifications of the items in original catalogue
PROFORMA OF FINANCIAL BID TENDER NO. & NAMEOF ITEM Model Name of items Principle Rates Taxes Qty. Total no. with full manufacturing exclusive amount specification co. name & of all taxes F.O.R. etc. original of & duties Destination country F.O.R. at KGMU Destination 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Signature of Tenderer Name Designation Seal Dated
NOTE: (a) Rates quoted must be mentioned after deduction of all rebates. Any rebates mentioned separately will not be considered. Other charges, taxes, (b) For comparison total cost (as per column 8) will be considered. (c) Please fill financial bid strictly in accordance with other wise if may be rejected. General Terms & Conditions for Tender
1. Validity of Tender : It should be valid up to one year from the date of opening. 2. Period of completion of the delivery/installation schedule: The above supply work be completed as per the time schedule given. It would not be possible to allow time extension in any case except the force majeur conditions any request for the time extension must reach the Registrar giving full details, well within the scheduled period of completion otherwise it would not be possible to consider the same. 3. The period of supply within 15 days.
4. You will handover the supply after installation of goods in perfect satisfactory working order.
5. The tender will have to be submitted for each item in two separate sealed covers one of which shall contain the technical requirement bid and shall be opened first. Only upon approval of this or by agreed by the committee the financial bid shall be opened for the final decision and possible negotiations.
6. This contract is subjected to the Jurisdiction of Lucknow Courts only.
7. In case of any dispute including quality and performance the decision of Vice-Chancellor, King George’s Medical University U.P., Lucknow or Registrar shall be final and biding on both parties.
8. The tenderers will have to deposited earnest money of Rs. 25,000/- (Rs. Twenty five thousand) for each items in shape of F.D.R. in favour of Finance Officer, K.G.M.U. U.P., Lucknow along with the tender. The tender without the earnest money is liable to be rejected.
9. Income tax clearance certificate. Also mention the PAN with attested Photostat copies of registration certificate.
10. Central sales tax/State sales tax registration number with attested Photostat copies of registration certificate. 11. Experience in trade relating job/supply may be mentioned with proof.
12. The University will have the right to reject/cancel all or any of the tender without assigning any reason.
13. A copy of trade-Tax/Commercial Tax Registration certificate, duly attested by a Gazzetted Officer, should also be enclosed.
14. Trade Tax, Commercial Tax clearance Certificate and acknowledgement for filling latest two years Income Tax return along with a notarised affidavit, that the tenderer has never been black listed must be attached along with the tender failing which the tender will be rejected.
15. Security money shall be submitted to the tune of 5% of ordered value within 15 days of release of supply order. Security money should be given in shape of FDR of two years duration in favour of the Finance Officer, K.G. Medical University UP, Lucknow and payable at Lucknow (U.P.), India. In case he fails to deposit the same within the specified period his earnest money may be forfeited, contract may be terminated and awarded to next higher tenderer and he may be debarred upto 2 years from further tenders. Security money will be refunded after 2 years of supply provided University is satisfied regarding performance of material.
16. In the case of non-supply of material/equipments within stipulated period, it will be at the discretion of the K.G.M.U. U.P., Lucknow to accept delivery with late delivery clause @ 2% per week maximum to the extent of 10% of the ordered value for delayed supply.
17. 90% payment shall be released within 30 days for the date of satisfactory supply/installation of the materials/instrument where installation have to be done by the tenderer. However, in cases where no installation is required to be done a satisfactory commissioning report from the concerned HOD shall be sufficient. The balance of ten percent of the payment shall be released within 4 month of the installation/commissioning of the material/instrument.
