If You Were a Jellybean, What Flavor Would You Be and Why?

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If You Were a Jellybean, What Flavor Would You Be and Why?

Bellwork 2015-2016

Bellwork #1

If you were a jellybean, what flavor would you be and why?

1 paragraph min.

Bellwork #2

Free-write Friday!!

-1 page min.

-write about anything as long as it is school appropriate.

Bellwork #3

Motivational Monday: respond to the quote in a fully developed paragraph. Bellwork #4

Draw the plot diagram. Label each stage of plot and list what happens within each stage. Use your notes if you are unsure.

Bellwork #5

Technology makes it easier than ever to ruin relationships and reputations. We live in an age where people post everything online – feelings, emotions, and pictures. I love technology when it’s used wisely, but too often, it is used impulsively. We let our fingers jump ahead of our brains, and within seconds, we can trigger hurt, misunderstandings, and serious issues.

Write 1 paragraph about a situation you have experienced in which technology had a negative impact on a relationship in your life.

Bellwork #6

Accept - to take or receive; to agree or consent to; to regard as true; to believe Except - excluding; not including; with the exclusion of 1. Come over anytime ______during dinner. 2. Everything was stolen ______my teddy bear. 3. He was ______(ed) into the club in a secret ceremony. 4. I will ______this award with pride. 5. In the end, they had to ______that they were wrong. 6. It was an easy class ______for the final exam. 7. She hoped the university would ______her. 8. That behavior is not ______(ed). 9. The lights worked everywhere ______in my room. 10. We added all the ingredients ______the butter. 11. We were all ready to go ______my sister. 12. Sometimes it is difficult to ______the truth. Bellwork #7 Free Write Friday!!

-1 page minimum.

-Bellwork checks today!!

Bellwork #8

Bellwork #9

Define Theme. Give me an example of a theme from a novel you have recently read. Describe the plot and why you feel like the theme is what you say it is. Bellwork #10

Copy the prefixes and definitions into your bellwork.

Mega Great Anti Against Bibli Book Agri Fields Sub Below An Bad Re Back Centi Hundred Demo People Mal Without

Bellwork #11

Today’s generation often chooses to try to record evidence of every experience instead of actually living in the moment. People eat lukewarm meals because they had to take the picture, filter it, come up with the hashtags and share it on Instagram before taking a bite. People have video footage of songs being played at concerts that they can re-watch countless times, though they can’t recall it happening in person because they were playing camera operator. Yes, it’s incredible that we can share awesome sights and instances, but it sucks to focus so much on showing others how great something is that you forget to thoroughly enjoy it for yourself.

Do you think today’s teens miss out on life experiences because they are too attached to their phones?

Answer in a well-developed paragraph. (5-7 sentences)

Bellwork #12

Free Write Friday!

1 page minimum! Bellwork #13

Bellwork #14

Study your words and prefixes!!!

Bellwork #15

Study your words and prefixes!!! Quiz today and spelling menu due!!!

Bellwork #16

What is an inference? Write a paragraph telling me about a time in your life when you had to make an inference.

Bellwork #17 What is theme? What is an easy way to determine the theme of a text?

Bellwork #18

Free Write Friday!

1 page min.

Bellwork #19

Motivational Monday

Make a list of actions and consequences from your time in my class last Thursday and Friday.

Based upon this list, write someone you impacted with your actions a letter of apology.

It should include the following: - What you did wrong - How to improve the behavior in the future - An honest apology

1 page minimum!

Bellwork #20 What is the difference between mood and tone? It’s in your notes if you forgot!! Pick a particular mood or tone and write a paragraph that displays that.

Bellwork #21

“What makes you different is what makes you great!”

Middle school is largely about conformity. Many of you want to ‘fit in.’ You walk, talk, and act alike. You will never influence the world by trying to be like it. You’ll never find your calling by following the crowd. What makes you different? What are you good at? What do you like to do that others might not like?

Bellwork #22

What is suspense? Write 1 paragraph describing it and whether or not you like suspense in a story/movie/play/etc.

Bellwork #23

Motivational Monday! (On a Tuesday ) Bellwork #24

Which season is your favorite? What does this say about your personality? 1 paragraph min.

