Unit 3 Syllabus Heroes And Leaders
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Unit 3 Syllabus: Heroes and Leaders English I G/T
Unit Introduction and Rationale Now that we have established a common language for reading and interacting with various texts, the time has come to stretch our writing and thinking skills even further as we partake in an in- depth study of mythology and the original adventure story, Homer’s Odyssey. All information from both Unit 1 and Unit 2 will be critical throughout this unit as we explore both how Homer crafted his story and how the text can be seen as a reflection of its culture and time.
Essential Questions How is literature a reflection of culture and history? What can we learn about other time periods and cultures by studying literature? What does it take to be a hero? Why do cultures seek heroes? What traits make an individual an effective leader?
Unit Objectives Part A: Odyssey and Mythology (TEKS Addressed) OVERARCHING OBJECTIVE: I can comprehend an epic and analyze plot structures, motifs, themes, epic conventions, cultural concepts, archetypes, and literary devices within it. (E1.2, 3, 5, 8) I can build a working knowledge and understanding of Greek mythology in order to analyze ancient Greek literature and understand mythological allusions. (TEKS 2B, 2C, 8) I can analyze the use of non-linear plot development in a text. (E1.5A) I can analyze the effect of diction and imagery in an epic poem. (E1.3) I can analyze the influence of mythic and classical literature on the literary tradition and relate the figurative language of a text to its historical and cultural setting. (E1.2B, 2C) I can analyze the use of sensory language and imagery in a text. (E1.7) I can analyze the influence of culture on a text, including a writer’s purpose in its historical and cultural context. (E1.8) I can evaluate characters as heroes based on the hero archetype. (E1.5B)
Unit Objectives Part B: Grammar and Writing (TEKS Addressed) I can identify the direct and indirect objects in a sentence. (E1.17) I can write an expository essay in a timed setting that is appropriately organized with a strong thesis statement, topic sentences, concrete details that relate directly to the thesis, and commentary/analysis to support my thesis. (E1.15Aiii-v, 23A) I can select the best evidence to support my assertions and organize it effectively within my essay in order to provide my audience with a clear, logical progression of ideas. (TEKS 13B, 23A, 23B)
Ongoing Objectives (TEKS Addressed) I can use Greek and Latin roots, prefixes, and suffixes to determine the meaning of unfamiliar words. (1A) I can listen attentively and responsively, speak clearly and with purpose, and work cooperatively with my peers to achieve a common goal. (24A, 24B, 24C, 25, 26)
Texts Studied Writing Products Odyssey by Homer (Robert Fagles translation ONLY) Expository Timed Writing (HISD CBA) “Mandela: His 8 Lessons of Leadership” by Richard Stengel 11-Sentence Essay (on unit test)
Daily Unit Schedule Day/Date Class Activities Homework Mon., 10/24 Introduce Unit 3 Unit 2 Test Tuesday, 10/25 Notes: Classical Greek Mythology Tues., 10/25 UNIT 2 TEST TYPED Rough Draft of Alas, Babylon Essay due Block Day, 10/26-27 Weds./Thurs., Alas, Babylon Essay Ratiocination Day (In-Class FINAL DRAFT of Alas, 10/26-27 Editing and Revising) Babylon Essay due in class Introduce Turnitin.com AND to turnitin.com by Friday, 10/28 Fri., 10/28 ALAS, BABYLON ESSAY DUE! Quiz: Word Parts Sets #7 & #8 Notes: The Greek Olympians
