COMM 2103 Interpersonal Communications - Online

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COMM 2103 Interpersonal Communications - Online

SYLLABUS Tulsa Community College COMM 2103 Interpersonal Communications - Online Section # 290 Spring 2016 January 11 – May 8 Professor Dr. Donna Goodwin

Campus Location 3727 E. Apache, Tulsa OK

Office Location Northeast Campus Administration Building -- NEA 2435

(918) 595-8443 Email is the preferred method of first communications ( always email before Phone Number calling) I check my email several times a day during weekdays whereas I retrieve my phone messages sporadically) Fax Number (918) 595-7447 E-mail Address [email protected] Also see “Your Email Account” below Email me from your TCC Email account. Read the following information about your TCC email YOUR Email account at - Account Routine questions take place through e-mail. [email protected] Office Hours Office appointments are encouraged, and appointments may be requested by e-mail. Jocelyn Whitney Associate Dean Office No.: NE 2389 Phone No.: 595-7496 Tulsa Community College Technical Support is: 918- 595-2000 OR Connect Technical Support Technical Support is : 1-800-331-5094 or you can chat with Connect at

INSTRUCTOR COMMUNICATIONS: My email address is: [email protected] You may also email me in Blackboard by clicking on "Send Email." Since the syllabus is quite thorough PLEASE re-read the syllabus before emailing questions about the course. You can use the “Discussion Board” found in Blackboard to submit questions that you might have for your classmates. This is a site for all students to discuss course content, problems incurred concerning the course, and etc. Please post your questions here and then post answers to each other. Use this site much like you would in a face to face class where you would ask other students questions and ask for clarification. Email me for personal questions about the course. COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course is designed to study the principles and the theories of communication in dyadic (one-on-one) and small group settings. Emphasis will be on increasing student awareness of verbal and non-verbal communication behavior. Focus will be directed toward establishing improved communication skills. NEXT COURSE(S) IN SEQUENCE: None (if interested in competitive speaking, debating, or acting enroll in COMM 2333 – tuition waiver or scholarships available) Classes at NE and SE campuses or by arrangement.

TEXTBOOKS, SUPPLIES, & OTHER RESOURCES: Title: The Interpersonal Communication Book 2nd by Kory Floyd - a new, unused Connect Plus access code ISBN# 9781259833472. Textbooks and supplies may be purchased online the first time you click on a Week 2 assignment in Blackboard by using a credit card or at: NE campus bookstore (Needed by Monday of the 2nd week of classes) NOTE: you can begin working because Connect allows you a two week free trial to the online ebook and assignments.

Complete the five steps given below before beginning to work.

1. Buy “Interpersonal Communication 2 th ed.” by Kory Floyd. You are able to start work immediately without the book or access code because there is a two week free trial in which, once paid for will keep all work completed during those two weeks.

2. Read the Syllabus completely.

1 Updated: 1/9/2018 Page You must use Microsoft Word (word processing software) or the ability to convert your files to MSWord format .doc files. Note: MS Works and Word Pad are not the same as MSWord. You will need to have Microsoft Word processing software for this class. Microsoft Works will NOT work. If you do not have Word, please download the free Microsoft Word software found in your Blackboard course site in the “Student Resources” link. Scroll down to “Student Downloads” located at the bottom of the page. Download the OFFICE 2010 download. MAC and Open Office USERS: NOTE PLEASE DOWNLOAD THE WORD FOR MAC USERS FROM THE SITE LISTED ABOVE ALSO and save all documents with the extension - .doc.

3. Log into the Tulsa Community College Blackboard Website . After reading the entire syllabus carefully, you should begin this course by accessing the Blackboard assignment page and following the instructions. When using Blackboard: 4. Log into Blackboard at: Note: If Blackboard will not accept your username and password, first be sure that you are correctly entering your Student ID and your password or birth date in the correct format. If Blackboard still will not allow you to login, call TCC Distance Learning at (918) 595-2000 for assistance.

5. COMMUNICATIONS: Immediately locate your E-mail address & make sure that "" is added as OK in your pop-up blocker. You must use the Microsoft Outlook 365 email account to communicate with the professor . You already have a free Outlook 365 email account at a location called For more instructional information about this email account click on: All official TCC communication goes to your Outlook email account. you must email me from this email account. Some students find that they can’t send email from the email until they turn off all pop-up blockers on their computers. Pop-up blockers prevent your email account from opening a new window, which also prevents you from sending or replying to email.


