Student Expectations and Policies

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Student Expectations and Policies

1 Student Expectations and Policies English 10 Fall 2013 Mrs. Allison Smith Office Hours: 3rd off MWF 4th Every day 5th Every day

I am also available before by appointment or after school until 3:30.

Email: [email protected] Website: Voicemail: 303 347-7693

Course Outline: The course emphasizes further knowledge, practice, and application of the four basic areas of communication: reading, writing, listening and speaking. Students study literature as the primary, though not exclusive, basis for instruction in these skills. Students read novels, short stories, poetry, drama, nonfiction and essays as well as examine music and art in order to apply analyzing and reading strategies and to examine the elements of literature and literary techniques with the focus on interpretation and induction. Students write both expository and creative multi-paragraph pieces with the emphasis on critical thinking and exploration. Students focus on content, editing, and proofreading to refine ideas as well as more sophisticated word choice and sentence structure. Students apply the research process to produce a documented essay. Students will also apply listening strategies in order to analyze a speaker’s purpose, gain information, and interpret meaning. Successful completion of this course prepares students for success in other classes.

I. Course Outcomes Upon successful completion of this course, you will be familiar with  a wide range of authors.  literary periods.  usage of grammar and mechanics.  applying literary terms.  various analytical lenses.  inductive thinking.  multiple organizational structures.  Application of research strategies and research writing. II. Methods of the Instructor You will spend a great deal of time reading selected works and doing related activities. Count on homework nearly every night and count on spending time on reading and projects. In class, expect to work individually and in pairs. We will be engaged in class discussion often, so come prepared to share your ideas and be respectful of others. This class will focus on skills that will be demonstrated through projects, exams, essays, and speeches. III. Required Materials Everyday! When requested  3 ring binder with dividers  Selected novels  Student Planner  Bound journal  Loose-leaf paper or notebook for notes  Textbook  A notebook for a journal (70 page min)  Pen or pencil  Grammar Handbook

Please note: Students may borrow many of the novels that we are reading in class from the English Department or may chose to purchase their own copies. To ensure that the novels are available for the next class, it is important that they are collected in a timely 2 manner; therefore, a $5 book fine fee will be charged to all students who fail to hand in their borrowed book on the day they are collected. IV. Behavioral Expectations Behavioral expectations are in compliance with the Attendance and Conduct sections of the Heritage High School Student Planner. An atmosphere of respect and commitment to learning will pervade this classroom; therefore, all the rules and procedures of HHS will be enforced and any additional rules will be implemented as necessary.

Class Rules and Discipline:  Be on time— It is up to you to be on time. Be in your seat and ready to work when the bell rings. Class beings when the bell rings and those who are not in their seats will be marked tardy (being in the classroom does not mean you are on time).  Bring your materials—I will be checking your materials randomly during the semester. It will impossible to get those points if you come unprepared; more importantly, it will be difficult to get the most out of this class if you are unprepared. See Required Materials section.  Be courteous—Respect each other’s ideas and their right express them; use appropriate language in class and maintain a high school demeanor. Disrespect of other students or the teacher will not be tolerated, and disciplinary action will be taken.  Make an effort—Be prepared to participate and ask questions.  Keep absence to a minimum—Absences happen, but in order to be successful in this class, you NEED to be here, physically and mentally. See the Make-up Work Policy.  NO ELECTRONICS—Keep cell phones, head phones, any portable music device, or any other electronic gadget in your backpack, in your locker or—better yet—at home. If I see it—it becomes mine. Nothing is more bothersome than text messaging—don’t do it because it compromises your academic honesty and really annoys me!

V. Homework, Technology and Grading Policies Homework  All homework is due at the beginning of class. No work will be accepted at the end of the hour.  All essays or typed assignments (including outlines) MUST be typed using Times New Roman, 12 point font, double spacing, with one inch margins. Nothing else will be accepted.  If you are unable to complete an assignment by the due date because of extenuating circumstances, you must notify me before the due date, and, depending on the situation, perhaps we can arrange an alternative. Technology  Technology can be the blessing or the bane of our existence. I understand that disks crash, computers run out of ink, printers fail, etc. However, to ensure that a catastrophe does not occur, do not wait until the last minute to complete assignments. Also, save everything often and on a back up disk. Should one of these problems occur, use a late pass. (Read on to learn about late passes). Grading Heritage High School Language Arts Grading Scale A 90%-100% B 80%-89% C 70%-69% D 60%-69% Below 60% earns a failing grade  In class writing assignments will be graded using a 9 point AP scale. These will be distributed and dis- cussed in class.  Scholastic dishonesty is a serious offense that will result in a zero for the assignment and will be dealt with by school administrators. 3  More information about grades will be provided as we continue through the semester.  Formal written work will be submitted via  Students can access their grade online during the semester by visiting Infinite Campus.  In this class, weighted grades will be used, in almost all cases. The weighted folders are as follows (but are subject to change):  Participation/Daily work 20%  Responsibility and Citizenship 15%  Content and Reading Quizzes 10%  Content Skill Tests and Projects 20%  Writing Proficiency 15%  Grammar 5%  Final Exam 15%

VI. Make-up Work and Late Assignments  It is your responsibility to ask for work assigned during your absence during office hours only. You must come see me as soon as you return to school to get your make-up work.  Missed tests will be taken the day of your return.  Any work due on a day of an absence will need to be turned in on the day of the return. If a student misses the assignment, he/she will be given two days per single day absent to make up the work.  If worked is missed due to an unexcused absence, the student will receive 50% of the grade earned. It must be received within the two day mark. This includes quizzes and tests.

Late Passes  You are allowed two late passes each semester. You are only given the two attached, so don’t lose them.  You may use a late pass to turn in a daily assignment or an essay up to 2 days late.  The late passes are not applicable to assignments missed during unexcused absences. Those will be automatically reduced by 50%.  They may not be used for exams, presentations, papers or long term major projects.  Once the late passes are used, no late assignments will be accepted without administrative approval or documentation.

VII. Infinite Campus Updates and Website

Please sign up for the teacher messages on Infinite Campus. I encourage parents and students to sign up. I will post reminders, updates and tips periodically. These can be accessed on your Infinite Campus account ONLY if you sign up for this. To do so, you will have to “turn on” the teacher messenger feature and add your email (even though the messages will not come to your email account). The purpose of this is to keep you posted on what students are doing in English class and to provide you with updates from around the building. I strongly believe that when teachers, students, and parents cooperate, it can only work to benefit students! The posts are not designed to bypass my communication with the student, but to make sure we are all involved—after all, it takes a village!

I also post tools, information, some PowerPoints from class, etc on the wiki. If you miss class, need to review or clarify, check there.

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