Academic Senate Meeting s2

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Academic Senate Meeting s2

Academic Senate 2012-13

ACADEMIC SENATE MEETING Friday, October 12 2012 Ka’a’ike 105 1:30-3:00 PM MINUTES

Present: Ann Coopersmith, Meagan Jones, Julie Powers, Kari Nunokawa, Juli Patao, Kyla Wayas, Derek Snyder, Kealani Cook, Anne Scharnhorst,Ron st. John, Kahele Dukelow, Sean Calder, Linda Fujitani, Michael Takemoto, Jung Park, Molli Fleming, Mikahala Helm, Nancy Johnson, Emma White, Kiope Raymond, S Kalei Kaeo, Kulamanu Ishihara, Amir Amiraslan, Daniel Kruse, Comron Nouri ,Kathleen Mumford, Kim Wolter, Melissa Kirkendall, Carol Petith-Zbiciak, Mary Farmer, Tim Marmack, Morgan Andaluz, Cyrilla Pascual, Crystal Alberto, Sally Irwin, Refugio Gonzalez, Dean Louie, Samantha Bowe Schwartz, Rosie Vierra, Jan Moore, Jennifer Owen, Joie Taylor, Kate Acks, Donna Harbin, Gayle Early, Ann Emmsley.

I. Call to order at 1336, amended agenda  Consent items – please read reports and notify chair of items to be pulled from consent and moved to discussion: consent agenda approved and seconded o Distance learning ad hoc committee: Deanna Reece: no report o Policies and Procedures committee: Kulamanu Ishihara, Tim Marmack. o Inspired Teaching Committee (ITC): Joyce Yamada. (See attached page 1) o Assessment: Jan Moore, Eric Engh. No report o Budget and long-range planning committee: Sally Irwin, Refugio Gonzalas. (On agenda) o Safety: Ryan Daniels: No report o Elections: Crystal Alberto: No report  WASC Accreditation: No report  Drop Policy – system wide (CC) policy may be examined II. Minutes from 9/14/12 – Mahalo to Gayle Early, (see page 3 attached) minutes approved and seconded III. Standing Committee Reports:  Curriculum –Curriculum Approval. (Maggie and Kahele)(see attached: page 2) 3 courses from SSM today , SSM 401, 402 (has lab), 403 (mostly applied) Moved to accept by Kahele, seconded, all in favor, non opposed Curriculum deadline Oct. 26

IV. Discussion items:  Budget Committee: Resolution (see page 1 attached), Explanation from David T.  Smoking Policy Enforcement: Julie Powers o Policy will be handled by P&P. Lots of smoking at the picnic tables and the benches on the walkway between the library and the hale. Julie has tried to enforce but they come back. No consequence for smoking on campus; security has same issue. o Per Molli, Kalama now has row of students smoking, it is also very loud. o Need smoking locations to be nicer to get students to go there. o E-cigarettes should also be part of the policy o Unofficial straw poll: who is in favor of a smoke free campus= “quite a few”, less would allow tobacco smoking on campus o What about enforcement? No teeth; practical issues. Smoking policy could be addressed on first day of semester. Add to NSO. o Per Sally, maybe need a smoking cessation support on campus. o Need to address in our classes, with maps of where the smoking areas are o Julie would like our security to be able to punish the students.

Senate agenda 10/12/12

o Per David T: Our campus can establish own rules about smoking, but would have to also consult with unions. If staff/faculty smoking then supervisors need to be involved. For students, need to follow rules of student conduct code. Jan, Can there be a ticket process? We have not gone there yet.

 Policy and Procedure committee: academic dishonesty and plagiarism; +/- grading Re: plagiarism, should be covered in English 100; if student caught but does not understand, some rehab would be indicated. Tracking also an issue, how do we know if plagiarism occurs in another course; consider using TLC to track. It is in student conduct code but covered by FERPA, so data cannot be shared via TLC; but process says should report to Alvin Tagamori as student conduct admin for possible university action.

College needs a program like Turn It In. Per Nancy Johnson, may be $ through IT committee to obtain the program (Melissa)

What about a shared training at the time of enrollment; per Tim, could be introduced at NSOs

Per Julie, academic honesty pledge is signed by students

FERPA prevents making comments in STAR

If refer to Alvin, more tracking/reporting, perhaps more action will be taken

If a number of people refer to Alvin, outline per email, Alvin may conduct an investigation.

Alvin has never dismissed a student for plagiarism but that is possible outcome, he usually sends it back to the instructor. Alvin would need the evidence as well.