You should be comfortable with the following:  using Microsoft Word processing (saving a document, changing font, spell check)  downloading and uploading attachments  using email for communication  sending an email attachment  navigating the Internet o downloading appropriate updated browsers and plug-ins. Flash, Java, and Quicktime – requires updating regularly. You can use this url to update these:  using an Internet search engine

What You Should Understand About Internet Classes 1. Remember that “reading” is the key to this online course. 2. Be realistic about the amount of time required to do the coursework 3. Plan to spend 3 to 5 clock hours a week for every credit hour 4. Schedule class time just as if you were attending class on-campus 5. Turn in your work ON TIME. Deductions are taken. 6. On-line is NOT easier! 7. Participate actively in the class 8. Use e-mail to communicate often with your instructor and the discussion boards to communicate with classmates 9. Log onto the class at least 3 times a week (every day is best) 10. Do NOT fall behind in your assignments 11. ASK for help when you need help

TEACHING METHODS: The course is totally online. You will be completing Connect chapter assignments; chapter exams; discussion board projects; use of the Internet; and e-mails to and from the professor.

ACTIVITY POLICY: 2 Students who have not submitted assignments by the end of the second week are administratively withdrawn. You must demonstrate activity in the Blackboard online classroom at least once each week to maintain an active status in this class. For success in this class, you must use the online classroom materials much more frequently than once each week. Inactivity may result in your being reported to the Registrar and/or being administratively withdrawn from the class; both of these consequences may impact your financial aid.

Students must check class e-mail in MyTCC daily and reply to messages from your professor within 24-48 hours. PLEASE READ BELOW!! INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE COURSE: The approach used in this course is goal-centered and uses chapter readings, written work, threaded discussion, and experiential exercises. Each unit/chapter will have a combination of several parts including: A. Home Work Assignments for each chapter is found in Blackboard under the “Assignments” heading. Don’t access any homework through the Connect website – ONLY access all assignments through Blackboard at 1. Key Terms (complete the key terms and learn smart before self-assessments, chapter assignments, and exams) 2. Achieve “Learn Smart” (complete before attempting self-assessments, chapter assignments, and exams) 3. Self-Assessment Assignments 4. Chapter Assignments B. The "Chapter Exams" are found in Blackboard under the ‘Assignments’ heading C. “Discussion Board” is found in Blackboard under the ‘Discussion Board’ heading. D. Students interact with class members through threaded discussions (found in Discussion Board). Under the heading, ‘ Do you have questions or need assistance?’ you may submit questions that you might have to other classmates. This is a site for all students to ask and give help concerning questions that arise when completing the chapter assignments. Please post your questions here and then post answers to each other. Both students and instructors may respond. Use this site much like you would in a face to face class where you would ask other students questions and ask for help and clarification. EVALUATION TECHNIQUES: Evaluation of course projects and presentations will be based on student ability to demonstrate competency through assigned activities and examinations. Students will be expected to actively participate in activities and discussions throughout the semester. Course assignments will include weekly assignments, experiential exercises, and chapter exams. Student communication skills will be determined by the student's observable performance in the following situations:

1. Completion and submission of chapter assignments.. Specific criteria are discussed in chapter within the "Assignments" section of Blackboard. Points are deducted for answers lacking in-depth analysis.

a. Key Terms ……………………………10 pts

b. Achieve “Learn Smart”……………..20 pts (for completion & cannot be submitted late) c. Self-Assessment Assignments…...10 pts d. Chapter Assignments……………….40 pts 2. Discussion Board assignments (2 parts each)……50 points. Please note that no late discussions will be awarded points) 3. Chapter Exams …………………………………………100 points. 4. Grading your Assignments: Students, please note that any Connect assignment which contains a short answer or essay question will only grade the true/false or multiple choice questions upon your submission. The grade will only include your score for that portion. The rest of your grade will be added upon being manually graded by me. For instance a typical grade might show that you have received 8 out of 20 points upon submission. That doesn't mean you have failed the assignment. It is only showing your grade based upon the automatically graded portion of the assignment. Once I have manually graded the short answer and essay questions your grade will be updated. Also note that once you have submitted an assignment it may not show in

3 Updated: 1/9/2018 Page your grade book until I have synchronized the class with the submission. I usually synchronize classes about three times a week.

5. LOCATING YOUR SCORES AND GRADED ASSIGNMENT FILES You must do more than view your assignment scores in Grade-book. You must download your returned assignment files, open them, and study the professor's comments to you about the assignments. You must use these comments when you prepare future assignments. To open the connect assignments and read my comments for improvement follow these steps: 1. Click Gradebook. 2. Double-click an assignment's Title. 3. Click on the Calculated Grade 4. Click on the grade (beside attempt 1) This will open a window where you can find your submitted connect assignment, the assignment's score, and some brief comments from your professor. Read these brief comments. GRADE CALCULATION


Unit Assignments 49%

To receive a final grade of a “C” or above you complete must complete at least 9 out of 12 written chapter assignments in addition to the exams (although completion of these does not guarantee you a “C.”)