(Registrar) K.G.M.U. UP, Lucknow Specification of following items:-
Item no. Name of Item
Item no. 01 Air Curtains (Automatic) - Make branded firm Size 4ft Size 5ft
Item no. 02 CHEMICAL STORAGE (Without Ventilation) - Branded Make
Size:- 900mm L x 500mm Dx 1800 mm H MOC: 1mm CRCA Sheet with epoxy powder coating Internal lining eproxy of phenolic resin for prevention against rust 4 nos. Adjustable Shelves of Polypropylene. (Two toughned glass doors with lock and key arrangement Each shelf must have 2 Nos PP tray so total PP tray 8 in number Item no.03. Corning Plasticware Qty (One unit S. No. Product Description Pack Size) 1 TC Flask Canted Neck, Anti-Tip25 cm2 Plug Seal 1.00 2 TC Flask Canted Neck, Anti-Tip25 cm2 Vent Seal 1.00
3 TC Flask Canted Neck, Anti-Tip 75 cm2 Vent Seal 1.00
4 TC Flask Canted Neck, Anti-Tip 75 cm2 Plug Seal 1.00
TC Flask Canted Neck, Anti-Tip 75 cm2 150 cm2 5 1.00 Plug Seal TC Flask Canted Neck, Anti-Tip 75 cm2 150 cm2 6 1.00 vent cap 7 50 ml Centrifuge Tubes 1.00 8 6 Well Plates Synthemax-T Surface 1.00 9 T-75 Flask, Synthemax-T Surface 1.00 96 well plate, Osteo Assay Surface, polystyrene, 10 1.00 strile, with bar code and proprietary coating 24 well plate, Osteo Assay Surface, polystyrene, 11 1.00 strile, with bar code and proprietary coating 12 Cell culture dish 35mm x 10mm 1.00 13 Cell culture dish 150mm x25mm 1.00 14 6 Well Plates TC Treated 1.00 15 12 Well Plates TC Treated 1.00 16 24 Well Plates TC Treated 1.00 17 48 Well Plates TC Treated 1.00 18 96 Well Plates TC Treated 1.00 19 Cell lifter Length 1.9mm 1.00 20 Small scraper Length 1.8mm 1.00 21 Large Scraper Length 3.0mm 1.00 22 Spatula, Small Spoon/Spoon 1.00 23 Spatula, Round end/Spoon 1.00 24 Microspatula, Tapered End/Scoop 1.00 25 Microspatula, Rounded End/Scoop 1.00 26 Bulk Packed Tips (1-200µL) 1.00 27 Bulk Packed Tips (100-1000µL) 1.00 28 Stripette Pipets (capacity 1 ml) 1.00 29 Stripette Serological Pipets (capacity 2 ml) 1.00 30 Stripette Serological Pipets (capacity 5 ml) 1.00 31 Stripette Serological Pipets (capacity 10 ml) 1.00 32 Stripette Serological Pipets (capacity 25 ml) 1.00 33 Vacuum Filter Systems (250 ml capcity, 50 mm dia) 1.00 34 Vacuum Filter Systems (500 ml capcity, 70 mm dia) 1.00 Vacuum Filter Systems (1000 ml capcity, 90 mm 35 1.00 dia) 36 15 ml Centrifuge Tubes CentriStar Cap 1.00 Screw cap Polypropylene Microcentrifuge tubes 37 1.00 1.5 ml 96 Well Microplate, Elevated Skirt, Clear- 38 1.00 Thermowell Gold 39 Polycarbonate PCR Microplates 96 Well 1.00