 David Tamanaha, UHMC current financial status as reported to department chairs:

o Temporarily g-fund positions are frozen

o System budget office allocations- shows 2 mil in red for system wide CC, waiting to decide how this will be handled; last year had same problem but CCs did not have to absorb, this year is different. The leg is going to help the university decide how to handle this, the CCs are taking the budget reduction. Also new restriction on 878K per governor but that has not been decided how it will be absorbed

o Clyde has been explaining that Maui is short funded compared to other CCs, but recently is making headway.

o Maui funding compared with other counties: Maui least higher ed support per capita, per FTE, gap increasing as our enrollment increasing; adjustments need to be made

o John Morton shared biennium budget proposal with Clyde; will be based on enrollment, so if goes Maui will get 1.7 mil, other part is performance based on ATD criteria, prorating is based on historical/current g-fund allocations (our admin disagrees with this). John understands the concerns, not in total agreement

2 Senate agenda 10/12/12

o Does it help to talk with legislators? Can offer info, the more they hear it the better. May distribute facts newsletter.

 Sally Irwin and David Refugio have proposed resolution in support of John Morton/Budget Resolutioh 2012

 Use of STAR encouraged by admin for many other things  General Education Policy o General Ed has to be “college level” 100+ for all Associate Degrees; if not Certificates o Policy UHCCP 5.200 o Hawaii CC Math 150 – SLO’s “post-secondary” not necessarily transferable o See minutes for DOE vs. UHMC core standards V. Announcements  Liberal arts meeting in Hale 216, communicate with Jennifer Owens about items for program review, Fri. Nov. 2 10AM-12N

 Pai Ka Mana- ; Career day coming up Nov. 9 8:30-12N, many professionals will be there; flyer will be sent electronically  ITC meeting following today’s meeting

Adjourned at 3:04PM VI. Next meeting – November 12, Ka’a’ike 105 1:30-3:00 PM  Drug Court presentation

ITC Report: The October Inspired Teaching Committee (ITC) session will be today, Friday, October 12, 2012, after the Academic Senate meeting (3:00 pm) in Kalama 104A, featuring Jan Moore speaking on the importance of sustaining a culture of assessment on campus. Washington is demanding that we are accountable for learning and we must ensure that all graduates measure up to established learning outcomes standards. We will discuss how we can maintain a culture of assessment of student learning at UHMC (our accreditation depends on it!)

Also featured are Celeste Baldwin (nursing), Dean Louie (culinary) and Mike Takemoto (art) speaking on various teaching strategies of how to incorporate writing in their curriculum. Hope to see everyone there!

Budget Resolution:

Proposed Resolution in support of John Morton / Budget Revision 2012

(resolution to be revised in committee, and then approved by ASEC and Clyde Sakamoto)

Whereas, UH Maui College is facing the prospect of a profound fiscal burden according to outcomes of the 2012-2013 Biennial Budget, support is herein given to all of John Morton’s and Michael Unabazam efforts in evaluating and revisingupdating antiquated and inequitable calculation methods that have historically allocated funding to CC’s where UHMC receives respectively reduced per capita funding for its students.

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Be it resolved that the Chancellor, the Academic Senate Executive Committee, the Academic Senate and the campus stakeholders will work cooperatively to support actions instituted to resolve these per capita funding inequities in order to offer student’s course offerings required to meet their expeditious graduation plans as well as sustain the College’s responsibility to support regional tri-isle locations, outreach centers and neighbor island logistics with faculty presence and leadership via travel commitments.

Above amended per Eric Engh Kate Acks motion to approve as amended, Nancy J seconded, all approve, none opposed. Resolution passed.

Curriculum Committee University of Hawaiʻi Maui College REPORT FOR ACADEMIC SENATE Date: October 9, 2012 The Curriculum Committee is submitting the following curriculum proposals for discussion and review. More information can be found at the Curriculum Committee web site,

2012.01 J. Taylor. SSM 401: Environmental Law, Policy, and Justice. 3 credits. Introduces legal and policy issues of environmental protection and decision-making. Explores the interplay of race, socio-economic status, and interest group politics in the formulation and implementation of U.S. federal and state environmental policies.

2012.02 J. Taylor. SSM 402: Water Resources Management. 3 credits. Examines ways to manage fresh water resources with emphasis on island water and wastewater management techniques. Introduces water quality techniques and parameters as well as wastewater treatment processes. Review principles of hydraulics, hydrology, and distribution systems. Discusses water reuse and recycling practices on Maui.

2012.3 J. Taylor. SSM 403. Renewable Energy Integration. 3 credits. Analyzes and describes issues for integrating renewable energy onto a grid structure, the fundamentals of a smart grid, and energy storage technologies. Instructs students how to use software tools applicable to a smart grid such as OSI-Pi system software and ES Select tool. Explores different electrical energy storage technologies and their feasibility for intended applications.

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