Unit Exams 51%

GRADING SYSTEM: A= 90% - 100% B= 80% - 89% C= 70% - 79% D= 60% - 69% F= 59% and below COMPLETION OF ASSIGNMENTS POLICY: The Unit Assignments will begin on each Monday and are to be finished by the following Sunday by midnight. 1.1. Completion of Connect Chapter Assignments on time. (see date in the syllabus schedule listed below) Note above that your final scores won’t show until I have manually graded any essay questions on each assignment. 1.2. Completion of Chapter Exams on time (see schedule listed below) COMPUTER AND COURSE REQUIREMENTS: 1. Computer & Internet usage skills 2. Internet access 3. Microsoft Word 97 or above and Power-point software If you do not have Word, please download the free Microsoft Word software found in your Blackboard course site in the “Student Resources” link. Scroll down to “Student Downloads” located at the bottom of the page. Download the OFFICE 2010 download. MAC USERS: NOTE PLEASE DOWNLOAD THE WORD FOR MAC USERS FROM THE SITE LISTED ABOVE ALSO. Helpful website for information includes: ( 4. Textbook or EBook with access code ATTENDANCE: This class is totally online and requires no face to face meetings.

4 LATE ASSIGNMENTS AND MAKE-UP WORK Policy: All homework and exams are to be submitted by Sunday night at midnight on the date specified in the schedule listed below. Since you have a week to send in the chapter requirements, a 3% deduction will be taken each day after the due date. No assignments will be accepted later than two weeks from the due date. Discussions and Achieve “Learn Smart” assignments will not be accepted after the due date. The Last week must be submitted by the deadline date given in the syllabus.

COURSE OBJECTIVES: Upon successful completion of this course students will be able to—

1. To develop a clearer awareness of why we have the concept of ourselves and others and why we and others react as we do in communication interaction situations. 2. To be able to recognize and cite elements involved in the theory of the interpersonal communication process. This will involve ability to identify the function of each element, specific reasons for communication breakdown, and specific remedies for these breakdowns 3. To be able to reproduce and explain at least one given model of communication theory and to make practical application of the theory. 4. To be able to explain and cite importance and relevance of non-verbal communication in the interaction process with reference to body kinesics, olfactory, facial, body-type, spatial, and tactile aspects of communication. 5. To improve skills in comprehending and using the verbal message in interpersonal communication. This will Include connotation, denotation, word choice, and awareness of semantics in the exchange of verbal messages between individuals. 6. To develop skill in building effective interpersonal relationships. Elements covered will include:

A. Trust B. Conflict C. Conflict Resolution

7. To discover inter-cultural differences which contribute to interpersonal communication difficulties and to develop skills and techniques which will enhance effective inter-cultural relationships.

COURSE WITHDRAWAL: The deadline to withdraw from a course shall not exceed 3/4 the duration of any class. Contact the Counseling Office at any TCC campus to initiate withdrawal from a course ('W' grade) or to change from Credit to Audit. Check the TCC Academic Calendar for deadlines. Students who stop participating in the course and fail to withdraw may receive a course grade of “F,” which may have financial aid consequences for the student.

INCLEMENT WEATHER: TCC rarely closes. If extreme weather conditions or emergency situations arise, TCC always gives cancellation notices to radio and television stations. This information is also posted on the TCC website (

GENERAL EDUCATION GOALS: General Education courses at TCC ensure that our graduates gain skills, knowledge, and abilities that comprise a common foundation for their higher education and a backdrop for their work and personal lives. TCC’s General Education goals are: Critical Thinking, Effective Communication, Engaged Learning, and Technological Proficiency.

ONLINE CLASSROOM ETIQUETTE: Online correspondence requires that you be careful with your tone of writing. Opening with the salutation, “hey” or similar ones is not appropriate in the online environment. Remember the use of capital letters is viewed as “yelling” and should be avoided. It is easy to sound abrupt so take care with wording all correspondence. Open and mutually respectful communication of varied opinions, beliefs, and perspectives during online discussion encourages the free exchange of ideas that is essential to higher learning and to the ability to learn from each other.