Polypropylene PCR Tubes- Thermowell GOLD 0.2 40 1.00 ml 41 Polyethylene Sealing Tape 1.00 42 Aluminium Sealing Tape for 96 well Microplates 1.00 43 Universal Optical Sealing Tape 1.00 Low Binding Snap Cap Microcentrifuge Tubes (Pre 44 1.00 lubricated 0.65 ml) Low Binding Snap Cap Microcentrifuge Tubes (Pre 45 1.00 lubricated 1.7ml) 46 Foam Centrifuge Tube Rack, 15 mL 1.00 47 Foam Centrifuge Tube Rack, 50 mL 1.00 Universal Foam Centrifuge Tube Rack, 15 mL and 48 1.00 50 mL Spin-X centrifuge tube filters Cellulose Actate (CA) 49 1.00 500 0.22 micron 2.0 ml Spin-X centrifuge tube filters Cellulose Actate (CA) 50 1.00 500 0.45 micron 2.0 ml Spin-X centrifuge tube filters Nylon (NY) 500ul 0.22 51 1.00 micron 2.0 ml Spin-X centrifuge tube filters Nylon (NY) 500ul 0.45 52 1.00 micron 2.0 ml
53 Bottle Top Vacuum Filters CA 150ml 33mm neck 1.00 0.22 micron Orange
54 Bottle Top Vacuum FiltersCA 150ml 33mm neck 1.00 0.45 micron Orange
55 Bottle Top Vacuum FiltersCA 500ml 33mm neck 1.00 0.45 micron Orange 56 Bottle Top Vacuum FiltersCA 500ml 45mm neck 1.00 0.22 micron Orange 57 Bottle Top Vacuum Filters CA 1,000micron ml 45 1.00 mm neck 0.22 Orange 59 Reagent Reservoirs 50 ml for multichannel 1.00 pipettors 60 Reagent Reservoirs 100 ml for multichannel 1.00 pipettors
61 0.1-10 ul Eppendorf and other popular ultra- 1.00 micropipettors
62 0.5-10 ul Eppendorf and other popular ultra- 1.00 micropipettors Corning 0.2-2ul Lambda Plus Single- Channel 63 1.00 Pipettor, autoclavable Corning 2-20ul Lambda Plus Single- Channel 64 1.00 Pipettor, autoclavable Corning 20-200ul Lambda Plus Single- Channel 65 1.00 Pipettor, autoclavable Corning 100-1000ul Lambda Plus Single- Channel 66 1.00 Pipettor, autoclavable Corning 0.5-10ul Lambda Plus Single- Channel 67 1.00 Pipettor, autoclavable Corning 10-100ul Lambda Plus Single- Channel 68 1.00 Pipettor, autoclavable 69 Corning 1-10ul Lambda Plus 8-Channel Pipettor 1.00 70 Corning 5-50ul Lambda Plus 8-Channel Pipettor 1.00 71 Corning 50-300ul Lambda Plus 8-Channel Pipettor 1.00 72 Aluminium Foil Roll 1.00 73 Tips, ISOTIP Filter 1-200uL, S 1.00 74 Tips, ISOTIP Filter 10-1000uL, 1.00
Item no.04. Corning/Pyrex Glassware S. Product Description Qty (One Unit Pack size) No. 1 Beakers (Cap. 150 ml) 1 2 Beakers (Cap. 250 ml) 1 3 Beakers (Cap. 400 ml) 1 4 Beakers (Cap. 600 ml) 1 5 Beakers (Cap. 1000 ml) 1 6 Beakers (Cap. 2000 ml) 1 7 Beakers (Cap. 4000 ml) 1 8 Beakers (Cap. 3000 ml) 1 9 Beaker Only (Cap. 3000 ml) 1 10 Pyrex Brand, Media, Storage, Screw Cap 25ml 1 11 Pyrex Brand, Media, Storage, Screw Cap 50ml 1 12 Pyrex Brand, Media, Storage, Screw Cap 100ml 1 13 Pyrex Brand, Media, Storage, Screw Cap 250 ml 1 14 Pyrex Brand, Media, Storage, Screw Cap 500 ml 1 15 Pyrex Brand, Media, Storage, Screw Cap 1000 