Mon., 10/31 Notes: Death in Ancient Greece Introduce the Monomyth Notes: The Monomyth and the Hero Archetype Tues., 11/01 Monomyth Activity: “Jason and the Golden Fleece” Read Book 1 in the Odyssey Notes: Epic Conventions and Greek Cultural by Friday, 11/04 Concepts Read/Analyze the Invocation of the Muse in Book 1 of the Odyssey (p. 77) Weds./Thurs., HUMBLE ISD CBA #2 – STAAR READING AND 11/02-03 SHORT ANSWERS Fri., 11/04 END OF 2ND GRADING PERIOD Read Books 5 and 8 of the Grammar: Direct Objects Odyssey by Tuesday, Discussion/Analysis of Book 1 of the Odyssey 11/08
Mon., 11/07 BEGINNING OF 3RD GRADING PERIOD Discussion/Analysis of Book 1 of the Odyssey Tues., 11/08 Discussion/Analysis of Books 5 & 8 of the Odyssey Read Books 9 and 10 in the Odyssey by Block Day, 11/09-10 Weds./Thurs., Grammar: Indirect Objects Read Book 11 in the 11/09-10 Library Orientation – Introduce 1Book/Trueman Odyssey by Friday, 11/11 Discussion/Analysis of Books 9 & 10 of the Odyssey Fri., 11/11 Discussion/Analysis of Book 11 of the Odyssey Read Book 12 in the Odyssey by Monday, 11/14
Mon., 11/14 Discussion/Analysis of Book 12 of the Odyssey Tues., 11/15 TEST: Word Parts (All 90 Greek and Latin Roots, Prefixes, and Suffixes) Weds./Thurs., Wrap-up Odyssey Part 1 Discussion Odyssey Book 5 AP-Style 11/16-17 Introduce STAAR Test Multiple Choice Questions Go Over STAAR Writing Prompts and Timed Writing due Friday, 11/18 Strategies Prepare for Timed Writing Fri., 11/18 HUMBLE ISD CBA #3 – EXPOSITORY TIMED Read Books 13, 16, and 17 WRITING in the Odyssey by Monday, 11/28
Mon., 11/28 Grammar: Predicate Nominatives and Predicate Read Books 18 and 19 in the Adjectives Odyssey by Tuesday, ANALYTICAL Reading Quiz: Odyssey Books 13-17 11/29 Discussion/Analysis of Books 13-17 of the Odyssey Tues., 11/29 Odyssey Books 13-19 Cooperative Analysis Activity Read Books 21 and 22 in the (due at end of period) Odyssey by Block Day, 11/30-12/01 Weds./Thurs., Discussion/Analysis of Books 21-22 of the Odyssey Read Books 23 and 24 in the 11/30-12/01 Odyssey by Friday, 12/02 Fri., 12/02 Discussion/Analysis of Books 23-24 of the Odyssey Odyssey AP-Style Multiple Choice Questions due Monday, 12/05 Odyssey Epic Hero Chart due Monday, 12/05
Mon., 12/05 Final Discussion of the Odyssey Read “Mandela: His 8 Discuss Test Essay Prompts – Prepare notecard Lessons of Leadership” by Tuesday, 12/06 Tues., 12/06 POSSIBLE Socratic Seminar Odyssey Leadership Analysis Test Review Weds./Thurs., UNIT 3 TEST (will include timed writing portion) 12/07-08 Fri., 12/09 HUMBLE ISD CBA #3 – REVISING AND EDITING
Mon., 12/12 Cumulative Grammar Quiz (tentative); Final Exam Review Tues., 12/13 Final Exam Review Exemptions Film Analysis Weds./Thurs./ FINAL EXAMS Fri., 12/14- 12/16
Assessments Grade Formative Grades Odyssey Pop Quiz #1 Odyssey Pop Quiz #2 Odyssey AP-Style Multiple Choice Questions Book 5 Odyssey Books 13-17 Analytical Quiz Odyssey Books 13-19 Cooperative Analysis Odyssey AP-Style Multiple Choice Questions Part 2 Odyssey Epic Hero Chart Leadership Socratic Seminar (Tentative) Cumulative Grammar Quiz (Tentative) 3rd Grading Period Warm-Ups
Summative Grades Cumulative Vocabulary TEST Humble ISD CBA #3: STAAR-Style Expository Timed Writing & Revising/Editing Unit 3 TEST
NOTE: This is a tentative schedule. It is subject to change based on the needs of the class. Email: [email protected] Grading Scale: 60% Summative Class Website: www.humbleisd.net/khs 40% Formative Select “Teacher Websites” ‘Feudo ‘ Make-Up Days: Tuesday AM and PM ONLY