Bellwork #25

List ways you treat others respectfully in our ‘Netflix and Chill’ society. Boys: Should you only text a girl and never speak with her on the phone? Girls: Should you send pictures of yourself to others? How would each of you like to be treated in a relationship? 1 paragraph min.

Bellwork #26

Free Write Friday!!

1 page min.

Bellwork #27

Motivational Monday! Bellwork #28

Define the 3 types of Irony and give me an example of each.

***Quiz Today and Spelling Menu Due***

Bellwork #29

Come up with a team name and team cheer/handshake at your table. Each team member needs to write this information down for today’s bellwork.

Bellwork #30

List 5 ways in which you can behave appropriately while on the Field Trip tomorrow. Write a paragraph explaining why each of your items is important.

Bellwork 31

Free Write Friday

1 page min.

Bellwork 32

Motivational Monday Bellwork #33 affect/effect – Affect is a verb meaning "to influence" (as in "change"). Nothing I do seems to affect her opinion of me. The war affected the birthrate. – Effect is a noun meaning "a consequence or result." My gift did not have the effect I wanted. The war had an effect on the birthrate. 1. What was the ______of his promotion? 2. His decision ______everyone here. 3. We had to ______a reduction in costs. 4. The critics greatly ______his thinking. 5. How were you able to ______such radical changes? 6. That book had a major ______on his philosophy. 7. Shelley had to ______great reductions in her expenses. 8. What do you suppose the ______of her resignation will be? 9. The changes had an enormous ______on production. 10. The energy crisis has greatly ______our lifestyle.

Bellwork #34

Free Write!

Do you have any plans for Fall Break?

Bellwork #35

Bellwork #36

How does the setting impact the mood in Monkey’s Paw?

Bellwork #37

What do you anticipate will be different about the movie version of The Monkey’s Paw?

1 paragraph min. Bellwork #38

Free-Write Friday!

1 page minimum

Bellwork #39

Motivational Monday!

Bellwork #40

Write a paragraph about what makes you nervous about writing a short story. OR what makes you excited. Within this paragraph please list at least 3 things you would like for me to go over that you think will help you with the writing process.

Study your words! Quiz Today! Bellwork #41

Put To, Too, or Two in each blank. 1. She wanted ____ go ____ bed early. 2. It's ____ wet ____ sit on the grass. 3. He was ____ drunk ____ stand up. 4. He only had ____ minutes ____ answer the question. 5. ____ go by train will be ____ expensive. 6. He had ____ catch ____ buses ____ go ____ work. 7. No one is ____ old ____ learn. 8. His ____ friends helped him ____ move house. 9. She had ____ take her little sister ____. 10. She was ____ young ____ join the army.

Bellwork ----

Free Write Friday!

(You should be writing on your Short Story, this is not a bell-work because I want you to tear it out and keep it as pre-writing or part of your draft.)

***Bellwork Checks Today*** 34-41 + Short Story Notes Bellwork #42

Motivational Monday!

Bellwork # 43

What is the theme of your story? List 3 plot events that help to develop your theme. Bellwork #44 The following infographic shows problems that children face at home other than simple chores or homework. It also displays how many of those children also have or have had a parent incarcerated. Please respond to the infographic in 1 paragraph minimum. -How do these situations impact a child’s future? -How do they impact their school work? -What can be done to improve these situations?

Bellwork # 45

Discuss the plot of your story with either your shoulder or face partner. Write down the basic plot of THEIR story, and 3 questions you still have for them. If they have a part of their draft they would like to share with you, read that as well before writing your questions. Bellwork #46

Motivational Monday

Bellwork #47

Do you have any dialogue in your story? If yes, do you think you have done it correctly? If no, where can you fit some in? Write a paragraph telling me any questions or concerns you have about using dialogue in your short story.

Bellwork #48

Free Write Friday! Bellwork #49

Motivational Monday!

Bellwork #50

What does Veteran’s Day mean to you? 1 paragraph min.

Bellwork #51 Bellwork #52

As we approach Thanksgiving, write about someone that you are most thankful for and why. 1 paragraph min.

Bellwork #53

List 5 text features you think are the most helpful when reading an article. Explain your answers. 1 paragraph min.

Bellwork #54

Free Write Friday!

1 page min.