ml 1 16 Pyrex Brand, Media, Storage, Screw Cap 2000 ml 1 17 Pyrex Brand, Media, Storage, Screw Cap 5000 ml 1 18 Measuring Cylinder 10 ml 1 19 Measuring Cylinder 25 ml 1 20 Measuring Cylinder 50 ml 1 21 Measuring Cylinder 100 ml 1 22 Measuring Cylinder 250 ml 1 23 Measuring Cylinder 500 ml 1 24 Measuring Cylinder 1000 ml 1 25 Measuring Cylinder 2000 ml 1 26 Milk Dilution, Screw cap, graduated (cap. 160) 1 27 Septa, PTFE Faced Silicone 1 28 Orange Wide Mouth Cap 1 29 Pyrex Brand Reagent, Narrow Mouth Cap. 125 ml 1 30 Pyrex Brand Reagent, Narrow Mouth Cap. 250 ml 1 31 Pyrex Brand Reagent, Narrow Mouth Cap. 500 ml 1 32 Pyrex Brand Reagent, Narrow Mouth Cap. 1000 ml 1 33 Pyrex Brand Reagent, Narrow Mouth Cap. 2000 ml 1 34 Cloning Cylinder (6x8) 1 35 Cloning Cylinder (8x8) 1 36 Cloning Cylinder (10x10) 1 37 Small KnobTop Desiceator 1 38 Large KnobTop Desiceator 1 Filteration assembly, 300 ml funnel, 1L flask, 47 mm 39 1 fritted all-glass support base, aluminium clamp 40 Culture petri dish (60x15 mm) 1 41 Culture petri dish (100x10 mm) 1 42 Pyrex Brand, drying, Heavy Wall 1 43 Pyrex Brand, drying Cap. 1750 ml. 1 44 Pyrex Brand, drying Cap. 2000 ml. 1 45 Pyrex Brand, drying Cap. 3500 ml. 1 46 DISH 80X45 1 47 FIBERGLASS 8 MICRON 1 48 BAFFLED ERL FLASK 125ML 1 49 BAFFLED ERL FLASK 250ML 1 50 BAFFLED ERL FLASK 500ML 1 51 BAFFLED ERL FLASK 1L 1 52 FLASK 50ML 1 53 FLASK 125ML 1 54 FLASK 250ML 1 55 FLASK 500ML 1 56 FLASK 1000ML 1 57 Erlenmeyer, Heavy duty Rim FLASK 125ML 1 58 Erlenmeyer, Heavy duty Rim FLASK 250ML 1 59 Erlenmeyer, Heavy duty Rim FLASK 500ML 1 60 Erlenmeyer, Heavy duty Rim FLASK 1000ML 1 61 Erlenmeyer, Heavy duty Rim FLASK 2000ML 1 62 Filtering, Heavy wall, Tubulation FLASK 250ML 1 63 Filtering, Heavy wall, Tubulation FLASK 500 ML 1 64 Plain 60 Angle, Long stem Large Size Funnel 250mm 1 65 Plain 60 Angle, Short stem Large Size Funnel 199mm 1 66 Buchner with Fritted Disc 1 67 FUNNEL COMP 250ML 45MM THREAD 1 68 6944 JAR 5-3/8X6-3/8X10-1/2 1 69 PIPET 1/10-1/100 1 70 PIPET 2/10-1/100 1 71 PIPET 1-1/10 1 72 PIPET 1-1/100 1 73 PIPET 2-1/10 1 74 PIPET 5-1/10 1 75 PIPET 10-1/10 1 76 PIPET 25-1/10 1 77 TISSUE GRINDER, PTFE Pestle w/steel Shaft 1ML 1 78 TISSUE GRINDER, PTFE Pestle w/steel Shaft 3ML 1 79 Test Beaded Rim TUBE 12X75 1 80 Culture Rimless TUBE 16X100 1 81 WATCH GLASS 75MM 1 82 WATCH GLS RIBBED 75MM 1 83 Disposable Glass Serological, Wrapped Cap. 1ML 1 84 Disposable Glass Serological, Wrapped Cap. 2ML 1 85 Disposable Glass Serological, Wrapped Cap. 5ML 1 86 Disposable Glass Serological, Wrapped Cap. 10ML 1 87 TUBE,CLTR,RMLS,6X50MM 1 88 TUBE,CLTR,RMLS,10X75MM 1 89 TUBE,CLTR,RMLS,12X75MM 1