DISABILITY RESOURCES: It is the policy and practice of Tulsa Community College to create inclusive learning environments. Accommodations for qualifying students in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act are available. To request accommodations, contact the Education Access Center (EAC) at [email protected] or call (918) 595-7115 (Voice). Deaf and hard of hearing students may text (918) 809-1864. 5 Updated: 1/9/2018 Page ACADEMIC DISHONESTY AND PLAGIARISM POLICY Plagiarism is claiming, indicating, or implying that the ideas, sentences, or words of another writer are your own; it includes having another writer do work claimed to be your own, copying the work of another and presenting it as your own, or following the work of another as a guide to ideas and expressions that are then presented as your own. The student should review the relevant sections of the TCC Student Code of Conduct Policy Handbook. Plagiarism will not be tolerated and may result in dismissal from the course. Academic dishonesty (cheating) is defined as the deception of others about one’s own work or about the work of another. Academic dishonesty or misconduct is not condoned or tolerated at campuses within the Tulsa Community College system. Tulsa Community College adopts a policy delegating certain forms of authority for disciplinary action to the faculty. Such disciplinary actions delegated to the faculty include, but are not limited to, the dismissal of disrespectful or disorderly students from classes. In the case of academic dishonesty a faculty member may:

. Require the student to redo an assignment or test, or require the student to complete a substitute assignment or test; . Record a "zero" for the assignment or test in question; . Recommend to the student that the student withdraw from the class, or administratively withdraw the student from the class; . Record a grade of "F" for the student at the end of the semester. Faculty may request that disciplinary action be taken against a student at the administrative level by submitting such a request to the Dean of Student Services.

INSTITUTIONAL STATEMENT: Each student is responsible for being aware of the information contained in the TCC Catalog, TCC Student Handbook, Student Code of Conduct Policy Handbook, and semester information listed in the class schedule. All information may be viewed on the TCC website:

6 COURSE CALENDAR: INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATIONS – COMM. 2103 290 Spring 2016 Schedule All Unit Assignments are due by Sunday (11:59 p.m.). Homework submitted late will receive a 3% deduction each day. All LearnSmart Assignments must be submitted by the due date in order to receive credit. Assignments submitted two weeks after the due date will be given a zero. Print this section for future reference

Date of Assignments Assignments To Be Turned In by Sunday before midnight

Week 1 Jan 11 – 17 Week 1 assignment (located in Blackboard in the Assignments’ folder)

Chapter 1 assignments and Chapter 1 Exam (NOTE: assignments with essay Week 2 Jan 18 – 24 questions won’t show your final grade until I have manually graded and synched them. All late Achieve Learn Smart assignments will receive a zero.)

Week 3 Jan. 25 -31 Chapter 2 assignments and Chapter 2 Exam - SEE NOTE ABOVE

Week 4 Feb. 1 -7 Chapter 3 assignments and Chapter 3 Exam

Chapter 4 assignments, , Discussion Board 1 Part 1 (no late discussions Week 5 Feb. 8 – 14 accepted), and Chapter 4 Exam

Chapter 5 assignments, Discussion Board 1 Part 2 (no late discussions accepted), Week 6 Feb. 15 – 21 and Chapter 5 Exam

Week 7 Feb. 22– 28 Chapter 6 assignments and Chapter 6 Exam

Feb. 29 – March 6 Week 8 Chapter 7 assignments and Chapter 7 Exam

Mar. 7 – 13 Chapter 8 assignments, Discussion Board 2 Part 1 (no late discussions accepted), Week 9 and Chapter 8 Exam

Mar. 14 – 20 Spring Break Week 10 No Assignments Due

Chapter 9 assignments, Discussion Board 2 Part 2 (no late discussions accepted), Week 11 Mar. 21 – 27 and Chapter 9 Exam

Week 12 Mar. 28 – April 3 Chapter 10 assignments and Chapter 10 Exam

April 4 - 10 Chapter 11 assignments and Chapter 11 Exam Note:

April 8, 2016 is the last day to change from credit to audit or Week 13 to withdraw with a “W”. Discuss with your instructor before dropping. Students often under-estimate how well they are doing in class.

7 Updated: 1/9/2018 Page Week 14 April 11 – 17 Chapter 12 assignments and Chapter 12 Exam

Week 15 April 18 – 24 Discussion Board 3 Part 1 (no late discussions accepted)

Week 16 April 25 – May 1 Discussion Board 3 Part 2 (no late discussions accepted)

Finals Week May 2 - 8.

Class closes at midnight May 3, 2016. No work Review your grade book for missing grades. Please note the discussion board 3 accepted after this date. won’t be graded yet. If you have questions, identify the assignment in question Week 17 Check your grades and along with explanation and email it to Dr. Goodwin. email me with a screen shot of the assignment in question at least by May 3 (earlier is preferred). You will complete assignments using only your Blackboard course. The Connect website contains some of your assignments but you are to use only Blackboard because it contains all assignments. The URL for Connect is:


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