Bellwork #55

Motivational Monday! Bellwork #56

Free Write Tuesday….only 1 paragraph required 

- What are your thanksgiving plans?

- What or who are you most thankful for?

- Do you celebrate thanksgiving?

- Are you going to shop on Black Friday?

Bellwork #57 ( Spelling Menu Due Next Tuesday!!!!!)

Motivational Tuesday Bellwork #58

Which of the 5 text structures are the most difficult for you to understand and why?

Bellwork #59

You should have read at least 50% of your AR book at this point. Give a brief summary of your book so far and a recommendation for others looking for a book. If you still have not started your book, write a paragraph as to why you are so behind.

Bellwork #60

Free-Write Friday!

1 page min. Bellwork #61

Motivational Monday!

Bellwork #62

Tell me about what you plan on wearing for spirit week next week!

Catch the CHRISTMAS WAVE w eek ! MON 14- SANTA HAT DAY TUESBellwork 15- #63 LONG WINTER’S NAP ( PJ’S) WED 16- UGLY CHRISTMAS SWEATER DAY THURSFree Write 17 Friday!- ELVES VS. REINDEER FRI 18-ALL WRAPPED UP! TREE SKIRT DAY! Each student dressed up = 1 pt for your grade level

Bellwork #64

Motivational Monday!

Write your own Motivational Monday, or google one, that is going to help motivate you to achieve a new year’s resolution you have selected for yourself. Write the motivational quote, follow it with one paragraph describing how it is going to help you in the new year!

***If you haven’t made a resolution, make one now!

Bellwork #65

What was your favorite part about Christmas break?

1 paragraph min.

Bellwork #66

List 3 important things to remember when creating a Works Cited Page. Bellwork #67

Free-Write Friday!

1 page min.

Bellwork #68

Motivational Monday!

Bellwork #69

What is a thesis statement? Describe in at least 3 sentences. Bellwork #70

Write your thesis statement. Ask your shoulder or face partner to read it and give you feedback.

Bellwork #71

Free-Write Friday!

Bellwork #72

Motivational Monday!

Bellwork #73

Free-Write Thursday!

1 page min.

Bellwork Checks Today!!! 63-72 Bellwork #74

Write one question you have about the Holocaust or Anne Frank. Use your phone to look up the answer, be prepared to share your question and answer with the class. ***If you don’t have a phone, ask a neighbor to look it up for you, or use a computer.

Take AR Tests!

Study Your Vocab!!

NTI Due Today!

NTI Day 2 #2

A – The documents are very varied…

B – Parks deliberately maintained…

C – The journals detail the…

Bellwork #75

Motivational Monday! Do the best you can in every task, no matter how small it may seem at the time. -Sandra Day O'Connor Bellwork #76

List 3 important things to remember when completing in text citations. Include tips for websites and books.

Bellwork #77 Free Write Friday!

1 page min.

**During this time if you need to PRINT (not finish) your paper, you may use the computers to do so.

Bellwork #78

Motivational Monday!

Bellwork #79

Free Write Friday!

(Due to snow etc. we will not have bellwork checks until NEXT friday ) Bellwork #80

Write a paragraph reflecting on NTI Days.

Bellwork #81

“There are no walls, there are no bolts, no locks that anyone can put on your mind.” Pg. 379

Who is the speaker? Who is the person spoken to? What does the quote mean?

Bellwork #82

Free Write Friday

Bellwork Checks Today!!! 73-81

Bellwork #83

Make a Prediction! We know from our pre-reading that the Frank’s, Van Daan’s, and Mr. Dussel get caught. Now that we have read to the end of Act I, what do you think will lead to the discovery of the Secret Annex?

Bellwork #84

List 2 internal and 3 external conflicts that occur in Act I.

Bellwork #85 Tell me the 3 most important things in your life and why they are important to you.

Are these things that you could have taken with you to the secret annex? Why or why not?

Bellwork #86

Free Write Friday!

1 paragraph today 

Bellwork #87

Motivational Monday!

Bellwork #88

How have Anne’s aspirations changed over the course of the play? What does this say about her as a person? 1 paragraph MINIMUM!! Bellwork #89

If you could change one aspect of the play so far what would it be and why?

Bellwork Checks on Friday

AR Due Friday

Anne Frank Act II Test ?

1. Thursday

2. Friday

3. Thursday

4. ?

Bellwork #90

How can you personally identify with Anne? Use examples from the text to support your answer.

Bellwork #91

Free Write Friday!!

-Bellwork Checks Today!! 82-90

-AR Due Today!! Take a test now if you need to.

- Anne Frank Study Questions Due Today!!!

Bellwork #92

Motivational Monday! Bellwork #93

Does your opinion of the death penalty differ at all if the defendant is determined mentally ill? How about if they are a juvenile (under 18)? Does it depend on the crime? What if it is self- defense? How about if they were under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol when the crime was committed? What other outside influences can impact whether or not the defendant should be sentenced to death?

Bellwork #94

What is a counterclaim? Explain in at least 2 sentences.

Bellwork #95

Free Write Friday!!

Bellwork #96 Motivational Monday

Bellwork #97

Which side are you going to write your paper on? What do you think your main points are going to be?

Bellwork #98

Have a partner at your table read your thesis, get feedback from them on whether or not it needs work. In your bellwork, write down what your partner said needed to be changed and why. (NO ONE’S THESIS IS PERFECT!)

Bellwork #99

Free Write Thursday!

1 paragraph today 

Bellwork #100

Free Write Friday!

1 page!

Bellwork #101

List and EXPLAIN 2 happy’s and 1 crappy from your Spring Break! 1 paragraph min.

Bellwork #102 Free Write Tuesday!

1 page min.

Bellwork Checks today! 91-101

Bellwork #103

List 3 things you learned from the PowerPoint yesterday, and EXPLAIN why each of those is important.

No Bellwork Today!

***Pick up a prompt and rubric and start writing! You have until the bell rings.***

-Be sure to complete SPAT and a short outline-

Bellwork #104

Free Write Friday!

1 paragraph since you already did one this week 

Bellwork #105 Motivational Monday

“Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow.”

1 paragraph min. Explain what the quote means and how you can personally apply to your life.

Bellwork #106

Describe the difference between alliteration and consonance. Give an ORIGINAL example of each.

Bellwork #107

The Road Not Taken -Robert Frost Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both And be one traveler, long I stood And looked down one as far as I could To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair, And having perhaps the better claim, Because it was grassy and wanted wear; Though as for that the passing there Mark the rhyme scheme of the poem. Had worn them really about the same, Then write 2 sentences about what you think And both that morning equally lay In leaves no step had trodden black. it means. Oh, I kept the first for another day! Yet knowing how way leads on to way, I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh Somewhere ages and ages hence: Two roads diverged in a wood, and I— I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference.

Bellwork #108 Free Write Friday!

1 page min.

Bellwork #109

Motivational Monday!

Bellwork #110 Our Mother earth For lack of breath; By Joshua Isham The sea once clean, This mother Earth, Now choked with waste; Who gives us life; To drink we fear, This mother Earth, Will death make haste; Heart filled with strife, The soil once pure, We love her not, And full of life; Though love we should; Now barren sand, Her death we plot, Of farmer's strife; For life's "own good"; No longer she, She gave us air, and food, and home, Can stand our "love"; That's not enough we humans scream; Now we must flee, With greedy lust our mouths do foam, Like scattered dove; With evil hopes our eyes do gleam; She gave us all, Her air we fill, Unto the end; With smoke and death; Now we appalled, Ourselves we kill, Our lives defend

Question: Using your notes, give examples of 3 poetic devices used in this poem. What is the main idea of this poem?

No Bellwork Today!

***Pick up a prompt and rubric and start writing! You have until the bell rings.***

-Be sure to complete SPAT and a short outline-

Bellwork #111 I like to see it lap the Miles – And lick the Valleys up - And stop to feed itself at Tanks - And then - prodigious step

Around a Pile of Mountains - And supercilious peer In Shanties - by the sides of Roads - And then a Quarry pare The poem is using an extended metaphor to compare what 2 things? To fit its sides And crawl between Find 2 other poetic devices being used. Complaining all the while In horrid - hooting stanza - Then chase itself down Hill -

And neigh like Boanerges - Then - prompter than a Star Stop - docile and omnipotent At its own stable door -

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